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1. The
T coefficieents of static and kinetic friction
f between the 100 kg block andd the inclinedd plane are 0.30
0 and 0.200,
resppectively. Deetermine (a) th
he friction force F acting on
o the block when P is appplied with a magnitude off 200 N to thee
block at rest, (b)) the force P required
r to innitiate motionn up the inclinne from rest, and
a (c) the friiction force F acting on thee
block if P=600 N.
N (65.96 N, 516.33
5 N, 1488.5 N)

2. The
T magnitudde of force P is slowly inccreased. Does the homogenneous box of mass m slip or tip first? State
S the valuee
of P which woulld cause each
h occurrence. Neglect
N any effect
e of the size
s of the sm
mall feet. [slip,, 0.448mg, 0.5536mg]

3. The
T light bar is used to sup k block in itts vertical guides. If the cooefficient of static
pport the 50 kg s frictionn is 0.30 at thee
uppper end of thee bar and 0.40
0 at the loweer end of the bar,
b find the friction forcee acting at eacch end for x= =75 mm. Alsoo
findd the maximuum value of x for which thee bar will not slip. (126.6 N at each endd, 86.2 mm)

4. The
T 30kg hom
mogeneous cy
ylinder of 4000 mm diametter rests againnst the verticaal and inclined surfaces as shown. If thee
coeefficient of staatic friction between the cyylinder and thhe surface is 0.30,
0 calculatee the applied clockwise coouple M whichh
wouuld cause the cylinder to slip. [32.9 N-m
5. The
T uniform 7 m pole weig ghs 100 kg annd is supporteed as shown. Calculate
C the force P requiired to move the pole if thee
or each contacct location is 0.40. (775 N)
coeefficient of staatic friction fo

6. The
T strut AB
B of negligiblle mass is hiinged to the horizontal suurface at A and
a to the uniform 25-kgg wheel at B
Dettermine the minimum
m uple M applieed to the wheeel which will cause it to slip if the coefficient of static frictionn
ween the wheeel and the su
urface is 0.40. [19.81 N-m]]

7. The
T system of o two blockss, cable, and fixed
f i initially at rest. Determ
pulley is mine the horizzontal force P necessary too
cauuse motion when
w (a) P is
i applied to the 5 kg bllock and (b)) P is applieed to the 10 kg block. Determine D thee
corrresponding teension T in th
he cable for eaach case. ((a) 137.3 N, 1122.8 N; (b) 1377.3 N, 24.5 N))

8. Determine
D thhe range of weights
w W foor which thee 100 kg block is in equiilibrium. All wheels and pulleys havee
neggligible frictioon. (min. 3.05
5 kg, max. 31.7 kg)
T coefficiennt of static friiction betweeen the 100 kg body and thee 150 wedge is
9. The i 0.20. Deterrmine the maggnitude of thee
forcce P requiredd to raise the 100 kg bodyy if (a) rollerrs of negligibble friction arre present undder the wedge, and (b) thee
rolllers are removved and the coefficient of static
s frictionn applies at thiis surface as well.
w [485 N, 681 N]

10. For the prevvious problem a (b), deterrmine the magnitude and direction
m, for both coonditions (a) and d of thhe force P ‘ too
wer the 100 kgg body. [63.3 N left, 132.9 right]

11. The two 50 wedges

w n are used to adjust the poosition of the column undeer a vertical looad of 5 kN. Determine
shown D thee
maggnitude of thee forces requiired to raise thhe column if the
t coefficiennt of friction for
f all surfacees is 0.40. [4.553 kN]

12. For the previous problem

m, if the colum wered, calculaate the horizoontal forces P’ required to with-draw
mn is to be low w thee
weddges. [3.51 kN

13. Calculate thhe horizontal force P on thhe light 100 wedge

w necessary to initiatee movement of the 40-kg cylinder. Thee
coeefficient of sttatic friction for both pairrs of contactiing surfaces is 0.25. Alsoo determine the
t friction FB at point B
(Caaution: Checkk fully your asssumption of where slippinng occurs). [998.6 N, 24.6 N]
14. It is observeed that the tw
wo cylinders will
w remain inn slow steadyy motion as inndicated in thhe drawing. Determine
D thee
coeefficient of friiction μ betw
ween the cordd and the fixedd shaft. [0.2444]

15. Determine the

t range of cylinder weiights W for which the syystem is in equilibrium.
e T coefficieent of frictionn
ween the 1000-lb block and
d the incline is
i 0.20 and thhat between thhe cord and cylindrical
c suppport surface is 0.30. [8.666
lb, 94.3 lb]

16.. Calculate the horizontaal force P reequired to raaise the 100--kg load. Thhe coefficiennt of friction between thee
roppe and the fixxed bars is 0.40.
0 [3.30 kN
17.. A counterclockwise mo
oment M=15500 lb-in. is applied to thhe flywheel. If the coeffi
ficient of fricttion betweenn
thee band and thhe wheel is 0.20, compuute the minimum force P necessaryy to prevent the wheel frrom rotatingg.
[1442 lb]

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