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Name: U@B/NA, SopHia MaRLE V. Section; _M@O_2-72+1G Instruction: Answer questions properly, and they must be handwritten. 1. Define Tissue: Terver ore collection oy cub tances vimitar eens ane the ertrace vier curreunding . 2. List the 4 major types of tissues: a €Puhe lial - bining of eurgoce or body glandular c€tretion cavities } b. Connective - fuppent and poretion of pisever [organs © Merete - trong contenetion, body bevement d Nenous = Tranemission of teve imavies What are the 5 general characteristics of Epithelial Tissue: 3 a yetiable in shape anol divencionr Cuslmner, Cubsidel, Sqvenmove) The ceils site and morphology Gre generally cictatedl by weir foetion Renken wed chaps wg etalon svete ore Mapentaet indicators oF con chape ond dearity » pruwry morphologic cnterion por ‘ . Preleg' terion tor clossitying epivreliq a epiteliat cele shew pelardy * Baral pote + Apient pole AM eritheliol fierwes Ti at Whe bacenet membs eon thelial qfieeve, ( aptthetiol ieeves ore ayaceviar 4 Epithelial tissue can be classified by? Epthetio are clacsiied Becording # ‘Me number of eeu layers, He cet! Merphotogy 1% tHe outer layer, surfece medi¢icn °€ the ced and bared on the feneBon Ceyne al epithelium) 5. What is the function of glandular epithelium? The mayer ferction in mony tpithetiol celle 16 uysthesis ard secretion of fpPdialired provetr organs compored pivarily of Sh epitnetin are called glasds. 6. What are the 3 modes of secretion of exocrine glands? ' Merocrine ceeretion -tleaser pedvet , vevally con peeteine, by meen of “9 sroey recie are at tee epical the FecOPy celle Mert Crocine ort Mewenme, dn Horocdae FCErEHON - nection ic padveed by tne Sitiategration Df He Leeretey cote Ioemretver of Hey complete vheir sen nal dittetAheten, iseiwer becoming filled with prtvot As ppoerne cecretion ~inveives fore of men brare -eaclored apices! cytpiess. Classification of Epithelial Tissue Type of Location & Function Diagram Bust fae t Ont sim | €0¢aF on Uining Wt veseets (undo eetous snetva); cerevl OAi9 04 covinier; Peicordive, P'ee?A) peyiqone van reaction: Facilitates the lent line viccera Cmere meliva),o etive dearer: by pireestoric, secretion OF aeive melee ter Comerothetiven ) ietegical location! Covering me overy,shysid Sinelaat | Fenetion! Covering aad cecre kon ‘imple cation: Lini*™9 of inderking, Colurmar : goiibledder puretion; Treketion, lebricotio ts abeerphion , secretion Preudo. |Location | Uiain, — sratiteg 4 of trmchen, Cotummar | bronchi, aerat covi ae poral covity pection © Pateetion, seers tion, ciliamediate d tranepord of Ponticies wopped in mecet ast cee pir _pacsager Seated location: encom, moo Cera, Fangay, S900) anal cabal Fonction! Protection, Prevente unter are nd Feere son . Location: Sweat glands, developing Gtboldal | evadan fenicter Tonchien ! Protection ancl Secreto ‘suauneg | eaten :Porjunetva Colummar le nction! Predection locaton Bladder, ures, raat heer fetlen! Prtecton and Fis tencinitity

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