Tweets Dan Koe

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RT @thedankoe : Success is about letting go.

Let go of the excessive partying, cheap entertainment, mindless distractions, and

everything else that feels good for an hour but bad for a week.

When you have a big meaningful goal, achieving it is as simple as sacrificing what
stands in the way.
RT @thedankoe : Letting people win arguments is a skill.

Practice it.

You will realize that your ego loves to prove itself right, even when you are
wrong. And the result is always a waste of precious time.

You will be happier if you put your attention, energy, and desire toward your
On the flip side, if I want to talk bout business buy my main niche is
spirituality, then do the same thing.

Talk about how business growth demands personal growth, and how starting a business
is a more viable path to spiritual development than meditation, as an example.
Yes, you'll have to prioritize.

Second, you can't just throw all writing advice out the window. You need to make
your interests interesting to other people so they can become interested in it.

You will have to follow a beginner > advanced progression to educate your
To creators that are afraid to talk about their interests:

1) You are interested in your main niche (obviously).

2) You follow 200-500 other people with varying interests.

How can you believe that you have to stick to one interest when YOU follow 10-20
different interests?
@NorthstarBrain Very close, but I would delete my account if I posted that
first sentence hahaha
RT @NorthstarBrain : Can I AUTOMATE Dan Koe @thedankoe ?

Yes, you read that right. And if you don't know who he is, close your Twitter.

Step by step. The Result will SURPRISE you!

KoeAI tweet at the end:
RT @iamjustincscott : We are entering a Neo-Renaissance.
A new golden age of enlightenment, prosperity, and abundance.

More and more people are waking up to this fact.

They’re disillusioned with the traditional + outdated systems of work, education,

and the way they were told to do things in order…
Success is about letting go.

Let go of the excessive partying, cheap entertainment, mindless distractions, and

everything else that feels good for an hour but bad for a week.

When you have a big meaningful goal, achieving it is as simple as sacrificing what
stands in the way.
Letting people win arguments is a skill.

Practice it.

You will realize that your ego loves to prove itself right, even when you are
wrong. And the result is always a waste of precious time.

You will be happier if you put your attention, energy, and desire toward your
The art of focus book coming soon
@Tobias_Ruig I break down my system in 7 days to genius (free on my site)

Also working on an app to help streamline the process. Probably a 3-6 months out
@plavnikjv gym good
@KhalidMakki64 thanks you too
@jasonstrimpel lfg
@SamuraiMastery just copy paste this wherever you see an excuse:
@HaleyLeitman gym is therapy
@RyanJAyala My favorite connection to make here is how musicians have their
specific style that people love

When someone switches from punk to pop they usually destroy what they've built

Stresses the importance of refining and repeating your best ideas for life. People
won't be as annoyed…
Don't care, didn't ask, go to the gym
@Tobias_Ruig I share them occasionally on the newsletter - but usually not
under the lens of those things. Moreso descriptions of how business mimics the
patterns of those
@theoldcuratoruk The Art Of Focus (coming soon ;))

I don't know of many that talk about those specifically (I haven't read any). The
best teacher is building the business, identifying whats preventing you from
reaching the next level, and acquiring the skill to solve that problem.
@PostiauxCharles good inspo
@Manny_Masters did somebody say walking
Current read highly recommend
Current physique (and bookshelf) to show I still lift (physically and
mentally) and of course to stroke my own ego will meditate now on a walk
Age is necessary for maturity, but doesn't guarantee it.

There are plenty of physical 40-year-olds that are a mental 15. Maturity is
determined by experience.

If you don't meet reality through failure, often, your body will grow old while
your mind clings to a fantasy.
@iamjustincscott c r e a t e
@escapingvanity yes
Build your mind with books, self-reflection, and writing.

Build your body with the gym, long walks, and nutrient-dense foods.

Build your business with skill acquisition, problem-solving, and self-promotion.

Becoming multidimensionally jacked is the path to the good life.

Stop trying to figure out what to do.

Start trying to figure out what not to do.

It's a sad and easily observable fact that 95% of the population are distracted,
puppets to their conditioning, and aren't doing anything notable.

Watch what they do.

Avoid what they do.
(this is a reminder to myself to stop blindly taking on "opportunities" that
make life worse)

(im sure i'll care about them at some point so its not set in stone, firm beliefs
held loosely)

(i really want to see how far someone can take it as one person / super small team)
I don't care about hiring dozens of employees.

I don't care about managing teams and scaling to the moon.

I don't care about watering down what built me to this point.

I care about understanding, creative struggle, and self-development. Everything
else is to be eliminated.
Most people will spend 5 days worrying about a task that takes them 5 minutes
to complete. This is your competition.

People that only consume short tweets, videos, and headlines are much more
emotional and reactive because they condition themselves into a shallow worldview.

Consume books, articles, podcasts, and lectures for depth and nuance. Contemplate
and question often.
@aletha_kuschan Ah yes someone projecting because they read the title and
didn’t watch the video
@TaurtsHanvere cmon man
@iamjustincscott Abundance in chat
People don’t believe me when I say I work less than 4 hours a day.

(Mostly little kids with too much time on their hands)

If a 9-5er with kids can build a business in 1 hour every morning, you don’t have
to work 14 hours as a status symbol
If you don't know where to start, read this:
I *try* to make all business decisions based around my desired lifestyle.

The common route:

- Niche and small scale

- High ticket coaching / consult
- Eventually needs employees
- Productize eventually but 95% of people never reach that point and get stuck in
Lean mind, lean body, lean business.

Chosen responsibilities, chosen goals, chosen lifestyle.

This is the way in a society that thrives off of you being burdened by the
responsibilities they outsource to you.

Don't be a multidimensionally overweight cog in the machine.

@IAmAaronWill @WrongsToWrite Thank you son, you are loved
You feel like shit because your actions aren't aligned with the goals of your
highest self.
@RealRockyF Remember when you wanted Chipotle double meat but couldn't afford

my best work sessions came after that

@JustinEgliskis Good thread man, appreciate you either way haha
The 4 pillars of a one person business:

Brand, content, product, marketing.

Brand is your story.

Content is your map.
Product is your solution.
Marketing is your experience.

Here’s how you turn yourself into a business:
Everything is a skill.

Walking, speaking, writing, design, making money, business, dating, being social,
nutrition, training.

Every skill is difficult until it becomes second nature. You aren't seeing the
results you want because you distract yourself from daily practice.
When you lose direction, you need clarity.

Pull out a notebook. Spill your mental chaos into it. Dissect it. Understand it.
Flip the page. Organize it.

Set your mind on a meaningful future. Focus your attention on the present. Bridge
the gap with a plan.

Then, take the leap.

Read this if you feel the fire in the belly:
Go to the fucking gym.

Go on a fucking walk.

Build a fucking business.

Learn to calm the fuck down.

Maximize every fucking area of your life.

Mind, body, spirit, business.

Your quality of life will be high as fuck.

Most people walk blindly through life.
No observing. No reflecting. No questioning. No strategizing like a mad scientist
to take over the world. So their time is filled with responsibilities they didn’t

You can change direction at any time.

If you make the time.

@heyjoeyjustice gn
@Noahscotthere Love it dude🤝
@mrdanielamadi I try to be of the mind of “just hit send it’ll be better next

In terms of quantity, same thing. Test and iterate for a few years
@KhalidMakki64 “What am I actually trying to say here and does it make sense
to someone who has never been introduced to the topic? And if it doesn’t, what else
do I have to create so that it does make sense?

That’s been the fuel behind most of my newsletters / YT vids. They build on top of…
@akramWays Thought the same thing man.

It’s hard for me to give exact steps but what has helped me:

- Read, watch, and learn from multiple interests and perspectives

- Only write down ideas that you feel like you have to write down because it would
hurt to forget them

- Use them in your…

@akramWays Creativity is both a skill and state of mind that can be developed
and spent more time in

As with anything else, beginner intermediate advanced still applies

create create create create create create create create create create create
On a practical note, this is how I’ve gone about structuring my mornings:
You're bored because you're comfortable.

You're comfortable because you're scared of change.

You're scared of change because you lack perspective.

Don't change everything at once.

Change one thing at a time.
But don't aim small.

Big irrational goals.

Small rational steps.
@Truthority No worries man, was trying to make a joke toward the gods
laughing at us for trying - yet thats all we do anytime we act/move - so we should
have a laugh at ourselves (even though i believe it necessary)

Sorry to hear about your day. Was there last week. Stay safe and aware🙏
@derekmriordan Yup, the main things that lead to growth toward ideal

Thank you brother

@Truthority send me your email so I can refund and remove

my reply hinted nothing at that, you're projecting under an account called

'truthority' and it's offputting
@mentos_maker I used to intermittent fast and enjoyed it.

The big breakfast is digestible, about 1000 cals of eggs, rice, honey, spinach,
goat cheese and I feel great. Rarely hungry later in the day
@jeff5272 Yup business hygeine/growth

Content, community, funnel, new projects like book etc

@otherwordyedits @SeanDoesLife @JasonFowlerArt This is why I (try) to
encourage so many to create. Because even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to give my
best via experience to someone with a family and kids.

And, I don't want to dilute what has worked well for me by adding 20 disclaimers
and attempting to navigate all…
@Truthority as they are at your reply
@SparkP3rception follow @Grimhood
@mrdanielamadi Those have been recently outsourced, and I don't do client
work (nuance because of test program), so no
@spencertadams 🥵
@MitchWilderAds Just habit - I like being able to go straight outside and not
have to worry about anything else in the morning

Can think through the day in my head

@TaurtsHanvere Often yes
@chadunderwood Considered a focus supplement at one point haha
The Koecaine morning routine:

- wake up
- drown myself in magnesium oil
- morning walk at sunrise
- brew coffee & hygiene
- creative writing for 60-90 minutes
- big breakfast and walk
- lever moving tasks 60-120 minutes
- work day is over if wanted

Feel incredible lately.

@FirasKayssi As it should be🤝

Glad to have you in man

@FirasKayssi @OmeghieFaith It’s “baked into” the curriculum, it’s not labeled
2 hour writer in the course itself!

As long as you go through it all you are learning the same thing - that way it
makes sense with everything else in DE
Brands hire based on content.

People buy based on content.

Self-taught students learn from content.

I'm breaking this down in The One Person Business 2.0 letter going out Saturday.

Read the last issue and join the list here:
Virtual reality is here.

Social media is a new digital society.

The creator economy is a decentralized market.

Personal brands are the "people" that contribute to the developing civilization.

Consumers haven't realized their survival depends on adapting to this new

You’re allowed to start over.

Skills are transferable.

If you know you’re heading in the wrong direction, it’s stupid to continue just
because you feel like you have to (or because other people expect you to).
@dickiebush Dr. Mike the goat
Doing whatever you want is self corrective if you don’t ignore the pain of
stupid decisions.
The person that puts off their future for cheap pleasures will suffer now and
more when they are finally forced to act.

The person that takes responsibility for their future will find joy in the
challenge and eliminate the pain before it becomes to heavy to carry.
@iamjustincscott Honorable and brave
The Art of Focus book coming soon
@TheNotoriousALG The Greeks never miss
It's difficult to imagine how spiritually evolved our world would be if the
words "consciousness" and "awareness" were a thing a few thousand years ago.

Both bible thumpers and atheists would be a tiny minority.

At the end of the day arguments are a battle between relative worldviews and
that alone should illustrate how stupid they are. You don’t have to engage in an
argument. It won’t make you happier. It won’t help you make progress. It will only
waste time that you won’t get back.
@iamjustincscott :0
Nobody wants to face the fact that negative emotions are a part of life.

Hiding from them will only bring you more pain.

Instead, use them as rocket fuel.

Channel them towards a meaningful goal:
@cognitivity_ Glad to have you here brother, grateful🙏
If I have writer's block I always default to this framework:

1) Big idea or problem

2a) Real-world examples
2b) Actionable steps to take
3) Hard-hitting conclusion of the most important aspects

You can use this for tweets, reels, newsletter sections, YouTube outlines, etc.
@dickiebush “So you’re saying I can just go on a walk, talk about it, and
build an audience around it?”

Yes, yes I am
@batwez7 Appreciate the fk out of you brother
@nathansaldanha_ One cannot become genius without first being idiot🤝
@redimameti I haven't thought of that, but probably not since we are closing
in on launch and I don't want to split focus (ha)

There will be a forum / community for the readers after launch though which may
help contribute to future versions
@MathewGarofalo Appreciate you brother. The draft written at that time was
trashed, but it was necessary
@BrandMarz Estimated September 5th

There will be preorders 1-1.5 months before that, so soon🤝

The Art of Focus book coming soon
1 hour of focus on the right thing is better than 14 hours of distraction on
the wrong.
No action is right or wrong, but can be seen as investments toward figuring
out what you do and don’t want out of life.
@JakobRisley Pretty nuts how it’s brought people from other platforms here
too. Lot of good people that thought twitter wasn’t worth downloading or using

Appreciate you dude

Entrepreneurship is not building a billion dollar company.

Entrepreneurship is not sacrificing your innate desires and interests.

Entrepreneurship is not being a used car salesman or shady marketer.

Strip every label and connotation you've attached to entrepreneurship due to a…
Entrepreneurship is for everyone. And everyone already practices
entrepreneurial skills in every domain except money.

Most people's pains revolve around money, and society has evolved to reflect this
in providing “security” through social conditioning and a clear path laid in…
@thenilsselbert Got you

If you feel like working longer I wouldn’t limit it though. Just be mindful of
where the work is focused
@savjot_chohan 3-4 hours first thing in the morning has always been a
structured staple for me
@thenilsselbert With this, those 1-2 hours were my main priority and what I
cared about most.

My output suffered in school and 9-5 work but I was willing to take that hit
because I saw business as my only option. I make it work or die trying for the rest
of my life
@thenilsselbert For most people there's no other option.

I built my business with 1-2 hours outside of my 9-5 and in my free time.

I've worked longer hours when building out a new project, but it wasn't forced -
and I only had the time to do so since my business was already successful-ish
Creative work is not about working 12-14 hour days.

Productivity = stress.

Stress = closed mind.

Closed mind = low creativity.

If you want to earn more as a creative, work less and do this instead:
My creator philosophy:

1) Go large and broad so you can talk about whatever you want.

2) Your newsletter, products, and services create beginner to advanced niche sub-

A map that guides people through the hierarchy of needs as you self-actualize.
Money is a necessary pursuit until the point where you can shift your focus
to what you enjoy spending time on.
This is your catalyst:
@Manny_Masters Biggest mistake I made was trying to stay too lean, always
ended up binging. Hunger is down and energy is up now, and still leaner than most
people. Managing expectations is big
@gothslatt 2.5 months out, appreciate you🙏
The Art Of Focus book coming soon
Weird becomes interesting when you're confident in your own skin.
How to outperform most people:

1) Repeat the boring fundamentals

2) Let everyone else drown in tactics

You need 1-2 months of momentum before you see any meaningful results.

If you don't control your attention, you will keep starting over when you find a
new shiny tactic.
@TaurtsHanvere Lot of projection, assumptions, and anti hustle culture
indoctrination here. Are you really free?
The greatest feeling is finishing your work for the day before the average
person wakes up.
@iamjustincscott @ZoldenGames Transcend and include
Here's how you create and act on the plan:
People love to gatekeep and shit on beginners in any industry.

Which isn't a bad thing, because it filters out who is actually serious about

At the same time, at least they are putting themselves out there instead of sitting
in their mom's basement.

Keep going.
@thejustinwelsh They are the best way to learn from reality.

Without the strength, you won't be able to bench 315lbs.

Without the skill, you won't be able to make $100K in business.

It takes years of multi-dimensional progressive overload.

You need a plan.

But most people plan on letting society tell them what to do, when to do it, and
how to do it. This is exactly how you end up a victim.

If you don't create a plan, you will be assigned one that benefits others and keeps
you a modern slave.
Chances are you already know what makes you happy, but someone convinced you
otherwise (and you listened). So you continue chasing things that make you unhappy.
Snap out of it.
Life is a process of discovering what you actually want out of it and
removing anything that gets in the way of that. But in order to do that you must
fail, fuck up, and become brutally aware of what you don’t want in your life.
@TheKemLoui @thejustinwelsh Showing up with good ideas is a principle for all
levels. Beginners will have to use different tactics to get those ideas in front of
people so they can be seen. Once you have an audience they get spread with less
@ChemliRafik @thejustinwelsh It's iterative
@ChemliRafik @thejustinwelsh 1. The source of the idea and if it's already
good (how long has it lasted and what is the general response to it)

2. Not worrying about every idea being good, because you can't have bad ones
without good ones

3. How it performs at your current level / readership

@realexistance2 It's not immediate, but from experience it comes from getting
fed up with the direction your life is going.

In order for that to happen you have to expose yourself to the people that are
doing great things.

If you're surrounded (physically and digitally) by mediocre people you…
@thejustinwelsh Crazy to think how "big" you can get in modern business just
by showing up in front of people with good ideas every day
Self discipline is when the desire to become the highest version of yourself
outweighs the desire for cheap pleasures.
@iamjustincscott Endorsed
@JammyUniversal I understand it, but believe it’s largely a fear of the trial
and error that everyone else went through and that they will still go through even
if they have the perfect first step
@thejustinwelsh Was talking to a young hustler the other day about this.

Yes, you can send a million cold dms and never leave your computer to make $100k in
3 months
Or, you can build an audience over the years and make that much in 1 day.
On that note, here’s some advice:
“How do I start?”

By starting, my friend.

(Advice is not starting).

@russell_chris_ i try
Authenticity begins when you realize that most of what you say and do are
regurgitated opinions and actions of other people that you did not question.
Don’t forget that most of what you read, watch, or listen to is largely
useless until tested against reality, in different situations, and with an open
@LouisShulman @LouisKyleShow Was a pleasure boys🤝
A relief is temporary.
A cure is permanent.

A relief is pleasurable.
A cure is painful.

A relief is external.
A cure is internal.

The masses are stuck in life because they are addicted to relief.

The successful make progress because they are obsessed with truth.
The more money you make, the higher your potential for freedom, unless you
spend yourself into a materialistic prison of unnecessary responsibilities.
Surround yourself with people that know their potential and won't accept
anything less than an exceptional life.
If you're lost, you need clarity.

If you're clear, you need momentum.

If you're moving, you need consistency.

But most people don't make it out of the depths of step one:
@iamjustincscott :0
In even the most difficult situations you can zoom out so far that you can't
help but smile and laugh.
Writing about this now for this week's Koe Letter.

This is a good primer for those interested in working less:
I see 9-5 jobs as a stepping stone.
My problem with them is that they breed complacency and are dangerous for your

Challenge is what makes life fun and interesting.

If you halt your personal evolution by never pursuing something more, you lose
purpose and fulfillment.
The difference between vanity and aesthetics is depth and appreciation.

Vanity as a value leads to suffering by self-comparison.

Aesthetics as a value leads to present-moment enjoyment by observing the beauty

that often goes unseen in a world chasing the next quick fix.
@LouisShulman Ooo yea that lighting
@Prompt_Prodigy @BogdanConvert @TheVideoWizz My fkn man, thank you as always🤝
@PhilofAwareness You know it well man, we will meet one day and it will be:
@william_stoic @vickks Mom look
@myerschadrick Assuming identifications today eh?
@modern_mindset Lmao true
@KasparsBarkans I haven't found the balance yet - been a lot of trial and
error of going out, not making the progress I want, and having to refocus
@RigelRaju People that "get it" when I seemingly make no sense and we can
talk about it for hours
@UniformCarla I don't too often but usually start with the main problem on my
mind (that is usually causing other problems)

If I can write down the problem and dissect it I can usually piece together
something small I can act on
@tommachtmusik @AlexHormozi @SahilBloom @hubermanlab @naval Honored man,
thank you
There are so many fucking cool people on this app and I want to be close
friends with everyone but the reason I even found them was by putting my thoughts
out there which takes focus and solitude
@Chongism_ Good to see you brother, appreciate you reading🙏
@thehowietan Wild man, well done
@Manny_Masters When in doubt, zoom out (from the narrow state of stress that
almost everyone is addicted to)
The most prevalent problem in society is a lack of emotional intelligence.

Most people get trapped in their anger, anxiety, and fear to the point of becoming

You must use your emotions, not be used by them.

Here's how:
There’s no use in dwelling on a problem that you know can’t be solved right
Do it for the money, but do it more for something much larger than money.
People think they are going to die if they don't write content within their
narrow robotic niche.

Posting about your experience and interests is the main reason people will buy from
you instead of a search engine.
@idealthecreator Love it man🙏
@modern_mindset Haha no more courses for foreseeable future

Book next, then software, then something physical like gym / coffeeshop
@modern_mindset I’m half laughing half offended, well done🤝
@Manny_Masters 6 months baby
@thecolemination Was a pleasure meeting you brother, let’s plan something
again soon
Fill your day with activities that get you out of your head and into reality.

Exhaust your body in the gym. Replenish it with food and rest.

Exhaust your mind in your work. Replenish it with learning and being.

Fulfillment is not found in remaining static.

@BoldlyDoug @YouTube Appreciate you watching man
Here are the most important skills you need to learn in today's world (no
degree required):
Start small.

You, your genuine interests, and the skills necessary to make an income.

Writing, speaking, marketing, and sales.

Talk about it all on the internet.

Attract a readership.

Create a product that your past self would have wanted.

You can figure out the rest.

Writing is how you talk about your interests when you don’t have anyone to
talk about them with.
@Marc_Bandit Sorry bro :’(
The Wisdom In Feeling Lost:
Understanding is a long term game.

It takes years of consistent exposure to different perspectives to truly understand

a topic (and get expert level results).
The reason you aren’t getting the results you want is because you haven’t spent
enough time in the game.
The most important thing you can do for your personal growth is to prove
yourself wrong again and again.

No idea is too sacred to question.

Yet people cling to them for psychological security when wisdom is found in
It's interesting to observe people that get offended when their belief system
is challenged.

Doesn't matter if it's business, religion, politics, or nutrition.

Humans have a stress response the same as if they were being attacked by a rabid

Chill out. You'll survive.

@thebrianorr Lol shoutout to momma Orr
@thehowietan Props on the awareness man, glad to see life aligning with work
If you don't have an ideal lifestyle, read this:
If action must follow thought, and thoughts are almost always automatic, who
programmed you to make the choices you do in a daily basis? Are you sure you want
to continue down that path?
Even the most enlightened masters have emotional waves in their life. The
difference is that they observe, flow with it, and feel into it to extract its
source. Most people succumb to it, fight with it, and allow it to become their
Always consult your ideal lifestyle before making an important decision.
@thehowietan Credentials are cool but they don't guarantee better results
than someone without them.
Self-reflection is how you realize whether your habits are leading to an
enjoyable or painful life.
Most successful people live with a little paranoid voice in the back of their

This isn't bad.

It's how animals survive in the jungle.

Always looking over their shoulder to make sure they don't get eaten alive by the
constant dangers of life.
Over the years I've moved away from strict routines because of the obvious
flaw that you feel bad when you deviate from it.

I've found that having a loose structure that I can flow within has led to the best
Most people are "optimizing" for no reason of their own.
In the morning:

Go on a walk, get some sun, and move your mind through focused work.

In the afternoon:

Go to the gym, read a book, and socialize your mind through conversation.

In the evening:

Wind down, reflect on the day's lessons, and empty your mind through rest.
@PostiauxCharles @diagram Beauties
If you haven't done this yet, you should:
@thehowietan Condition the goal to be top of mind and it's difficult for your
actions now to align with it.
The people I respect all share the greatest fear:

The thought of waking up one day after a life lived on autopilot, wondering where
the time went, with little time left to make up for what they lost.
Everybody makes choices because they want to feel something. Some just choose
a more sustainable source. That way, the feelings don't backfire.
We're in the middle of the second Golden Ages.

You can learn any useful skill online.

You can build a readership around your interests.

You can reach more people than any ancient philosopher could in their time.

Don't waste it:
@aletha_kuschan I agree with you, but I’d argue that you would be missing out
on the parts of reality that can be the most meaningful, like the climax or battle
of a story
Just a reminder that you are here, not the place your mind thinks you are.

The feeling of the floor on your feet. Water on your hands. Breath filling your
lungs. Silence behind the distractions.

Don't miss it.

People only care to solve their problems for good when they get so sick that
they get sick of being sick.
Good writing demands abnormal experiences. It's difficult to generate
gripping ideas if you aren't pushing the boundaries of what you know.
Hit new lows.
Hit new highs.
Extract the lessons from each and let your words transfer what you felt to those
that need it.
@KhalidMakki64 Yup, talking about things you find interesting and not holding
back because you feel as if they won’t understand or enjoy it. That alone is what
let’s the convo go deeper
@CKoebing Appreciate you noticing fellow Koe
If you're lost, you need clarity.

When you have clarity, prepare for intensity.

After intensity, prioritize consistency.

And when you flip to the next chapter of life, know that you will feel lost again.
@thehowietan Agreed on the hacks and tactics - but I've always considered
that you need 100,000 followers to turn 1,000 of them into true fans
If I could go back, here's what I would do:
You don't find answers in questions. You ask the question to allow yourself
to find the answer. Then, the answer is found in the failure, struggle, and
hardship that comes from pushing forward without certainty.
Business isn't about solving big problems like landing on the moon.

Most people have trouble living on Earth.

Always in their head. Bad relationships with money. No meaning or fulfillment.

The best business model is to solve your own Earthly problems and sell the
Write more.
Journal more.
Hit the gym.
Have deeper conversations.

You need habits that help you clear your mind.

Stress and anxiety are the enemy of creativity. You feel locked in a mental bubble
where you only have access to certain thoughts and solutions.
@thehowietan > throw shit at a wall
> see what sticks (your "niche")
@thehowietan Just knowing that it's a game should be a relief
When your mind is chaotic grab a notebook and spit everything out. Make the
thoughts tangible. Organize, add, subtract, and question until you regain clarity.
Successful people rarely work longer hours than the average person.
The difference is that they've built themselves into the position of working on
tasks that generate more results.

You can't do this if you are always working on low-level tasks that are assigned to
@Manny_Masters Eating the same thing every day (while not being neurotic
about breaking routine) has been my biggest catalyst in staying lean.
If you perform the same mechanical step-by-step actions every day you are
asking to be replaced.

Creativity is difficult and uncertain, but certainty is what got you into this
@JustSoHarsh Working for yourself can lead to many of the same realizations,
especially that there is no end. You have to keep pushing.

The good thing is that you get to control what you pursue next. It isn't as obvious
or restricting as "get a promotion."
@thehowietan When you realize marketing and sales are just frameworks to
apply psychological principles >
If you can write, speak, market, and sell you no longer have to worry about
the outcome of your life. All you must do is use those skills to create your path.
Step by step advice is useful for guided practice, but the nuanced thought
processes that can’t be put into words are what get real results.
The first step to solving a problem is understanding its source. The second
is experimenting with perspectives and techniques that get you results. The third
is working that habit into your life to keep the suffering from getting out of hand
You launch into the next level of your life by getting angry at yourself. You
can be doing better and you know it. Let the thought of unfulfilled potential bring
a sense of purpose to your actions.
@abaloo @itsdangoldfield @thecolbyshelton Fuck yeah man, glad it’s helping🙏
@itsdangoldfield @thecolbyshelton Stoked for our interview mang
@CopyMaverick @ItsKieranDrew red tiger intervention 360 no scope in 10th
prestige booster lobby when
@ItsKieranDrew It was a good one man hahaha
Most people think that feeling "lost" is a bad thing.

So they dwell on it, stress over it, and lock themselves into that feeling.

The best thing you can do is let go.

Take it easy.

Let a vision for your future form.

And when you gain clarity, build.

I took that personally @ItsKieranDrew
@admdornan Thanks for listening brother🤝
@AndrewStrohm That was a good one brotha
If you don't feel the urge to highlight every line of the book you're
reading, it wasn't written for you at the phase of life you're in.

Pick up a different book.

The most optimal way of doing something is the one that you enjoy but still
gets results.

The least optimal way of doing something is the one that is perfect but you can’t
stick to for more than 2 weeks.
Success has and always will favor the individual that takes it upon
themselves to self-educate, acquire and adapt timeless skills, and become a
fountainhead of value.
Being too smart makes you dumb because you analyze your way out of lessons
birthed from action.

Being too dumb makes you smart because you learn from the mistakes that came from
not caring about the risk.
What is an (unpopular) quote or tweet that changed everything for you?
You can change.

No matter how painful.

No matter what your mind tells you.
No matter how much you want to cling to the comforts of your current life that are
causing more destruction than you think.

There is an art to self-architecture:
Most people think they have to invest money and it prevents them from
investing time in pursuits that make money.
You need something to build.

Otherwise, you aren't actually learning.

By having a project you:

- Can learn through the lens of the project

- Encounter problems and study a specific solution

- Make tangible progress and improve your real world skill set

Avoid tutorial hell.

If you can learn to walk you can learn anything you want.

People have such faulty programming that their mind prevents them from doing more
with their life.
Might lose my masculinity card here but the book is finished. And every time
I reflect on the 2.5 years of scrapping draft after draft, giving up for 6 months,
and finally piecing the ideas together - I choke up and get a bit teary eyed.

I can’t fucking wait to share it with you

@JoshTillerHere @PropaneFitness It’s photoshopped
@qfulm My fav coffee shop
Pleasure finally meeting you after a few years of chatting on twitter

Travel safe brother and thanks for the nuanced convos as always
@thebrookslagle @WrongsToWrite Dakotas tweets garbo
If you can't focus this is for you
@fraesur True
There is a specific amount of pressure that you are your best at. For some
it’s more, for others it’s less.

Work is productive. Life is meaningful. Days are fulfilling.

Once you find the amount of pressure you thrive under, eliminate anything that
threatens that optimal state.
You can do 8 hours of work in 2 if you:

- Feel the pressure to escape your current situation.

- Have a clear plan of attack toward a meaningful goal.

- Internalize a purpose that brings meaning to your work.

With pressure, a plan, and purpose you become indistractable.

Imagine having a mind with limits that have yet to be reached by any
individual human

And limiting it to social media, TV, work you hate, and cheap pleasures that are
laid in front of you like cheese for a rat.

You were meant for more.

@chenellco Saw the original article and for some reason couldn’t find you on
twitter to say thanks - first accurate breakdown I’ve seen 🙏
Even when you think you're competing with others you are competing with your
distracted mind.
The most creative work happens when you limit how much you work.
There are few things more powerful than someone who values self-education,
persistence, and the freedom to choose their limitations.
4 questions to reveal why you aren’t making more money:

1) Do you have your own product or service?

2) Have you improved it in the last 6 months?
3) Are you creating content that attracts people?
4) Have you improved it in the last week?

If something isn’t working, change it.

4.5 hours until sprints close - first call is tomorrow
Sprints deadline is tonight at 12am ET

DE deadline is tomorrow night at the same time

@Citymermaid777 @ModernMastery @thekdeep @thekdeep is the man
@aftergia Multi-dimensionally jacked🤝
Taking on responsibility gives you purpose.

Providing for your customers in business.

Providing for your loved ones in family.

Providing for yourself in fitness.

The pressure that you feel when you wake up every morning can fuel you or crush

Carry more weight.

@dinevnikolay9 Influence is also a banger
@thealexxroy Thank you brother, and noted on the feedback - going to add that
right now :)
@ColetteBeyer Hell yeah Colette🤝
@NAndreicu Love it man, glad to have you inside.

If you have time to binge the previous recordings before tomorrow I'd highly
recommend it
@HeyyyJason @ryanbuesgens The thing that helped with that fear for me (over
time) is that anything can be improved.

There *is* a path to making it work for you, it may take a bit longer but the
skills, knowledge, and understanding can be acquired by anyone.
@DiviaAstro Appreciate you Divia🙏
@TheAlexOH Glad that one hit brother
Also please note that these "last call" promos flood my DMs and support desk
(50-100 a day).

It will take us a bit longer to answer questions and some may even get lost in the

Thanks for your patience.

@HeyyyJason It will help with both in the sense that you said. No crazy
promises I can give - but the strategies we talk about in the sprint should give
you clarity on what to do over the coming months / years. Long term approach.
@TaurtsHanvere @OneJKMolina It’s coming sooner than expected, much sooner
Enrollment for Sprints closes tonight.
And as I've been mentioning quite often recently, the price of Digital Economics
(my flagship course) doubles tomorrow.

Sprints are a part of DE.

Here's more info, it's $150 to enroll:
Today is the final day to enroll in Solopreneur Sprints.

For anyone that struggles with clarity, confidence, and execution around:

- Identifying your niche

- Writing authentic content
- Turning 1 idea into 1000
- Consistent brand growth
- 4 bonus workshops

Here's what you do:

Remember that even if it seems like your entire world, 95% of people don’t
know, care about, or understand the life changing information we talk about in
these niche pockets of the internet. You’re early.
With the book, any product I've built, or skill I've learned there has never
been a moment where I am 100% certain on what to do.

You set a direction, move, and slowly figure it out week by week until you look
back and realize the progress you've made.
Spirituality is about awareness.

Marketing is about awareness.

Learning persuasion to make people aware of their problems and encourage positive
behavior change is what will allow humanity to evolve.

And yes, of course, there are low consciousness scammers out there.
For context, I'm as spiritual as they come.

But I can see that identification with a negative belief about something as neutral
as money is as unspiritual as it gets.

It's all relative.

The spiritual people that think charging for your products and services are
unethical aren't conscious of money psychology.

They get less results for their clients and thus limit the spiritual growth of
Marketers are doing more for the world than timid Buddhists.
If thought can only go as far as the language that paves the road...

And language is shaped by society and culture...

And society and culture are shaped by ideas and belief systems...

Content creators are shaping the potential of future generations:
Chase your passion, but realize that passion is an impermanent state of mind
that requires constant upkeep by setting, pursuing, and achieving challenging

Unhappiness is when you expect good things to stay as they are forever.
Money buys happiness if you don't use it like 99% of the population.
Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys you the resources to create, and the
practice of creation leverages the aspects of your psyche that lead to presence,
flow, impact, meaning, and everything else that can be considered synonymous with
This isn't for everyone.

But most people don't realize the raw power of the business models the internet has

If you can gain 1 follower you can gain 1 million.

If you can make $1 you can make $1 million.

Most just don't have the sticking power
If you don't know what to build, build for yourself:
@jameshansensim Deep
"Insight" is the keyword.

It can't be given.

You have to take what you learn, apply it, and see what lesson reality spits out at
you in the form of success or failure.

From that feedback, you have *one* piece of the eternal puzzle.

Inconsistent action = delayed results.

This is why it's important to "say 1 thing 1000 different ways" as a creator.
You need to attack people's minds from all angles until that "click" happens for

Your authority doesn't come from 1 tweet, video, or newsletter. It comes from
Nobody can give you the perfect answer that will unlock the insight you need
to get to the next level.

It's a slow build up of knowledge, awareness, experience until the "aha!" moment
hits and you know exactly what to do.

For some it can take a week, for others a few years.

Learn in the afternoons to fill your mind.

Document in the afternoons to empty your mind.

Focus in the mornings to use the creative firepower you've gathered with your mind.
If you're bored, build.

If you've built, sell.

If you're selling, persist.

If you aren't, improve.

The money game is simple:

Start, iterate, and block out the distractions that society desperately projects on
Be careful listening to the opinions of those that haven't achieved what you
want to achieve.
@selfconquering Infinite relative perspectives divided from one absolute
@TheRealTrend_ My man, thank you🤝
Solopreneur Sprints starts in 4 days (and Digital Economics doubles on that

- Clarify your niche of one

- Streamline authentic content writing
- Learn the brand growth strategies that fuel large creators

See if it's a fit:
What you focus on, compounded with time, determines your quality of life.
Brand is you.
Product is what you needed on your journey.

Marketing is the valuable lessons you picked up along the way.

When you compete with yourself you eliminate competition.

100% of arguments start from a lack of perspective.
@ZubyMusic Good times
Everyone hates on platitudes then ends up indirectly selling in every piece
of content (because "niche down bro") and their audience resents them. Their growth

Balance it out with some original, deep, and simple quotes that others can remember
you for.
Writing is a great skill to learn because it pairs with any other skill or

If you can write, you can do whatever you want and distribute the value you
discover from those pursuits.

Writing allows you to make a living from living. The problem is that most people
@themattmic @jaysonbradyy 🫡
More on not being an NPC:
The answers to your problems are obvious.
@_hunterhammonds Been fun as hell man🤝
@robsuarezjr Heavy / melodic bass
@steveeunpu We needa chat man
@bryandijkh pls stop plugging 4 free traffic or else blocked
@erichiggs0 Mastery Facility was very close to being a thing but pulled the
plug for a bit. One day...
It's close to impossible to discover new potentials for your life by doing
what you're told.

- Go to school
- Get a job
- Retire

97% of people are competing for the potentials in that narrow way of living.

Success is more certain when you embrace the uncertain.

I'm having a hard time picking between:

- Music production
- An apparel brand
- A supplement brand
- A gym / coffee shop
- Freelance 3d visuals for DJs
- Apps and software to sell
Near impossible to get bored when you stop distracting yourself and start
learning / building.
To discover who you are you must chip away at who you think you are.
The average human is programmed to execute a series of default commands by

They never realize their potential.

They repeat the same day over and over until they retire and wonder where the time

Chip away at who you think you are to discover who you are:
Growth demands sacrifice.

It hurts, but you won't be able to reach new levels if you cling to the friends,
ideals, and environments that chain you to your current way of life.
The digital society continues to develop every day.

You're either providing value online or you are putting it off until you are forced
to for survival.
I still can't get behind AI writing tools.

I understand their power and how helpful they can be, but I enjoy the long,
thoughtful, and creative writing process without them.
More on the art of self-architecture:
Suffering stems from pursuing goals / living with purpose because it implies
you are trying to solve a problem.

Spirituality eases that suffering and helps you filter what is meaningful from
those pursuits.

You have to pursue goals to expose yourself to experience.

If you only…

It's not a choice between spirituality and relentlessly pursuing external
goals. They balance each other out so you don't become either extreme. Do both.
Dive inward while pushing outward. That's the key to fulfillment.
The average human is programmed to execute a default series of commands by
society and culture.

Go to school, get a job, retire, and do what you are told by authority figures that
“want the best for you.”
The path of greatness is reserved for those that wake up and reject the…
You can change.
No matter how painful.
No matter what your mind tells you.
No matter how much you want to cling to the comforts of your current life that are
causing more destruction than you think.
@iamjustincscott 🥵
Most people never change.

They reach 18-25 years old and adopt a routine that they repeat for life. Never
branching into the unknown. Never realizing their potential.

You don't have to end up like them:
Once you realize your potential there is no going back. You may fall off the
path, but you will feel the pain that comes with a lack of progress.

Your future self is watching your every move.

Make them proud.

The risk of building your own thing is nothing compared to the risk of
playing it safe.
By becoming great at 1 thing, you become good at 3 others.

By becoming excellent at 1 thing, you become great at 3 others, and good at 10


Relentlessly learn and execute for a few years and you are set for life.
My exact content ecosystem broken down for beginners to start, improve, and
refine as a writer:
The Art Of Self-Architecture goes out tomorrow morning in The Koe Letter.

Read the last issue and subscribe to get it:
Some people are happy with money.

Some people are productive with video games.

Some people are healthy with occasional fast food.

Just because something doesn't fit your narrow yet "optimal" worldview doesn't mean
it has no place in reality.

Do what you want, mindfully.

The best businesses change lives.
And transformations make a winning product.

Stop trying to solve imaginary problems.

Solve your problems.

Change your own life.
Package up the method.
Slap a price tag on it.

You're less likely to fail if you solve real, meaningful problems.

There is a subtle difference between shiny object syndrome and obsessive
experimentation toward a clear vision.

One leads to nowhere.

The other leads to the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to make a name
and income for yourself.
@heyjoeyjustice Big tings sir big tings congrats
@kamalkalwacom Practice and intention🤝
@OptimalDavis Dude what an article, learning about myself, thank you

(i love the "eating" quotes lol)

Here's a good starting point for building your own thing:
Eradicate “easier said than done” from your vocabulary.


EVERYTHING is easier said than done.

Stop psyching yourself out and do it.

It’s supposed to be difficult don’t expect otherwise.

Purpose and profits:

Solve your own problems and sell the solution.

It's going to take years.

Be okay with that. And when you feel like you aren't getting the results you want,
gain perspective.

If it takes 4 years to get a degree and an additional decade to climb to a decent

salary, it will take more than 2 weeks to succeed at your own thing.
@KoeClips Good take
@IkiruCreates 🖤
Follow this to not end up mediocre:
@thebrookslagle Just glad the work hits, thanks for not letting it end up in
the void🤝
@WndrJosh 🤝
@BasedRedPill777 Good point
“9/10 businesses fail!”

Okay then start 10 businesses.

Every choice impacts your future but only a handful of intentional,
difficult, and potentially risky decisions determine your success.
The good life is the result of a series of experiments. Nobody can hand it to
you. You must try, fail, and collect the puzzle pieces that create your ideal
How do you monetize a podcast without sponsors?

> product or service

How do you monetize YouTube without ads?

> product or service

How do you monetize any social media without monetization features?

> product or service

Build something

If you don’t feel like you can…

@CharlieConnely The podcast is automatic and I don’t really care for it or do
anything outside of it

It’s just my YT vids uploaded to Spotify

I embed my YT vids in my blog and plug those over pod episodes

Atleast slightly change the copy and design lol

Even the blog post is close to the exact same as the one I posted in Jan
@asset_ayaan I don’t mind em talking about it or using those angles, they
aren’t “mine,” but the entire fun in it is to get creative and make it your own

So many different ways to go about it

It’s incredible how many people send me websites, tweets, content, and
products that are direct rips from mine.
3-5 a day.

I can’t do much about it, but dude come on… people notice and they show me without
mentioning to you.

You’re ruining your reputation without knowing it.

If you aren’t making money it’s because:

1) you don’t have a product or service

2) you aren’t putting it in front of people

That’s literally it.

You can improve along the way and try out fancy tactics to make more money, but
none of it will matter without the above.
Solopreneur Sprints starts May 15.

As a brand advisor that has worked with some of the space's biggest influencers and
creators (while teaching 5000+ beginners), I'll help you build the base of your
one-person business:
You become what you consume, so consume in accordance with who you want to
The 5 lessons:

- The most profitable niche is you

- Build for yourself, write to yourself

- You have $100,000 in your head

- People need to be reminded with something new

- You gain experience by starting

If you enjoyed the thread, share it below
Give advice on what you've learned and be open to changing your views.

That's all you can do.

Put out the product whether you feel ready or not.

Make it your full time job to get results and testimonials.

That's how you BUILD experience.

You can't do that if you don't start.

5) You gain experience by starting.

Everyone worries about not having any experience.

How do you not realize that the only way to gain experience is by actually

Freelancers land clients for free and cheap, no matter how qualified they think
they are.
So, do what works, but from a new perspective.

Your personal experience is the best way to do this.

Tell a story.

Instead of the cliche business advice:

"Learn a skill, then sell the skill."

Talk about how you did it, how someone else did it, or how you plan to do it.
4) People need to be reminded with something new.

One of my favorite sayings for writing content is:

"People need to be reminded more than they need something new."

But that's partially false.

Novelty = dopamine = attention

And attention is the name of the online game.

In my eyes, everyone should start an education business first.

Start with a consulting or tutoring service.

Build an audience along the way with internet content (which helps land clients).
Then, turn your system into a digital product that can sell while you sleep.
3) You have a $100,000 product in your head.

Your personal experiences are valuable.

Just because they are normal to you does not mean they are to someone else.

You have accomplished things that people will pay money to learn.
This is what built the entirety of my business.

I had focus problems so I created a productivity planner.

I had writing problems so I created an idea generation and newsletter system.

I've solved many fitness problems in my life and could create a unique product if I
wanted to
2) Build for yourself, write to yourself.

When you are the niche all competition ceases to exist.

- Improve yourself (solve your profitable problems)

- Create solutions for your problems in the form of a product or system

- Pass down lessons and insights along the way

Here's your entire business structure:

Your brand = your goals and story to attract like-minded people.

Your content = your experiences, expertise, and opinions.

Your product = what you would have wanted to help you on your journey.
So, the main lesson here is that we want two things:

- A profitable problem to solve

- A specific person we can market to

Why don't we skip all of the technical stuff and target the person you know best:


You can create solutions to your problems and sell them.

1) The most profitable niche is you.

The first thing you'll hear when you want to start a business is to "choose a

You do this by:

- Choosing a market
- Narrowing to a sub market
- Creating a customer avatar
- Identifying their problems

Then, you build a solution.

In the last 365 days my creator business has generated $1.7m in revenue.

These are the top 5 insights I've collected:

My creator business revenue (rounded):

2019: $10,000
2020: $100,000
2021: $150,000
2022: $800,000
2023: $2,500,000 (projected)

Please for the love of all things holy don't quit after 2 months.
@TobzGT @thestevestep Appreciate you guys🤝
@Citymermaid777 @ModernMastery Goes both ways, thank you for contributing so
Here's how you make your product or service desirable enough to buy:
"Selling is bad."

Then stop selling me the idea that selling is bad

We don't live in the same world as our ancestors.

Money is no longer optional in most parts of the world.

And most people don't want to live in the forest without human interaction.

Make money.
Do good with it.
Build the life you want.
Be happy with your accomplishments.
You don't sell the skill.

You sell the solution to the problem.

Nobody wants web design and copywriting.

They want a system that brings in more digital product sales and coaching upsells.

Use the skills to build the solution and sell that.

Set a goal.
Achieve the goal.
Market the goal.
Sell the solution to achieve the goal.

Stop overcomplicating how to make meaningful money.

The most profitable niche is you:
@otherwordyedits Happy Birthday Neva, been a pleasure working with you (and
the newsletter was absolute heat)🙏
A pattern I've noticed in successful people:

They don't trust college with their future.

They don't trust society with their future.

They don't trust anyone but themselves with their future.

They use jobs, skills, courses, and other resources as tools to create their
Unlearning is often more powerful than endless learning.
The good life is a game of iteration. You can't copy it from someone else.
You have to try, fail, and collect the pieces that make your individual life great.
How to not end up mediocre:

- Question who you are

- Question your actions
- Create your own goals
- Create your own actions
- Execute with a conscious mind daily

The good life belongs to those that create it:
@godwinsoola Glad to have you in brother
One habit to build your mind.

One habit to build your body.

One habit to build your business.

Experiment until you find the ones you can stick with for life.

In 5 years you won't be the same person.

You can slice 8 hours of work into 3 if you learn to focus.
If you can spend 8 hours building someone else's dreams you can spend 1 hour
building your own.
@rublychan Props brother, I appreciate you🤝
Business is your vessel into the unknown:
@IAmAaronWill Glad you've still got it up
How to focus:

Zoom out
- meditate
- journal
- walk

Zoom in
- plan
- purpose
- priority tasks

Pure focus = pure progress

Force yourself into uncomfortable situations so you don't end up being 50
years old with the emotional maturity of a 15 year old.
Surround yourself with people that know their potential and are working every
day to make it reality.
@KrisOgrabek Appreciate this brother🤝
@sathe_gandhar Hell yeah
@sathe_gandhar You get a pass
Here's how you become your best version:
The only thing more painful than becoming the best you can be is not becoming
the best you can be.
Wait so you’re telling me that there are people that don’t go to the gym?
You don't need a day off when your work is what you'd be doing on your day
Use this to build an independent income:
The quickest fix is the longest path.
The dopamine sources you choose will determine the heaven or hell you live
@tauri_hanvere Careful with the word for word copy from my vids
Nothing happens, then everything happens.
If you don't create a career, society will give you one.

If you don't create a purpose, society will give you one.

If you don't create an identity, society will give you one.

Every bit of information you process is programming your mind for success or
failure. Be intentional.
Skills not learned in school are the source of income not found at a job.
I've written about this in depth before and probably will again soon.

If you want to read an old piece, here it is.

Subscribe while you're there for the next one:
I hope you pulled something from this thread.

You are meant for more (and you know it).

You don't have to feel bad (and you know it).

Here's the first tweet if you want to share or reread:
There are important lessons here.

1) You can change who you are.

2) That decision alone creates purpose in life.

3) You will see positive change in your human experience.

If you feel bad, why?

From there, what can you do?

Then, do it.
The same holds true for someone who values building a business, spreading
good, and a mind that is witty and wise.

The choices they make lead to more energy, less financial stress, and a deeper
satisfaction from intellectual development.
Somebody who values fitness, like a bodybuilder, will make choices that lead
to a higher quality of life.

It is baked into the identity.

They will eat healthy food, train, and avoid situations that are detrimental to
their progress.
You have to:

- Set new goals for a higher quality of life

- Immerse yourself in the information that will condition a new perspective

- Make progress and notice the positive outcome it has on your life.

Start with what matters most:

Your mind, body, spirit, and finances.

It is your job to become aware of your mental programming.

You must realize and work to change the identity that you were conditioned to have
in a society that glorifies mediocrity.

Changing who you are is difficult, and nobody can do it for you.

It takes intention and effort.

These are just assumptions.

I'm aware.

She may not do that. We are painting an imaginary picture here to get a point

The point:

Most people have an identity that is projected onto them throughout their childhood
and young adulthood.

Our choices are not our own.

When it's hot outside, it's because "the world is out to get me."

When it's nighttime, she will lock herself in her room and look at self-deprecating
internet content late into the night.

When someone does something "bad," she may lash out in emotion

Because that's who she is.

Most of the information she exposes herself to will be negative, depressing,
and dark.

I shouldn't have to explain why.

Then, she will interpret any situation according to the perspective she has
programmed herself into.
She will:

- Make similar friends

- Change her external appearance (to signal who she is)

- Consume movies, media, and information that reinforce that identity

All of which will narrow her mind on certain problems and potentials in her life.

For better or worse.

Let's think of the "goth" (for a lack of a better term) girl's decision

Her perspective holds her beliefs, ideas, and the thoughts that she registers in
her awareness.

Because of her goth identity, she will feel pulled to do things that align with
that identity.
Your identity (your sense of who you are) influences three major things:

1) Your perspective
2) How you perceive situations
3) The choices you make because of both

Your personality is how you display your identity to the external world.
Joe Dispenza has a saying:

"Your personality creates your personal reality."

Dispenza can get airy fairy real quick (which I'm not opposed to), so let's break
this saying down in a practical manner.

Here is the logic behind what seemed to be the goth girl's suffering:
Now, many will consider the rest of this thread judgemental.


But observation and discernment can go a long way.

You are allowed to observe others, sense how they feel, and discern the actions
that lead to how they experience life.
Then, you can change your own choices.
A friend and I were driving home from lunch.

We were at a stoplight.

We noticed a girl walking by.

Head down. Sulking. Arms crossed. Walking slow. It looked like she was going to
burst into tears at any moment.

She was dressed in all black with hair dyed the same...
Who you think you are influences how you behave influences who you become.
@Citymermaid777 Stoked for it🙏
@iamjustincscott Someone says “vision” I rt
Life enjoyment is a choice that you make at every moment, but the results may
not show up for a few weeks, months, or years.
You don't create to make money, you make money to create.
Swap soda for water.

Swap porn for the gym.

Swap scrolling for learning.

Swap video games for building a business.

Enjoy life, but don't overdo it.

The dopamine sources you choose will determine the heaven or hell you live in.
What you don't need to start a business:

- a billion dollars
- high level connections
- a business degree

What you do need to start a business:

- a social media account

- learning to write
- value to provide

Then, you plug it into the 3 step process:
The beautiful thing about the internet is that you don't need money, tools, a
degree, or a physical location to provide value anymore.
You can learn, teach, build, and sell with the technology in your hands.
Set a desirable goal.
Identify problems in the way.
Self-educate and experiment.
Achieve the goal in a unique way.
Share what you learned in public.
Sell the solution to people like you.

This is how you live with purpose.

This is how you profit off of your own problems.
The future belongs to the self-reliant. The people that become independent
thinkers and earners.
Everyone is an entrepreneur. Some just get paid for the problems they solve.
Stop overcomplicating business.

- Take responsibility for your life

- Pursue meaningful goals
- Solve the problems in the way
- Share your lessons in public
- Ask for money ocassionally

Simple as that:
The secret to self-confidence is to become a fountainhead of value through
education and creation. You don't have to question your worth when you have public
The greatest skill is writing because:

1) It forces you to articulate your value

2) It is the foundation of all media

3) It can be repurposed into any other medium

4) Any other skill you acquire enhances it

5) It brings immense mental clarity

Learn to write.
@tola_io @thejustinwelsh @zachpogrob My dude🫡
Writing about this in this weeks newsletter.

Here’s the last one to get up to speed:
@Codie_Sanchez Codie! Big fan over here.
There is an infinite unknown to explore beyond the default storyline you were
assigned at birth. The good life is reserved for those that take one, two, and
three steps beyond what they know.
If you're bored, build.

If you get anxious, focus.

You're bored because you have nothing meaningful to build.

You're anxious because you're focused on the building, not the brick.
Build the solution that solves your problems to perfection.

Write the content that speaks to the person going through that problem.

Sell the solution with your personal experiences with that problem.

Build, write, and sell to yourself if you want to eliminate all competition.
Here's how they're doing it:
Your 20s are when you have the most time to discover and actualize your

Most people waste it on cheap pleasures and doing what they're told.

Do this instead:
@thejoshuageelen @leBernardMK Yeah it’s either you try to make it and
eventually get lucky.

You do self inquiry / spiritual work and realize you don’t need it.

Or you go a different route until you can come back to business with your money
problems solved.
@MathewGarofalo Fancy cars are pretty sick though
Some people play the status game of fancy cars and houses.

Other people play the status game of being better than playing status games.

The solution is to stop caring and do what you want regardless of other people's

Because they didn't care in the first place.

The desperate need for fast money will ensure that you don't make any.
People are building million-dollar businesses with:
A newsletter
A social media account
The knowledge in their heads

Self-education, self-reliance, and self-improvement create high-value individuals.

High-value individuals get paid for their contributions on the internet.

@TheKaiB Looks epic
@AdekunleVW Yes it is.
More of my thoughts:
@mrliamrobins @AlexHormozi Well done brother🫡
The creator economy is a decentralized society that allows anyone to learn,
teach, and create a better life for themselves.
36% of the workforce are freelancers and that number will only continue to

The future of work is decentralized:

- Creatives
- Knowledge workers
- Deep thinkers and strategists

Study your interests, learn marketable skills, and put yourself on the market.
Do what you want but learn from your mistakes. Repeat for life.
@stephen_parato The path certainly isn't linear.
@DerreckBilley1 Only one will serve you in the long term.
@astateofsonder Life is a marathon.
The difference between the quick-fix path and the path of mastery is that of

The pleasure seeker falls into a pit of endless climaxes that creates the largest-
scale addiction known to modern man.

The master leans into their story, embraces struggle, and enjoys the…
I wrote a longer piece on taking back control of your life in the Koe Letter.

Read it here if you're interested:
This is how you prevent boredom from ruining your life:

- Realize your lack of progress

- Be aware of "random" thoughts
- Order your mind
- Build something meaningful
- Learn to be at one with life

If you enjoyed this thread, share the first tweet:
It's fun to compete in business and sports.

But sometimes we need to enjoy the process for what it is.

Prioritize mindfulness to create that balance.

Write just to write.

Golf just to golf.
Hike just to hike.
Run just to run.

When you aren't doing, focus on being.

Last, you need a practice to prevent boredom.

We can't make progress at all times of the day.

And, people could learn to enjoy life for what it is (instead of pursuing more more
Third, you need lever-moving tasks to execute on every day.

This will require you to:

- Self-educate in each domain

- Practice what you learn
- Identify what brings progress

Schedule these tasks into your day.

You need one activity that improves your mind, body, and finances.
Second, you need goals for every domain of your life.

- Mind
- Body
- Business

Progress feels incredible.

You need a sense of certainty in your life that you have control over with your
daily actions.

Write down your goals under your vision for the future.
// The Focus Formula //
You need a vision to frame the outcome of your life.

How do you want to look?

How do you want to feel?
What do you want to do for work?

Write down every little detail about your future.

Keep this safe and come back to it when you have ideas to add.
// The Solution To Boredom Is Building //

Build a brand.
Build a software.
Build your body.
Build you mind.
Build your social life.
Build anything.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how.

That's the point.

You learn, act, and discover your way out of boredom.

For every "good" thing there are thousands of things that "studies show" are
terrible for you in one way or another.

And from those negative thoughts, they can splinter into another 1000 bad outcomes.

Boredom can ruin your life if you don't learn to focus.

For every positive thought there are 100 negative.

When you think about "good health," the only outcome is good health.

When you lose focus, your mind floats to:

- Chronic disease
- Dangerous foods
- Not wanting to train

Your mind gets stuck in a cloud of negativity.

// The Psychology Of Boredom //

You are bored because your attention isn't engaged with:

1. A meaningful task (doing)
2. Life itself (being)

When you aren't focused, you allow random thoughts to penetrate your awareness.

"Random" is not half good and half bad thoughts.

They won't try something new for more than 2 weeks.

They won't dive into the unknown to uncover their deepest purpose.

Surface-level living is the default state of modern society.

Weak minds and soft bodies that allow their life force to be drained by cheap
95% of people's lives will go unlived because they can't break free from the
ever-increasing distractions of our time.

They won't realize the depth of their programming.

They won't realize a better way of living.

They won't learn beyond graduation.

It's common in the self-help space to encourage you to "be bored" or "learn
to be alone with yourself."

It's good advice.

But most people that think they are bored aren't actually bored.

They're distracted.

And we all know where that leads.

Why boredom is ruining your life:
If you want clarity on how to build an income around your interests, this can
The solution to boredom is reflecting, planning, and building a project that
holds meaning and utility for a better life.
You stop caring about others opinions when you trust yourself with your
If you don’t know what to do, observe society to understand what not to do.

If you know what not to do, immerse yourself in in the teachings of the great and
With time you will experiment, make discoveries, and figure out what you must do to
create a quality life.
Self improvement is about solving your own problems.

Business is about solving others' problems.

The creator economy is where you do both:
What you don't need to start a business:

- almost everything

What you need to start a business:

- the ability to type

- the ability to learn
- topics you enjoy
- patience

Here's how you join in on the micro business wave:
If you aren't directly involved in the transaction and fulfillment of the
product or service you aren't getting better at making money.

Entrepreneurship is modern survival and you must learn to hunt.

Your psyche is begging you to use the parts that our world neglects.
People are in constant search for approval from people that aren’t even
satisfied with themselves.
@Sherwood_Writes @ItsKieranDrew @ZubyMusic I'm as blank faced and blunt in
real life as I am in my pfp and tweets haha
Overwhelm demands change.

Don't hesitate to cut everything out and see what sticks. Eliminate the noise so
you can see the signal. And once you do, focus like your life depends on it.

Clarity is the prerequisite to progress and 95% of people don't have it.
After experimenting with everything under the sun (and stuffing my face
starting at 6am in a lean bulk):

- Intermittent fasting
- Morning walk
- Coffee

Still reigns supreme for idea generation, focus, and creativity.

Ideas are energy transfer and people will identify with the ones that make
them feel anything but average.
@JoshTillerHere 🤝🫡
How to avoid ending up like 99% of people:

- Observe society
- Observe the successful
- Bridge the gap
- Watch the new video
@TheDannyNaz Appreciate you brother 🙏
The entirety of my brand (especially the recent YT success) is based on novel
perspective generation.

In other words, hunting for and piecing together the best ideas I can find.

Here's my process:
@writes_eve Yes Eve lets go
At a job you are not practicing the skill of making money. It is being handed
to you. Your boss has the skill and makes as much as they want. Money is unlimited
for those that spend that practice making it.
It’s not animation.
It’s not captions on clips.
It’s not tweet structures.
It’s not actionable lists.
It’s not the perfect bio.
It’s not a colorful thumbnail.

It’s the ideas people collect from someone they like.

Making money is a skill you can cultivate like any other.

Theory, tutorials, and advice will only go so far.

Like learning to walk, it can take more than a year of constant failure, but then
it clicks. And to maintain that skill, you have to use it daily.
When your favorite band decides to switch from punk to pop you don’t like it.

You want to listen to the same songs with minor variations.

Same with being a creator.

Play your greatest hits 1000 different ways.

People won’t get bored. They prefer the repetition.

Comfort is the most uncomfortable place you can be.
You aren't making progress. You don't feel a sense of purpose. You're trapped in a
bubble of negative thoughts and emotions because you don't have a goal to filter

Create a plan. Sit with it. Refine it. Execute.

The key to high quality creative work:

Let your subconscious do it for you.

- Start working on a task

- Stop when it’s going well
- Go to the gym or on a walk
- Have your notes ready for ideas
- Get back to work.

Intention + active rest = creativity you didn’t know you had.

How to waste your 20s:

Do what everyone else is doing without question, critical thought, or self-

generated goals.
If you want to read more about my business philosophy, here's a good starting
That's it.

- Realize your potential

- Don't waste your 20s
- Build your body
- Build you mind
- Build your business
- Retweet the first tweet of this thread:
Set a goal.
Find a problem.
Learn how to solve it.
Document how you solved it.
Distill into a replicable process.
Give it to others that want to be helped.

Do it offline and it's called growth.

Do it online and it's called business.
No, you don't need to start a billion dollar company.

The internet has leveled the playing field for knowledge acquisition.

- Start a one-person business

- Acquire high value skills
- Generate traffic on social media
- Create a product that would have helped your former self.
If you want a fulfilling life, you need to leverage all 5 intrinsic drivers:
- Curiosity
- Purpose
- Passion
- Autonomy
- Mastery

You need to create and have full control over the lifestyle you wish to live.

Business is how you get there.

Modern business is a vessel for living with purpose.

Business is how you channel your skills, interests, and expertise to impact others
at scale.

And as Alan Watts would say, "Sensible people get paid for doing what they enjoy
3) Build Your Business

Entrepreneurship is for everyone.

(I can handle objections all day about this, especially from people that haven't
done it / make excuses as to why it's not for them).

Your ancestors were entrepreneurs.

They had a purpose within their communities.

On top of that, we need to use our mind to make progress.

Adapt to the modern landscape by:

- Creating a vision for your future

- Deconstructing it into goals
- Acquiring knowledge and skills
- Making small daily improvements

Focus on your health, wealth, and happiness.

Schedule time to:

Study philosophy.
Study spirituality.
Study metaphysics.
Study psychology.
Study epistemology.
Study cognitive biases.
Study stages of ego development.
Study spiral dynamics.
Study the mind.

This is a lifelong pursuit of mastery.

You will become powerful.

2) Build Your Mind

Your level of mind dictates the quality of your life.

You don't need to understand every part of a car to have a nice ride.

But the mind is different.

And if you don't understand how to use it, the enjoyment of your life is at stake.
We start with building the body because you can start right now.

And the benefits transfer over into:

- Clear thinking
- A strong mindset
- More physical energy

When you prioritize your body, your mind and finances follow.

You understand the reward of infinite games.

Looks matter whether you think it's fair or not.

People respect you more.

You attract more attention from high level people.

There is a line where vanity can hurt your self-image, but that can be overcome.

You can look good AND not be a narcissistic f*ck.

1) Build Your Body

Most successful people I have spoken to started by training their body.

The gym (or other forms of exercise) teaches you that you are entitled to nothing.

You have to put effort into reality to get the result you want.
It is the opposite of cheap dopamine.
But, being young presents the most traps.

- Social conditioning
- Dopamine-laden entertainment
- Comfort to the point of not exploring the new opportunities of the modern world

Thankfully, the solution is simple (but not easy):

- You have commitments (house, spouse, work, and possibly children).

This isn't the case for everyone.

And if you are in your 30s, don't let this discourage you.

You will have to put in more effort for a longer period of time than a 20 y/o

It is what it is.
- If you didn't start a business, you need more effort to get out of a job
(with little time available).

- Your mental peak starts to decline in your 30s.

- You don't have the knowledge and experience that comes from forging your own
By the time you are 30, life hits you like a truck.

It's not hard to observe this fact in society.

- Your time dries up and your habits compound (they are harder to break).

- If you didn't take care of your health it will catch up to you (and you will lose
MORE time).
The harsh reality is that how you spend your 20s will make or break your

There are outliers.

But dopamine and modern comforts make people docile and risk averse.

The solution is simple (3 steps to future-proofing yourself):

How to "make the most" of your 20s:
- Prioritize your health
- Become educated and articulate
- Build a business that generates an independent income

Don't listen to people that tell you to take it easy.

They are projecting their fear and failures on you.

@IAmDevanKing Goethe
@MeitnerTom Lets goooooo
@adrianpbarra Respect and props on the awareness brother🤝
@niconicewithit Tweet it
Related reading:
Comparing yourself to others is the driver of progress. But it is also the
source of your suffering.

Compare yourself to others to gather creative firepower. But know when it's time to
@imeddjabi Damn dude, thank you for writing this up🙏
If you don’t create a career, you will be assigned one.

And if work consumes about 25% of your life, you may not enjoy a quarter of your
Most people learn:

- Copywriting
- Marketing
- Sales
- Design
- Email marketing
- Ghostwriting

And still can't make a penny.

It's because you're missing the skill that makes them all work:
@derekmriordan @thejoshuageelen Fuck yes man🤝 thank you
The harsh truth that nobody wants to hear (and everybody will search for
endless tactics to avoid):

You get better at something by doing it.

Sales, social skills, writing, anything.

You suck at it because will do everything but that.

Step 1) Improve yourself
Step 2) Share what you did
Step 3) Improve others
I have yet to see somebody fail when they don't skip number two.
Doing the thing even when you don't feel like doing it is just like any other
skill. It gets easier with practice.

Feelings cease to rule you.

The future belongs to the self improver.

The person that takes responsibility for their future and becomes a fountain of
value for those around them.

When done in public, it is almost impossible not to get paid:
You need a list of daily non-negotiables.

Tasks that get done even if you don't feel like doing them.

- Training
- Focused work
- Making money
- Calming the mind
- Doing good by others

The sooner you get past the sticking point the sooner you see consistent results.
Don't expect anything in return for being a decent person. Just be one. Life
finds a way to reward the people that put good into it.
Don't take life seriously, but make wise decisions.

Don't ruin your future, but do what you want.

Don't be a leech to society, but give zero fucks.

Play to win, but find your own way. That's what makes the game fun.
In other words, create the character that helps you win the game:
Creating a clear plan will solve 75% of your procrastination issues.

Not being a little bitch will solve the other 25%.

Immerse yourself in quality.

Quality food.
Quality friends.
Quality partners.
Quality activities.
Quality information.
The secret to a high quality of life is curating what you are repeatedly exposed
You lack energy because you've been neglecting your body. Train hard and eat

You lack clarity because you've been neglecting your mind. Read books and
articulate your ideas.

You lack money because you've been neglecting your dreams. Acquire skills and build
the business.
Your choices determine your future.

Habits are automated choices.

Most people understand that they should form good habits.

But how many actively seek to remove bad habits from their life?

Here are 7 you should be aware of:
Nature is the ultimate mental model.

Creation, destruction, growth, decay, conflict, climax, resolution, macro, meso,

and micro cycles, aesthetics, etc.

All language, knowledge, society, and culture is constructed over centuries from
how we interpret reality.

Study nature.
@LukeTrawick Exactly. Came full circle🙏
Just got off the phone with my dad.

He got into some financial trouble.

We're both stubborn with asking for help, and I could tell he was choking up asking
for money from his son.

Wired it over instantly.

Had a heart to heart.

Two wannabe macho men getting teary-eyed.

@sam7rs Same, makes for a challenge
@get_unlost 😂🫡
Stop thinking of content as a means to income.

Will your ideas be mentioned in a top 10 podcast episode?

Will your ideas be in the intro of a best selling book?

Will your ideas be mentioned in viral videos and tight knit newsletters?

Write for impact and the income will come.

Write your drafts on a walk.

(Yes, this is the only acceptable time to be looking at your phone while walking.)

Pick a path where you won’t run into things.

Thank me later.
I feel bad for the people that think self improvement is a joke.

(not the ones that joke about it, but the ones that write it off entirely)

Logically there is only one other option if you aren't improving, even by a
marginal amount, every day.
@bryhutch @thesamueloh Stealing this name
@mitchlee101 Big
It's called "execution" because you are acting toward a life that requires
your past self, limiting beliefs, and others' criticisms to die so that you can
If you want to read more

Here’s a letter on taking back control of your life if you’re in the mood:
That's it for the thread.

If you liked it, share it.

If you didn't like it, share it.

To join the 1% in record time:

- Observe society
- Do the opposite
- Align action with goal
- Acquire high value skills
- Use entrepreneurship as your vessel
Successful people think on 10 year time scales.

Mediocre people think on 2 week time scales.

Start building.
The greatest threat to society is someone who isn't reliant on it.

All successful people build their own thing.

Your goals evolve as you achieve them, and you can only get so far up the ladder of
a societal hierarchy.

Entrepreneurship is the only path for long-term thinkers.

If you want to learn faster, don't start learning.

- Outline a project
- Start building it out
- Learn along the way

Too many people get trapped in tutorial hell, stacking up useless knowledge as
brain fog.

Start > encounter a problem > seek specific knowledge to overcome it.
The greatest threat to your potential is to stop learning after graduation.

But few people know how to learn.

You *do not* watch endless tutorials on the topic just to retain 0% of the

Hoarding knowledge is a societal pattern, not successful.

Skill acquisition is what will take you from mediocre to successful.

Skills are the bridge between where you are now and what you want.

You don't need a degree anymore.

You don't need anything aside from the phone in your hands.
It’s crazy that you can become top 10% in any skill within 3-6 months by
obsessively studying online.

Enough so that you are perceived as an authority, and can make a living from it
(without investing more than a few hundred dollars, if any).
Make a list of successful patterns.

What do the happy, healthy, and wise do?

- Have a vision
- Set holistic goals
- Form habits
- Develop themselves

Successful people understand that they are the outcome of their choices with their
health, wealth, and relationships.
Make a list of societal patterns.

What are the masses doing that lead to mediocrity?

- Excessive gaming
- Excessive junk food
- No meaningful goals
- Abysmal work ethic
- Settling down too early

It's not hard to assume where these actions will lead with some long term thought.
One of my favorite hobbies is to observe two things:

1) Patterns of society
2) Patterns of the successful

Now all you have to do is avoid one like the plague, experiment with good actions,
and protect your attention at all costs.
How to avoid ending up like 99% of people:
Execution. That’s it. That’s the difference between you and what you want.
Any and all thoughts that come to mind right now mean nothing. You can move your
body in a way that gets a specific result regardless of if you want to or not.
Don’t disappoint your future self.
@MeitnerTom Hell yeah man, glad it helped🙏
@TheNoahHein @iamjustincscott @dickiebush Best breakdown I’ve seen, thank you
@thesamueloh Fkn love it man🫡
If you hate reading watch this:
@hxperienc3 Thanks for watching my friend🤝
You don't have ideas because you don't read. You need to expose yourself to
writing that says what you didn't know you wanted to say.
@DanGoldfield Well executed brother🤝
Knowing that you are capable of more and not doing anything about it is the
source of feeling like life is out to get you.
Be careful how you speak.

Complaining doesn't solve the problem. Gossiping doesn't benefit anyone. Emotional
arguments don't get to the root.
They're all dead ends.

Worthless in most cases.

Snap out of mindless living because time is one resource you can't get back.
You don't read to learn every word on the page.

You read to hunt, find, and implement an idea in your life for positive change.


- Reading what you hate

- Forcing yourself to read
- Forgetting everything you learn

Do this instead:
Here's a skill to learn:
Society runs on people not knowing what they want out of life.
Failure is a guarantee.

Struggle is a guarantee.

Suffering is a guarantee.

The people that accept this achieve greatness. The people that don't have their
pains amplified.
Most people think they need money to start investing.

An hour in the gym returns more energy than an hour on your phone.

An hour learning a skill returns more knowledge than an hour at the bar.

If you don't have money, invest your time and energy until you do.
@GregLunt27 Let’s fucking go
If you want to succeed in life & business study:

Game design
Human nature
Cognitive biases

Or just read this where I deconstruct the patterns of them all:
Education is the pillar of progress and evolution.

Education changes human behavior.

Education creates useful people that contribute to society, earn more, and create

The industry will only continue to grow and those that don’t accept that will be
left behind.
People love to shit on education businesses.

They think it’s just a bunch of dudes scamming and manipulating because information
isn’t tangible.

It’s the most meaningful and results oriented business model there is.

Especially with a broken school system.

People don't change because there is no pressure.

No deadlines. No rejection. No money on the line. Nothing that requires them to

brainstorm, get creative, or map out a plan and execute like a mad man.

The perfect recipe for a boring, repetitive, and predictable life.

Desire is not bad.

But when you desire to change something that can't be changed, it becomes the
source of your suffering.
It’s hard to get stuck in your head when you have weights to lift, a business
to build, and potential to fulfill.
The best thing you can do for yourself is accept that you fucked up, not let
it happen again, and embody that state of mind through action.
@jameshansensim @testimonialto My fkn man
Your future will be determined by 3 things:

1) One big decision to go all in.

2) Repetitive and focused daily action.

3) The ability to persist, iterate, and stick out the guaranteed lows on your
No amount of thinking is going to fix the problem solved by doing.
I'm going deep on this topic in Saturdays Koe Letter.

Until then, read this to get up to speed:
@khanyo_george Being able to pay the bills

Being able to provide to your family

Not being in a state of stress because your survival is threatened

In many cases it transfers to survival of beliefs and identity too

Like how a religious person feels threatened when their beliefs are…
@DentesLeo @yassinebouzbiba Definitely points to a hierarchy or stages of

Similar story with modern dating, hard to provide from a place of neediness

Problems from one persons stage of development are perceived differently from
someone elses stage
@DrJamieThomas Appreciate you, its very close
@aftergia Maslows hierarchy, stages of ego development, spiral dynamics scale

All point to purpose (and profits ;))

The 8 human desires are:

- Survival
- Life enjoyment
- Freedom from fear
- Sexual companionship
- Comfort and clarity
- Perceived status
- Safety of community
- Social acceptance

Everybody's "niche" is self-actualization.

Improve yourself > document solution > improve others

That's it.

Hope you enjoyed.

Here's an old letter if you want to read more on this:
Your vision will evolve.

Your goals will evolve.

Your plan will evolve.

It's up to you to create new versions every 3-6 months.

If you don't, you will fall back into the social programming process that
encourages you to remain static. You won't evolve.
Instead, we may tiny improvements over time.

Like a sculptor with his chisel.

To start, you:

- Visualize your future

- Set a goal
- Create a plan
- Focus on daily action

With time, you chisel away to create a new identity that reduces suffering &
contributes to humanity.
The self is a mental construct.

A building is a physical construct.

If you attempt to remove the foundation of a building first, it will crash down.

If you attempt to change yourself in an instant, you may collapse the entirety of
your well being.
You don't get rid of the ego

You develop it to the point of being at one with reality.

Evolution is how you transcend the past version of yourself, integrate parts of it,
and create something new.

At the same time, you let go of what no longer serves you.

This can be painful.

This is a recipe for suffering because humans survive on a conceptual level.
When your self is threatened, you feel that pain.

If a sports fan or pastor has their beliefs challenged, they may lash out in anger.

Like an emotional light switch.

But... the ego is not the enemy.

Life is not static.

The true you is not static.

You are not a hard-set mental construct or web of ideas that lashes out when

You are a part of this very experience unfolding before your eyes.

Yet we latch onto aspects of that experience and hope it stays the same.
We went to church.

We went to school.

We went to the park with our friends.

Teachers, parents, and peers all projected their beliefs on you, and as a young
child, you soaked it up like a sponge.

That's how you survive.

By learning how to fit into this bizarre life.

"Touch your eyes."

"Touch your ears."

"Touch your mouth."

And slowly we developed this kinesthetic version of ourselves.

Even when we cannot see the back of our head (or even our face without a mirror).

Slowly this conceptual image of who we are became more complex.

First, we need to understand what your "self" is.

The self, or the ego, is a concept.

It is a group of beliefs and labels.

It is an idea.

It is a THOUGHT, not an experience.

From the day we were born our parents and teachers played games with us.
How to reinvent yourself:
Most people would be better off waking up early, even if they're a night owl.

80% of your bad habits happen after 8:30pm.

If you went to bed early, you would avoid them and see a jump in quality of life.

But that's why people don't do it.

They're addicted to feeling terrible.

@PillayAaqiel Appreciate you man (3 years btw, 12 would be nuts haha)
If you enjoyed this thread, consider sharing it.

If you're interested in learning more, I talk about this stuff all the time.

Here's one of many letters that dives into the creator economy and becoming a
person of value:
The future of work belongs to the self-reliant, self-educated, and those that
pursue the creative opportunity that automation and AI have presented.

The future is about balance, not overwork.

The future is about being human, not robotic.

The digital renaissance is here.

To thrive in the coming years, learn:

- Writing & articulation

- Marketing & sales
- Social media & the internet
- Your interests and curiosities
Then, learn to combine them into valuable goods (products & services) to
exchange with your community to make a living.
Proper rest includes:

- Long walks
- The gym and exercise
- Contemplation & reflection
- Journaling & meditation

That primes your brain for the pillars of meaningful work.

You can now channel your newfound creativity into your craft.
85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have yet to be *created.*

When you are not creating your own meaningful work (that's the kicker, you can't
rely on others anymore), you must prioritize rest.

But not the modern notion of "rest" like bubble baths, wine, and gluttony.
To get practical:

You now have the opportunity to pursue meaningful work that unlocks the parts of
the brain that modern society has neglected for so long.

Humans can explore reality with passion, improve their skill set, and self-
When we, as humans, prioritize both work and rest, we prime our mind for
novel ideas.

And through the power of the internet, collective knowledge increases and our
capacity for thought evolves with it.
The Default Mode Network is:

"a series of interconnected sections that activate as soon as people stop

concentrating on external tasks, and shifts from outward-focused to inward-focused

In short, the brain is MORE active when you aren't focused on work.
Novel ideas are what allow new language, technology, and opportunities to be

The idea for the tractor (and all previous advancements) had to come before the

To do this well, work is necessary, but rest and leisure are of more importance
because of the brain:
The future of work, in my eyes, belongs to the creative.
The writers.
The speakers.
The designers.
The creators.

Every person that we thought AI would "replace."

Instead, AI will act as a tool that allows creatives to push the boundaries.
A decline in labor work demands an incline in creative and knowledge work.

From McKenna: “Thought can only go as far as the language that paves the road”

If we want to expand the limits of what's possible, we have to create knowledge

& ideas.
My beliefs are that humanity has evolved to the point of not needing humans
to perform the "dirty work."

Automation and artificial intelligence have seen leaps in development over the

There have been many doomsday speculations on this, but I only see good coming from
First, there were slaves that were assigned most of the labor work.

Then, tools like tractors, windmills, and self-checkouts reduced the burden

Now, the majority of employees are tied to their cubicles to perform repetitive
tasks that go against their nature.
Manual work isn't always bad.

But completing mindless tasks for the sake of survival or status makes you no
different than a robot or animal.

A sense of mastery must uphold our endeavors to create meaningful work.

Your purpose is the source of suffering you accept.

The Ancient Greeks saw work as a necessary part of life.

But only as a means to leisure, creativity, and contemplation as they considered

them the keys to happiness.

Without work, leisure loses its meaning and vice versa.

Life begins to lack balance and contrast.
Aristotle condemned manual labor as harmful to the body and soul.

This my prediction on the future of work (with AI and automation threatening labor
Deep work is quite possibly the best way to start investing in your future:
Your life is the ultimate portfolio of investments.

Your mind, body, and business all require long term thought and strategic effort to

Focus is a currency and 100% of your actions are how you invest it.
Identity influences perception.
Perception influences choices.

It’s not wise to judge a book by its cover, but you can tell a lot by the way
someone looks, dresses, and stands because it’s an external display of their
You can change the direction of your life with 1 hour a day of pure focus.

Anyone can find an hour of free time.

When you do, here's how you maximize what you do during that time:
@NicoleCrowell00 Thank you Nicole🙏
@AliAbdaal @SahilBloom @JamesClear @hubermanlab @RyanHoliday @ColinandSamir
Thanks for the inclusion brother 🙏
Hey, just because someone else thinks it’s important doesn’t mean you have
The more you write, the more ideas you have.

The more you move, the more energy you have.

The more you rest, the more time you have.

Results demand momentum.

Progress disappears when you hide in your head to avoid engaging with reality.
Entrepreneurship is the only logical option for long-term thinkers.

People climb corporate ladders because their psyche craves challenge.

It's rewarding.
But you can only climb so high. The challenge will cease to exist.

Cut to the chase and start building your own thing.

@andyisom100K My man🤝
@tysonmaly 🤝
Reading is an incredible habit.

But most people don't have the time.

And even less know how to read properly.

Don't read entire books just so you can show Twitter how many you read in a year.

Do this instead:
Do what you want, but don't lie to yourself.

You don't want mindless pleasures. You don't want a job that ceases to challenge
you. You don't want what you've been conditioned to think you want your entire

Wake up, set goals, and don't let anything distract you from them.
@excelumeohana @GrammarHippy @ItsKieranDrew 🤝🫡
@heyjoeyjustice Joey woke up and chose facts
@GregLunt27 Pls no
@imeddjabi I dig it, and am only saying this for fun conversation, but:

- 95% is more observable and available

- Observing negativity is more potent and behavior-changing than positivity

I like the anti vision approach

How to nearly guarantee success:

1) Observe what 95% of society does

2) Do the opposite
@iamjustincscott Go off king
1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000 people that each have access to 1000 people in their
lifetime = 1,000,000,000

Pretty sure the math is right, still sounds insane

With the internet, it's almost guaranteed that you reach 1000 people.

Those 1000 people each will know 1000 people in their life.
And those will 1000 will know 1000 more people in theirs.

You are 2 network layers away from reaching 1 billion people with your ideas.

Here’s how I structure my morning work
Your future is a slab of marble, focus is the chisel, and you are the
sculptor. Every day is a chance to make small targeted taps in the masterpiece you
choose to create.
A pattern I've noticed in successful people:

They block out the world for a dedicated amount of time each day. No distractions,
full focus, harnessing the limited creative ability of their mind to build and
maintain their ideal lifestyle.
Your work makes you feel tired because it isn't meaningful, creative, or
The problem is that to reach the powerful ideas you have to expand your mind
to the point of understanding them. Like bodybuilding but with mental capacity.
Progressive overload applies. Drowning yourself in surface level “how to” advice
isn’t doing you any good.
Most people don’t need more advice. They need more powerful ideas to shape
their worldview and frame their decision making. That way they can make better
choices, figure it out for themselves, and reap the dopamine that comes from trial
and error.
@LukeTrawick I like the "explain it to a 5th grader" angle more than "write
like a 5th grader"

Makes you use creative metaphors and relate what you're talking about in a way that
others can understand

Like having persistency next to consistency(?)

@BrettLemox This has my focused work commandments🤝
@LukeTrawick Persistence didn't match consistency so a choice had to be made
@xyh4nnud Incredible and a big inspiration
You need to focus your energy.

Meaningful goals.
Promising side projects.
Results-generating tasks.

The world is more distracting than ever.

If you don't protect your attention at all costs, your energy will be drained and
you'll think that's your 'normal' state of living.
Yes persistency is a word
Persistency and iteration > consistency and repetition
@GaristoMichael My fuckin man, thank you, and congrats🤝
Your social media experience is an amplification of who you are.

If you complain about it being “toxic” or “negative” there’s a reason behind that.

You’re in control of what you allow into your mind.

Most people know this but let their toxic or negative reactions control them.
Build your mind.
Build your body.
Build your business.

Do the things that every person you respect has done. The success formula is right
in front of you.
Set goals.
Act with intention.
Question who you are.
Let people challenge your beliefs.
And never remain stagnant for too long.

If you aren't working toward your ideal future, you are working toward someone
Everyone wants the quick fix but nobody realizes the quickest fix is the
longest path.
You can't do what you love because you don't have the skill to make it
happen. That's it. Anything else is an excuse, limiting belief, or lack of
awareness of what's possible.
@GregLunt27 @dickiebush Epic
7 side hustles to start in 2023!

Wait no here's the best agency to start!

Oh look a new shitcoin to invest $10 into!


Do this first.

Then learn and sell whatever you want:
If you are bored, build.

If you are building, persist.

If you are persistent, trust.

The solution to boredom is a challenge that engages your mind with a meaningful

The unconventional path is uncertain, but it's the only one where you don't end up
like everyone else.
Most of the time, a degree is just a sign that you can do work you hate for
years without pursuing your own thing, and that's exactly what employers want.
If you can spend 8 hours building someone else's dream, you can spend 1 hour
building your own.

8 hours of pay on the same repetitive tasks puts a limit on your income.

1 hour of zero pay on lever moving tasks removes that limit:
The fulfillment you get from work and your ability to have full control over
your income are directly tied.

Working for someone else is great, don't get me wrong, but to view it as anything
but a stepping stone is a limit on your potential, satisfaction, and well-being.
@thejustinmethod @dickiebush Appreciate you sticking it out brother🤝
@heyjoeyjustice Happy birthday bro, I’m here when you need me for high
protein recipes and to tell you to go on a fucking walk
You can’t improve what doesn’t exist.

Post the video. Launch the product. Pitch the service. And don’t be the person that
tries to be perfect without realizing it.

The first will be embarrassing.


When you delay embarrassment, you delay any form of success.

One of the biggest mistakes I made when getting into spirituality was
thinking that eternal happiness was the end goal.

You're allowed to be unhappy.

Expecting yourself to be happy all the time is a great way to ensure you are never
@dickiebush I'll be coming back to this often (as we discussed)
@ludop0lis @dickiebush 🤝
My friend @dickiebush flew in to record a 3.5 hour podcast on:

- Digital writing
- The creator economy
- Our 10 year plans for business
- Creative workflows & routines
Watch here:
most* :)
Twitter is slowly becoming the platform where I have the least amount of
followers, and yet it is still the most powerful platform that few fail to realize.
My edge in the social media game is that I started on Twitter.

I've tested 26.3k ideas and know what will perform like second nature.

In the time you can test 100 ideas on Twitter, you can test maybe 5-10 on YouTube
and a bit more on other platforms.
@TheBrandonRaley Spittin
@JoshTillerHere @jameshansensim James and I follow each other irl
@iamjustincscott Brotherhood is deep
Creativity is alchemy but with ideas.
Start here:
You need a goal.

You need a project.

You need something to invest energy into.

Like when you buy an expensive item and feel like you need to use it.

When you invest enough energy into a goal, you will feel obligated to achieve it.
Productivity is about getting the most effective work done in the least
amount of time possible.

Productivity is not about seeing who can work the longest and wear it as a badge of
The most interesting people are the ones who realize that struggle,
difficulty, and discomfort are interpretations.

They know they can push twice as far as their mind says they can. And when they do,
life offers a lesson that isn't available to the average individual.
Where most people quit is where greatness is born.
Business is about solving other peoples problems.

Self improvement is about solving your own problems.

The only logical starting point in modern business is to improve yourself, document
your journey, and occasionally ask to be paid for your work.
Study these too:
Do what you love but study psychology, marketing, and sales so you don’t
become a starving artist.
Business is the modern vessel for living with purpose.
Give yourself permission.
Start the business even when you’re bound to fail. Cut the ties even when it’s the
safest option. Take the leap even when nobody else would dare.

What most people label as crazy hints at the only path where you don’t end up like
everyone else.
@itsangeladias Huge props Angela
Technology has put the power back into the hands of the individual.

Faster than ever, you can:

- Acquire a valuable skill set

- Create a unique solution
- Contribute to a niche community

Our ancestors were entrepreneurs, and history is repeating itself:
The best business to start is the one you can see yourself building for the
rest of your life.
@heyeaslo @thejustinwelsh @SahilBloom @AliAbdaal @FitFounder My man, I
appreciate you
@iamjustincscott 10,000 paper cuts or 10,000 chisels to create aesthetic
@riccardocarra44 I see this question a lot when talking with others, love how
you're framing it man
Human life is smack in the middle of animal and spirit with the mind as the

You have two options in every situation:

1) Go beyond yourself and create

2) Regress into your animalistic nature

Both are difficult.

The former results in a deep sense of satisfaction.

@jarrylew My man, thanks for reading🤝
My failed businesses:

- Digital art
- Photography
- Content marketing
- Two eCommerce stores
- Dropshipping rave clothes
And more.

If I could go back and change one thing, it would be this:
You won't be happy sipping frilly coconut drinks on the beach. Maybe for a
bit, but not for life. Rest is only meaningful when contrasted with work. The
secret is to create work that you find meaningful, not eliminate work from your
More on creating the right goals:
"Systems over goals" (a system still needs a goal)

"I don't need goals I have a vision" (a vision is a goal)

Anything you *do* implies that there is a goal, might as well make the future you
are working toward conscious
@itskhalid_A Appreciate you brother, most of these make me cringe haha, still
figuring things out to this day🤝
If you don't have goals you don't have a lens to view life from.
Opportunities will pass you by and you'll be clueless as to why "life isn't fair."
Humans are meant to evolve.

Don’t accept who you are, accept where you are. Write down every little thing you
don’t like about yourself. And most importantly, get specific on why you don’t like

The level of your goals demand a new level in character.

Be open to change.
@OneJKMolina @WrongsToWrite Relistening to see if any of dakotas story made
it to final video lmao
If you don't focus your mind on what you want, it will be focused on what
others want for you.
The only way to respect yourself is to put yourself in a difficult situation
and overcome the hardship.
@therileymcghee ig stories
A fit physique is the ultimate status symbol.

It shows that you can commit to one thing for years with slow results.

People trust you more because they know you won't throw them away at the first hint
of difficulty.

Go to the gym.
Why you aren't respected:

- You aren't in shape

- You lack self-discipline
- You are overly emotional
- You lack ambition and goals
- You aren't a man of your word
- You need too much from others to make you whole

People respect those that look, act, and are respectable.

Material objects like money are only as good or evil as the person using
Business is a vessel for value.

Everyone already has a business, some just haven’t realized it to the point of
getting paid.
@ZachRyle @growthghosts @heyjoeyjustice @iamjustincscott @WrongsToWrite
@TaylinSimmonds @IAmOscarAdrian Meta
And those that don’t integrate their shadow through a creative practice are
often the unconscious manipulators.

You are a human with a dark side. If you don’t tame it, it will control you without
your consent.
The most successful people are those that study unethical tactics and use
them in an ethical way.

Sales, marketing, persuasion, hypnosis, influence, etc.

Their work, business, and pursuit of lofty goals are the modality for integrating
their shadow.
The best way to make significant progress is to force yourself into a place
you don't belong (and let practice bridge the gap).
Life is difficult because you expect it to be easy.

Goggins enjoys brutal workouts.

Jocko wakes up at 4am without complaint.

Wim Hof plunges into thermoshockingly cold water.

You can sit down at a computer and build.

This will make it easier:
The dream life is only “the dream life” until it normalizes. The only path to
sustainable fulfillment is to have a purpose, mission, and and accompanying
priorities that bring you a deep sense of satisfaction.
Internalizing feedback from more than 2-3 people is the easiest way to get
How to be replaceable

- Go to school
- Question nothing
- Standardized tests & curriculums
How to be irreplaceable

- Self-educate
- Pursue your interests
- Build meaningful projects
- Acquire specific skills along the way

Here's to the future:
Skills can be negative. And most people are great at avoiding conflict,
procrastinating, and performing mental gymnastics so they never have to change.
@dickiebush Congrats on one year bro, that’s insane considering what you’ve
done in that time
Don’t expect to tap into your creative potential if you’re never alone with

No work, no people, no information.

Sit with yourself, let thoughts trigger thoughts, and follow them down a rabbit
hole of original discovery.
Nobody is coming to save you.

Not your parents.

Not your best friend.
Not the government.
Not your favorite book.

They can offer a helping hand, sure, but the choice to improve is yours and yours
@jameshansensim 🤝
If you have nothing to experiment with, it's safe to assume you feel "lost"
or stagnant. Here's how you flip the switch:
You need 3 activities:

One that makes you money.

One that brings you peace.
One that keeps you fit.

There’s a million different options for each.

The fun part is experimenting with them all, choosing the one you enjoy, and
creating a sustainable lifestyle over the next decade.
Surround yourself with people that make you feel stupid for not acting on
your dreams. Not because they tell you anything, but because they make it seem
Every single day people are paying for the exact same knowledge in your head,
tools you use, and experience you’ve gained.

The only reason you aren’t getting paid is because you don’t give people the option
to pay *you.*
@OneJKMolina @WrongsToWrite @JohnConstas Idk how valuable our shit posting in
video format will be but that was fun man
The gym, long walks, and a personal project that you can pour your heart into
will solve most of your problems.
Observation is the skill that allows you to predict your future, correct your
actions, and create a life that the masses can't fathom.
Balance isn't about moderation.

It's about pushing the limits in all domains of life.

Bring intensity to your work, then let go of all worries during rest. Be
disciplined in your routine, yet ready to let it all go without worry.

Be a warrior at times, and a monk at others.

Hard to articulate how this model would work, but this may help understand it
more (if you have value to give):
One school system wouldn't dominate 12-20+ years of their life. Students
would evolve beyond one after a few years, go on to the next, and eventually be
able to start their own – if the other schools have the underlying principle of
critical thinking and personal experience.
I'm convinced that the future of schooling will be done online, with creators
as teachers, and each student can join the "school" that aligns the most with their
interests, values, and method of learning.
It shouldn't matter how uncertain, risky, or difficult it is going to be.

All you have to do is observe society to see that the default path is ten times
@seanxyue @thejustinwelsh 😂🤝
@thejustinwelsh Employee: "I made you $1M"

Employer: "Here's an extra $5K and less time with your family."
@austinbelcak Your pumping out these threads man. Giving people no option but
to succeed.
Focus is the modern superpower.

Most people are busy building others dreams with little care for their own. A plan
was laid out at birth, and they followed without question.

Create your plan, self-educate for clarity, and execute like your life depends on
it. Because it does.
@joindinnerparty This one was fun boys, thanks for having me
More on my focused work philosophy
@thejustinwelsh “You exist” lol

True as hell though

@austinbelcak The funny thing is that even the most experienced people worry
about this. Getting your name out there is more important than your experience
@thejustinwelsh Enjoy man, sounds peaceful
@dickiebush I use the rule of 3 in most of my writing, it just flows better.
Remind yourself of your ideal future.


It's too easy to get distracted by others flashy goals, break off your path, and
waste time trying to get back.
One hour of pure focus a day, on lever-moving tasks, is all you need to build
the project that will launch you into a life of meaning.
@TrajanTheCruel I often make dumb posts
@iamjustincscott @WrongsToWrite @heyjoeyjustice Walks, abundance, and
nutritious physical and mental food will be had sir
More on turning yourself into a business here:
@SystemSunday Was talking about 'the middle path' of spiritual materialism
the other day

In short, having a strong, self-generated "why" behind your possessions helps you
sustain the enjoyment you get from them

From dopamine to the here and now chemicals to appreciate what you have
@Nicolascole77 "Perceived value" is the key here. Something as simple as
restructuring how you display what's already in the product can make a huge

(Applies to most areas of life)

@austinbelcak ChatGPT continues to blow my mind with its use cases
@thejustinwelsh Full control with upfront uncertainty VS zero control with
upfront certainty
Your experience
A social media account
A digital product or service
Time, effort, and iteration

Are the only requirements to make more money than any one person needs.

You can build a massive company, but your time may be better spent on the lagging
areas of your life.
If you can't be happy in a city you won't be happy in the woods.
The sooner you start the sooner you can start sucking less.
@dickiebush That was fire
@danielkenitz Charles knows the game well, great breakdown man
@petermeglis All top of funnel would be considered "looks" in my opinion.

Short punchy tweets, actionable advice (shallow enough to fit here), and physique
pics on Instagram.
It's necessary for *capturing* attention.

Long form newsletters, YT, or podcast are where the nurturing happens
Happiness is a skill.

Nobody can give it to you.

It is a state of mind that you are responsible for creating in your life.

If you're stuck in a rut, watch this:
@heyjoeyjustice And the behind the scenes are so “boring” from the outside
that it wouldn’t register for the people that are only looking for the “secrets”
1 million followers comes from looks.

1000 true fans comes from depth.

It feels good to create.

To build something with your own two hands. To see the end result of your efforts
and be reminded of the challenges you overcame. To have something of value that
others can benefit from.

Creating someone else’s dreams isn’t nearly as enjoyable.

The easiest way to write impactful content is to write to yourself. You’re
experiencing something that others are going through. Educate yourself, give
yourself advice, and solve your problems by writing through them. Others will
Life is difficult.

But only because you expect it not to be.

We all go through periods of feeling lost, overwhelmed, and like there's no light
at the end of the tunnel.

Here's how you can shift your perception to turn difficulty into enjoyment:
Most people are aware that working the same job for 40 years goes against
their nature. Your mind wants to evolve while your physical environment won't let

Don't suppress that feeling.

This isn't limited to the time people spend consuming information, but how
long that information lives in their head, and how often they use that information
to solve painful problems in their life.
Power belongs to those that accumulate the most attention in their lifetime.
Not in the sense of vanity, but in the sense of value.
The ability to focus your attention on a meaningful goal, holding that in the
back of your mind as a distraction repellent, knowing exactly how to achieve it
through prior experience, and refocusing on the choice in front of you is a
@RickyPalaguachi That was a fun space man, appreciate you🙏
Having systems in place for people to use your product is just as, if not
more important than selling your product.
Habits either guarantee success, failure, or somewhere lost in the middle
because the habit of indecision prevents you from picking a side.
Blame everyone but yourself.
Tie your self-worth to others' opinions.
Question nothing.
Obey everything.
Go to school.
Get a job.
Retire at the ripe age of whenever, no guarantees, with just the right amount of
currency to survive until death.

Reject the mindless path.

@ubervincent Nice
@thebrandonaj @joindinnerparty Loool the double chicken hits different

Thanks for coming man

Wake up.
Hit snooze 4 times.
Stare at your phone.
Roll out of bed.
Make coffee.
Sit in traffic.
8 hours of unfulfilling work.
Sit in traffic... again.
Argue with your "significant" other.
Walk the pet.
Watch TV.
Pass out.

This should scare the shit out of you.

@joindinnerparty So stoked, the structure you showed me isn’t something I’ve
seen before, going to be fun🤝
If you don't choose a struggle, you will be assigned one.
The easiest way to build an independent income source is to solve a problem
in your life, document the solution, and use your personal experience to market it.
@ArinadeLondon Glad it’s helped🙏🙏
@marcoswushh Still blows my mind how powerful this internet thing can be,
thanks for being here man
One meaningful project.
One hour of focused work.
One day at a time, without waver.

That's the secret you're looking for.

The future of the creator economy belongs to holistic synethizers that aren’t
tied to one niche, interest, or skill.

There’s enough basic advice out there. You need to push the limits of your mind,
life, and creativity to limits that can’t be reached by “focusing on one thing.”
One day you have to face the reality that you will have to do things you
don’t want to get what you want.

It’s obvious that you can’t go from where you are now to your dream life, and
that’s why most people don’t start.
To write off goals as unnecessary is to write off the foundation of human

You have goals.

The difference is whether they are conscious, unconscious, or subconscious thanks

to a strong vision (which is in and of itself a goal).
Every book, course, or teaching should start with the reminder to think for
yourself, create a vision for your future, and implement the lessons toward your
own goals.
@thefernandocz Fuck yeah
Reminder that I will never ever ever ever dm you about crypto (or anything

Block / report as necessary please

The Perception Threshold:

After a period of struggle, what was once difficult becomes effortless due to a
shift in how you perceive the situation.
Searching for knowledge is great but you still have to implement, fail, and
experience the lesson to solidify that knowledge.
Overworking yourself is the destroyer of self-awareness, creativity, and
thinking positively into the future.

Psychologically, your attention doesn’t have a chance at engaging in the restful

activities that would activate those networks in your brain.
If you aren't tired when you go to bed and excited when you wake up, you need
intensity and goals.
If you love learning, you are living in one of the greatest times.

The only things that can stop you are distractions:

- Mindless scrolling
- Not setting personal goals
- Listening to other's opinions

Here's how to win in the age of information:
Build stuff and put it in front of people.
The desire to remove the ego is still an egoic pursuit.
@ItsKieranDrew Always an epic story to see man
Happiness is a skill.

People won't give it to you.

Things won't give it to you.
Money won't give it to you.

Happiness is created by either pursuing goals or pursuing nothing.

Absolute being or absolute doing.

If you're unhappy, this may help:
Most people are living on autopilot.

Their destination was set at birth.

A map was handed to them by parents, schools, and belief systems.

Their actions are mechanical like cogs in a machine.

Reject the mindless path.

@ItsKieranDrew Yea that’s the interesting thing, even mine are inspired by
other big players in the space, and it’s hard to claim something so simple as a set

Hopefully coming with unreplicable reels in the coming weeks. #iteration

@ardp1331 It’s also about the information you’ve been exposed throughout the
day and how distracting unfinished non work related tasks/plans can be
Time is relative, and mornings are sacred.

1 hour of work in the quiet morning is the same as 3 hours of work in the
distracting afternoon.
Self-comparison becomes inspiration when you detach from the outcome.
@joindinnerparty So sick, looking forward to it brothers
@dickiebush @Dickies_Mom Happy Birthday brother, enjoy time with Dickies Mom
Here's how you take matters into your own hands:
If you can learn to walk you can learn to build a business.

Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it wasn't difficult, time-
consuming, and accomplished after a year of consistent failure.
@omer_redden @thejustinwelsh Me either lol
@thejustinwelsh Suprisingly, TikTok changed my perspective on critics.

The extra comments are the sole reason you go viral, get exposed to more people,
and see more success.

The critics desired outcome is the opposite of what they intend, and it's glorious
@Howard_Fawcett Yeah my reasons were religious, didn't like being forced to
wear one. Suits are cool though
I no longer eat chipotle everyday, if at all, but man achieving that goal was
special lol
Selfish reasons I started a business:

- To not be given orders

- To go to the gym at 2pm
- To never have to wear a suit
- To prove everyone else wrong
- To be able to afford Chipotle every day

Stubborn personal motivations can be more powerful than materialistic ones.

The harsh reality is that nobody cares.

They don’t care about your ideas.

They don’t care about your goals.
They don’t care about your success.

Even if they do care, they don’t care enough to do it for you.

Stop fishing for the opinions of others and start valuing your own.

Scrolling isn’t going to sculpt that body.

Tutorials aren’t going to build your business.

Notifications aren’t going to bring you peace.

Only a meaningful goal, clarity on how to achieve it, and unbreakable focused
effort can do that for you.
@MajaMHoward Salidroside + 8:1 lions mane courtesy of @SameemRouhani

He adds on dynamax caffeine, I’ve just kept my coffee in the mix

@therileymcghee Nice
If you're just starting out, here's what I would do:
My current morning routine (for maximum flow):

- Pop nootropic stack

- 20 minutes cardio
- 45-90 minutes writing
- Walk to coffee shop
- 45-90 minutes writing
- Emails, messages, responses

Prioritize cognition, knock out creative work first, then let others into your day.
Everyone wants to make better choices, but most people can’t.
The masses interpret situations in a negative way that results in a mindless

If you can zoom out and view the situation in a way that is advantageous to your
future, better choices become automatic.
How to self fund a business:


Start one that requires a skill that you can learn for free, service you can create
for free, and traffic you can generate for free.

Then, invest that money into whatever business you want… if you even care to at
that point.
@thejustinwelsh Crazy how anyone can upskill themselves, learn some modern
skills, package up their knowledge in 2 ways, distribute on the internet, and make
more than the average salary (with persistence).
@austinbelcak What a thread, again with the "wish I had this way back when"

Youre content is saving (metaphorical) lives man

More on the future of work here:
One pattern I've noticed recently (in myself and my connections).

People will buy our products or services and say:

"I saw like 20 other people offering the same thing, but yours made the most sense.
It spoke directly to me."

Sense making + being yourself = how you stand out.

There are no wrong feelings, there are only misinterpretations of them.
A creative income is generated by solving profitable problems at the
intersection of your skills, interests, and personality.
@Tim_Denning @heyjoeyjustice talks about writing in the evening and editing
in the morning.

The default mode network is more active in the afternoon = more creativity = spill
words on a page

Task positive network in the morning for focused editing.

Works like a charm

An email I got:

"Free piece of advice: clean up your explicative f*$#%# blog, it makes you seem
unprofessional and people won't hire you."
Little does he know that's exactly why people hire me.

Your worldview =/= my business.

@heyjoeyjustice Ah yes a new, revitalized channel that I (and everyone
reading) must like, comment, and subscribe for psychological teachings for the
third millennium
The future belongs to creatives that pair their ideas, interests, and
experience with marketing, sales, writing, and speaking.

With a consistent effort to distribute and monetize your creations, you can't lose.
It’s not instant, as all good things aren’t, but creating an independent
source of income is a necessity for those that want full control over their life.
3 ways to launch yourself into a season of progress:

1) Watch your peers surpass you and get mad that you haven't kept up.

2) Realize where your actions are taking you and sit with that potential future.

3) Immerse yourself in an environment of growth and improve by osmosis.

Life is art, and everyone’s a critic.

Every positive or negative “review” you leave on the series of situations you are
faced with influences your quality of life.
@DayoClinckspoor 🤝
The secret is to stay consistent until you find the thing that brings you
0.01% more results than the next person.

Exploit that technique until results compound.

And when results fade, repeat the process.

The best people are those that want to become the best, but understand that
they will never be the best, yet still choose to become the best.
I'm heavily introverted.

I hid behind that label for a long time.

Then I learned that being social is a skill, not a personality trait.

And if you want to see any form of success, you need high-value connections.

Here's how you find them online:
You can guarantee that:
You will be criticized.
You will be uncertain.
You will be embarrassed.

The challenge you are facing is a necessary obstacle on the path to doing your own

It’s difficult.

That’s the point.

The constraints create the game, and I’m having a lot of fun seeing how far I
can take a one person business and four hour workdays. Forces you to think outside
of the online business box that has been reinforced over the last 20 years.
You suck at writing because you don’t understand psychology. People don’t
want to be lectured, they want to be understood.
@roezan_der Exactly, right now my mind is just going crazy trying to connect
it to what I talk about / have learned before
@AlanMousy Got it queued for the next walk🤝 and glad you're enjoying it!
@roezan_der Makes sense, still a lot of digging to do but I appreciate your
time / discussion man. Stoked to go deeper
@brandidco Loving the recommendations coming in, thank you brother
@AlanMousy Haven't heard of Milton but huge fan of debate rabbit holes haha,
thank you
@roezan_der Ah, is that the main axis of most arguments around her?
I'm brand new to most things related to Rand and after doing a little
research, man, there are people that HATE her

Even more reason to read / integrate the lessons (with a critical mind, hopefully)
@roezan_der Haven't read any Seneca surprisingly (as far as I know, quotes /
lessons here and there of course)

Will add to the list🤝

@TechTedLasso That's the goal, filter not attach🤝
@TomRoyce I'm brand new to her teachings so diving in with an open and
hopefully critical mind - I'm sure I'll get stuck in a few internet rabbit holes
criticizing her work haha
@timjcarden I'm just glad it resonates man, thank you for this.

Still get that spike of uncertainty when I hit send

@roezan_der Niiiice, I'm loving it so far
Starting to finally dive into Ayn Rand, specifically The Virtue Of

Wish she was around to see the creator economy, one-person business model, etc.

Lots of connections.

You can learn more than a college course through self-education in a fraction of
the time.
If you want to learn, master, and monetize your knowledge you must make a constant
effort to spot profitable problems and apply what you know:
@iamjustincscott Heat
Persuasion is to open minds to the potential of mutual benefit. Manipulation
is to close minds to a singular option, often benefiting the manipulator.
The middle path is that of the world conquerer.

Not extreme peace like a monk.

Nor extreme progress like a businessman.

But one that can find meaning in the balance.

The conquerers push both material and immaterial extremes to reap the full range of
the human experience.
Inaction signals that you value comfort over your goals.
@XavierWanderboy 3d continues to blow my mind
@thejustinwelsh What gets me are the copywriters or marketers that say this

Aren’t you supposed to know that even the “worthless” followers are those that are
just at a lower level of awareness / skill? And that you can create / educate to
nurture that follower?
@Humble_Jeremiah @OrionOgun @9to5systems @GrammarHippy I copy paste my own
stuff on occasion, but yeah will rewrite most if there's a better way to say it
If you reached out to Elon Musk to work with him, he wouldn't expect you to
have your own Tesla. He would expect you to be able to get results.

And if you can't get the results you promised, then you have a risk reversal in
place, like refunding the money or working extra.
The other common objection is that they promise things they haven't done

Yes, that's a good thing to have - but then they get lumped into the whole "coach
selling coaching to coaches ordeal" - they can't win.
@Course_Doc And if they've gotten a client to 1k? Or if they have a guarantee
in place if they don't hit that?
Hurts to see beginners called out for trying to gain experience.

Example being a ghostwriter that doesn't have a lot of followers.

How is that any different from you offering marketing services to increase a
business's revenue when you've made $0 in revenue?

Use your head.

The only people that never contradict themselves are those that resist the
very essence of life, and choose to never change.
When you’re bored, pick up a book instead of your phone and see where that
simple habit shift it takes you.
Productivity advice is great at everything but telling people when to stop
working, which is often what people need to produce higher quality work.
@LifeCoachNano Glad you enjoyed brother 🤝
Reading without writing is like eating without lifting. The excess gets
stored as fat and you have nothing to show for the precious time invested.
Many people make a drastic change in their life, experience a positive
feeling, and become dogmatic about the method used.

Like adopting a specific diet ideology.

Yes, cleaning up your diet helped with energy.

But, the clarity from being disciplined is what helped the most.
@heyjoeyjustice Confirmed
Unhappiness is the lack of being or doing because of thinking.
The difference between having a personal brand and not is the luxury of not
caring to optimize your marketing, offer, or promotions.

You’ve already proven yourself with your content. You don’t have to use every
persuasion hack in the book to squeeze every last drop of sales.
@riccardocarra44 Appreciate the plug brother🙏🏻
The distraction/inaction dynamic is literally the only thing holding people

All day long exhausting themselves with mental gymnastics as to why they should do
anything but improve themselves.

If you can fix that problem, you win.

No amount of advice can fix it for you.

@Tim_Denning 🫡
@FitFounder I went for the opposite reason, I didn’t want to end up like my

But, as of last month, my dad weighs less than me, and keeps calling to ask for
lifting advice because he wants to beat me hahaha

Proud of him but no way I’m letting him catch up

It’s incredible how many people still believe you need a college degree to
see any form of success. The conditioning runs deep.
@chaserlovelacer Love it my man🙏
@thejustinwelsh Pretty much yeah😂
@everymanshustle Pumped as well brother, see you soon!
@talktoterryco Love it brother.

@heyjoeyjustice and I are cooking up something good related to this

[redacted] coming soon
@thestevennickel Thank you brother!

I'm stoked for the call today

The trait of persistence can only be appreciated when you try to accomplish
something big in your life.

Mediocre people love to label the trait as “cliche,” ignore its profound
importance, and go back to whatever they weren’t doing.
It’s not about finding the thing you love doing, because one day you’ll wake
up and that love will be gone.

It’s about finding the thing that makes the pain, sacrifice, and hours of work
worth it. Because you’ll experience enjoyment, meaning, and love for your work more
@DanGoldfield I appreciate the shout brother, been enjoying the book btw🙏
@roezan_der It can definitely help, but it's focused primarily on personal

So, if you plan on fueling the brand through a PB, it would work perfect.

If not, you may have to adapt some of the principles accordingly

First curriculum call will be fun :)

Theory > clarity > deliberate practice

@jonmckinnon_ See you there brother🤝
@IkigaiJournal LFG
@AmekaColeman Gonna be good - just raw, to the point what needs to get done -
excited to see how you implement🙏
wooo tweet delay left on by accident nice
- Create a follow worthy profile
- Know exactly what to write
- Systemize the process

And set your one person business up with a base that will determine the rest of
your success in this space.

If that interests you, enroll here for $150
The time has come.

Today is the final day to enroll in Solopreneur Sprints.

For anyone that struggles with clarity, confidence, and execution around:

- Identifying your niche

- Writing authentic content
- Turning 1 idea into 1000
- Consistent brand growth

In 14 days you will:

The person that doesn’t start, doesn’t start.

The person that starts is clueless at first. But with intention, they discover
techniques to experiment with. They find a technique that brings .1% more results
and compounds into unfathomable results over 6-12 months of consistency.
The best marketing tactic is pure honesty.
@florinpop1705 My dude I’m just glad you enjoy them, really appreciate the
"Will writers get replaced by AI?"

If you have to ask that question...

Yes, you'll probably get replaced.

Authenticity, experience, and high skill will be the differentiating factor between
those that do and don't.

This will help:
Lastly, if you want to:

- Create your niche of one

- Write 20+ foundational content pieces
- Learn how to get that content shared (so you grow)
- Grow faster by repurposing your best content

(In 14 days)

There is 1 day left before we start on Feb 7th:
The most difficult part is "finding your niche."

And to that I say:

Don't find a niche, you are the niche.

If you want clarity on this, check out this last Koe Letter of mine:
This business model evolves.

It is a stepping stone, like a job.

Once you have enough leverage (audience and capital) you can start a higher-risk
business and fuel it with that leverage.

This desaturates the freelance and coaching market as everyone grows.

At this point, you turn your system (that already has results) into a product
and sell to your audience.

As you grow, you can increase course sales and decrease the clients you take on by
increasing your prices.

Then, if you want, you can pivot out of client work completely.
Once you iterate on your service and build a 20-50K audience, you have a lot
of leverage.

Normal freelancers and coaches will be in a perpetual cycle of reaching out to get
clients with nothing to show for it after.
A website is difficult to form a compelling marketing campaign around.

But, if you work with fitness coaches and create a system to get them more clients,
you win.

A sales page + opt in + follow up email sequences to eliminate cold outreach is 10x
more valuable.
You want to understand the ins and outs of your client's business.

You want to know what skills you can learn to increase results even more.

Anyone can create a website and charge $500.

Few people can stack that skill with copywriting & email marketing.
Some examples:

- Web design (single skill)

- Email marketing
- Fitness coaching (single interest)
- Spiritual guide

Talk about these in your content.

Charge a low price to start.

Put all energy towards getting results.

Iterate on your service as you gain experience.
Let me introduce to you the Minimum Viable Offer:

The MVO is a single skill or interest-based service that you can charge $500-$1000

This allows you to stack more skills along the way (to increase your prices down
the road)
Do it from a personal brand.

AKA a well-branded social media account.

You can write content to build authority.

People will trust you more than spamming poorly written cold emails.

And, the best part, you can grow an audience along the way to leverage in the
Start a service business and use a personal brand for leverage and traffic.

Freelance, coaching, or consulting.


It is interest-independent.

You can learn almost anything and pair it with marketing, sales, and offer creation
knowledge to start earning immediately.
The best business model for those that love learning, self-improvement, and
personal freedom (with steps):
People aren't judging you as much as you think they are.

And if they are, they'll forget about it when the next distraction pops up.
@TomatronJones Love it, been looking for something like this. Added to the
The email replies to this letter are nuts.

Most I've gotten.

Didn't think there would be so many people on a similar path (and some that heavily
disagree, as it should be).

Just know that I'm still figuring all of this out. I'm sure there's much much more
that I'm unaware of.
@sean_deloughery Appreciate you reading my man🙏🏻🙏🏻
@lifelighter_tom My man, I appreciate you going through all of it, means the
Put this one off for a while.

I grew up religious, rebelled into atheism, and spent the next decade trying to
prove myself wrong.

These are my (condensed) findings:
@matt_gray_ My man! Thank you for the plug🙏
@V2Christina @excelumeohana There's some crossover in the writing parts, the
branding is more extensive. And, it may help to see the workflow live.

If you have 2HW it's definitely not necessary, but could help fill in some blanks
@AdamRobbings Love it man, interesting enough I used that as an example a few
newsletters ago, cool to see someone who's done it
@excelumeohana I appreciate your trust brother. You've been killing it so
far, I hope the sprint gives you some golden nuggets🤝
Anyone can build a product that would help their former self and use their
story as a marketing strategy.

But, everyone wants to chase what's hot, flashy, and approved by others.

The most fulfilling and profitable way of life is right under your nose.
Selflessness cannot exist without selfishness.

If you haven’t closed yourself off to the world like an oyster to develop your
value like a pearl, you have nothing to give.

People pleasing is just a deceptive way of hiding from your own problems.
@Serratore_Cory @waronweakness I'd be in haha
@oliviercantin Ahhhh well played sir
@oliviercantin Did I take something from someone with yellow/red branding?
Genuinely curious, happy to change whatever it is if I'm stepping on toes
@oliviercantin Not sure if being trolled or not haha
@MObatare Understanding themselves, their audience, their customers, and the
crossover between

And a little testing + iteration

@oliviercantin Do you have an example? I haven't
@simplybysusanne It covers the short form aspect (tweets, LI, IG writing)

And a different approach to medium form (threads, captions)

There's a lot of cross over, but some new stuff.

If you feel confident in your writing / brand I wouldn't worry about missing it
@themichaelkapla Stoked to have you on man!
Subtle reminder that enrollment closes in 3 days.

- Create your niche of one

- Write 20+ content pieces
- Repurpose that writing for authority
- Get eyes on that content (w/o relying on the algorithm)

Join here if interested:
Your limiting beliefs around saturation and competition are shattered through
action, time, and iteration.

After 3 years, I've seen too many success stories that it is close to impossible to
entertain any other thought than "you can do whatever the fuck you want."
If you are a writer that struggles to:

- Generate frequent ideas

- Write in an impactful way
- Stay consistent with posting

You need a system.

Create one place to capture ideas.

Immerse yourself in good writing.
Create a weekly posting schedule.

Make it habit.
Got a book in the mail from @DanGoldfield, thank you brother.

Needed something new to build the reading habit back up.

And what better place to start than a recommendation from the happiness expert
@thejustinwelsh It can't be this simple it just can't
You don't get rid of the ego.

You develop it to the point of being at one with reality.

Skill compounds.

Knowledge compounds.

Experience compounds.

And, they can't be taken away from you.

If you don't prioritize the path of mastery and instead become a victim of
distraction, you will fail to see exponential leaps in progress on the things that
People that have a bad relationship with money get trapped in a brutal

They hate people that sell a product…

Just to work for a massive company that exploits its employees to sell a product...

And never realize that to get out, you have to sell a product.
Here's how to give value even if you have "nothing" to give:
It’s not that I’m interested in business.

It’s that I’m interested in making the most of life, and business is a requirement
for that to happen, so I’m interested in that.
The worst mistake you can make when building a name for yourself is to ask
for value without first giving it.
You are one post, message, or share away from reaching the people that will
change your life.

There are 4.9 billion people on the internet, and all you need is 1000 to see your

Every person on this Earth can get paid a sustainable income from a fraction of the
@Shreyas_LLC @DanGoldfield I got the idea listening to Mike Mentzer on
achieving goals and paired it with common mindfulness advice

So in a sense yes steal like an artist

Love Dans stuff as well

@thejustinwelsh Once you know it's possible there's no going back.
Learn how to send authentic DMs that bring massive opportunity:
The barriers to opportunity 20 years ago:

- Your college
- Your network
- Your location
- Your job title
- Your socioeconomic status

The barriers to opportunity today:

- The internet
Your network is your networth, and millionaires are one tactical DM away.
There are 2 types of happiness.

One is derived from achieving goals. The second is derived from achieving nothing.

But, this balance of peace and progress has to be upheld by a sense of mastery.

Otherwise, it becomes a shallow pursuit that will leave you disappointed.

You can learn these just by observing your actions.

What do you buy, why do you buy it, why did it capture your attention, why did you
like it?

Keep asking questions and correct your behavior accordingly.

Courses help structure this information in an actionable way, of course.

It also helps to frame "knowing yourself" and "human psychology" as
marketing, sales, and social dynamics.

We're still in a period of collective development where money or hot men/women have
to be waved in front of peoples faces for them to learn these skills.
I have delusional beliefs about how tech evolved to divide power from
collective to individual, as the patterns of the universe would hint at, but the
creator economy isn’t going to stop until people view it as a way of life.

Think Black Mirror social capital, but in a good way.

It helps to frame this whole thing as “solopreneurship,” “being a creator,”
or “starting a one person business.”

In reality it’s just doing what you should have been doing.

Improving yourself, acquiring skills, and leveraging the internet to put your name
in front of people.
If you want to get paid writing, it should already be a part of your daily
routine, no matter how short the sessions are.

Same with any other aspect of your ideal future.

It's silly to wait until you can get paid just to start over from zero in the real
There's a 99.99% chance that you aren't going to die in the next few weeks.

Stop acting like you're going to if you don't figure out exactly what to learn, do,
or avoid in the next 30 seconds.
Yes, learn that, do that, avoid that.

Experiment with everything and figure it out.

You don’t want absolute freedom, you want autonomy. The difference is that
freedom implies a lack of structure, where autonomy is your ability to choose
within a structure.

Hopefully, one that is composed of a vision, evolving purpose, and meaningful

problems worth solving.
Stop trying to find the most profitable niche.

Just to work with people you don't like...

With a skill that you don't like...

To live a life you don't like.

Wasn't the entire point of starting a business to find fulfillment?

Do this instead:
@mikeying77 It is inevitable
The most undervalued skill is the ability to zoom out and see the big picture
of any personal, professional, or social situation.

The minor details that you get obsessively emotional over mean much less than you
Business is just getting paid for your contribution to the future, hopefully
a better one.
My ideal day:

- 2-4 hours of focused work

- long contemplative walks
- intense training session
- tight-knit socialization
- reading a good book
- eating quality food
- no meetings

Anything that threatens this is perceived as a problem to fix with time and
targeted effort.
@Phil_Tru Appreciate you brother, wait for the book ;)
@TylerBales24 The classic headline readers
@Tanvirabass 🫡🫡
@amaelbogne My man🤝
@maxmeadowcroft I haven't, I've never gotten into the habit of reading
business books (aside from a few like Influence)
I'll have to check it out
@geerodge Gotchu
@thea_mercs Appreciate you reading Thea
If your network is your networth...

Why not network with millionaires, savants, and masters of their craft?

One DM can change the direction of your life, but most people suck at them.

Use this framework for non-needy networking:
Passion isn't found.

It's created by setting a personal goal and exposing yourself to the skills, tools,
and ideas that help solve problems standing in the way.

If life lacks passion, it's because you're chained to building someone else's
dreams instead of your own.
The internet made it possible for the individual to build their own thing
without permission from location, capital, or experience.
Physical reproduction creates humans.

Mental reproduction creates ideas.

On any plane of existence, choose the right partner, have a good time, and take
responsibility for how your offspring contribute to humanity.
For brand, tell a story.

For content, make a map.

For product, create a game.

People pay for transformations.

Stories imply a transformation, and yours is unique.

Games are structured stories that frame attention toward a goal, give clarity on
how to achieve it, and incentivize positive action.

To earn more, gamify your content, product, and marketing.

The secret to self-discipline is to avoid environments that make it
difficult, and create environments that make it effortless.
@thecolbykultgen Glad it helped brother🙏🙏
@thejustinwelsh Stop sub tweeting me🤨
@afaketweets Noice, glad it helped🤝
If you want to see a drastic improvement in the quality of your work, work
less. And when you aren’t working, do things that keep your attention from floating
to work related tasks.

(Source: me, psychology, ancient wisdom, the worlds greatest artists, thinkers, and
The feeling of pure progress is unmatched.

No distractions, absolute clarity, placing one, two, three bricks down to build
your vision for the future.
@thejustinwelsh Proving yourself wrong >>
Happiness implies unhappy experiences as an anchor.

Don’t expect to be happy if you haven’t put yourself through the fire, learned your
lesson, and embodied the identity necessary to prevent it from happening again.
Yes, it sucks.

Post it anyway.

You're welcome.
If the creator is big enough, and if I execute properly, my business is set
for the next year +

If it doesn't work, then I'll identify the problem, fix it, and try again.
By doing this:

- I learn skills in a practical setting without wasting time on the "fluff"

- They may share my post to their audience (I grow my audience and people reach out
for work)

- If they like the work, they may hire me, or just pass my name on to their massive
- Spend the next month building a project for the creator or brand I want to
work with

- Make it the best work I've ever done in my life

- Post the work I did for them on social media and DM it to them to use

- DM and email them in a genuine way until they respond

If I were starting over from scratch, I would:

- Target a big creator or brand I desperately want to meet

- Dissect every aspect of their business (socials, emails, products)

- Study marketing skills on YouTube for 1 month

- Build projects along with those tutorials

Every time I drop my reading habit I notice a gradual decline in quality of
life. Thoughts get jumbled, ideas stop flowing, and life loses its spark.

Because it's a gradual decline, it's hard to make the connection that a small
reading habit can make such a big impact.
Signal is subjective.

What's noise to you is signal to another.

Life is a single-player game, and your path won't be the same as your peers.

Don't let them project what's important to them on you.

A creator is still one of those paths that people don’t see as “real job.”

Few people realize most “real jobs” will merge and collapse because people will
continue to demand more out of life.

A creator is one that against all odds, leverages the internet for fulfilling work.
Here’s how and why I wrote this tweet:
@ZubyMusic Hahaha I agree
Marketing is the greatest skill you can learn.


- It pairs with any other skill

- It teaches you human psychology
- It helps you monetize a niche interest

Only a fool expects to make an income without learning the skill that turns
scrollers into customers.
Your content sucks because you don't:

- Hook in the reader

- Agitate their problem
- Relate to their problem
- Give them a valuable solution

Human psychology will always beat what you think will work.
Clear, not clever.
Money is nothing but a means to control your own attention.
@heydannymiranda @jgebbia @Airbnb Do it.
Distraction is the greatest trap of the 21st century.

But, nobody attacks the root problem.

So, they stay glued to their phones no matter how hard they try.

End it once and for all so you can start making progress toward a better future:
@AntCee7 Sometimes.

Most not all problems are in peoples heads, and they would do better solving real
problems instead of marinating in a negative thought loop
@thejustinwelsh After digging into survival and evolutionary psychology I am
convinced that 'building your own thing' is a major component to a fulfilling life.

The uncertainty of hunting for your survival is rewarding.

@austinbelcak Best thing I did was start a podcast. It's no longer a guest
style one, but the 40+ people I got to meet was an incredible experience
@dickiebush @Nicolascole77 What's your process for capturing ideas and how do
you incorporate them in your writing?
We live in a delusion that we want to make progress without it being hard.

We become slaves to what “should be,” and our should be is “easy.”

The only way to make meaningful progress is to make mistakes, struggle, and
practice the skills necessary to push through.
Most of your problems aren’t problems. They’re a temporary emotional wave
that normalizes with time.
The new economy is different.

Internet content is how you:

- Attract buyers
- Build digital leverage
- Get in front of employers

In this post I walk you through writing 3 content pieces (you can follow my exact
Yes, you can do nothing with your life.

Nobody is going to stop you.

But, you won't escape survival.

By doing nothing, the default outcome of your life will be mindlessness, chaos, and
One man's labor doesn't scale, but the creative ability of his mind does.
@thecolbykultgen That’s included with the writing haha
Obsession is your key to greatness.

Expose yourself to more experience, not distraction, and let curiosity pull you
down a rabbit hole of discovery.

Once you find the thing you can't pull yourself away from, work to make it a
sustainable part of your life.
@Jack_Merrett_ 🤝
99% of the problems you see online are not your problem.

You aren't where you want to be because you can't focus on solving your own.
But, that lifestyle would lose its spark if I never pushed out of that
familiar bubble of comfort.

Interesting push-pull to observe.

Every time I bite off more than I can chew, I'm reminded of one thing:

All I want is to wake up, spill meaningful ideas onto a blank page, go on a long
walk, eat well, and see how much my body can handle under some steel plates.

That's it.
@girish1729 Appreciate you watching brother🙏
@thecopycook Love it, gotta experience the problem to fix it
@XavierMJordan My ego is feeling big today - I deeply appreciate this
@Daniel_Krugerr Fuck yeah man, glad it’s helped🙏
@vaibhavnad @kevinlee_hw Appreciate you both, grateful🙏
@Filip_Hartwich Making me want veneers damn
@realmileslin Thanks for watching brotha
The world has been slowly shifting over the past decade.

Mindless to mindful.
Corporate to individual.
Centralized to decentralized.

It's still happening, internalize these if you want to take advantage:
@NicoleCrowell00 Learned the same. Many people do it well, like very well,
and I couldn’t see them going solo
@jarrylew Respect
@igordeorsi @aaditsh My man🫡
@austinbelcak 7 (half assed) businesses and 5+ offers later here we are
@peperbra That hit
@marshall_eth 100%
I've met people that love that lifestyle.
I’ve reflected on this a lot over the years.

I don’t envy the lifestyle of most creators and entrepreneurs.

Endless meetings, always looking for new ways to make the most money, and managing
people rather than sustaining work you enjoy…

Sounds more like a prison than freedom.

Niche down on a goal, not a market.

Then, almost any of your interests can be directed toward solving problems in the
way of that goal. And, you won't have to worry about putting yourself in a box.
@JonInspires It's gonna be good man - stoked to have you in!
@Medicine_MA I'm watchin
@thejustinwelsh This is something I’m currently working on.

Trying to find the balance of simple wisdom without contributing to the cheap
dopamine machine
@marckgoran Not sure how you pulled that conclusion lol.

Basically what I'm saying is to question everything, your life depends on it.

Paranoid people aren't the only ones that ask questions. Nor does asking questions
mean one is paranoid. It means you want to understand and solve problems
@rickyramox My man, lets get it
@33concreterose Has a link in it and its a promotion

Twitter throttles links and promotions just dont get much engagement
@atakaboo No, there will be to create content with your mind
@tomwritesbiz Very excited to have you in man, been a pleasure seeing your
progress in mm
@deangiesel My man🤝
Quality questions lead to a focused mind.

A focused mind leads to creative solutions.

Creative solutions lead to an enjoyable life.

So question everything, your life depends on it.

@monk_mode23 See you inside🫡
@Jason__Knauer Loool, 2 hour writer has a lot of crossover. Don’t have too
much fomo - execute on that first
@VladTarcan I appreciate that brother🙏
@jacoblerch_ My man🤝 it’s gonna be fun
@GeorgeSiosi Stoked to have you in man🤝
This post won't get much reach.
But, putting this on your radar.

The first Solopreneur Sprint starts February 7th.

In 14 days we will create your niche, write 20+ foundational content pieces, and
streamline your growth strategy.

If you're interested:
Don’t start.

It’s too saturated.

It was 10 years ago and it is today.

Tens of thousands of people haven’t made millions of dollars in the same markets.

Don’t start it’s just not worth the risk.

Go back to doing the non-risky thing you were doing.

More on combining your interests into a niche of one:
Reminder for creators:

Your brand won't explode if you talk about something that isn't related to your

In fact, it'll only help with (long-term) sales.

Your followers are human.

They don't want to follow a search engine with a face on it.

Your problems never go away, you just get better at solving them.
@Hunter_Weiss Couldn’t have done it without you brother 🤝
@ReGhostWriter @IAmAaronWill Can confirm
Stars explode every 10 seconds and create new atomic nuclei.

Wars between nations happen and create new technology.

Problems aren't just happening in your narrow little mind.

And when you don't suppress them, the solution may launch you toward an entirely
new life.
Resistance is your sign to dive in.

Launch even if you think it won’t sell. Approach even if you think you’ll get
rejected. Start even if you think people won’t support you.

What most people fear is what makes few people great.

@tomwritesbiz My man🤝
Better (act like it was the thumbnail from the start so you want to click
please thanks hope you enjoy)
If you don't have a purpose, you will:

- Get distracted
- Lack authenticity
- Have little control over your life

Here's how you avoid modern enslavement (it goes deeper than you think):
Here's more on turning yourself into the niche:
Set a goal.
Identify problems in the way.
Acquire the skill to achieve it.

Now you have a valuable story, brand, and potential product.

The more you repeat this process, the more profitable it gets.
You aren't bored.

You're distracted.

Hopping from social media to the news to video games to junk food to numb your mind
from the discomfort that life presents.

Distractions are finite.

Your potential is not.

There’re phases where 3-4 hours of work is enough.

But then there’s periods where a new possibility presents itself, absolute clarity
is reached, and 16 hour days become automatic.

Work becomes play.

Everything else becomes distraction.
@thejustinwelsh @IterateIdeas Blocked!

(Jk good tweet brother)

@monk_mode23 Thanks for following along brother, love the username haha
@learnlifemoney Well said
@XavierMJordan I appreciate you brother. Glad to have you in MM🤝
@wondergrub Same man haha, glad this was timely
@torreydawley I dig that, being conscious of how you're influenced/influence
The biggest problem people face in online business:

Finding a niche.

After years of freelancing, agency work, and being a creator, here's what I've
@blackhatwizardd Thank you for saying it
@ItsKieranDrew Thanks for the mention brother 🙏🙏
Control what you can control, which is almost everything, because you control
your perspective.
Play the game of getting rich while staying honest. That's what makes it fun.
Anything else, in your mind, should be considered cheating.
You need a plan.

There isn’t any other way.

Because if you don’t have one, society does, and they’ve been planning your life
for decades.
Bring intensity to your mornings.

Give yourself a reason to get up.

1. Set a goal
2. Set 2-3 priority tasks
3. Knock them out before 10am

The secret:

Make your goals, tasks, and deadlines as meaningful as possible.

Self-improvement never ends because entropy never sleeps.
@GominiqueDaines @gulsahcreates 😉🫡
@adi_awakening Thanks for watching man 🙏🙏
@GominiqueDaines @gulsahcreates Appreciate your trust brother🤝
How to do whatever the fuck you want:
@EgoDriv Appreciate you brother, @Hunter_Weiss played a huge role
@rhonederrico 🫡
It's interesting to think that hot weather can make someone go insane. But,
that same person can go into a sauna without complaint.
Your expectations for how life "should be" prevent you from seeing it for what it

And once you do, you can start making true progress.
If you enjoyed this thread, consider sharing.

If you don't feel like sharing, enjoy the rest of your day.

If you want to read more, check out this Koe Letter:
You have to be a failure.

Approach the girl and get rejected. Look like an idiot in the gym. Start the
business and watch people criticize your first moves.

Everyone else did it.

Invest in your portfolio of failures until you can afford to succeed.

– @thedankoe
3) The ability to persist and iterate.

We don't want to always rely on motivation.

Motivation is a feeling, and you can act regardless of how you feel.

Because you can guarantee one thing:

It will be difficult.

You will be tested.

It isn't "supposed" to be any other way.

Motivation is great, but clarity will turbo boost your results beyond
reasonable expectation.

When you are lost, learn.

When you have clarity, act.

With time, you will develop a habit of results-generating actions.

Your default state will be progress, even when you feel bad.
While you are learning, you will gather:

- The fundamentals
- Clarity on what to do
- Motivation to execute

Motivation isn't bad.

You are hunting for intrinsic motivation here.

You will find a "why" for changing your life that hits you at your core.
2) Repetitive-focused action.

Once you have a goal (a problem to solve) you need to learn how to solve it.

This is obvious, but most people just adopt the victim mindset and hide behind
their static identity.

Scour the internet, buy books, and fill your mind with learning.
Find the burning problem in your life:

- Are you overweight?

- Do you hate your job?
- Are you tired all the time?
- Did you just go through a breakup?
- Are you plagued with negative emotions?

Sit with the discomfort, don't avoid it.

Start by adopting the problem-solver mindset.

That's what all successful people do.

They dedicate their life to solving problems.

So, start with the biggest problem in your life.

If you've never done this, you have to start with shallow problems.

Be honest with yourself.

1) One big decision to go all in.
This takes time.

You need to expose yourself to experience (not distraction) to find the thing you
are obsessed with.

You don't have an obsession because you haven't made forward progress to become
aware of it.

You may not know it exists.

Your future will be determined by 3 things:
Hype your friends up when they are trying to change. And, if their
improvement threatens your mediocrity, maybe you should join them.

The world doesn't need more crabs in a bucket.

@austinbelcak Yeah this would have been of massive help. I was the job seeker
that skipped
@thejustinwelsh P e r s p e c t i v e
@kofibuabeng6 🫡
@pulsarmind Right in line with Saturdays newsletter🤝
I've helped over 5000 creators (not including free content here).

The more I help, the more I realize there is no competition.

You don't apply for a job, you create one.

You don't find a niche, you create one.

It's in the name.

A creator, as nature intended.

The path of the problem solver, or value creator, is how you escape the world
of replaceability.

Fall in love with the challenge that problems present, from superficial to
metaphysical, and your ideal future will create itself.

This is the infinite game.

If you can't change the situation, you can change your perspective of the
@Hunter_Weiss n u t s
@lah_joel @thejustinwelsh Study sales

Create an offer (an idea in this case, not product)

Study persuasion
@KasparCMS @shaelakm @Hunter_Weiss Hunter does the shorts (and killing it),
YT videos are separate
@thejustinwelsh Banger
@thejustinwelsh Such a great topic.

We often hear about the dangers of comparison, but rarely the benefits.

Positive comparison to those ahead of you is rocket fuel for growth in any given
domain. It gives you clarity on what you want your future to look like.
You feel bad because the person you want to become is watching your moves,
and they don't like what they see.
If you enjoyed this thread, do me a favor and read through it again.

Internalize the message.

Allow it to help shape your vision for your future.

Block out 30-60 minutes to learn, build, and enjoy your life.

No more mindless repitition.

– @thedankoe
This thread was for awareness, as you can't improve what you aren't aware of.

It is a lifelong commitment to creating the best life for yourself.

If death is metaphorical, and growth is the path to life, 99% of the population are
walking corpses.

It is difficult to make time for development, spirituality, and creativity if
your choices are chained to a paycheck.

It’s not instant, as all good things aren’t, but creating an independent source of
income is a necessity for those that more out of life
| Individual Choice |

Without autonomy, your choices are automatic for the sake of survival.

They stem from following the "secure" path that has been laid out for you.

Living in a constant state of survival is the cause of unnecessary stress.

Stress keeps your mind narrow.
8 hour workdays, endless screen time, and little movement are antagonists to
human psychology and physiology.

You may not notice it's ramifications if it is your normalized state of being.

Control over your lifestyle allows you to realign with nature and feel superhuman.
| Empty Schedules |

With 1-2 years of fulfillment-directed effort by leveraging the internet, you will
have control over your time, income, location, and lifestyle.

You won't have a boss bringing order to your daily schedule.

You will have to do that yourself.

Observe the masses and realize what you dont want.

This will help you gain clarity on what you do want.

You need something to work towards, that will influence your daily decisions.

The other option is to work towards someone elses dreams for the sake of survival
via paycheck.
| Fulfilling Work |

Anyone can be happy, even the sheep, but fulfillment is a different story.

You need a purpose, or else you will be assigned one.

Life is not kind to those that don't know what they want out of it.

But, this doesn't happen in an instant.

Learn skills like marketing, sales, writing, and social media.

Use those skills to build a one-person business.

Use no-code tools to create a service with your skill set, get results, and
productize as you build an audience.

Invest time to get results. Use results as leverage.

| Technology |
The internet has democratized wealth generation for the self-educated and self-

The internet allows you to learn skills that the schools don't teach.

You need to invest time / money into education that won't lead to a static salary.
The new rich isn’t about billions, mansions, and cars.

(I'm not saying these are bad).

It’s about leveraging technology for fulfilling work, empty schedules, and
individual choice.

Let's break each down.

The structure of the new rich (how to thrive in the 3rd millennium):
If thinking about your future doesn't get you excited, it's time to set new
@lordoffunnels Get the dub for me man
@dickiebush I see we have much collab potential sir

The Mastery Facility + Shipyard retreats will be nutty

@IAmAaronWill Aaron Will = Aarosotille
@jasperinvests And we will transcend beyond words
It’s interesting to think that 1000 years from now, a select few tweets,
articles, and videos will be seen as mythical, profound artifacts unburied from the
Information Age.
@austinbelcak Wish I had this info years back, was always scared to negotiate
@heyjoeyjustice @iamjustincscott Betrayal.
The difference between good dopamine and cheap dopamine is progress.
Set a goal.
Find a problem.
Learn how to solve it.
Document how you solved it.
Distill into a replicable process.
Give it to others that want to be helped.

Do it offline and it's called growth.

Do it online and it's called business.
@thejustinwelsh Pretty much it yeah
@odog_oscar Shouts to @Hunter_Weiss
Create or be created.
@itsmeayyub Pleasure doing biz with you my friend
The greatest skill is not writing.

Or design, marketing, sales, email, ads, or any other singular skill.

If you want to eliminate any and all competition in the online world, you need a
dynamic skill stack.
Here's how you build one:
Young people that persist in business will have an emotional age much higher
than most adults.

The price for financial freedom is winning the mental battles in the war that is
@Nicolascole77 Getting back into the strict deep work grind in the morning.

It’s insane how much free time shows up when you just do the work. A lot more
enjoyable that way, too.
@thejustinwelsh Questions are only stupid, in my eyes, if you:

1. Know the answer but are hiding from it

2. Know how to find the answer and want someone to do it for you

Dangerous habits with hard-to-see consequences

@RoelofsenKees 😂🫡
@DrBobBeare Nice catch
The Digital Dark Ages are among us.

Distraction, cheap dopamine, and closed-mindedness run rampant.

The Digital Renaissance is near.

Many have already taken advantage, but most won't because you have to do this
If you don’t have value, learn.

If you have value, but nobody can see it, build.

If you have value, and a crowd starving for more, sell.

Learn, build, and sell until you create the freedom that makes you unemployable.
Your limitations are self-imposed.

If you want something, there's always a way. But, your ego is working overtime to
distract you from your potential.

Question everything, especially your beliefs about what's possible.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Be honest with yourself.
Real change requires a change in identity. A change in identity requires being
absolutely fed up with who you are. Being fed up with who you are requires you to
stop distracting yourself from what matters.

The world prefers that you don’t change.

@thejustinwelsh Stoked as always, will be refreshing the inbox🤝
Be a failure.

Approach the girl and get rejected. Post the video and get called an idiot. Start
the business and watch people criticize your first moves.

Everyone else did it. You aren’t a special case.

Invest in your portfolio of failures until you can afford to succeed.

It is impossible to know with absolute certainty what is going to happen in
the future.

This is why the masses flock to "secure" jobs and belief systems. It's an illusion
of certainty to avoid struggle.

You can't skip making mistakes.

Mistakes are your light in the dark.

Know yourself.

Most people that try to do what they want are actually doing what others want. They
were conditioned to have the same dreams, goals, and ambitions as their parents.

Start questioning who you are.

Let time deliver answers.

@thejustinwelsh Love this man. Great curation.

The self-promoters I admire most (and work to be like) are those that don't have to
"promote" at all. The promotions write themselves and weave into valuable content.
@_nathanrene @thejustinwelsh @AlexHormozi @blackhatwizardd Agreed with

We all get wrapped up in the different methods / models of others

If they weren’t confident, it wouldn’t be impactful, but that has the consequence
of thinking it’s the best or only way.

Aim for a holistic perspective and apply to your situation

@jonalxFL I’ve been goin in as well, thanks for watching man
@itshenrylai @OneJKMolina Niche Transcendence🤝
Life seems to get hectic out of nowhere.

- Progress slows down

- Free time gets sucked up
- We feel lost and overwhelmed

This is normal, and there is a solution.

Here it is (under 7 minutes long):
This is my perspective.

None of these are absolute law.

Question what I said, test through experience, and most importantly:

Challenge yourself to live a better life.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

– @thedankoe
Wage slavery is real.

It's funny how society is structured in a perfect way to incentivize you to put off
your dreams.

Jobs are great, but should be a stepping stone.

If you can spend 8 hours building someone else's dream, you can spend 1 hour
building your own.
Your limitations are self-imposed.

If you want something, there's always a way.

But, your ego is working to distract you from this open state of mind.

Question everything, especially your beliefs about what's possible.

Once you know what's possible, there's no going back.

You need a purpose.

Humans are goal-oriented creatures.

Goals frame our attention, and if you don't create your own, you will gravitate
towards societal goals and status games.

Even if you do nothing, you will adopt unconscious goals to survive.

Create or be created.
There is no end.

Start making mistakes, because you have to realize this through experience.

The "quick fix" mindset has been conditioned into your psyche.

The problems don't go away, they just get easier to handle.

You're in this for life.

Appreciate that fact.

Your "luck" is a percentage that increases with the number of people that
know your value.

Your value is determined by your skill set... the level of challenge you can take

Profitability is determined by the number of high-level challenges you take on.

The difference between you and what you want is skill.

The worst perspective you can adopt is to think that opportunities are limited to
the rich and lucky.

If you don't have the results you want in life, it's because you aren't skilled
The internet is a free public school, job board, and journal.

Replace distraction with education.

Replace endless resume submissions for brand building.

Replace suppressing your opinions for attracting like minds.

This is how you recession-proof yourself.

The internet is the hunting ground.
Employers, wealthy businessmen, and like-minded people all have one thing in

You can't reach them physically, but you can reach them online.

You have to become valuable, learn modern skills, and display your value in public.
You have to build your own thing.

Business is modern-day survival.

Your psyche is wired to hunt.

You are neurobiologically rewarded for hunting for your survival, not for being a
monkey in a cubicle.

Hunt for money to ease survival-induced stress & open room for creativity.
Most people are sheep.

Since the day they were born, they do what they're told.

Question nothing, believe anything.

This isn't bad.

Sheep can be happy, but fulfillment is another story.

Don't let them project their lack of vision for the future on you.
Hard pills you need to swallow (if you want a fulfilling future):
The people that say they don’t need a clear plan are the same ones asking me
why they are overwhelmed, anxious, and uncertain about the future of their
@Nicolascole77 Is it petty that I have a running list of people that call out
my typos
@BecomeAliveWash Let’s go🤝
@Nicolascole77 I didn’t even know I was a writer until I sat back and thought
that all I do is write
@jackmoses0 @WrongsToWrite Hell yeah
@Hunter_Weiss killing these animations
Reject the quick fix
Creators are just DJs but with ideas instead of songs.
All signs point to cultivating your individual value, character, and
distribution going into a future of mass replacement.
Get out of your head.

1) View your menial problems on a 10+ year timeline.

2) Make conscious choices that align with your ideal future.

The cure to the quick-fix mindset is adopting the perspective of your highest self.
@thealexxroy @WisdomMadeEasy @MasculineClass @SaveYourSons @theamanrath
@creation247 @SahilBloom @themattmic @pulsarmind @SolBrah Thanks for the mention
@writeconfidence Good advice my man
@DanielWritess Funny how that works eh
If you don't know what you want, you need experience.

You need to execute on what you think you want.

Pick something and move.

You don't know what you want because you aren't aware that something you want
@thejustinwelsh I like this change of topic
If you want to dive deeper into realizing what you want, check out this
edition of the Koe Letter.
This is supposed to be difficult.

Life is difficult.

Get used to it.

Nobody said that difficulty is bad or that it isn't supposed to be a part of your

You aren't special.

Learn to fall in love with challenge by leaning into it.

– @thedankoe
You don't know what's possible because you haven't moved forward in life.

What you want right now may be completely different tomorrow, or next month, or
next year.

This is normal.

This is life.
If you aren't seeing results, you are distracted.
You don't know what you want out of life because you haven't tried anything.

You're not getting results because you don't have the skill required to get those
Repeat the process.

With self-reflection, your image of what you want will piece together with time.

You have to reflect on a consistent basis.

We don't want to miss out on critical answers to the questions that flood our

Clarity will birth obsessive progress.

Most successful people would tell you that they wouldn't want to be doing
anything else.

David Goggins WANTS to put himself through pain, because it's rewarding.

He doesn't want to feel like tired, groggy, and unfocused because he “wanted” the
quick pleasure of eating cake.
Do whatever the fuck you want.

But, do it with intention.

Remember what you don't want and the image of what you want.

I'm assuming that most people don't want to jump off a cliff.

Most people want to act in a way that brings them success.

Always act with intention.

Intention = stretching toward a goal.

Your loose image of what you want in the future requires specific goals to be hit.

Make these goals conscious.

What do you have to learn, build, and change about your life to achieve them?
Get clear on what you want.
From your past mistakes, piece together a loose image of what you think you want in
your future.

Do not fall into the trap of thinking this should be crystal clear.

Think of it as an educated guess.

This is a process.

It is impossible to know with absolute certainty what is going to happen in
the future.

This is why the masses flock to "secure" jobs and belief systems. It's an illusion
of certainty to avoid struggle.

You can't skip making mistakes.

Mistakes are your light in the dark.

Reflect on what you don't want.

You have to dig into your past experiences to get hints toward your vision,
purpose, and life's work.

It doesn't happen overnight.

What went right, what went wrong, and how you can change your behavior accordingly?
Know yourself.

This is a practice that takes time.

Most people that try to do what they want are actually doing what others want.

They were conditioned to have the same dreams, goals, and ambitions as their

Start questioning who you are.

Let time deliver answers.

How to do whatever the fuck you want:
You weren’t born to work 40 hours a week doing something you hate, numb your
mind with endless scrolling, and wake up one day wondering where the time went.
@thejustinwelsh Insanity, well deserved growth brother (and great tips)!
It's funny how society is structured in the perfect way to incentivize
putting off your dreams.
If you don’t know what you want, you will be told what you want, and you will
believe it.
@CoriGrowth @stephenhanna_ @dickiebush @thejustinwelsh Sync
4 hours of focused work is better than 8 hours of distracted work.

But, most productivity advice sucks.

Watch this if you want to create a sustainable system for your work (that gets
better with time and skill):
@AbdullohKhkv @harmanpreet_k_r @heyeaslo @RosalieYoga I appreciate you both,
just glad that the message hits🙏🙏
@RockaMusick I appreciate you, and I’m just surprised, so many cool people
Stop outsourcing your curiosity by asking questions too early.
To acquire wisdom, stop trying to prove others wrong and start trying to
prove yourself wrong.
The switch from consumer to creator is the switch from getting distracted to
hunting for ideas.
@TheAmazingSlack @thejulieahrens @yourpalomar I appreciate your trust man.

I like that way of putting it too haha, I'll do my best to provide what I can - as
long as you do your best to question / filter what I say with time.
@thejulieahrens @yourpalomar What's a thought leader haha
Which is almost everything.

Stop getting distracted from doing what you do, or can do, best.
@home_grown_sanc My man🤝
I'm convinced the biggest problem of our times is a lack of purpose.

Most people are living on autopilot.

Their destination – or purpose – was set at birth.

Here's how you take back control of your life:
Normalize not having an opinion on things you don’t understand.
People will try to make you feel bad for doing things that threaten their
identification with mediocrity. Ignore.
@Hunter_Weiss Appreciate your advice man, growing like weeds🫡
@Hunter_Weiss Keeping the long vids in rotation because stubborn
@fsouth10 @Hunter_Weiss High
@artists_voyage Will do, noted down and fleshing it out now
@thebillymassie "The rise and fall of _____"

Need a name for the period but will note it down

Sounds like a fun vid/letter

@khanyo_george I appreciate you man, we are all goats in spirit🙏
@khanyo_george What a story man. Glad I could play a role.

Lets fucking win in 2023 brother

@thejustinwelsh Stoked for this one man. Have implemented a lot of what you
said on our pod, simplified things, and things took off after.

Anyone not subbed to this mans email list is missing out

The best periods of my life always came after a period of getting absolutely
fed up with the lack of progress I was making.
@mbgrotell Now they just cancel em
Visionaries, strategists, and creative problem solvers will be the last to
get replaced, as they are the ones facilitating mass replacement toward a future
that allows more people to do what they want.
If you're lost, learn.

When you have direction, act.

Make mistakes. Be embarrassed. Create a giant mess so you have something to

improve. And when you feel lost, repeat the process.

You don't need a mentor, you need experience.

@_AshleyRichmond Let’s fucking go
YouTube trolls are brutal
@JonGumero I think its an expectation that one can make big bucks without
changing their habits/identity/life to match the identity/business they are trying
to create.

The low cost is enticing, so more people do it, and more people fail because they
have nothing on the line.
Hard to fit nuance in one tweet above but don't want to confuse people.

You will have to learn from those ahead of you of course. Can't write everyone off.

It helps when you know what you want and can filter information, principles, and
tactics accordingly.
@AlexCookThinks Written not that often

Mentally like every day lol

Its firm in the sense that I know what I want, can assume what I don't want, and
how every single action contributes toward that

Mostly in terms of lifestyle, impact, and enjoyment - that impacts the ever
changing 'how'
@OneJKMolina Likewise man, we both know what can happen if you just commit,
head down, make shit work (with time)
And, as always
Get crystal fucking clear on your vision.

Learn and execute in alignment with that.

But, realize that you're limited to the results of those you learn from - even me.

Take whats useful, forget the rest, keep moving

Been seeing a lot of growth.

Main thing I can attribute it to is just ignoring what most people say, even the
biggest business leaders.

I.E. haven't watched a single Hormozi video (seems like a cool dude though).

Be stubborn and find a better way of doing things. Your way.

@mir_and_a Lol thank you Miranda, interesting to hear that people are dming
about it
@macmaniac77 Yeah both are a part of it, as well as other things like just
enjoying fleshing out ideas and the clarity it’s brought me

It can definitely outweigh it in importance - because you have an “in” for

opportunities that would lead to huge sums of monetary

Not sure about measurement

@LaurenceHypno @chriscordry @imchelsdanielle @BrandMarz @YourFriendAbdul
@thefavourfrank @HellloHar @Nik_Atanackovic Appreciate you man, been a pleasure
talking in MM!
@DawidStasiak Agreed, and the public deadline puts you in do or die mode.
Can't procrastinate or put off launch.
Solopreneurship through social media is enticing because of its close to zero
startup costs.

It’s also a huge trap.

People are too cheap to invest back into their business, continue wasting money on
the same bad habits, and treat their business as a non-serious hobby.
@thiseniola_ @theChrisDo Glad it helped my man🙏
@thejustinwelsh I appreciate that man, always good to have new structures for
different situations
@theBMcopywriter I appreciate you man, the systems are working
@thejustinwelsh Saving this one, that’s a great spin on PAS
Thank you for reading.

If you want to dive deeper into creating a profitable product, check out The Koe
Letter below.
Any retweets are appreciated.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

– @thedankoe
Now, all you need to do is host it on a course, membership, or ecommerce

For courses I like to:

- Write a curriculum for education

- Film loom videos on how to use the system

- Create Notion templates for others to use

Then, slap a price tag on it and send traffic.

5) Distribute

Most people create a product or service and quit because they don't have traffic to
send to it.

You will need to build an audience (or choose another traffic generation strategy)
to get buyers.

Use your product as a source of content ideas.

4) Sell Whats Already Selling

Now, study the competitors marketing.

Study their:

- Headlines
- Pain points
- Offer structure
- Unique mechanism

Then, use that information to position your product well in the market.

Do not try to outwit human nature.

Market what works.
3) Experiment & Iterate

Your system needs to get results, so:

- Study competitors on the market

- Use your system and solve problems

If you create a planner for yourself, study best selling planners and implement the
good parts.

Use the planner yourself and improve it.

This is how I created 2 Hour Writer.

I didn't have a system for putting out content on all platforms (problem).

I built templates, processes, and a weekly schedule in Notion (system).

In short, I pursued a goal, encountered a problem, and built a solution.

2) Systemize

The best products take someone from point A to point B.

If you're a writer:

Point A = not having ideas for your content.

Point B = having infinite unique ideas.

Build a solution to that problem with the tools available to you.

1) Brainstorm

You need an idea for a product, so:

- What is the highlight of your day?

- What do you do better than your peers?

- Who do you follow and what do they sell?

- What products have you purchased, gotten results with, and would affiliate for?
Build your own.

This will only apply to those that want to productize themselves.

Not for B2B businesses.

This is for creators that treat themselves as their customer avatar.

They solve their own problems, systemize the process, and sell to their readers
that have similar interests.
Every creator should have a digital product.

Here's how you extract the $100,000 of knowledge, skill, and experience that's
trapped in your head:
Most people don’t need motivation, they need clarity.

Become a mad scientist. Fill a notebook with your ambitions, goals, and the exact
steps you are going to take. Refine it with time, because perfection isn’t human.

A plan creates clarity.

Clarity creates action.

@BrandMarz Been a pleasure having you in MM brother 🤝
@FitFounder Thank you brother🙏
@TheBrandonCraig @THEROSSHARKNESS You’re speaking my language man

Don’t enable me to walk all day because I will

@UltraLinx This one

Then a bunch caught fire and built momentum into the recent uploads
@selvianfly Let’s go man, appreciate your trust in buying the course🤝
@DilaniaDigital Oh it won’t replace them by any means

(Even that short videos analytics are puny compared to the longer ones in terms of
watch time)

Will be throwing some in here and there but long is the pillar
@FrankElda1 Really is man. I attribute it all to just writing non stop.
Appreciate you🙏
@Kantekdzn I love it
That’s how I was with Actualized or Watts lectures haha
@sahairr_ I appreciate that man, glad to have you here🙏
@mindfulbruh Exactly it man

Keep testing, spotting problems, learning to fix, etc

We can’t lose
@bdemers8384 Means the world man, glad the message hits🤝
@heydannymiranda I’ll fly out whenever man would love that

Appreciate you

Been keeping my eye on the pod, can’t imagine where it’ll be in a few years dude
@tomwritesbiz Thank you man, cool to see you on Twitter 🤝
@mindfulbruh Definitely comes in bursts
@gpaebdez Appreciate you brother
6 years of inconsistency to get to 1k

1 year of consistency to get to 9k

2 months and 1 video catching fire to get to 100k

Nothing happens then everything happens let’s go

@growdaily_GD @jessedanyusufco @thejustinwelsh Glad I can help connect the
dots my friend :)
@JonathanVPark Thanks for the mention my dude🤝
@sulaiman_botha You've been killing it man, well done, glad I could play a
@jessedanyusufco @thejustinwelsh Love it my man, let's get it
@imMohamedKhaled Bars
Life is not kind to those that don’t know what they want out of it.
@thejustinwelsh Exactly why I got into this. Control over what I do on a
daily basis.
It is difficult to make time for self-development, spirituality, and non-
survival based problem solving if your time is chained to a paycheck.

It’s not instant, as all good things aren’t, but creating an independent source of
income is a necessity for those that more out of life
@sanat_mo 🔥
I’m fortunate to have many creators following me.

And, networking is crucial but intimidating.

If you’re building a brand on social media, comment on this post with what you do
and what you talk about.
Meet people in the comments and make friends in the DMs:
@thejustinwelsh Compliment received sir
@lindseygilstrap 100%, its unfortunate

I try to sneak in spiritual concepts / practices into my not-so-spiritual posts

just cause I know the 'spiritual' label can instantly turn people off
@DAS_m4 Fill on commute/walk to work/class

Empty at the gym

Use on 30-60 minute timeblock for side business and/or for work or school if you
are adamant on learning for those things

They can all be shortened, but I do think even 30 minutes of each is important
@rainar_angelo Hell yeah, thanks for watching Rainar
Spirituality is a process, not an ideology.

A "spiritual" person is someone in practice. They won't always fit the mold of what
you believe a spiritual person to be. It is a never-ending journey of cultivating
awareness of their unconscious thoughts, actions, and reactions.
@thejustinwelsh Clarity in the inner and outer environment goes a long way.
Good read man🤝
If you have no idea how to structure your days, you may enjoy this past
edition of The Koe Letter.

This is how I create a balance of work, rest, and play in my daily routine.

Read here:
This is how you create a system for your life.

It gets more efficient with time if you make this 'mental housekeeping' a regular

Thank you for reading.

If you enjoyed it, consider sharing.

– @thedankoe
Write out:

- Your morning routine

- Your focused work routine
- Others tasks and meetings
- Nightly routine
You will have to experiment as you go.

If the routine doesn't flow, go back to your notebook and write what you're going
to do the next day.
Habits are difficult to break.

But you can make the process easier with clarity.

Take 10 minutes.

Write out every single thing you are going to do for the next week.

This shouldn't sound crazy or difficult.

This is how you reduce the friction of making better decisions.

3) Create A Week Long Plan

You are in this chaotic spot in life because of entropy.

The organization of your life (and therefore the mind) tends toward disorder if you
don't perform mental housekeeping.

This is dangerous, because you can pick up bad habits along the way.
Prioritize the things that will get results.

Remove the things that snuck their way into your day (and don't deserve to be

Restructure specific tasks and obligations to free up more time.

Get the chaotic structure of your mind on paper and reorganize it.
2) Prioritize, Remove, & Restructure

The reason you aren't getting the results you used to is because:

- You feel pressed for time

- You don't have energy to get results
- You stopped doing the things that got results

Look over your brain dump from above.

What can you change?

1) Take Note Of How You Feel
Pull out a notebook and write down:

- Exactly what you are doing on a daily basis.

- How you feel morning, afternoon, and night.

Take 10 minutes and get specific.

This is important for identifying unconscious parasites (time and energy suckers).
This is a process I run through when life gets a bit too messy.

Like when you're constantly thinking back to a time when "life was better."

Or when your routines fall apart and all of these little tasks pop up that drain
all of your time in the day.
How to do a hard reset on your life (in 30 minutes):
Self-education is a lifelong practice that shields you from the threat of
@SeyiMbollo Let’s go my man, thanks for watching🙏
@tylerpixel @doctorBaytas @AlexHormozi @saint_saturday @visualizevalue My
@tomwritesbiz This is beautiful man, great addition to the vid. Appreciate
you taking the time to watch, think, and write🤝
@thejustinwelsh Most people that are employed full time have skills that
transfer directly into these things. Worth setting aside some time to tack on
marketing, sales, writing, and social media to articulate and package up that skill
@AdamEskow I think you can sell it but not in an instant way.

Making someone aware > giving them time > letting them come to the conclusion
/ experience themselves

That's kinda what sales is, so yes to both haha

@sgtbosscat Prime example would be an atheist reading the bible. Most see God
as a literal man in the sky rather than an image/symbol and we know what circular
arguments that leads to
@EvanThomson01 Damn thats good
And know, as with everything, this is a process.

Everyone is closed minded around certain topics.

Awareness > zoom out > gain multi-perspectival understanding > repeat
The greatest trap of the 21st century is closed mindedness.

Signs of the closed minded:

- Intentionally misses the point
- Expects life to be a certain way
- Reads literally, not metaphorically
- Interprets from a selfish perspective
- Assumes meaning without experience

@thecolbykultgen @thejustinwelsh My man, glad you enjoyed em🤝
@AndreiCioloca We’re talking deeper in the funnel, not necessarily on top of
funnel socials like twitter

Short and long work together

The difference between a commodity and authority is depth.

Depth comes from:

- Long-form content
- A product or service
- The number of lives you change
- Giving your most valuable insights away for free

Generic becomes wise when there is depth beyond the surface.

Get excited over the small things. The bland but healthy food. The difficult
but rewarding last rep. The uncomfortable but necessary silence of being alone. All
of it.

The highs, lows, bigs, and smalls of life are going to pass whether you enjoy them
or not.
@TheBrandonCraig I don’t atm, but am working with @heyjoeyjustice to get
something rolling for people in MM that want the 1-1 aspect. Joey knows everything
I do + is a genius all around
Think we broke YouTube on Christmas lfg
@IAmAndrewKirby Hit you on TG brotha, appreciate you🙏
@ruminationspace Got you my man, planning on adding em to the rotation. Merry
@JHennche It's not about getting ahead, but that's what you're doing whether
you like to think about it that way or not.
@VladSoriano Glad we've crossed paths my man, lets get it and HNY
@imMohamedKhaled The best place to plot (inner and outer) world domination,
hope to see you inside

Merry Christmas brother

Merry Christmas my friends.

I’m taking it easy today and hope you do too.

But, don’t forget we have a world to conquer in 2023

Here’s a short(er) video on how to get ahead of 99% of people going into the new
@TomHoeck Boom
Don't set a new years resolution.

Use this quiet time to reflect on your past. The chapters of pain, progress, and
uncertainty. These are fingers pointing toward purpose.

Avoid following the 91% that don't achieve their goals.

Gain clarity, be decisive, and act with intention.

@dinofavara @nevmed 100%

Hook > problem > value > conclusion is all you really need. But we both
know how much testing/practice/nuance that takes
@dinofavara @nevmed The writing / persuasion transfers over very well

If someone is primarily image based on IG they're going to have to start from close
to zero in terms of skill on here
@dickiebush Stop making me bookmark things Dickie
@matt_gray_ Thanks for the mention my dude🤝
@thejustinwelsh Straight heat as always
The New Rich:

- Self-educated
- Has a clear purpose
- Builds digital leverage
- Controls their ideal day
- Time and location freedom
- Mastery over rapid outcomes
- Develops their value with time
- Dynamic skill stack over specialization

A savant in the digital renaissance.

The source of learning is struggle not memorization.
It is dangerous to assume that negative thoughts, emotions, and actions
aren’t supposed to be a part of life.

It is even more dangerous to let their ramifications go unrecognized, so that you

never seek to improve.
@dickiebush Self-education

@thejustinwelsh The internet is the great attractor
@thejustinwelsh Anti goals are powerful, looking forward to seeing your
Grab a notebook.

Write out exactly what you want in your future, don't miss a detail. Then, break it
down into goals. Decades, years, months, weeks, and days.

Every day, write down the 3 levers you can move to create your vision.

A dream without clarity is a nightmare.

@naval If you want to go much deeper into skill stacking and mastery, read
this edition of the Koe Letter:
Special shoutout to @naval as the topic of this thread is a spin on his own.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy the rest of your day.

– @thedankoe
You get lucky, without being rich, by adapting to the waves of life through
skill acquisition and distribution.

Acquire timeless skills.

Solve your own problems.
Distribute to the digital world.
Increase your luck percentage.
Adapt with the lifelong path of mastery.
Mastery has one notable pattern:

Nothing happens, then everything happens.

Long seasons of slow or no progress, like winter, followed by intense bursts of

progress that pass in an instant, like summer.

This path is not for the distracted.

We've forgotten that life is a path of mastery.

Mastery is “the mysterious process during which what is at first difficult becomes
progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice.”

Attention thieves and thought manipulators make it easy to fall off the path.
As we learn to walk, speak, and interact with the world we pick up
unnecessary mental habits.

Especially in the information age.

Everyone is out to steal your attention, and those that can guard their mental real
estate have vacancies for valuable tenants.
Skill acquisition starts when you are a child.

Learning to walk is of the same difficulty, if not harder, than learning to design
a billion-dollar software.

The first step to developing a dynamic skill set is breaking your addiction to
Health, wealth, relationships, and happiness are markets that hold the
unconscious, subconscious, or conscious goals of every human being.

Business is about solving survival and status problems.

Make your goals conscious, solve your own problems, and distribute your lessons.
To craft a valuable message study psychology, marketing, and sales paired
with a relevant interest.

To distribute that message study mediums like writing, speaking, design, and video
paired with a specific social platform.
Profitable challenges require a dynamic set of skills that can be applied in
today's digital landscape.

The internet allows you to put a message in front of 4.5 billion people through a
digital medium.
Luck is a percentage that increases with the number of people that know your

Your value is a reflection of the level of challenges you can take on.

The level of challenge dictates the level of profitability.

How to get lucky (without being rich):
You need a plan. A strategy. A clear set of goals, that when backed by
focused effort, will create a meaningful future.

But, you must be crystal clear.

The societal machine has been clarified over centuries. If you don’t know what you
want, the default option is to be a cog.
@theseancrow That’s awesome lol
@NicoSvane Love the colors
Guard your attention at all costs.

Turn off notifications, they can wait. Turn off the news, it isn't reality. Turn
off everything that seems important on the surface, because that doesn't require
you to think.

Modern enslavement isn't physical, it's mental.

@thejustinwelsh Great thread man. Plenty of resources on this side of the
internet to get up and running.

End of 2023 is doable for most.

@Abhishek_HQ @theamanrath Thanks guys 🙏
The skill of skills is to keep practicing even when progress has inevitably
Luck is a percentage that increases with the number of people that know your
@writingtoriches @WrongsToWrite @OneJKMolina @RealDavidMendes I've seen
Charles go from Charles to Charles

Been a fun journey to watch man

The internet has democratized wealth generation for those that take
responsibility for their education, skill acquisition, and self-promotion.
Thanks for reading.

If you enjoyed this, consider sharing.

If you want more threads, consider following.

If you're having a bad day, I hope it turns around.

– @thedankoe
You're on Twitter because you want quick and punchy information.

If you want to go *much* deeper into rapid learning, here's The Koe Letter edition
where I wrote about it:
Now you can:

- Seek more specific knowledge

- Build out quality projects faster
- Teach better and attract an audience + potential buyers

My favorite way to teach is by posting content.

The internet is the new public resume board and only a few creators take advantage
of that.
4) Teach What You Know

Now that you've *experienced* solving a problem for *your own* project, you're
allowed to teach what you learned (without worrying about imposter syndrome).

Why is teaching important?

It reveals what you don't know.

- Build until you hit a problem

- Research that problem specifically
- Watch tutorials and ask questions

Fix the problem and repeat until your project is *of the same quality* as the one
you are emulating.

Don't skip the details, that's what separates good from great.
3) Seek Specific Knowledge

The biggest problem in our society is asking vague questions for the sake of

Stop asking questions before you've done something.

Any answer you get to a vague question will just confuse you further.
2) Start Building Your Own

Notice the word "start."

Start building your own version with what you already know.

Don't get trapped in tutorial hell.

You are supposed to struggle.

That is when your brain is ready to absorb a lesson.

If you want to learn design, choose your favorite design.

If you want to learn copywriting, choose your favorite sales page.

If you want to learn to freelance, choose a freelancer that (actually) makes money.

This is a positive comparison anchor.

1) Choose A Project To Emulate

Important: don't start learning first.

The reason you want to learn a skill is to build something in the real world,
So, don't waste your time with information fluff.

Emulate a project that an aspirational person has already built.

With this thread, I am assuming that you already have something you want to

- A business model
- A concept or theory
- An opportunity-generating skill

If you "don't know what to learn" then the literal only option is to try new

Awareness begets awareness.

How to learn anything 10x faster (to boost your career, business, or life
@Brian_jolomi Well said
@davidbrier 🤝
@TyRemez Man I haven’t heard sohcahtoa in ages
@TheFlowAgency @nocodeforkids Hell yeah
Knowledge not found in schools is the source of money not found in
@dickiebush I’m a sucker for aesthetic journal images. Bookmarking for
Reject the quick fix.

Pursue your life's work, not the latest cash grab. Invest in your education, not an
overpriced status symbol. Become obsessed with life, not a screen.

Focus is a lost art in a distracted world.

@thejustinwelsh Love me some visualization.

Anti-visualization has helped me a lot. Works well in the gym too. Picture a worst
case scenario, feel it, and tell me you aren’t ready to ego lift yourself into the
hospital (not health advice).
Nobody said you’re supposed to feel good (or bad).

Nobody said it's supposed to be easy (or hard).

Nobody said you are supposed to be rich (or poor).

Those are expectations you hold in your mind.

See beyond them.

A small problem becomes a big when your mind isn’t open enough to see a
solution. Your attention shrinks and the problem “grows.”
@talktoterryco @dickiebush My man Terry, appreciate you as always🙏
@TheBrandonCraig @dickiebush @THEROSSHARKNESS Hell yeah man, glad I could

And hey Ross love u bro

@Nicolascole77 Well done man, what a year🥂
@meetadriannia @dickiebush @LewisHowes Appreciate you watching Adriannia,
thank you🙏
@ZenSolopreneur @dickiebush My man, glad I can help🤝
@ggagliardoni Thanks brother. I use Notion for most things organization
@webflow101 @dickiebush He said it better though
@dickiebush Hormozi stole my tweet smh
People that write off goals are looking for a quick fix in their thinking.

The entire external world is built on goals.

Language had the goal of communication, then was systemized and mastered.

It's not systems or goals or mastery.

It's all of the above.

@0xfomoPhil Appreciate the mention my friend🤝
@nkazhin Got you.

Things can always be positioned to make it about those *like* you

Like giving advice to your past self.

"If you struggle with XYZ, then ABC"

Nothing happens (pieces of the puzzle that form an ugly mess) then everything
happens (a piece clicks into place that forms an image you can make sense of).
I appreciate you reading. I hope this helped to some degree (as short as it

If you want to dive deeper into the one-person business model, watch the YT video

Enjoy the rest of your day.

– @thedankoe
Of course, this is a simplified version of business, but it can get you

Experience is the best teacher, and will shine a light on your blind spots.
If you encounter a problem as you are building your business – write, build, and
potentially sell the solution to it :)
3) Sell To Yourself

Marketing and sales is all about understanding the mind of your customer.

If YOU are the customer, then your marketing becomes a lot easier.

Self-reflection = market research.

What, how, and why did you solve your problems? Tell your audience & promote.
As you build for yourself, you want to use them on yourself.

Notice problems, improve it, and make it something that your life wouldn't be the
same without.

You've attracted an audience with your writing, and now you have a product to offer
2) Build For Yourself

As you encounter problems on your self-actualization journey, build your own


Struggle with mental clarity? Create a planner or journal.

Struggle to land clients? Create a system that pulls them in seamlessly.

1) Write To Yourself

Write about what you're learning.

Write about what gets you results.

Write about your interests, thoughts, and opinions for a bit of balance and

This is how you attract an audience. You can repurpose your writing for all
Traditional business: create a customer avatar and base your content,
marketing, and product around that.

Productizing yourself: you are the customer avatar. You write, build, and sell to
This is a fulfilling business model that shortcuts the "niche down" issue.
You eliminate competition from the start.

Your story is what makes you unique. It is forged through struggle and problem
solving toward a big life goal.

1000 people can pursue financial freedom as a goal, but will each pick different
methods and have a vastly different path.
The self-productization philosophy is simple:

Improve yourself and your skill set by solving your own problems.

Document that experience online to attract a following.

Use your experience and skill set to solve the problems of those that follow you
(because they are like you).
Business 101.

You need a:

- Traffic source
- Product or service
- Results generating skill stack

We will break each of these down, but first I want to flip traditional business on
its head.
How to productize yourself (as a one-person business):
You're bored because you haven't developed a skill set that allows you to
take on interesting challenges.
@lincolnpolson I’m good at the half baked rambling that’s for sure

Will definitely be open to pivot if things start going wrong

@lincolnpolson That’s what a few people have said, yet I’ve done that for the
past few years, and 60k subs in the past 2 months are telling me that I should go
even longer.
@bryceaandersen @AnthonyVicino 🤝🤝
@thejustinwelsh Simple breakdown, love it 🤝
@thefernandocz Loool hell yeah man🤝
@LaurenceHypno @BrandMarz I think they are stages you have to pass through.
Timely because a new vid went out on this
Creators can get trapped in 1-2 stages:

1) Endless growth with generic content and no authority

2) Zero growth, high authority, but no time on their hands from client work
What they don't tell you:

You can have both. High growth and sales.

Here's how:
You are a manifestation of your choices.

Choices are a manifestation of your perception.

Perception is a manifestation of your perspective, experience, and state of mind.

When most people react, open your mind and respond.


Who you want to become is a manifestation of the choices you make at this moment,
the next, and so on. To add to the reminder, choices are not limited to physical
@AaronFehlen @robertfehlen @adcock_brett @KateBour May not be the best fit
man I had to google what COO means lol
@Nicolascole77 Realizing number 2 more and more. Every topic can be a list,
lists can be tweets, tweets can be thread outlines and so on across content length
and platform
@SamMatla @ItsKieranDrew Did the same a few years ago (shoutout The Path To

In my current book I'm writing about the same concepts, just in a much better way.
Wouldn't be possible without getting those thoughts organized and out into the
@ItsKieranDrew I keep saying this man...

"I just want to grow first and then sell so I don't look salesy."

It's literally the opposite. Build ASAP and iterate on the inevitable first shitty
version. You'll live if people don't like it.
@dickiebush Momma I made it
@flourish_firm Exactly hahaha, funny how little word choices can boost
engagement more than the message itself (not just in this case)
@flourish_firm Glad you liked it brother.

The TikTok warriors did NOT like "execution" as a word lmao

"Learn copywriting!"

"Learn Facebook ads!"

"This skill will make you $10K/month!"


One skill isn't going to bring you anything meaningful.

You need a *timeless* skill stack that can be applied to the modern landscape.

Here's The $1M Skill Stack:
How to hard reset your life:

- Take note of how you feel

- Write down your current routine
- Prioritize, remove, and restructure

Then, write exactly what you are going to do every day for the next week.

Challenge yourself to stick to it.

Clarity & action heal the mind.

Repeat the boring fundamentals. That's how you get results. But, realize they
aren’t boring. A sushi chef spends years perfecting the preparation of rice. A
tennis player obsesses over the angle of their serve.

Mastery sets you apart in a world that can't see beyond the surface.
Goals are invisible guides on what should be a goalless journey.
@dickiebush The Evolving Self

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
@Nicolascole77 Yes
@CalebFranzen @Hunter_Weiss I appreciate that man, thanks for watching🙏🏻🙏🏻
@Hunter_Weiss Been fun my man and will only get better🤝
It's easier to know what you don't want (from experience) than what you want
(from imagination).

The future is a cave. Self-reflection is your flashlight.

If you enjoyed this, I dive much deeper into creative work, human potential,
and philosophy in The Koe Letter. Link to one of my favorites is below.

– @thedankoe
This process of:

- Realizing what you don't want

- Launching in the opposite direction
- Prioritizing long-term success
Is a part of the origin story of most successful people.

Flip the switch inside you and build a foundation that will carry you to the life
you want.
Last, make a habit of the boring fundamentals.

But, understand that they are not boring.

There is a library of knowledge in even the smallest actions.

Like how sushi chefs require years of training to prepare the rice alone.

Mastery over misery.

Appreciate the details.

In other words:

Break your addiction with feeling like shit.

Usually due to giving time and energy to people, activities, and things that don't
care for your well being.

You don't need to explain yourself.



Not from life, but from distractions.

These can be people, games, apps.

It's easier to remove everything at once and deal with the pain than it is to tell
everyone your plans (and listen to their crab-in-a-bucket opinions).
The last thing you are going to write down:

All of the potential distractions standing in the way of that goal.

Success is less about being disciplined and more about removing the distractions
that make discipline difficult.
With that discomfort, laser in on 1 big meaningful goal.

If your friends and family think you won't achieve the goal, even better.
In that same notebook from above, write out exactly what you are going to do to
achieve it.
It's easier to know what you don't want (from experience) than what you want
(from imagination).

So, create an anti-vision for your future.

Sit with a notebook a get specific.

Write out every single thing that you don't want and why.

You should feel uncomfortable.

Become brutally aware of 2 things:

1) What you don't want.

2) Where you will be if you keep taking the same actions.

Observe the masses and see where mindless action leads. It's not pretty.

Sit with your thoughts here.

How to get ahead of 99% of people (in 6 to 12 months):
“Don’t focus on likes and followers, focus on value and depth.”

Or, hear me out, do both.

Some get stuck with high followers and $1k/month

Some get stuck with $50k/mo and client work they can’t pivot out of.

Others get to $100k/mo, happy customers, and complete time freedom.

@Nicolascole77 @dickiebush Damn these are all good.

Identify levers then move, systemize, optimize

@dickiebush Nice, when we talked at dinner you made me realize I need to hop
on the long term reflection game. Just in time
Do the thing that other people make you feel crazy for doing. Start the
business even when people think it isn't going to work. Book the flight even when
people think you won't last.

The world is boring. The crazy things make you interesting, but interesting gets a
lot of hate.
@thejustinwelsh Very similar process. Research + outlining is the most
crucial step. Sitting at a blank screen to write something like a newsletter in one
swoop is a bad time
@wizofecom We needa catch up soon man
Most things can be taken away from you. But your skills, thoughts, and
emotions are not those things. Prioritize them.
If there were one quality-of-life hack that trumped all others it would be
not touching your phone for the first 2-3 hours of the morning.
@ericjseitz @byhazellim 🫡🤝
@ItsBeauBurns @thejustinwelsh @SahilBloom @tyromper @ItsKieranDrew
@dickiebush @BStulberg @JamesClear Appreciate you man, thanks for the mention🙏
@ArgeFargo Love it my man, glad the vid helped🤝
@dickiebush I’m the same way with shirts

Find the right one, buy 5 of them (all black)

@maljunkul Isn't* needed yes
Money is just one resource you can exchange for value.

- Time
- Social leverage
- Information and expertise

Are all resources that be exchanged for one other.

If you don’t have money, build another form of value and trade your way to money.
@thejustinwelsh Orchestrate is the perfect word
@thejustinwelsh Funny how that works huh
@chase_arbeiter Thanks for reading brother 🙏🙏
@SystemSunday My man 🤝
@DanielWritess Hey thank you man. I’m actively trying to get myself to stop
running on and on and keep it to the point with threads haha. Leave the philosophy
stuff for the newsletter. So, I’m glad you enjoyed it brother.
This is the cliff notes version of The Koe Letter.

If you want a deep dive into the evolutionary psychology behind productivity

(And a hint at what I personally do)

Read the full version here:
10) Refine Your System

You will struggle working only 4 hours at the start.

Spot the problems that prevent your system from flowing.

Meetings in the afternoon? Do something about it.

Hate aspects of your work? Delegate it.

Creative problem-solving puts you in control.

9) Prioritize Rest

Quality work stems from quality rest.

You have to regenerate your finite mental energy.

But, the modern notion of "rest" is toxic.

No over-indulgence of Netflix and wine.

Hit the gym, socialize, read a book, or pick up a new hobby.

8) Wake Up Before Distractions

Wake up 1-2 hours earlier.

Yes, even if you are a night owl (just do more creative work with your sleepy

Nobody will be texting or calling you.

Treat your mornings as sacred and your work quality will follow.
7) Manipulate Environment

If you couldn't tell already, distractions are your enemy.

They lead to entropy of your productivity system (AKA a downward spiral into more

Clear your workspace.

Limit browser tabs.

Set yourself up for pure focus.

6) Manipulate deadlines

Deadlines narrow attention.

Narrow attention reduces distraction.

The more real, the better.

Set a public deadline and put something real on the line.

Set a product launch date, accept presale payments, and boom – you're forced to get
it done.
5) Timeblocks & breaks

I've found my sweet spot to be:

- 90-minute work blocks

- 15-30 minute walks as breaks

On those walks, I keep my focus on what the next task is going to be.

Put these on your calendar and assign each block a priority task.
4) Gain Clarity On Tasks

A few times a week, swap lever moving tasks for clarity generating tasks.

On Sundays, I outline my newsletter for the week.

Without this, I wouldn't be able to execute on my 1000 words goal with speed.

More clarity = more flow potential.

3) Lever Moving Tasks

In the morning or night (your choice) write out 3 tasks that will move you toward
those goals.

Your mind should be able to quantify a stopping point.

Example: writing 1000 words to attract an audience for potential monetization.

2) Reverse Engineer

From your vision, deconstruct into a 10 year, 1 year, and monthly goals.

These are for direction, not obsession.

Write them down to anchor your attention and let them be.
1) Future Clarity
You need a Minimum Viable Vision for your future.

Write out:

- Who you want to be

- What you want to do for work
- What your ideal day looks like
- How you will contribute to humanity

If it doesn't align with your vision, the answer is no.

First, the 4-Hour Workday philosophy:

Any work more than 4 hours is a problem that can be fixed with time, patience, and

There is always something you can do to:

1) Reduce total time worked

2) Remove work you hate
3) Maintain quality of work

Get creative.
4 hours of focused work is better than 8 hours of distracted work.

My 10 commandments of The 4 Hour Workday:

The new rich isn’t about billions, mansions, and cars.

It’s about leveraging technology for fulfilling work, empty schedules, and
individual choice.
@Nicolascole77 Number 7 hits. The pre-bed ideation and reading works miracles
when its a habit
@dickiebush Bookmarked Sir
@HomesavvyCheryl That's awesome Cheryl, glad you're enjoying it :)
@thejustinwelsh 90 minute work blocks, 15-30 minute walks, and sticking to a
work cut off time has done wonders for me

The hardest part is allowing yourself to not think about work when you’re not
To make faster business decisions, consult your ideal lifestyle when
opportunities pop up.
In life, discipline = freedom.

In business, distribution = freedom.

My best advice for writers and creators:

Hunt for big picture ideas and ignore the rest. Save them somewhere safe and let
contemplation, experience, and struggle make sense of them.

That’s how you turn your favorite ideas into your own.
@JackGarrettjr75 If I were to ask what your favorite book is, and you thought
of one of their ideas + how it’s helped your life, that’s what I mean. That idea
doesn’t disappear after someone is done reading, it impacts you, other readers, how
your new behavior impacts others and so on
@imliamodonnell Yes
@TheBabblingMind Audiobooks on a walk atleast once a day (gets you out of
distracting environment)

Read the same book on kindle before bed and highlight key points

My favs / ones I cycle through

The Evolving Self is also great, reading that now
@thegenuinejulie Immediate GG in the chat
@OneJKMolina @WrongsToWrite We got out soon after lol
If you want the in-depth version of this tweet, here's the link:
@thejustinwelsh Simple as that really. Once you have the ideas and structure
it’s just a matter of publish and practice.
@timjcarden I appreciate that brother🙏
@timjcarden All of the above, but rereading the books that actually
interested me. I know those ideas spun in a new light will interest others

Then, fill in the depth of those ideas with long form content so it isn’t a pithy
@matt_gottesman 🤝🤝
Your long term success as a creator depends on the mental monopoly of unique
ideas that occupy and enhance the minds’ of your audience.
Solving your own problems creates a story that can’t be replicated. Everyone
has the same problems, but you took it on yourself to find a unique solution.

You are the niche.

Your story is the brand.
Your path is the product.
Self development is about solving your own problems.

Business is about solving other peoples problems.

Your purpose is about solving a big problem in the world.

The internet let’s you do all at once.

@YesToCreating @dickiebush My man🤝
@FitFounder Bustin out the old photoshop skills
@LonelyHermitOn3 Truly a great feeling, thank you brother. Glad it's helped🙏
@thegenuinejulie Cocaine
Going on a walk
The pump
@1on1withdan Great movie, need to rewatch
Yeah yeah "life is a like a video game"

- Level up
- Stack gold
- Choose a career

But it goes much, much deeper than that.

Here's how you swap anxiety and boredom for enjoyment and freedom:
Waking up before sunrise, knocking out your work before others wake up, and
enjoying the rest of your day is one of the top 5 best feelings.
School made you hate the foundation of the human experience. The one thing
that is responsible for every opportunity, improvement, and success.

Don't focus on reading an entire book, read 10 pages a day.

Don't focus on losing 40 pounds, get your car to the gym.

Don’t focus on finishing an article, write 750 quality words.

Goals achieve themselves when deconstructed into tiny habit-forming actions.

@thefernandocz @wizofecom @OneJKMolina @ItsKieranDrew @thejustinwelsh My man🤝
4 hours of focused work is better than 8 hours of distracted work.

And, the health consequences of being trapped in front of a screen all day aren't

Here's what you need to know about The 4 Hour Workday (it may change your life):
@AyoubDjouza Do what you’re good at and work through the guilt, it isn’t
permanent and your parents will come around eventually
36 months:

- Has leverageable audience

- $200k year from productization

48 months:

- Exponential growth kicks in

- $100k month from time in the game
48 months of college:

- Applying for jobs

- Down $40k
A realistic creator timeline.

First 6 months:

- Rabbit hole of skill acquisition

- $2000 selling a service (mainly luck)

12 months:

- Big picture understanding

- First $10k month from persistence

24 months:

- Creates irresistible offer

- $100k year if consistent

Building an audience isn't only for online business.

An audience is how you:

- Get a job without a job board

- Sell a book without a publisher
- Make music without a record deal

Be you, learn to persuade, and you get to skip ahead of those that lack
"What do I build?"

My friend, anything.

- A software
- A product
- A service
- A design
- A video
- A brand

Yes, you will have to learn respective skills along the way. That's the point.
Yes, your first iteration will be embarrassing and difficult. That's the point.

@ItsBeauBurns Rip
Creativity is a muscle. Fuel your mind with reading. Train your mind with
writing. Use ideas as your clay. Use execution as your chisel. With time, create a
sculpture worth mentioning in the future's history books.
Information overload only exists when you don’t have a goal, system, and
priorities to filter the informations applicability.
Don’t expect to be “creative” if you don’t have any problems (that you
encounter through consistent execution) to create solutions for.
@theadnanmanzoor Twitter advanced search makes it easy to look up all of my
past 'notes' haha. Works great for talking points in longer newsletters, articles,
and videos
This is a simple tweet yes. Here's the depth:
@TheFlowAgency Hahaha I do the same, YouTube premium is underrated
@JonGumero @michaelpmcnulty I mean brand as in specifically say you are
"building in public."

The reason is that there is a much more persuasive and creative way of branding
yourself while building in public
@TheFlowAgency My man thank you🙏
@ThadeousC @robertoblake That's exactly what I said yes
@retrogtx The bots are neverending, fuck Jeremy
@thejustinwelsh Definitely one of the hardest things.

At the beginning you get in the habit of saying "yes" to build your name.

Then there's a transition point where the "no's" have to start outweighing the

A good habit that turns bad with time

@talktoterryco ;)
One of those less popular videos that will genuinely change your life:
@michaelpmcnulty I think it's great, although you don't have to brand
yourself as "building in public." I'd just build and share what you learn so you
can attract readers, viewers, buyers for once it's built
Treat social media as a:

- Public school
- Public journal
- Public note-taking software

Teach what you know to identify gaps in your knowledge, share your thoughts to add
personality, and jot down valuable ideas in a public setting.

The long-term returns will surprise you.

The difference between you and what you want is skill.
In mental fitness, hunt for ideas to bulk and execute on ideas to cut.

But remember, an overweight mind is an unhappy one.

@Michaels_Ideas Billy Gene was an interesting dude to watch, haven’t seen him
in a while though
@maljunkul LOL thought I was clever
@LifeCoachNano My man😂🤝
@bill_clark Hell yeah man, glad it helped!
In other words, buy all of my products hahaha (please)
AI can't replicate experience.

If you lean into your brand story, use personal examples to illustrate concepts,
and have a fleshed-out philosophy behind what you help people achieve – you don't
have to worry about being a content creation commodity.
@thejoshuageelen In that case I apologize to the giraffes I may have offended
please don’t cancel me
Food for thought:

Animals survive on a physical level.

Humans survive on a conceptual level.

A giraffe wouldn’t feel threatened if you disagreed with its beliefs.

The more I zoom out the more I realize everyone is right.
Until you take it on yourself to figure out a better way, you’re limited to
the results of those you learn from.
@ItsKieranDrew @GrammarHippy @thatroblennon Appreciate you brother🙏
@thejoshuageelen This is awesome man haha, glad to be not-your-average-guru

Thanks for this🤝

@BTContractor Hahaha thank you man🙏🏻
@jposhaughnessy Thank you Jim🤝
@osinachakanegbu I'm the same way haha, glad it helped🙏
@therajwise @thejustinwelsh Nah just post
@trainedwright @life_authors @SahilBloom My work here is (not) done🤝
@AbduKhol Agreed, awareness helps with direction
@thejustinwelsh Building as we speak, timely thread 🤝
Getting a “real job” isn’t the status symbol you think it is.
@raymeaguirre Morning🤝
@TymHartwich Good luck my man, what’s your offer?
@DanielWritess Love it dude, such good skills to learn🙏
@philippeduvin Hell yeah man, thanks for trusting me with your time🤝
To recap:

1. Education is shifting
2. Acquire modern skills
3. Productize yourself
4. Master survival, pursue curiosity
5. Build social leverage online
6. Build your own distribution
If you enjoyed this, consider retweeting the first tweet below:
In this weeks Koe Letter, I went deeper into leverage and distribution as a
one-person creator business.

I also outlined the 3 stages of the journey, and exactly what you need to do in
Once you have your own distribution network that you've built with an
authentic personal brand

You open the potential to talk about, build, and sell almost anything you want.

You have the leverage to stay as a one person business and sustain your lifestyle
with it.
While everyone is hopping on the short form reels, shorts, and TikToks

What they fail to understand is that for education, you need depth.

Long form content is how you build depth, authority, and make the most sales.

So, attract with short form, nurture with long.

But, you don't own the platform, like Twitter, that you build on.

You have to funnel them off platform into a community or email list.

Not to mention, it's difficult to grow large *and* talk about niche information.
How do you build distribution?

First, you need the right skills:

- Persuasive writing to hold attention

- Turning that writing into designs, video, and audio for different platforms

- Valuable information (advice, insight, or entertainment)

Thats how you build an audience.

You can pay for ads or borrow space in distribution that others have built
(like getting on their podcast or sponsoring a newsletter)

But, everyone should build their own.

When your product and distribution are both in your control, you have direct
control over your income.
6) Digital Distribution

All information on the internet is a form of media.

Meaning, if you understand how digital media works, you can get your message,
products, and services in front of other people.

There are 3 types of distribution:

Build, borrow, or buy.

What creates social leverage?

Not swinging too far to one of these extremes:

- Too much generic advice

- No skill or expertise
- No personality

It's a balance.

The leverage is built with 1+ year of consistent and creative effort.

If you were to see me walking on the road, I'm a normal ass dude.

But, with 500,000+ followers and a good track record, I can DM *almost* anyone and
get a response.

If I needed $50,000 within 24 hours, I could probably get it with a well-placed

offer (using my skill set).
5) Social Leverage

The internet puts you in indirect contact with 4.5+ billion people.

As much as we don't want to accept it, building an audience to display our public
value is necessary.

That's who employers are hiring and how high-paying connections are formed.
Curiosity is about leaning into what makes you, you.

That's how 7 billion people create their own personal monopoly:

By being themselves, in public.

The future isn't about competition with others, it's about competition with your
distracted mind.
You have to stand out in this world.

You stand out through curiosity.

Curiosity is difficult to sustain in a state of survival, because your attention is

manhandled by your psychological needs that haven't been fulfilled.
4) Intellectual Development

62% of labor jobs will be phased out in the next 10 years.

So, earn with your mind, not your time (shoutout @naval).

The highest-paid earners are and will be those that master their survival &
prioritize their intellectual development.
If more people self-actualize and transcend, we have a large chunk of
humanity that can put effort into solving creative problems that lead us into
whatever the next evolution entails.

(Rather than drowning in survival-based problems that make life difficult)

The eternal markets are where burning problems exist.

(Business is about solving problems, these are the most profitable).

If you can solve those problems for yourself, and teach others how to do the

You are serving a good cause, and improving humanity as a whole.

How is this profitable?

Let me introduce you to the eternal markets:

- Health
- Wealth
- Relationships
- Bonus: Happiness

The first 3 are survival or actualization based (see: Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs)

The last is transcendence based.

3) Self-Monetization

Saturation doesn't exist in the creator economy.

IF you treat yourself as your niche.

You pursue a better future for yourself, solve your own problems, and document the

It's unique to you.

Now, don't let my simple description make you think this is easy.

You need a proper skill stack.

And, you need time with those skills so you can become aware of opportunities that
they present.

Here are the skills you should learn:
These courses and free content teach information that can't be found in the
highest level of universities.


Because public school trains you into conventional employment.

Independent information can teach you how to build your own thing, not someone
Even better, creators are documenting their journey in new career paths (that
they've created, most people still don't think they are "real" jobs).

Many of them aggregate their journey into a course / book.

These are like zip files of knowledge that you upload into your brain.
2) Modern Skill Acquisition

Because of the silent education revolution, we live in an incredible time.

You can become top 10% in high-leverage skills with 6 months of targeted effort.

There are free resources on any topic imaginable if you dig deep enough into the
If you want to join this new economy, you need one thing:

Valuable ideas.

Valuable = relevant, understandable, and actionable.

You hunt for these ideas by studying your interests, improving your life, and
teaching others to fill in your knowledge gaps.
This is a problem that many have caught onto over the past decade.

Hence was born the creator economy.

Individuals are taking it on themselves to research their interests and distill

value to an audience that is hungry for a better life.

More on this:
1) The New Education System

Attention isn't the new currency.

Clear and relevant information is (because that's what holds attention).

It's called the Age Of Information for a reason.

Institutionalized education is not relevant, and only serves the employment system.
And to preface, if the standard for "rich" were billions of dollars, I do not
have that.

When I say "get in on the digital wealth transfer," I mean holistic wealth:

More money than you can handle

More time than 99% of the population
Work that you actually find fulfilling
I'm not going to be talking about crypto etc in this thread.

None of this will be passive (at the start), and you don't need cash upfront.

We will learn:

- How to recession-proof yourself

- The structure of the new rich
- What you need to focus on

How to get in on the digital wealth transfer (yes, you are in the middle of

6 things you need to know:

I’m happy giving so much away for free because I know it takes years to see
exponential spurts in growth.

By the time others can be considered competition I’ll have moved on to something

Win win.
@GominiqueDaines And thank you for watching my friend
@YesToCreating Appreciate you brother, we're kicking into overdrive
@IlianDaviaud Agreed, would be cool to see your writing
@IlianDaviaud I get what you’re saying, and it was more grounded. But I think
there is a balance we can strike for a better experience here (as that’s what we’re
trying to do anyway). We wouldn’t have this amount of innovation, tech, or
potential without this evolutionary path
@IlianDaviaud I.e if someone is obsessed with cars in the same way someone
would be obsessed with painting

One needs money, the other doesn’t

And if the determinant of enjoyment/happiness/flow is immersed attention…

business/money is a viable way of achieving that
@IlianDaviaud The thing is, you’ll never have access to their state of mind.
Assuming they’re sad people is just a lack of seeing the full picture (that we’ll
never have).

Money won’t do that, but it can be made ethically in a world that revolves around
money to avoid unnecessary suffering
@PeaceCompassOrg If the matrix is a metaphor for mental constructs as a whole
(and not just the collectively accepted ones), then yes, anything that is not the
present moment or something that can be represented with words would be a part of

I think
Material wealth is a sign of winning the game that the matrix presents.

Mental wealth is a sign of opting out of the game that the matrix presents.

You can do both.

@PossibleJerry In other words, “create often” (in the tweet)
If you missed this weeks letter, you should read it
@thejustinwelsh This has been on my mind for every single thing I’ve written
in the past year.

How to solve the problem of the perception of consistency on an uncertain path.

We’re happy to spend decades pursuing a path laid out for us. But we’re hesitant to
spend less time on a path we create
@alanevenson Looking forward to it brother 🤝
If you suck at writing, design, or marketing – immerse yourself in
exceptional writing, design, or marketing.

Create often so you have something to compare.

Improve as you become aware of the gap in your skill set.

That’s how you turn your life into a learning experience.

@davidbrier @thejustinwelsh @matt_gray_ I’ve sent on other days, but Saturday
works well because I can take the weekdays to write it

Mine are long, so I want to send on a day where many could have the time to read it
If you're serious about making your business a success, why are you hesitant
to invest everything you have into it?

Money for growth

Learning for results
Time for the best damn brand, content, and products on the market

If this is supposed to be your life's work, act like it.

@LesSolopreneurs People pull both off.

I’d recommend a value ladder of 1-2 small products then work buyers up to a mid
ticket product or cohort, then high ticket consulting, freelancing, etc
@Sue_Dyson Thank you for listening Sue🙏
@igorbenic Hahaha prob won't release one. Used to talk bout health a lot but
things started picking up when I stopped
@lincolnpolson You sir are observant
@reallife_ed Thanks for watching brother🙏
@LaughsAndWrites 🤝
@reallife_ed Hell yeah
Every solopreneur should have a digital product.

The problem:

People don't know how to make theirs both unique AND profitable.

Here's how to turn your knowledge & experience into a product that stands out:
Everything is literally content.

Content of consciousness.

It’s either disordered, chaotic, and mysterious.

Or it’s ordered, simple, and understandable.

If it’s the former, observe it.

If it’s the latter, post it.

3 months later revenue update.

Still baffled this is a possibility with the internet, some time in the game, and a
love for building helpful things.

Something about nothing happens then everything happens
It's not about catching attention.

It's not about getting the most followers.

It's not about having the most engagement.

It's about valuable ideas.

Valuable ideas = relevant, understandable, and actionable to the point of them

being spread without personal effort.
@RealZarebski Ayy good to see you brother, stay safe as well🤝
@stevenshills20 Thank you brother, glad you enjoyed it🙏🙏
@duvmetellus Get it my man🤝
@duvmetellus Thanks for reading today man🙏
@AbduKhol And thanks for reading brother 🤝
@BrianKimpson @ConnorBeaton @AubreyMarcus @TheIntentPod @hubermanlab LFG
@thegoldsuite The letters are starting to turn into ebooks lolol
@ReclaimMind @The1stReporter @creation247 I remember your DM after that haha
(vaguely). So cool to see you growing brother
@emil_drud 🤝
@taylorjdavidson My man, thank you for reading🫡
99% of creators make this mistake:

They get stuck in a growth phase (generic content) or an authority phase (too much

Here's how you differentiate yourself (even from AI):
@thejustinwelsh Damn, great perspective brother
Work less with productivity, time blocks, and flow states.

Earn more with the internet, skill stacking, and digital products.

Enjoy life with intention, lifestyle design, and pursuing curiosity.

Your beliefs influence your thoughts.

Your thoughts influence your emotions.

Your emotions influence your state of mind.

Your state of mind influences how you perceive and act on opportunity in the world.

The good life starts in the mind.

"Build a business off social media, then build an audience."

Great advice.

Nothing wrong with it.

But don't think that social media isn't a new modality for beginners to START a

Leave the gatekeeping out, as your wealth-building method is only 1 out of a

@HarryDuranFC @mattkhead @arithisandthat @thisiskp_ @AlbanBrooke
@iamjeremyenns @SamTalksTech @al4edp @polyinnovator @thejustinwelsh 🤝
@mothnode Thank you my friend
@gamifycreator Find out tomorrow in The Koe Letter™
@thejoshuageelen Hahaha appreciate you brother
I'm sending out The One Person Business Roadmap tomorrow.

It will tell you exactly what to focus on in the beginner, intermediate, and
advanced stages of business growth.

Here's the last issue, subscribe at the top:
There are 3 stages of creator businesses:

1) Focuses only on growth and can't pivot into anything meaningful

2) Learns direct response and swears by high ticket services

3) Prioritizes leverage and time freedom, but has to grow big

If you don't want to get stuck in one stage:

@rcarzo 100% brother
@miawhithamxo Great way to approach it Mia, glad I could inspire🙏
@BuildToFreedom 🤝
@patrickjustus_ Full permission to build on the ideas and make em your own
brother, have fun remixing em if you want to
@alexzecheru My man, thank you 🤝
The best content creators are dopamine dealers.

When you have an "aha!" moment, share your discovery from your perspective. Let the
excitement from dopamine seep into your content so others can feel it too.
Curiosity leads to learning.

Learning leads to obsession.

Obsession leads to a life that you never thought was possible.

A life filled with enjoyment, winning, and an impact on those who see the value in
the path you've carved out of reality.
If you don’t make time to build for yourself, you’ll be assigned time to
build for someone else.
@AndreiCioloca @WrongsToWrite 🤝
@DanielWritess @Nicolascole77 @dickiebush @george__mack Goodnight my friend🤝
@StockzNCrypto 🤝
@ericblomq Everyone is built for it if you strip away the business label and
processes. It's just solving problems for a living like we did before the
industrial rev.

Now we need fancy tools, but anyone can learn.

Yes the path is individual but everyone has the same problems
> not saying actionable advice isn't important

> not saying to go all in on short content

Develop your ideas with time, see what sticks, and cultivate depth through long-
form content.

That will increase your brand longevity and take you out of the short-form rat
Don't mistake big ideas for platitudes.

Your creative, simple, and big-picture ideas are what form the perception of your
No amount of actionable advice can compete with the contagious nature of simple
sayings that encapsulate an ocean of depth.
@ollie_gl I appreciate that man. Documenting the journey along the way is
helpful for those in the same position
Self-improvement (actualization) is a gateway drug into entrepreneurship
@rcarzo 100%

Gotta take care of survival needs and regulate stress so you aren’t always in a
narrow minded state
The future belongs to those that occupy the most mental real estate. Valuable
ideas, perspectives, and insights are the tenants.
If you want a clear vision for the future, you need vision. The unknown is a
dark and scary place. So shine a light of awareness by exposing yourself to new
cultures, challenges, experiences.
@thejustinwelsh I'm a big fan of optimizing for flow, so the work quality and
enjoyment is higher. But I'm in the same exact boat. Ideal day comes first.
@IAmClintMurphy @ImChrisEdmonds One day my friends, appreciate you both🤝
@thegenuinejulie Heater
@raymond_green So much easier
This goes deeper into it
My entire business strategy:

- Improve myself
- Build for myself
- Write to myself

Build a solution to my problems in pursuit of a better life.

Attract people by passing down what I learn.

Put what I built in front of them.

Social media has become less about creating content that brings in followers.

It's idea warfare.

How good are your ideas and will they stick in people's heads for decades?

When they have a problem, are your ideas the first to pop into their mind?

That's powerful.
@thejustinwelsh No doubt, hard to be exceptional when you learn the same
thing as everyone else (and usually stop learning after)
@IAmAaronWill @marleysevo This is true
@naqueesnoor 🤝
@FitFounder Reminds me of the advice to "live at your edge"
If you tip too far over, you fall
@LaughsAndWrites Thank you brother.

A lot of people liked that one. I'm planning out a series of 4-5 more to go deep
into the different aspects. Brand, product, content, etc
@jpadamsonline 100% agreed
@AI_Sensei_ Web dev is such a good one. Needa dive into AI as well
@FitFounder Thank you my dude🤝
@LaughsAndWrites I dig it

Starting a podcast / YT to further refine the ideas I was already writing about
helped so much
This is my personal experience.

Did I leave any skills out?

Curious to hear what you think could be added.

Let me know in a comment (and consider retweeting while you're at the first tweet):
In order, stack these skills according to your interests and expertise:

- Rapid learning
- Rapid execution
- Marketing & sales
- Writing
- Visual Design
- Networking

Give yourself 1 year and you will become an unstoppable force in the new economy.
When you are just starting out, you don't have any leverage.

No following, no customer base, etc.

You will have to put time and effort into finding customers and building a network.

This is exactly how I would do it:
6) Networking

So far, we've:

- Built something of value

- Can communicate that value
- Have iterated on that value
Now, we need to get it in front of people's face so we can make an income and
spread our message.
Here are practical skills you can study to start training your 'designers

- Photography
- Graphic design
- Filmmaking or videography
- Editing or color grading
- Brand design

Spend a weekend learning the fundamentals.

Use those fundamentals in everything you do.

5) Visual Design

By now, we can articulate a valuable message with a marketable transformation


You 10x the impact of your message when you can distribute it via various mediums.

Video and graphics.

That's how you add a FEEL to your message.

Another dimension.
But, capturing attention isn't where the money is.

Anyone can write a good hook, but can you hold the attention in a world of
distraction and deliver a valuable message?

A good metric for internet success is how much attention you *hold* over your
4) Writing

If you want any form of success, you will have to communicate with other people.

Most of the time, this will be in writing.

Emails, tweets, DMs, resumes, video scripts, captions, etc.

Writing is the foundation of media, and media is how you capture attention.
Marketing and sales are just applied psychology and human nature.
What do people want the most?


There's a reason transformation stories, videos, and posts do so well.

People want a higher quality human experience.

Give it to them.
3) Marketing & Sales

Money, career, and life opportunities are transactional.

This isn't a bad thing (if it's of mutual benefit).

So, you need to understand what humans want.

In other words, you need to understand psychology.

When you:

- Start
- Build
- Teach
- Get feedback
- Fill in knowledge gaps
- Pivot accordingly
- Repeat

It's impossible to fail.

The real failure is not starting at all.

I talk about both learning & execution in this video:
2) Rapid Execution

First-time perfection with your product, hobby projects, or content is a myth.

You have to get the embarrassing iteration out of the way.

That's all success is:

Creating a better version AS you learn more through experience, not theory.
Learning one thing makes it 10x easier to learn a related skill.

To learn photoshop, I:

- Had a starting point in mind

- Struggled with the software
- Watched tutorials to learn

By mastering photoshop, I can pick up any photo/video editing software in a matter

of hours.
1) Rapid Learning

To learn faster, don't start learning.

- Outline a project
- Start building it out
- Learn along the way

Too many people get trapped in tutorial hell, stacking up useless knowledge as
brain fog.

Start > encounter a problem > seek specific knowledge to solve.

Skill stacking is powerful.

Here are the 6 skills I would stack (to maximize profits, opportunities, and
@voyageofman Hell yeah, let me know how it goes my man
@AbduKhol True lol

"Stories" don't have to be overcomplicated.

Point A (where they are)

Point B (where they want to be)

The path (how to get there)

Can be used in any length of content, promotions, or marketing.

How to make your interests interesting:

1) Identify a relevant goal

2) Note problems in the way
3) Write out a story-based solution from your interests, experience, and expertise
Don't write blindly.

Help people solve their top-of-mind problems in a unique way.

I understand that “mentoring,” not coaching, is meant to be free and organic.

A random DM 10 seconds after following in a demanding tone just isn’t good practice
in any situation.
@thejustinwelsh Entertaining is so important. Can even be as simple as using
fun facts or interesting statistics as a hook. Personal stories too
@EDayWorkoutMan Not fun :/
@duvmetellus I didn't save it haha, hoping @tibo_maker comes through
@ant_carlton A friend of Watts is a friend of mine🤝
An interesting thing in business is when you get a message like

"If you are really about helping people like you say you are, mentor me for free."

My brother in manipulation, no.

Last bump

2 more hours on this bad boy

@LeonLifeDesign @PointONoReturn 2 hour writer

Still falls under wealth category, but less about money more about status (which
can be an angle for most markets)
@LeonLifeDesign @PointONoReturn (My most profitable product has little to do
with making money)
@Dejennyrs 2hw is a system with education to match it. Something you can
implement right now for better writing and content

MMHQ is a community with a library of education resources. It has strategies and

systems, but it isn't as "immediately actionable" as 2hw

I'd recommend 2hw to start

@thegenuinejulie @majahoward852 My work here is (not) done
@winnieletsgo Hell yeah, glad to have you in!
@WealthyViking Glad to have you on board my friend, let me know what you
think :)
@_itskiks Hell yeah
Commenting to bump this up

Sale ends in 10 hours at midnight ET

@ubervincent Yes
The perception of luck, risk, and failure regulate the gap between average
and exceptional.
@SeanAnthonySays Hell yeah
@ilovemarichelle Hahaha glad to have you on board🙏
@respectmywrites "make moves in public in silence"
- Ghandi
Alrighty last call for Cyber Monday.

30% off 2 Hour Writer

- Learn high impact digital writing

- Steal my content ecosystem
- Grow an audience for your writing
- Create infinite unique perspectives

Use code ‘BFCM’ to join 1676+ students:
@pierresbaptiste Great point my man. Being honest about where you are (while
writing) helps a good amount with confidence.

The rest just comes with time

@TheGeomarAbreu Dude, thank you. So glad everything has helped🤝
@craigshoemaker The perfect mix of novel and and helpful🤝
@thejustinwelsh Business gained a lot more meaning when I started putting my
all into content and products

If I don’t uphold my end of the bargain, the money would just feel dirty
@thejustinwelsh YUP
Our ancestors were entrepreneurs.

They solved niche problems within their community according to their talents and

It makes sense that everyone have a business, even if it’s a low-time investment
side hobby.

The neurobiological benefits increase quality of life.

“Not everyone can become an entrepreneur.”

Correct, atleast for the next decade.

But, I don’t think you realize how bigly small this side of the internet is.

Yes, it’s your entire world, but others have no clue.

Everyone (here) can.

A lot of people hesitate to start writing because they lack experience.

Unless you are promising a specific result, just write.

Do your best to spread a valuable message, cite sources when you have to, and be
honest about your skill level.

They’ll read if it’s interesting.

Always consult your vision, values, and desired lifestyle when making an
important decision.
@thecryptodoyen This is the mindset of any business ever

Rugpulling is a matter of moral development

@janibuilds @iamjustincscott Marginal difference in attention I’m sure but
the little things are fun to try
@janibuilds @iamjustincscott From my web design days I learned that readers
look where you are looking - and if you look at the screen, they look at you

So if you want to direct more people to the first line of your content, look toward
@1stOrator @iamjustincscott @oliviercantin Sounds incredible, and Justin and
I would be lying if we hadn’t considered something similar for a long term plan
The greatest skill is reducing the time between idea and execution.

This is crucial for learning new skills.

But, we can take it even further.

Here's how I remember everything I read, study, or watch:
(and traffic. if you don't build, buy, or borrow traffic to that product or
service, it won't sell, clearly)
@EmailMaximalist The GOAT
@raymond_green @becoming_wise @ItsKieranDrew Thats awesome man hell yeah

'optimization' in the way I'm saying it would be proper brand, content, funnel, and
offer that gets solid conversion rate

Then, the content, traffic, and promotions become income levers

Aside from MM, I don't have a rec for all of those things
@addictcoaching Polish up branding
Practice high impact content
Get that content in front of people
Start promoting, stick it out, change what isn't working

Theres a lot of options

Always learn about and build that aspect of your business until you feel like
you're getting good results
@pedr0luna Lot of skills led up to it.

Before creator stuff - freelance web design and simple funnels

At the start - 'how to freelance for developers' product

Pivoted my freelance offer to creators

As I grew I slowly productized aspects of the service and created smaller products
For those that want steps to take, here’s an intro to my business philosophy
as a whole
@writes_eve I have most of it documented, screenshots and folders with the
old products

$800 is still solid as hell

In terms of authority, there’s probably a way to position the product where you
aren’t promising something that causes the fear, but still retains its marketing
@thisisOsas @excelumeohana I don’t think that’s a tell of the space but
rather the individuals true skill and real world practice with marketing. If you
aren’t making money, something is wrong and needs to be tested / improved.

And yea I was promoting on their pages, some even offered to affiliate
@LeeMcLaren11 @unboundedyou If I had a dollar for every time I changed my bio
I would probably just keep changing my bio
@iamjustincscott @oliviercantin And if it wasn’t directed at me, I retain my
thank you brother
@chris_gensheer I built a niche product (teaching developers to freelance)

I commented, networked, and paid medium to large developer accounts to help promote
my product
@oliviercantin @iamjustincscott Thank you brother, good stories behind both
pfps 🤝
@No_Dissonance Hell yeah man, Twitter of all places is a great place to not
be drowned out. Gets very tribal (in good and bad ways)
@thisisOsas @excelumeohana Time and practice my friend, I was into the
marketing space a while before being here
@iamjustincscott Science
@iamjustincscott You need a side profile pfp :(
@unboundedyou Atleast 50
@TechTedLasso Great point🤝
@JoshuaLisec Thank you man🙏
@TheDividendGoat Hell yeah
@waronweakness BuiltByChikFilA
@waronweakness Stop trolling me Eddy we all know Burger King is F tier fast
Main thing that sparked this post was the advice of “waiting to sell”

It’s good advice, but not law.

(Common sense accounted for here and not selling a hunk of shit)

If you have an idea, but are waiting to build because biz advice, you’re delaying
the crucial 1st iteration.
@iamjustincscott You’re damn right
@iamjustincscott I was the 1/2 follower, look at us now
For context:

I was making decent money freelancing before this.

At 500 followers I launched a product and leveraged other audiences to sell (barely
sold to my own)

Then, I pivoted my freelance offer, started selling, and that led to the $10k

Many pivots later, here we are.

These posts help boost my authority, yes.

I don’t like posting them per se, but I’ve been asking myself:

Should I be honest? Or should I avoid posting and never let people see what’s

With this whole creator space growing like weeds, maybe some need it.
At 500 followers, I had a $3k month

At 10,000 followers, I had a $10k month

At 50,000 followers, I had a $50k month

At 200,000 followers, I had a $150k month

If this shocks you, good.

If it doesn’t, props.

Hopefully it some break out of their limiting money beliefs.

@felix_ogbuli Haha nah just in general.
@Sensei_Bas 🤝🤝
@ItsKieranDrew If you’re optimized to the T (not everyone wants or can do

50,000f = $50k/mo

Even a quarter of that and an audience is still the choice

@EvgenySayfi @ElysianBiz Both work, I advocate building asap because

- youhave to look outside your audience for traffic

- youget the first embarrassing iteration out of the way
- youhave good topics to write for authority
- youcan build a better product that actually sells when you have an audience
If you don't have your own product or service, you don't have direct control
over your income.
Your present moment enjoyment is determined by where you invest your limited
mental energy – aligned with a positive potential future – through the power of
@al1meister Thank you for reading my man🤝
@iamjustincscott Big fan (as you know) of experimenting with new ways of
doing things to discover better ways of doing things
@Tkenn33 Thanks for reading my friend🙏
@ShaunEls @thejustinwelsh Thanks for watching my dude!
@MeitnerTom Appreciate you brother🙏
@SeanAnthonySays I'll be keepin an eye out for the vids
@IAmAaronWill One day I'll buy you a pumpkin spice latte sir
@SeanAnthonySays My man thank you.

I did the same, bought a fancy podcaster mic for the YT vids haha
@donisbeck @FitFounder @WrongsToWrite <3
@SahilBloom 🤝
In the past year, 74% of people reported being so stressed to the point of
anxiety and overwhelm.

I don't have all the answers to this.

But seeing life for what it is, a game, can help.

(If you truly understand how to play)
If your ideal lifestyle involves 1-2 hours of leverage-building writing in
the morning

And you want to avoid parroting everyone else while building an audience

Grab the 2 hour writer while it’s 30% off for BFCM

Code “BFCM”
@jdhawl Well said man🤝
Good: Learning a skill.

Better: Learning a skill in a way that works from someone that has results.

Best: Defining your ideal lifestyle, choosing an aligned business model, starting,
and learning the necessary skills as you encounter problems (with long-term
The mind naturally tends toward chaos and disorder.

Our attention floats to random thoughts and problems.

So, we seek order in structured information, tasks, and entertainment.

This lesson can be used for good by creators, and is often used for evil by
mainstream media.
You don’t have to understand how an engine works to have fun driving a car.

The same lesson doesn’t apply if you don’t understand how your mind works.
228 writers toward a better future have taken advantage of me

You can too above

@AndrewTaylornb True, I tend to write to my audience without thinking too
much outside of it. Most are interested in business / self-improvement stuff. Solid
@SergioPerea1303 1) Audience building
2) Offer creation / copywriting
3) Skill / interest of choice (within health, marketing, or personal dev verticals)
to apply to 1 and 2
@roadling Cool for the sake of people reading I officially change the first
tweet to top 75%

It has been declared here and now.

Thankful for this enlightening conversation🤝

@roadling top 10%, not 1%

above average, not elite

Enough to get in the arena with some portfolio like experience under your belt.

Enough for me to get a web dev job 5 years ago that paid more than most grad jobs
and make more freelancing
@GrandLifeCoach @FitFounder The key to success
@shivamg381 @getpaidwrite 🤝🤝
@FitFounder Lesgo babyyy
@thestorystylist 😂🤝
@BrendonMenendez Hyped my man, let me know how you like it!
@ReadingBarista Hope you enjoy it my friend!
@BrendonMenendez I appreciate that man, if you do decide to hop in, I hope
you enjoy it🙏
If you want to:

- Turn your interests into a career

- Start writing *effectively* online
- Steal my content ecosystem
- Have a writing process that works
- Stand out from the sea of the same

Use code "BFCM" to join 1279 other students:
Wasn't going to do a black friday sale.

I feel like it devalues digital products specifically and leads to people not going
through them.

But, my DMs said otherwise.

So here we are.

30% off top rated 2 Hour Writer (with details) below:
@inboundcash Hahaha I love it man, glad it helped, and props for the
successful pivot🤝
@Itsothmaan 🤝
@itsNickPayne Create and spread the message🤝
@brightraphael_ Nah I just paid $8 haha

Thank you brother🤝

It’s a great time to be alive please don’t waste it
It’s crazy that you can become top 10% in any skill within 3-6 months by
obsessively studying online. Enough so that you are perceived as an authority, and
can make a living from it (without investing more than a few hundred dollars, if
@brunofmarinho @thejustinwelsh @hubermanlab 90 minutes seems to be the sweet
@WonderBoyBash The Evolving Self is what I’m reading right now

Haven’t finished but it’s slowly becoming my all time favorite

@thejustinwelsh 60 minutes for building is a habit everyone should adopt.

Dedicated time to build the mind, body, or business.

@WonderBoyBash My main recs
Reading a book that interests you is like digging for gold, but the "gold" is
good dopamine.
Consistency is important.
But staying in the game, even if you stop being consistent with one thing, is more

The amount of knowledge you gain through environment exposure compounds with time.

One day it just clicks.

Exponential progress catches you by surprise.

You can’t change the external things that cause you stress, but you can
change how your mind reacts to those things.
@drewfusg @jordangodbey Correct
@jordangodbey I go on multiple walks
@theAriannaGrace Yes its viable

Start with who you would create content for and on what platform

Master that style, create portfolio pieces, and practice on your own brand so you
know what brings in followers

Theres a lot to it
@TomThorleyx I don't have a solidified 10 year plan, I mean approaching with
the mindset that you will be building for 10 years, whether you actually do or not
@alanevenson Glad to have you inside brother 🤝
@V2Christina Haha will update next year🤝
@TomThorleyx Got you man, and thank you for watching!
- Invest money in your business growth, get eyes on your content and validate
your ideas

- There will be extremely difficult times where you think it won’t work. Practice
mindfulness and study spirituality when these times come.
- Invest in courses from the people that teach you how to do what they do
(personal experience is extremely valuable)

- For the love of all things holy don’t label things you don’t understand as a
scam, this will only delay your success by years. Be curious and open minded
- Start writing content immediately. Make a lot of noise and laser in on
signal, do more of what works.

- Build the first iteration of a product or service ASAP (study the people you want
to be like)
If I could break this 3 year journey into actionable steps (it’s close to
impossible), I would:

- Surround yourself with people doing what you want to do online (you don’t know
what’s possible until you become aware of it)
@TomThorleyx (but, i would still approach with a 10 year mindset)
@TomThorleyx Depends on a lot, but yes it's possible
Watch from 6:43 to 10:41 on how i'd make profit immediately

(you'll need some form of marketing/sales/content writing knowledge)
@_andrewdonovan_ My man🤝
@abdussalampopsy Love it brother, its a great time to be alive
4) Invest some of your income into the success of your new business (this is
powerful, be wary justifying other purchases without considering this).

5) When the time is right, go all in.

The solution:

1) Deconstruct the crucial pieces of your job that make it profitable.

2) Block out 1 hour to build your own thing.

3) Use your knowledge, experience, and expertise to write follow-worthy content.

@CoachRonKretz Glad I could help brother🙏
@JulianCorzo5 Thank you my dude!

This is the yt
@realalejandroAD Vamos a la pinche playa wei I’ll buy the frilly coconut
@Hormetik Dude that’s fucking awesome!

Love to see you winning man and glad to hear you’re doing well🤝
@cisco_meneses Incredible decision to make when you can, Twitter is the right
place to be for it
@FutureMarketer0 100%🤝
@IAmAaronWill Still praying to the poster?
@thegenuinejulie Haha I appreciate you Julie, I don’t doubt you either (and
am here if you need anything to help get there)
@DONVESH Thank you man!

I wrote it.

Then trashed it lol

It’s re outlined and I’m giving it a bit more time

I don’t think anyone is truly comfortable flexing their income like this.

But, I remember when a friend tweeted that they made $100k in a month doing what I
It blew my mind and made me rethink what’s possible.

That was 2 years ago.

I hope this does the same for you.

If you want a deeper dive into how I write (as the basis of all of my

Check out this post.

Yes, there's a promo at the bottom, but I don't hold back in my blog posts
I know that 2023 will bring in $1M.

Hope you enjoyed this my friends.

If you did, boost my fragile ego by retweeting the first tweet:
Even if it's not optimal, it's consistent and diversified.

With this well oiled machine of:

- High performing content

- Deep insights and perspective shifts
- Refined offers that get 5%+ conversion rates
- Multi-platform growth fueling the funnel
3) Growth Strategy

All of this is baked into the content strategy.

It all starts with a high performing topic that I swipe from:

- Popular YouTube videos

- Popular Medium articles
- Viral tweets, IG posts, or LI posts

I know that all of my content will result in growth.

They are usually in line with the newsletter, so I plug the blog post version
for people to learn more.

What this does is:

- Builds trust
- Builds authority
- Gets eyes on my promotions
- Brings in newsletter subscribers

I'll plug a blog post once a day under one of my posts.

In short form content like my threads, I'll plug a relevant product or lead

Here's where things get juicy.

I backlog all of my newsletters as a blog post.

Meaning, the promotions are already inside.

When my short form tweets, IG posts, and LI posts go out...

2) Promotion Strategy

In long form content like my newsletter, I plug all of my offers at the bottom with
a soft pitch.

If I'm promoting something specific, I will do a hard pitch at the top so people
are aware of it (especially those that don't reach the bottom).
I base my topics off of 2 things:

1) What I want to talk about

2) What I plan on promoting

If I plan to promote my cohort, I'll base the topic off of something from that.
1) Content Strategy

Here's how I create content from the top down:

- Choose a high performing topic

- Write a LONG newsletter
- Use that as a script for YT vid
- Condense newsletter into a thread
- Repurpose thread for LI and IG
- Repurpose tweets for LI and IG
After 3 years doing this creator stuff, I KNEW with all my heart that this
offer stack would carry me to my goal.

(Note: this took 3 years of iteration. Consistency.)

With that back story, let's dive into how I'm going to make this happen.
In the span of 2 hours, in my head, I had replaced my offer stack.
The entire 6 months I spent in Texas was:

- Building out a new lead magnet

- Building out a cohort based course
- Building out a product to round out the stack

In that 6 months, I had tripled my monthly income.

In March last year, I moved to Austin Texas with business friends I had met
on Twitter.

One night, we drove up to a concert, had a bit too much fun, and I lost my phone.

But, on the boring drive back home, ideas wouldn't stop popping into my brain.
I'm projected to hit $700K this year as a one-person business.

My goal was $1M.

Here's how I plan to hit that in 2023:

Information is only bad when:

- You have too much

- You don’t write with it
- You don’t build with it

The right information, when understood, helps you make better decisions.

And that’s all success is, the right sequence of good decisions.
The same work you’re doing for someone else could (probably) be done on your
own business, but with 10x the returns.

The problem:

Few have the persistence to get through the initial period of slow growth, and
instead, opt for a fraction of the income because it’s instant.
@Akmoolah 210
@IAmAaronWill Okay Aaron you win
@Mad_Crypto_Dad Sometimes I don’t enjoy them, but with the intention to enjoy
them, I can reframe easier

Sometimes I am exhausted and don’t hit it

Hard to fit what I’ve written in previous newsletters/threads into a 280 character
@LouisShulman - 1/2lb venison (50g)
- 1/2lb chicken (50g)
- tub of cottage cheese (56g)
- tuna/shrimp/eggs to fill the rest
- protein shake if im feeling ballsy
When you're ready, here's how you leverage the experience you gain through
mastering your survival and being curious:
(survival is necessary, and unless fulfilled, is an incredibly potent
distraction from pursuing your curiosity)
@heyjoeyjustice @thejustinwelsh I've had it happen a few times. It's hard to
cut back but harder to not live in alignment with your values
@thejustinwelsh I always love these.

This perspective shift was one of the things that made me realize it was possible.

All you need is a small slice of the pie.

(and that small slice may be more than you can eat)
@rcarzo I’m at 210lbs

200g is the minimum and I’ll often eat 250 just because I notice a slight change in
how I look / feel / perform
Everybody pursues survival based goals like wealth, sex, and good food.

Few pursue curiosity, the thing that leads to breakthrough and discovery, yet isn’t
tied to any time-bound reward.
@thegenuinejulie All I’ll say is migraines are a bitch
My daily non-negotiables:

- Eating 200g protein

- Walking 15,000 steps
- Writing 750 words
- Enjoying all 24 hours
- Relentlessly saying “no” to anything that gets in the way of those
You will never go wrong choosing to:

- Build your own thing

- Eliminate dependencies
- Block out life’s distractions

You won’t notice much at the start.

But with a few years of consistent effort, I can tell you the struggle is
@_AustinRode_ @Truman_Writes 🤝
@thealexjjohnson @thejoshuageelen Appreciate you guys
@writeconfidence I’m just as baffled that MM has helped lead to this man.
Grateful for you🤝
@realPhilWoolley Soon moon sir🙏🤝
Keep going anon, wagmi
@taylorjdavidson @thejustinwelsh Many such cases(?)
@thejustinwelsh It takes time, experimentation, and questioning your sanity —
but man is it worth it.
@MaryMack2248 Thanks for reading Mary🙏
@imliamodonnell Isometric book holds while reading, yes
@imliamodonnell Number 1 is killer
@my_coinz No, the opposite.

The problem is as big as the area of your attention you let it fill.
@WrongsToWrite Gracis senor
@SahilBloom My man🤝
@heyjoeyjustice 🧐
@theUcheNick 🤝🤝
@bryhutch Thanks for reading man🤝
This is a "cliff notes" version of a previous Koe Letter.

If interested, you can read (or watch) the deeper version here:
To recap:

- Your mind is a system

- Problems are systemic
- Attention is mental energy
- Set a goal to focus your mind
- Create structure for that goal
- Channel energy towards it

If you enjoyed this thread, consider RTing it.
As we come to an end, I ask again:

What are you stretching towards?

This alone will bring the clarity necessary to avoid the downward spiral that comes
from giving problems too much of your precious attention.
This account for physical energy too.

Before you bite into that piece of cake, is it going to energize you to work toward
your goal?

Channel every single mental and physical thought and action toward your goal.

The decision should be automatic with time.

3) Channel All Of Your Energy

Mentally, reframe everything you encounter to be conducive toward your goal.

Got cut off in traffic? Use that rage to build.

Hate your job? Build.

Lost $5000? Build.

Negative energy is potent.

Map out every aspect of your future.

Write exactly what you are going to do to get there.

Get messy, then organize it into an actionable plan.

Your mind will follow suit, from messy to organized.

What levers can you move daily to reach that goal?

2) Create A System

Your mind will order itself according to the system you create.

A system, in alignment with a goal, is a plan.

If you don't have a plan, don't expect results that aren't driven by luck.

Become a strategist.

Sit down for 30 minutes with a journal.

If you don't know whats meaningful to you, then the literal only other option
is to try new things.

Try that business model.

Lean about that thing your interested in.

Take someones advice and experiment with it.

Do anything but succumb to distraction.

1) Set A Meaningful Goal

A system needs an outcome.

You need something to *put energy towards* with your thoughts and actions.

How do you create a meaningful goal?

First, don't hold false expectations about it being easy, immediate, or effortless.
How do you focus your attention?

By swapping robotic living with intentional living.

From Latin 'intentio:'

"Stretching, purpose"

What are you *stretching* towards?

Can you tell me? Is it always at the top of your mind?

Or are you acting out of survival, not purpose?

Perspective + perception = focus.

Focus = conscious attention.

Most people's attention is being mandhandled by the news, social media, and other
cheap dopamine sources.

When distractions can't penetrate your focus, your problems (almost) cease to
Meaning, we need to frame or structure the information that we receive
through attention.

Understand 2 things:

1) Your perspective — the angle or position from where you are observing a

2) Your perception — how you interpret the situation (problematic or beneficial)

If it wasn't at the top of your mind, it wouldn't be a problem that distracts
you from being happy right now.

So, how do you maintain order in your mind?

Systems need energy.

Mental energy is transferred through attention.
But if it's dirty, and your attention is honed in on a much bigger "problem,"
you are going to get anxious.

Now, understand this, as it's crucial:

The only reason that problem exists to you is because you gave it attention.
If your room (your mind) is dirty, it is 10x easier to notice problems.

We all know the saying:

"Where attention goes, energy flows."

If your room had one thing out of place, it would be much easier to clean.
If your mind is a room, and you don't put energy toward cleaning that room
(maintaining order in the system), then your room will get dirty.

One day without cleaning won't be bad.

But after a week?

A month?


Not good, my friend.

Everybody has the same problems.

They aren't personal, they're systemic.

And if your mind is a system (it is) then anxiety, overwhelm, and stress are the
result of entropy.

Entropy = systems tending toward disorder.

Anxiety is a touchy subject.

There are many causes, but the ones we will touch on are based on:

- Attention
- Perspective
- Perception of problems
I'm not a therapist.

I can only speak from personal experience, my studies, and what's helped others.
If you're anxious all the time, read this:
@qasimumar93 I dig it
@THEROSSHARKNESS I know I’m asking a lot brother but trust
@lincolnpolson Haha good morning man
You'd be a lot happier if you held nuance in your mind (rather than expecting
people to add nuance to their words).
@adarsh_taksande These
Focus is a currency.

Books, courses, and deep work

Or the news, social media, and distraction?

Invest wisely, because your mental wealth depends on it.

Read books that make you think.

Read books that make you confused.

Read books that make you want to understand.

It’s important to push the boundaries of your mental comfort zone too.
@WrongsToWrite @Tim_Denning Shhh twitters dead bro what are you talking about
@PhysioFranky I won’t don’t worry sir
@JoelDeTeves Boom
@Visualmapper Same
@BuildToFreedom Love the perspective

Seems like a lot of people forget that nature is fucking brutal (because we
perceive it as that)
@Visualmapper As it’s an ideaology, no, but many relate the two, or often use
veganism to strengthen their sense of spirituality. Often so much so it becomes an
attachment / causes more suffering which is ironic
@yakshitshh @WrongsToWrite Looool agreed on Dakotas poor pizza choices
@BenjaminDeRebel Cool observation, thanks for sharing brother

For my spiritual folks out there, what’s your argument for/against veganism?
@LarsenMotivates Got you brother, its a fun journey :)
@thegenuinejulie And I took that personally
@LarsenMotivates This was before twitter / creator stuff, it was freelancing

I was at the job for a year, I quit when I was getting clients consistently. Wasn't
making as much as the job, but knew that the pressure would force me to make more
@rczyxc @WrongsToWrite @OneJKMolina Don’t worry I’m tall but Dakota should be
about half JKs size
Dope pic though man
@thejustinwelsh Balanced lifestyle, calm mind, and authentic information can.
not. be. beat.
@mmojito_ Without writing a book of an answer

You have to understand social media and psychology

Shares, DMs, replies + knowing how to capture attention and lead people into
finding your profile or sharing your work

This may help more

Quality content is only 30% of the brand growth equation. You will not grow
if you don't invest (time or money) to get your content in front of other people's
eyes, especially at the beginning.

The "post and they will come" mindset will only leave you disappointed.
I built my business on the side while working a full time job.

1 hour a day. Sometimes 2 if I had free time at work.

16-hour days on the weekend were an occasional thing, but never forced.

If you just have fun learning, building, and selling (everyday) you win.
95% of society is trapped in the matrix.

(yes, it's real, but not in the way you think)

You break free from the matrix with deep, free, and critical thinking.

Here's how you break out of your surface level existence:
@JasonDubonYT Thanks for your help as well brother - didn't end up using the
plugin just due to wanting video on spotify
@thedouggeorge Appreciate you for listening brother🤝
@ant_carlton Hell yeah man, hope they inspire some good ideas🙏
@thecopythinker Appreciate you man.

Definitely easier since they are long + don't need to be "watched" per se
@BreathingByEd 😂🤝
By popular demand, the YouTube videos are being uploaded as video podcasts.

(so you can listen to them on, lets say, a walk)

It'll take some time to upload them all, but here's an older one to start it off
with a bang:
@_Chegbe In the kindest way I can say, you don’t post anything I would follow
@a_orlandosc I accept that challenge
@IndigoArete @RemindMe_OfThis in 1 year

It's on brother🤝
@Theadityagohil It’s been a fun journey man, thanks for sticking around 🙏
@bryhutch They did man, a little too fast
@IndigoArete I appreciate that man, stoked to see how it goes for you🙏
@WrongsToWrite “It is”

Banana man Buzz

@writeconfidence I didn’t notice anything hahaha
@theleoalexandru No doubt
@taylorjdavidson @FitFounder Pinning this on my fridge🤝

thank you brother

@LarsenMotivates To the moon brother🚀
@samuelmcpeter My man🤝
@LarsenMotivates With Twitter, yes, I think i've missed 1 day of tweeting

But there were many inconsistencies before that, things 'clicked' when i started on

Normal days are 3-4 hours (95%)

When I build something new i'll work 16+ hours (5%)

@MackeValLee Fresh start
@OriginalHazar Glad I could inspire brother, good shit🫡
and with all the shit thats going on with twitter right now, I can
confidently say that you are not late to the party.

Google some projections for the creator economy.

It's been 3 years since I started my creator journey from scratch.

- 25.1K tweets
- 726 IG posts
- 56 YT videos
- 112 newsletters
- Dozens of friends made

Just wanted to pop in and say:

It's possible.
@WrongsToWrite @IAmAaronWill @FitFounder
@sarvamwriter @Tim_Denning My man🤝
@gamifyalex @heyBarsee @albadawee @ItsKieranDrew @contentkuba @MakadiaHarsh
@shushant_l @IAmPascio Thank you man, I’m digging the gamification angle you’re

(New vid dropping in a few hours for ya just tell @IAmDevanKing to wake up and get
it uploaded lol)
@gamifyalex @heyBarsee @albadawee @ItsKieranDrew @contentkuba @MakadiaHarsh
@shushant_l @IAmPascio Appreciate you brother🙏
Your default mode was growth, success, and fulfillment until you got
distracted. Hence was born the $43 billion self-improvement market.
@claudiastellner Hope you enjoy it Claudia (lmk how it goes)🙏
@dinofavara @LouisShulman 🤝
@peer_prima @WardensWisdom (I advocate selling as soon as you start so you
can get the embarrassing iteration out of the way)

Newsletter as soon as you have the clarity / bandwidth to do so

@alanjboyd Appreciate you man🙏
@PossibleJerry Glad it resonated brother, thank you🙏
@lifelighter_tom Appreciate you brother 🙏
@MarvinKeilbach Yeah I think that’s solid, sounds unique and worth a shot🤝
@MarvinKeilbach Experiences = better information

If we don't want to overwhelm people with info, then put out simplified,
understandable, and holistic info
@Piyushscopy Lol I just know if I say 'its simple' 90% of the replies will be
"simple, but not easy"
It's simple (yea yea "but not easy"):

- Set a personal or professional goal

- Learn the skills or interests necessary
- Get results, get better, and repeat
- Share your experience and knowledge

That's how you profit massively in the age of information:
The secret is to try everything until you find that one thing that you can't
pull yourself away from. Then, once it becomes a normal part of your life, repeat
the process.
Not only the future, but the present situation you are in.

Being able to learn and adapt to situations without compulsive negative reactions
(that happen because the *concept* of self is trying to survive) makes life much
more enjoyable.
@kozyy8 Glad it’s helped brother🙏🙏
@bojan_najdov @KapilGuptaMD I have! It's a great one
@thegenuinejulie Listened to the first chapter or so, didn't hit at the time
but will def come back to it
@thejustinwelsh Best content creation advice / quote(?)

"People need to be reminded more than they need something new."

@bojan_najdov Very difficult haha, some would say it’s the purpose of our
entire life to self reflect and discover who we are
@intotheKrypto It’s a matter of challenge and skill. If the challenge is too
high you will get discouraged playing the game. You need to identify why you aren’t
seeing results and improve the necessary skills that lead to the results you want.
There is a lot of nuance to social media
It's not about eliminating the self.

It's about realizing that it is a belief, and that beliefs influence thoughts
influence actions.

You have the ability to detach from the things that cause suffering and create an
identity that is conducive to the future you want.
“Be like water, my friend”

“Fall in love with the process.”

“Focus on the journey not the outcome.”

It’s all about eliminating distractions and becoming one with the activity you are
doing through attention (letting it fill the content of your consciousness)”
The “self” is a concept.

“Me” and “I” are referring to an idea of what you think you are.

When you tap into a degree of the flow state, you lose the sense of self
consciousness that causes all suffering.

This is what ancient masters and mystics are trying to help you realize.
Don’t let what matters (to others) distract you from what really matters (to
Read the last letter and join here if you want to receive this weeks letter:
@iamleoclough Thank you dude
@YesToCreating I appreciate you brother 🤝
@boldikohnken Thank you for watching and sharing my dude
> self-actualize
> self-monetize
> self-transcend
You don't get rid of your emotions, you just get better at interpreting them.
@dickiebush @Nicolascole77 Hell yeah
Key points most miss:

1) You have to know your customer like they are your friend (meaning you immerse
yourself in the places they hang out online).

2) There is no one-size-fits-all 'profitable skillset' — it's how you tailor that

skillset to their situation and goals.
You know your friends.

If they came to you with a problem, you would be able to look at the nuances of
their situation and prescribe a solution that you *know* will get results.

That's all business is, but at scale.

When this clicks, all "how-to" advice becomes irrelevant.

@thejustinwelsh Most credentials (that would make someone feel like they
aren't an imposter) are just labels that people perceive as 'authoritative' without
second thought
@iamjustincscott When course (not /s)
You have 2 options:

1) Be happy, sad, and everything in between on the road to mediocrity.

2) Be happy, sad, and everything in between on the road to excellence.

You can still do good things even if you don’t feel like doing them.
@RobRan6116 I’ve done it many times because it was difficult to stop myself.

Try it and derive the answer for yourself

“Just one more” episode can snowball into sleep deprivation.

“Just one more” rep can snowball into an incredible physique.

Do less when there’s short term pleasure and long term pain.

Do more when there’s the opposite.

@HelioHype Deleting my account brb
@juanfgar They all work into each other

What you do - assuming you are working toward a goal (purpose) - reflects your why
by “practicing what you preach”

Marketing is illustrating how said product / brand can benefit their life and
alleviate pains (the why)

Infinite ways to look at it

Brand is what you do.

Product is how you do it.

Marketing is why you do it.

Do something that improves your quality of life, teach others how you did it, and
show them why they should care.
@bryhutch @_thejeremyj Let’s fucking go man
The greatest threat to a business beginner's potential is asking questions
before they start.
I'll get the occasional comment or email where someone tells me every single
detail about their business ideas.

They ask if I think it will work and if they should do it.

My friend, I have zero fucking clue.

Try it. Figure out for yourself whether it's a good idea or not.
One huge con of college is that graduates feel the need to lock in any job
that justifies the time and money they spent. They start the habit of neglecting
their personal desires in exchange for perceived security (and possibly maintain
that habit for the rest of their lives.)
"Be yourself" is terrible advice for 99% of the population.

You can't be yourself if your never alone with yourself... and nobody is "alone"
with themselves when their on social media all day.

Here's how you reverse your inauthentic mental programming:
@thejustinwelsh I've had a little taste of the management side of things and
was quick to cut it out. I love writing too much. Every biz decision I make is
starting to revolve around "can I still write and build for the first 2-3 hours of
my day?"
This doesn't mean deprioritizing profits.

You can't have peace without profits.

It means to be conscious. Think about your actions and how they are going to impact
the entirety of your life, not just your finances.

There's usually a creative solution that maximizes both.

This is a difficult balance to strike.

You feel the constant need to "keep up," which leads to sacrificing loosely held
values for short term cash & long term responsibilities (ones that drain your
time and energy).

Can be avoided with strategy, patience, and perspective.

Business is about freedom and independence, until you prioritize profits over
Staying as a one person business creates more opportunity (for you and
others) than hiring an unnecessary amount of employees for the sake of scale. It
forces you to create systems, solutions, and a flexible business using the
technology that wasn’t available a decade ago.
Philosophy isn’t meant to be used as an escape from reality. If you can’t run
a business, build an able body, or be in control of your emotional reactions – then
what good is it? Theory that isn’t grounded in practice is a hiding place for the
mediocre disguised as intellectual.
@RiggsGeno @ModernMastery Glad to have you in brother🤝
Letter is out my friends
You can’t worry about it if you aren’t aware of it.

(This is how news, social media, and manipulators keep you addicted.)
Imagine having a spreadsheet that showed how much attention you gave to any
given thing in your life. It would be a direct indicator of why you're not getting
the results you want.
You can't build your 10th iteration without your 1st.
@HelioHype You sound like a young me hahaha

You’ll make it work

@VladSoriano Glad we’ve crossed paths brother🤝
Koe Letter goes out in the morning about this

“How I remember everything I learn”

Read the last letter here and join if you want it in your inbox tomorrow
@WrongsToWrite The banana makes a LOT more sense now
@WoodworthPrep Yeah this was a huge problem for me in my coding days
@WrongsToWrite The most PG images I can find
@WrongsToWrite I know you do lmao
If you want to learn faster, don't start learning.

- Outline a project
- Start building it out
- Learn along the way

Too many people get trapped in tutorial hell, stacking up useless knowledge as
brain fog.

Start > encounter a problem > seek specific knowledge to overcome it.
@theBMcopywriter Wild how it works like that, nothing then all at once. Thank
you brother
You aren't seeing progress because you’re obsessed with the polished end
result, not the process that created it.
"Weird" becomes "interesting" when you're confident.
@TheDSGuru Loool
@AndreiCioloca @WrongsToWrite @Jayyanginspires @claudiastellner
@thejustinwelsh Thanks for the mention brother, glad I could help along with these
@PaulMilakeve Glad to have you here brother
All it takes is one mindless misstep to destroy in a second what took years
to build.
If you started your personal growth journey as a teenager, you're far ahead
of the curve.

As people age, they lose the luxury of time for experimentation.

The trap is to think that everyone has the same experience as you. Don't suppress
the value you have to offer.
@eliasmas_tw I see you don’t read the newsletter ;)
This may help those looking for more guidance:
@MacDeryng Agree, exercise in general. But clanging and banging weights is a
different animal. Most don't have the ability to get crushed by 400lbs on their
back and question their existence at home
If you don't know where to start, start with the gym.

It will teach you about life, business, and the destructive power of self-

Even if it's for shallow reasons, like becoming more attractive, do it anyway. You
will cultivate a deeper purpose with time, I promise.
@Degen_Marketer @ModernMastery Fuck yeah, glad to have you inside man and
thank you for the shout!
@CenterHps Gym good, microcosm of life
@thejustinwelsh Beautifully said man.

I've started seeing all of my content from the lens of 6-12 months.

All of the little pieces tell a bigger story to those that stick around and read.
Growing a business is like going to the gym.

You aren't going to build a greek god physique in 2 weeks.

You have to commit for a decade, progress from beginner to advanced, and understand
that you wouldn't train as hard as you can for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
@MJCrandall Go to gym!
Your future will be determined by 3 things:

1) One big decision to go all in.

2) Repetitive and focused daily action.

3) The ability to persist, iterate, and stick out the guaranteed lows on your
@writingtoriches I am very glad I didn't pay $10k to PR agency
thank you papi musk
In other words, make your interests valuable:
In the modern world, the 80/20 of productivity is just not being a slave to
your phone.
Be so interested in your interests that they become interesting enough for
others to become interested in.
The answer is practice.

Instant gratification culture makes us think there’s always a trick for getting
results immediately. Focus, money, muscle, or any other desirable trait.

Practice. For 10 years.

@DanGoldfield Thanks for the inclusion brother🙏
@copychamp_ Love it man🙏
Here's another productivity "hack"
It’s not hard to see that depth is starting to outweigh looks. 2010 social
media was all shredded physiques and flashy lifestyles. That still exists, but
people with information and authenticity are growing just as quick.
Awareness is the greatest productivity hack.

All it takes is a moment of recognition to prevent or snap out of distraction.

Wasteful spending is resolved when you start building a project that you want
to pour all of your money into.
@FreedomDojo @ItsKieranDrew @LoftedLearning Shit works
We live in world where distilled information is readily available. Books,
courses, and content. Zip files for your mind. You can master multiple interests
and live through the minds of the greats.

Don’t settle for the first spoon fed path and distract yourself until retirement.
@CopyWriteConnor Enjoy
@writeconfidence @ModernMastery Love you brother, grateful today🙏🏻🙏🏻
@thejustinwelsh Congrats on the milestone brother, inspirational as hell🤝
Without consistent growth, you don’t give yourself a chance at the intense
growth that people mistake as overnight success.
Most creators and one person business have the same problems:

- They struggle to grow

- They struggle to monetize
- They struggle to differentiate

Here are the 11 lessons I wish I knew when I started out (hopefully they save you
years of mistakes):
@Fathers_Writes Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
@gaegeroot Sounds like the perfect preworkout meal🧐
@heyjoeyjustice I understand and would expect nothing less
Psychology says go to the fucking gym
@_wolfganggruber @mymind This is dope
More on breaking free of a robotic life:
@heyjoeyjustice Will be expanding on this in the weeks Koe Letter
@heyjoeyjustice Would explain a lot
Don't just be a bodybuilder. Build everything. Your mind, body, spirit, and

But remember, you don't build a house in a day, or with a poor foundation, or
without attention to detail, else you build a monstrosity.

Aim for sustainable health, aesthetics, and utility.

You can tell someone is distracted by cheap pleasures if they say they don’t
like water, walking, or reading.
If you struggle to write about it, keep writing.
@WrongsToWrite @IAmDevanKing Stay safe homie and stay away from fake uber
@WrongsToWrite Clocking in at like 618

Knowing you, not sure if you're still alive or in a 7 eleven harassing people for a
@condredge My man, thank you for taking the time🤝
The skill that will 10x your creative and business success:

Free thinking.

Read this if you want to break the cycle of dopamine induced distraction, the web
of expectations, and the comfy mental home you love to hide in:
@luckyrollrick 🤝
For those interested in persuasive writing:
@AndreiCioloca Ahh yeah in that case no need to switch around, still fun to
@coreymlevine @Grimhood
@AndreiCioloca Def worth trying if the others don’t interest you too much
Do everything in your power to maximize your looks. Hit the gym, eat well,
and create an outer appearance that thrives in a superficial world.

But, don’t let looks outpace depth. Maximize your mental capacity through study,
obsession, and pushing your intellectual limits.
Skills you will never regret learning:

- Photoshop
- Social media
- Programming
- Marketing & sales
- Persuasive writing

Try each of them for 2 weeks.

I guarantee you won't be able to pull yourself away from one of them.
If you want to do whatever you want, create the solutions, business, and
lifestyle that allow you to do whatever you want.
@aiwasiwka An oldie, thanks for digging that one up and reading man🤝
@ExactlyGolden @DanGoldfield We’ve got things to build and buildings to
manage ;)
@LifeWthCat @DanGoldfield 100%

Lots of nuance to it, but just being of the mind that it isn’t static or “supposed”
to be any set way will be helpful with time
@talktoterryco Cool image, makes me look professional haha. Thanks for
sharing brother
@ROGUEWEALTH @heyjoeyjustice Deep.
@heyjoeyjustice Truth brother 👁
@CarmenOStutzi Speaking on the modern notion of vacation, a getaway from
normal life, not travel.
@jackson_irby Good man🤝
If you understood the sheer reach, scale, and diversity of the internet, you
would be building already.
It may be at the top of your mind, but not theirs. Even if you feel like they
already know it, write about it. Remind them why it's important.
Without evil, good can’t exist.

Without criticism, impact can’t exist.

Without enemies, the hero can’t exist.

It is foolish to think that you can avoid the lows in life.

Because if you did, the highs can’t exist, and nobody wants to be an emotionless
@_tomjlawrence @DanGoldfield How'd everything go?
@oldsoulceo Hell yeah
@ApexHaus Similar to what prompted this tweet

My parents were asking "are you doing anything special for your birthday?"

Thought about it, and all I wanted to do was write, lift, and walk hahaha
@itscalebadams Hell yeah, lemme know what you think my man
@br3nni3 @jonbrosio @dickiebush @thejustinwelsh Weve met digitally, I have no
doubt I’ll meet them IRL one day
@ulrichbeinert @ernestemarshall Nobody can answer that for you really and
it’s not worth worrying over. Test things out and see what resonates best with your
@thejustinwelsh My path was very similar. This is solid for anyone looking to
start growing
@DanGoldfield Reminder set🤝
The best thing you can do is realize that you took the wrong path, so you can
correct it.
The worst thing you can do is not take any path at all, so you have nothing to
Create the content you would consume, on the platform you would consume on,
in the medium you prefer to consume.

Build the product that improves your life, by helping you do what you like to do,
but better.

Create, build, and then sell to yourself.

“Vacations” lose all appeal when you create a lifestyle that you look forward
to every day.
@ernestemarshall @dangonzjrr Appreciate you guys♥🤝
@SteveOnSpeed @heyjoeyjustice My man thank you for the mention🤝
@sulaiman_botha Glad it could help brother🤝 been a pleasure seeing you grow
Without a clear bridge between the gap of dream and reality, uncertainty
pushes your mind towards comfort.
If you were to invest a college degree’s worth of money into courses,
coaching, and online resources (with matching execution) you would come out with a
$1M+ a year business in 4 years doing something you actually enjoy.
Wealth is an inner game. Riches is an outer game. Play both.
@glv_inc Well said
@TimelessTools I dig that
There's value, inspiration, and a unique perspective in your personal
experience. Share it.
@WrongsToWrite go to gym and on a walk
@thejustinwelsh @itsterryrice My man, thanks for the mention (and great
People will teach their friends what they are passionate about learning just
to be met with disinterest.

People will also make endless excuses about why they can't write what they learn in
a setting where people are actually interested (the internet).
“Should I try this skill? What about this one? Is it good? Bad? Profitable?”

You tell me.

What’s the other option?

Distracting yourself again like you are now by asking for permission to try

Figure it out like everyone else did, my friend.

You don’t have to:

- Start drama
- Be an entertainer
- Get naked on camera

Or even show your face for that matter to build a name for yourself.
All you need is to be obsessed with certain interests and distill what you learn:
Contrast creates interest.

Jacked nerds.
Social introverts.
Scientific philosophers.

Walking contradictions stand out in a society that rewards conformity, comfort, and

They aren't built for replacement.

Inner success is determined by how comfortable you are when you are alone.

Outer success is determined by how authentic you are when you are with others.

Create a balance, because they play into each other more than you think.
If you want to become a deep free thinker, study:

- Holism
- Relativism
- Spirituality
- Dualistic thinking
- Systems thinking

Study anything that doesn't require you to attach your identity to an idea, belief,
or concept that prevents you from thinking beyond those things.
When you adopt the belief that there is only one way of doing something, the
game ends.

And no, you didn’t win.

If you don't want to do it, then don't.

If it's unimportant, you've saved yourself from pain. If it's important, it will
find it's way back to you.
When people say you can't do something you want to do, be the first to find
the way.
@iamjustincscott @IAmAaronWill I am both a giraffe and alpaca
@thegenuinejulie Hell yeah
The letter is out my friends:
Don't outsource your health to convenience.

Don't outsource your thinking to social media.

Don't outsource your career to the school system.

Control the things that control your life, and if you're too late, break the
If life were good all the time it would cease to be good.
Mental Masturbation:

Acquiring knowledge, ignoring execution.

Mental Monetization:

Acquiring knowledge, matching execution.

@RickHarly I appreciate you reading, brother🙏
@AleksBrankov 😉🤝
@gillianography DM me
@AlexCookThinks Figma🤝
@theryansmith03 Looool, let me know if that happens man
@writes_eve Definitely, it shines awareness on some fear that can be overcome
@WesleyJMcDonald My man🙏🏻
@ThismustbeMiiro Thank you brother
@oliviercantin Thank you my dude
@GuiRenno_ Lmao nice
Read the last issue + join here to get 'The Power Of Being Alone (How To Be
Yourself)' in your inbox tomorrow morning:
Koe Letter drops tomorrow morning.
@traviajador Glad it helped my friend! Thank you🙏
Universal principle (but the graph starts over when you think you’ve won)
@thegenuinejulie Hot take but I'm all for it
@thejustinwelsh Looking forward to it man, need to give mine a refresher
Selflessness requires selfish values:

- Self-control
- Self-reliance
- Self-reflection
- Self-education
- Self-awareness
- Self-employment
- Self-management

It's impossible to be selfless when you are dependent on others for your survival.
Writers, thinkers, and creatives escape competition through solitude. When
your income is tied to your originality, too much socialization is as deadly as the
predictable salary you are trying to avoid.
Too much structure makes life mundane.

Too much spontaneity makes life chaotic.

A dance between the two makes life beautiful.

@warren_seeto @KateBour @thejustinwelsh @matt_gray_ @SahilBloom @jackbutcher
@visualizevalue @SecretCFO @OneJKMolina @BrianFOConnor @polak_jasper My man 🤝
@HarryDuranFC Glad to have you on board brother!
@smartybrown From what I know, there isn't much of an impact if your mind
isn't prepped for the message. Not a bad thing, but something to be mindful of.

As a creator, I try to hit as many levels as I can with the same message and slowly
work people towards the deeper understanding of things
@DanGoldfield LFG
@LisanneChristel Hell yeah, thanks for watching Lisanne🙏🏻
@smartybrown There isn't much difference - but tweets will teach you how to
hone in on the message.

Everyone is screaming to get in on all of the short form video content because
algorithms are pushing them... but not understanding what makes short form perform
well is the problem
@bryhutch You got me there hahaha
@itsadityabansal @thejustinwelsh I can not confirm nor deny
@ant_carlton Thank you brother, I appreciate you watching🙏🏻
The shorts, reels, and TikTok wave won't save your lack of persuasion,
perceived value, knowledge in psychology & human behavior, marketing, practice,
time in the game, product quality, backend offers, or anything else that actually
builds a successful online business.
@thejustinwelsh Have dabbled in 6 of them, dabbling in the last one now 8)
@robertfunston @ImChrisEdmonds Love you guys🙏
That went well
@gaegeroot At Sip right now come hangout
@Tydestorm Same
@RealDavidMendes Love you homie
Common spirituality traps:

- Emotions are bad

- Meditation is the only tool
- There’s only one path to awakening
- You must eventually become a monk
- Treating teachings as law, not soft guides
- Turning any of these points into the opposite and thinking that’s the “answer”
When you swap judgement for silent observation, your emotions no longer rule
you, and the situation will lean in your favor.
Most people would cringe at being with their friends for more than a few
hours a week, yet log onto social media for a few hours a day, then wonder why they
can’t think for themselves, be happy, or be productive.
@UnderstoryBard Let’s get it man, you’re content has been great from what
I’ve seen
@samxnthap Lets go🙏
@DavidMHobson Do it
@markprogresses Hell yeah
@bryhutch Looking forward to having you in man!
@Based_Realist Stoked to have you in brother🙏
@heyfarhan Let's get it my dude!
@joshdviner LFG babyyy
@TravisWGerhart Can’t wait to see where you’re at after the 60 days🤝
@LisaCole216 LFG
@_wolfganggruber You’re in the right place man, let’s get it rolling
@LisaCole216 Stoked to get started Lisa🙏🏻
@Calc_Investor Lesgooooooo
@dazhendrick Let's do this brother🙏🏻
@MentalWeapons My MAN
@MarketingCaddy Glad to have you in there my man Walt
@ShuaibBandeally @GrammarHippy Definitely needs some improvement haha,
haven't gotten around to fixing some of it. Thank you for the kind words brother
@ubervincent Accurate
So, if you're struggling to:

- Turn your interests & ideas into income

- Attract a like-minded following of readers
- Learn the foundational skills for success
- Create an offer that sustains your income

Consider joining Digital Ec before 9pm tonight:
- Create systems and automations that allow you to learn, earn, write, and
sell in 3-4 hours a day (or however long you want to work).

Notice how I say create.

We are not focused on knowledge hording in this cohort.

We are focused on execution.

- Create a Minimum Viable Offer so you can start monetizing (even with little

- Create an authentic marketing strategy so you can create an independent source of

- Create a non-salesly, authentic brand based around your interests

- Create a seamless content strategy so you never run out of ideas

- Learn what kind of content guarantees follower growth and sales

99 one person businesses just got access to the Digital Economics curriculum,
Creator Command Center systems, and Discord community.

If you missed your chance to join, enrollment closes at 9pm ET tonight.

Over the next 60 days we will be:

How can you expect an 18 year old to know who they want to be when you
haven’t let them think for themselves since the day they were born?
Sometimes you need to drop everything and go all in on that one thing that
has been bugging you for years. Your mind will make endless excuses. But listening
to them is what got you here in the first place.
The secret is to try everything until you find the thing that you can't pull
yourself away from.
@idanielroman Content writing mainly, has some sales principles but is
focused on persuasive, engaging, and unique content that builds a readership on any
@ant_carlton Appreciate that brother🙏
@rick__veronese And thank you for watching brother
If you don't have ideas, read.

If you have ideas, but can't articulate them, write.

If you have ideas, and have the clarity to execute, build.

Digital Economics starts tomorrow.

You will be learning AND executing as we go through the curriculum for building
your one person business.

If you need that accountability to start seeing more progress, check it out before
@Ikru84 Actualized . org
Don’t let the small fires outside of you distract you from the fire inside of
The massive mistake that people make in the age of information is letting
knowledge outpace execution.
People love to say “be yourself,” but tend to forget that it took your entire
life to get to this point of not being yourself.

It’s going to take thousands of hours to reprogram your mind to act from a place of
consistent authenticity.
@jose_ramos Both play a role, but someone has to accept them as limits. We
didn't know any better (or anything at all) when we were young. Not good, bad, or
avoidable in most cases - but something we should become aware of and choose to
@copybylars 🙏🤝
@NicolasHoferer I’m not trying to grow that per se, it’s more of a “I want to
talk about this so I’m gonna do it on the podcast”
@NicolasHoferer YT for sure
@pialeichter 100%
@writes_eve Story is a good starting point. I'd talk about anything you help
clients with as if you are on the phone consulting them. Teach everything that you
@carlee_writes Appreciate you Carlee🙏🏻
@LisaCole216 Hell yeah, glad to have you on board Lisa. Gonna be good😈
@alexwcherry My man, thank you
@noahzender 100%

Just stacking up those juicy assets

If you haven’t watched the vid, go watch, it’s good (I promise)
Closing in on the big 10K as the latest video demolishes the analytics of any
other I’ve posted.

YouTube has been a fucking (fun) grind compared to other platforms
If you don't want to:
- Be replaced (because you're a specialist)
- Only talk about one thing that you don't really like
- Be confined to a hyper-specific niche
- Wait to monetize because you think you're inexperienced

Digital Economics starts in 2 days:
@writingtoriches @TimStodz @thejustinwelsh @OneJKMolina @WrongsToWrite
@getpaidwrite @GrammarHippy Thank you brother🙏
To my freelancers that need to hear it:

Build an audience now so when you inevitably pivot, you won't be starting from
Go from zero to $1

Then $1 to $100

Then $100 to $1000

The funny thing is, if you do this, you'll leap past specific milestones.

Don’t trick yourself into thinking that the first $1 is insignificant and unworthy
of your time.
What more people need to understand is that you were abundant, free,
creative, and happy until you imposed limits on your own mind.
@thegenuinejulie 👀
@UnderstoryBard @WrongsToWrite What did the grocery store sushi do to you man
@WrongsToWrite > Buys shitty product
> Thinks all products are shitty
> Dedicates life to making sure everyone knows that all products are shitty

Sounds fulfilling
Most business advice sucks.

Especially for those that want to make a career out of their genuine interests.

You don't have to follow the latest trend or stick to one marketable skill.

There is another option:
This is 1 of 11 things I wish I knew when I started:
@DegenDegax I don’t see any DMs here brother, this is the best platform
How to start and grow a business with zero experience:

- Choose a few interests

- Learn about them every day
- Write content around them
- Affiliate for a quality product
- Practice your marketing on that
- Create your own product when youre ready

Zero excuses to start building

If you are worried about something external, you aren't worrying about that
specific thing. You are worried about the idea of that thing, which you can change
at any time.
Creative ideas have and will always be the building blocks of your life,
income, and impact on the world. It can't exist if the idea didn't come first.
Prioritize your mind at all costs.
@WrongsToWrite Love you bro
“The longer the name and their work persists throughout time, the more
mythological they become relative to their presence in history.”

- @iamjustincscott
@idanielroman Self-awareness ;)
This is one of many things I wish I knew when I started.

Here's 10 more:
Self-awareness will teach you marketing better than any course.

Why did you like that post?

Why did you share it?
Why did you click?
Why did you buy?

Extract the marketing lessons from your own thought process.

Marketing is applied psychology, and you can study it at any time.

Digital Economics begins in four (4) days.

If you are a creator, freelancer, or solopreneur that wants to incorporate your

interests into your brand, create a unique product, and have full control over your
time (even with client work)

Check it out:
@matt_gottesman Solid name my man, and thank you!
Do what works, but in your own way, without getting in your own way.
You are the customer avatar.

Your mission is your brand.

Your journey is your content.

Your map is your product.

Live a purposeful life and pass down your lessons, at scale.

Let's make this whole one-person business thing simple:

1) Build for yourself

2) Write to yourself
3) Sell to yourself

There are millions of people with the same interests, problems, and desires – and
you only need to find a fraction of them.

The most profitable niche is you.

@TravisWGerhart Glad it was helpful my dude, thanks for including me here🤝
@thejustinwelsh Same viewpoint on the threads.

Time to test and create a style that is unreplicable

"Just niche down bro."

I don't like that advice.

It clearly sparks too much confusion.

People will get stuck thinking about their niche for a year and never make tangible
progress with their brand.

Listen to this and change that:
Develop, then display.

Develop yourself, then display to the world.

Develop your product, then display to the market.

If you aren't seeing success, the problem lies in one or the other. You haven't
developed your value, or your value isn't in front of people.
Be decisive.

Make a lot of noise.

Note what works.

Do more of that.
Do it in silence, then in public.

The only thing standing in the way of your potential are the distracting thoughts,
emotions, and stimuli that stop you from building.
If you don’t create a routine, you will be assigned one.

If you don’t create a purpose, you will be assigned one.

If you don’t create a career, you will be assigned one.

People are too quick to adopt the structure that somebody else created to ease
life’s uncertainty.
@iamjustincscott @DropoutCopy @ItsKieranDrew @Jayyanginspires @devinmcpaul
@thejustinwelsh @The1stReporter @thatroblennon @respectmywrites @heyjoeyjustice
@WrongsToWrite Brutal
@IAmAaronWill @WrongsToWrite I don't want to do this, but you told me that
was your alt yesterday. Don't lie bro just own it
@DropoutCopy @ItsKieranDrew @Jayyanginspires @devinmcpaul @thejustinwelsh
@The1stReporter @thatroblennon @respectmywrites Wisdom like @iamjustincscott

Purple like @heyjoeyjustice

@JustinWise - no meetings
@thejustinwelsh Hell yeah
If you repress negative emotions, thoughts, or desires they will manifest at
some point, usually in a toxic way. Instead, find a healthy outlet and let the
energy flow.

Journal, write, vent to a friend, or learn a related skill that helps you navigate
the negativity with ease.
If you have no interest in the cohort, consider retweeting this thread

I want to prove that you don't need super sales funnels and pushy social content.

The Age Of Authenticity is among us:
So, if you are a one-person business that wants to hop on the "authenticity"
wave and monetize what you enjoy doing

Check out Digital Economics below.

Class begins (and the price increases) on the 26th!
As I mentioned before, I built out this product as a bonus for the cohort I
This cohort IS a "how to make money" product, but with a twist.

I show you how you can position yourself in a profitable way with zero experience.
Everyone tells you to be super pushy and promote all the time, but people are
catching on.

The market is starting to value depth, authenticity, and trust above all.

What's interesting is that this method has led to more sales, email subscribers,
and me doing what I enjoy.
I didn't plug the product under the social media content itself.

I plugged the BACKLOGGED newsletter that builds depth and authority (and promotes
the new product).

That way, I'm not spamming sales tweets on the timeline.

I'm only offering people more value.

Every week, I had:

- 1 newsletter
- 1 YouTube video
- 1 Twitter thread
- 3 tweets a day
- Multiple instagram posts

All of these were based around the topic I was selling the course on (writing).

This is important.
In my newsletter, I promoted the new product for 3 weeks leading up to the

I turned that newsletter into other content and promoted with ease on all

I'm a big fan of having an "early bird" price to increase scarcity.

If you don't have RESULTS or prior authority - long form content isn't

You NEED a newsletter, podcast, or YouTube.

If you only create short form tweets, reels, or posts don't expect to make much.
Especially if it isn't a "how to make money" product. You need DEPTH.
I write an in depth newsletter once a week.

That is the foundation for the rest of my weekly content.

It is used as a YouTube script, podcast episode starting point, and is then broken
down into threads, captions, and tweets.

You have to understand this one thing:


I started out as the pushy sales funnel dude. It didn't sit well.

That was a problem, so I fixed it, and profited off of it as business goes.

My promotions are all automated and baked into my content.

I can't really help with the curriculum or screen recordings, that's up to
you and your expertise in what you are choosing to sell.

What I will say is that an OUTLINE is extremely important.

Your mind will register ideas for your product as you are going about your day)
How do you "test a system" Dan?

I use Notion, it's a cool software that helps you organize your notes and life.

I experimented with a system that helps ME write in a better, more streamlined way
as a creator.

That means it will help others do the same.


Digital products are much easier to create than you think.

- Test a system in your own life

- Create a curriculum outline
- Write out the curriculum
- Film screenrecordings on how to apply to the system

Then, choose any course platform and upload it.

Lastly, I've seen writing products make millions on Twitter.

It's a high performing topic.

And, a TON of people love to write, but have no idea how to attract readers that
share their work (leading to incredible opportunities through network affect).

Writing it is.
The bulk of my day is dedicated to writing, I am a creator (check)

It brings mental clarity, enhances every other marketable skill I have, and
attracts like minded people when done online (check)

Other creators can benefit because all other content is writing based (check)
There are 3 things I look for before building a product:

- What do I DO on a daily basis?

- Why does it make my life better?
- How can other people benefit?
- What is already selling?

If you have a personal brand, this is the logical option if you want to "do what
you love."

I built and launched this product to prove a point.

I run a cohort called Digital Economics, and students had the classic worry:

"It seems like you can only make money if you teach people how to make money"

So I decided to prove them wrong.

We understand that you need 2 things:

- A great product or service

- Traffic

I just taught you how to get traffic if you don't have a large enough audience for
your income goals (you outearn how much you pay for advertising)

So, let's talk about building the product:

If you have a product or service:

- Write a targeted post

- Pay people $10-$30 each to share that post
- If the product is good, it sells

A hundred bucks or so for a well targeted post to get in front of millions of

people? It's a no brainer.

For any kind of offer.

You don't need a large audience to make any form of money.

This is obvious with something like freelancing (because you can do cold outreach).

But what people tend to glance over is leveraging other peoples audiences.

Social media marketing agencies do this for a living.

To preface:

This has been a long time in the making.

I have a large audience and have sold every offer under the sun to 6 figures
(freelancing, consulting, courses, etc)

During this launch, I didn't have affiliates or leverage other traffic sources

So let's start with that.

I don't have a degree.

I don't have a hyper specific niche.

I'm not a specialist by any means with the skills I use on a daily basis.

Here's how I built a digital product and had an $85,000 launch week (without
selling a "here's how you make money" product):
The human spirit requires you to feel as if you are a part of a larger whole.

Something bigger than you.

For most, this means adopting the goals of society, religion, or corporations that
serve themselves.

For few, this means creating meaningful goals that serve the world.
@ROGUEWEALTH Of course man no prob, was good to finally meet🤝
@KhalidMakki64 100% it’s inevitable. Even the enlightened get unhappy,
depressed, or any other negative emotion that is necessary for the positive to even
exist, they just perceive it in a different way.
@proldani 100%
Free forms of therapy:

- The gym
- Long walks
- Morning sunlight
- Learning something new
- Writing to clarify your thoughts
- Building out a meaningful project

When your mind is stuck, find an enjoyable way to move it.

Unhappiness is the byproduct of placing your happiness on an idea, belief, or
thought of something that you cannot control.

When it changes, so does your emotional state.

The fastest way to a higher quality of life starts with shifting how your
mind interprets the world.

Cope to curiosity.

Expectation to acceptance.

External control to internal control.

When you align your mind with life as it is, you cease to let opportunities pass
you by.
@BambarkarPrasad Mind, body, business ;)
The greatest threat to human potential is expectation. When we expect things
to be a certain way, we guarantee unhappiness. When we shift from expectation to
acceptance, we guarantee life (and the spectrum of good and evil that comes with
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh If you want a complete one-person business
dashboard to manage, run, and grow your business

And top-rated education, personalized help, and workshops

Consider enrolling before the price increases:
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh If you are a one-person business that struggles

- Anything we discussed in this thread

- Building an authentic following
- Writing compelling content
- Building a selling a great product
- Monetizing you (and what you love)

Digital Economics starts on the 26th.

@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh If you enjoyed this monster of a thread, consider
spreading the love by retweeting the first tweet:
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh There are zero excuses or reasons to not be
writing content if you want to do what you love.
The internet has created the potential for everyone to have a small (yet high
paying) one-person business.

It's a matter of treating the internet like real life - display your value.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Write a promotional tweet, landing page, and
email using the AIDA and PASTOR frameworks.

Affiliate for a product or software that you already bought (like a website builder
or course)

Then, practice selling it online by building an audience. Then transition into your
own offer.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh 4) Homework for you


- Customer levels of awareness

- Principles of persuasion and influences
- Promotion frameworks like AIDA and PASTOR

If you want to take it even further to practice in a real world setting:

@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh 3) Ask them to buy

Now that you've established authority with TIME in the game and DEPTH around your
interests, ask someone to buy.

Target the pains their experiencing while pursuing their goals and the benefits of
the solution you've created.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh This means that you can't only rely on social
media to market yourself.

You need a quality newsletter that you funnel people into to build authority around
what you are selling.

That, and other long-form pieces like a lead magnet, podcast, or YouTube will help
you sell more.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh 2) Educate and nurture to build authority

We are transitioning out of the sleazy direct response marketing age of clickbait
funnels and quick cash.

You have to be dedicated to dissecting and educating people on the DEPTH behind
your interests.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Marketing 101:
1) Capture attention

Study hooks, headlines, and all social media posts that do well.

Use numbers, statistics, pains, and benefits of a topic to open a curiosity loop.

Do what works (and will always work) but make it your own.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Content 101:

- Dissect and emulate how your mentors write content

- Practice in the real world, fail, and get better

- Have a blend of step-by-step education, encouragement, and inspiration

The principles of content and marketing go hand in hand.

@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh // MARKETING //

You have a brand, content ideas, and offer — but how do you get people to buy it?

By understanding human perception.

If your content or promotions don't capture attention, educate, and nurture that
attention, you lose.

Mastering AND marketing your craft.

@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Then, all you have to do is:

- Choose a software (like gumroad)

- Record loom videos on how to use the system

- Write a curriculum for what people need to know about what you teach

Boom, now you have both a product and service that serves as the base of your
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh As you spot problems that hold you back, your
system gets better.

Other examples:
For a web designer - create steps for building a website and a project management

For a productivity guy - create a habit tracker and todo list for yourself (like I
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh All of my products were either a system I built
for myself (to improve my life or business) — or a system I would have wanted.

My favorite way to do this is in Notion.

If I'm a writer, I build out a Notion dashboard with templates to help with my
writing (or my clients).
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh How do you productize your service, or even know
where to start with the service itself?

Easy, build something that helps you achieve your goals faster

Or, build something you would have wanted to achieve your goals faster.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Most people should follow this path:

- Start a service business

- Sell a beginner-level service
- Learn complementary skills
- Make your service better
- Charge more & get results
- Productize your service
- Use the results to sell to the audience you've been building
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Why start with this? Because it's easier to sell
(with direct outreach) when you don't have a large audience.

There are ways around this... like writing a thread, getting it in front of someone
elses 100,000+ audience, and selling a product there.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh One thing to note:

I recommend people go with option 2 no matter what.

You will have much more success (and potential scalability) if you become an
educator instead of a freelancer.

You can teach marketable skills 1 on 1 instead of doing it for someone else.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh 1) A single-skill freelance service

When studying a marketable skill like web design.

2) A pack of consulting calls

When studying an interest like health, performance, or mindset.

You can sell these for $500-$1000 right out of the gate.
@SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh // PRODUCT //

You can start with a full fledged digital product, nobody said you can't, but it
isn't optimal.

Instead, start with an MVO.

Minimum viable offer.

There are 2 options for this.

"How do I position myself in the market?"

Don't overcomplicate this.

Just be honest with exactly what you are doing to achieve your goals.

@SahilBloom & @thejustinwelsh are great examples of this.
Your job is to switch from full-time consumer to full-time researcher.

You are learning about your interests in relation to your goal (so you have
something to apply every teaching to and gain experience).

Become an expert in your domain and share your discoveries.

Write down 3 broad interests.


- Bodybuilding
- Mindset
- Online business

Then, break those down into pieces that you can research and use as inspiration.

**Your domain of mastery is what you are learning to achieve your goals (as a
The thing that people struggle with the most is figuring out what to talk

"Blah blah my niche oh noo"

Stop worrying about your niche.

Your niche is the combination of your genuine interests.

Your niche is you.

You are interesting because of what you are interested in.

My favorite combination is both.

I stay far away from paid ads on specific platforms (for now).

I would rather pay someone with a following to promote my work.


So I have something to show for it.

Not just a one-off sale, but a leverageable following that I can nurture.

Your job is to become a one-person media company.

If you aren't already aware, media is how you capture attention, deliver free
value, and get in front of the entire internet.

There's paid media (ads) and organic media (social growth).

Both are useful.

To summarize:

Your personal brand is how you display your value in public, where anyone can find
and follow you.

Your perceived value is determined by what you are building and the lessons you are
passing down on your journey.

But how do you attract people to your brand?

If your big goal is to make $1 million, your brand mission is:

> Help 1000 people make $1 million

That is how you position yourself whether you have zero experience or not.

Don't get too caught up in it right now.

Your goals can (and should) pivot when you find a better path.
While there are other important aspects to a brand like:

- Brand colors (your fav colors)

- Brand feel and tone (your tone)

The brand mission and message are the most important.

// BRAND //

A brand is meant to attract followers.

As a one-person business, YOU are the brand.

Followers follow leaders.

The question:

What are you leading people towards?

What big goal are you working towards in your life?

A successful one-person business is comprised of:

- An authoritative brand
- Interesting & useful content
- A quality product or service
- Authentic marketing & promotions

Let's break down how you can create each with your current interests, expertise,
and experience.
Ever since the idea of 4-hour workdays and 1 million dollar years were
planted into my head, everything I did was to achieve that goal.

I had to create systems for my work and build the business in a way to support

It won't happen if you don't believe it will.

I absolutely hate talking numbers.

But trust and authority are important.

Over the past 4 years, I've pursued my genuine interests and turned them into a
$500-$600K a year business...

As a one-man show.

While working 2-4 hours a day.

(Don't close your mind off just yet).

How to productize yourself (so you can do what you love):
Just because your life isn't what someone else says it's supposed to be
doesn't mean it isn't good.
@bewritethere Need to check that out, sounds similar to Dispenza
State of consciousness is everything.

When you are in a closed, negative, and anxious state of mind, nothing goes your

When you are in an open, positive, and abundant state of mind, everything goes your

Sleep well, create daily, and move when your mind is stuck.
@garion_vincent @writeconfidence @WrongsToWrite Let’s go babyyyyyy
@LeeMcLaren11 @MrJacobEspi @thejustinwelsh Appreciate you brother!
Another reason I love the one-person business model.

You don't need to hire anything out.

You learn, pick a tool for building, and start immediately.

You don't need a crazy marketing strategy.

You just start posting related ideas.

Faster to market (and fun as hell).

@WrongsToWrite Si
@CrtvBlue No doubt, fun balance to try to maintain
@sean_deloughery Hell yeah man, keep building
More on turning yourrself into a business:
@sean_deloughery It was immediate because I didn't wait to build a product
and in-depth free resources (that gives the most authority). Branding + content
were positioned well from the start
@IAmAaronWill I’ll be expecting my royalties
Build something that helps you do what you enjoy doing, but better.
Or, build something your past self could have used to get where you are faster.

Then, talk about who you are, what you do, and why it matters in public.

That’s how you turn yourself into a business.

@thejustinwelsh And if you’re on this side of the internet, your chances at
luck increase 10 fold.
The fastest way to personal success:

1) Master your craft

2) Market your craft

If you do one without the other, you're either a scammer or a starving artist.
Specialization and productivity are for robots.

Intellectual curiosity and creativity are for humans.

Leverage technology so you don't become a task-completing machine prone to


Leverage your mind to execute on creative ideas (where the real money is made).
Self-reflection is the only way to know whether the actions you took were
good or bad.

It’s useless to worry about the future when it’s impossible to know what the
outcome is.

All you can do is act, reflect, and correct.

Your problems aren't special.

And most of the time, they aren't as important as we make them seem.

Watch this to stop feeling lost, overwhelmed, or uncertain about the future:
Many spiritual people reject structure and close themselves off from the
goal-centric material world.

The result?

They are assigned a routine, purpose, and career that leads to more global

Rather than creating their routine, purpose, and meaningful career.

True learning requires unlearning. Unlearning past beliefs, past habits, and
past advice that doesn't serve the level you've reached. The most naive thing you
can do is think there is an end to growth.
What should be taught in schools:

- Critical thinking
- Personal responsibility
- Managing your finances
- Language, math, and science
- Awareness of new age skills

People need a foundation that allows them to create their own life, not to fit
perfectly in the societal machine.
@FrankElda1 There's a lesson in there somewhere
@FrankElda1 Love the visual man, and thank you for reading🙏
@sam7rs What a comparison, well said
Latest Koe Letter is out:

The Rise Of The Value Creator
@TheLavaLeffel I’d say the same for 90% of professors.

Good and bad to both, but from a wide perspective free education on places like
YouTube and paid courses for specifics is a much better solution (with much less of
the bad)
YouTube has fundamental skills that anyone can learn for free.

Even advanced skills can be learned there.

But learning that is specific and tailored to an individuals learning style? That’s
where the money comes in.

(While still being a fraction of the cost of a degree)

People are catching on that there are scammers in the industry.

(As are people catching on that college is a scam in many regards)

The point:

Develop your moral standards, become an expert in the interests you research, and
teach people what you love for a living.
Online courses get a bad rap.

The truth is, we need MORE to educate people on modern skills people can actually
use in the information age.
A 19th-century education system built for the industrial age won't cut it.

Decentralized value creators are the answer.

@bewritethere Appreciate you brother🙏🏻
If you want to gain a deeper appreciation for your life, contemplate your

You have time, but not much.

@YourFriendAbdul Everyone starts with cope and moves down the list
@FreedomDojo Yes

“I can’t do that.”


“Can I do that?”


“Fuck it, I’ll figure it out.”

@AxieAur Gotta have something worth marketing
@_YourNarrative Yes
@thegenuinejulie @TymHartwich @matthewred_ Real ones make it their own🤝
@matthewred_ @TymHartwich Appreciate you Bros 🫡
@writingtoriches @TimStodz @waronweakness @thePhilRivers @getpaidwrite
@blvckledge @WrongsToWrite @hwbhatti @ColemanWhitsitt @OneJKMolina @iamwillcannon
@GrammarHippy @ItsKieranDrew @thejustinwelsh Love you bro, thank you🙏🏻
@Steak_Steel Steak is great but overrated as hell
@DanGoldfield @sovereigntylea1 @ShadowLadyLu @TheNovaLegacy @stevenshills20
@giannicara @thatroblennon @albadawee @SeanPHogue @Jayyanginspires @mindfightzen
@Based_Realist @LimitlessReader @heyjoeyjustice My man thank you, and thanks for
being so active / helpful in MM🙏🏻
@thejustinwelsh The thing I love most about the current state of business is
that "building competency" has very little requirements for past experience (unlike
the outrageous entry-level job postings).
@thejustinwelsh Exactly. If it composes 20-80% of your waking hours, that's a
LOT of your life spent doing something you may not enjoy.
@TrinaNugget @ROGUEWEALTH @writingtoriches Happy to help Rogue been using
circle for a bit over a year now
Entrepreneurship is about finding your unique balance between art and

If you swing too far to the "art" side, you end up a starving artist.

If you swing too far to the "marketing" side, you end up a sleazy salesman.

You can't neglect one or the other.

The gym + long walks + tight circle of confidants + focused time to pursue
your life's work + ample rest = The Good Life
A “business” is not a billion dollar company.

It is what you do.

It is your life’s work.

It is the value you are providing to the world and a vessel for building out your
vision for the future.

Money is the modern byproduct of living with purpose.

Gentle notice that Digital Economics is open for enrollment

We are two weeks out from helping more people pursue their genuine interests, build
a name for themselves, and monetize what they do in the least salesy way possible
The one-person business model gives you full control over the balance in your
Life is about balance.

Work and rest.

Purpose and peace.

Business and spirituality.

Discipline and spontaneity.

Be careful. Most people make one extreme end of the spectrum a part of their
identity – then wonder why things aren't going their way.
The happiest, smartest, and most well-paid individuals are those that
obsessively explore the crevice of reality that they feel pulled to (and share
their discoveries with the world).
Get paid for your ideas, not your looks.

Get paid for your mind, not your time.

Get paid for the infinite, not the finite.

@supleckz @IAmClintMurphy My man🤝
@_wolfganggruber Would love to have you inside my man, great insights as
Mental clarity is your greatest asset in a world that is addicted to
distraction, shallow information, and avoiding the discomfort that cures
Starting a business is not optional for those that want more out of life.
Find the joy in proving people wrong when they say you can’t do something
that they think is impossible.
@_AshleyRichmond Fuck yeah
@ItsKieranDrew Glad I could help brother, winning🤝
@WrongsToWrite I agree on the self worth side, and the platitudes are worn

Watched this a bit ago and it goes deep into the topic. Many are literal slaves
I want to create the writing, videos, and content that people store somewhere
safe because they know they'll want to come back to it in a year.
Self-discovery is the process of solving your own problems — from shallow to
deep — until you reach the point where you can act from a place of authenticity.
Strike a balance between purpose and peace.

Pursue lofty goals, but remember that the present moment is there when you need it.
Trust me when I say:

- Writing down your goals

- Refining them into small tasks
- Prioritizing each task daily

Will make it 100x easier to actually achieve your goals.

Trusting your brain to remember what’s important to you is why you got distracted
in the first place.
@heyjoeyjustice Good morning sir making mine now
The greatest thing I did when I was young is try as many things as I could.

Skills, interests, hobbies, sports, businesses

This isn’t shiny object syndrome.

It’s figuring out what you don’t like so you can do more of what you like (for the
majority of your life).
You feel like shit because you forget about and betray your priorities.
@_FrancoM__ Glad I could help brother🫡
The most difficult thing is when you are deep in the trenches.

All you need is a moment of recognition to snap yourself out of a certain mindset /

But, the ego is working overtime to prevent you from having that moment.

Practice & time.

@heyjoeyjustice Ty bro
@Gabriele3_0 I haven't, @heyjoeyjustice has sent me some of his podcasts but
im stubborn and try not to consume mainstream(ish) content. May not be the best
idea but forces some creativity
@TheOnlyFawaza I appreciate you🙏
@Promise_cee Koelyptycus it is🤝
@mikeying77 letsgoletsgoooo
@pauldm Thanks for sharing brother🤝🤝
@timjcarden My man, thank you for reading🙏
@GrwthPartner Thanks for watching Suda🙏
@thegenuinejulie Hahaha I appreciate you
@BambarkarPrasad Haha appreciate you brother
@Iamdcameron And the driver of progress
Dopamine isn't bad.

You just don't understand how to use it.

Here's how to break out of the cheap dopamine cycle (so you can become a high value
Invest in your portfolio of failures until your knowledge has compounded
enough to afford success.
I’ve tried every productivity hack imaginable. The routine that’s worked best
for me is:

- 45 minute work blocks

- Pure intention and focus
- Long breaks in between

One block first thing in the morning to build momentum into the day.

2-3 more blocks focused on priority tasks.

Life is only difficult when you’ve convinced yourself that it’s supposed to
be easy.

It becomes easy when you realize that life isn’t supposed to be anything other than
what it’s being.
@ekwoschinedu Appreciate you brother, thanks for always engaging 🤝
Letter is out my friends
An introvert who can accept and joke about their insecurities becomes
powerful in social situations.
The perfect business does not exist.

The perfect body does not exist.

The perfect words do not exist.

Self-comparison is a drug that distracts you from the infinite game of improvement.
Quality work cannot exist without quality rest.

Your mind is a muscle and you wouldn't go to the gym for 8 hours a day expecting to
perform at peak capacity.
@BreathingByEd @IAmDevanKing Just shitty fat/protein ratio
@stevenshills20 Hey 7 ain’t bad
@kstealey Agreed brother🤝
Clocking in just shy of 3k

Goes out tomorrow (join above)

@LeonLifeDesign @SahilBloom @OneJKMolina @thejustinwelsh @WrongsToWrite
Appreciate you brother 🙏
@creatorialz Thanks for watching Eva🙏🙏
@DimasContent I do sir, I do
Longggg Koe Letter going out tomorrow breaking this all down.

Read this previous issue as a primer and subscribe to get it in your inbox
Productize yourself.
More on this:
There is a way. Plain and simple. There is a way to achieving your goals,
getting what you want, and living a good life. That alone should be enough to never
There is value in knowing that growth requires change. A change in the
mindset, behavior, and habits that chain you to the same unhappy state.
How to stop giving a fuck:

Zoom out so far that your problems become microscopic.

A rough pixel is a necessary part of a beautiful image.

@HarryDuranFC This is awesome man, been so long since those first episodes
this is refreshing
@DimasContent @iamjustincscott Fun fact, just introduced me to hermeticism,
way of the superior man, and joe dispenza

Wouldn’t be on this path without him

Here's how you create your purpose — it doesn't happen in an instant:
Maturity is knowing when to delay a pleasurable feeling because the present
struggle is easier than the future misery.
When you are driven by purpose, something bigger than yourself, you can
accomplish 3 years of work in 3 months.
It's common sense.

You can't improve perfection.

You can't build without a foundation.

You can't avoid looking like a beginner.

Do it while nobody knows your name and it's not that bad.
@WrongsToWrite @thenickfogale @heyjoeyjustice @AskTheGiver @Grimhood
@SaaSCapo @growthghosts @thejustinwelsh @SteveOnSpeed Thank you
Doing it for the money is how people get started. It’s a necessary step to
even become aware of the depth under the surface (money).

If you haven’t taken that step, read this:
@PointONoReturn Speaking my language
@thejustinwelsh Couldn't make it any more simple myself, well done.
@francis_oleh @WrongsToWrite Tired in the morning = more creative writing
@heyjoeyjustice @AskTheGiver @Grimhood @SaaSCapo @WrongsToWrite @growthghosts
@thejustinwelsh @SteveOnSpeed Need to pet Oreo soon!
"I don't do it for the money."

Yes, you do, or else you wouldn't charge.

And that's okay, we all need money.

But, business maturity is understanding that money is just the tip of the iceberg.

The people you meet, lives you impact, and progress you obsess over are priceless.
You are a floating mind that has created an identity by differentiating your
"self" from every "thing" that has registered in your consciousness.

It is not you, you are not it.

It is what it is, you are what you are.

"You can't work 4 hours a day."

"You can't do what you love."

"You can't become an absolute specimen of a human being and maximize every area of
your life."

You're right.

YOU can't because you lack curiosity, open-mindedness, and the drive to make the
impossible possible.
It also taught me the value in failure. Nobody is going to lift the weight up
for you:
@alex_aminta Thank you my friend🙏
@thejustinwelsh I will be watching closely👀
Sure, money might not make you happy.

That doesn't mean it isn't a necessity to survive — or that you should close
yourself off to the experiences that money *can* buy.

Don't brainwash yourself out of making money because somebody (with money) said it
doesn't make you happy.
The greatest threat to your intellectual potential is closing your mind off
when you hear something you don’t like or agree with.

Do not limit your curiosity.

The gym taught me that the most difficult times are where you make the most
@FreedomDojo @jakobwhte @heyjoeyjustice @Jayyanginspires @Barefoot_Will_ I do
in fact walk a lot
@Risk2Earn Thank you for the mention brother, great group of people🙏
@JustinWise @SahilBloom @thejustinwelsh Gotchu brother glad I could play a
@heyDotun 😂😂😂
@heyDotun “Daddy” may rank well
@condredge Hahaha thank you man🙏🙏
@theleoalexandru Exactly

Your goals = brand

Problems = content

System to bridge both = product

@imThomasMorales I did but shouldn’t have haha
In business, stop trying to find a “problem” to solve.

Instead, understand the “goal” that people are trying to achieve.

Then, become an expert at solving the problems that prevent people from achieving
that goal.

Help them get there as fast as possible. That’s what they want.
Oh boy
How does one find and live with purpose?

- Lifelong learning
- Trying new things
- Taking on responsibility
- Not remaining stagnant
- Being radically open minded
- Using emotion, not being used by it
- Doing it, even if you don't feel like it

Don't mistake this as simple.

If you don't know why you are doing something, then by definition you are
living without purpose, meaning, or reason.
Turn off autopilot.
Don't start a billion-dollar company.

For 95% of people, the one-person business model is the best option.

Here's how you can start today:
@_julian_writer_ Talking about the skill not the business
Your passion for a certain skill (coding, design, creative work) may die if
you pursue it as a career or client business.

Building something because you’re told to isn’t as fun as building something

because you want to.
Build the body of an athlete.

Build the mind of a philosopher.

Build the business of a creative in the woods.

Maximize every dimension of your life that you have direct control over and "luck"
ceases to exist.
High expectations + low effort = unfulfilled

Low expectations + high effort = fulfilled

Koe letter is delayed until tomorrow.

Trashed it ~3 times and working to simplify some concepts.

Should be good.

Read the last letter here and join to get it in your inbox tomorrow:
Your problems are as big as you make them.
@NicolasHoferer @dexterrart @tarasowski 🫡
Humans have on average 6,200 thoughts per day.

Most of them are egoic and negative.

Tell me again, why do you care what other people think?

Commit to improvement for 1 year, not 1 week, and you will get what you want.
With the right habits and a long enough timeframe, you can do what normal
people label as impossible.
@JoeyDevlin_ Great time brother 🫡
@Ikru84 @SahilBloom @ItsKieranDrew Loool simple as that
That small problem that you're stressed about? You're going to laugh about it
in the future. Why not laugh about it now?
You have 2 choices:

1) Challenge from pursuing your vision

2) Challenge from pursuing someone elses

The decision is more obvious than we overcomplicate it to be.

If you want to become valuable,
master a skill.

If you want to become irreplaceable,

master a domain.

If you want to become priceless,

master yourself.
@0xAndrewWise Yes
Think about it.

Businesses *work* because they have dedicated people for each of those departments.

Salesmen, product team, content marketers

You have to do all of those things, on a smaller scale, and replace labor with no
code automation.

Then you have a one person business

4 things to master as a solopreneur:

- Product
- Content
- Branding
- Marketing / sales

If you can learn, practice, and iterate on the fundamentals, you will escape the
95% that never make their dreams work.

Your main skill is not enough.

The only thing more challenging than pursuing the highest version of yourself
is not pursuing the highest version of yourself.
The highest paid individuals are those that can make big, valuable decisions
on a consistent basis.

But, there is only one way to get there.

By making small, unnoticeable decisions until you’ve built something of value.

There is no better feeling than knowing exactly what you need to do (and
actually doing it).
@JoshJDurham I understand the battery in your name now, raw power
@jasonstrimpel Hahaha
@WrongsToWrite You’re next get one
@rcarzo Fruit + yogurt or cottage cheese + honey
Turkey or beef + rice + veg

Thats the base for most meals then adjust based on preferred macros
@austinmmonteiro I'll make a vid some time, don't want to give away exacts
without nuance as that's when everyone turns into a health expert
@MartinLosonsky Leg day skippers will be blocked
@rwarspsy Thanks brother, want to be as open as I can
@FitFounder Still bitter about high school bball coaches telling me I was a
waste of potential
@edeh_oigiangbe @FitFounder Hamza is dope
@MurraysMoney *definitely not inspired by cbum
@austinmmonteiro I am experimenting with anabolic compounds
@MurraysMoney Patiently waiting for mustache genes to kick in, I give it
another year
@MrJacobEspi Genes + coconut oil
P.S. as of a month ago i am no longer natty

Going back to having bodybuilding as a hobby (and not a part of my brand) has been
fuckin incredible
@thejustinwelsh For beginner to intermediate stuff, the mentors are out there
posting free content.

The advanced stuff is where things get niche and thrive from personal
experimentation (that mentors can pass down to those that are ready).
Mullet + increasing calories to 4k + decent lighting = a humbling balance of
feeling powerful yet douchey

(Posting to show I still lift after not posting about health for a WHILE)
Be careful.

Not all advice is created equal.

"Good" advice is goal dependent.

Even the advice from the person you respect the most.

Always take a step back for critical thinking.

If it isn't conducive to the future you are trying to create, don't take the
Once you label it as impossible, it becomes impossible.
Don't get sucked into the closed-mindedness trap.
Honesty brings out the hate in people that can't be true to themselves.
Sometimes starting over from a better perspective is the best option.
Find the balance between sticking to the plan (for predictable results) and
straying from the plan (for unpredictable discoveries).
Even the most perfect words cannot articulate the most profound lessons.
Experience can’t be outsourced.
@joebabs Funny enough it was inspired by Alan watts “the joker”
@thejustinwelsh Yup.
Related podcast just went up
Don’t get stuck fighting with overcomplication.

Overcomplicate it so much that the only solution is to let go. That’s when the
breakthrough happens.
Any worthwhile path is going to be unpredictable, but human psychology hates
that. So we depend (a bit too much) on the world to give us a predictable way of

Fulfillment comes from living by your vision, values, and purpose.

Not those that were assigned to you.

Quality of life hack:

Find every opportunity to turn anxiety, anger, or overwhelm into laughter, because
it probably isn’t that serious.
@bryhutch I will sell strands of hair so everyone can get transplants
@BowTiedBroseidn I stopped after legion haha

League has been fun recently

@YigitCakar I live in a walkable place, that helps a lot.

But I’ll write on my phone, listen to audiobooks, or do whatever I can on walks

Not necessary of course, it’s just something that’s become habit and I enjoy doing
@journeyofrobin Yes
@OssiFlowmeow @theBMcopywriter That’s what I’m going for yes
@NitiSarran @theBMcopywriter
@_SyedHuq @theBMcopywriter My man🙏🙏
@michael_kove @jillmetcalfe @lawrencekingyo Mine is a bonus for joining any
tier of Modern Mastery now!

Glad it helped a while ago man

@theBMcopywriter My man🙏🙏
It’s impossible to be yourself if you’re never alone with yourself.
Anxiety happens at the crossover of being, doing, and thinking.
You can’t do all of them at once.
@beingPax Hell yeah, it’s a good one man
@beingPax Thanks for reading my man🤝
@sanathemonster You don't miss
@theartofchaoz Great group brother and congrats on the progress so far🤝
If you want to go deeper
@Homo_Sapien_22 Thanks for watching brother🙏
If you struggle with fear of failure, this video will change everything for
@JoeyDevlin_ @thejustinwelsh What kind of writer?

"Oh like blogs and stuff you know its fun"

Usually ends there unless they are really curious haha

@JoeyDevlin_ @thejustinwelsh "I'm a writer"
@thejustinwelsh That last one is gold. Need to force myself to rest for a
week. Don't want to, but know it's necessary.
The key to maximum life enjoyment is pursuing the goal you set, by your
intrinsic desire, and channeling all energy (mental, physical, spiritual,
financial) toward that goal.
“Content creator” is still one of those jobs created by the internet that 99%
of people aren’t used to. It’s here to stay, so if you’re cool with being seen as
crazy for a bit, nobody is stopping you from joining in.
Be careful. If you repeat something enough others start to believe it. Even
more dangerous, you start to believe it.
@SkylarSwall 😂😂
How I make huge leaps in progress 1x a year
1 minute turns into 1 hour.

1 word turns into 1 paragraph.

1 decision turns into 1 lifelong habit.

The smallest step is often the most impactful.

I simply want to become mentally, physically, and financially jacked (without
sacrificing the full range of the human experience).

That challenge should occupy me for a lifetime.

Growing on social media is interesting.

Too much socialization is the cause of groupthink, conformity, and general


But you're rewarded on social media for original thought, yet expected to be
social, when originality comes from being alone.
@wishdontmatter Do you have to fix something that isn’t broken?
@firesethereal Or the action that is no action, intention is the word
@bewritethere Not thinking or doing
No amount of thinking is going to fix a problem that is solved by doing.

No amount of doing is going to fix a problem that is solved by being.

@thejustinwelsh @SahilBloom When you see "Roasted Brussel Sprouts" on the
menu of a nice dinner spot it is an instant order
@writeconfidence @iamjustincscott That picture brings back so many memories

Was taken in a sunroom, no AC, with a busted camera and then photoshopped to no end

Fun times
@thejustinwelsh Finally someone said it

Freelancers often get experience by doing free or low paid work when their skill
isn't expert level.

I don't see the harm in posting *free* content online, not promising a desired end
result, and doing something beneficial with your time.
@heyjoeyjustice 5/6 complete
@iamjustincscott Yes
Express your ideas like an artist.

Solve problems like an entrepreneur.

Discipline yourself like an athlete.

Nobody want’s to end up boring and one dimensional.

My greatest fear is to end up as a child-like adult.

My second greatest fear is to lose my child-like wonder.

Social media is still so new that people don't realize it is here to stay.

A new form of leverage to learn, build, and connect with anyone on the internet.

It is to be used, not used by.

Make this a conscious effort.

@WealthProfits Glad you’re enjoying it brother 🤝🫡
@Dante_Healy @testimonialto My man!🤝
More on this:
@fabrice4211 Yup that’s the one
"The masculine wants to feel the bliss of a life lived at the edge, and if he
doesn’t have the balls to do it himself, he’ll watch it on TV, in sporting events
and cop shows." - Deida
Comfort is found in the known.

Discomfort is found in the unknown.

Fulfillment is found at the edge.

Social programming is real.

You aren’t immune to it.

Your brain is not special.

If you spend too much time with others, on social media, or stuck in your head
without taking time off – you will become noticeably more stupid.
People are so obsessed with building outward that they neglect the pull to go

Happiness cannot be built on a foundation of unhappiness.

@thejustinwelsh Create your own niche🤝
A meaningful goal + clarity on how to achieve it + a true deadline closing in
= the greatest self-induced nootropic stack known to man.
Thanks for reading.

If you want to boost my self esteem, consider sharing the thread by retweeting the
first tweet below.
The same goes for learning.

You must start, hit a problem, then seek information to overcome that problem.

Not get stuck in a loop of mental masturbation and endless course-taking.

Shoot, then aim.

7. Outline everything before you start.

You can't apply what you learn if you have nothing to apply it to.

If you don't have an outline for:

- Your goals
- Your writing
- A project or business

Your ideas will fizzle out and die because you have nothing to apply them to.
1) You have something to be excited to work on in the morning.
2) You have more free time for rest, meaning ideas will come better (write them

3) Training your focus like a muscle (implying you must recover) will help you get
work done faster given time.
6. Put a limit on how much you work.

Humans only have 3-4 hours of creative energy they can give every day.

Resist the urge to finish what you started.

Having a place to pick up from the next day serves a number of purposes:
5. Immerse yourself in better information.

Most people don't have good ideas because they expose themselves to terrible

- Follow better people

- Read books for depth and nuance
- Consume more long-form content in general

Stay out of the attention & dopamine trap.

If you want to learn how to turn the ideas you love into your own unique

Download my free creative output challenge.

It has a Notion system and education on how to make the most of your ideas:
The simplest way to do this:

- Create a note in your phone

- Write down any and all ideas that come to mind

- Store quotes, stories, and interesting facts you want to come back to

You can build on top of these, or just use them in your writing, content, or
4. Build an idea capture and development system.

There is one defining factor that separates humans from other beings:
Their ability to take something immaterial (an idea) and make it material

When you have a database of great ideas, they are like creative legos.
3. Create a daily writing habit.

Ideas are worthless if they are left in your head. You will forget them.

Instead, write about them. Double points if it's online (so people can be attracted
to those ideas).

Writing is how you open new mental pathways for better ideas.
Ancient Greeks and Romans, famous filmmakers, writers, artists, and even
people like Steve Jobs understood the importance of rest.

- Go on long walks
- Start a hobby project
- Start lifting weights

Do anything *active* that is unrelated to your work.

Rest =/= laziness.

2. Prioritize rest in a world that glorifies work.

Your best ideas will come when the Default Mode Network is active in your brain.

This happens when you shift from external to internal focused cognition.

Pairs nicely with number 1.

Few take the time to zoom out from their narrow focus.

By reading spirituality and philosophy you are forced to:

- Think about your place in the cosmos

- Daydream about what life could be
- Gain practical insights for happiness

Less stress = more creativity.

1. Read philosophy and spirituality to put your brain in "big picture
thinking" mode.

Everyone is stressed out, focused on the next "important" task they need to get
done, and limit the creative energy available to them.
7 tips for generating better ideas (to enhance your work, creativity, and
When pursuing a goal, state of consciousness is everything:

At one with the challenge = flow

Fighting with the challenge = anxiety

Not seeing the challenge = boredom

Focus, skill, and the challenge that the goal presents are the variables for
seamless success.
@giannicara @HelmiHasan_com I will make note to write a thread on it
@jackmoses0 Hahaha I love it man

I was on the postmates grind in college listening to @TheArtOfCharm

@excelumeohana 🤝
“I have no idea what to do”


“I have no idea what I’m doing”


Neither do the rest of us

If you don’t have a craft to master, use this:
@thejustinwelsh 10 year mindset (even if it doesn’t take that long)
Technology (of all forms) is created to expand the limits of human potential.

But most people use it for the opposite:

- Braindead social media scrolling

- Mind-numbing synthetic drugs
- Pixels on a screen simulating sex

You either use technology, or get used by it.

A select few people are happiest when they have something to build.

This is why people become obsessed with weight lifting, building businesses, and
mastering their craft.
The neurochemical cocktail that floods your brain from making consistent progress
is powerful.
Dopamine is the desire molecule.

It makes you feel good about things that are far away (out of your control).

You can waste that energy with mental masturbation about cars and mansions

Or leverage that energy by creating a desirable vision for your future and acting
on it.
@heyjoeyjustice When you subtweet yourself and end up subtweeting everyone
You have to understand that perfect step-by-step advice doesn't exist.

It's impossible.

There are so many moving variables in your life, thought processes, interpretation,
perspective, and the rest that there is only one lesson that is truly one-size fits

Figure it out.
@heyjoeyjustice Fake, not purple
@NicolasHoferer - study what others are doing and find the patterns

- do everything to the point of knowing what not to do (the only thing left is to

- invest in education from different perspectives and make a distinction between

principles and methods
@thejustinwelsh Twemex is a must have, I think I use that more than twitter
The people that struggle to see results are the ones that don't understand
that "value" is developed over time.
When the outcome is unpredictable, but you are too immersed in the game to
care, that is when skill becomes art.
Successful people rarely change what they do.

Instead, they move 2 levers:

1) How much they do it (quantity)

2) How they do it (quality)

If you are taking the actions that get 95% of results but aren't seeing any:

1) You aren't consistent

2) You aren't that good
And you will fail, a lot, get used to it
Why Money Controls Your Life, Career, & Emotions
Yes, pursuing something that isn't:

- Laid out for you

- Predictable and comfortable
- The same as everyone else is doing

Is going to be the opposite.

Unpredictable, uncomfortable, and hate-worthy (because people hate what they don't

Do it anyway.
"Bro you can't execute on every idea you have"

Yes, you can.

Execution is not limited to building a billion dollar company out of it.

Write about it.

Create something.
Throw it in the trash.

That's the only way you will open up room for more.
Better ideas come from executing on your current ideas, no matter how
invaluable you think they are.
You cannot outsource:

- Your clarity of thought

- True education, not memorization
- The value you develop as a human
- The failures you will have to cope with

In the pursuit of your vision.

If you don’t appreciate how deeply these will impact your life, you will quit.
If you are in your 20s, invest your time in:

- Small consistent wins

- Your emotional intelligence
- Creating, producing, & building
- Being confident in your decisions
- Seeing what your body is capable of
In 1 year, you won’t have to question if you wasted your time.
The lowest points of your life will teach you more about yourself than self-
help books ever will.
The idea itself isn't crazy, not acting on it is.
The whole “focus on one thing” has always confused me.

One skill?

One skill stack?

One goal?

One life?

Everyone that has the results I want has gotten good at everything that is required
to get those results.

(Which is often hundreds, if not thousands of small things)

@HarryDuranFC @instapaper @readwise Hell yeah, thanks for reading brother🤝
More on writing:
@Jed_the_nerd Glad you enjoyed it my friend🙏
@thejustinwelsh Beautiful list
The money I’ve made came in 4 steps:

1) Do something useful

2) Write about what I did

3) Build something I would have wanted during that time

4) Share what I built with the people that were attracted by my writing

Money is a byproduct of doing useful things in public.

95% of the time, the worst thing you can do is listen to the voice in your
head (that wants life to stay the same as it was yesterday).
Write to attract people with:
- Your interests
- Your expertise
- Your past mistakes

Build what you want:

- Digital or physical product
- Consulting, freelancing, tutoring
- A software that you wish existed
If the voice in your head is already making excuses, don't listen.
If you want my system for doing this, it’s free here (with a course on how to
use it)
Attention spans are shrinking.

Bodies are getting softer.

Minds are growing weaker.

Be careful.

You don't have to follow the masses in destroying the only things you have control
"Is it worth spending so much time to build a name for myself and my craft?"

My friend... 2 things:

1) Would you rather be doing something else? Genuinely, would you?

2) If this is something you could see yourself doing for the rest of your life, why
does it matter?
The best habit you can form as a creative:

Keep a running notes page to capture

- Thoughts & ideas

- Work you're inspired by
- Stories, quotes, and interesting facts

Your ideas are only as captivating, unique, and impactful as the ones you expose
yourself to.
@thejustinwelsh What do you say
How I read books:

- Audiobooks on walks
- Kindle books to highlight
- Physical books to read deeply
- Shortform or Blinkist summaries for big idea reminders

If the book isn't interesting, I put it down.

The more interesting the book is, the more time I spend with it.
That's all for this one.
You know the drill.

Please retweet the first tweet below to:

1) Help maintain my fragile ego (likes are important)

2) Share with someone who's looking to create better content
"Your reader wants to be entertained and receive tools they can use
immediately. That means your book must be sprinkled with anecdotes and useful,
practical, hands-on exercises: invented or re-invented by the author.”

— Nicholas Boothman

See what I did there? ;)

4) Bonus Tip

Have a idea capture system in place to store:

- Good ideas
- Anecdotes and stories
- Interesting facts and quotes

These will help you transition between sections and keep the reader engaged.

You can steal mine if you'd like (it's free):
Write out a list of steps that will help someone solve the problem you
illustrated above.

Use your brain here. Make it unique to you.

Sit with it and think, "If I could go back in time, how would I solve this

This list can be endlessly repurposed into shorter writing

3) Simplify

Quick tip:

If you are a beginner writer, creative, or solopreneur, the best way to establish
authority (and grow quick) is with lists.

People. Love. Lists.

I bet you've seen 10+ lists today without even knowing why people write them.
Think about it.

If I want to talk about writing (in step 3), I have to educate the reader on:

- How they can use my advice

- The benefits of writing (why you write)
- What opportunities writing can present

People implementing your advice = results = brand authority.

2) Educate

You have to understand that 95% of people on social media are in the "beginner"

In order for them to fully understand and implement the actionable steps you are
going to give them

You must educate them to the point of understanding the topic.

How do you best illustrate a problem?

- Tell a personal story of when you experienced the problem

- Talk about how the problem impacts people's lives

- Explain the pitfalls and traps of not fixing the problem

Make people aware of their problems so you can provide a solution.

1) Introduce

All great stories, landing pages, and writing in general start with a problem.

So should your content.

By starting with the problem, you open a curiosity loop.

> People want to find the solution to the problem you presented.

This will hold more attention.

Here's the framework:
- Introduce (what is the problem?)
- Educate (why should they solve it?)
- Simplify (how can they solve it?)

This structure grabs, holds, and delivers value on your readers' precious

The perfect cocktail for building a dedicated readership.

When writing:

- A blog post
- A weekly newsletter
- A YouTube or podcast script

Try this 3 part framework (for impactful, authoritative, and follow-worthy

I get it.

You want to quit.

But, let the emotion fade.

Set it on the shelf for a bit, regain your senses, and see if it sticks around.
@rcarzo That first sentence alone hits.

I always find it unfitting to call it "business," being a "creator," or any other


It's just doing what you were meant to do as a human.

Have an idea > make it real > hunt for your own survival
Straight from the Koe Letter:
@Ken_West My man, glad to have you here🤝
@aleckrem My man I appreciate that🙏
@TheFlowAgency @webflow @airtable @make_hq @coda_hq @nocodebackend Actually
very helpful for new project, thank you

cc: @heyjoeyjustice
@wishdontmatter Yes
@MJPrior_ Love that brother🙏
The solution to boredom is building.

Build a blog.
Build a brand.
Build a software.
Build your body.
Build your mind.
Build your social life.

Doesn't matter if you "don't know how."

That's the entire point.

You learn, act, and discover yourself out of boredom.

@OneJKMolina @glaxlow Spoken like a true bodhisattva
@thejustinwelsh #2 was a big one for me.

Everything in one place and *usually* not needing to purchase another software if I
want to build something new.
@OneJKMolina Por que no los dos guayyyy
New pod is up (on writing)
Everyone is an entrepreneur, some choose to display their value in public.

Your content needs to be an environment that attracts the person with the skill and
experience that match

If not, your content will bomb, they won't understand it

Self awareness (paying attention to your behavior) is how you learn business
"Dan why don't you post more about business?"

I would argue that every single one of my posts are about business.

Business, to me, is a vessel for personal growth and impacting people at scale.

The pre-requisite of understanding the posts from a business lens is to start one.
The most profitable points of my life always come after applying tactical

- Moving to a new place

- Investing in an expensive software
- Spending too much on unnecessary things

You either make things happen fast or be stressed out of your mind for the
foreseeable future
@OneJKMolina Send deets
@0xOpulence @OneJKMolina Downtown Chandler, Old Town Scottsdale, DT Phoenix,
DT Tempe

All walkable, non touristy, active, sunny etc

@sanathemonster I've had a few times where I just give a salute 🫡

A silent "I know you, respect what you do, and won't waste your time with the same
@OneJKMolina Come visit in AZ sir
@NehaKhivesra It's impossible to know for sure, and that's the point.

You have to experiment with what you *think* you want, be decisive, realize what
you don't want, and course correct accordingly.

10 years is a lot of time. Nobody has it 100% figured out

@AuthenticLewis Great analogy brother
For those that feel uncertain, insecure, or limited in the career path you
are on:
More on stacking small improvements through problem solving:
The most successful people are the best at doing one thing.

That "one thing" cannot be seen with a blind eye.

It is not a skill set that anyone can learn.

It is the authentic trait that amplifies that skill set.

You feel bad because you deny reality.

Expectations, assumptions, and judgements turn what is into what should be.

Success implies failure.

A sauna implies heat.
Life implies death.

Show me who said it isn’t supposed to be what it’s being.

Be the person that will look back and think, "damn, all of those small
improvements did add up."
@BAGFPepper @IAmAaronWill It's above the couch in the living room
@IAmAaronWill I wish you were wrong
"You've changed."

Yes, it's the years of unnoticeable changes that are starting to get noticed.
29.5K readers just received insights on:
- The value of self-reliance as a creator

- Business as an extension of the self

- The entrepreneurial method for solving problems (and profiting)

Here's the link to this weeks Koe Letter:

You're allowed to change the beliefs that were conditioned into your mind and are
causing unconscious pains to the point of not pursuing the life you know you were
meant for.
One of the best things you can do for your sanity:

Block out 2-4 hours of distractionless work in the morning.

No checking your phone.

No responding to messages.
No worrying about unimportant tasks.

Those can wait.

The limited creative energy you have, however, can not.

Pick complementary interests that:
- Have utility
- Are enjoyable
- Demand creativity

Pair it with a skill stack:

- Tech and code
- Marketing and sales
- Writing and design

Build distribution:
- Social media
- Email list
- Network

Learn, produce, and iterate until profitable.

@bewritethere My man🙏
@joserosado Sucks
We will be going over this in tomorrow's Koe Letter.

If you want to get up to speed, you can read the previous letter and join here:
Find a problem.
Learn how to solve it.
Document how you solved it.
Distill into a replicable process.
Give it to others that want to be helped.

Do it offline and it's called growth.

Do it online and it's called business.
@CooperKraussKC I could imagine it being a thing, and believe it already is
in the sense of investing in a project that a creator is building. Investing in the
creator alone without them building a product, service, or software? I'm not sure
@WrongsToWrite We're in the clear sir!
@iamjustincscott Write
@thejustinwelsh Imposter syndrome only seems to be a problem when people
laser in on it as a problem.

Being able to zoom out, see the big picture, and see their work from a different
perspective is a great thing to practice.
@JosephSeifert22 Wise man🤝
Content creation isn't only for brands.

See it as 2 things:

A way to spread the value you have to provide.

A way to attract opportunities that align with your interests.

Jobs, freelance gigs, or a network that you wouldn't be able to find with saturated
conventional routes.
I see the creator business model as an extension of yourself:

- The value you've developed is displayed on the public market

- You attract the people that align with your goals and interests

Thank the internet for your ability to profit from your own self-development.
It's incredible how many people ask why they have stopped seeing results,
just to find out that they have completely stopped doing the things that lead to

That's why.
@oscarcarlos @AndrewWriteCopy 100%

On the subject of MLK, it’s a similar story

MLKs teaching was that “it is what it is,” or at least presenting an argument that
people are out of alignment with what is
Reality isn’t racist, and if humans saw that, they would be more at peace
@oscarcarlos @AndrewWriteCopy Pretty sure that’s buddhas entire teaching

A genuine “it is what it is” opens up room to solve the problem as reality presents
it. Without negative thought / emotion / attachment interfering
@riseofdreams If hunger for change implies a problem that continues to
persist, I would argue that it helps you see that problem with a clear eye.

Meaning you can solve it with speed, coming from a place of intrinsic want
(authenticity) VS extrinsic need (survival)
@PsychePoetry Well said
It is a sign of emotional maturity when you can say, "it is what it is," and
genuinely mean it.
@heyjoeyjustice A Default Mode Network playground
@thejustinwelsh Talk to anybody who sticks it out for 3-6 months and they’ll
tell you it’s the greatest decision they made, money involved or not.
Lastly, this is a condensed version of my weekly Koe Letter.

This thread cut out:

- The society of stress

- How the self shuts itself off from money

- How your thoughts shape your reality

And more.

You can read the full post and subscribe here:
To recap:

- Step into the arena

- Open your mind
- Start a one person business
- Think big, act small
- Increase income, maintain lifestyle
- Leverage your time, then your mind

If you enjoyed this thread, follow me @thedankoe and share the first tweet:
Build leverage on the side:

- A social media audience

- Organic website traffic
- An email list
Once you've built enough leverage, you can create replicable products that earn
while you sleep.

Then, you have the freedom to control how much you work, and what you work on.
Unless you have ample cash flow (from a job) to invest in the growth of your
side business:

Start with manual labor:

- Freelancing
- Consulting / coaching
- Mentorship or tutoring

All based around your unique skillset.

But, don't get stuck in this place for too long.

7) Leverage Your Time, Then Your Mind

Manual labor = limited amount of money you can make.

The highest-paid earners are the strategies, visionaries, and innovators of the

A $1M/year one-person business demands creativity, levearege, and productization.

Lifestyle Creep:

When you unconsciously increase the resources necessary to maintain your lifestyle
after you made a chunk of cash.

More stuff = more responsibility = more resources used = less resources to go

towards business = same as living paycheck to paycheck.
6) Increase Income, Maintain Lifestyle

In solopreneurship, everything is unpredictable.

I hit my first $100K month last week.

I won't hit that again this month, but my baseline has increased.

When you hit a new high, beware of lifestyle creep:

Schedule productivity blocks (work):
- Focused work
- Lever moving actions
- Build profitable projects

And creativity blocks (rest):

- Idea generation
- Research & learning
- Creative problem solving

The highest-paid people are those that leverage their survival-wired psyche.
5) Think Big, Act Small

Opening your mind to the potential of making money is the first step to making

Creativity comes from thinking big.

Productivity comes from acting small.

To build a creative income source, you need both.

Study your interests
Start a service business
Grow an audience
Work for free
Develop your process
Increase prices
Repeat 5-6
Productize your process

This takes 2 years for potential $50K+ months & 3 hour workdays

College takes 4 years for potential $10K months & 9 hour workdays
The one person business is all about maximizing time freedom, doing what you
enjoy, and making more than enough money.

I believe this is the best option for 95% of people.

Not dreaming of starting a billion dollar company and doing nothing about it.

But how do you do it?

4) The One Person Business

What used to take:

- A few thousand bucks
- A team of employees
- Years of study and practice

Can now be done with free software.

Site builders, automations, etc.

You can laser focus on developing a high value skill set to leverage these tools.
Online, writing is how you do both:

1) Create value
2) Attract people

Writing is the foundation of any internet content (media) you see.

If you want to learn this recession proof skill in a way that makes you practice in
the real world, check out 2HW
If you are perceived as valuable, grab attention, and deliver on the value
you display

But aren't in an environment with ample people

How do you expect to land a date?

In digital business, value comes from a product or service, people come from media.
3) Fundamentals Are King

In business, you need 2 things:


A product or service that promises a desirable result (and delivers on that



You need people to see the value you have to offer if you want to exchange it for

Like with dating.

This is dangerous.
When you are unconscious of the stories you are feeding yourself, you have little
control over your life.

As Jung said:

'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will
call it fate.'

Be mindful of your own self-deception.

2) Open Your Mind

People are slaves to money because they believe they are incapable of making more.

"I didn't go to college, I can't get a high paying job."

"Writing? Don't you have to be like a poet to do that?"

People will feed themselves whatever story they want to hear.

This is why so many have money problems.

They love talking about money, especially in a negative way

Or building a "business" with no plan to acquire customers

But when it comes time to make it?


You have to build AND sell.

You need to be in direct contact (physical or digital) with somebody that HAS
money to give.

Nobody to give you money = no use of your skills = no money being put in your

It will not, and should not just appear in your bank account.

Lions hunt for their food.

1) The Man In The Arena

Making money is a skill, not a talent.

Skills are refined with practice.

How do you practice making money?

Well, it's not like a sport where you can practice with your friend at the park.

With money, you have to step into the arena.

Philosophizing about survival and closed-mindedness is important.

You must be aware of traps as you are going about life so you don't misperceive an
opportunity and stunt your potential.

But, there are more practical lessons.

Here are 7 of them:

We live in a world of tech with a psyche that's wired for survival.

Entrepreneurship is modern-day survival.

When you hunt for your own survival (business) you begin to understand the true
power of your neurobiology.

From scrolling memes to making money, dopamine rewards you.

How does it make you feel when you have to talk about money? Or when it's
brought up?

What aspect of your survival is threatened?

Is it uncomfortable?

Do you get mad?

Does it make you think of the bills you've been putting off until friday?
What happens when you encounter an opportunity to make money?

Most people:

- Close their mind off

- Misperceive the situation
- Label it as a scam, impossible, or not for them

Do you think this leads anywhere beneficial?

When it comes to money, 99% of people:

- Aren't aware of what's possible

- Have a poor relationship with it

- Have limiting beliefs holding them back

If your mind is closed off to money, opportunities won't register in your awareness
(and you won't act on them).
Money is a problem for most people.

It impacts the entirety of our lives.

- The food we eat

- The place we can live
- The people we can reach
- The amount of stress we deal with

Let's talk about why people struggle to make money (and 7 business lessons to
change that):
Work until you hit a wall.

Rest until you create a ladder.

Success is a dance between productivity (resistance) and creativity (breakthrough).

@theleoalexandru Love it my man, thanks for writing up the thread!

The link above is to the login page, heres the normal link for those looking for it
@thejustinwelsh The good thing is that boring consistency = fulfilling.

Instant results = unfulfilling (which we all know, but rarely correct our actions)
Believe it or not, you can start investing right now.

Not with money, but time.

- Invest time in your business

- Invest time in your relationships
- Invest time in your mental health

"Deep work" doesn't only apply to work, but to every area of your life.

Make time.
Failure ceases to exist when you make the deep commitment to never quit.
The simple act of refusing to live 80% of your life doing things you hate
will help you make daily progress toward your goals.
@thejustinwelsh Lesson in there
@thejustinwelsh Great way to start and opens up the potential for so much
more, love the thread style man
Grab it here if you're a writer, creator, or solopreneur that wants to step
their content game up:
"This course FUCKS"

That is all.

@MichaelJayLaRue ;)
@thejustinwelsh Years of spreading their name and work to the point where
they are always in the right place at the right time.
Something magical happens when you have a vision, write out a plan, and start
executing out of excitement:

Alignment induced euphoria.

Social media content thrives because humans struggle to remind themselves of
what's important in their life.
Most solopreneurs don't talk about this:

Being in the right place at the right time.

- Prolific content
- Consistent self-promotion
- Long enough time frame
- Improving your product

If you can focus on the volume you produce over years, not days, you win.
@ItsKieranDrew Haha that's what I'm here for man, no small plans
@OneJKMolina @WrongsToWrite Protein = money

@writingtoriches @OneJKMolina @WrongsToWrite Buncha egg whites + bread of
choice + stevia and cinnamon

Anabolic treat and arguably better than regular french toast

It's been a bit.

New podcast is up.

"Your Mind Is A Supercomputer Running The Game Of Life"

By expecting something in return for being a good person, you eliminate all
chances of being seen as a good person.

Be without expectation.
There isn't a feeling quite like having a clear head and a day filled with
meaningful work.
People try to pull you down because they don't understand every aspect of the
opportunity that you chose to pursue.
@Tobiolaoluwa9 I appreciate that brother, thanks for reading🙏
@MaxActionNow I would contend that clarity is a skill in itself
Most people are in a perpectual state of stress and overwhelm.

Some don't even know it.

Why you feel overwhelmed (and 8 steps to find satisfaction):
@jessicajychan @AliAbdaal @simonsinek @JamesClear @thejustinwelsh @dickiebush
Appreciate you Jessica🙏
@MarleyMcBride_ @giannicara @Jayyanginspires @Alexmathers84 @CoachFHM
@creation247 @thatroblennon @WrongsToWrite @theoliveranwar @writing_cheats
@FitFounder @ItsKieranDrew @AskTheGiver @thejustinwelsh @JohnIsBuilding
@The1stReporter @_SyedHuq @IAmClintMurphy My man🙏
@SahilBloom 🫡
@natolisnuggets Creating those is a skill in a cultural environment that
lacks a belief system everyone trusts
@Richard_andey Breaking down goals = skill

Wanting to achieve all of your goals at once = mental environment

More on this:
You're overwhelmed because your skill doesn't match the challenge that a
certain environment presents.
What you missed yesterday:

- The Society Of Stress

- Why you struggle to make money
- How your "survival strings" control you
- 7 lessons to end your money problems

26,363 people received it in their inbox yesterday, read the full post here:
Hunt in the morning:

- Focused work
- Lever moving actions
- Build profitable projects

Gather in the afternoon:

- Idea generation
- Research & learning
- Creative problem solving

The highest-paid people in our society are those that leverage their survival-wired
@ItsKieranDrew This is the way
@WrongsToWrite Pretty much what I did yeah
@FrankGregoire Hope you enjoy the course brother🙏
@heyjoeyjustice Joey
@chriscfedrizzi @SahilBloom Boring is fun haha
@kinzaaqasim Appreciate you Kinza!
New Koe Letter just dropped.

Lesson #3 dives into the fundamentals:
Writing is the skill that will enhance every other skill you have
Every single style of content is better when it starts with high impact

Tweets, reels, TikToks, newsletters, threads, YouTube videos, all of it.

Write a lot, condense it, repurpose it.

The greatest disservice you can do yourself is to outsource your ability to
figure it out.

Understand that asking questions is good, but not when it becomes a method for
@themarroway What’s your goal?
If you can't stick to your goals, try anti-goals.

- Never having enough time
- Never worrying about money

Negative energy is potent, everywhere around you, and rarely used for positive

Work away from what you don't want to get what you want.
How to outperform 99% of people:

1) Repeat the boring fundamentals

2) Let everyone else drown in tactics
@itsmatt_g This is awesome man, big props and glad I could play some role🙏
@deepworkyoule MY MAN
Appreciate the detailed shout🙏
@Based_Realist Fire
@TausifTurja Trying to monetize digital art without understanding marketing /

Built an audience quick but ended there

If I knew what I knew now, I'd probably be creating photoshop and cinema 4d
tutorials, having cohorts where we build out projects, and different courses for
big pieces
@JODonnellCoach I don't off the top of my head. I'm big on awareness of said
stories you are unconsciously telling yourself. Observing and let it correct itself
@MichaelJayLaRue I wrote it down in my own as well haha, going to write a
future newsletter on it
@heyjoeyjustice e x a c t l y
@thejustinwelsh @KateBour @EdLatimore @aaditsh @wes_kao Honored to be a part
of it man, looking forward to seeing everyone elses responses🤝
More on getting what you want
It is a fact that you will never have access to someone else's mental state.

Meaning, everything you:

- Believe
- Accept as truth
- Would "die" for

Is information that you selected and interpreted from your mental state.

You are quite literally the story you tell yourself.

One thing that every 'successful' person can agree on:

True learning comes from direct experience, real-world effort, and a portfolio of
What used to take:

- A few thousand bucks

- A team of employees
- Years of study and practice

Can now be done with a free software.

You can laser focus on developing a high value skill set to leverage these tools.

It's cliche, but the opportunity has never been higher.

@MikeWiseo Hell yeah man, I heard similar for someone creating reels haha
Cool to see that people are getting results outside of just writing

Thanks for the support brother 🙏

For those interested in putting value out into the world (and reaping the
benefits of doing so):
@matthewred_ 🙏 How are you enjoying the course so far?
"What if nobody likes what I produce?"

Who cares?

"What if nobody buys what I sell?"

Make it better.

"What if it takes years to see results?"

Is there something else you'd rather do?

Publish, improve, and destroy your "what if's" in the only way you can.

One step forward.

@AleksBrankov @waronweakness Ha
Leverage your time for money.

Leverage your money for time.

Leverage your time for anything you want.

In that order.
@waronweakness Notion is nuts
@thejustinwelsh Number 3 is my go to. Makes it fun to try and code a deeper
message but still be understandable to most that read it
@thejustinwelsh My most liked tweets have the lowest profile clicks (I've had
some with under 100 likes get more).

I remember when I first started writing I wouldn't let myself fall asleep until I
wrote a tweet.

The thought of missing a day was the equivalent of quitting.

When you’re lost, try everything and see what sticks.

When you’re overwhelmed, drop everything and see what sticks.

@jamesmulvey Hell yeah man, some of my favorite parts of the day if the book
hits right
@Aponkgope I believe it’s the opposite sir, I took inspiration from myself
@MTaylor_tweets @aaditsh My man🙏
How to join the 1% (in any area of life):

1) Observe what the 99% are doing

2) Do the opposite
Do what works, but in your own way. That’s the secret.
@DONVESH Thank you man🫡
@youmetjohn This doesn’t keep track of my expenses, only sales + refunds
@OneJKMolina Love you bro
@StevenTrister Thank you brother🤝🙏
@jonmorrow 😂🤝
@TheCopyTouch Thanks for watching my man!
@kylepdotco Thank you brother🙏
@catalinmpit Been a wild ride man, thank you🙏
@austinmmonteiro Means the world brother🙏
@_SyedHuq @thejustinwelsh Its not bad at all

And who knows, I feel satisfied for now, might be time to bring priority focus to
other areas of life
@ubervincent I'll admit, its both haha. Been aiming for this goal a long

Definitely went through the battle of "should I post this or just be quiet"
@DennisDemori Thank you man, and yeah Kartra. It's great, gets everything
done, just a tad clunky
@_SyedHuq Its a bit larger than that, contractors and software costs.

This only tracks rev minus refunds

(Insert advice about not giving up and anything being possible)
1-month rev goal achieved (after ~5 years, countless iterations, and even
more failures).
@DontKomply 🤝🙏
@Ray_Invests Ah yeah, If we’re talking the dm crypto bots it’s time for war
@isdanortiz My man thank you, glad you’re enjoying it so far 🙏🙏
@thejustinwelsh Build the thing, launch the thing, and improve regardless of
how well it did in comparison to something that is polished for the timeline.
@PaulOgor_ My man, thanks for reading🤝
@JustinWise Glad to have you on board brotha, lmk what you think!
@thejustinwelsh No doubt.

So many upsides that outweigh the fear of promoting yourself. (Working to overcome
that fear is an upside in itself)
@Ray_Invests I don’t like it, but it is what it is. Hard to change when it
isn’t regulated (and I think that’s against the point)

Could say the same for many organizations, degrees, etc

At least with the former people can catch on or find a better solution with time
@ZainabRose96 Thanks Rose🙏
@ItsKieranDrew My man thank you🫡
@SahilBloom Best decision you can make🤝
@ThatAndreaM Thanks for reading Andrea🙏
This is a condensed version of last week's Koe Letter.

What this thread did not include:

- The traps of modern education

- The role of cultural conditioning
- The new digital education system

Read the full article here:
To recap:

1) Know who YOU are

2) Pursue your curiosity
3) Start a personal project
4) Seek specific knowledge (after failure)
5) Take your project public

Lastly, hit the RT button if this helped and enjoy your Tuesday, my friend.
Build your project in public.

Talk about your journey.

Inspire others.

And get the feedback necessary to improve and make it a success.

(Remember, no feedback is still feedback. If something isn't working, pivot. Don't

One thing I want you to know:

You will never ever ever get paid for doing what you love if you don't have people
to support you.

The internet gives you access to people. Anyone with a wi-fi connection.

(If you have a strategy and the know-how to get in front of them).
5) Take Your Project Public

The internet gives anyone the opportunity to build leverage:

- Personal websites
- Writing & educating on socials
- Building a readership & accepting payments

This would have been impossible a few years back.

That's the beautiful thing about the digital world.

You don't have to pay extra to an institution because you don't know what you need
to learn yet.

You don't know what to learn because you haven't started a project, failed, and
been given a REASON to look up something specific
4) Seek Specific Knowledge

Building a project will expose what you don't know.

Trying to learn everything before you start is procrastination.

- Buy a specific course

- Watch a YT video
- Ask a specific question to a creator

Do this when (and only when) you hit a wall.

3) Start A Personal Project

Projects are powerful, they

1) Get you out of tutorial hell

2) Force you to build something that serves a function in the real world

3) Teach you what good dopamine feels like.

Make progress, get obsessed, and leverage your survival-wired psyche.
If I were to start over (and not fail at 7 different business models), I
would learn:

- Writing
- Marketing
- Sales

And create a service offer out of that skill stack. Then, build an audience,
productize, and free up time.
Enjoyability is found in the process.
You can't just create art all day and hope someone perceives it the same way
you do.

If you want to create art, great.

Do it.

But you must be open to offering a product or service that helps others get what
they want.

Make money, build leverage, then do whatever you want.

2) Pursue Your Curiosity

3 things:

- Potential utility
- Potential creativity
- Potential enjoyability

Those are what you should look for when building a profitable skill stack.

(Yes, stack. Not singular skill).

This is where most creatives go wrong.

1) Know Thyself

Ask yourself:

- What do I want out of my future?

- How am I going to get there?
- Why do I want to get there?

Contemplate your vision, goals, and values over this next week.

When was the last time you thought about what YOU wanted? (and acted accordingly?)
In the past, religious doctrine and cultural standards gave us clarity.

Humans thrive when the mind is ordered.

That is, when they have a hierarchy of goals to pursue, like quests in a game.
The problem? These goals aren't our own.

We must take matters into our own hands:

We have entered another renaissance era.

- Ideas
- Information
- Good (and bad) advice

It's everywhere.

People are losing trust in religion, government, and forced ideology.

This leaves us in a perpetual state of anxiety, uncertainty, and mental disorder.

5 steps to get what you want out of life:
You don't know what you want to do because your skill set, experience, and
environment limit the options available to you.

A level 5 doesn't have access to the same quests as a level 100.

@ShusreeM Appreciate you🙏
@amit_pethkar And thank you my man🤝
@thejustinwelsh Straight heat on a Monday

Unique perspectives are key and an underrated psychological trigger.

Novelty = attention = dopamine = loyal reader (sure I’m missing something there,
but checks out)
@apdonovan1990 @TheQCGhost @conortrains Noice, thanks for the inclusion my
@stepanhlinka My man, glad you're enjoying it so far!
When you know (on a deep, internal level):

What to do
How to do it
Why you're doing it

Distractions disappear, focus is seamless, and the universe conspires in your favor
to carry you toward the desired outcome.

Motivation isn't necessary when clarity is peaked.

If you want to work less, work more (but on the right things).
No, I'm not saying it's bad.

It's unavoidable (in many cases).

But if you want to be irreplaceable (or do anything unpredictable) you need to take
matters into your own hands.
The modern education system is great at one thing:

Training people to be replaceable.

@_AshleyRichmond Great book, I dig
@callumpbirch @Nicolascole77 @thejustinwelsh Appreciate the mention my man🙏
@evanxshoo @OneJKMolina @AlexHormozi @ferrazzi My man🤝
@_AshleyRichmond Dub

What’re you reading? Spell bound is solid so far, appreciate you recommending it
@sadie10023 Don't plan on having one for a while, if you shoot me a dm we can
work something out :)
@jay_palladino 🤝
@Based_Realist @PoLTheWriter Let’s fucking go bro, enjoy that feeling🙏
@HeyJimBurgess I’m enjoying a bit of color

Bought a non black shirt the other day🤫

@Kunal_KumarJ Nice

Writing is work per the first tweet, in the same boat

@LifeCoachNano Lol I may steal that

Glad you’re enjoying it man🙏

@WithNachit @stepan__nazarov No theme
@stepan__nazarov @WithNachit Yeah built on elementor cloud

Needa change that featured image😂

@Ikru84 Hahaha lets go man
@leveluphabits Thanks for watching brother!
@sheynrockwell And thank you for the mention brother, glad I could have an
@alexfeinberg1 Will be thrusting some hips sir🫡
@3ngoro Love it brother, great shot🙏🏻
@sanathemonster 🥵
@_khiemngo_ Let's go, enjoy your sunday brother
@Abu_Jamjam Boom
@robhoffman20 Glad you're enjoying it homie, thank you🙏🏻
@EssersJe Hahaha hell yeah, stoked to see what you build man
@mikeying77 My man🙏🏻
@TpansVisionary Thanks for watching my friend🙏🏻
New vid

9 steps to starting a profitable writing biz

Launched 2HW yesterday and some kind words are already flowing in.
Grateful, my friends.

Hope everyone that joined in yesterday is enjoying it so far🙏
@MindfulDataPath You've already got the creativity blocks on lock my man I
love it. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday🙏🏻
@TheFlowAgency Coffee shop vibes I love it.

Glad to have you in the course. Enjoy your Sunday and hope you have a speedy
recovery with the shoulder🙏🏻
@sjnrth You get a pass🤝😂
@bengincet Enjoy it brother🙏🏻
@LifeCoachNano Looks beautiful, enjoy your Sunday man🙏🏻
If you have a lagging area in your life, treat it as a science project.

Observe without judgement, dissect your problems, and test solutions until you
discover the one that gets results.
@NoCodeHunter Ahhh I missed the fallout series, was too sucked into COD.
Might pick up the new MW2 when it drops haha

Enjoy your sunday man

@Arele_19k Write out the doubts and give yourself advice to overcome them ;)
@bewritethere ;)
@NoCodeHunter Whatchu playing?
Coffee, writing, and fucking off to do nothing is a great way to spend your
@dimathewriter Fuckin love it man🙏
@AlexanderEasby Let’s go🤝
Launch day over.

I deeply appreciate everyone showing their support throughout the day.

I'll be DMing some of you personally, but I'm beat and need my 8 hours, so talk

@_SyedHuq Haha love how you’re devouring it man, excited to see how you use
it ;)
@TheRiAnderson Beast
@WrongsToWrite I still remember that guy in your insta comments, that was

Giving agencies a bad name smh

@CoreyWilksPsyD Truly appreciate you man. Let me know what you think when you
dig in!
@leveluphabits Appreciate the support my man but no need to scramble, check
your email🙏🤝
@leveluphabits @WrongsToWrite My man Thanson glad to have you inside🤝
Alright 2 hours (ha) left and last reminder so I can log off and finish
writing (ha) the Koe letter for tomorrow
@heyjoeyjustice It's beautiful
@GivesonDavid @dankoe Haha no prob man, I’m the same way

Reading the right idea, word, or sentence sparks the paragraph

@aarongrt @JimmyFarley00 My fuckin dudes thank you🤝
653 builders of a better future are inside

And 4 hours left until presale pricing ends

Shoutout to everyone whose shown support so far, means the world my friends🙏
@RadiantCalm Haha excited for you to dig in! Let me know what you think🙏
@heyjohnfischer Love it man🙏
@HarryDuranFC They definitely have a place, everything in moderation ;)
@the_male_edge Glad to have you on board bro 🤝
@benmwalther Enjoy it my dude🤝
@alounpro Appreciate you Ahmad!
@takezopure Thank you brother🙏🏻
@mikeying77 Lesgobabyyyy writing gang lets goooo
@MindfulDataPath Glad you're enjoying it so far Khuong!
@sjnrth Let me know how you like it :)
@sulaiman_botha MY MAN
@theartofchaoz @davidnunez @creation247 @buildinglegends @LimitlessReader
@sanathemonster @Legacy_Compass @NextOnStageOne @SamanthaPostman HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY

Enjoy yourself today🙏

@MentalWeapons Hahaha thank you bro!
@Based_Realist My fuckin man thank you🙏
@thijs_broeck Welcome in brother, enjoy!
@_SyedHuq @CarrieKolar1 @abdussalampopsy My man🤝
@LimitlessReader Thank you brother🙏
@waronweakness My man Eddy, hope I can add to you’re already extensive
writing knowledge🤝
@derekmulch As did I my man, as did I

Wasn’t fun haha

@The_Heartz LFG
@fmatatome And I’m stoked to have you in bro🙏
@RealDanJay Long form, medium form, short form

Newsletter, thread, tweet and however you want to repurpose that for other
platforms and mediums like video

Has fundamentals of copy as a whole but does not go into sales pages
@MatthewRDoan Best way to do it

I put it off for too long at the beginning

@christophtroye Let’s go man, stoked to see what you build🤝
@WrongsToWrite Fucking off to Sedona tomorrow to bask in the energy vortex
and get right back to it
@DennisDemori Thank you man, will see you over coffee soon🤝
@JoshuaSnitgen Thanks for the kind words man, glad to have you in🫡
@MikeWiseo Hahaha love it
@MichaelJayLaRue Glad to have you inside man!
@_SyedHuq Everyone’s screaming to go short form (reels, TikTok’s, etc)
without a foundation of depth and experience behind that content.

Depth comes first

@LeonLifeDesign Excited to see what you build brother🤝
@LifeCoachNano Enjoy it my man🙏
@heyjoeyjustice Love you bro
@NicolasHoferer Glad to have you on board my friend 🤝
@thejustinwelsh Copy was the skill that changed it all for me
@UCallMeDrJones Appreciate your support man, let me know how you like it when
you go through!
@AleksBrankov Let me know what you think when you start going through my man🤝
@WrongsToWrite When the homies support you even when they know I would’ve
just given them access free :,)🤝
@DaveKatague Let’s go man, glad to have you in!

(Going to check out the book as well🤝)

A brief overview of what you’re actually getting
If you're interested in:

- The 2 hour content ecosystem

- Learning high-impact digital writing
- Boosting your online authority
- Systemizing content creation for rapid growth

Pick it up here before the end of the day:
514 future writers just got access to The 2 Hour Writer curriculum.

It has been on pre-sale for 40% off for the last 2 weeks.

If you missed it, this is your chance.

It will remain at 40% off until the end of the day (9pm EST):
Collect the dots with curiosity.

Connect the dots with writing.

Distribute the dots with content.

It's not about being original, it's about being creative.
@writeinessa Let’s go 🤝
@Real_Krigle @JGrandillon My man🤝
@TymHartwich @jessicajychan @sanathemonster Appreciate the mention my
@jay_palladino Glad you got so much out of the challenge man, stoked for the
drop tomorrow🙏🏻
@Aponkgope And in that case, may be better to just start 5 different brands
and repurpose for all platforms

Otherwise I’d laser in on one and focus on quality - which will be lost if you’re
splitting attention too much
@Aponkgope It’ll work but the message won’t be consistent across platforms.
Each platform will have a piece of your brand missing

Talk about lower performing but important topics on newsletter or podcast. Build an
audience with high performing content and send traffic to those things
@Aponkgope The content isn’t the same, IG is my old stuff and clips from
stuff that isn’t on twitter

Other option is to spend more time creating content or hire out, but I have no
interest in doing either
@JGrandillon Glad to have you inside brother🤝
@emilymiller Recording YT this week

Have written 4-5 tweets from it

Carousel going out Monday

@LucidDreamOften In some cases yes

LinkedIn I change it up sometimes

Instagram most of em are screenshots (for some reason those always outperform
native posts, ive noticed it on most platforms)
@themarroway Stoked for tomorrow
@TheLavaLeffel Glad to have you on board man!
@MikeDHarrigan Haha I know you'll enjoy it man, thanks for your trust🤝
I didn’t start taking my newsletter seriously until I realized that short
form content gets you nowhere (alone)

No depth, no authority

If you want my system

The 2 hour writer goes out tomorrow

This is the last day to get it 40% off
How turn 1 piece of writing into content for all platforms:

- Write a quality newsletter

- Use it as a YouTube script
- Condense it into a thread & carousel
- Write tweets from big ideas
- Copy / paste to IG and LI
- Read the tweets for reels

Write once, repurpose for the week.

The “shortcut” you are looking for is called direct experience.
It’s impossible to come up with big ideas when you are stressing about small
@SahilBloom My man🫡
@adrianenicol1 Thanks Adriane🤝
@thejustinwelsh Great read man🤝
This is a condensed version of last weeks Koe Letter.

If you want deep insights on human potential and creative work sent to your inbox
every Saturday, check it out here.

(This Saturday's is on the best skills to learn + the new education system)
To recap on fixing overwhelm from split attention:

1) Identify a weak link

2) Learn the fundamentals
3) Create a goal
4) Educate for that goal
5) Block out time
6) Be present
7) Recognize distractions
8) Be consistent
9) RT the thread for me :)
8) Put In The Metaphorical Reps

Everything is a muscle.

Your focus, relationships, business, fitness, spiritual practice, and habits of any

They grow with focus, ample energy to fuel performance and recovery, and direct
experience so you can double down on what works.
7) A Moment Of Recognition

You will fail at this.

A distraction will register in your awareness, split your attention, and may
trigger a negative feeling.

All it takes is a moment of recognition to snap yourself out of it.

6) Immerse Yourself In The Content Of That Goal

For the spiritually inclined, this is “presence.”

If your goal is better relationships, practice filling your attention with the
entirety of the other person.

All 5 senses engaged in the present situation.

Perpetual flow state.

5) Block Out 30-60 Minutes A Day

Deep work doesn't only apply to business.

It applies to every single area of life that you are trying to improve.

Good luck making progress in your fitness, relationships, and happiness without
dedicated time, focused effort, and total presence
4) Self-Educate AFTER You Start

Too many people get trapped in “tutorial hell,” try to soak in as much information
as possible, and never start.


• Start and fail fast

• Identify what caused you to fail
• Find specific information to overcome it

Act, then ask.

This isn't a bad thing.

Looks, dollar amounts, and follower counts changes peoples perception of you (more

But it's bad to make your primary focus (it's more out of your control).

Example: Focus on writing 1000 quality words instead of growing by 1000 followers.
3) Create An Ability-Based Goal
The problem: vanity-based goals are much more out of our control than ability-based

You only care about your physique, follower count, or money in the bank in relation
to the external world.
2) Gain Clarity On The Fundamentals

Fundamentals drive results.

Tactics can further results, but only once the fundamentals are mastered and

Fundamentals move levers.

Tactics present the opportunity for traps, overwhelm, and creating problems that
don’t exist.
Here are the 8 steps to reclaim your focus:

1) Choose A Lagging Area Of Your Life

We are as strong as our weakest link.

What's yours?

Social life?
Health and vitality?

Most people's attention is split between:

• Thoughts about past mistakes

• An internal cry to live a better life
• A list of mixed-priority tasks that need to be finished

What you hold in your focus (your conscious attention) can make or break your
energy and performance.
Your mind is a supercomputer.

Your attention is the RAM.

Thoughts, regrets, and tasks are the programs slowing your performance.
Writing, mindfulness, and focus are the reboot you can access at any time.
How to stop feeling overwhelmed all the time:
@careymillions @JoshuaLisec If by passion we’re talking about certain
combination of reward chemicals that come from pursuing (and achieving) a set of
goals that *you* set (no matter the work you are doing, you can still set your own
goals for someone else’s work)

That’s how you’d care about the work

@shalom_luke - Choosing a biz model
- Learning *fundamental* skills necessary from a book / course
- Start hunting / making money asap and learn from failure
@shalom_luke I don't think I've ever worked for more than 4-5 hours a day
since I started (as it was a goal / commitment and I was forced to do the highest
leverage things)

Even less when I was at 9-5

Only time I'd work all day is when I had full clarity on building out a new project
Point A:

Knowing the potential the internet presents for doing what you want, building a
better life, and making a creative income.

Point B:

2-4 hour workdays, fulfilling projects, and digital leverage

The path:

(40% off on pre-sale for 4 more days):
@thejustinwelsh Self-awareness is how you get a business degree without going
to school.
Most people don’t get what they want because they aren’t strategic.

They focus on 2 things:

1) Where they are now

2) Where they want to be

Instead of creating a clear path between the two.

This inevitably leads to overwhelm, procrastination, and unhappiness.

Not understanding business is like being a lion in the savanna and not
knowing how to hunt.
@LukeUnchained Just posted a reel about this, so true
@WrongsToWrite Spirituality*
@thejustinwelsh SCAMPER FTW
Closing in on launch day

40% off presale for 5 more days
Life is a series of experiments:

- Identify a problem
- Set a desired outcome
- Test different solutions
- Find one that works
- Replicate the results

The quality of your never-ending science project is in your hands.

Writing is the foundation of:

Tweets, threads, ads, newsletters, blogs, ads, web pages, posts, quotes, video
scripts, clear thinking, and anything else related to value exchange and effective

Learn to write.
Deep work doesn't only apply to business.

It applies to every single area of life that you are trying to improve.

Good luck making progress in your fitness, relationships, and happiness without
dedicated time, focused effort, and total presence.
More on this:
@thejustinwelsh This is what led to 3 of my products. Was using a Notion
system for myself, people showed interest when I posted a pic, built out a
curriculum and boom
The first step (writing) is crucial for the rest to work.

If you want to learn high impact writing, use my content ecosystem, and build a
foundation for a world going digital

The 2 Hour writer is in presale (40% off) for 6 more days:
Your mind is a supercomputer.

Your attention is the RAM.

Thoughts, regrets, and tasks are the programs slowing your performance.

Writing, mindfulness, and focus are the reboot you can access at any time.
Nobody has ever said:

"Damn, I really wish I didn't spend 30 minutes building a better future for
Write content, make friends, build a product or service, and refine your
skill set through experience.

Anything else is procrastination disguised as productivity, especially at the


1 hour of leverage-focused work is all you need to build a creative income source.
With brand, change hearts.

With content, change minds.

With product, change behavior.

What you missed yesterday:

- The trait of every successful person

- How to turn misery into happiness
- Your mind as a supercomputer
- Your attention as RAM

And 8 steps to reclaiming your focus.

A lot to unpack, read it all here:
Fail, then learn.

Act, then ask.

Move, then steer.

A tank full of gas, directions on the map, and hands on the wheel is nothing but
wishful thinking if your foot is off the pedal.
@writing_cheats Appreciate you Claudia🙏🏻
@WisMateusz Practice and intention. "Focus is a muscle" h/t @heyjoeyjustice

Takes time and breaking habitual thought processes

A flexible productivity framework to implement in your day:
People throw away philosophical advice because it takes time, effort, and
direct experience to uncover its practical value.
@persuasionkid @robertgriker 🫡
@PrestonMatthewC @thejustinwelsh @Codie_Sanchez Appreciate you reading man,
curious if there’s a software that can do that for email
@WrongsToWrite And just like that, "focused work" just gained an entirely new
@stevelibs11 @FitFounder @thejustinwelsh @heydannymiranda @SahilBloom
@WrongsToWrite Yeah double check the username it was sent from, guarantee its not
him. bot accounts are everywhere using larger accounts names to try to fool people
@ImChrisEdmonds @polina_marinova Thanks for the shout my dude🙏
@Tim_Denning My man🤝
@dougsandlin Thanks man🤝
"A person can make himself happy, or miserable, regardless of what is
actually happening 'outside,' just by changing the contents of consciousness."
@thejustinwelsh Always been a weak point for me, looking forward to the
letter man
Question everything. Especially the things that people think you are crazy
for questioning.
Investing $500-$1000 a year (minimum) in your self education is a non
negotiable for those that want more than what formal education can provide.
Your happiness is a byproduct of your inner game. That is, your ability to
understand, interpret, and control your mind towards favorable outcomes.
@HeyJimBurgess Insane it’s been a year man😂
@KeyWestEffect Lmao thank you Key🤝
@mikeliguori @jonbrosio @dickiebush @ItsKieranDrew @thejustinwelsh
@alexgarcia_atx @writingtoriches @abhishekshah173 My man🤝
@thegenuinejulie @jonbrosio @dickiebush @ItsKieranDrew @thejustinwelsh
@alexgarcia_atx @writingtoriches @abhishekshah173 🙏🙏
@FitFounder @thejustinwelsh @heydannymiranda @SahilBloom @WrongsToWrite
Appreciate you brother🙏
@JustinWise A lot yes🤝
@thejustinwelsh Thank you man, been learning a lot studying how you approach
@SahilBloom Thank you brother 🤝
@bengincet What if I told you it was the other way around haha
Write short if you want attention, growth, and impact.

Write long if you want trust, authority, and depth.

Write both if you want a dedicated audience for your brand.

Lastly, this is a condensed version of The Koe Letter.

If you want in depth, actionable content on human potential sent to you every
Saturday, read more and join the list below:
If you got something out of this thread, please consider sharing it.

Here's the first tweet if you're up for retweeting it:
Here's what we went over:

• Choose a topic
• Have a unique perspective
• Write 1000+ words
• Post to your newsletter / blog
• Turn the actionable part into a thread
• Learn how to grow on socials
• Turn ideas into tweets
• Develop a system
• Branch out to new platforms
Let's recap:

With 1-2 hours a day (and considering you have a product or service you can
monetize with your writing, or just freelance as a writer)

You can pull in a higher monthly income than most doctors... given time, of course.
All I do is copy, paste, and record the content that I've already written
with my system.

Newsletters = YouTube scripts and starting points for threads

Tweets = Reel scripts, LinkedIn posts, and IG carousels

Use your validated ideas to break into new platforms and grow fast.
9) Branch Out To Other Platforms

I've grown to 230K on Instagram, 23K on LinkedIn, and 7K on YouTube with my

*writing* skills.

My engagement is higher than dudes with adonis physiques because my writing hits
harder than their chiseled abs.
8) Develop A Writing System

• Take out a notebook

• Study writing & social media frameworks

• Write down a process you can test to write newsletters, tweets, etc

• Test it daily and refine it when you hit a roadblock

7) Turn Ideas Into Impactful Tweets

From your newsletters and threads, you should have ample ideas for short and punchy
tweets that get shared.
My best advice?

Create a bullet-list how-to tweet, then turn each of those into individual tweets.

Lists get your brain working.

• Make your newsletter so good that people can't help but talk about it

• Join a community and meet people doing the same as you

Of course, you still need good content and a compelling brand for all of this to

It's called *social* media for a reason.

You need to get EYES on your content:

• Readers sharing your writing

• Networking with similar follower accounts and growing together

• Commenting on larger accounts so people can see your comment and click to your
6) Learn How To Network & Grow On The Platform

You're not going to like playing a game if you don't understand the rules and

Yet this is how most people approach social media

They think if they just "post good content" they will grow.

This is getting a bit long, so I'm going to try and sell you on something

I'm launching a new course, The 2 Hour Writer, on Aug 27th.

I help you implement everything talked about here and more.

It's 40% off for pre-sale until the 27th
5) Repurpose The Actionable Section Of The Newsletter

Actionable and in-depth advice is the most beginner-friendly and potent tool for
social growth.

Don't try to be too clever when nobody knows who you are.

Threads lead to rapid growth (eyes to monetize your writing).

For the sake of simplicity (and not having to build your own blog just yet) I
would recommend:

• Beehiiv
• Revue
• Substack
• Ghost

Those allow you to backlog newsletters, which is crucial for this system to work.

Research them and pick one.

People that only tweet have little authority and have trouble making sales or
landing clients.

Authority comes from 1 of 2 things: depth or expertise.

If you don't have experience, you absolutely must prove your worth through long
form content (threads and newsletters).
4) Sign Up For A Blog & Newsletter Software

I rarely use fancy sales funnels and it's rare to see me promote on social media

I use a content ecosystem:

• 1 newsletter a week
• Upload newsletter as a blog
• 1 thread condensed from newsletter
• 3 tweets a day
• Optional: give context and definition to things that may not make sense

• Give step-by-step advice on how to solve the problem (like this thread)

Actionable advice is how you build an audience at the start to prove your worth and
value. YouTubers don't start as vloggers.
3) Write 1000+ Words On The Topic

Every piece of content is based around a personal or professional problem.

How do you structure it?

• Paint a picture of the problem and how it affects someones life

• Talk about your personal experiences with it (so readers can relate)
Boom, that alone will make you a better writer than 99% of the accounts on

Say it in your own voice and let it refine with time, effort, and practice.

If you want help with creating novel perspectives, download this free 7 day

• Problems associated with a topic

• Benefits to overcoming those
• Goals people have relating to the topic
• Roadblocks to achieving those goals
• Personal experiences you've had

Now, *explain how you would achieve X goal like you are talking to a friend.*
2) Brainstorm A Unique Perspective

Novelty catches attention.

Attention is necessary for people to read what you write.

Novel perspectives are how you get people's attention while talking about whatever
you want.

How do you come up with a novel perspective?

1) Choose A Topic You Can't Shut Up About

Write down:

• Your favorite books

• Your YouTube watch history
• Your favorite social media accounts
• What you would write about if money wasn't an issue


Because good writing is about energy transfer, not being professional.

I call myself a writer because that is what I do on a daily basis (even when
it doesn't seem like that on other social platforms).
I've sustained $40-$60K per month writing tweets, threads, newsletters, and
repurposing them for all other platforms.

Let's start:
The list goes on.

There's a reason I outperform Instagram models in terms of growth and engagement by

just screenshotting my tweets and sharing them there:

High-impact writing.

Okay, writing is important.

Here are the 9 steps so you can start a one-person writing business:
The key:

The foundation of media is writing.

Tweets? Writing.

Threads? Writing.

Newsletters? Writing.

Blog posts? Writing.

Cold emails? Writing.

Ads? Starts with writing.

YouTube videos? Done best with written scripts.

Reels and TikToks? Like reading a tweet as a script.

Instead, you can go straight into mastering media and use tech to spread your
message to the world.

The problem:

I had already built a solid media skill stack with my passion projects.
I learned design, SEO, digital art, eCom, and more that lead to nothing.
Writing was the missing piece.

The backend of the internet is code.

The frontend of the media is media.

Meaning, if you want to thrive in the future, you must master one or both.

With no-code website builders, automation tools, and the rest — you don't have to
learn code.
During this time, I was always working on a "passion project" I was trying to
make profitable.

None of them worked of course.

Why? I didn't understand how to turn my skills and business ideas into cold hard
cash in my hands.
• Learned to code on the side because it was a "lucrative" skill to learn

• Dropped out of college because I had switched majors too much

• Got a $55K/year job as an entry-level web developer at a design agency

I've always had the goal of doing what I love for a living (doesn't

I followed the conventional path for a bit:

• Went to college and partied the entire time

• Learned creative skills on the side

• Started every online business imaginable

The average writer makes $69,510/year.

This year I will make 8-10X that number while writing 2 hours a day, a few days a

Here are 9 steps to becoming a profitable writer (even if you have $0 in your bank
The art of unstructured days:

- Detach from modern pleasure

- Manage your thoughts & emotions
- Internalize your values & priorities
- Set clear, challenging goals
- Always act with intention

When your energy is highest, work becomes effortless.

@IsaacWilkins @SkylarSwall Appreciate you man🙏
There are 2 types of people:

- Those that use tech as a distraction

- Those that use tech to build leverage

A simple flip of how you get your dopamine can be the difference between abundance
and mediocrity.
@StoicSelf Well said
@aged_survivor @SkylarSwall @tyromper @SaveYourSons My man thank you🙏🏻
Systems, absolutes, and hard advice have their place, but they strip you of
your ability to "figure it out," self-experiment, and come to your own conclusions
(which is how you become a true expert).
Negative feelings stem from your interpretation of reality, not what reality
is. Don’t rely on them when making important decisions.
@themdpanda_ @hustlenconquer @blackhatwizardd Love the journey Panda and glad
I could play a part. Thank you for the mention🙏
@thejustinwelsh Love #10

Everyone talks about the positive sides of building a network but they can slow
things down quick
@vihaansoni__ Thanks for reading Vihaan🙏🏻
@itscoachgoodman I dig it, I haven't removed that aspect, looks are
important. Just shifted primary focus of the training itself. Focused on lift
progression rather than making a considerable muscle gain ~10 years in
@FitFounder Been carb maxxing lately and love it
@DisruptivDecade 🙏🙏
@JeanLeggett Thanks Jean🙏
@thejustinwelsh Appreciate you Justin🫡
@hey_dhruv Thanks man🙏
@declan_writes Thanks brother
@_SyedHuq 🤝
@SahilBloom Thanks for reading man🤝
@IAmAaronWill Thanks mom
This is a condensed version of a previous Koe Letter issue.

If you want to dive deeper into the Fill Empty Use framework, check it out the post
To recap:

Fill your mind to generate creative energy.

Empty your mind to sustain that energy.

Use your mind to produce with that energy.

If you enjoyed this thread, consider following me @thedankoe for more and
retweeting the first tweet:
When done correctly, this holistic approach should improve your daily mood,
reduce your work times, and be a consistent source of "good" dopamine.

This is a lifestyle more than a tool or hack.

I would encourage you to test and implement this in your own life.
Again, this is why "filling" and "empyting" your mind is important.

A more tangible way of understanding this is to eliminate distractions.

- Choose a conducive environment (coffee shop or hotel lobby)

- Eliminate everything that isn't the task you should be focused on

/ Singular Focus /

Spiritual gurus talk about "being in the present."

That's what singular focus is, whether is be deep or open.

If you are constantly thinking about future tasks or ruminating on past failures —
your attention is split.
/ Ordered Consciousness /

If you don't have clarity on what you will be doing during your work blocks, you
won't get anything done.

- Brain dump journal the night before

- Set priority, goal-oriented tasks
- Write down the 1st thing you will work on

Powerful once experienced.

Leveraged familiarity is just that, being conscious of your routine, how it
serves you, and the bottlenecks that you can work through as they come up.

I like to have 2 90 minute work blocks that I space apart with long walks before
/ Leveraged Familiarity /

A soft morning routine.

The human brain loves to conserve energy wasted on repetitive thoughts and actions.

This must be "leveraged" as it is how most people live. Robotic, mechanical,

unconscious lives that are difficult to break out of.
There are 3 main things that come into play when getting into deep work:

1) Leveraged familiarity
2) Ordered consciousness
3) Singular focus (not split attention)

We can use these to make the most of our finite creative energy.
By emptying our mind, we have allowed the Default Mode network to come into

Our subconscious mind will deliver insights to our conscious mind that we can use
to enhance our work.

Now it is time to reduce our work times, get into flow, and produce.
3) Use Your Mind

"Using" your mind comes last as we have already filled and emptied it.

By filling our mind we have expanded it, broadening our awareness and allowing the
Law of Inspired Action to come into play.

Ample creative firepower that we can use.

Rest is a state of open focus accomplished by:

- Hitting the gym

- Going on walks
- Nature bathing
- Journaling & meditation
- Active listening in social situations

And many other methods.

Schedule time in your day for meditative activities that don't demand narrow
Ancient Romans & Greeks, Steve Jobs, Charles Darwin, and even Tarantino
understood the importance of rest.

In the modern world you must TAKE time for rest.

Rest is probably not what you think it is. It is still active. Not laying on the
couch eating doritos.
Similar to shower thoughts.

Or how writers go on long walks or lay by the pool. It's not laziness, it's the
most important aspect of their work.
That is, your brain is just as active when you aren't hyper focused on work,
negative thoughts, or anything else that demands narrow attention.

By "emptying" your mind, you are allowing your subconscious to solve creative
problems without you needing to "do" any of the work.
2) Empty Your Mind

In psychology, there is something called the "Default Mode Network."

The DMN is "a series of interconnected sections that activate as soon as people
stop concentrating on external tasks, and shifts from outward-focused to inward-
focused cognition."
My favorite ways to fill my mind (that I have made a part of my daily

- Listening to audiobooks or lectures on long walks outside

- Reading in the sun to make sure I'm getting ample sunlight

- Having a work cut off time to socialize with friends

30-60 minutes a day.

When you consume information for the sake of having focused energy for life's
projects, you bring meaning and fulfillment to the most mundane activities.

What lesson can you pull from the information your brain is processing on a moment
to moment basis?
If you want sustained creativity and productivity, you must consume
information with that intention.

That is, you must consume with the intention that what you *learn* will be
*applied* to some project in your life.

Your business, health, and relationships are projects.

1) Fill Your Mind

The brain processes information from the things we give our attention.

If you read shit, you will feel like shit.

If you scroll memes and closed minded content all day, you will operate from a sub-
optimal mental state.

Your environment influences your mind.

The framework we are going to discuss is flexible, but best used by those
that have control over their time.

- Remote workers
- Solopreneurs
- Creators

Let's dive into the fill, empty, use framework:

Do you go to the gym for 8 hours trying to be as "productive" as possible?

Even worse, for 5-6 days in a row?

Your body would be decimated, as would your mind.

Instead, we have 45-90 minutes of challenging training, expend energy, and spend
our day focused on recovery.
Western work culture is cancerous.

- 80-hour work weeks

- High-pressure environments
- Little time for rest and recovery

This never sat right with me.

Why would I want to waste most of my day knowing that you only have 2-3 hours of
true focus to give each day?
Most productivity advice is boring.

Here is my 3 part framework for a flexible, sustainable, and productive daily

routine (without having to be disciplined):
The gym became the highlight of my day again when I shifted my focus from
vanity to ability.

Every session becomes a competition with yourself, not the world.

The only reason people need hard-set routines is because they are addicted to
distraction. If you were free, work would get done. Instead, you (unknowingly) give
too much attention to the thoughts, feelings, and modern pleasures that drain your
creative energy.
@_SyedHuq @thatroblennon Glad I could help my man, thanks for the shout🙏
@itsmatt_g @thejustinwelsh Glad it’s helped brother, thank you🙏
@iamjustincscott @WrongsToWrite Once I have Wi-Fi I’ll be testing out the old
pour over and dubstep work sessions in the new office
More on writing (and 9 steps to start):
You will learn more from 100 failures than you will from 1 book. More volume
of action is the answer that most are trying to avoid through “learning.”
@thejustinwelsh Those content tips can end a lot of overwhelm, great thread
The most powerful daily habit you can form:


- Write journal entries

- Write all ideas that come to mind
- Write to gain clarity on your problems

The mind tends toward disorder.

A writing habit helps maintain a creative, clear, and focused mind.

If you aren’t actively constructing your life you are destroying it. Every
compounding choice you make is between one or the other.
@JamesSAlberts Hahaha maybe some day
@TheRiAnderson MMHQ ;)🤝
@ryanstephens I think it would be sweet, even if it was a small coffee shop
style setup. Get your work done, get a lift in, meet people doing the same
@JoshuaSnitgen My man thanks for the shout🤝
@NN4MD1 Thanks
@BrandonMathers7 🤝🫡
If you missed it yesterday, I broke down 9 steps to starting a one-person
writing business:
@Faizsayyad_21 Bringing order to mental chaos
Writing is how you:

- Gain clarity
- Improve your thinking
- Learn what people deem valuable
- Improve all other marketable skills
- Attract people you can't find offline
- Land jobs online by showing your skill

If you have no idea what skill to learn, learn to write.

@heyjoeyjustice No promises sir

(Koecaine preworkout will be a thing)

Surround yourself with people that will tell you when you aren’t doing,
thinking, or being your best.
A great morning routine is one that you can stick to but aren't dependent on
for your productivity.
@NoCodeHunter Haha I dig it
@thejustinwelsh Exactly it, meta perspective is powerful
23,472 people just had the recent Koe Letter sent to their inbox on:
- Doing what you love
- The first skill you should learn
- Ignoring what people tell you to learn

Topped off with 9 actionable steps to start a one-person writing business.

Read here:
@thejustinwelsh Whether it be clients, friends, or anyone trying to build a
solo business this is the silent killer.

Most of the time it's not a business problem that's holding you back, but a
decrease in performance from having false expectations that stress you out.
The most dangerous habit young people can form is closed-mindedness. You are
capable of more than you've been told you are.
@itscoachgoodman 100%

Progress is even more euphoric haha

The feeling you get from visualizing, planning, and executing on the future
you want to create for yourself is euphoric.
@thejustinwelsh So good. Your unique perspective and experiences make for the
best content ideas.
New vid

How to find your purpose, solve your own problems, and make a living doing so
@thejustinwelsh Most rewarding habit I’ve adopted into my life. It’s the
foundation of everything
Do this during the "Use" section:
Being able to make your own decisions when around other people is a
Dopamine management 101:

Live in the present and be highly conscious of the choices you make for the sole
purpose of pleasure. Then, stop doing them because you realize the stupidity of
mechanical living.
In the morning:

- Write out 3 lever moving tasks

- Block out 2 hours to complete
- Focus on the 1 thing in front of you

No distractions, pure intention, and singular focus will show you why 8 hour
workdays are a complete waste.
A lack of mental, physical, and financial strength shows that you haven’t
accepted the battles that life offers and came out on top.
If you are stuck in a rut sit down and write out all of the habits you’ve
picked up for the sole purpose of pleasure.
Now, choose one. Replace it with a challenge that sparks a bit of fear in you.

Take the risk and see how good it feels to start climbing yourself out.
There's one pattern that can be noticed globally — regardless of social,
financial, or cultural status:


It's your individual choice to get crushed by, train for, or lift the weight that
will be placed on your back time and time again.
If you don’t get the same joy out of something as simple as music, the gym,
or being out in nature, it may be time to evaluate the habits impacting your
brain’s reward system.
If your skill is too low in:

- Business
- Being alone
- Relationships
- Social situations
- Improving yourself

You will get anxious and take the default action (not good).

Approach every situation as an opportunity to learn, practice, or play and life

becomes fun.
Your future self doesn’t care whether you feel like doing it or not.
@AndreiCioloca Lol
@thejustinwelsh Wish I would have read this before changing my bio 57 times
Not planning your days is a recipe for procrastination.

Structure creates clarity.

Clarity creates action.

People will spend 10 hours worrying about a task that takes 10 minutes to
Most people will spend:

8 hours on someone else’s dreams

4 hours hiding from their own
2 hours going through the motions

16 hours awake
24 hours asleep

It doesn’t have to take 40 years and a retirement plan realize that a participation
trophy isn’t fulfilling.
@Jayyanginspires @sahilkhosla @thejustinwelsh @aaditsh @nathanbaugh27
Appreciate you Jay🤝
@AndreiCioloca Correct🤝
It's incredible how fast you can change your mood by changing how you
perceive your thoughts.
@WrongsToWrite Walk biz lift eat
@AleksBrankov One someone else assigns you (teacher/boss/etc)

Even then, it can be reframed as a stepping stone toward a personal goal to

increase enjoyment
@HarshDhatra As little as possible. Work, respond to messages, read
occasionally then throw your phone off a cliff
@thecopywiz Not sure if I can attribute it specifically to morning sunlight,
but I wake up at the same exact time on the dot without an alarm. Little
grogginess. Best habit out of them all (as it leads into the others)
@synergeticself Try it on a walk
@jacob_cardy Multiple times
@thejustinwelsh It's nuts how effective nightly planning is, or just planning
in general
@Seferyn I work, consume, technically exercise, and do most tasks that I
would normally be distracted if done at home on a walk. I dont spend much time
@thejustinwelsh Grateful for all of the tools we have access to to make it a
Semi kinda sorta related - Koe Letter just went out
The habits that have kept me in top mental and physical shape:

- 15-20,000 steps a day

- Direct morning sunlight
- Protein dominant meals
- Writing 1000+ words a day
- 3x intense gym sessions a week
- Planning my day the night before

The right habits make anything seamless.

80% of your choices should be made in the direction of a personal goal.

Intentional living is a basic requirement for a high quality of life.

There is one thing you can guarantee:

Life will be difficult. It’s encoded in the system. The worst thing you can do is
expect it to be easy. You will be disappointed every time until you accept what is,
has been, and will always be.
@theBMcopywriter Haha got you man🤝
Act with speed, but not to avoid a negative feeling.
A pattern I’ve noticed in happy people:

They all commit to a meaningful goal, channel 80% of their daily choices toward it,
and block out sacred time for intense effort towards that goal.

Bodybuilders, writers, athletes, etc.

The pursuit of mastery.

1) Set a goal that tests your mental, physical, creative, or financial

2) Aim for progress on a month to month basis and commit to the process.

3) Focus on the being the person with the character that will hit that goal.

The key to a controllable quality of life.

If you aren’t having fun while doing it, and you can’t see yourself doing it
in 5 years, your new full time job is to drop it.
@thejustinwelsh That habit has still stuck around for me. 1 hour dedicated to
building toward a goal (outside of what is already systemized and steady)

Things feel off when I miss a day or two

The most valuable lessons are offered after the most difficult phases of
life, but only if you don’t give up.
Learn the skills that won’t be taught in schools over the next decade, that
is how you stay out of the competition of the masses.
@MakadiaHarsh Wow well said👏
@thejustinwelsh Been a pleasure watching you grow man, testing a new system
the coming 2 weeks after the move so I can catch back up ;)
If time is important to you and you have none, money should be important to
you so you can buy it back.
You’ll save yourself a lot of pain by defining what success means to you and
working towards that, not what someone conditioned you to believe success is.
Lean mind, lean body, lean business, lean workspace, lean social life.

Holistic minimalism is the fastest way to maximize growth in the areas that matter.
@thejustinwelsh Love it man, been developing a similar system over the past
@skeilArt It's been a pleasure my man🤝
Hey, you’re allowed to be happy with what you have.
@theericjames_ That is an exception to the rule
@thejustinwelsh The habit spills over into quite a few areas (in terms of
@thejustinwelsh It’s easy to see others making progress and want to split
your focus. A lesson most will have to learn the hard way (I did)
@AadityaPsp Afternoon walk ;)
@persuasionkid Bad
A challenge:

- Wake up
- Go on a walk
- Bring your phone
- Focus on deep nasal breathing
See if you can go the entire walk without checking your phone.

When you have the urge, being focus back to your breath.
The only reason you care about more more more (to the point of suffering) is
because you were programmed by your social, cultural, and digital environment.
If you can’t find what’s meaningful to you start by relentlessly eliminating
the meaningless.
@WrongsToWrite @NukeAmbition 🐟🤝
@davidnairn 🤝
@thejustinwelsh Insane, congrats on the growth man and happy Monday🤝
If you want to change the world try changing your fucking attitude first.
Doing the bare minimum makes you feel the bare minimum.
@IAmAaronWill Good morning Aaron
The fastest way out of a rut is to set a mental, physical, or financial goal
that you know you can hit, but will be a test of your limits. Then commit, plan,
and reduce the friction necessary to start to the point where you would look stupid
for not starting.
@thejustinwelsh Going to read over some coffee right now🤝
@thejustinwelsh Like magic, you realize how unimportant some things are very
The flow state is the easiest to tap into with the activities you enjoy the

In that case, life seems to be a process of:

1) Figuring out what you don’t like

2) Making time for things you like
3) Creating meaningful work out of it
4) Protecting the fuck out of that time
Let me make this one-person business thing simple.

Your vision = business vision

Your values = business values

Your goals = business goals


Develop yourself in the areas you enjoy most, document the process online, and pass
it down to others with an occasional price tag.
It's hilarious how quick people are to judge others' finances, relationships,
and health as a mask for not facing their own.
@thejustinwelsh @hypefury @TwemexApp @typeshare_co @blackmagic_so
@tryshotsnapp @followerwonk Gonna test out shot snap🤝
An expensive lifestyle does not equal a happy life, but neither does caring
about someone else's lifestyle.
Everyone is asking if there's life after death but few seem to ask if there's
going to be life before it.
What the problem is not:
- Desires
- Wants
- Goals

That's human.

What the problem is:

- The programmed emotional response that comes from not getting what you want,
desire, or strive towards.

That's robotic.
@the_jacobmartin Nice
It’s incredible how far people will go out of their way to not enjoy
@KhizerAbbaas There’s a billion different contexts we could go over

But do you consider boundaries, restraints, rules, and/or structure to be freedom?

Nobody wants complete freedom.

They want the personal freedom required to create their own rules.
Few things beat the feeling of waking up and building something that is
meaningful to you.
Awareness begets awareness.

Like when you see a new car for the first time, then you see it everywhere.

Or when you make your first $1 on a side project, then opportunities won’t stop

The impossible becomes possible after taking the first step into the unknown.
The happiest people are those that become obsessed with making progress in
the 3-5 activities they could see themselves doing for life.
More on doing
@thejustinwelsh I was a LinkedIn hater. No longer!
@thejustinwelsh Psychology and persuasion changes the game.
The end goal of all self help:

Find what’s to be taken seriously and act on it.

Find what’s not to be taken seriously and laugh at it.

Finding that one thing you are obsessed with is a gateway drug into
Why immerse yourself in one aspect of your day when you can immerse yourself in
No amount of thinking is going to fix the problem that is solved by doing.
@thejustinwelsh I see you are practicing what you preach sir, well played.
@thejustinwelsh 100%

Start, then learn

@BuzzRobTaylor Awareness begets awareness🤝
"How do I start?"

By starting, my friend.

- Advice is not starting

- Information is not starting
- Motivation is not starting

If you don't know how to do something, the only way you can learn how to do it is
by doing it.

One step, then the next.

Sometimes you just gotta throw yourself into the fire and realize it wasn't
as hot as your mind convinced you it would be.
How to have clear thoughts & actions:

1) Immerse yourself in all perspectives

2) Observe without judgement
3) Come to your own conclusion
4) Embody that conclusion with confidence

You'll often find that the best route is doing the opposite of what everyone else
is doing.
@iamareclaimer Self awareness and perspective being the main ones

Editing from the perspective of someone else.

Also reading it as if I were the actual reader. Would it catch my attention? Make
sense? Would it make me, someone who rarely engages, engage?
@SantoshDaily @thejustinwelsh I do not, it boils down to hundreds of factors
in ones personal situation / environment / goals
@Jake_pryszlak Haha that's where it gets interesting huh. There is some
motive to feel better, hence, is it ALL selfless? Or just another form of

That's definitely a possibility.

@Jake_pryszlak Awareness blurs the lines between the black and white thinking
of selfish and selfless.
A lot of the time, positive selfishness (growth) is a net positive on humanity and
those around you. Moreso than trying to be selfless all the time.
@thejustinwelsh A lot of it comes down to not lying to yourself.

Do you have the resources and energy to make it work?

Are you going off of emotion when making the final decision?

Do you know exactly what you are going to do or will you be stressed the entire
Seeking status is only shameful if you are not self-aware.

Survival is encoded in our genes.

It’s wired into our psyche.
The program is running.

When you play the game of life with a conscious eye, that’s where the fun starts.

You play the game, or the game plays you.

Emotions are signals.

The emotion isn't the problem, it points to a problem that you will miss by not
seeing beyond the emotion.
If you want to be an emotional roller coaster:

- Take things personally

- Refuse to go on a long walk
- Justify why you can't change
- Sit in a fluorescent-lit box all day
- Read advice and make it your identity without personal experience

The Bad Life is simple.

@thejustinwelsh Read it yesterday, great email for those looking to break
into the creator space🤝
What you missed yesterday:

- The paradox of productivity

- How to sustain creativity
- Why doing nothing is your best friend
- A counterintuitive take on deep work

Read the latest Koe Letter here:
Geniuses, mystics, and ancient masters all swore by one thing:
Playing the role of the silent observer.

When you see the world through a lens without judgement, assumption, or bias you
open your mind to finding truth.
The most enlightening habit you can adopt is to always ask a question before
responding, reacting, or deciding.
@Deminator22 @freethefra_me Post physique Deminator
@freethefra_me Absolute beast
@deepworkyoule Let me know what you think brother🤝
How to master your focus
You start to see the world with fresh eyes when you assume that you know
Koe Letter just went out
Fill, empty, use.
@CharDel504 @thejustinwelsh Love it my man🤝
@GetGoodWriting @sanathemonster @NoelDavila @creation247 @SaveYourSons
@ItsKieranDrew @adityatheverma Hahaha thank you man

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