Perfect Dev Psych Quiz 2 Ty Hev Abi Hahahaha

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C-PSYM122 PSY13 2nd Sem ( 2023-2024 )

Quiz 2_Module 2_The Beginnings_Developmental Psychology

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Question 1
mother who contacts during the first trimester of her pregnancy could lead to serious irregularities of the unborn.
The defect may be in the malformation of the eyes or ears, or abnormality in the heart.

Response: Rubella

Question 2
the fetus is positioned cross-wise in the mother’s uterus. Instruments are necessary in the delivery of the baby;
otherwise, the position of the baby must be changed before birth.

Response: Transverse birth

Question 3
the buttocks or feet appears first. The head may be the last part to come out. Depending upon the discretion of the
attending physician, the position of the baby may be changed before the delivery.

Response: Breech birth

Question 4
literally means from head to tail. The development starts from the head, and then it progresses to the feet.

Response: Cephalo-caudal

Question 5
How do identical twins (monozygotic) differ from fraternal twins (dizygotic) in terms of genetic relatedness?

Response: Identical twins share 100% of their genes, while fraternal twins share 50%.

Question 6 1/6
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Which developmental process involves the unfolding of a heredity and genetically programmed sequence of

Response: Maturation

Question 7
Babyhood is indicated in the first two years of the life span. Immediately after birth, a special name given to them
is the_______.

Response: Infants

Question 8
Development starts from the middle (spinal cord) going outward to the extremities. The infants will gain control of
the arms before the fingers.

Response: Proximo-distal

Question 9
Stages of psychosocial development: Basic trust versus mistrust.

Response: birth to 1 year

Question 10
Which of the following statements best reflects the interactionist perspective on nature and nurture?

Response: Both genetics and the environment interact to influence human development.

Question 11
This sense is well developed at birth.

Response: Hearing

Question 12
Which stage the child begins to utter words to ask for something rather than just reaching out to get it

Response: preoperational stage

Question 13
Children are born with reflexes that allow them to suck and grasp and they begin to follow objects with their eyes.
What are these reflexes known as

Response: simple reflexes 2/6
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Question 14
Erik Erikson (1902-1990) proposed a theory of development which emphasized the role of

Response: social and cultural factors in development

Question 15
was devised by Dr. Virginia Apgar to measure the neonate’s physical capabilities.

Response: Apgar test

Question 16
In which stage of Erickson’s development theory an individual develop a sense of mastery over aspects of one's
environment, cope with challenges and increase responsibility.

Response: autonomy vs. shame

Question 17
What is the term for the study of how genes and environment heredity and interact to influence psychological

Response: Epigenetics

Question 18
Which of the following is an example of a shared environmental influence on development?

Response: Genetic predisposition to a particular disease

Question 19
Which of the following is an example of a hereditary trait?

Response: eye color

Question 20
According Piaget the basic unit with which the cognitive structure is built up is

Response: schema

Question 21
How do researchers typically study the relative contributions of genetics and environment in human
development? 3/6
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Response: Through twin and adoption studies

Question 22
This is the most common kind of birth. The head of the baby comes out first, emerging from the birth canal.

Response: Natural or Spontaneous Birth

Question 23
What role do genes play in the development of physical traits

Response: Genes influence the development of physical traits.

Question 24
Watson wanted to create an objective science of psychology and he believed that events should be the focus of the

Response: directly observable

Question 25
An unconscious reflex action in newborn child i.e., If their palms are touched, they will make a very tight fist
which is called as.

Response: None of these

Question 26
experiencing the world through senses and actions (looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping)

Response: sensorimotor

Question 27
another celebrated psychologist, believes that “childhood is the scene of man’s beginning as a man.” He further
claims that the development of “basic trust or distrust” is determined on how babies are treated in the home and in
his early social relations.

Response: Erik Erikson

Question 28
Of all the senses, this is the least developed.

Response: Vision

Question 29 4/6
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serves as the passage of nutrition from the mother to the baby, and at the same time it serves as an excretory organ
for the waste.

Response: Umbilical cord

Question 30
From fertilization to the end of the second week, the _ is about the size of a pin head.

Response: Zygote

Question 31
In the context of development, what does the term 'critical period' refer to?

Response: A specific time during development when certain events have a profound impact

Question 32
What is the term used to describe the genetic information passed from one generation to the next?

Response: heredity

Question 33
How can the environment impact prenatal development?

Response: Environmental factors can affect prenatal development.

Question 34
is a major form of communication. It is among the first activities of the newborn to signify that the respiratory
system has started to function and that the baby is alive.

Response: Crying

Question 35
What is the term for the observable, measurable characteristics that result from the interaction of genes and

Response: Phenotype

Question 36
Which of the following is an example of an environmental factor influencing cognitive development in children?

Response: Exposure to educational resources 5/6
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Question 37
What is the term for the process by which an individual's genetic potential is expressed in the observable

Response: phenotype

Question 38
For whatever reason, if x-rays reveal that complications may happen if the fetus comes out through the birth canal,
a slit has to be made surgically in the mother’s abdomen, either horizontally of vertically, and the fetus is delivered
through the opening.

Response: All the answers are correct

Question 39
Occurs only in the female sex cells. One mature ovum is ejected during the menstrual cycle. After its release from
one of the follicles of the ovary, it finds its way to the open end of the fallopian tube.

Response: Ovulation

Question 40
emphasized how the child’s mind grows through interaction with the social environment. Children learn, he
reasoned, from following the roles of their caregivers or mentors.

Response: Vygotsky 6/6

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