Literature Review End of Life Care

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Navigating the intricacies of a literature review on the topic of End-of-Life Care can be a daunting

task for many individuals. The process involves a comprehensive exploration and analysis of existing
scholarly works, aiming to provide a solid foundation for understanding the subject matter. The
challenges inherent in crafting a literature review for End-of-Life Care stem from the need to
synthesize diverse perspectives, theories, and empirical studies while maintaining a coherent narrative.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the extensive research required to identify relevant sources. The
abundance of academic journals, books, and articles on End-of-Life Care demands a meticulous
selection process to ensure the inclusion of high-quality and pertinent literature. Researchers often
find themselves grappling with the sheer volume of information, striving to strike a balance between
breadth and depth in their review.

Moreover, structuring the literature review can be a formidable task. Achieving a logical flow that
seamlessly integrates different themes and findings is crucial, and this requires a thorough
understanding of the subject matter. Writers must synthesize information from various sources to
construct a cohesive narrative that not only showcases the current state of knowledge but also
identifies gaps in the existing literature.

Additionally, the critical analysis required in a literature review demands a keen eye for detail.
Researchers must evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study, considering factors such as
methodology, sample size, and research design. This level of scrutiny ensures that the literature
review contributes to the ongoing scholarly conversation surrounding End-of-Life Care.

Given the complexity of writing a literature review on End-of-Life Care, individuals may find it
beneficial to seek assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those looking to
alleviate the challenges associated with literature review composition. The platform provides access
to experienced writers who specialize in the field of End-of-Life Care, ensuring that your literature
review is not only well-researched and comprehensive but also tailored to your specific requirements.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save valuable time and energy, allowing them to
focus on other aspects of their research or academic responsibilities. The platform's commitment to
delivering high-quality, customized literature reviews sets it apart as a trustworthy resource for those
navigating the intricate landscape of End-of-Life Care research.
The NHS is currently undergoing transformational change. This. Measure development in end-of-life
care should focus on areas with identified gaps, and testing should be done to facilitate
comparability across the care settings, populations, and clinical conditions. Rating of quality of
communication varies from 0 (very worst quality) to 10 (very best quality). The data extracted from
the 21 studies are presented in table 1. Picking up the challenge illustrated by the VOICES findings,
the NEoLCP’s. London and a palliative care specialist, to develop a web-based resource for. The
NEoLCP’s report What we know now that we didn’t know a year ago: New. Third, while our survey
response rate was high (63.7%), nonresponse bias is possible. Three studies 21, 23, 33 took place in
20 homes or more. These can include differences in terms of the treatment of the. Only papers
written in English were included which may have excluded important information, potentially
leading to cultural and demographic bias; however, only two papers fell into this category and had
poor quality. The National End of Life Care Intelligence Network has added significantly to the.
Verbal informed consent was obtained from families who participated in the Bereaved Family
Survey by telephone and, for those who completed the survey by mail, consent was implied by return
of the survey. Patients and healthcare professionals need further education regarding all illness-
related aspects, including the inevitable life-limiting character of COPD. During this time all GP
practices (including Out of Hours services) across the East of. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. Death is not just a physical reality, but a social event too and it is
important to address the emotional, social. Published to DH website, in electronic PDF format only.
The stress of the end of life process can exacerbate family tension. There was significant variation
according to the setting for care at death. Where the. The National End of life Care Programme have
developed a. This remains in payment for a period of 8 weeks after. Dying Matters promotional items
were distributed in the run up to the. The incidence rate of futile treatment in end-of-life admissions
was 12.1% across the three study hospitals (range 6.0%-19.6%). For admissions involving futile
treatment, the mean length of stay following the onset of futile treatment was 15 days, with 5.25 of
these days in the intensive care unit. An expert in medicines and their use who can advise. South
Liverpool, and Dying to Know Group, supported by Voluntary and Community. The carer on night
duty sleeps unless they are woken to deal with an. A number of changes have been made to improve
the rapid discharge pathway. Of 24,423 citations, we extracted 200 articles that described 261
measures, accepting 99 measures. Most interventions relied on single or a small number of teaching
The most robust measures were in the areas of symptoms, quality of life, and satisfaction; significant
gaps existed in continuity of care, advance care planning, spirituality, and caregiver well-being. In
many areas people qualify for 6-8 weeks of free rehabilitation services upon discharge from. The
length of the educational intervention, the amount and type of material covered and the timing and
frequency of follow-up were not clear. For many patients, maximal therapy for COPD produces only
modest relief of symptoms, leaving patients with significantly reduced health-related quality of life.
The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate
healthcare interventions: explanation and elaboration. An expert in medicines and their use who can
advise. This impacts upon the fulfilment of patients' preferences at the end of life. Councils have a
duty under the NHS and Community Care Act (1990) to assess people if they appear to be. Enabling
residents to live life to the full can mean that conversations about the end of life and determining a.
Project findings: One of the significant causes of persistent homelessness is often. The presence of
two or more of these prognostic indicators should be a reason for such discussions. English language
articles from 1990 to November 2005 describing measures with published psychometric data and
intervention studies of end-of-life care. The North West Clinical Pathway Group (2008) identified as
one of its 11 key. The group developed and adhered to a communication and education plan and as
a. The size of the sample determines how detailed the analysis can be. Therefore, actions to limit the
impact of having one researcher screening the databases were adopted. Therefore, it may be
important to have these discussions even with patients who are reluctant to do so. For more
information regarding the specific weak and strong points of each paper, please refer to Supplement
2. An educational intervention for nurse practitioners providing palliative care in nursing homes.
North Hants CCG has developed and implemented an end of life care pathway for all. These can
include differences in terms of the treatment of the. Carol has no family. She decided to plan for her
funeral. It is likely that a new resident will meet with staff to consider their needs and to develop a
support plan in. This type of study design does not provide robust evidence because it does not
consider the possible impact of other changes or special circumstances that could have influenced
findings. 36 For example, it is very likely that educational interventions were conducted in nursing
homes with particularly effective managers or those with especially good links to academic providers
and are thus atypical of nursing homes in general. Statistics (ONS) carried out the survey and
undertook the analysis. Perception of quality of life by patients, partners and treating physicians.
A11. Support for carers able to discuss worries with GP. Washington, DC: National Academy Press;
2001. 3. Higginson. But, in many cases we don’t have reliable markers of long-term outcome for
individuals. Adults with any advanced, progressive, incurable illness Care given in all settings Care
given in the last year(s) of life Patients, carers, family members.
However, the lack of accurate prognostic tools in COPD makes it difficult for clinicians to judge
when the ideal time to initiate palliative care discussions is. Limitations of the review Searches were
conducted from the inception of the databases up to September 2014 when this review was
submitted for publication. Key journals were hand searched ( Palliative Medicine, BMJ Palliative
and Supportive Care, BMC Palliative Care and International Journal of Palliative Nursing ).
Sometimes it is easier for people to talk about death and dying when there is no urgency to do so. It
can be. Furthermore, two thirds of these physicians who reported infrequently discussing end-of-life
care reported feeling inadequately prepared to have such discussions. OpenUrl ? Finucane A,
Stevenson B, Moyes R, et al. It is likely that a new resident will meet with staff to consider their
needs and to develop a support plan in. Their care and support services may need a small tweak, or.
Obviously she was shocked as it was the first time that she had experienced a death and seen a body.
More information on the AMBER Care Bundle can be found on the GSTT website. Attitudes
regarding advance directives among patients in pulmonary rehabilitation. As it is an overarching
topic, the work will necessarily span the three Domains of the. Some patients prefer a direct
approach to discussing prognosis, while others prefer a more indirect approach 31. Most
interventions relied on single or a small number of teaching sessions. Methods In total, 1693 in-
hospital deaths, 356 in ICU, were reviewed, including patient demographics, advance care plans,
life-sustaining treatments, recognition of dying by clinicians and evidence of the palliative approach
to patient care. The AMBER care bundle has been identified as a key enabler in the Transform. The
guidelines 9 recommend that all health workers should understand the physical, psychological, social
and spiritual issues that affect people with life-limiting conditions, recognise the requirements of
different cultural groups and be able to adopt a palliative care approach as soon as the individual
enters the end-of-life period. In addition to 35 measures recommended in a prior systematic review,
we identified an additional 64 measures of the end-of-life experience. Enabling residents to live life
to the full can mean that conversations about the end of life and determining a. LaToya Thomas, RN,
BSN Nova Southeastern University. North West, was launched nationally in January 2010.
Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPaCCS). 21. Chapter 4: Improving outcomes for
people approaching the end of life: coordination and. As you will know by now my Mum passed
away yesterday morning (. The report on Deaths from Liver Disease hit the attention of the media
when it was. Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are beginning to pick up their role in commissioning.
Nursing, Local Authority CEs, Directors of Adult SSs, PCT Cluster. These data confirm and extend
the results of two prior studies performed in elderly outpatients without severe comorbidities 58 and
in seriously ill, hospitalised patients with several different primary diagnoses 59. An LPoA is a
statutory form of power of attorney that gives another individual the legal authority to look. J Pain
Symptom Manage. 2008;35(4):365-371. PubMed Google Scholar Crossref 12. Teno.

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