U8 - Discussion Essays: Opinion Essays

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The discussion surrounding the impact of education, in schools on the overall well being of

students is complex. Some people believe that requiring education in all schools is the effective
way to enhance students health and well being while others argue that it may not have a
significant impact and that additional measures should be implemented. (chưa có topic)

Supporters of education claim that regular exercise offers numerous benefits for both physical
and mental health. It helps children develop bones maintain a weight and lowers the risk of
chronic diseases. Physical activity also contributes to well being by reducing stress, anxiety and
depression. Making education mandatory ensures that every student has access to these
associated health advantages. (lý do cho từng cái)

Opponents however contend that mandating education alone might not be enough to improve
health. They assert that factors such as diet, family lifestyle and community support are equally
crucial. Additionally they suggest adopting a approach would yield better outcomes. (lý do cho
từng cái)

In conclusion while making physical education compulsory in schools can be a step, towards
improving the well being of students it should not be regarded as the solution. Taking an
approach that encompasses nutrition, mental well being and community support is expected to
yield significant and long lasting results. When schools integrate education with initiatives they
can establish an atmosphere that fosters the overall health and wellness of their students.

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