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1-Who is the person?

She is an industrial engineer, today she is 27 years old but tomorrow she will be 28 years
old because tomorrow is her birthday.

2-What is their relationship to you?

She is my sister but if I have a bad time in my life, she will be my psychologist and my best
friend, I really appreciated that.

3-How did you meet?

She is my sister, so obviously I have known her since I was born.

4-How often do you see them?

Last year we lived together, but this year we don’t live together because our parents bought
a new house here in Managua and that house has some problems with the pipes, so, I live
with my uncle next to Keiser and she lives near the Rotonda la Virgen.

5-What kind of things do you do together?

Spend time with our family, hiking, she loves that, when we live together, we cook dinner
and breakfast.

6-Why is this person important to you?

Because I admired her, she is a good and smart person, and I will be a good person like her.

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