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Ex 9

Dear friend,

Greetings from my hometown. You know, I'm at home right now, and the weather here is very sunny. The
sun is shining brightly and it's so good. I woke up early today and then visited an English class. After that, I
prepared a Greek salad, it turned out to be very tasty. And now I'm working on my homework. Although it's
not very difficult, I'm so tired of it, in a few minutes I'll have a class in discrete math.

I miss you and can't wait to meet again. I hope you're okay too.

Best regards, Sofia.

Ex 10

1) I like to relax on vacation. I usually prefer a quiet rest, when I can just lie down, read or watch
something interesting. Sometimes, of course, it is worth going for a walk or visiting interesting
places, but this is not necessary. It is important for me to take a break from work and everyday
2) As for vacations, I mostly prefer solitude. I like to be able to sit quietly in silence where no one
touches me and I can go wherever I want. It gives me the opportunity to focus on myself, take a
break from people and recharge my batteries.
3) Vacations are important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it is an opportunity to see new places,
other countries and cultures. Discovering something new always inspires me. Secondly, vacations
help to distract from routine, work, and stress. This is the time to recuperate and recharge with
positive energy.
4) If I could go on vacation anywhere in the world, my first dream would be Seoul. This is a city that
has always attracted me. I would love to see its modern architecture, visit traditional markets, try
Korean cuisine, and feel the atmosphere of this place.
5) The tourist community in my country depends on the circumstances. Unfortunately, now there is a
war in Ukraine, and this significantly affects the tourist flow. In the past, many tourists have visited
our historic cities, cultural attractions, and natural beauties. We hope that in the future the
situation will change, and tourism in Ukraine will flourish again.

Ex 11
I don't remember the year exactly, but it was like it was 19-20, my family and I visited Egypt,
although I had been there before, but I couldn't visit Cairo, and I didn't see the pyramids, the
statues, and I didn't visit the Cairo Museum, where the treasures of the pharaohs are kept. Among
them are gold masks, sarcophagi, ancient manuscripts and statues.However, during this trip, I was
able to visit this city and visit all the places listed above, I liked it very much, although it was very
hot. However, it was one of my childhood dreams, because at that time I was very interested in
their history, and it was very exciting to visit such places, because I was finally able to see with my
own eyes the imprint of the culture about me, which I studied so much.

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