MCT-113-MP 2022-MC-10

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Assignment No.

MCT113-Manufacturing Processes

Topic Circular Design of Plastic Products.

Submitted by: Muhammad Abu Bakar Khan

Submitted to: Sir Misbah Rehman
Submission Date: 16-May-2023

Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
 Circular Design of Plastic product
 How does circular design impact our design choice as an engineer?
 Which plastic material are useable for circular deign and which are not?
 Design Philosophy
 Example of the circular design
 What I like to design
 Design sketches (Reason, manufacturing process and material and
circular design features)

1. Circular Designs of Plastic products

Circular designs in the manufacturing process refer to the utilization of circular
economy principles and strategies to enhance sustainability and resource
efficiency. Circular design aims to minimize waste, reduce resource consumption,
and promote the reuse, recycling, and regeneration of materials and products.
Circular design starting from design then production and can be recycle.

In the context of manufacturing, circular design involves several key elements:

 Material Selection
Choosing a material that can be renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable
can ensure that the product have along life span. and can be easily
reintroduced into the production cycle.

 Product Durability:
Designing products to be long-lasting and durable reduces the need for
frequent replacements and minimizes waste generation.

 Molecular Design:

Creating products with modular components enables easy

disassembly and repair, allowing for the replacement of specific
parts instead of discarding the entire product.

 Design for Disassembly:

Ensuring that products are designed in a way that facilitates disassembly
at the end of their lifecycle promotes material recovery and recycling.

 Closed-Loop Systems:
Implementing closed-loop systems involves designing products so that
their components or materials can be easily recovered, recycled, and
reintroduced into the manufacturing process.

 Waste Reduction:
Minimizing waste generation during the manufacturing process through
efficient production methods, such as lean manufacturing techniques,
helps conserve resources and reduce environmental impact.

 Reverse Logistics:
Incorporating strategies for the return, refurbishment, and recycling
of products at the end of their life cycle enables the recovery of
valuable materials and reduces waste.
2. Circular design impacts our design choices
Circular designs can have a significant impact on our design choices as engineers. Here are a
few ways in which circular designs can influence engineering decisions:

1. Structural Integrity: Circular designs offer inherent strength and stability. The shape evenly
distributes forces, making it ideal for applications where structural integrity is crucial.
Engineers often utilize circular designs in structures like bridges, tunnels, and pressure
vessels to withstand loads and minimize stress concentrations.
2. Efficiency: Circular designs can optimize efficiency in various engineering applications. For
example, in fluid dynamics, circular pipes or ducts minimize pressure drop and turbulence,
resulting in efficient flow of liquids or gases. Circular gears, such as those found in
gearboxes, facilitate smooth and continuous motion transfer, reducing friction and energy
3. Stress Distribution: Circular designs distribute stresses more uniformly compared to angular
or rectangular shapes. This characteristic is especially important in applications where stress
concentration can lead to material failure, such as in the design of machine parts or structural
components. Circular designs can help engineers mitigate stress concentrations and increase
the overall durability of a design.
4. Symmetry and Aesthetics: Circular designs often possess inherent symmetry and pleasing
aesthetics. The use of circular elements in product design or architectural structures can
enhance visual appeal and create a sense of harmony. Engineers take into account the visual
aspect of circular designs to create products that are not only functional but also visually
appealing to the end-users.
5. Manufacturing and Fabrication: Circular designs can be advantageous during the
manufacturing and fabrication processes. Machining or fabricating circular components is
often simpler compared to complex angular or irregular shapes. Circular designs can be easily
formed, turned, or moulded, reducing manufacturing complexity and cost.
It's important to note that while circular designs offer numerous advantages, not all
engineering applications can utilize circular shapes exclusively. Each design problem
requires a thorough analysis of the specific requirements, constraints, and trade-offs to
determine the most suitable design approach.

3. Plastic material for the circular design

 Suitable
Suitable plastic materials for circular design:
1- Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
2- High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
3- Polypropylene (PP)
4- Polylactic acid (PLA)

 Non-Suitable
Plastic materials that are less suitable for circular design:
1- Polystyrene (PS)
2- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
3- Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)

4. Design Philosophy:
Q-What is Design philosophy?
Design philosophy refers to the underlying principles, beliefs, and values that
guide the approach and decisions made in the field of design. It provides a
framework for designers to conceptualize, create, and evaluate their work. Design
philosophy encompasses various aspects, including aesthetics, functionality, user
experience, sustainability, social responsibility, and cultural considerations.

Q-What is Design Philosophy of circular designs of Plastic product?

Circular design is an approach to design that aims to create products, systems,
and processes that are regenerative, sustainable, and waste-free. It is based on
the principles of the circular economy, which seeks to minimize resource
consumption and maximize resource reuse and recycling.
 Design for longevity
 Design for reuse
 Design for recycling
 Design for regeneration
 Design for system thinking
 Collaborative design
 Education and awareness

5. Example:
 Reusable Water Bottles
 Recycling Plastic Packaging
 Recycle plastic furniture
 Eco-friendly bags
 Modular plastic storage system
 Recycle plastic building material
 Recycle plastic textiles etc.

Any two products that I would like to design from the circular designing are:

 Recycling plastic packaging

 Eco friendly bags

1- Recycling Plastic Packaging

Packaging materials made from recycled plastics can help close the loop in the product life
cycle. They can be designed to be easily recyclable or compostable.

Design Sketch:

 Determine the purpose

 Sketch the basic shape
 Add details
 Labelling and information
 Ergonomics and aesthetics
 Test and refine
this is just a general guide to help you create a design sketch for recycling plastic

Circular design feature

Circular design features for recycled plastic packaging aim to maximize the
recyclability and sustainability of the packaging throughout its lifecycle. Here are
some common circular design features for recycled plastic packaging:
1. Material Selection: Choose plastic materials that are widely accepted and easily
recyclable in existing recycling systems. Avoid complex multi-layer or mixed plastic
structures that are difficult to separate and recycle.
2. Mono-Material Packaging: Design packaging using a single type of plastic resin to
facilitate the recycling process. This eliminates the need for separation and sorting,
making it easier to recycle.
In the manufacturing of recycling plastic packaging, various materials can be used,
depending on the specific requirements of the packaging and the recycling process.
Some common materials used include:

1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

2. High-Density Polypropylene (PP)
3. Polyethylene (HDPE)
4. Polypropylene (PP)
5. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
The manufacturing process of recycling plastic packaging typically involves several

Here is a general overview of the process:

1. Collection: Plastic packaging waste is collected from various sources, such as

recycling bins, waste management facilities, or specialized collection centres
2. Sorting: In this step, the plastic packaging is further sorted based on its resin type.
3. Shredding: The sorted plastic packaging is then mechanically shredded into small
pieces or flakes.
4. Washing: The shredded plastic flakes are thoroughly washed to remove any dirt,
debris, labels, or residual contaminants
5. Melting and Extrusion: The cleaned plastic flakes are melted down using heat and
converted into molten plastic
6. Pelletizing:
7. Manufacturing: The recycled plastic pellets are used as raw materials in the
manufacturing of new plastic products
8. Product Creation

2-Eco-friendly bags
Designing reusable shopping bags, tote bags, or backpacks from recycled or
biodegradable plastic helps reduce the consumption of single use plastic bags.

Design Sketch:
This design represents a basic tote bag shape, which is a popular choice for
eco-friendly bags. However, keep in mind that there are numerous
variations and styles you can explore to make your bag unique. You can
incorporate different materials, closures, handles, and additional pockets
based on your specific requirements.

 Circular design features

 When it comes to designing an eco-friendly bag, there are several circular
design features you can incorporate to minimize environmental impact. Here
are some key considerations. There are many features but I discuss those that
intend me:
 Material Selection: Choose sustainable materials such as organic cotton, hemp, jute,
or recycled/recyclable materials like recycled polyester or nylon. Avoid using
materials that are derived from non-renewable resources or contribute to pollution,
such as conventional synthetic fabrics or PVC.

 Durability: Design the bag to be durable and long-lasting. Opt for reinforced
stitching and strong materials to ensure it withstands wear and tear, reducing
the need for frequent replacements.

 Material and manufacturing

Manufacturing processes for eco-friendly bags typically focus on minimizing energy
consumption, reducing water usage, and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals.
Techniques such as low-impact dyeing, waterless printing, and non-toxic adhesives
are often employed to minimize the environmental impact during production
Organic Cotton: Bags made from organic cotton are biodegradable and produced
without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. The manufacturing process
typically involves spinning the cotton fibres into yarn and then weaving or knitting
them into fabric

6. What on I searched on chatGPT?

I took all the material from chatGPT. I searched what is actually circular
design then the circular design of plastic products. Then I search for design
philosophy and then I saw the examples of products that I could design
Then I think the products that I would like to design. I searched for design
sketches of the products I would like to design. As the ChatGPT is a text
based AI website so I couldn’t find any designs there. I took design from


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