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Are you struggling with writing a literature review on environmental problems? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and insightful literature review can be a daunting task for many
individuals. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to
provide a thorough understanding of the chosen topic.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is sorting through vast amounts of
information available from various sources. It can be overwhelming to navigate through numerous
articles, books, and other scholarly materials to find relevant and credible sources that contribute to
the understanding of environmental issues.

Moreover, synthesizing the information gathered from these sources into a coherent narrative that
presents a clear overview of the current state of knowledge on environmental problems requires
careful planning and organization. It's essential to identify key themes, trends, and gaps in the
existing literature to provide meaningful insights and contribute to the ongoing discourse on
environmental issues.

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Keyword co-occurrence analysis is the most common and effective analysis method for document
content. Lead toxicity affects the fetal nervous system; edema or swelling of the brain is observed (
86 ). Butchart et al ( 2010 ) and Kalcic et al ( 2012 ) discussed the relationship between global
biodiversity reduction and land pollution. (4) global water supply and cost accounting, such as
Hoekstra ( 2011 ) discussed the challenge of land pollution to global water supply. The impact of
public environmental concern on environmental pollution 2. Industrial wastewater contains various
chemical substances, heavy metals, and organic compounds. Particulate Matter (PM) is divided into
four main categories according to type and size ( 61 ) ( Table 2 ). Table 2. Types and sizes of
particulate Matter (PM). Available online at: (accessed October 5, 2019). 120. Ministers of Energy
and Environment. With the rise of pollution levels and depletion of the ozone layer, all the countries
in the world are concerned about the environment. The affinity of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin is
much greater than that of oxygen. The main potential mechanisms inducing ASD progressions are
ROS and prostaglandin E2 synthesis, AChE inhibition, voltage-gated sodium channel disruption,
and GABA inhibition. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effect of
environmental regulation and policy (ERP) on the relationship between total quality management
(TQM) and sustainable performance. But she did not say whether she has discussed her view with
the one person who could stop the project in its tracks — her husband, Gov. More importantly, the
results have also confirmed the moderating effect of ERP on the relationships between QA and
organizational performance. Mosquito-transmitted parasitic or viral diseases are extremely climate-
sensitive, as warming firstly shortens the pathogen incubation period and secondly shifts the
geographic map of the vector. Questionnaires were distributed to 250 Malaysian food and beverages
companies while PLS-SEM was used as analysis technique. Methodologically, these studies typically
use difference-in-differences and regression discontinuity designs to evaluate the causal effects of
energy accidents, policies, and regulations on pollution and health. Firstly, developing countries own
a substantial share of EEE. For. However, only about six percent of the agricultural land is cultivated
with the practice of shifting cultivation which causes deforestation and land degradation on the
pastoral land. The impacts of environmental pollution have been documented among 141 different
indigenous groups from all inhabited continents. These contaminants can enter the children’s body
via oral, dermal, and respiratory routes, leading to adverse health effects. Heavy metals such as lead,
when absorbed into the human body, can lead to direct poisoning or chronic intoxication, depending
on exposure. Indigenous peoples experience large burdens of environmental pollution linked to the
expansion of commodity frontiers and industrial development, including agricultural, mining, and
extractive industries, as well as urban growth, waste dumping, and infrastructure and energy
development. The efficacy of a country’s environmental protection law reflects that country’s
attitude towards the environment. Major sources include the emission of pollutants from power
stations, refineries, and petrochemicals, the chemical and fertilizer industries, metallurgical and other
industrial plants, and, finally, municipal incineration. Long Essay on Environmental Issues 500
words in English Environmental Issues essay is best suited for classes 7,8,9,10 for their exams.
Environmental issues were not a matter of concern in the years gone by. Quality assurance (QA) and
continuous process improvement (CPI) as TQM elements considered in this study were moderated
with their respective relationships with organizational performance. Some other human activities are
also influencing our environment to a lesser extent, such as field cultivation techniques, gas stations,
fuel tanks heaters, and cleaning procedures ( 32 ), as well as several natural sources, such as volcanic
and soil eruptions and forest fires. The momentum generated by grassroots movements, coupled with
increasing awareness of environmental justice issues, creates a platform for change. This ensures
prompt and timely delivery during the entire tenure of subscription. In China, public participation
mechanisms in environmental governance are still in the early stages of development.
Further, without access to information about sources of pollution, IPs can also inadvertently
associate health conditions with other factors. Indigenous peoples (IPs) worldwide are confronted by
the increasing threat of pollution. Therefore, we included the lagged environmental pollution variable
as the new dependent variable and re-estimated model (1). However, after investigation, the AEA’s
claim was deemed unfounded. The study conducted in Norway with a small sample size of only 137.
Even where IPs have access to treated or piped water, this water is often of poorer quality than in
other areas. For example, 71.76% of all oil blocks in the Ecuadorian Amazon overlap with IP lands
(Codato et al. 2019 ), and around 60% of all areas identified in mining applications in the Philippines
are within ancestral homelands of IPs (Aytin 2015 ). There is also a legacy of As deposition from
mining and processing refractory Au ore at Giant Mine in Canada's Northwest Territories, which has
had acute health impacts on the Yellowknives Dene First Nation (Keeling and Sandlos 2017 ). On
the one hand, scholars have paid attention to the causes of LP from the aspects of waste treatment,
mining, urbanization, agrochemicals, and soil erosion (Heidi et al 2008, Guo et al 2020, Lee et al
2021 ). Many e-waste recyclers charge fees to cover costs such as labour. The search was done in
different databases with the keywords; acrylamide, popcorn, popped corn. 27 articles were found by
searching various databases. Song Z, Wang C, Ding L, Chen M, Hu Y, Li P, Zhang L, Feng X (2021)
Soil mercury pollution caused by typical anthropogenic sources in China: evidence from stable
mercury isotope measurement and receptor model analysis. Approach to the Problem The interactions
between humans and their physical surroundings have been extensively studied, as multiple human
activities influence the environment. Private and governmental entities and authorities implement
actions to ensure the air quality ( 22 ). Climate and Pollution Air pollution and climate change are
closely related. The keywords are the refinement of the core content of the papers. Nelson PF (2007)
Atmospheric emissions of mercury from Australian point sources. Section 5 provides the conclusions
and policy implications and suggests future research directions. 2. Literature review and research
hypotheses Based on previous studies, this section first discusses the effects of public environmental
concern on environmental pollution and discusses the intrinsic mechanisms at the individual, firm,
and government levels. Ozone, as discussed previously, occurs both at ground level and in the upper
level (stratosphere) of the Earth's atmosphere. Beyond considering the above sources and their
nature, topography and meteorology should also be considered, as stated previously. Literature
from. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers iscthlr.turismo.wu- Towards a research agenda for environmentally sustainable events Judith F. Third, as the
largest search engine in China, Baidu accounts for more than 90% of Chinese internet users, and
using this index provides a comprehensive understanding of users’ search behavior. The result of
keyword clustering and the co-citation information of documents indicate the historical dynamics of
LP research, which mainly include natural dimensions such as air, land, and water, as well as social
dimensions such as urbanization and environmental policies. In China, the environmental protection
administrative departments impose administrative penalties on individuals or enterprises who violate
environmental laws and regulations. Methodologically, these studies typically use difference-in-
differences and regression discontinuity designs to evaluate the causal effects of energy accidents,
policies, and regulations on pollution and health. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC (United States). Until very recently however, little attention has been paid to the
impacts that planned events have on the natural and built environment. It is known that several
radioactive substances such as radium and uranium concentrate in the bones and can cause cancers (
38, 39 ). Air Quality Standards to the European Union and WHO. The impact of public
environmental concern on environmental pollution 2.
Particles Table 1. Penetrability according to particle size. Both theoretical and conceptual framework
could provide valuable information and insight on the event sustainability, thus strengthening the
current literature. It finds that pollution is the most relevant channel related to the health impacts of
energy. In each stage of development, practical steps are recommended. Empirical research shows
that whether it is pure or ethical, green nudge will have a significant impact on behavior and the
environment, but its impact is highly dependent on the environment. Excessive Increment in E-Waste
System and its Prohibition through Green Compu. Extreme air pollution is recorded in India, where
the air quality reaches hazardous levels. AMBIO's main topics include environmental impact
assessment, biodiversity and its protection, environment and sustainable development, animal and
plant ecosystems and global changes, and several major environmental and ecological issues.
Neurological effects are observed in vertebrates and animals in association with high lead levels ( 88
). Fine and ultrafine particulate matter seems to be associated with more serious illnesses ( 6 ), as it
can invade the deepest parts of the airways and more easily reach the bloodstream. This is mainly
because environmental degradation threatens the existence of humankind. The change or
deterioration of the natural environment poses challenges to human survival, social production, social
life, and related governance, and we can exert our agency and take corresponding scientific
measures to deal with these major challenges. New Delhi is one of the more polluted cities in India.
Second, governments should strengthen the capacity and efficacy of environmental regulatory
institutions to ensure the effective implementation and enforcement of environmental regulations.
People were not aware of the grave implications of environmental degradation. Accessibility Links
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Click here to close this panel. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 set as a major target the reduction of
GHG emissions to below 5% by 2012 ( 123 ). The affinity of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin is
much greater than that of oxygen. For example, there could be a reciprocal causal relationship
between public environmental awareness and pollution levels, where changes in pollution levels may
affect public environmental awareness. Chartered Management Institute Oral presentation recycling
paper peshi Oral presentation recycling paper peshi marudiaz77 Final Thesis Msc. Neil is a Cleveland
area native now living in Columbus. Considering the economic factor, competitiveness through
neoliberal concepts is offering a solution to environmental problems ( 22 ). Acid rain, global
warming, the greenhouse effect, and climate changes have an important ecological impact on air
pollution ( 53 ). There is great potential in the quality assurance model for its transformation from
static, the state of after-the-fact to a state of dynamism and iterative state, thereby improving the
ongoing self-improvement culture, rather than compliance of circumstance. Boston, MA (2017).
Available online at: (accessed October 30, 2017). 65. Lorenzini G, Saitanis C. Having presented the
two pioneering optimal output growth models accounting environmental environmental issues, on the
one hand, considering exhaustible natural resources, and on the other, pollution as waste generation,
we should say that these refinements are environment sustainability in terms of offering a solid
theoretical frame to advise environmental policy in practice. Further research can explore this aspect
with available data. This practice gives rise to not only a tremendous volume of waste. Until very
recently however, little attention has been paid to the impacts that planned events have on the natural
and built environment. Water radioactive pollution and related environmental aspects.

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