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My investment of time, as an educator all the way from the department
of science and technology education, will be best served in today’s
debate after teaching my opponents here a spectacular lesson. Special
educators, in respect to your speculations, your prospects seem
promising but there is a need for special inspection of your perspective
in today’s debate.
Ladies and Gentlemen
It’s greatly acknowledged that keeping citizens both secure and healthy
are key priorities for many nations around the world, the allocation of
national expenditure between the military sector and health (or any other
sector) is a complex decision that depends on various factors, including
a country’s priorities, security concerns, socio-economic conditions, and
the needs of its population at large.
According to the United Nations - National security is the ability to cater
for the protection and defense of the citizens. Originally conceived as
protection against military attack, national security is now widely
understood to include non-military dimensions, such as economic
security, health security, environmental security, cyber security amongst
Today let’s explore how investing in military will be of utmost benefit
compared to investing in healthcare for National Security with three
impacts DED: Defense, Economic Growth, and Diplomacy.
1.Defense: An investment in Military is an investment in defense
whether proactive or reactive, a strong military base is necessary to
protect a country's sovereignty, maintain peace and address security
threats and you would all agree with me that a nation's priority in
defense should not be only to build up strength to fight but also to build
up relations that will deter the enemies from engaging. According to
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute , India’s defense
spending has increased by around six per cent, making it the world's
fourth largest military spender in 2022 and about 23 per cent of India’s
total military spending is being used to fund equipment and
infrastructure along its border with China and Pakistan where tension
rises on a daily basis. India's security concerns fueled their desire to
invest more in military compared to healthcare in a bid to protect the
country’s interests and the likes of North Korea, South Korea, Russia
and Israel have all followed suit, yet my opponent want these countries
to swipe investing in military for healthcare when it's quite clear that the
military presence in these countries is the integral foundation of their
national security, not healthcare. Use what you have to get what you

2. Economic Growth- Investment in the Military has also led to

securing of trade routes, and technological innovations that have positive
spillover effects in so many sectors including health contributing to
overall national development and strengthening the national security.
According to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), series of
technological invents were reported which emanated as a result of the
advent of military in the course of maintaining basic security and
stability which became a regular use for the civilians such as the
Internet, Microwave Ovens, Penicillin, Ambulances and many more,
Also according to Voice of America in July 2016, it was reported that
the Nigerian army secured a major road that links the country to
Cameroon and Chad after wrestling control from the Islamist militant
group Boko Haram and that region has witnessed a sharp rise in business
activities ever since, yet my opponent wants us to be ignorant of all
these contributions of the military to the subsets of national security like
economic and environmental security and still choose a 2nd option.
3. Diplomacy- The military is greatly known as a hard-power tool, but it
can also be used as a soft power one, an average civilian, if not my
opponent would understand why a strong military presence can help
prevent war, make nations engage in diplomatic affairs therefore a case
of look before you leap, think twice before you attack. China’s President
Xi Jinping “stressed that military diplomacy is a critical element of how
China has been able to engage with other countries,” and steadily
increased military exercises, port calls, and humanitarian operations. In
this military race, USA is not left behind as well, because According to
US department of State, The United States( the biggest military
investor) maintains diplomatic relations with close to 180 out of
over 190 countries in the world and also render military aids to
over 150 countries.

My opponent might argue that investing in healthcare is better for
national security because it aids the prevention of diseases,
however it’s important for them to note that a strong military can
be just as important for preventing disease as opposed to
investing in healthcare. A military can help secure borders and
also prevent the spread of disease through quarantine measures.
According to United Nations Peacekeeping in an article titled the
role of the armed forces in the fight against COVID 19, it was
stated that despite the highly dangerous conditions, the military
carried out missions of repatriation and evacuation of citizens as
well as transporting medical supplies and protective equipment in
Europe thereby curtailing the spread of the deadly disease.
Investments in Military has not only ticked the box of economic
security and environmental security but also health security.
My opponents might also want to pull an emotional blackmail and
propose that healthcare is an important human right, and that all
citizens should have access to quality healthcare regardless of
their economic status. Understood but what is the importance of
investing in healthcare when the life it is being invested for is not
secured. According to Statista in Jan 2024 the deadliest conflicts
ever in history were the World Wars, which have a combined
death toll of more than 520,000 American fatalities. I repeat
fatalities, If my opponents lack the logic, should they still lack the

In Conclusion
Show me a prosperous nation and take a look at their investment in
Military. That decision, a wise one.
Now, A special advice to our special educators, they should know that a
battle won or lost with so much casualties is no good, a battle won with
little casualties is better, However a battle won without no casualties is
the best just like this speech in today’s debate.

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