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Group members:

1. Đỗ Mai Hương - 0214392 - 144774

2. Ngô Hoàng Khánh Linh - 20214399 - 144774
3. Trần Minh Nguyệt - 20214431 - 144774
4. Vương Thu Trang - 20214489 - 144774

Topic: Unit 1 – Engineering Design

No. Term Part of Explanation Example Vietnamese

[pronunciation] speech equivalent
1. Hardware Noun the physical and electronic The machine allows Phần cứng
countable parts of a computer multitasking without the
/ˈhɑːrd.wer/ need to buy extra
2. Procedure Noun a set of instructions in a A procedure can be built Phương pháp
computer program that does a in many different
particular task languages.
3. Flaw /flɑː/ Noun a fault or weakness, esp. one The company had to Thiếu sót, lỗi
that happens while something spend millions correcting
is being planned or made and design flaws.
that makes it not perfect
4. Vessel /ˈves.əl/ Noun a large boat or a ship A scattering of vessels Tàu, bình chứa
anchored in the harbor.
5. Arbitrarily Adverb in a way that is based on He arbitrarily decided to Hay thay đổi,
/ˌɑːr.bəˈtrer.əl.i/ chance rather than being take the part. tuỳ ý
planned or based on reason
6. Formulation Noun The action of developing all the Einstein's formulations Công thức
/ˌfɔːr.mjəˈleɪ.ʃən/ details of a plan for doing about gravity and light
something, or something that is
developed in this way
7. Constraint Noun Something that controls what Financial constraints on Ngăn cản
you do by keeping you within the company are
particular limits preventing them from
employing new staff.
8. conceptualization Noun the act or process of forming We have witnessed a Khái niệm hóa
an idea or principle in your fundamental shift in the
mind conceptualization of
psychiatric disorders.
9. mechanism noun a part of a machine, or a set of These automatic cameras Cơ chế
parts that work together have a special focusing
10. configuration noun the particular arrangement or We tried the furniture in Cấu hình
pattern of a group of related different configurations
things to see which fit best.
11. synthesis noun the production of a substance He describes his latest Sự tổng hợp
from simpler materials after a record as "a synthesis of
chemical reaction African and Latin
12. dimension noun a measurement of something He specifies the Chiều, kích cỡ
in a particular direction, dimensions (= the height,
especially its height, length, or length, and width) of the
width room.
13. evaluation noun the process of judging or Evaluation of this new Sự đánh giá
calculating the quality, treatment cannot take
importance, amount, or value place until all the data has
of something been collected.
14. Prototype Noun the first example of Manufacturers have built Mẫu đầu tiên
/ˈprəʊ.tə.taɪp/ something, such as a machine a prototype which will be
or other industrial product, shown at the forthcoming
from which all later forms are trade fair.
15. Sponsor Verb (of a business or other The participants' Nhà tài trợ
/ˈspɒn.sər/ organization) to pay for employers sponsor them
someone to do something or for the six-month training
for something to happen program.

16. Universial public approval It will be given universal Được công nhận
accliamed acclaim and could toàn cầu
/ˌjuː.nɪ probably be implemented
ˈvɜː.səl/ /ə by regulation rather than
ˈkleɪm/ by primary legislation.
17. Iteration Noun the process of doing the equation can only be Phép lặp lại
/ˌɪt.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ something again and again, solved through iteration
usually to improve it, or one
of the times you do it

18. Piecemeal Adj Fragmentary or unsystematic Broad treatment of Từng chút, rời
/ˈpiːs.miːl/ problems that previously rạc
were attacked in
piecemeal fashion can
have a big payoff.
19. Overlook Verb Fail to notice something He seems to have Bỏ qua
/ˌōvərˈlo͝ ok/ overlooked one important
20. payoff /ˈpeɪ ɒf/ Noun to be successful and bring The success of producing Lợi nhuận
good results electric cars brings a big
payoff to VinGroup.
21. dearth /dɜːθ/ Noun a scarity or lack of something There was a dearth of Sự thiếu hụt
reliable information on
the subject.
22. plethora /ˈpleθərə/ Noun an large or excessive amount The report contained a Thừa
of something plethora of detail.
23. vital /ˈvaɪtl/ Adjective necessary or essential for The evaluation step plays Quan trọng
something to succeed or exist a vital role in the design
24. ironclad /ˈaɪənklæd/ Adjective so strong that it cannot be There are no ironclad Cứng nhắc
challenged or changed rules for teaching
successful design.
25. deriverable /dɪˈlɪvərəbl/ Noun A thing able to be provided, We need a schedule for Có thể đưa ra
especially as a product of a the dates when the major
design process. deliverables should be

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