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Unit 7 – Local Government in the USA

USA Government:
1.Federal government (the Senate; the House of Representatives) – oversees
issues affecting the entire country
2. State government – an entire state
3. Local government – smaller areas within a state:
3.1. county government – a county/ borough/parish (deals with education and
3.2. municipal government – a town/ a city (police, fire, public transportation;
park and recreation departments)
well-tended – taken good care of, served well
to tend – 1. to exhibit an inclination/tendency serve; to pay attention –
грижа се за
trash (Am.E.) = rubbish
to oversee – to watch over, to inspect, to examine, to survey
a grant – money given formally to sb
to impose (taxes) – to establish by authority – налагам (данъци)
to take pride in (sth) – to be proud of
recreation – refreshment of strength/spirits after work – развлечение,
забавление, почивка
outcry – a vehement protest; a loud cry
(bus) fare – the price charged to transport a person
Unit 8 – The UK Election System and Political Parties

650 constituencies – voters choose a candidate from a political party to become a

The political party with the most MPs forms a government; the leader of the party
– a prime minister
Political parties:
1.The Conservative party (1834)
2.The Liberal Democrats (1988)
3.The Labour party (1900)
4. The Green party (the newest one)

The US election System and Political Parties

State elections – local representatives

Presidential elections
1.The Republican Party (1854) (conservative)
2.Democratic party (1828) (liberal)
mainstream – a prevailing current/ direction of activity
to emerge – to rise / to appear from an unknown place; to become known
conception – 1. beginning (начало) 2. the process of becoming pregnant
(зачатие) 3. схващане, разбиране, идея, замисъл
to conceive – 1. to become pregnant (зачевам) 2. to imagine (кроя, измислям) 3.
to understand (възприемам)
to abolish – to end officially (премахвам със закон)
abolition (of slavery) – officially ending sth

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