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Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Operations / IEO

Changan Ford Packaging Data Sheet(CAF 1121 sheet)

Supplier Details Ford Part Number
Ford Supplier Code: Today's Date: Prefix Base Suffix

Supplier Name & Part No.

Address Part Name : Plant Code(s)

Contact Person E-mail: Pieces per day BVT8A

Phone Number Fax Number: See reverse side for instructions relating to the numbered fields

Photo / Sketch of packaging Packaging Data

1 Packaging type

2 Effective Date
3 Confirm code
Container Type
or Number
5 Pieces Per Container

6 Length (cm)

7 Width (cm)

8 Height (cm)

9 Tare Weight (kg)

10 Piece Weight (kg)

The picture must clearly show part orientation within the container, and internal packaging details 11 Gross Weight (kg)
Expendable Packaging Durable Packaging Currency Code
must be recorded in the boxes below with additional details in Packaging Description if necessary. cost (per piece) cost (per piece)

Carton Details (for expendable type COP & PTP only)

13 Pieces Per Carton

14 Cartons per Layer

20 Durable Inserts 21 Expendable Inserts (insert quantity per container) Cells 15 Layers per Pallet

Qty per Container Foam paper PE Bags Oil 16 Length (cm)

Type/Ref. Number Layer Pads Bubble Wrap Polystryrene VCI 17 Width (cm)

22 Indicate if: Hazardous Mat'l (Y/N) Temperature Sensitive (Y/N) Weight Disc (Y/N) 18 Height (cm)

Approvals Return Form to: Packaging Description (complete if internal packaging used) OR
23 Signed Name (Printed) Date European Prod. Reason for non-IMC (Export only)
Supplier or FAX 24

Ford Packaging

Production Export

Quality or Fax


Version: January 2002

Form number: EU 1121C
Registered in England : No. 235446 Registered Office : Eagle Way, BRENTWOOD, Essex, CM13 3BW, UK This form may be photocopied
Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Operations / IEO
Changan Ford Packaging Data Sheet(CAF 1121 sheet)
Supplier Details Ford Part Number
Ford Supplier Code: 填廠商代碼 GSDB Today's Date: 填表日期 部品號碼 Prefix Base Suffix

Supplier Name & 填廠商公司英文名稱 Part No. 部品號碼前段 中段 後段

Address 填廠商公司英文地址 Part Name : 部品英文名稱 Plant Code(s)

Contact Person 填公司聯絡人英文姓名 E-mail: 聯絡人之 e-mail 信箱 Pieces per day 填預估每天之平均交貨量 L4
Phone Number 填公司電話號碼 Fax Number: 填公司之傳真電話號碼 See reverse side for instructions relating to the numbered fields

Photo / Sketch of packaging Packaging Data

1 Packaging type 一率填 Expendable
2 Effective Date 填新包裝方式採用日
3 Confirm code 填確認碼,一率填 P
Container Type 填包裝箱型式或號碼
or Number COP, PTP, PBX, TCR, TCP,
5 Pieces Per Container CTN,...
6 Length (cm) 填包裝箱 長 ( 含棧板 )
7 Width (cm) 填包裝箱 寬 ( 含棧板 )
8 Height (cm) 填包裝箱 高 ( 含棧板 )
9 Tare Weight (kg) 填包裝箱重量
10 Piece Weight (kg) 填單件部品重量
The picture must clearly show part orientation within the container, and internal packaging details 11 Gross Weight (kg) 填總重量 ( 部品總重 + 箱重 )
Expendable Packaging Durable Packaging Currency Code
must be recorded in the boxes below with additional details in Packaging Description if necessary. cost (per piece) cost (per piece)
12 填單件部品包裝價格 ( 不可回收 ) NTD
Carton Details (for expendable type COP & PTP only)
可重複使用內隔材 ( 勿填 ) 消耗性內隔材數量 ( 必須填寫 ) 13 Pieces Per Carton 填紙箱內包裝部品數
14 Cartons per Layer 填棧板上每層紙箱個數
20 Durable Inserts 21 Expendable Inserts (insert quantity per container) Cells 15 Layers per Pallet 填棧板堆疊紙箱層數
Qty per Container Foam paper PE Bags Oil 16 Length (cm) 填紙箱 長
Type/Ref. Number Layer Pads Bubble Wrap Polystryrene VCI 17 Width (cm) 填紙箱 寬
22 Indicate if: Hazardous Mat'l (Y/N) Temperature Sensitive (Y/N) Weight Disc (Y/N) 18 Height (cm) 填紙箱 高
是否對溫度敏感 是否超重
Approvals Return Form to: Packaging Description (complete if internal packaging used) OR
23 Signed Name (Printed) Date European Prod. Reason for non-IMC (Export only)
Supplier or FAX 24 填包裝方式 ( 如有使用內包裝材時 ) 或
Ford Packaging
填使用特殊包裝之原因 ( 非 IMC 規格 )
Production Export

Quality or Fax 並請在此註明單件部品長、寬、高


Version: January 2002

Form number: EU 1121C
Registered in England : No. 235446 Registered Office : Eagle Way, BRENTWOOD, Essex, CM13 3BW, UK This form may be photocopied
Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Operations, Europe

Production Part Packaging Data Form CAF 1121C

Notes to aid completion

Data submitted will be keypunched. Please type or print (BLOCK LETTERS) within the appropriate spaces.

An electronic copy of this form is available in Microsoft Excel from Lisa Milton email

Enter the five (5) digit supplier code, the current date (dd/mm/yy), supplier name & address
Also provide the name of the contact person with their phone, fax & E-mail address

PART NUMBER: Enter the current Ford part number (prefix-base-suffix).

A separate form must be submitted for each part (excluding coloured parts)

PIECES PER DAY: The average number of pieces that will be delivered each day for this part number

PHOTO/SKETCH OF PACKAGING: must show how the pieces are arranged in the container

1. PACKAGING TYPE: Durable or Expendable (Expendable in exceptional cases only)

2. EFFECTIVE DATE: Date when new packaging will first be used

3. CONFIRM CODE: Enter "C" if the packaging is confirmed. Enter "P" if the packaging is preliminary.
Resubmit this form when the packaging data has been confirmed.


If Returnable: enter container number which is unique for the container being used:
(obtained from your Ford Packaging Engineer) eg FLC1210, KLT6428, FE10406 or SE12345
If Export Carton: enter the number of the carton used eg IMC010
If Expendable: Enter one (1) of the container types listed below:
COP - Cartons On Pallet TCR - Timber Crate CTN - Carton
PTP - Pallet Tray Pack TCP - Timber Crate Integral Pallet BAG - Bag
PBX - Pallet Box PLT - Pallet (Parts Secured To Base) LSE - Loose
FPB - Flipside Pallet Box BDL - Bundle

5. PIECES PER CONTAINER: Enter the number of pieces for the container

6-8 LENGTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT: Enter the exterior dimensions of the container type including the pallet (in centimetres)
Dimensions only required if Packaging Type = "Expendable"

9. TARE WEIGHT: Enter the weight of the empty container and all expendable packaging materials that make up
the container type ( in kilogrammes)

10. PIECE WEIGHT: Enter the weight of one finished part (in kilogrammes)

11. GROSS WEIGHT: Enter the weight of one full container (in kilogrammes)
Check total weight: Item(11) = Items (5) x (10) + (9)

12. PACKAGING COST per piece for expendable and/or durable packaging and the Supplier's currency code

ITEMS 13 - 18 ONLY REQUIRED if the container type is COP or PTP

13. PIECES PER CARTON: Enter the number of parts contained within one carton or tray

14. CARTONS PER LAYER: Enter the total number of individual cartons or trays to be placed on one layer

15. LAYERS PER PALLET: Enter the total number of layers of trays or cartons to be placed on the pallet
Check total pieces Item (5) =Items (13) x (14) x (15)

16 - 18 LENGTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT: Enter the exterior dimensions of an individual carton or tray (in centimetres)

Version: June 2000 Registered in England : No. 235446 Registered Office : Eagle Way,
Form number: EU 1121 BRENTWOOD, Essex, CM13 3BW, UK This form may be photocopied

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