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CS201 GDB Solution Fall 2023 2024

Abdul Hadi E Services

Dear Students,
You are all hereby informed that GDB of the Introduction to programming
course is going to upload in few days, before submitting the GDB, please read
all instructions thoroughly.
The GDB will remain open for two days (48 hours).
You may submit your GDB from “January 8, 2024 to January 9, 2024, 11:59

GDB Topic:
Suppose you have been hired as a C++ developer for a software company. You
have been assigned the task of developing an application, with two key
i. The application should follow the Object-Oriented paradigm.
ii. Due to limited resources, memory leaks are a critical concern in the
Given the two points mentioned above, you have the option to allocate memory
using the ''new'' operator or the ''malloc'' function.
Now, considering the above scenario, which of the given options (new or malloc)
will be most preferable to use? Justify your answer in either case.

 Please provide concise and focused responses, avoiding irrelevant details.
 Your response should not exceed 3-4 lines.
 Use 12-point font size with "Times New Roman" style.
 Violation of these instructions may lead to mark deductions.

Instructor CS201

Using the “new” operator in C++ is preferable because:

1. Object-Oriented Paradigm: “new” aligns with the Object-Oriented paradigm, allowing for
proper construction of objects with constructors.
2. Automatic Resource Management: “new” ensures automatic invocation of constructors and
facilitates automatic memory deallocation through destructors, reducing the likelihood of
memory leaks.
3. Type Safety: “new” is type-safe, providing better support for C++ features like RAII (Resource
Acquisition Is Initialization).

In contrast, "malloc" lacks these advantages, making “new” the safer and more convenient choice.

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