Practice Set 04 Quant Updater Maths Arun Sing Rawat Sir Aklakh 1

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Quant Updater – 04 | 06 June

Daily Quant Free Magazine for Bank Exam Students

06 June 2023 | SET - 04

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Quant Updater – 04 | 06 June
Daily Quant Free Magazine for Bank Exam Students

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तो MATHS के डर ने काफी लोग को इस रेस में हमेशा पीछे ही रखा है इस साल मैंने कोशशश की है हर बच्चे को
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आपको रोजाना सभी Quant Topic जैसे Simplification, Approximation, Number series, Data
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आपका दोस्त | आपका मेंटर

अरुण शसिं ह राित
( Maths by Arun Sir )

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Quant Updater – 04 | 06 June
Daily Quant Free Magazine for Bank Exam Students


Chapter – 1 | Simplification - 10 Questions – 5 Minutes

1. Question Paper …………………………….. 4

2. Solution ……………………. 5

Chapter – 2 | Approximations - 10 Questions – 5 Minutes

1. Question Paper ……………………………. 6

2. Solution ……………………. 7

Chapter –3 | MISSING Number Series - 10 Questions – 5 Minutes

1. Question Paper ……………………………. 8

2. Solution ……………………. 9

Chapter – 4 | Wrong Number Series - 10 Questions – 5 Minutes

1. Question Paper …………………………….. 10

2. Solution ……………………. 11

Chapter – 5 | Quadratic Equations - 10 Questions – 5 Minutes

1. Question Paper …………………………….. 12

2. Solution ……………………. 13-14

Chapter – 6 | Data Interpretations Graph Based - 10 Questions – 10 Minutes

1. Question Paper …………………………….. 15-17

2. Solution ……………………. 23-24

Chapter – 7 | Caselet Data Interpretation - 9 Questions – 9 Minutes

1. Question Paper …………………………….. 18-19

2. Solution ……………………. 24-26

Chapter – 8 | Arithmetic Based Questions - 15 Questions – 15 Minutes

1. Question Paper …………………………….. 20-22

2. Solution ……………………. 26-28

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Daily Quant Free Magazine for Bank Exam Students

Chapter – 1 | Simplifications

Directions (1-10) : What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
जनदेश : थनम्नथलखखत प्रश्नों में प्रश्निाचक चचन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आना चारहए?

1. of 297 × 39 ÷ 13+? = 299 ÷ 23 + 453
(a) 61 (b) 199 (c) 107 (d) 126 (e) 161

2. 15 × 25 + of 1770 − 1400 ÷ 7 = 575
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 6 (e) 10

3. (? )2 + 440 ÷ 8 × 3 − 381 = 27 × (16 + 24)

(a) 35 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 31 (e) 42

4. 36.5% of 140 ÷ 12.5% of 80 =?

(a) 6.12 (b) 4.71 (c) 5.11 (d) 5.91 (e) 8.11

𝟓 𝟒
5. of 616 × 𝟏𝟐 ÷ 𝟖+? = 𝟏𝟑 × 𝟐𝟏 + 𝟕𝟏 + ×?
𝟖 𝟑

(a) 7005 (b) 7.005 (c) 70.05 (d) 700.5 (e) 600.5

6. (?% of 240 + 7 × 2560.25) ÷ 8 = 20

(a) 55 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 48 (e) 70

3 1
7. (1 + 2 ) × 80 − 190 = 18 ×?
4 5

(a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 5 (d) 11 (e) 7

8. (? + 184 + 23 × 6) ÷ 10 + 4.5 × 216(1/3) = 82

(a) 60 (b) 48 (c) 38 (d) 42 (e) 56

9. 26 × √? + 1024 ÷ 64 = 60% of 450 – 20

(a) 100 (b) 121 (c) 64 (d) 81 (e) 144

10. 75% of ? + 560 ÷ 35 = 122 – 112 + 7

(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 10 (e) 20

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1. Solution (a) 7. Solution (e)

405 + ? = 466
⇒ ? = 61
{(7/4) + (11/5)} × 80 – 190 = 18 × ?
2. Solution (d) {(35 + 44)/20} × 80 – 190 = 18 × ?
1770 79 × 4 – 190 = 18 × ?
480  – 200  575
? 126 = 18 × ?
? ? = 126 ÷ 18

8. Solution (b)
3. Solution (c)
(? + 184 + 23 × 6) ÷ 10 + 4.5 × 216(1/3) = 82
?² = 1080 + (381 – 165) = 1,296
(? + 184 + 23 × 6) ÷ 10 + 4.5 × 6 = 64
⇒ ? = ±36
(? + 184 + 138) ÷ 10 = 64 – 27
(? + 184 + 138) = 37 × 10
4. Solution (c)
140×36.5 100 ? = 370 – (184 + 138)
⇒ ×
100 80×12.5
? = 48
∴ ? = 5.11

5. Solution (d) 9. Solution (d)

+? = 344 + ×?
4 26 × √? + 1024 ÷ 64 = 60% of 450 – 20
8 3
4 26 × √? + 16 = 270 – 20
⇒ 577.5 − 344 = ( − 1) ×?
26 × √? = 250 – 16
⇒ ? = 3 × 233.5
? = 700.5 √? = 234 ÷ 26 = 9
? = 92 = 81
6. Solution (a)
(?% of 240 + 7 × 2560.25) ÷ 8 = 20 10. Solution (a)
(?% of 240 + 7 × 4) = 20 × 8 175% of ? + 560 ÷ 35 = 122 – 112 + 7
(?% of 240 + 28) = 160 175% of ? + 16 = 144 – 121 + 7
?% of 240 = 160 – 28 175% of ? = 30 – 16
? = 132 × 100 ÷ 240 ? = 14 ÷ 1.75
? = 55 ?=8

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Chapter – 2 | Approximate

Directions (11- 20) : Find the approximate value of question marks (?) in following questions
Note: (You are not expected to find out the exact value)
थनम्नथलखखत प्रश्नों में प्रश्न चचह्न (?) का अनुमाथनत मान ज्ञात कीशजए
नोट: (आपसे सटीक मान ज्ञात करने की अपेक्षा नहीं की जाती है)

11. (16.992)² + (21.012)² + √2915.83 = (?)²

(a) 26 (b) 28 (c) 22 (d) 23 (e) 38

12. 59.9% of 959.8 + 65.11% of 240.01 = ?% of 6099.8

(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 12 (e) 7

13. √(12.9)2 + 27.98 ÷ 4.01 – (3.01)3 +? = (15.93)

(a) 107 (b) 117 (c) 93 (d) 85 (e) 125

14. 285.932 × 10.023 + 65.117 × 54.08 = ? + 163.99

(a) 6206 (b) 6220 (c) 6186 (d) 6236 (e) 6176

82.04 24.04
15. × × ? = 17.97
144.02 655.98
a) 815 b) 871 c) 808 d) 864 e) 829

16. ?3 × 17.98 + 12.03 % of 450.03 = (14.02)2 + √15.99


(a) 9 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 8 (e)11

+ (22.03)2 = (23.98)2 + √63.98
(a) 1344 (b) 1300 (c) 1296 (d) 1248 (e) 1440

18.? % of 1355.02 + 19.98% of 1210.01 = (27.99)2

(a) 75 (b) 80 (c) 60 (d) 40 (e) 24

19.? + 35.09 % of 1279.98 = (24.03)2 + √195.98

(a) 142 (b) 148 (c) 156 (d) 164 (e) 176

20. 56.03 % of ?+125.02% of 96.03 = (13.98)2 - 4

(a) 120 (b) 115 (c) 105 (d) 125 (e) 135

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11. Solution (b)

17. Solution (a)
(17)2 + (21)2 + √2916 ≈ (? )2 ? 3
+ (22)2 = (24)2 + √64
⇒ 289 + 441 + 54 = (? )2 14
⇒ ? = √784 = 28 + 484 = 576 + 4
= 580 − 484
12. Solution (d) 14
Sol. ? = 96 × 14
60% of 960 + 65% of 240 ≈?% of 6100

× 960 +
× 240 =
× 6100 ? = 1344
100 100 100
⇒?= = 12
18. Solution (d)
? 20
13. Solution (a) × 1355 + × 1210 = (28)2
100 100
⇒ √(13)2 + 28 ÷ 4– (27)+? ≈ 16 × 1355 + 242 = 784
⇒ √169 + 7– 27 + ? = 16 ?
× 1355 = 784 − 242
⇒ 149 + ? = 256 ?
× 1355 = 542
⇒ ? = 107 100
? = 40
14. Solution (a)
⇒ 286 × 10 + 65 × 54 ≈ ? + 164
⇒ 2860 + 3510 = ? + 164 19. Solution (a)
⇒ ? = 6206 ?+
× 1280 = (24)2 + √196

? + 448 = 576 + 14
15. Solution (d)
? = 590 − 448
? ≈ (18 x 656 x 144)/(82 x 24)
? = 142
= 18 x (656/82) x (144/24) = 18 x 8 x 6 = 864

20. Solution (d)

16. Solution (b) 56 125
12 × ?+ × 96
?3 × 18 +
× 450 = (14)2 + √16 100 100
?3 × 18 + 54 = 196 + 2 = (14)2 − √1296
?3 × 18 = 198 − 54 100
× ? + 120 = 196 – 6
?3 × 18 = 144 56
× ? = 190 − 120
?3 = 8
?=2 × ? = 70
? = 125

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Chapter – 3 | MISSING Number Series

Directions : What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
जनदेश : थनम्नथलखखत संख्या श्रंखला में प्रश्निाचक चचन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आना चारहए?

21. 7, 19, 55, 163, ?, 1459

(a) 360 (b) 586 (c) 487 (d) 888 (e) 965

22. 21, 32, 51, ?, 121, 176

(a) 72 (b) 68 (c) 84 (d) 100 (e) 80

23. 80, 130, 30, 230, -170, ?

(a) 0 (b) 450 (c) 600 (d) 630 (e) None of these

24. 12, 25, 37, 62, ?, 161, 260

(a) 97 (b) 99 (c) 95 (d) 91 (e) 101

25. 224, 194, 166, 140, ?, 94

(a) 120 (b) 116 (c) 103 (d) 135 (e) 108.

26. 7, 20, 46, 98, 202, (?)

(a) 420 (b) 410 (c) 310 (d) 320 (e) 220

27. 210, 209, 213, 186, 202, (?)

(a) 138 (b) 77 (c) 177 (d) 327 (e) 227

28. 27, 38, 71, 126, 203, (?)

(a) 212 (b) 202 (c) 301 (d) 312 (e) 302

29. 435, 354, 282, 219, 165, (?)

(a) 103 (b) 112 (c) 120 (d) 130 (e) 230

30. 4,200, 369, 513, 634, (?)

(a) 788 (b) 715 (c) 734 (d) 755 (e) 855

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21. Solution (c) 20 × 2 + 6 = 46

(7 × 3) – 2 = 19 46 × 2 + 6 = 98
(19 × 3) – 2 = 55 98 × 2 + 6 = 202
(55 × 3) – 2 = 163 202 × 2 + 6 = 404 + 6 = 410
(163 × 3) – 2 = 487
(487 × 3) – 2 = 1459 27. Solution (b)
The pattern of the number series is:
22. Solution (e) 210 - 13 = 209
21 + (32 + 2) = 32 209 + 22 = 213
32 + (42 + 3) = 51 213 - 33 = 186
51 + (52 + 4) = 80 186 + 42 = 202
80 + (62 + 5) = 121 202 - 53 = 202 - 125 = 77
121 + (72 + 6) = 176
28. Solution (e)
23. Solution (d) The pattern of the number series is:
27 + 11 = 38
38 + 33 = 71
71 + 55 = 126
126 + 77 = 203
203 + 99 = 302

24. Solution (b) 29. Solution (c)

12 + 25 = 37 The pattern of the number series is:
37 + 25 = 62 435 - 9 × 9 = 354
62 + 37 = 99 354 - 9 × 8 = 282
99 + 62 = 161 282 - 9 × 7 = 219
161 + 99 = 260 219 - 9 × 6 = 165
165 - 9 × 5 = 120
25. Solution (b)
152 – 1 = 224 30. Solution (c)
14 – 2 = 194
2 The pattern of the number series is:
132 – 3 = 166 4 + 142 = 4 + 196 = 200
122 – 4 = 140 200 + 132 = 200 + 169 = 369
112 – 5 = 116 369 + 122 = 369 + 144 = 513
102 – 6 = 94 513 + 112 = 513 + 121 = 634
634 + 102 = 634 + 100 = 73
26. Solution (b)
The pattern of the number series is:
7 × 2 + 6 = 20

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Chapter – 4 | Wrong Number Series

Directions : In the following number series, one term is not following the usual pattern. Find that wrong term.
थनम्नथलखखत गलत संख्या श्ररंखला में गलत संख्या क्या होगी?

31. 1.5, 4, 19, 119, 959, 9600

(a) 19 (b) 9600 (c) 119 (d) 959 (e)4

32. 4.5, 19, 37.5, 72, 142.5, 278

(a) 278 (b) 142.5 (c) 72 (d) 37.5 (e) 19

33. 48, 96, 96, 48, 192, 24, 380

(a) 48 (b) 192 (c) 24 (d) 380 (e) 96

34. 142, 1000, 62, 214, 14, 6

(a) 62 (b) 214 (c) 1000 (d) 14 (e) 6

35. 111, 136, 185, 266, 388, 556

(a) 388 (b) 136 (c) 185 (d) 266 (e) 556

36. 240, 285, 245, 300, 250, 275

(a) 285 (b) 250 (c) 300 (d) 275 (e) 245

37. 150, 158, 185, 249, 360, 590

(a) 158 (b) 360 (c) 590 (d) 249 (e) 185

38. 560, 440, 340, 280, 200, 160

(a) 200 (b) 440 (c) 340 (d) 280 (e) 160

39. 3, 2, 3, 6, 12, 37.5, 115.5

(a) 37.5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 2 (e) 12

40. 2, 3, 11, 38, 102, 229, 443

(a) 11 (b) 229 (c) 102 (d) 38 (e) 3

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31. Solution (b) 387 + 13² = 387 + 169 = 556

Series is 36. Solution (c)
1.5 × 2 + 1 = 4 240 + 45 = 285
4 × 4 + 3 = 19 285 - 40 = 245
19 × 6 + 5 = 119 245 + 35 = 280
119 × 8 + 7 = 959 280 - 30 = 250
959 × 10 + 9 = 9599 250 + 25 = 275
Therefore, 280 should come in place of 300.
32. Solution (a)
37. Solution (b)
150 + 23 = 158
158 + 33 = 185
185 + 43 = 249
249 + 53 = 374
374 + 63 = 590
33. Solution (d)
Therefore, 374 should come in place of 360.
Series is
48 ÷ 0.5 = 96
38. Solution (d)
96 × 1 = 96
560 - 120 = 440
96 ÷ 2 = 48
440 - 100 = 340
48 × 4 = 192
340 - 80 = 260
192 ÷ 8 = 24
260 - 60 = 200
24 × 16 = 384
200 - 40 = 160
Therefore, 260 should come in place of 280.
34. Solution (c)
Series is
39. Solution (e)
12² – 2 = 144 – 2 = 142
10³ – 2 = 1000 – 2 = 998
8² – 2 = 64 – 2 = 62
6³ – 2 = 216 – 2 = 214 6 × 2 + 2 = 14
4² – 2 = 16 – 2 = 14 Replace 12 with 14
2³ – 2 = 8 – 2 = 6
40. Solution (b)
35. Solution (a)
The pattern is
111 + 5² = 111 + 25 = 136
136 + 7² = 136 + 49 = 185 102 + 125 = 227

185 + 9² = 185 + 81 = 266 Replace 229 → 227

266 + 11² = 266 + 121 = 387

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Chapter – 5 | Quadratic Equations

Directions(41-50):In each of the following questions two equations are given.You have to solve the equations
Give answer—
(a) If x > y (b) If x ≥ y (c) If x = y or no relation can be established
(d) If y > x (e) If y ≥ x

41. I. a2 - 75a + 756 = 0 II. b2 + 54b - 792 = 0

42. I. a2 - 34a + 289 = 0 II. 17b2 + 13b - 4 = 0

43. I. a2 - 15a + 50 = 0 II. 5b2 - 24b - 5 = 0

44. I. a2 - 30a - 64 = 0 II. b2 - 5b - 14 = 0

45. I. 2x2 + 13x − 7 = 0 II. 2y2 − 5y + 3 = 0

46. I. 2x2−15x + 28 = 0 II. 4y2 − 16y + 15 = 0

47. I. x2 − 2x − 24 = 0 II. y2 + 8y = 0

48. I. x2 + 13x + 40 = 0 II. 2y2 + 13y + 40 = y2 - 4y - 32

49. I. x(x - 1) = x + 8 II. y2 + 7y - 18 = 0

50. I. x2 - 6x + 8 = 0 II. (y + 4)2 = 5y + 56

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41. Solution (b) And when a = 10, a > b for b = (-1/5) and a > b
I. a2 - 75a + 756 = 0 for b = 5
⇒ a - 63a - 12a + 756 = 0
∴ we can observe that a ≥ b. a = b or the
⇒ a(a - 63) - 12(a - 63) = 0 relationship cannot be determined
⇒ (a - 63)(a - 12) = 0 44. Solution (c)
Then, a = (63) or a = (12) I. a2 - 30a - 64 = 0
II. b + 54b - 792 = 0
⇒ a2 - 32a + 2a - 64 = 0
⇒ b2 - 12b + 66b - 792 = 0 ⇒ a(a - 32) + 2(a - 32) = 0
⇒ b(b - 12) + 66(b - 12) = 0 ⇒ (a + 2) (a - 32) = 0
⇒ (b - 12)(b + 66) = 0 Then, a = (-2) or a = 32
Then, b = (-66) or b = (12) II. b2 - 5b - 14 = 0
So, when a = (63), a > b for b = (-66) and a > b ⇒ b2 - 7b + 2b - 14 = 0
for b = (12) ⇒ b(b - 7) + 2(b - 7) = 0
And when a = (12), a > b for b = (-66) and a = ⇒ (b - 7) (b + 2) = 0
b for b = (12) Then, b = (-2) or b = 7
∴ So, we can observe that a ≥ b. So, when a = -2, a = b for b = -2 and a < b for b
42. Solution (a) And when a = 32 , a > b for b = -2 and a > b for
I. a - 34a + 289 = 0
Use: (a - b) = a - 2ab + b
2 2 2
∴ the relationship cannot be determined.
⇒ a - 2 × a × 17 + 289 = 0

⇒ (a - 17)2 = 0 45. Solution (d)

Then, a = 17 I. 2x² + 13x – 7 = 0
II. 17b + 13b - 4 = 0
⇒ 2x² + 14x – x – 7 = 0
⇒ 17b + 17b - 4b - 4 = 0
⇒ 2x (x + 7) –1 (x +7) = 0
⇒ 17b(b + 1) - 4(b + 1) = 0 ⇒ (x + 7) (2x –1) = 0
⇒ (17b - 4)(b + 1) = 0 1
⇒ −7,
Then, b = 4/17 or b = -1 2
II. 2y² – 5y+ 3 = 0
So, when a = 17, a > b for b = 4/17 and a > b for
⇒ 2y² – 2y – 3y + 3 = 0
b = -1
⇒ 2y (y – 1)-3(y – 1) = 0
∴ So, we can observe that a > b.
⇒ (y - 1) (2y - 3) = 0
43. Solution (b) ⇒ 𝑦 = 1,
I. a2 - 15a + 50 = 0 y>x
⇒ a2 - 10a - 5a + 50 = 0
⇒ a(a - 10) - 5(a - 10) = 0 46. Solution (a)
⇒ (a - 5) (a - 10) = 0 I. 2x² – 15x + 28 = 0
Then, a = 5 or a = 10 ⇒ 2x² – 8x – 7x + 28 = 0
II. 5b - 24b - 5 = 0
⇒ 2x (x – 4) – 7 (x – 4) = 0
⇒ 5b - 25b + b - 5 = 0
⇒ x = 4,
⇒ 5b(b - 5) + 1(b - 5) = 0 II. 4y² – 16y + 15 = 0
⇒ (5b + 1) (b - 5) = 0 ⇒ 4y² –10y – 6y + 15 = 0
Then, b = (-1/5) or b = 5 ⇒ 2y (2y – 5) –3 (2y – 5) = 0
So, when a = 5, a > b for b = (-1/5) and a = b ⇒ (2y – 5) (2y – 3) = 0
for b = 5 5 3
⇒𝑦= ,
2 2

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x>y Or, (x + 2) (x - 4) = 0
So, x = 4 or - 2
47. Solution (c) From II:
I. x² –2x –24 = 0 y2 + 7y - 18 = 0
⇒ x² – 6x + 4x – 24 = 0 Or, y2 + 9y - 2y - 18 = 0
⇒ x (x – 6) + 4(x–6) = 0 Or, y(y + 9) - 2(y + 9) = 0
⇒ (x– 6) (x + 4) = 0 Or, (y - 2) (y + 9) = 0
⇒ x= 6, –4 So, y = 2 or - 9
II. y² + 8y = 0 So, relation between 'x' and 'y' cannot be
⇒ y (y + 8) = 0 established.
⇒ y =0, –8
No relation 50. Solution (c)
From I:
48. Solution (b) x2 - 6x + 8 = 0
From I: Or, x2 - 4x - 2x + 8 = 0
x2 + 13x + 40 = 0 Or, x(x - 4) - 2 (x - 4) = 0
Or, x + 8x + 5x + 40 = 0
Or, (x - 2) (x - 4) =0
Or, x(x + 8) + 5(x + 8) = 0 So, x = 2 or 4
Or, (x + 5) (x + 8) = 0 From II:
So, x = -5 or -8 (y + 4)2 = 5y + 56
From II: Or, y2 + 8y + 16 = 5y + 56
2y2 + 13y + 40 = y2 - 4y - 32 Or, y2 + 3y - 40 = 0
Or, y + 17y + 72 = 0
Or, y2 + 8y - 5y - 40 = 0
Or, y2 + 8y + 9y + 72 = 0 Or, y(y + 8) - 5(y + 8) = 0
Or, y(y + 8) + 9(y + 8) = 0 Or, (y - 5) (y + 8) = 0
Or, (y + 8) (y + 9) = 0 So, y = 5 or -8
So, y = -8 or -9 'x' Relation 'y'
So, x ≥ y
Hence, option b. 2 < 5

2 > -8
49. Solution (c)
From I: 4 < 5
x(x - 1) = x + 8
4 > -8
Or, x2 - x - x - 8 = 0
Or, x2 - 2x - 8 = 0 So, relation between 'x' and 'y' cannot be
Or, x2 - 4x + 2x - 8 = 0 established.
Or, x(x - 4) + 2 (x - 4) = 0

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Chapter – 6 | Data Interpretations Graph Based

Graph Based
Directions (51-55): Read the following table carefully and answer the following questions given below it:
थनम्नथलखखत ताथलका को ध्यान से पढें और उसके नीचे फदए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:
No. of male employees in various branches are given. Ratio of male to female is also given —
विथभन्न शाखाओ ं में पुरुष कमसचाररयों की संख्या दी गई है। पुरुष से मरहला का अनुपात भी फदया गया है -
Males Male : Female
P 460 2:3
Q 520 5:7
R 490 7:5
S 570 19 : 13
T 320 8:7
U 370 5:3

51. Total number of employees in branch R and S together are approximately what percent more/less than the
total number of employees in branch P and Q together?
शाखा R और S में थमलाकर कमसचाररयों की कुल संख्या, शाखा P और Q में थमलाकर कमसचाररयों की कुल संख्या से लगभग वकतने प्रवतशत
अचिक/कम है ?
(a) 24 % (b) 25% (c) 28% (d) 27% (e) 31%

52. 50% of the females from branch Q and 25% of the females from branch T qualify for an International quiz out
of which only 50% females qualify in the last round of the International quiz then find how much females qualify
for the last round of the International quiz from these two branches?
शाखा Q से 50% मरहलाएूँ और शाखा T से 25% मरहलाएूँ एक अंतरासष्ट्रीय प्रश्नोत्तरी के थलए अहसता प्राप्त करती हैं, शजसमें से केिल 50%
मरहलाएूँ अंतरासष्ट्रीय प्रश्नोत्तरी के अंवतम दौर में उत्तीणस होती हैं। तो ज्ञात कीशजए वक इन दो शाखाओ ं से वकतनी मरहलाएं अंतरासष्ट्रीय प्रश्नोत्तरी
के अंवतम दौर में उत्तीणस होती हैं?
(a) 217 (b) 219 (c) 214 (d) 307 (e) 405

53. Find the ratio between the average number of females from branch P, Q and R and total number of employees
from branch T and U together ?
शाखा P, Q और R से मरहलाओ ं की औसत संख्या और शाखा T और U से थमलाकर कमसचाररयों की कुल संख्या के बीच का अनुपात ज्ञात
(a) 221 : 443 (b) 7 : 13 (c) 13 : 7 (d) 447 : 221 (e) 221 : 447

54. Average number of males from all of the branches are how much percentage less/more than the average
number of females from all of branches? (calculate up to two decimal points)
सभी शाखाओ ं से पुरुषों की औसत संख्या सभी शाखाओ ं से मरहलाओ ं की औसत संख्या से वकतना प्रवतशत कम/अचिक है ? (दो दशमलि
वबिं दुओ ं तक की गणना करें)
(a) 3.16% (b) 2.36% (c) 2.63% (d) 3.61% (e) 5.24%

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55. Number of females from branch Q is what percent of the total number of males from branch R, S and T
together ? (calculate up to two decimal points)
शाखा Q से मरहलाओ ं की संख्या, शाखा R, S और T से थमलाकर पुरुषों की कुल संख्या का वकतना प्रवतशत है ? (दो दशमलि वबिं दुओ ं तक
की गणना करें)
(a) 52.51% (b) 51.75% (c) 51.25% (d) 52.75% (e) 52.25%

Direction (56-60): - Pie chart given below shows the availability of six types of fishes which a dealer has and bar
chart given below shows percentage of fresh fishes out of total fishes. Study the data carefully and answer the
following questions.
नीचे फदया गया पाई चाटस छह प्रकार की मछथलयों की उपलब्धता दशासता है जो एक डीलर के पास होती है और नीचे फदया गया बार चाटस कुल
मछथलयों में से ताजी मछथलयों का प्रवतशत दशासता है। डेटा का ध्यानपूिसक अध्ययन करें और थनम्नथलखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।


Bhankur Barari
100° 30°











Bhankur China Rohu Barari Puplet Others

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Note: Total Others Fish = 15 ton

Total Fishes = Fresh Fish + Non-fresh Fish
नोट: कुल अन्य मछथलयाूँ = 15 टन
कुि मछजियााँ = ताज़ी मछथलयाूँ + गैर-ताज़ी मछथलयाूँ

56. The cost price of non-fresh Bhankur fish is 20% lower than that of fresh Bhankur fish. If the dealer sells all the
Bhankur that he has at a price 10% more than the cost price of fresh Bhankur fish, then find his approximate overall
profit percentage.
ताजा भांकुर मछली की तुलना में गैर-ताजी भांकुर मछली का लागत मूल्य 20% कम है। यफद डीलर अपने पास मौजूद सभी भांकुर को
ताजी भांकुर मछली के लागत मूल्य से 10% अचिक मूल्य पर बेचता है, तो उसका अनुमाथनत कुल लाभ प्रवतशत ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) 16% (b) 14% (c) 12% (d) 17% (e) 19%

57.What is the ratio of fresh Rohu fish to non-fresh Barari fish.

ताजी रोह मछली का गैर-ताजी बरारी मछली से अनुपात वकतना है ?
(a) 13 : 10 (b) 10 : 7 (c) 16 : 3 (d) 39 : 11 (e) None of these

58. If the ‘others’ compromises of 3 different fishes A, B and C and these are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 2. Also ratio of cost
per ton of these is in 5 : 1 : 2 respectively. Find the total cost of whole ‘others’ fish if 1 ton of B cost Rs.10000.
यफद 'अन्य' 3 अलग-अलग मछथलयों A, B और C से समझौता करते हैं और ये 1: 2: 2 के अनुपात में हैं साि ही इनमें से प्रवत टन लागत का
अनुपात क्रमशः 5:1:2 है। यफद 1 टन में B की लागत 10000 रुपये है, तो पूरी 'अन्य' मछली की कुल लागत ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) 4.2 lakhs (b) 3.3 lakhs (c) 3.1 lakhs (d) 4.4 lakhs (e) None of these

59. Fresh china fish comes from 3 different places & these have 6% impurity,12% impurity and 0% impurity and
quantity of these categories is in ratio 1: 5:1 respectively. Find the total impurity in fresh china fish.
ताजी चीन की मछली 3 अलग-अलग जगहों से आती है और इनमें 6% अशुद्धता, 12% अशुद्धता और 0% अशुद्धता होती है और इन श्रेशणयों
की मात्रा क्रमशः 1: 5: 1 के अनुपात में होती है। ताज़ी चीनी मछली में कुल अशुद्धता ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) 9.4 tons (b) 7.92 tons (c) 9.62 tons (d) 9.84 tons (e) 9.9 tons

60. If the profit earn from Puplet is Rs. 4000/ton and from Rohu is 6000/ton. Find the difference of total profit earned
from these fishes.
यफद पुपले ट से अशजि त लाभ 4000 रुपये/टन है और रोह से 6000/टन है। इन मछथलयों से अशजि त कुल लाभ का अंतर ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) 4.5 lakhs (b) 3.6 lakhs (c) 2.4 lakhs (d) 4.8 lakhs (e) 5 lakhs

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Chapter – 7 | Caselet Data Interpretation Based

Directions (61-65): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below it.
थनम्नथलखखत जानकारी का ध्यानपूिसक अध्ययन करें और उसके नीचे फदए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।
Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an Executive post in Indian railway, 450 candidates have prior experience
of working in Indian railways in rural areas only. 25% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of
working in Indian railways in urban areas only. 12% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of
working in SSCs in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates have prior Experience of working in
SSCs in rural areas only. 3,600 candidates have worked in both Railway and SSCs in urban areas only. 600
candidates have worked in both Railway and SSCs in rural areas only. The remaining candidates have no prior
experience of working in the both segments.
भारतीय रेलिे में एक कायसकारी पद के थलए पात्र 15,000 उम्मीदिारों में से 450 उम्मीदिारों को केिल ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में भारतीय रेलिे में
काम करने का पूिस अनुभि है। उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या का 25% केिल शहरी क्षेत्रों में भारतीय रेलिे में काम करने का पूिस अनुभि है।
उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या में से 12% के पास केिल शहरी क्षेत्रों में एसएससी में काम करने का पूिस अनुभि है। उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या
का 2% केिल ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में एसएससी में काम करने का पूिस अनुभि है। 3,600 उम्मीदिारों ने केिल शहरी क्षेत्रों में रेलिे और एसएससी
दोनों में काम वकया है। 600 उम्मीदिारों ने केिल ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में रेलिे और एसएससी दोनों में काम वकया है। शेष उम्मीदिारों को दोनों
क्षेत्रों में काम करने का कोई पूिस अनुभि नहीं है।
61. Total no of Candidates having prior experience of working in rural areas is what percent of total no of
candidates having experience of working in urban areas? (round off to 2 decimal places)
ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में काम करने का पूिस अनुभि रखने िाले उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या शहरी क्षेत्रों में काम करने का अनुभि रखने िाले
उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या का वकतना प्रवतशत है ? (दो दशमलि स्थानों तक पूणाांवकत करें)
(a) 13.75% (b) 13.25% (c) 14.25% (d) 15.75% (e) None of these

62. What percent of total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Indian railways?
उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या के वकतने प्रवतशत के पास भारतीय रेलिे में काम करने का पूिस अनुभि है ?
(a) 83% (b) 56% (c) 67% (d) 71% (e) None of these

63. What is ratio of the candidates who have a prior experience of working in Indian railways in rural areas only to
the candidates who have a prior experience of working in SSCs in rural areas only?
केिल ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में भारतीय रेलिे में काम करने का पूिस अनुभि रखने िाले उम्मीदिारों का केिल ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में एसएससी में काम
करने का पूिस अनुभि रखने िाले उम्मीदिारों से अनुपात वकतना है ?
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 3 : 2 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 4 (e) None of these

64. Candidates who have worked in SSCs in urban areas is what percent less than the number of candidates who
have worked in Indian railways in urban areas?
शहरी क्षेत्रों में एसएससी में काम करने िाले उम्मीदिारों की संख्या शहरी क्षेत्रों में भारतीय रेलिे में काम करने िाले उम्मीदिारों की संख्या
से वकतने प्रवतशत कम है ?
(a) 28.53% (b) 28.73% (c) 24.43% (d) 26.73% (e) 26.53%

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65. If 37% of inexperienced candidates are post graduate, then find the ratio between total number of experienced
candidates to the number of inexperienced candidates who are not postgraduate?
यफद 37% अनुभिहीन उम्मीदिार स्नातकोत्तर हैं, तो अनुभिी उम्मीदिारों की कुल संख्या का अनुभिहीन उम्मीदिारों की संख्या से अनुपात
ज्ञात कीशजये?
(a) 27:100 (b) 100:27 (c) 100:63 (d) 63:100 (e) None of these

Directions (66-69) : Answer the questions based on the information given below.
नीचे दी गई जानकारी के आिार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।

The ratio of number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and Anjum is 5:4, respectively. The number of curtains sold by
Anjum is 65% more than the number of bedsheets sold by him and 12 less than the number of curtains sold by
Mridul. Average number of curtains sold by Mridul and Anjum is 204. Number of mufflers sold by Mridul is 20% less
than number of curtains sold by him. Average number of mufflers sold by Mridul and Anjum is 10% more than the
number of bedsheets sold by Mridul.
ु और अंजुम द्वारा बेची गई चादरों की संख्या का अनुपात क्रमशः 5:4 है। अंजुम द्वारा बेचे गए पदों की संख्या उसके द्वारा बेची गई चादरों
की संख्या से 65% अचिक है और मरदल
ु द्वारा बेचे गए पदों की संख्या से 12 कम है। मरदल
ु और अंजुम द्वारा बेचे गए पदे की औसत संख्या 204
है। मफलर द्वारा बेचे गए मफलर की संख्या उसके द्वारा बेचे गए पदे की संख्या से 20% कम है। मरदल
ु और अंजुम द्वारा बेचे गए मफलरों की
औसत संख्या मरदल
ु द्वारा बेची गई चादरों की संख्या से 10% अचिक है।

66. The number of curtains sold by Mridul is how many more than the number of bedsheets sold by him?
ु द्वारा बेचे गए पदों की संख्या उसके द्वारा बेची गई चादरों की संख्या से वकतनी अचिक है?
(a) 52 (b) 48 (c) 80 (d) 60 (e) 66

67. What is the ratio between the number of curtains sold by Anjum and number of mufflers sold by Anjum,
अंजुम द्वारा बेचे गए पदों की संख्या और अंजुम द्वारा बेचे गए मफलरों की संख्या का क्रमशः अनुपात क्या है ?
(a) 11:9 (b) 9:7 (c) 12:7 (d) 5:3 (e) 8:7

68. The number of mufflers sold by Mridul is how much percent more/less than the number of bedsheets sold
by Anjum?
ु द्वारा बेचे गए मफलरों की संख्या, अंजुम द्वारा बेची गई चादरों की संख्या से वकतने प्रवतशत अचिक/कम है ?
(a) 30% (b) 50% (c) 40% (d) 35% (e) 45%

69. What is the average number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and Anjum together?
ु और अंजुम द्वारा थमलाकर बेची गई चादरों की औसत संख्या वकतनी है ?
(a) 140 (b) 135 (c) 128 (d) 146 (e) 120

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Chapter – 8 | Arithmetic Based Questions

70. In a coconut grove, (x + 2) trees yield 60 nuts per year, x trees yield 120 nuts per year and (x – 2) trees yield 180
nuts per year. If the average yield per year per tree be 100. Then the value of x is:
एक नाररयल के बगीचे में, प्रत्येक िषस )x + 2) िरक्ष 60 नाररयलों का उत्पादन करते हैं, x िरक्ष प्रवत िषस 120 नाररयलों का उत्पादन करते हैं
तिा )x – 2) िरक्ष प्रवतिषस 180 नाररयलों का उत्पादन करते हैं। यफद प्रवत िषस प्रवत िरक्ष का औसत उत्पादन 100 हो, तो x का मान क्या है?
(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 10 (e) 16

71. A, B & C bought a field for Rs. 30000. If A invested Rs. 20000 in this deal, when field was sold they received
certain profit. B’s share of profit was Rs. 1000 while C got profit of Rs. 800. Find the profit of A.
A, B और C ने ₹ 30000 में एक ज़मीन खरीदी। A ने इस सौदे में ₹ 20000 थनिेश वकये, ज़मीन वबकने पर उन्हें थनथित लाभ हुआ। B के
लाभ का भाग ₹ 1000 है जबवक C को ₹ 800 का लाभ हुआ। A का लाभ ज्ञात कीशजये।
(a) Rs. 2500 (b) Rs. 3000 (c) Rs. 3200 (d) Rs. 3600 (e) None of the

72. 72 kg of mixture contains sugar and salt in the ratio 7 : 5. What quantity of salt should be added to the
mixture to make the ratio of sugar and salt 1 : 2?
72 वकग्रा थमश्रण में चीनी और नमक का अनुपात 7 : 5 है। चीनी और नमक का अनुपात 1 : 2 करने के थलए थमश्रण में वकतनी मात्रा में
नमक थमलाया जाना चारहए।
(a) 50 kg (b) 53 kg (c) 54 kg (d) 55 kg (e) 56 kg

73. A shopkeeper marked an article 200% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 540 after allowing three
successive discounts of 20%, 25% and ‘x%’, respectively. If in the whole transaction, the shopkeeper earned a
profit of Rs. 140, then find the value of ‘x’.
एक दुकानदार ने एक िस्तु को क्रय मूल्य से 200% अचिक पर अंवकत वकया और क्रमशः 20%, 25% और 'x%' की तीन क्रथमक छूट की
अनुमवत देने के बाद िस्तु को Rs. 540 में बेच फदयाI यफद पूरे ले न-देन में, दुकानदार ने Rs. 140 का लाभ अशजि त वकया तो 'x' का मान ज्ञात
(a) 30 (b) 25 (c) 20 (d) 15 (e) 10

74. Shushant is 24 years younger than his father. His uncle will be 27 years elder to him when his father would be
twice of his age. What was the ratio of his uncle’s and his father’s age when he was 3 years old?
शुशांत अपने वपता से 24 साल छोटे हैं। उनके चाचा उनसे 27 साल बड़े होंगे , जब उनके वपता उनकी उम्र के दोगुने होंगे। जब िह 3 िषस का
िा, तो उसके चाचा और उसके वपता की आयु का अनुपात क्या िा?
(a) 10 : 9 (b) 9 : 8 (c) 8 : 7 (d) 11 : 10 (e) 12 : 11

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75. If the compound interest on a sum for 2 yr at 5% per annum is Rs. 8200, the simple interest on the same sum
at the same rate for the same period of time is:
एक िनराशश पर 2 िषों के थलए 5% की िावषि क दर से चक्रिरद्धद्ध ब्याज 8200 रु. है, उस िनराशश पर समान दर से समान समय अिचि के
थलए सािारण ब्याज क्या होगा?
(a) Rs. 800 (b) Rs. 8500 (c) Rs. 600 (d) Rs. 850 (e) Rs. 8000

1 1
76. Priya can do of the work in 10 days while Pooja can do of the work in 10 days. How long it will take for both
2 3
of them to finish the work if Priya started the work and they work on alternative days?
1 1
वप्रया 10 फदनों में काम कर सकती है जबवक पूजा 10 फदनों में काम कर सकती है। यफद वप्रया कायस शुरू करती है और िे िैकल्किक फदनों
2 3
में कायस करते हैं , तो उन दोनों को कायस समाप्त करने में वकतना समय लगेगा?
(a) 15 days (b) 18 days (c) 21 days (d) 24 days (e) 27 days

77. Ram bought a bike at 20% discount on MRP. After 1 year Ram sell the bike to Ramesh at 10% loss. After 1 year
more Ramesh sell the bike at 20% profit to Ranjan. If Ranjan paid Rs. 1,29,600, then find the M.R.P. of the bike?
राम ने अचिकतम खुदरा मूल्य पर 20% की छूट पर एक बाइक खरीदी 1 िषस बाद राम ने रमेश को 10% हाथन पर बाइक बेच दी। 1 िषस और
बाद रमेश बाइक को 20% लाभ पर रंजन को बेच देता है। यफद रंजन ने 1,29,600 रु. का भुगतान वकया, तो बाइक का M.R.P ज्ञात
(a) 1,50,000 (b) 2,25,000 (c) 1,40,000 (d) 2,00,000 (e) 1,80,000

78. The average weight of 25 students is 34 kg. It was found later that the weight of a student is misread as 86
kg instead of 36 kg, then find out the correct average?
25 छात्रों का औसत भार 34 वकग्रा है। बाद में यह पाया गया वक एक छात्र का िजन 36 वकलो के बजाय 86 वकलो पढा जाता है, तो सही
औसत ज्ञात कीशजये?
(a) 30 (b) 31 (c) 32 (d) 33 (e) 35

79. When Rs. '2P' is invested at simple interest of 'R%' p.a. for 5 years it becomes 4.2 times of itself. If Rs. (2P - 500)
is invested at simple interest of (R + 26)% p.a. it gives an interest of Rs. 9792 at the end of 4 years, then find the
value of 'P'.
जब '2P' रुपये को 5 साल के थलए 'R%' प्रवत िषस के सािारण ब्याज पर थनिेश वकया जाता है तो यह स्वयं का 4.2 गुना हो जाता है। यफद
रुपये (2P - 500) को (R + 26)% प्रवत िषस के सािारण ब्याज पर थनिेश वकया जाता है , तो यह 4 साल के अंत में 9792 रुपये का ब्याज
देता है, तो 'P' का मान ज्ञात करें।
(a) 2300 (b) 2800 (c) 2500 (d) 3000 (e) None of these

80. Rahul, a chemistry student, observes 12 tests and found that the average of their result is 36, but later he
realised that he calculated three values as 36, 46 and 28 instead of 43, 52 and 27. Find the difference between
the original average and calculated average.
रसायन विज्ञान के छात्र राहुल ने 12 परीक्षणों का अिलोकन वकया और पाया वक उनके पररणाम का औसत 36 है, ले वकन बाद में उन्हें
एहसास हुआ वक उन्होंने 43, 52 और 27 के बजाय 36, 46 और 28 के रूप में तीन मानों की गणना की। मूल औसत के बीच का अंतर ज्ञात
करें और औसत की गणना करे ।
(a) 2.5 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 1.5

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81. The ratio of length and breadth of a rectangle is 7:4. If the length of the rectangle is increased by 25% while
its breadth is decreased by 25%, then its perimeter becomes 376 cm. Find the original perimeter of the
एक आयत की लं बाई और चौड़ाई का अनुपात 7:4 है। यफद आयत की लं बाई में 25% की िरद्धद्ध की जाती है जबवक उसकी चौड़ाई में 25% की
कमी की जाती है, तो उसका पररमाप 376 सेमी हो जाता है। आयत का मूल पररमाप ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) 166 cm (b) 184 cm (c) 176 cm (d) 142 cm (e) None of these

82. A retailer marked a jacket 60% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 768 after offering a discount of 'x'%. He
purchased a shoes for Rs. 1,000 and sold it for Rs. 1,029 such that profit earned by him is Rs. '1.45x'. Find the sum of
the cost prices of jacket and shoes.
एक खुदरा विक्रेता ने एक जैकेट को उसके लागत मूल्य से 60% अचिक अंवकत वकया और 'x'% की छूट देने के बाद उसे 768 रुपये में बेच
फदया। उसने 1,000 रुपये में एक जूते खरीदे और उसे 1,029 रुपये में इस तरह बेचा वक उसके द्वारा अशजि त लाभ '1.45x' रुपये है। जैकेट और
जूतों के क्रय मूल्य का योग ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) Rs. 1,800 (b) Rs. 1,600 (c) Rs. 1,000 (d) Rs. 1,500 (e) Rs. 1,200

83. Manpreet can fill 80% of a tank in 36 hours while Sarvesh can fill the (12/25) part of the same tank in 19 hours
and 12 minutes. If Manpreet, Sarvesh and Kundan started working together and Sarvesh left after 25 hours, then
remaining two persons can fill the tank in 20 more hours. Find the time taken by Kundan alone to empty 25% of
the tank.
मनप्रीत 36 घंटे में एक टैं क का 80% भर सकता है जबवक सिेश उसी टैं क के (12/25) रहस्से को 19 घंटे और 12 थमनट में भर सकता है।
यफद मनप्रीत, सिेश और कुंदन एक साि काम करना शुरू करते हैं और सिेश 25 घंटे बाद छोड़ देता है, तो शेष दो व्यचि टैं क को और 20
घंटे में भर सकते हैं। टैं क के 25% खाली करने के थलए अकेले कुंदन द्वारा थलया गया समय ज्ञात कीशजए।
(a) 10 hours (b) 15 hours (c) 20 hours (d) 18 hours (e) 25 hours

84. A motor boat takes 1 litre of diesel to run for 40 km. When the speed of the stream is 16 km/h, the boat takes
24 litres diesel to run for 30 hours in upstream. If the speed of the stream was 8 km/h, then what will be the
speed of the boat in downstream?
एक मोटर बोट को 40 वकमी चलने में 1 लीटर डीजल लगता है। जब िारा की गवत 16 वकमी/घंटा है, तो नाि िारा के प्रवतकूल 30 घंटे
चलने के थलए 24 लीटर डीजल ले ती है। यफद िारा की गवत 8 वकमी/घंटा िी, तो िारा के अनुकूल नाि की गवत क्या होगी?
(a) 60 km/h (b) 72 km/h (c) 48 km/h (d) 64 km/h (e) 56 km/h

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51. Solution (b) ⇒ 39 : 11

Required % = (1150+1248)
× 100

× 100 ≈ 25% 58. Solution (b)
A : B : C = 1 : 2 : 2 = 1x + 2x + 2x
Total quantity of others = 5x = 15 tons
52. Solution (a)
50 50 x=3
Required no. of female employees = [ ×
100 100
25 Hence, we have
728 + × 280]
100 A = 3 tons
= 217
B = 6 tons
C = 6 tons
53. Solution (e)
Ratio of their costs/ton is in 5 : 1 : 2
Required ratio =
3×(600+592) Cost/ton of B is Rs. 10000
1768 221
= = ∴ cost of A/ton = Rs. 50000
3576 447

Cost of B/ton = Rs. 10000

54. Solution (c) Cost of C/ton = Rs. 20000
Required % = × 100 = 2.63% Total cost = 3 × 50000 + 6 × 10000 + 6 × 20000
= 1.5 lakhs + 0.6 lakhs + 1.2 lakhs
55. Solution (d) = 3.3 lakhs
Required % = × 100 = 52.75%
59. Solution (b)

56. Solution (d) Total fresh what china fish available

80 70
Let, total Bhankur = 100 units = × × 15 tons
100 10

Then, fresh Bhankur = 70 units = 84 tons

Non- fresh Bhankur = 30 units Ratio of 3 types of categories is 1 : 5 : 2.
Also, let cost price of fresh Bhankur is 10 Rs/unit Therefore,
Then, cost price of non-fresh Bhankur is 8 quantity of 6% impurity × 84 = 12 tons
Rs/unit Quantity of 12% impurity × 84 = 60 tons
Selling price of each unit of Bhankur = Rs. 11 Quantity of 0% impurity × 84 = 12 tons
Total CP = 70 × 10 + 30 × 8 = 940 Rs. Total impurity in fresh china fish
Total selling price = 100 × 11 = 1100 Rs. =
× 12 +
× 60 +
× 12
1100−940 100 100 100
Profit % = × 100 = 17.02% ≃ 17%
940 = 0.72 tons + 7.2 tons
= 7.92 tons
57. Solution (d)
65 90
Fresh fishr Rohu = × × 15 = 87.75 tons 60. Solution (a)
100 10
55 30
Non fresh fish Barari = × × 15 = 24.75 Total profit earned from Puplet
100 10
Required ratio = 87.75 : 24.75 = 4000 × × 15
⇒ 351 : 99 = Rs. 360000/-

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Total profit earned from Rohu = 4500

= 6000 × × 15 Inexperienced candidates who are not post
= Rs. 810000/- graduate = × 4500 = 2835
Difference = Rs. 450000/- Total experienced candidates = 10500
Ratio = = 100 ∶ 27
Total Candidates = 15000 66. Solution (d)
No. of candidates having experience in Let the number of bedsheets sold by Mridul
Indian railway (rural) = 450 and Anjum be '5x' and '4x', respectively.
Indian railway (urban) = × 15000 = 3750 Number of curtains sold by Anjum = 4x × 1.65
SSC (urban) = × 15000 = 1800 = '6.6x'

SSC (rural) =
× 15000 = 300 Number of curtains sold by Mridul = (6.6x + 12)
railway and SSC (urban) = 3600 Average number of curtains sold by Mridul

railway and SSC (rural) = 600 and Anjum = (6.6x + 6.6x + 12) ÷ 2 = 204

Candidates having no. experience = 15000 − Or, 6.6x + 6 = 204

(450 + 3750 + 1800 + 300 + 3600 + 600) = 4500 Or, x = (204 - 6) ÷ 6.6 = 30
So, number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and
61. Solution (e) Anjum is 150 and 120, respectively.
Desired percentage = × 100 = 14.75 % Number of curtains sold by Mridul and Anjum
Candidates having experience in rural areas = is 210 and 198, respectively
450 + 300 + 600 = 1350 Number of mufflers sold by Mridul = 210 × 0.8
Candidates having experience in urban areas = 168
= 3600 + 3750 + 1800 = 9150 Sum of number of mufflers sold by Mridul and
Anjum = 150 × 1.1 × 2 = 330
62. Solution (b)
So, number of mufflers sold by Anjum
Required percentage = ×
15000 = 330 - 168 = 162
100 = 56%
Mridul Anjum

63. Solution (b) Number of

Required Ratio = =3∶2 bedsheets sold 150 120

Number of curtains
64. Solution (e)
sold 210 198
Candidates with experience in SSC (urban)
= 1800 + 3600 = 5400 Number of mufflers
Railway (urban) = 3600 + 3750 = 7350 sold 168 162
Required percentage = × 100 = 26.53%
7350 Required difference = 210 - 150 = 60
Hence, option d.
65. Solution (b)
Candidates having no. prior experience

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67. Solution (a) So, number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and

Let the number of bedsheets sold by Mridul Anjum is 150 and 120, respectively.
and Anjum be '5x' and '4x', respectively. Number of curtains sold by Mridul and Anjum
Number of curtains sold by Anjum = 4x × 1.65 is 210 and 198, respectively
= '6.6x' Number of mufflers sold by Mridul = 210 × 0.8
Number of curtains sold by Mridul = (6.6x + 12) = 168
Average number of curtains sold by Mridul Sum of number of mufflers sold by Mridul and
and Anjum = (6.6x + 6.6x + 12) ÷ 2 = 204 Anjum = 150 × 1.1 × 2 = 330
Or, 6.6x + 6 = 204 So, number of mufflers sold by Anjum
Or, x = (204 - 6) ÷ 6.6 = 30 = 330 - 168 = 162
So, number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and Mridul Anjum
Anjum is 150 and 120, respectively.
Number of curtains sold by Mridul and Anjum Number of bedsheets

is 210 and 198, respectively sold 150 120

Number of mufflers sold by Mridul = 210 × 0.8 Number of curtains

= 168 sold 210 198
Sum of number of mufflers sold by Mridul and
Number of mufflers
Anjum = 150 × 1.1 × 2 = 330
sold 168 162
So, number of mufflers sold by Anjum
= 330 - 168 = 162 Required percentage = {(168 - 120) ÷ 120} X 100
= 40%
Mridul Anjum

Number of bedsheets sold 150 120 69. Solution (b)

Number of curtains sold 210 198 Let the number of bedsheets sold by Mridul
and Anjum be '5x' and '4x', respectively.
Number of mufflers sold 168 162 Number of curtains sold by Anjum = 4x × 1.65
Required ratio = 198:162 = 11:9 = '6.6x'
Number of curtains sold by Mridul = (6.6x + 12)
68. Solution (c) Average number of curtains sold by Mridul
Let the number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and Anjum = (6.6x + 6.6x + 12) ÷ 2 = 204
and Anjum be '5x' and '4x', respectively. Or, 6.6x + 6 = 204
Number of curtains sold by Anjum = 4x × 1.65 Or, x = (204 - 6) ÷ 6.6 = 30
= '6.6x' So, number of bedsheets sold by Mridul and
Number of curtains sold by Mridul = (6.6x + 12) Anjum is 150 and 120, respectively.
Average number of curtains sold by Mridul Number of curtains sold by Mridul and Anjum
and Anjum = (6.6x + 6.6x + 12) ÷ 2 = 204 is 210 and 198, respectively
Or, 6.6x + 6 = 204 Number of mufflers sold by Mridul = 210 × 0.8
Or, x = (204 - 6) ÷ 6.6 = 30 = 168

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Sum of number of mufflers sold by Mridul and Let x kg of salt be added to the mixture.
Anjum = 150 × 1.1 × 2 = 330 According to question:
So, number of mufflers sold by Anjum 42/(30 + x) = ½
= 330 - 168 = 162 ⇒ 84 = 30 + x

Mridul Anjum ⇒ x = 54
∴ 54 kg of salt should be added to the mixture
Number of bedsheets sold 150 120 to make the ratio of sugar and salt 1 : 2.

Number of curtains sold 210 198

73. Solution (b)
Number of mufflers sold 168 162
Cost price of the article = 540 – 140 = Rs. 400
Required average = (150 + 120) ÷ 2 = 135 Marked price of the article = 400 × 3 = Rs. 1,200
70. Solution (b) 1200 × 0.8 × 0.75 × {(100 – x)/100} = 540
Given: Average yield per year per tree is 100 Or, 720 × (100 – x) = 54000
⇒ 100 = (𝑥+2)+𝑥+𝑥−2
Or, 100 – x = 75

⇒ 100 =
60𝑥+120+120𝑥+180𝑥−360 Or, x = 25
⇒ 300𝑥 = 360𝑥 − 240
⇒ 60𝑥 = 240 74. Solution (a)
I am 24 years younger than my mother.
My father will be 27 years elder to me when my
71. Solution (d)
mother would be twice of my age. So, my
From the given data-
father would always be 27 years elder to me,
A, B & C bought a field for Rs. 300000
as difference between ages remains constant.
A invested Rs. 200000
When I was 3 years old, my mother’s age
∴ B & C invested = 300000 - 200000
would be (24 + 3) years, i.e., 27 years, and my
∴ B & C invested = 100000 Rs.
father’s age would be (27 + 3) years, i.e., 30
As profit will be split in the ratio of investments
∴ Investment of A ∶ investment of B & C = profit
∴ Ratio of my father’s and my mother’s age
of A ∶ profit of B & C
when I was 3 years old
⇒ 200000 ∶ 100000 = profit of A ∶ (10000 +
= 30/27 = 10 : 9
⇒ 200000 ∶ 100000 = profit of A ∶ 18000
75. Solution (e)
200000/100000 = Profit of A/18000
We know that compound interest = p [(1 +
⇒ 18000 × 2 = profit of A
r/100)n – 1]
∴ Profit of A = 36000 Rs.
⇒ 8200 = p [(1 + 5/100)2 – 1]
A will get Rs. 36000 profit
⇒ p = 8200/(41/400) = Rs. 80,000
We know that simple interest = PTR/100
72. Solution (c)
= (80,000 × 2 × 5)/100 = Rs. 8000
Quantity of sugar = (7/12) × 72 = 42
Quantity of salt = (5/12) × 72 = 30

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76. Solution (d) Actual average = 444/12 = 37

1 1 Required difference = 37 - 36 = 1
Priya’s one day work = =
2 × 10 20
1 1
Pooja’s one day work = =
3 × 10 30 81. Solution (c)
2 day work of Priya and Pooja Let the original length and breadth of the
1 1 3+2 5
= + = = rectangle be '7x' cm and '4x' cm, respectively.
20 30 60 60
= 12 days. ATQ,

So, Pooja and Priya will take 24 days if they 2 X {(1.25 X 7x) + (0.75 X 4x)} = 376

work alternatively. Or, 2 X (8.75x + 3x) = 376

Or, 11.75x = 188

77. Solution (a) Or, x = 16

80 Therefore, original perimeter of the rectangle
Ram’s cost price = M. R. P.×
100 = 2 X (7x + 4x) = 22x = 22 X 16 = 352 cm
80 90
Ramesh C. P. = M. R. P.× ×
100 100
80 90 120 82. Solution (b)
Ranjan C. P. = M. R. P.× × × = 1,29,600
100 100 100
Profit earned by selling the shoes = (1029 -
⇒ M.R.P. = Rs. 1,50,000
1000) = Rs. 29
Therefore, 'x' = 29/1.45 = 20
78. Solution (c)
25 × 34 − 86 + 36 So, marked price of jacket = 768/0.80 = Rs. 960
Corrected Average = = 32 kg So, cost price of jacket = 960/1.6 = Rs. 600
Cost price of the shoes = Rs. 1000
79. Solution (b) Required sum = 1000 + 600 = Rs. 1,600
{(2P X R X 5)/100} = (4.2P - 2P) 83. Solution (d)
Or, (2P X R X 5)/100} = 2.2P Time taken by Manpreet to fill the tank =
Or, R = (100/10) X 2.2 (36/0.80) = 45 hours
Or, R = 22 Time taken by Sarvesh to fill the tank = 19.2 X
Therefore, R + 26 = 22 + 26 = 48 (25/12) = 40 hours
Now, Let total capacity of the tank is 360 litres
{(2P - 500) X 48 X 4}/100} = 9792 Efficiency of Manpreet = (360/45) = 8
Or, 1.92 X (2P - 500) = 9792 litres/hour
Or, 2P - 500 = (9792/1.92) = 5100 Efficiency of Sarvesh = (360/40) = 9 litres/hour
Or, 2P = 5100 + 500 Let efficiency of outlet pipe Kundan be Kundan
Or, P = 2800 litres per hour
So, (8 + 9 - c) X 25 + (8 - c) X 20 = 360
80. Solution (d) Or, 425 - 25c + 160 - 20c = 360
Sum of the results of 24 tests = 36 X 12 = 432 Or, 45c = 225
Actual sum = 432 - (36 + 46 + 28) + (43 + 52 + Or, c = 5
27) = 444 Required time = (0.25 X 360)/5 = 18 hours

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Quant Updater – 04 | 06 June
Daily Quant Free Magazine for Bank Exam Students

84. Solution (e) Or, y – 16 = 32

Let the speed of the boat in still water = ‘y’ Or, y = 32 + 16 = 48
km/h So, downstream speed of the boat, when
Then, when speed of the stream is 16 km/h, stream speed is 8 km/h = 48 + 8 = 56 km/h
upstream speed of the boat = (y – 16) km/h
According to the question, .
Distance run by the boat upstream in 30 hours
= 24 × 40 = 960 km
So, upstream speed of the boat = 960/30 = 32

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