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1. It is late and your brother has not yet returned home.

(a) What does your mother ask you?
(b) What does she suggest?

2. It is close to exam time and you are nervous because you do not feel prepared.
(a) What does your sister say to you?
(b) What do you ask her?

3. Your parents want you to get a job during your summer vacation.
(a) What reason do they give you?
(b) What reason do you give for not wanting to work?

4. You are travelling by plane and there are technical difficulties.

(a) What do you say to calm the passenger next to you?
(b) What reason does he/she give for being nervous?

5. Your youth club wants to have a fundraising activity to help victims of a natural
(a) What suggestion do you make?
(b) What do you offer to do?


1. Your cousin is going off to university to study.

(a) What do you wish him/her?
(b) What do you promise to do?
2. You are at a school camp but forgot something important at home.
(a) What do you ask your father to do?
(b) What advice does he give you?

3. You are at the beach with some friends when you see a little girl crying.
(a) What do you ask her?
(b) What do you offer to do?

4. A stranger appears at your house asking for specific help.

(a) What does he /she ask you?
(b) Explain to him/her why you cannot help.

5. Your younger brother wants you to teach him self-defence.

(a) What reason does he give?
(b) What advice do you give him?


1. You are invited to a wedding but do not know what to wear.

(a) What do you ask your sister?
(b) What does she suggest?

2. You want to make an important phone call but you do not have credit on your
(a) What do you ask your friend?
(b) What do you promise to do?
3. You want to buy a gift for your teacher’s birthday.
(a) What do you ask your classmates?
(b) What do they recommend?

4. You need new shoes for an important football game.

(a) What do you ask your mother to do?
(b) Give her negative response with a reason.

5. Your father asked you to wash his car but you did not.
(a) What reason do you give?
(b) What do you promise to do?


1. Your younger brother wants you to take him to the cinema but you are unable to.
(a) What reason do you give him?
(b) What do you promise him?

2. Your friend is upset because he/she did badly in an exam.

(a) What do you say to console him/her?
(b) What does he/she ask you to do?

3. Johnny is always misbehaving in class.

(a) What does the teacher say to him?
(b) What warning does his teacher give him?
4. Your mother is awaiting your aunt’s arrival at the airport but does not see her.
(a) What does she ask you?
(b) What do you suggest that she do?

5. You do not want to go to school today but your mother insists that you go.
(a) What reason does she give?
(b) What comment do you make?


1. Your neighbours are going away on vacation and ask you to do something
specific while they are away.
(a) What do they ask you?
(b) What do they offer to do?

2. There is a fire in your building and you are home alone with your brothers.
(a) What do you say to keep them calm?
(b) What suggestion do you make?

3. You are late for an important exam.

(a) What advise does your mother give you?
(b) What do you ask your mother to do?

4. You need to conduct research for a class assignment but your sister is on the
(a) What do you ask her?
(b) What does she make you promise?
5. Your friends want to skip school today and are trying to encourage you to join
(a) What do they say to you to encourage you?
(b) What reason do you give for not wanting to join them?

1. Your sister has just been awarded an island scholarship.
(a) What do you say to her?
(b) What does she say to express how she feels?

2. Your brother is not attending all his football practices.

(a) What does his coach say to him?
(b) What warning does his coach give him?

3. Your neighbor calls to invite your family to dinner.

(a)What reason does your mother give for not being able to attend?
(b) What promise does she make to your neighbor?

4. Your class prefect reports you to the teacher for something you did.
(a)What does the class prefect say to the teacher?
(b) What explanation do you give for your behavior?

5. Classes are cancelled today because of bad weather.

(a)What does your father suggest that you do?
(b)What do you tell him that you prefer to do?

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