Architecture in UK

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Architecture in UK

British architecture is one of the most unique in the world. It is highly

influenced by the 15th century and is home to some of the most historic
building styles in the world. Below are some of these architectural styles that
dominate British architecture and add to the British appeal.


The name Tudor is derived from the period in which these buildings were built.
It started between the 15th and 17th centuries during the Medieval period of
architecture. The features of this architectural style include a low arch, angled
roof, grouped windows, and masonry chimneys.

Elizabethan Architecture

The Elizabethan architectural style derives from the period of Elizabeth’s reign
when many houses were built in this style, and only the wealthier people lived
in it. The glass design dominates the exterior as a way of filling the house with
natural light.

Baroque architectural design is mostly influenced by Italian architecture, and

Italian designers started to build them way back in the 17th century. Examples
of such architecture include St Paul’s Cathedral and Greenwich Hospital. The
Baroque architectural style was mostly adapted by English churches.


Roman architecture was the greatest influence during the Georgian era, around
1780 and 1820. The classical exterior architecture is what makes the Georgian
period unique, along with a detailed interior design. What makes the Georgian
design special are the high sectioned ceilings with characteristic colors such as
lavender, pink, pea green, and light blue.


The post-war period in the architecture of British buildings set a new era of
architecture by moving on from older building styles but incorporating some bits
and pieces of vintage architecture. Some old buildings were renovated and
embodied modernism along with international style.

Old castles also share a proportion of architectural heritage in the

UK. Among many of them, some of the most beautiful and most visited by
tourists are Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Leeds Castle, Alnwick Castle,
Cardiff Castle, Bodiam Castle, Stirling Castle, Caernarfon Castle, Warwick
Castle, Bamburgh Castle, etc.

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