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There are 5 Basic pitch elements in the Demo Fixing pitch. These elements to be followed in sequence and is sales
call flow.
1. Introduction- Where you introduce yourself & the company and also give the Reason and Purpose of the call.
2. Rapport Building- where you build a connection with the customer and start understanding the concerns.
3. Need Generation- According to the concerns, you generate the need for having Infinity learn as their learning
partner. (Identify the Learning Gap during the COVID)
4. Pitching the session: After Identifying the need of the student, it is important to fix the demo in order to
understand learning approach and provide relevant solutions to problem faced.
5. Closing the call: Confirm the details like Date & Time of the session, Re-empathize that the parent should be a part
of session. Collect alternate mobile number for sharing the Sessions and few Video for reference.

Introduction: If Student Picks the calls

Hello, I am a Senior Mentor, Ravi calling from Infinity learn by Sri Chaitanya. Am I talking to Deepak?

Deepak, you have downloaded the Infinity learn app/web login/browsing and selected 9th Grade. (Discuss the Grade
which he has signed in of).

Wait for the response of the student

It is good to see that you have taken interest in studying from Infinity Learn by Sri Chaitanya. I have called to
explain how to make the best use of the website/App, so that you excel in your upcoming studies/competitive

Lead Verification: Before I discuss and understand your requirement, can you please confirm few details so that I
can understand the basic details about you?

You are studying in grade / class _____ at _______ board, right?

Are you are preparing for CBSE/JEE/NEET, correct/right?

Take Student Name, you are planning to appear for the exam in the year _____ (calculate basis current grade),

Introduction: If Parent Picks the call

Hello Sir/Madam, I am a Senior Mentor, Ravi calling from Infinity learn. Am I talking to Deepak’s mother/father?

There has been a registration/enquiry for class 9th in the name of Deepak. The Enquiry/registration is from
<> email ID/Mobile number. Ma’am/Sir have you downloaded the app or has Deepak downloaded
it? Or Sir/Madam, Have you enquired or Deepak has enquired for studying with Infinity learn by Sri Chaitanya.

Ma’am, for kids who study using Infinity learn -we allocate a mentor to talk to parents regarding their
performance, also to make sure the parent knows what the kid is doing using the application/website and how
to get the maximum out of the same.

Sir/Ma'am, in your case, I am the assigned mentor for Deepak.

So Sir/Ma’am, are you aware about Infinity learn by Sri Chaitanya?

Infinity Learn|Learning & Development

Introduce the Company

Infinity learn by Sri Chaitanya, where Sri Chaitanya is an established name with a legacy of over 36 years and is well
known for its result-oriented CBSE Board, JEE and NEET preparation programs & Our result-oriented and passionate
team is committed to making the process of On-line learning infinite and fun.

Over the 36 Years we have been producing top rankers in various Boards and Competitive exams.

FYI Sir/Madam,

JEE: We have secured 42020 Ranks in JEE (2021), 52911(2020) & 57795 (2019)

NEET: We have secured 22587 Rank in 2021, 36547 (2020) &3536(2019)

Rapport Building

The reason I have called you is to explain in-detail how Infinity learn by Sri-Chaitanya will help you/Your Kid in
excel in his academics or in the competitive exams like JEE / NEET exams.

To build the connection, you can start with basic questions to engage the parent or the child.

In case if you are speaking to the parent-

AC: Sir/Mam, May I Know who took the initiative in downloading Infinity learn App?- If parent says yes that he has
downloaded the App.

AC: I am happy that you have taken that initiative towards your child’s learning through Infinity learn-Classes

If the child has downloaded the app/signed up for web:

AC: “I am happy that the child has taken an initiative in learning from the INFINITY learn classes & it’s programs, which
shows that he liked the INFINITY's way of learning.”

Gather More Information about kid from the parent

 How much time do you get to spend with the child?

 How does he remember his learning topics?
 Are his doubts cleared properly or does he has complaints?
 Talk about the school and who takes care of the daily self-study routine of the child?
 How good is the child in concepts -Talk about the material used by the child for learning,
 Talk about his understanding of the school topics?
 Ask about the aspirations and ambitions of the child.

In case if you are speaking to the child.

 Who is your favourite teacher and what is your favourite subject?

 What do you like about your favourite teacher?
 Apart from studies, what do you like?
 What did you like about the videos you watched on the app?
 What difficulties are you facing in studies?
 Do you go to tuition?
 Do you like to test your knowledge? (Mandatory Question to be asked)
 Do you like learn from the best teachers?(Mandatory Question to be asked)

Infinity Learn|Learning & Development

Need Creation –Ask about the child (To be asked to parent)
• How Student is doing in studies
• Ever tried for any competitive exam?
• Learning Pattern?
• Going to Tuition?
• Who take cares of the study at home?
• Self-study is in time table or not?
• Past performance
• Future aspects of students well as parents
• Problems told by teachers
• Daily routine

Connecting Statement to create need (To be asked to parent)

Dear Sir, You will agree that two main elements which will result in great academic performance of a child-
Clarity/Understanding & Quality of the teacher explaining the concepts and their methodology.

For Example if a teacher is explaining the concept of digestive system to the class of 40+ Students , it will very for a
individual student to understand the concepts if it being explained theoretically instead of visually, Which should be
followed by effective doubt resolution.

Doubt Resolution question to the parent: You must have observed that many students do not ask the doubts due to fear
or the pressure from the fellow students (that his doubt may look silly) hence they leave the topic without getting
complete understanding on the concept.

Leading verbatim: So Sir ….(Ask below mentioned Questions)

Yes Questions
• Don’t you think if concepts are cleared student can easily understand the numerical and other related topic?
• Don’t you think if student knows where he is weak, there is a chance of scope of improvement?
• What are your views on knowledge gaining?
• What do you think if the child is getting interest in studies, things will be easy or not?
• Can a regular time table can help your student?
• Do you think Discipline plays an important role in studies?



Dear Sir, as per our conversation till now, we understood that there are some areas of concern in terms of
the child’s learning.

We at Infinity Learn with 36 years of expertise have come with 4A Learning methodology which will solve
many issues faced by Kids that we have discussed earlier.

We as education counsellors have an option to select few students for a counselling session to
understand the detailed learning pattern and analyse the Kid’s current challenges and problems faced by
him in his studies.

Infinity Learn|Learning & Development

The session is going to be for 45 to 60 Mins through VC/Home Visit

During the session,

We first understand the child’s way of learning where we interact with both parents and child.

We will have a discussion about the child’s Performance in his academics, Strengths, Area of
Improvements & future ambitions.

Based on the child interest levels, we will also tell you the future career options available for Kids studying
in various grades.

Secondly, we will be conducting a short academic test to understand child’s key areas of improvement.
Based on the performance and areas of improvement we will be suggesting various solutions to the
problems faced by the Kid.

Apart from proving solutions, we will also guide and give feedback on the area of Improvement & give
suggestions to improve them easily with some tricks and tips.

At Last, we will suggest the best possible solutions to the problems identified during the session which are
faced by the Child.

Collecting Details & Confirming the Slot for the session:

Once the parents agree for the session, you need to collect and confirm few details such as.

So Sir, I will go-ahead book a session slot, as per the available schedule the slot is available for
today/tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM (Based on the availability). So Sir, You and Deepak (Kid Name) will be
available right?

To confirm the Slot, I would need Full name of the Child: _____ School Name_________Grade__________

Alternate Mobile Number______ (In case if primary number is not reachable)

Closing the Call:

Sir, The Slot is confirmed for today evening at 7:00 PM , You will be getting a link on your WhatsApp to
Join the session. You will also get confirmation call for our team.

Simultaneously, I will be sharing few video links which you can ask Deepak to go through them.

Thanks a lot for your time, we will see you in the evening at 7:00 PM.


Happy Selling!!!

Infinity Learn|Learning & Development

Infinity Learn|Learning & Development

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