77-703384-AF - Proj Plan Con Issues. Assessment 1 Report. 2023 24

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77-703384 Project Planning and Contractual Issues

Task 1 – Presentation – 30% weighting

Assessment Weighting 30%

Mode of Assessment Presentation

Time Limit 10 minutes

Type of Submission Online

Submission Date and Anticipated Feedback Please refer to Assessment Diary

In-Module Retrieval available for this task? Yes

Module Leader Catherine Smith

Course Work Queries Contact Chris Holt cmh131@exchange.shu.ac.uk

Description of Assignment

Acting as a Construction Management Consultant you have been approached by Sheffield City Council to provide an advisory feasibility report of the site identified in
order to facilitate the proposed refurbishment and redevelopment of the Leahs Yard & surrounding area compound to bespoke units as a flagship refurbishment as part
of the Heart of the City Project.
Your client has requested an appraisal as to the benefits of adopting either, the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) family of contracts, of the New Engineering (NEC) form
family of contracts.

The Presentation Tasks

 Your presentation should be structured as below:

 (1) Introduction


 (2) Recommend an appropriate form of JCT and NEC contract, providing reasons for the selection of such forms

 (3) Your Client has been made aware of the term ‘Collateral Warranties’. Review how the adoption of such a term could be a benefit to the Client, and identify
where Collateral Warranties appear within in the JCT and NEC contracts.

 (4) Within the Conditions of Contract Preliminaries, in addition to contractual Obligations and Implicit Requirements, the Client has the legal right to impose their
own ‘Employer Specific Requirements’. Review what requirements /restrictions could be imposed on the successful bidding contractor, and identify the clauses
within the JCT and NEC forms of contract where they occur


 (5) There has been a volcanic eruption in Iceland, resulting in an ash cloud is blowing West over the whole of Europe. In the role of the Main Contractor, you have
ordered an electronic escalator control panel which was due to be flown in by cargo plane from Far East.
All flights have been grounded due to volcanic ash in the atmosphere, so therefore the escalator control panel will have to be brought by sea, which will take
three weeks.

Under both contracts, JCT & NEC, identify a range of possible Relevant Events/Compensation clauses that might support your request for an ‘Extension of Time’
due to the ‘delay event’. Briefly analyse each clause in turn and make a final recommendation as to the single ‘Delay Clause’ ( JCT & NEC) that will support your
claim for an extension of time.

 (6) Conclusion

 Presentation

 NB. Provide Appendices material where deemed necessary to support your report

Visual Aid

 You are expected to use power point, but not limited to it.
 Be simple creative, eye catching and connect to the audience.
 Avoid using long sentences or big paragraph. Make use of key words.
 Any images or quotation used still needs to be acknowledge. Use APA referencing system
 Presentation exceeded the time limit will be ignore, i.e. will not be marked

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this assignment students will be able to:

 Apply Project Management knowledge and skills to the adoption and application of the two major UK families of construction contracts that being the Joint
Contracts Tribunal and New Engineering form of contract.

 Critically appraise the contractual reasons for delay and select an appropriate contractual delay clause that supports an application for an Extension of Time.
Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria for your presentation are as follow:

 Speech (20%)
 Delivery (20%)
 Visual Aid (10%)
 Content - Intro and background (25%)
 Content - Accuracy in addressing the issue (25%)

Presentation of Assignment

 All typed work should be Arial (11pts) or Calibri (12pts)

 You should use the APA referencing system
 Please state the number of words used at the end of the assignment
 Word count includes the entire assessment submission with exceptions for Title page, Abstract, Contents page, Reference and Bibliography pages, Appendices
 Work up to the word limit will be marked. Any work in excess of the word limit will not be marked.
 The submission should be professionally structured with clear illustrations and diagrams that are suitably titled and labelled.

Cheating and Plagiarism

 The University Regulations on academic conduct apply to assessments. You are reminded that to represent as your own the work of another person without
acknowledgement is defined as plagiarism and is a breach of these regulations.
 By submitting your work, you certify that it is your own work, and that the work of other people is duly referenced and acknowledged in accordance with the
University’s Academic Misconduct Policy.

Submission of your Assignment

Online Submission

 You need to submit your assignment electronically via the module site by the date and time specified on Blackboard.
 Your last submitted attempt will be the attempt that is marked.
 Filenames should use only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores, and should be less than 72 characters in length.
 Do not password protect your file(s).
 Please make sure you have referred to the Best practice for managing (and reducing the size of) large or media files documents below before you submit your
work to ensure large files(250MB or more) are successfully submitted.

 It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is successfully submitted. Always check your email receipt and the submission point again following each
 More guidance on line can be found in the module site.
 You shall have unlimited attempt in uploading your work.
 Please email the module leader, ithelp@shu.ac.uk or DS-NBEhelpdesk-mb@echange.shu.ac.uk if you have any technical difficulty in submitting your assignment
 You are expected to print your Gantt chart in a PDF file, then insert it into your Microsoft Word document. Please refer to BB, under assessment folder on how to
insert PDF’s file into word documents.
 If you have a learning contract which recommends the use of stickers for your work please make sure that you type the wording of the sticker at the top of the
assignment – preferably in red so that it is visible as possible markers.
 Back-up and keep a copy of your work.

Return of your marked Assignment

You will be able to see the feedback and your mark online.Typically within 3 weeks of your submission.
77-703384 Project Planning and Contractual Issues- Task 1 Assessment Criteria

Student Name and ID : Total:

Category Low Distinction, mid distinction, Low merit, mid merit, high merit Low pass, mid pass, high pass Very Low fail, low fail, mid Zero Marks
high distinction, exceptional fail,borderline fail
Grade 13,14,15,16 10,11,12 7,8,9,10 1,2,4,6 0
1 Speech 20 - 16 15 - 11 10 - 6 5-0 Not
 Confident speech with fluent  Needs some improvement.  Needs improvement on a lot of  Must improve proficiency in submitte
English. aspects, more English. d
practice needed.
2 Delivery 20 - 16 15 - 11 10 - 6 5-0 Not
 Effectively capture audience  Occasionally capture audience  Only occasionally have eye contact  No eye contact with submitte
attention by range of attention by range of methods. with audience. audience, eye on notes of d
methods.  Confident delivery.  Substantially reliant on notes visual aid only.
 Confident delivery. Minimal  Appropriate use of notes.  Reads from prepared script.
use of notes.
3 Visual Aid 10 - 9 8-6 5-3 2-0 Not
 Able to use technology or  Able to use technology or additional  Visual aid provided, but wrong  Did not prepare any visual submitte
additional materials in presenting materials in presenting ideas. choice. aid. d
ideas.  Need improvement on the visual aid  Need improvement on the visual
 Use of visual aid tactfully. prepared. aid prepared.
 Effectively use of visual aid.
4 Content – 25 - 19 18 - 13 12 - 7 6-0 Not
a Intro and  Relevant clauses identify.  Relevant clauses identify.  Relevant clauses identify.  Unable to identify the submitte
backgroun d
 Effectively relate the  Able to relate the clauses with the  Unable to clearly relate the clauses relevant clauses with the
clauses with the presentation topic. with the presentation topic. presentation topic.
informatio  Inaccurate or irrelevant
presentation topic.
n information given
4 Content - 25 - 19 18 - 13 12 - 7 6-0 Not
b Accuracy in  Accurately addressed the relevant  The relevant issue addressed.  Briefly addressing the relevant  Not addressing the issue at submitte
addressing the d
issue.  Clearly elaborated the main concern issue all.
 Effectively and systematically of the topic and procurement  Overlook the main concern of the  Presentation is irrelevant to
elaborated the main concern of the strategy topic and procurement strategy the topic and appropriate
topic and procurement strategy  Unable to highlight any impact or  Content presented need some procurement strategy
 Highlighted the impact or practices on practices on different form of improvement the selection of  In appropriate contract and
different form of contract & tender contract and tender documentation appropriate contracts and tender tender documentation
documentation documentation

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