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Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name- Niranjan Yadav Ajit Jha

Class- 11 ‘B’

Roll no- 26

S.N Topic Page no

1. E-mail writing about the importance 1
of library in student’s life.
2. Letter to a foreign friend describing 2
about a national hero of Nepal.
3. Diary writing on behalf of a 3
Nepalese employee working abroad.

4. Biography about a literary figure 4, 5

“Bishnu Kumari Waiba”(Parijat).
5. Movie review of “Pursuit of 6
Questions for Project Work.
1. Write an email to your foreign friend stating the importance of
library in student’s life.
2. Write a letter to your foreign friend describing about a national
hero of Nepal including his/her contribution for Nepalese society.
3. Write a diary on behalf of a Nepalese employee working aboard,
stating the reasons to work in your country rather than working
4. Write a biography of a literary figure whose literary work you like to
5. Write a review of a book/film which you’ve read or watched.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed
to the completion of this English project. I am deeply thankful to my English
teacher, Ajit Jha, for their invaluable guidance throughout the project.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to my classmates and friends who

engaged in fruitful discussions about the project topic. Additionally, I want to
acknowledge the resources and materials provided by the online databases like
chrome, chat gpt, jstore and leap that significantly contributed to the research
and depth of the project.

The collective efforts of my teacher, classmates, and friends were crucial to the
completion of this project. I sincerely appreciate everyone who contributed and
helped make this work possible. Thank you to everyone who played a role in
making this English project a meaningful and fulfilling experience.

Niranjan Yadav

1. Email stating the importance of library in student’s life

Date: 19th Feb, 2024

Subject: The Significance of Libraries in Student Life.

Dear kundan,
I hope you're doing well! I've been reflecting on how libraries have been a
significant part of my student life, and I thought it would be interesting to share
my thoughts with you.
Libraries are more than just buildings filled with books; they are invaluable
resources that can significantly impact our academic journey. Libraries serve as
gateways to a world of knowledge. Having access to countless books, both
fiction and nonfiction, allows us to explore new worlds and ideas. It's a space
where the focus is on learning and studying, helping us escape the noise and
interruptions we might encounter elsewhere. I always find what I need at the
library, whether it's studying for an exam, researching a term paper, or looking
for an interesting book to read just for fun.
But libraries are not just about academics; they're also spaces for exploration,
creativity, and community engagement. From attending author talks and
workshops to participating in book clubs and cultural events, libraries offer a
wide range of programs and activities that enrich our lives beyond the
classroom. They're places where we can discover new interests, connect with
like-minded individuals, and foster a lifelong love of learning.
I think it's essential that we take advantage of the library while we're students.
The research skills we develop in libraries are significant not just for our current
studies but also for the future. Libraries help students like us to manage our
time effectively. Knowing that there's a dedicated space for focused work
encourages us to set aside specific hours for study. It's like creating a routine
that promotes productivity. Moreover, the library environment itself cultivates a
discipline of focus. There's always more to learn and explore in the library!
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
Your friend,
2. Letter to a foreign friend describing about a National hero of Nepal and
his/her contribution for Nepalese society.
Date: 19thFeb, 2024
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Raju,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Today, I want to share with you the
remarkable story of Amar Singh Thapa, a national hero whose contributions
have had a profound impact on the history and society of Nepal.
Amar Singh Thapa, born in 1751, is acknowledged for his exceptional leadership
and courage during a significant period in Nepalese history. He played an
important role in the unification of Nepal and the expansion of the Gorkha
Kingdom under the leadership of King Prithvi Narayan Shah. Amar Singh Thapa
played a key role in Nepal's battles against British Rule in India during the early
1800s.His military bravery was evident in various campaigns, mostly during the
Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-1816. He led the Nepalese forces with great
courage and strategic insight against the British East India Company. His
resilience and tactical brilliance were contributory in several key battles during
the conflict.
His most famous victory came in the Battle of Malaun in 1815, where the British
suffered great losses. He was a military genius who used the challenging
mountainous terrain to his advantage. Beyond his military achievements, Amar
Singh Thapa was known for his commitment to justice and the welfare of the
people. He advocated for the well-being of the common folk and worked
towards maintaining a just and fair administration. His leadership illustrated the
values of courage, integrity, and a deep sense of duty to the nation. Even today,
Amar Singh Thapa is remembered as a national hero in Nepal. His legacy
extends to the principles of bravery, resilience, and dedication to the greater
Even today, nearly 200 years after his heroic campaigns, Amar Singh Thapa
remains one of the most revered national heroes in Nepali history. He protected
our independence at a time when the British Empire was expanding across
India. Thanks to warriors like him, Nepal was never colonized. I am proud that
someone from our small nation could achieve such legendary status through
their selfless service. Amar Singh's story is an important part of our national
I hope this glimpse into the life of Amar Singh Thapa provides you with a better
understanding of the historical figures who have shaped our nation. I look
forward to sharing more about our culture and history in the future.
Warm regards,
3. Diary on half of Nepalese employee working aboard stating reasons to work
in your own country rather than working aboard.

19thFeb, 2024
2:34 pm
Today I am feeling homesick again. I miss my family and friends back home in
Nepal. Don't get me wrong - working abroad in Dubai has given me
opportunities I never would have had back home. The pay is better and it's
allowed me to provide more for my family. But lately I've been questioning if it's
really worth being away from everything and everyone I know and love.
There are a few reasons I think working in Nepal may be better than working
abroad. First, I would be able to see my parents, siblings, wife and children
every day. My kids are growing up without a father and I'm missing so many
precious moments. Video calls can never replace actually being there for
birthdays, holidays, and milestones. I miss them like crazy and hate only being
able to visit once a year. I also miss my friends and the fun we used to have
together. Life here can get lonely at times.
Another reason is that the culture here is so different. I also sorely miss the rich
culture of Nepali community I grew up with. Here, I am constantly trying to
adjust to foreign customs. As welcoming as people are, I still feel out of place at
times. My roots are in Nepal and leaving that cultural identity behind has been
difficult. I badly want to be back among familiar traditions, food, cultural values,
and people. I often feel out of place and find myself craving dal bhat and
spending time with other Nepalese. I also miss speaking my native language. At
work, I'm expected to speak English or Arabic all day.
Finally, there's something special about living and working in my homeland.
Nepal will always be a part of my identity. Serving my community and helping
to enrich the lives of other Nepalis would bring me joy. I may not make as much
money, but I know I would feel more fulfilled. The economic opportunities
abroad are attractive, but not at the cost of everything else I hold dear - my
family, community, identity, and chance to uplift Nepal. My heart tells me it is
time to return home for good. The personal fulfilment would outweigh any pay
cut. My roots are in Nepal and I must now make my career there as well.
I'm still deciding what to do, but my heart is telling me maybe it's time to return
home. More money doesn't always equal more happiness. I hope I can find a
good job opportunity back in Nepal soon.
Prayash Bhandari
3. Biography of literary figure whose literary works I like to read.

Bishnu Kumari Waiba (Parijat)

Parijat, whose real name was Bishnu Kumari Waiba, was a prominent Nepali
writer known for her contributions to Nepali literature. Born on January 12,
1937, in Darjeeling, India, Parijat's literary career was marked by her insightful
portrayal of human emotions and societal issues.Growing up in the scenic hills
of Darjeeling, Parijat developed a deep appreciation for nature and literature
from a young age. She began writing poetry in her teenage years, and her early
works reflected her love for the Himalayan landscapes and the complexities of
human emotions.In her youth, Parijat contracted tuberculosis which left her
physically disabled. However, this did not stop her artistic spirit. She went on to
produce groundbreaking literature in Nepal starting in the late 1950s. She
published three poetry collections: Akansha, Parijat Ka Kavita and Baisalu
Parijat's literary journey reached new heights with the publication of her
acclaimed novel "Shirishko Phool" (The Blue Mimosa) in 1964. Set against the
backdrop of the Himalayas, the novel tells the story of a young girl named
Hridaya and her journey of self-discovery amidst the challenges of family,
society, and love. "Shirishko Phool" is celebrated for its heart-wretching
portrayal of human relationships, its lyrical prose, and its exploration of
timeless themes such as love, loss, and resilience. In addition to "Shirishko
Phool," Parijat wrote several other novels, short stories, and poems, each
showcasing her keen observation of human nature and her deep empathy for
the human condition. Her works often delved into the struggles of women in
society, the complexities of familial relationships, and the search for identity
and purpose in a rapidly changing world. Through her fiction, she gave voice to
the inner world of Nepali women's struggles, relationships, and desires.
Parijat's literary contributions earned her widespread acclaim and numerous
honours, including the prestigious Sajha Puraskar, one of Nepal's highest
literary honors. Despite facing personal challenges and health issues, Parijat's
dedication to her literary career remained unwavering, and her writings
continue to inspire readers across generations. Parijat's impact extends far
beyond the realm of literature. She was a pioneer who paved the way for future
generations of Nepali writers, particularly women, to find their voices and tell
their stories. Her courage, resilience, and commitment to her career continue
to inspire aspiring writers and readers alike.
Tragically, Parijat's life was cut short at the age of 48 due to health
complications. However, her legacy as one of Nepal's most beloved writers lives
on through her timeless literary works, which continue to resonate with readers
for their depth, sensitivity, and universal appeal.
As I immerse myself in Parijat's books, I am reminded of the power of literature
to transcend boundaries, to illuminate the human experience, and to evoke
empathy and understanding. Parijat's writings serve as a evidence to the
enduring power of storytelling and the profound impact that a single voice can
have on the hearts and minds of readers.
5. Movie review of a movie that I’ve recently watched.

“Pursuit of happiness”
Pursuit of happiness is an American movie directed by Gabriele Muccino in
2006 and starring Will Smith as Chris Gardener, Jaden Smith as Christopher
Gardner, and Thandiwe Newton as Linda Gardner. It is a movie based on the
real life story of man named Chris Gardener. The duration of the movie is
117 minutes and the film was released on December 15, 2006, by Columbia
Pictures and received moderately positive reviews. The Pursuit of Happiness
earned high praise as an inspirational drama, receiving nominations for the
Golden Globes and Oscars for Best Picture.
The film centers around Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith, a struggling
salesman and single father who faces numerous hardships as he tries to
provide for himself and his young son. Forced to fend for himself and his 5
year-old son Chris desperately seeks a chance for a better life. Chris enrolls in
an unpaid internship program at a prestigious brokerage firm, enduring many
hardships while competing for a paid position. He impresses the program
director with his perseverance and dedication. The film captures Chris's
incredible struggle through eviction, subway sleeping, and barely scraping by
to provide for his son. The movie shows how much Chris sacrifices and
struggles because he never loses hope of building a better life. He is a very
devoted father and protects his son through all the hard times on the streets.
Will Smith acts the part so well you really feel the emotion.
At its core, "The Pursuit of Happiness" explores themes of perseverance,
hope, and the resilience of the human spirit. Through Gardner's journey, the
film highlights the importance of optimism, hard work, and self-belief in
overcoming hardships and achieving one's goals. The cinematography in "The
Pursuit of Happyness" effectively captures the harsh reality of Gardner's
struggle while also filling the film with moments of beauty and sadness. The
closeness of urban landscapes and intimate family moments creates a
compelling visual narrative that draws viewers into Gardner's world.
Will Smith delivers a powerful, emotional performance showcasing Chris's
resilience and fatherly devotion. The bond between Chris and his son
Christopher is admirable and a highlight of the film. The Pursuit of Happiness
is an inspirational story that reveals one man's unwavering determination to
create a better life. It is an emotionally gripping film carried by Smith's
passionate acting and the heartfelt relationship between Chris and his son.
Their story proves how with hard work and hope, happiness is possible
despite the harshest circumstances. This memorable movie is a must-see.

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