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The narrative is an adjective of the verb narrate which means ‘’to tell a story’’. Here a student is
expected to tell a story, to narrate. But there should be an order or series in the story. We do not have
a format when telling a story but we can use series or a flow of event.

A series of a narration can be something like this:

Title – give a heading to your story, what happened, what is it that you are telling? A story about
what? And who?

Paragraph 1: Setting – exposition – the starting point – talk about the place and time when story
happens, discuss the cause and the characters of the story.

Paragraph 2: Rising action – how does the story start, how is the course beginning, on what is it
starting from?

Paragraph 3: Climax – this should be the pick of happening, exciting the reader and hooking the

Paragraph 4: Falling action – here, the excitement of the story is going decreasing to take the reader
to the ending.

Paragraph 5: Ending – resolution – here, the teller informs the reader on how things ended and how
the situation was handled and solution found. The writer can as well give a moral lesson from the

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