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GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (llaryana) ‘An ISO 9001:2008 - 40431 Certified Instt rst Semester Basic IT Tools Practicals (2023-24), BBA- Points to remember while answering any of above Practical Question :- ‘A. File must have cover page B. File must have Index page containing the details of all practicals written and having space to sign by faculty member . Use Rules sheets which are one sided lined and one side plain D. Use below guidelines to frame practical mentioned against your roll number. 1. Topic: Identify the various parts of the computer. {2 Create a comprehensive document detaling the major components ofa computer system, including both hardware and peripheral devices 2. Tople: Using Linkedin, ‘8 Expire and document the key fetures and functionalities of LinkedIn, focusing on how it canbe utilized for professional netwocking and career development. 3, Topic: Using the Internet & various browsers. ‘2 Conduct a series of practical exercises demonstrating effective internet usage, covering ‘pies such at web browsing, search engine ullization, and onlin research, 4, Tople:tising Facebook. ’2 Develop a guide showcasing the diverse features of Facebook, emphasizing privacy Settings, content sharing, an effective communication within te platform, 5. Topic: Weting blogs. 2 Establih a Blog platform and create engaging, well-structured posts on topics of interest. incorporating multimedia elements and demonstrating effective use of blogging tools Using WhatsApp- '2._ Investigate and document the functionalities of WhatsApp, emphasizing its role in instant messaging, media sharing, and group communication 1. Topic: How to create and use an emall account. 2. Provide a step-by-step tutorial on creating and managing an email account, covering platforms like Gmail or Outlook, and highlighting essential features 8. Tople: Using Telegram. 'd Explore the Telegram messaging platform, focusing on its unique features security aspects, and its application fer both personal ad professional communication, 9, Topic: Llontty the various hardware/software required forthe Internet. 2. Compile a comprehensive st of hardware and software essentials for establishing 3 stable internet connection, with explanations of their functions and importance, 10, Topic: Using Instagram. 2 Create a guide showcasing the features of Instagram, with a focus on visual content creation storytelling, and effective use of hashtags for wider reach, @ GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- ony TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (Haryana) ‘An ISO 9001:2008 - 40431 Certified Inst Array ALE. ew ei Eagan bate i Reaset esty, Krabes Toil Ne- Practical Tops 23007 | "dentiy the vanous pars ofthe computer Using computer/mobile software and hardware Use ofthe operating system for various task such as file creation, diectory creation, shortcut ‘teation, using the control panel, ete Using the internet & various browsers. Identity the various hardware/sofvare required fr the ntemet "dentify the various parts of the computer. Using the operating system for various ask suchas fle creation, dvectoy creation shortcut Creation, using the control pane ete How to create and use an email account. Using Facebook, wring blogs deni the various pans of the computer Using computer mobile software and hardware Using the Internet & various beowsers, Using Facebook. Writing blogs. Using the operating system for various tals sch as fl creation, decoy creation shortcut ‘eatin, using the convol panel et, tify the various nardware/sotware required for the Interne How to create and use en email account Using WhatsApp. Using Linkedin entity te various pars of he computer, Using computer/mobile software and hardware ‘Using the Internet & various browsers, Using Facebook How to create and use an email account Using the operating system for various take suchas fe creation deetary ereation shortcut creation, using the cone! panel, et Using Facebook ring blogs Identity the various hardware/software equied forthe interne Using Telegram. Using Facebook Using Linked Wiring blogs Identity the various hardware/software requie forthe Interne How to create ad use an email account ‘Using the operating system fr various ails sucha le Greation drecany creation, shortcut creation, using the contel panel ete. 1+ Using rstagram. + Writing bogs {deny te various pats f the computer 7002 B05 Er) 005 EE BOT Bee Using Whatsipo ‘Using Linkedin, entity the various haréware/software required forthe interme, Banos gsiimsmabagaTLcom Website mmaaliimacin @)\a NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 @laryana) Bo Na. Praaial Topics Using Facebook, Using the internet & various browsers. How to create and use an email acount 230010 Teentify the varus pans ofthe computer Using the Internet & various browses writing blogs. Using Facebook Using the operating sytem for various tasks such as file creation, rector creation shortcut ‘eatin, using the contol panel ec 230017 Using WhatsApp. Using Facebook How to create and use an email account deity the various hardvare/software required forthe Internet. Using Telegram Boor ‘Using the operating system for various tanks uch fle eation directory creation shorteut cxeaton using the control panel, et Using Facebook ‘wring bogs. Using Linkedin, Using instagram. OOF deni the various pars of he computer Using computer mobile software and harcnare [Use of the operating sytem for various tasks such as fle creation, directory creation, shortcut eatin using the contol panel et Using the internet & varius Browsers. ‘deny the varicus hardvare/sofware required forthe ntemet Boo Bos Teeny the various parts ofthe computer Using the operating system foc various tasks such as file creation crectory creation shortcut creation using the control pane, et. How to crest and use an email account Using Facebook isting blogs dently the varios pans ofthe compute Using computer/mabile sofware an hardware Using the Internet & various bowser Using Facebook Wing blogs. Bone al Using the operating system for various creation using the cota! pane etc Identify the various hardwre/sftware equited fr the Internet Hove to este and use an eral account. Using Whats, Using Linkedin a dently the varius pars of he cmputer aa Using omputerimebileeoftvare and harcare Using the Internet vrous browse. Using Facebook is sachs fle creation dveciory cenion shorteat Temailggstnsmba@ gnaihcom, Website wan gail (Raise: GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (Haryana) Ayywe iy ALTE, Nev De TE ‘An 150 900 108 - 40481 Certified Institution a Practical Topics How to create and use an email sxount Boos ‘Using the operating system for various tasks such as file creation, directory creation, shortout Creation, using te control pana et. Using Facebook Witing bogs. Ientiy the various hardware/software required forthe internet Using Telegram. Boas Using Facebook Using Liked, ‘Writing bogs. Identify the various harevarfsotware requ for the Internet How to create and use an email account Boe ‘Using the operating system for various teks suchas file creation iectory cretion, shortcut Creation, using te contro panel, ee Using Instagram. ‘Wrting bogs. “det the various parts ofthe computes, Using WhatsApo Eo} Tae Using unkedln dent the various hardware/sotware req Using Facebook. Using the Interne & vaous browser. How to create and use an email account. forthe internet, os Tent the vanous parts ofthe computer Using the Internet & varous browsers. Wiring blogs. Using Facebook Using the operating system for varous tasks such as fle ereation directory creation shortcut creation using the control pal ee ‘Using Whatshpp Using Facebook How to ceate and use an email account deny the various hardware/softare required forthe Internet. Using Telegram | aoe Using the operating system Tr various tasks such as le eation, directory cation, shortcut ‘eatin using the conto panel ete Using Facebook Writing bogs sig Linketn sing stagram aoe anaes deny te various pare tthe computer Using computerimobie sofware an hardware Use ofthe operating system fr various tasks such as file creation, dtetory cretion, shortcut ‘eaten using the conto panel, et. Using the internet & various bowers. dent the various haréware/softvare require fo the Internet deny the vanous pars ofthe computer Tmalggiinssbaa ni-com, Website: ww gallina GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- ‘TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (Haryana) ‘An ISO 900:2008 - 40431 Certified Institution Array ALT, No Dei Haya Aa to Kaas ie, Ke ee Tale. Praeeal Topics Using the operating stem fr various tasks such a le creation directo creation, shortcut Czeaton, using the conte panel, et ow to create and use an ema account. Using Facebook ‘writing blogs. 230007 Using computer/mabile software and hardware. Boe ar [ewan al ‘Using the operating system for various tans such as file creation, rectory creation shorteut ‘Using the Internet 8 various browses. Using Facebook. “dent the various parts of he compute Wing bogs. “teation using the contol panel, «dent the various harnare/sfware required fr the Inert Howto ceate ae use an email acount Using Whatsap. deny he varius pats of he compute {Using computer/mobie softwar and hardware. {Using the tere 8 various browsers Using Facebook {How to crete and use an email acount T0030 ‘sing te operating system for various tasks ach as Te creation, decoy eration shortat ‘estion using the control pane et + Using Facebook. ating Bogs, Identity the various hardvare/sofeare required forthe Internet, sing Teor, Fa ‘Using Facebook Using inked 1 wating blogs. 1 dentiy the vious haraelsfwarereqited forte internet. 1 How to crete and se an mal account Taos Tsing the operating system for varius take sh a fle ceaton, decoy creation shortcut creation using the control panel, el. Using Instagram. + Wilting Blogs. 1 entiy the various pats of the computes, sing Wate 30035 ‘Using ikea identify the varius hardwaresoFtware required forthe Internet Using Facebook Using the lternet & vvous browses How to ciate and use an ema account Using the terme various browses = deny the various pars ofthe computer iting loss ¢_using Facebook ce i GURU NANAK KITALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (Haryana) ‘Aw 180 9001:2008 - 40431 Certified Institution Appovedby ACT, No eis DIE, Hanan Ae Kare Une, Keer TaN. Practical Topics ‘Using the operating system for various task sucha fle creation directory creation, shortcut {reaton_ using the control panel ete ‘Using WhatsAp. Using Facebook How to create and use an email account Identity the various hardware/software required forthe Internet Using Telegram ‘Using the operating system for various Tasks suchas file creation, directory creation shortcut creation using te conto pane ec + Using Facebook. + Wiking blogs. Using Linkedin Using instagram. woh ate tt TSOOHT [+ Identify the various pars of the computer + Using computermobile software and hardware Use ofthe operating system for various tasks such as le cretion, directory creation shortcut ‘reation using the contol pane ete Using the internet & various browses. Identify the various harcware/software requted forthe Intemet Tdenty the various pans ofthe computer. Using the operating stem for various tasks such as fle cretion, directory creation shortcut creation using the control panel, et. How ta eae and use an email account Using Facebook. ating bogs ident the various parts ofthe Computer Using computer mobile software and hardware Using the Inemet& varius browsers. ‘Using Facebook. Wing bogs. Using the operating ster for various ik uch oye Geation,drectary creation, shortcut creation, ving the ental pana ee ‘deni the vatoushardvarefsoftware required fr the Internet. How create and use an email acount Using watsapo. Using Linke Identify the various pais ofthe computes Using computer/modie softwar and hardware Using the Internet a various browses Using Facebook os to reve and use on emailaccoun Tsing the operating system for various ars such ase @ealon, desta cretion, sorta creation using the control panel te Using Facebook Waiting blogs dently the various hardware/sotware required fr the intemet Using Telegram. 00s 00% 8 00s To cr 00 lggstmsmbo@gmaiicom, Website: www-guliim acia GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (Haryana) ‘An 180 9001:2008 - 40431 Certified Institution Appoel by ALC, New De TE, Hagan Aledo Karas nner Kora (iat Praetieal Topics 230083 | Using Facebook Using Linkedin, ‘Writing blogs. Identify the various hardware/sofware required forthe Intemet. How to create and use an emall account 230024 [+ Using the operating system for various tasks suchas file creation, directory creation, shortcut ‘creation, using the control pane, te Using netagram, ‘writing blogs. Teeny the various parts ofthe computer. Using WhatsApp BOOS | + Using Linkedin. \dentity the various hardware/saftare equired forthe Internet. Using Facebook Using the internet & various browsers. How to create and use an ema account Tdertity the various pats ofthe computer. Using the Interne & various browses. ‘iting bogs Using Facebook, Using the operating system for various tasks such as le creation, directory creation, shorteut creation, ving the contol panel ete Using WhatsApp. sing Facebook. How ta create and use an eral acount. Identity the various hardware/softar required forthe Internet. Using Tegra 230088 Boor BOE | + Using the operating sytem forvaious tasks such a le creation, directory creation shorteut ‘eation using the conto panl et Using Facebook ring blogs Using Linked. Using nstgram. dent the various parts ofthe computer Using computermabie software and hardware Use ofthe operating system fr various tasks such s file creation, directory creation, shortcut ‘reation, using the coatol pana et. Using the Intemet varus browses Identity the varius hrGare/sotware required forthe internet ‘dent the various prs ofthe computer. Using the operating system fr various tasks such as file creation, director creation, shortcut creation using the contol panel ete Hou to create and use an email account Using Facebook Wiiing bios. Identify the various parts of the compute Using computerfmobile sofrare and hardware Boos 75005 008 Ema sma gma Website: ww gniimacin GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-135001 (Haryana) ‘An ISO 9001:2008 - 40431 Certified Institution Ayre by ANCHE New Deli IE, Haya Atel Karsh sine Karta Role. Practical Topi Using the Intemet various browsers. 1 Using Facebook. + Wing blogs. PBOGEE | + Using the operating system for varius tasks such a ie eration, directory eration shortcut creation, using the control pane, ee dent the various hardnare/software requied forthe Internet “+ How to create and use an email account. Using WhatsApp. Using Linkedin 0053 dent the various parts ofthe computer. Using Computer/mabie software and hardware Using the Internat various browsers Using Facebook How to create and use an ema account sing the operating sje or varius ass such as fie wean, rectory creation shot ‘reation using the contro panel ec + Using Facebook. + Weitng blogs 1 ennfy the various haware/Sftware required forthe Internet {Using Telegram. BaOOSS | + Using Facebook 2 Using Linkedin. 2 wating blogs ently she vrous hardvarefsofwarerequited fo the Internet, i {How to create and se an emall account. SSASE Toa the operating syste fr varios ts suchas le ceton, dreary creation shortet creation, using the contol pane ee Using stage. wating blogs 1 entity te various parts ofthe computer 2 Using WhatsAgD BaaosT | + Using Liked 1 dent the varios hrdvare/sfware required for he Internet Using Facebook. Using the Intent various browses. {Howto create and seen email account DE |» Went the various prs of the compute 1 Using the intemat vaious browses writing blogs. {Using Facebook «Gund the operating sstem for various tasks sucha fle creation, directory creation, shortcut treatin, using the conta panel et. aa | + Using WhatsAop Using Facebook {How to cee and use an mal account identity he various hardvar/sftware required forthe Internet ‘sing Telegram agate mbargwallcom, Webs eaaliimasin GURU NANAK KHALSA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT- TECHNICAL CAMPUS, YAMUNA NAGAR-435001 (Haryana) ‘An 1809012008 - 1 Cafe asta apo AUGEE.N LT ann aft iy a Rall Ne 230060 | + Using the operating system for various tasks such a fe creation, directory eation shortcut ‘reation using the contol panel, ec. + Using Facebook, + Wting blogs + Using Linkedin \ + Using Instagram. 230051 [+ Identify the various pats of he computer + Using computer/mobile software and hardware + Use ofthe operating system for various tasks such as fie creation, directory creation, shortcut Creation, using the control pane et Using the Internet & various browsers 230062 dent the various parts ofthe compute. Using the operating system for various tasks sucha fle creation, cirectory creation shortcut eatin, using the contro! panel, et + How o create and se an email acount. + Using Facebook. ting blogs Tdertity te various pris ofthe computer. Using computer/moblle software and hardware Using the Intenet & vious browses. + Ident the various hardware/software required for the Internet wring blogs. 4 Using Facebook ZBOGET | > Using the operating system or various tasks such a le creation, directory creation shortext “eatin, ving the contol panel, et ‘dentfy the various hardvare/sofware required forthe Interet. Howto create and use an emall account Using WhatsApp Using tinkean SDE | + ley the vorious parts ofthe computer Using computer/mobile software and hardware. Using the Interne & vasous browser Using Facebook {How to create and use an email account |—GaReGe [> Using the operating system for various tasks Suh as fle creation directory creation, shortest creation, using the contol pan! ee 1+ Using Facebook 2 witg bogs [ Vent the vrios hardware/sftware required fr the Interne Using Telegram.

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