M1 Supplementals

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Foramen of the Skull

1. Cribriform Plate – CN1

2. Optic Canal – CN2
3. Superior Orbital Fissure – CN 3, 4, 5V1, 6
4. Foramen Rotundum – CN5 V2
5. Foramen Ovale – CN5 V3
6. Internal Acoustic meatus – CN7, 8
7. Jugular Foramen – CN 9, 10, 11, 12
8. Hypoglossal Canal – CN 12
9. Foramen Magnum – Spinal Cord, Vertebral art., MO, CN11
10. Foramen Spinosum – Middle meningeal art.
11. Foramen Lacerum – ICA

Muscular Triangles of the Neck

Triangle Border
Anterior Triangle A: Anterior Neck Line
S: Mandible
I: Anterior border of SCM
1. Submental Triangle A: Anterior Neck Line
P: Anterior belly of Digastric
I: Hyoid
2. Submandibular Triangle Anterior belly of Digastric
S: Mandible
I: Posterior belly of Digastric
3. Carotid Triangle A: Superior fibers of Omohyoid
S: Posterior belly of Digastric
P: Anterior border of SCM
4. Muscular Triangle A: Anterior Neck Line
S: Superior fibers of Omohyoid
I: Anterior border of SCM

Triangle Border
Posterior Triangle A: Anterior Neck Line
S: Mandible
I: Anterior border of SCM
1. Occipital Triangle A: Inferior fibers of Omohyoid
S: Posterior border of SCM
P: Trapezius
2. Suprascapular Triangle A: Posterior border of SCM
P: Inferior fibers of Omohyoid
I: Clavicle

Head & Neck Arteries

1. Carotid System
• Carotid Sinus – localized dilation that marks the terminal part of the common carotid
artery or the beginning of the internal carotid artery.
• Carotid Body – a small mass of chemoreceptor that is sensitive to excess carbon
dioxide and reduced oxygen tension in the blood.
• Common Carotid Artery
o External Carotid Artery - It supplies structures in the neck, face, and scalp; it also
supplies the tongue and the maxilla
o Internal Carotid Artery - It supplies the brain, the eye, the forehead, and part of the
2. Subclavian System
• Right subclavian artery
• Left subclavian artery

Head & Neck Veins

• The veins of the brain are thin walled and have no valves.
• Consist of:
o Cerebral veins
o Cerebellar veins
o Veins of the brainstem
• Venous Sinuses – are situated between the periosteal and the meningeal layer of the dura
mater and have thick, fibrous walls, but they possess no valves
• Diploic Veins – occupy channels within the bones of the vault of the skull
• Emissary Veins – are valveless veins that pass through the skull bones. They connect the
veins of the scalp to the venous sinuses (and are an important route for the spread of
Muscles of the Neck
Thyrohyoid Digastric
Omohyoid Mylohyoid
Sternohyoid Stylohoid
Sternothyroid Geniohyoid
Muscles of Mastication
Temporalis Mouth closing Superior – Mandibular elevation
Anterior – mandibular elevation
Posterior – mandibular retraction
Internal Pterygoid Protrusion
External Pterygoid Mouth opening

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