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Written Assignment Unit 2

University of People



This study examined the distribution of the number of pairs of sneakers owned by forty
randomly selected students. The dataset provided the frequency of students owning each
respective number of pairs of sneakers, ranging from 1 to 7. Descriptive statistics such as the
mean, sample standard deviation, quartiles, median, and percentiles were calculated to gain
insights into the distribution of ownership.

The mean number of pairs of sneakers owned was found to be approximately 3.175, with a
sample standard deviation of approximately 1.53. Quartile analysis revealed that 25% of the
students owned 3 or fewer pairs of sneakers (Q1), while 75% owned 4 or fewer pairs (Q3). The
median, representing the middle value of the dataset, was determined to be 4 pairs.

Additionally, the study found that 2.5% of the students owned at least five pairs of sneakers. The
40th percentile of ownership corresponded to 2 pairs, indicating that 40% of the students owned
2 or fewer pairs. Moreover, the 90th percentile indicated that 90% of the students owned 5 or
fewer pairs of sneakers.

These findings provide valuable insights into the distribution of sneaker ownership among the
student population, which can inform decisions related to inventory management, marketing
strategies, and student preferences. Further research could explore factors influencing sneaker
ownership trends and their implications for student demographics and consumer behavior.

Keywords: sneaker ownership, student population, descriptive statistics, frequency distribution,

quartiles, median, percentiles, sample standard deviation, mean, data analysis, distribution

analysis, consumer behavior, inventory management, marketing strategies.

1. Find the Mean :

The mean ( ) is the average value of a dataset. It's calculated by summing up all the values and
dividing by the total number of values.

Given the data:

x1=1, f1=2
x2=3, f2=5
x3=3, f3=8
x4=4, f4=12
x5=5, f5=12
x6=6, f6=0
x7=7, f7=1
n=40 (total number of observations)

We calculate the mean (xˉxˉ) using the formula:



So, the mean number of pairs of sneakers owned by the forty students is approximately 3.175.

2. Find the Sample Standard Deviation :

The sample standard deviation (ss) measures the amount of variation or dispersion in a dataset.
It's calculated using the formula:


● Xi= each value of the variable XX,

● xˉ = the mean,
● fi = the frequency of each value XiXi,
● N= total number of observations.

After calculating, s 1.53.

3. Complete the Relative Frequency and Cumulative Relative Frequency Columns:

The relative frequency (fi) is the frequency of each value divided by the total number of
observations (N).

The cumulative relative frequency (CRF) is the sum of the relative frequencies up to each value
of X.


4. Find the First Quartile :

The first quartile (Q1) is the value below which 25% of the data fall. We find Q1 by locating
the cumulative relative frequency (CRF) that is closest to, but greater than, 0.25.

From the Cumulative Relative Frequency column:

F3=0.375 (closest value above 0.25)

Since X=3 corresponds to a CRF of 0.375, Q1 is 33.

5. Find the Median:

The median is the middle value of the dataset when arranged in ascending order. Since there are
40 observations, we locate the 20th and 21st observations. The median is the average of these
two values.

The 20th and 21st observations are both 4. Therefore, the median is 4

6. Find the Third Quartile:

Similarly, the third quartile is the value below which 75% of the data fall. We locate the
cumulative relative frequency (CRF) closest to, but greater than, 0.75.

From the Cumulative Relative Frequency column:

F4=0.675 (closest value above 0.75)

Since X=4 corresponds to a CRF of 0.675, Q3 is 4.

7. What percent of the students owned at least five pairs?



To find the percentage of students who owned at least five pairs of sneakers, we look at the
cumulative relative frequency (CRF) corresponding to X=5, which is 0.975. This means that
97.5% of the students owned five or fewer pairs of sneakers.

To find the percentage of students who owned at least five pairs, we subtract 0.975 from 1 (since
1 represents 100% of the data), which gives us 0.025 or 2.5%. Therefore, 2.5% of the students
owned at least five pairs of sneakers.

8. Find the 40th percentile:

The 40th percentile is the value below which 40%40% of the data fall. We locate the cumulative
relative frequency (CRF) closest to, but greater than, 0.40.

From the Cumulative Relative Frequency column:

F2=0.175(closest value above 0.40)

Since X=2 corresponds to a CRF of 0.175, the 40th40th percentile is 2.

9. Find the 90th percentile:

Similarly, the 90th percentile is the value below which 90% of the data fall. We locate the
cumulative relative frequency (CRF) closest to, but greater than, 0.90.

From the Cumulative Relative Frequency column:

F5=0.975 (closest value above 0.90)

Since X=5 corresponds to a CRF of 0.975, the 90th90th percentile is 5.

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