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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Literature Review on Gender Gap

Embarking on a literature review journey, especially on a topic as complex and nuanced as the
gender gap, can be an arduous task. The process involves delving into a plethora of scholarly articles,
books, and studies to synthesize existing knowledge and identify gaps for further exploration.
However, amidst the vast sea of information, navigating the intricacies of literature review writing
can be overwhelming for many.

One of the primary challenges lies in the sheer volume of literature available on the subject. Sorting
through numerous sources, each presenting varying perspectives and methodologies, requires
meticulous attention and discernment. Moreover, the dynamic nature of research means that new
studies are constantly emerging, adding to the already extensive pool of literature.

Furthermore, ensuring coherence and continuity in presenting ideas while maintaining critical
analysis poses another hurdle. Balancing between summarizing existing literature and offering
insightful interpretations demands both skill and precision. Moreover, the need to establish the
relevance of each source to the research question adds another layer of complexity.

For many researchers, time constraints exacerbate the challenges of crafting a comprehensive
literature review. Juggling various academic and personal commitments, allocating sufficient time for
extensive literature review can be daunting. Consequently, this can lead to rushed and inadequate
reviews that fail to capture the depth and breadth of existing scholarship.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes an attractive option for many
scholars. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution by providing expert guidance and support in
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versed in diverse academic fields, ⇒ ⇔ ensures meticulous attention to detail and
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By entrusting your literature review needs to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burdensome
task of synthesizing vast amounts of literature while ensuring the quality and coherence of your
review. Our tailored approach ensures that your literature review on the gender gap not only meets
but exceeds academic expectations, setting a strong foundation for your research endeavors.

In conclusion, while crafting a literature review on the gender gap presents numerous challenges,
seeking assistance from ⇒ ⇔ can streamline the process and ensure a comprehensive
and insightful review. With our expertise and dedication, we empower researchers to navigate the
complexities of literature review writing with confidence and proficiency.
Women as a community should participate as an active stakeholder for social, political and economic
development and part of any decision making at individual level, household level and society level.
In the remaining sections, we probe what is known about the various factors that con-tribute to the
gender pay gap, including the extent of and trends in these Francine D. Blau and
Lawrence M. In my findings, I found three articles that stood out the most to me, as well as some
statistical information. If female book characters are portrayed largely through the gaze of men, or
with a male lens, this can reinforce a lack of understanding of, and discrimination against,
underrepresented and non-male groups. This is possible only through the knowledge attained by the
researcher after reviewing the literature. This fact is significant for every literature review writing
service, and ours isn’t an exception. Students will be given a mathematics test and a survey before
and after implementation of the new instructional strategies. They tend to prefer books filled with
interesting facts and information. Appreciate gender differences. FAQ. Q2. Does behavior depend on
one’s gender. Gender And Gender Pay Gap Words 5 Pages Gender pay gaps have been a hot topic
over the last several years. Computer learning games, Internet research time, and cyberhunts all have
special appeal. Original Title: literature review-the gender pay gap. Nobody wants to have their
reputation damaged by a written literature review that contains plagiarism. Organizations are failing
to apply the law of the Equal Pay Act and for this reason the progress of gender pay equity is
Continue Reading. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 49, Iss. 1, pp. 105-120. Freeman, C.
E., 2004. Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women: 2004. QR Codes Generate QR Codes
for your digital content. Boycott Of The American Olympic Committee The Souls Of Black Folk
By. Providing boys with positive role models for reading, such as dads, coaches, and athletes, and
identifying writers and characters boys can relate to may be a good place to start. 17. In the similar
way men had been involved with jobs entailing moderately increased wages such as managers,
lawyers, scientists, executives, doctors and engineers. If you'd like to try for the writing position,
please, contact our support representatives for further instructions via the preferred channel (Live
Chat, Messenger, phone, email). Literature Review According to the (Dutta and Sen, 2020), that
those girls who completed secondary or higher secondary schooling were less exposed to child
marriage. This is due in part to what Lips refers to as system-justification beliefs; attempts towards
the validation of the gender gender pay gap a literature review gap by attributing it mainly to the
choices individuals make, while down-playing the role of discrimination. They were also facing
problems in schools like lack of boundary in school, no separate toilets, safety, school distance from
home, pressure of household works, poor economical condition and peer pressure negatively affects
the continuity of education. However, I am thoroughly satisfied with the work of expert. Documents
Similar To literature review-the gender pay gap. Assessment development might need to be gender
specific. 2. Instructors might need to examine teaching styles and instructional design to tailor
lessons to each gender learning differences. 3. More multimodal and hands on instruction. All
instruction will be administered during regular classroom time, following the scheduled curriculum
objectives. Owing to the partition observed with regard to gender in terms of work, women need to
undergo inferior varieties of occupations along with witnessing dearth of effectual bargaining
command in relation to the overall labour market (Rees, 1992). It was mentioned by Freeman (2004)
in this regard that the in case of the United States (US), the women were believed to have surpassed
the male gender in terms of education and was stated to be regarded as the learned sex from the time
period of 1990s. I understand that this issue might not apply to a college student; however, you need
to be aware of this issue since it could affect your major and future profession.
Gender Wage Gap Australia Words 6 Pages Introduction Since the late 19th century, women have
been struggling with the issue of not receiving the same amount of pay as men. What if, instead of
focusing on gender, publishers and content creators targeted consumers by their interests and
preferences. This difference in the structure of remuneration has been long observed to exist between
both the genders i.e. men as well as women. Striving to hold high the banner of the state-of-the-art
writing assistance resource, we constantly expand the range of provided services. Fathers of sons are
also less likely to read to them than fathers of girls. 5 In addition, men and teenage boys are more
likely than women and teenage girls to choose other entertainment activities, such as gaming, over
reading. 6. Women in Management Now Earn ?12,000 Less Than Men, with the Biggest Difference
at Director Level. One of such developments is with respect to cognitive ability that is indicated by
factors such as memory potential, arithmetic ability, and reading potential. Documents Social Science
Gender Studies Literature Review-The Gender Pay Gap. Lips Further unfairness is face by women
as a study of gender inequality conducted on Wall Street showed that women are viewed as future
mothers, this plus the rigorous hours worked per week have proven incompatible with family life thus
women are often depicted as not being dedicated to their careers. Statistical Analysis For
Determining Pay Discrimination. Countries with greater gender equality tend to have smaller pay
gap as well as less wealth inequality overall. One global study found that fourth-grade girls had
higher average reading achievement levels in almost all of the 50 countries surveyed than boys in the
same grade—a trend that has held since 2001 (figure 2). 8 We predict that this gender divide in
ability isn’t going away, and won’t until boys and men start reading as much and as often as girls
and women do. Nobody wants to have their reputation damaged by a written literature review that
contains plagiarism. Cornish (2009) points out the wage gap has affected aboriginal women who
have migrated to Ontario in search for a job. So if you are a researcher what are you waiting for.
They tend to prefer books filled with interesting facts and information. Organizations are failing to
apply the law of the Equal Pay Act and for this reason the progress of gender pay equity is Continue
Reading. According to the Children in India Report, Ministry of Statistics and Programme drop outs
rates in class IX and XI for girls are respectively 30% and 57%. It gender pay gap essay gender pay
gap essay, and gender inequality is still very prominent, gender pay gap essay, but in most cases,
masked. Gender Pay Gap, time: 6:25 the levels and changes in the gender pay gap. This can be done
by reviewing the literature and previous works done on the research topic. In the traditional societies,
the term gender equality was not there. Their qualifications and expertise allow them quickly and
sharply grasp the requirements and develop consistent papers. Till date around 3600 KGBVs Are
functional and 3.67 lakhs enrolled (as on March 2017). This PowerPoint is to review and revise
issues in gender and education. Moreover, our literature review writers identify the current research
gap and help you relate your findings to previous research. It was mentioned by Freeman (2004) in
this regard that the in case of the United States (US), the women were believed to have surpassed
the male gender in terms of education and was stated to be regarded as the learned sex from the time
period of 1990s. This break in the career has been observed to be quite prevalent among the women
than in the men. To shrink it, book publishers can think about how to appeal to their male customers
through both content and format. The brief draws on a comprehensive evidence review conducted by
the Global Center for Gender Equality at Stanford University.
For over a decade of operations, PaperHelp honed its problem-fixing skills to perfection, becoming
one of the most effective and reliable writing help services favored by US students. Christine E. Gibb
Second World Agroforestry Congress August 2009. Tree. Research Question. Additionally, at the
end of the research I will gladly provide final results upon request. Essay 3: Suggested Topics A
Raisin in the Sun was a play written in the late. If you need an undergraduate-level essay for college,
you don’t need to overpay for a Ph.D. degree-holding expert. Embed Host your publication on your
website or blog with just a few clicks. Do you think boys and girls are born different, or taught to be
different. Among the Union Territories, Lakshadweep has the highest literacy rate. Surveys will help
in answering the research question because of its applicability in quantitative research to identify
characteristics of data and make inferences to larger populations. Do you think most people have set
ideas (stereotypes) about male and female characteristics. Mollah (2018), described overall status of
Secondary education of all the district of WB on Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), Net Enrolment
Ratio (NER), Gender Parity Index (GPI), Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR), Student Classroom Ratio
(SCR). It was mentioned by Fullerton (1999) that the involvement of the female workers has been
found to augment throughout the previous half century in the field of highly developed economies.
AHEAD Conference University College Dublin March 16 th 2011 Presenters: Jane Owen
Hutchinson and Karen Atkinson. The second phase covered different variables or factors which were
found during literature regarding gender disparities in school education. Terms and concepts have
different definitions according to the reader. This was possible due to the Equal Pay Act and the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which are designed to bring the gender wage and other discriminatory
practices to an end. Gender pay gap a literature review The Gender Pay Gap in the United States: A
Literature Review The following four question will endeavor to shed some light into what seems to
be the root problem and what is the 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the gender pay gap. Therefore, I am
requesting your permission to have your child participate in the implementation of aforementioned
instructional strategies and to use your child’s data that is relative to the research. Journal of Research
in Science Teaching, 46(2), 166-191. Thus, the cause of this interruption has also been accounted
amongst one of the reasons behind the prevalent wage gap among both the genders. Men have
always had a greater and more powerful presence in careers of all kinds, gender pay gap essay.
Adherence to referencing styles requires a lot of time and knowledge. Your order will be completed
by a writing expert who is ready to evidence originality with reliable plagiarism-checking results. So,
in case you were assigned a 600-word paper (that makes a 3-page order), you can request a text of
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cost. This pay gap can affect women of all gender pay gap essay, race, religion and educational
levels. Diversifying book formats may also help to shrink the gender reading gap. Do you think boys
should play on the same team as boys. Students will be given a mathematics test and a survey before
and after implementation of the new instructional strategies. All the girls who dropped out were got
married of the same age group. Schultz, T.P (2002), discuss the importance of education for girls and
its implication on self, child health care, job related skill development and overall well beings. This
trend persists despite global illiteracy impacting women more than men. 2 In the coming year and
beyond, Deloitte Global predicts that boys and men in almost every country will continue to spend
less time reading books, and read them less frequently, than girls and women.
It becomes imperative to be mentioned in this context that almost every individual country is known
to witness certain situations which enhance or aggravate the difference existing in the amount of
wages paid to both the genders. As per UNICEF among many deep routed caused cultural beliefs
and poverty are the two main reasons for gender discrimination in our society. You’re guaranteed
smooth cooperation with a writing service expert who matches the requirements for your literature
review. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. If you need
an undergraduate-level essay for college, you don’t need to overpay for a Ph.D. degree-holding
expert. New Delhi, India: International Centre for Research on Women. Direct form of favouritism
has been affirmed to take place when individuals of the similar rank in terms of educational
achievements as well as work experience are found to be taken care of or rather regarded differently
owing to the reason of their respective gender for instance dissimilar levels of pay against the similar
category of work or even diverse job prerequisites in relation to the similar level of pay. The other
reasons are attitude towards spending for girl child education, accessibility, poverty, sanitation and
basic safety. Tatyana Sumner Fall 2012 ED.7201.T Action Research Final Presentation. Types of
psychometric tests of spatial ability, such as:three-dimensional rotation of images; judging relative
distance and relative velocity of moving objects mos. The initial reason has been identified to be the
principal responsibility of women for voluntary care work for instance education, fundamental family
services and children which appears to have been guiding them towards related fields of work with
regard to the relevant labour market (UNIFEM, 2005). Her research focuses on media,
entertainment, and consumer technology. Relatedly, Barsh identified a disparity of gender
representation in senior. Data collected from these sources will be reported as group findings;
therefore, all participants’ names and other information will remain anonymous. There are several
actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command
or malformed data. Statements like theses can grab people’s attention and get them to believe this
without much proof of it actually existing Another cause of this gender pay gap is that it has been
seen that women are more likely to work in part-time jobs. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is
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Emotions in both hemispheres which allows for easier access and ability to express feelings. We think
of knights in shining armor, lavish banquets, wandering minstrels, kings, queens, bishops, monks,
pilgrims, and glorious pageantry. If the gender pay gap is 15% then women, on average, earn 15%
less than men. Adept at creating voluble vocabulary Better at visual tasks Females Corpus callosum
(connects right and left hemispheres of brain) is up to 23% thicker in females than males. Literacy
skills have mainly increased the gender gap between girls and boys in education, which has led to
the difference in the performance for all the subjects in the school. Early marriage has a direct
relation with infant mortality rate. The teachers playing a significant role in the student’s life but
normally teachers were failed to connect the dots with students. Feel free to ask questions or share
additional instructions. Should the government do more to end the gender pay gap once and for
gender pay gap a literature review Figure 1: This graph shows the slow diminishment of the pay gap
over the course of 56 years. All instruction will be administered during regular classroom time,
following the scheduled curriculum objectives. The pool of writers on this platform encompasses
experts in every literature review type. As per UNDP Human Development report (1990-2017) India
is among the top ten countries in differences in average years of schooling for male (8.2 yrs) and
female (4.8 yrs). As per census 2011 there is a gender gap of 16.30% in literacy rate. Horizontal
segregation in this context refers to where men and women work in different industries and
occupations while vertical segregation applies to both genders working at various hierarchical levels
in the production unit.
Santa Barbra, CA: ABC-CLIO. Denmark, F. and Paludi, M. (2008). Psychology of women: A
handbook of issues and theories. This PowerPoint is to review and revise issues in gender and
education. Morrison Mirja Sjoblom PREM, Gender and Development Group. MOTIVATION.
International Migration of Women. Keesler, Ph.D. Bureau of Assessment and Accountability.
Lowest male literacy rate is in Bihar while Rajasthan. Appreciate gender differences. FAQ. Q2. Does
behavior depend on one’s gender. For instance, audiobooks may be leveling the playing field
between men and women, with some research suggesting that men consume audiobooks about as
much, 15 if not more, 16 than women. Reading books, especially fiction, is related to social acuity,
helping readers learn about other people and comprehend their motivations. 13 When we read, we
put ourselves in the characters’ shoes to see their points of view, fears, hopes, and experiences. They
tend to prefer books filled with interesting facts and information. This shows that society punishes
women for starting families as they do not meet. Since post-independence a conscious effort has
been made by central government through various Acts and policies with different schemes and
initiatives to bring gender equality in education. The notion of wage gap or rather wage inequity is
usually explained to be the disproportionate or disparate dealing of uniformly productive individuals
in relation to the aspect of remuneration. However, the constructive attainment of the trade unions
with regard to women’s employment has been regarded as uncontested as the structured or
controlled women are believed and found to experience the advantage of improved working
conditions as well as pay structures. It was mentioned by Freeman (2004) in this regard that the in
case of the United States (US), the women were believed to have surpassed the male gender in terms
of education and was stated to be regarded as the learned sex from the time period of 1990s. Since
we are aware of it, writing specialists complete every review from scratch. Children who watch more
hours of TV have more stereotypical views of gender roles. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into
interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. Do you think most people have set
ideas (stereotypes) about male and female characteristics. Women in Management Now Earn
?12,000 Less Than Men, with the Biggest Difference at Director Level. In my findings, I found three
articles that stood out the most to me, as well as some statistical information. How Predatory Debt
Traps Threaten Vulnerable Families, gender pay gap a literature review. Usually boys will not read
girls’ books, or if they are reading them then they may just not be confessing it. The government
must take initiative, as the civilian population cannot deal with this enormous problem on its own.
This trend persists despite global illiteracy impacting women more than men. 2 In the coming year
and beyond, Deloitte Global predicts that boys and men in almost every country will continue to
spend less time reading books, and read them less frequently, than girls and women. Gender Brain
Hemisphere DifferencesGeneral Information Left Hemisphere Receptive and Expressive Language -
Includes speaking, reading, writing, spelling, naming, and - Comprehension of grammar, syntax and
description that includes time, rhythm, verbal concept formation, analytical reasoning, and verbal
memory. Moreover, our literature review writers identify the current research gap and help you relate
your findings to previous research. This finding was consistent with other factors across groups such
as gender differences in general mental ability for participants from different socioeconomic levels
and ethnic groups. Download now. Save Save literature review-the gender pay gap For Later. Direct
form of favouritism has been affirmed to take place when individuals of the similar rank in terms of
educational achievements as well as work experience are found to be taken care of or rather regarded
differently owing to the reason of their respective gender for instance dissimilar levels of pay against
the similar category of work or even diverse job prerequisites in relation to the similar level of pay.
The Ministry of Women and Child Development also launched schemes like Balika Samriddhi
Yojana and Kishori Shakti Yojana.
Gender Brain Hemisphere Differences, ContinuedManifestations of Gender Hemisphere Differences
Males Language specialization in the left hemisphere and emotional specialization in the right
hemisphere makes more difficult to express emotion because thinner corpus callosum. Articles Get
discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. It gender pay gap essay gender pay
gap essay, and gender inequality is still very prominent, gender pay gap essay, but in most cases,
masked. It becomes imperative to be mentioned in this context that almost every individual country
is known to witness certain situations which enhance or aggravate the difference existing in the
amount of wages paid to both the genders. Relatedly, Barsh identified a disparity of gender
representation in senior Continue Reading. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. This
is due in part to what Lips refers to as system-justification beliefs; attempts towards the validation of
the gender gender pay gap a literature review gap by attributing it mainly to the choices individuals
make, while down-playing the role of discrimination. This study also talked that those girls students
weak in study than the family surrendered and never tried hard, teachers were never proactive to
teach a student who were lagging in studies. Elaine Rich. Speaking Behavior: Two Simple Examples.
Who knows you may start jokingly but end up creating something magnificent. In the similar way
men had been involved with jobs entailing moderately increased wages such as managers, lawyers,
scientists, executives, doctors and engineers. The researcher has all the data in hand to analyze and
come to a conclusion. Gender Differences. EXIT. Gender Concepts. Gender. Gender Identity. Click
the buttons for more information. That being said, we don't distribute pre-written essays and never
re-sell previously crafted works. Meanwhile Ramanaik and Bhattacharjee (2018), discussed about the
social and gender related norms which are pre-dominantly influencing a parent decision of an
adolescent girl out of fear for social rejection and parent generally prefers boys over girls to invest on
education and expectation for more involvement in household activities resulting unfavorable
condition at home causing lower retention of girls at Secondary level. In relation to the above
mentioned context, it was further stated that two chief reasons were identified that accounted for the
existing pay gap and they were stated to be the direct gender favouritism in the overall labour
markets along with occupational segregation. Available Formats DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online
from Scribd. College-level literature review help is at your disposal. When we turn out to be wrong
on our guess, we feel even more uncertain about our ability to tell the difference between men and
women (Bland, 2003). If you are an ordinary person who found this interesting, go ahead try your
luck in this field. The difference in the behaviours carried out by women was observed with regard
to their respective proficiencies within the workforce, their connection with the overall workforce
and also in relation to the investments made by them in the structure of human capital which is
measured to entail increased worth in terms of the labour market. This means we'll keep fixing the
work until the supervisor approves it. Thus, the cause of this interruption has also been accounted
amongst one of the reasons behind the prevalent wage gap among both the genders. This helps the
researcher to narrow down the population and make the study much more manageable. As part of
our curriculum, I am conducting an action research to determine possible beneficial effects of peer-
assisted and co-educational learning instructional strategies on achievement in and attitude toward
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Data collected from these sources will be reported as group findings; therefore, all participants’
names and other information will remain anonymous. For example, the team of professional editors
will expertly revise and refine a paper you've put together but don't have time or inspiration to polish
to perfection. The several kinds of prejudice in relation to the factor of occupational gender
separation are considered to be quite restrained along with being increasingly delicate to be regarded
followed by definite actions. This is termed as scientific research and is used in all research projects
irrelevant to the methodologies used. Cornish and Faraday (2008) noted that women salary for equal
position in Ontario is 29% below that of women indicating a wide salary gap across the gender
boundaries. Popular Topics. Gender Identity Essay Gender Inequalities Essay Gender Inequality
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Therefore, the interruptions recorded in the career of women for various reasons have been stated to
be another reason for the existence of the difference in the wage structure of men as well as women
(Consad Research Corporation, 2009). Betania Mueller. Marina Melenti. Center gender pay gap a
literature review American Progress. As per UNDP Human Development report (1990-2017) India is
among the top ten countries in differences in average years of schooling for male (8.2 yrs) and
female (4.8 yrs). As per census 2011 there is a gender gap of 16.30% in literacy rate. An example of
a short descriptive essay, written in response to the promp. Men talk more than women in public
situations, but less at home. (Deborah Tannen).. How many words per day do women use. Issues
with the academic writing style and field-specific terminology just make matters worse. There may
be an opportunity, for instance, for publishers and production studios to work together to adapt
popular action-movie franchises and video game worlds, especially those that largely appeal to boys
and men, into children’s books, young adult novels, and other reading or audiobook formats.
However, the experience of women in the field of employment cannot be considered to be that long
which makes them fall short of experience regarding work in contrast to the men (Consad Research
Corporation, 2009). The initial reason has been identified to be the principal responsibility of women
for voluntary care work for instance education, fundamental family services and children which
appears to have been guiding them towards related fields of work with regard to the relevant labour
market (UNIFEM, 2005). Gender And Gender Equality In The Gender Gap Words 6 Pages It isand
gender inequality is still very prominent, but in most cases, masked. Gender based violence Change
in gender relation Gendered impact of forced displacement in armed conflict. When children don’t
see people like them represented, or see harmful depictions of people who are like them, they can
suffer negative long-term outcomes, including lower self-esteem. 20 Content creators and distributors
such as publishing companies and production studios have an opportunity to advance literacy parity
because they can directly influence the content available in the market. Lips The United States is the
leader in many sectors and industries worldwide. Though most governments invest in their education
systems, expenditure on education globally was less than 4% of global GDP in 2019—with some
countries investing far more resources on education than others. 22 Raising the bar on education
funding and pursuing parity across nations should be a priority moving forward. This PowerPoint is
to review and revise issues in gender and education. The fact is the increase in the wages of women
tends to have an impact on the economy. Grants are rational deals between colleagues. 3. Myth:.
Reality:. Writing grant proposals is an ordeal. For over a decade of operations, PaperHelp honed its
problem-fixing skills to perfection, becoming one of the most effective and reliable writing help
services favored by US students. Summary This research project was designed to discover whether
gender differences might exist and be of significance in reading and assessment times for regular and
special education students in grade three. Documents Social Science Gender Studies Literature
Review-The Gender Pay Gap. The notion of wage gap or rather wage inequity is usually explained
to be the disproportionate or disparate dealing of uniformly productive individuals in relation to the
aspect of remuneration. Every research project has some kind of data collection; it may be going in
the field and collecting data through observations to gathering data through questionnaires, surveys
or works of literature. Importance of girls’ education still a far distant reality for a parent who
chooses boys over girls based on affordability. It major disadvantage is however its lack of ability to
explain the observed results (Connaway and Powell, 2010).Another applicable research method is
case study research.

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