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Chicken Eggshell Waste as an Additive Component

for Rice Husk-Based Particleboard

A Research presented to the

Senior High School Department
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)




Gov. D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Prosperidad, ADS

January 2023
Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

Globally, Deforestation is a pervasive problem which causes enormous damage to forest,

local communities and economic producer countries. It is dangerous to the environment

because it destabilizes the environments different cycles and temperature. The cause of

deforestation is because of high demand of wood by the modern living. The United Nations'

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Statistics-Forestry database shows that 399

million cubic meters of trees were cut down in 2015 to make wood-based panels, a 3% rise

from the years before. About half of the world's forests have been destroyed or converted for

non-forest use, and almost 80% of the remaining forests have been degraded by human

activity. These forests have lost many species and much of their ability to function as healthy

ecosystems. Despite this, old-growth and other ecologically important forests are still being
(Kinsella et al., 2007)
logged for the paper industry using unsustainable practices .

The construction industry is one of the industries that is growing at a rapid pace as a

consequence of increasing population and standard of living. The modern construction

industry has access to synthetic materials that possess exceptional strength and durability,

such as composites reinforced with carbon and glass fibers. However, these materials are

mainly utilized in expensive, high-tech sectors like aerospace and motor sports, as their

production costs are relatively high. Therefore, for affordable construction purposes,

lightweight yet robust wood and wood-based composite boards remain the preferred choice

due to their reasonable costs. Nevertheless, the diminishing supply of wood resources has led
researchers to explore and develop alternative materials suitable for construction applications

(Johnson & Yunus, 2009) The current era is witnessing an upsurge in environmental

concerns, which has triggered the exploration of sustainable materials produced from

renewable resources beyond wood. Agricultural waste, including but not limited to wheat

straw, fruit bunches, rice husk, rice straw, and maize husk, not only offer a renewable source

of materials, but also provide a non-food means of promoting economic development in

farming and rural areas. Rice husk is one such agricultural residue that has the potential to be

employed in the production of particleboards.

Rice husk particleboard is one such material which is being considered as a potential

substitute for wood and wood-based board products. A significant byproduct of rice farming

worldwide is rice husk. As a result of its lack of humification, it significantly damages the

environment. (Satbaev et al., 2021) Around 600 million tons of rice are produced annually

worldwide, of which 120 million tons—or 20%—are generated as rice husk, and this number

is rising every year. (Rice Husk/Straw Recycling, Environmental Treatment Methods, 2020)

Rice husk contains amounts of cellulose, lignin, dietary fiber, and mineral ash. The basic

components of rice husk are the same as wood but in different proportions; Gao et al. (2018)

stated that the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content of rice husks are respectively 35–

40%, 15–20%, and 25–25%. So using the cellulose portion of the rice husk is another

approach to benefit from it.

Another one of the most abundant agricultural wastes is chicken eggshells. Eggshell is a

type of agricultural waste that is often disregarded as useless and dumped because it causes

pollution when not properly dumped off in specified locations, thus causing health hazards

later. Every year, more than 250,000 tonnes of eggshells are dumped in landfills all around
the world with little to no pre-treatment. (Photiou & Vyrides, 2022) Although chicken

eggshells are biodegradable, it is still a waste not to use them for a more beneficial

alternative to throwing them away. Chicken eggshells typically contain 95% calcium

carbonate. The calcium carbonate crystallization is influenced by hundreds of different

proteins in the remaining 5%. (Labmate, 2018) Many research studies have been conducted

with the use of eggshells, owing to the presence of chicken eggshell calcium carbonate. The

addition of Calcium Carbonate particles can generally affect the tensile and density

properties in a way that improves the mechanical properties of composites.

The Philippines has an extensive problem with is agricultural waste, most especially with

rice hulls and eggshell waste. More than 2 million tons of rice husk are reportedly produced

in the Philippines each year. (Zafar, 2021). It’s clear to see that these agricultural waste, can

become more of a problem as time goes on. The Philippines, an agricultural nation, may

benefit from the available agricultural and agro-industrial crop waste. (Gao et al., 2018).

These agricultural waste have massive potential in them; The Philippines can utilize these

agricultural waste for innovation.

This study is designed to identify the calcium carbonate present in chicken eggshells

collected in Poblacion, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur as an additive to rice husk-based

particleboard for potential enhancement. It aims to provide information on the usage of

chicken eggshells as an additive to rice husk-based particleboard to find an alternative to be

used in the construction industry that is not costly and has increased tensile strength and

modulus of rupture.
1.2 Research Objectives

The general objective of the study will be to identify the feasibility of using chicken

eggshell waste as an additive component to rice husk-based particleboard to utilize

sustainable and eco-friendly raw materials for structural sheathing.

Specifically, this study intends to:

1. Identify the feasibility of the physical properties of Chicken eggshells waste as an

additive component to rice husk-based particleboard for making particleboard in

terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

2. Determine if there is a significant difference between the properties of rice husk-

based particleboard added with chicken eggshell waste in different concentration in

terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

3. Determine if the Rice husk-based particleboard added with chicken eggshell waste is

comparable to the commercial paper in terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

1.3 Research Problem

The study endeavors to determine if coconut husk and plastic waste fiberboard can be a

viable and sustainable alternative to traditional sheathing materials in construction.

Specifically, this aims to answer the following questions:

1. Does the physical properties of Chicken eggshells waste have the feasibility as an

additive component to rice husk-based particleboard for making particleboard in

terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

2. Is there is a significant difference between the properties of rice husk-based

particleboard added with chicken eggshell waste in different concentration in terms


a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

3. Is the Rice husk-based particleboard added with chicken eggshell waste is

comparable to the commercial paper in terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

1.4 Research Hypotheses

Based on the foregoing research problem, the following null hypotheses are formulated:

1. Chicken eggshells waste does not have the physical properties to be feasible as an

additive component to rice husk-based particleboard for making particleboard in terms

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

2. There is no significant difference between the properties of rice husk-based particleboard

added with chicken eggshell waste in different concentration in terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

3. There is no significant difference between Rice husk-based particleboard added with

chicken eggshell waste and commercial paper in terms of:

a. Tensile Strength

b. Modulus of Rupture

1.5 Conceptual Framework

Rice Husk-Based
Testing For:
Chicken Eggshell Eco-friendly
Waste A. Tensile Particleboard

B. Modulus of

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 shows the main idea of this study, which is to create a sustainable and

environmentally friendly particleboard by primarily using rice husk, and chicken eggshell waste

as an additive to rice husk-based particleboard as a replacement for conventional wood-based

fiberboard products in construction applications, such as structural sheathing. Utilizing these

resources can lessen the amount of waste produced in the environment and the need for wood.

The sample's proximity to the manufacturing location is important for its use in

producing particleboard. The study's input, method, and product are all covered by this

conceptual framework. The input for this study is chicken eggshells, which are used as an

additive for rice husk-based particle board. The tests measure the particleboard's physical and

mechanical characteristics in terms of tensile strength and modulus of rupture. These

characteristics will be used to assess the particleboard's performance and durability.

Environmentally friendly particleboard will be the end result. For a better understanding of the

study, refer to the figure.

1.6 Scope and Limitations

The study entitled “Chicken Eggshell Waste as an Additive Component for Rice Husk-

Based Particleboard” is focused on the utilization of chicken eggshell waste as an additive

component for eco-friendly particleboard production that would be proven using test of tensile

strength and modulus of rupture.

The Chicken Eggshell waste and Rice husks will be collected in Poblacion Prosperidad

Agusan del Sur. And, the study will be conducted at Agusan del Sur National Science High

School. Moreover, the testing of the samples will take place at Equi-Parco Construction
Company, Ambago, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, in order to test the tensile strength and

modulus of rupture of the alternative particleboard.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study will contribute to the body of knowledge, as it addresses the utilization of

home food waste as an alternative raw material for particleboard manufacturing. By reducing the

emission of pollutants and trash during manufacturing of particleboards, making environmentally

friendly particleboard would aid in reducing environmental impacts and pollution from

manufacturing businesses.

Moreover, this study is beneficial to the following:


This will be a replacement source of particleboards that will lessen the need to cut down

trees, which will assist reduce deforestation, especially in the Agusan del Sur region. It will also

benefit the community by recycling food waste products into board products instead of allowing

both food and waste to accumulate in landfills.

Agricultural Industry.

As it is rooted in addressing pollution, especially commercial forestry and pressure to

turn natural forests and environmentally vulnerable places into tree plantations, this will be

advantageous. Additionally, the utilization of the most typical agricultural waste in the

Philippines will help to lessen the country's agricultural industry’s serious agricultural waste


This may serve as a future reference for future studies regarding Chicken Eggshells, Rice

Husk and Particleboard Production. It might also help the construction industry make

particleboards that are more environmentally friendly.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Additive - A substance added to another in little amounts to increase

desirable properties, decrease undesirable properties, or

both. Chicken Eggshells will be the additive for Rice Husk-

based particleboard.

Calcium Carbonate - Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the

formula CaCO₃. It is a typical material that is present in

rocks and in eggshells. is frequently employed in the

making of particleboard. It can be added to the wood

particle mixture to improve the physical properties of the

final product, such as increasing its strength and stiffness.

Chicken Eggshell - A type of Eggshell that came from a chicken is the egg's

tough shell, which guards the within. The "eggshell

membrane," a thin membrane next to the hard outer shell

that is calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) and is made of protein

fibers with sulfur and carbon atoms, is what makes up an

eggshell. Mineral salts are abundant in egg shells,

especially calcium carbonate, which makes up around 94%

of the shell. This will specifically refer to the cleaned,

processed, and ground chicken eggshells that will be used

as a additive for the manufacture of fiberboard.

Modulus of Rupture (MOR) - The Modulus of Rupture (MOR), also known as bending

strength or fracture strength, characterizes the maximum

stress level at which a material can sustain bending before

experiencing failure or collapse. This mechanical property

serves as a standard measure for assessing the strength and

long-term endurance of diverse wood-based products,

including fiberboards. The MOR value of a composite

fiberboard reflects its capacity to resist bending forces and

endure external pressures without fracturing. A higher

MOR value corresponds to increased bending strength and

stiffness within the particleboard.

Particleboard - The composite wood product known as particleboard,

often referred to as chipboard or low-density fiberboard

(LDF), is created by joining wood chips, sawdust, and other

wood waste products with a synthetic glue or binder at high

pressure and temperature. The finished board is a flat,

smooth, dense panel with uniform strength and stiffness

characteristics across its thickness. Particleboard refers

specifically to the composite material that will be created

by combining rice husk and chicken eggshells as its raw

materials. It is frequently used as a less expensive option to

solid wood or plywood in the furniture, construction, and

packaging industries.

Pioneer Epoxy - Composite materials, such as particleboard, often require

an adhesive or binding agent for production, and epoxy is a

common choice for this purpose. In the specific case of

producing particleboard from rice husk fibers and chicken

eggshells, Pioneer epoxy is the particular brand or type of

epoxy adhesive used to bind these materials together.

Rice Husk - Rice husks, also known as rice hulls, are the hard

protective coverings that separate from rice grains during

the milling process. Rice hulls can be used as building

materials, fertilizer, insulation, fuel, and a cover for rice

throughout the growing season. Cellulose makes up 50% of

rice husks, along with lignin that makes up with 25-30%,

silica containing 12-20% of rice husks, and moisture with

10%–15% of the total. This will specifically refer to the

cleaned, processed, and ground rice husk fibers that will be

used as a raw material for the manufacture of fiberboard.

Sheathing - Sheathing is a layer applied to the exterior of buildings to

provide insulation and protection. It refers to a composite

particleboard made from rice husk and chicken eggshell

waste, which could serve as a substitute for traditional

wood-based sheathing materials. The physical and

mechanical properties of this particleboard will be

evaluated to assess its suitability for use in building

envelope systems.

Tensile Strength - The amount of stress that a material can withstand before

breaking when permitted to be stretched or pushed is a

crucial characteristic of materials that affects how well they

work physically. It is a material's capacity to withstand

tearing brought on by stress. When a composite

particleboard comprised of rice husk fibers and chicken

eggshell waste is put through a uniaxial tensile test, its

tensile strength relates particularly to the greatest weight it

can sustain before breaking or crumbling. By subjecting a

sample of the material to a tensile load until it reaches its

failure point and measuring the related elongation or strain,

it will be possible to calculate the particleboard's tensile

1.9 Review of Related Literature

There have been many industries that contribute to deforestation and degradation of our

environment, one of which is the construction industry. Wood is a very sought-after material for

the construction industry because they use it in furniture and construction materials. Timber is

used in both interior and exterior construction materials, including timber frames, flooring,

window frames, and more. However, the selective harvesting of valuable tree species that results

in the destruction of degraded forests that are more susceptible to deforestation and conversion to

other land uses has been linked to the use of timber as a construction material, particularly for

high-end products like furniture (Heimpel, 2021).

Every aspect of a construction project can have significant environmental impacts, from

the mining processes used for materials to the disposal of waste generated during the project.

However, deforestation is considered to be the primary harm caused by construction, as

engineers typically need to clear the site for construction, resulting in an imbalance in the

environment. The effects of urbanization and construction have led to the loss of most of

Kelantan's forests, while illegal logging in Sarawak is becoming increasingly rampant.

Additionally, the burning down of forests for palm oil plantations in Indonesia is also

contributing to deforestation. Recent estimates suggest that between 2015 and 2020, the rate of

deforestation was approximately 10 million hectares per year, with deforestation rates steadily
(Ira, 2021).
increasing in Southeast Asia and America from 2001 to 2015 The use of lumber for

construction and the energy needed to produce building materials also contribute to the

destruction of forests. Direct causes of global warming and air pollution include deforestation

and the use of fossil fuels. Additionally, the use of limited fossil fuel resources for the

construction industry, which is a major user of energy, has greatly increased carbon dioxide

emissions. (Ansah, 2015). It is important to consider the environmental impact of construction

activities and highlights the need for using sustainable wood sources and alternative materials

building design. The purpose of this review paper is to give a summary of recent research on the

characteristics and potential uses of rice husk and chicken eggshells in particleboard.

Rice Husk

Rice husk is a major byproduct of rice farming globally, and its inability to decompose

contributes greatly to environmental degradation (Satbaev et al., 2021). Rice husks are among

the most plentiful agricultural waste generated in the Philippines, with an annual production of

1.8 million metric tons. However, only 5% of this amount is put to productive use, mainly as fuel
for cooking or as a soil enhancer. The remaining husks are either burned or allowed to decay

(Vinluan & Felipe, 2002). Rice husk is a naturally durable material with water insolubility,

woodiness, and abrasive resistance properties due to its silica-cellulose structure. It has an

average chemical composition of 80% organic matter and 20% ash, including cellulose, lignin,

silica, and moisture (Bisht et al., 2020).

Rice husk have been used as a substitution for timber in recent years due to the similar

composition they have with each other, although in different concentration. A study conducted

by Adediran et al., (2019), that studies the properties of agro-based hybrid particleboards. Their

findings show that, it is evident that RH, which is a type of lignocellulosic material, has a strong

attraction to water. The results showed that sample D had the lowest density value of 830.14

kg/m3. This might be due to the fact that RH has a lower bulk density, as it is a homogeneous

phase mainly composed of RH. They also found that an increase in the volume percentage of RH

led to a 13.8% increase in the density value of the hybrid composite.

A study conducted by Ciannamea et al., (2017), shows the potentiality of rice

husk-based particle boards for external applications, using phenol-formaldehyde resin as a

binder. Results show that the potential of utilizing rice husk as a raw material for particleboard

production. Phenol-formaldehyde resin was used as a binder, and varying processing pressures

and adhesive contents were employed to manufacture particleboards with different densities and

grades. The results showed that particleboards with 11% binder content met the minimum

requirements of MOR and MOE recommended for commercial use, while those with higher

binder content (14%) were suitable for industrial use. Moreover, the use of rice husk in

particleboard formulations provides an added advantage of valorizing a natural residue, which

can be applied in the construction industry for ceiling boards or partition walls by controlling

processing conditions to reduce production costs. Overall, this study highlights the potential of

utilizing rice husk in the production of particleboards, which can contribute to sustainable

development and the efficient utilization of natural resources.

A study conducted by Bhansali et al.,(n.d), used rice husk with soybean adhesive to

create a more eco-friendly particleboard, Since rice husk contains silica, cellulose and lignin.

They first had to be grinded in order for it to be light enough to mix purely with adhesives. The

adhesive was prepared by mixing 25g of corn starch with 170 ml of distilled water, followed by

the addition of 15 ml of vinegar to the colloidal suspension. The mixture was then heated while

constantly stirring to avoid the formation of lumps, and 50 ml of dark soy sauce and 20 ml of soy

milk were added to the mixture to enhance the binding properties of the adhesive. It was then

mixed with the grinded-up rice husk and mixed before being added to a wooden mold and

compressed by a wooden compressor, then left to dry for 24 hours. It was then tested for water

absorption; it had absorbed 2.83%. Showing that the rice husk-based particle board is water


Rice husk-based particleboard has the potentiality to be water resistant, In the

construction industry, rice husk is utilized due to its unique properties, such as its high

availability, low bulk density ranging from 90–150 kg/m3, toughness, abrasiveness, and

resistance to weathering. Rice husk is composed mainly of silica, cellulose, and lignin.

Amorphous and crystalline (quartz) forms of silica are found in high concentrations in rice

husks. The presence of amorphous silica in rice husk causes a pozzolanic effect, which leads to

the material exhibiting cementitious properties that enhance the rate of strength development.
The degree of strength development depends on the chemical composition of alumina and silica

present in the material. In this study, the percentage of binders and hardeners used varied, while

the mass of milled rice husks was kept constant. The ingredients used for particleboard

production were rice husk, starch, and Top Bond wood glue in a ratio of 0.75 kg: 0.15 kg: 0.10

kg. The ingredients were manually mixed using a wooden stirrer and poured into a 300 mm ×

300 mm × 15 mm wooden mold. The mixture was pressed using a heavier medium to form two

uniform compacts, ensuring a smooth surface without voids or air holes. The particleboard was

then carefully removed from the mold and left to sun-dry for six days. The results were that the

percentage absorption of particleboard increases with temperature and immersion time, resulting

in rough surfaces and cracks. Rice husk waste, combined with starch and wood glue, has

potential as a replacement for wood-based composite materials in interior applications. This use

of renewable resources can reduce strain on forests and petroleum resources (Temitope, 2015).


Every year, over 250,000 tons of eggshells are discarded in landfills globally with

minimal to no processing (Photiou & Vyrides, 2022). Chicken eggshells are produced from eggs

broken for consumption or incubated eggs hatching. Chicken eggs contain yolk, white, and a

protective shell and are common food source rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Eggshells

consist mainly of calcium carbonate (85-95%) with traces of magnesium and other elements,

weighing an average of 5-6 grams. They also contain valuable minerals such as calcium, boron,

copper, iron, manganese, silicon, and zinc. The calcium found in eggshells is highly absorbable,

estimated to be around 90%, and superior to other sources like limestone or coral. However,

improper handling and disposal of eggshells can pose environmental hazards, causing them to
end up in landfills. Additionally, the remaining 5% of eggshells is made up of hundreds of

different proteins that affect the crystallization of calcium carbonate (Awogbemi et al., 2020;

King’ori, 2011; Labmate, 2018).

In light of the increasing demand for construction materials and the need for sustainable

waste management. A study by Jannat et al., (2022); explores the utilization of agricultural waste

materials in the production of unfired clay blocks. The waste materials investigated in this study

include eggshell powder (ESP), sawdust powder (SDP), and coconut husk powder (CHP).

Various percentages of these waste materials were added to the clay mixture, and their physico-

mechanical and durability properties were assessed using tests such as density, linear shrinkage,

capillary water absorption, flexural strength, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, drip

test, and water spray test. The study was conducted in two phases, with the first phase involving

the individual integration of the waste materials and the second phase combining ESP (10–30%)

with the optimum SDP (2.5%) and CHP (2.5%). The results showed that the 40% ESP samples

had the best performance when the additives were used individually, while the 2.5% content for

SDP and CHP showed better performance. However, the overall characteristics of the samples

deteriorated when the three waste materials were combined. Nonetheless, all the samples met the

strength requirements of the standards and passed the durability tests. The findings of this study

can contribute to the assessment of the potential of ESP, SDP, and CHP in the production of

unfired clay blocks and provide a practical solution to the waste management problem.

Chicken eggshells, an agricultural by-product, have been shown through research to be a

substantial environmental concern, particularly in nations where the egg industry is well-

established. Eggshells have been tried in many other ways, but their chemical makeup and
quantity make them a good filler for polymer composites. Eggshell has the potential to replace

low-load-bearing composite applications in a variety of situations, including the automotive

industry, residential structures, commercial offices, and factories, due to its cheap and

lightweight qualities. Eggshell has thus been used in polymer composites as a reinforcing

material. A study done by Shuaib-Babata et al., (2022), using environmental wastes which were

polystyrene foam, sawdust and eggshell, for the development of composite materials for ceiling

boards. The results they discover were that The composites were effective building materials and

heat insulators. The lowest water absorption and best tensile strength were found in sample H (60

percent polystyrene, 10 percent eggshell, and 30 percent sawdust), while sample G (50 percent

polystyrene, 25 percent sawdust, and 25 percent eggshell) was suggested for use in ceiling board

applications. The composites' heat conductivity was lower than that of asbestos board, but it

could be raised by varying the mixture's sawdust and eggshell content ratios. According to the

study, waste materials in Nigeria might be used to make inexpensive, ecologically acceptable

ceiling boards and other non-structural materials.

Chicken Eggshells and Rice Husk Combined

With Chicken Eggshells and Rice Husk having their own different strengths in terms of

their properties individually. Other studies have utilized both to determine their capabilities as a

combination in different fields of innovation. A study in 2022 compared the use of RHA-

eggshell lime with RHA-commercial lime as alternative binders for soil stabilization. The study

found that the RHA-ESL binder showed better reactivity for neutralizing acidic contaminants in

soil, had satisfactory environmental performance, and was more efficient than commercial lime

in terms of mechanical strength and reactivity. The mixture of soil-RHA-ESL could be applied to

impermeable barriers in landfills. (Reis et al., 2022)

Eggshells and Rice Husk have been utilized together in construction innovation. Concrete

production has a significant carbon footprint, with approximately 10% of global CO2 gas emitted

during cement production. To mitigate the environmental impact of cement production,

researchers have explored the potential of utilizing waste materials as partial replacements for

cement. Many studies have reviewd the utilization of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and Eggshells as

partial cement replacements to develop green concrete. When finely ground and used together,

RHA and eggshells trigger a pozzolanic reaction resulting in the formation of calcium silicates

that improve the strength of concrete. Previous researches aimed to determine the optimal

percentage of eggshell ash and RHA as partial cement replacements through various mechanical

tests. Previous studies showed that eggshells reduced the strength of concrete when partially

replaced, but the introduction of RHA as an admixture helped improve its strength. The

utilization of waste materials as cement replacement can not only reduce CO2 emissions but also

address environmental issues related to waste disposal. (Jhatial et al., 2019; Shahadahtul et al., n.d.)

A study conducted by Idusuyi et al., (2018) investigated the corrosion behavior and

mechanical properties of Al6063 reinforced with eggshell ash and rice husk ash. Composites

were produced using the stir casting technique and characterized using various techniques. The

results showed that reinforcing with 7.5 wt% Rice Husk Ash and 2.5 wt% Eggshell Ash provided

the highest resistance to corrosion, while the composite containing 10 wt% RHA had the

maximum ultimate tensile stress value of 161 MPa. The use of eggshell ash and rice husk ash in

the production of low-cost aluminum composites was found to improve their corrosion resistance

and tensile properties. The utilization of both Eggshells and Rice Husk together shows promise

of increase tensile properties and environmental friendly impact on various fields of innovation.
Chapter 2


2.1 Materials

A. Materials

Chicken Eggshell Waste

Pioneer epoxy

Rice Husk


Caustic Soda

B. Equipment



Board Molder


Personal Protective Equipment

2.2 Research Design

Tensile Strength Modulus of Rupture

100% Rice Husks X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

50% Rice Husks

and 50% Chicken X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

70% Rice Husks

and 30% Chicken X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

Commercialized X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Particleboard (+)

Legend: X = replicates for tensile strength.

Y = replicates for modulus of rupture.

Table 1. The Research Design

The experimental design for the study is displayed in the table above. For treatments 1, 2,

and 3, the concentration was changed to a mixing ratio at a constant proportion of rice husk and

chicken eggshell waste: 100% rice husk, 50% rice husk and chicken eggshell waste, and 75%

rice husk and 25% chicken eggshell waste. A control group was created to ensure more precise

data collection, and each treatment would undergo three replications per sample. Y replicates

every sample of modulus of rupture, while X replicates every sample of tensile strength.

2.3 Procedure

2.3.1 Collection of Samples

The Rice Husk and Chicken Eggshell waste will be obtained at Poblacion,

Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur. The samples will be properly cleaned with tap water to get

rid of extra dirt before being air-dried. The rice husks will be soaked in water mixed with

caustic soda for 72 hours to separate fibers from each other. The extracted fibers will be

soaked in vinegar to neutralize excessive caustic soda. The removal of the wax and

grease from the fiber's wall by the use of this medium will tend to roughen the fiber's

surface in preparation for a strong bond with pioneer epoxy. To eliminate any remaining

acidic residue, the treated coconut husk will be carefully rinsed under running water. It

will then be dried at room temperature for a week to reduce moisture content. The
chicken eggshells will be grinded using a mortar and pestle to the point where the small

particles are in a powder-like form.

2.3.2 Preparation of Treatments

For treatments 1, 2, and 3, the concentration was changed to a mixing ratio at a

constant proportion of rice husk and chicken eggshell waste: 100% rice husk, 50% rice

husk and chicken eggshell waste, and 75% rice husk and 25% chicken eggshell waste. It

will then be thoroughly mixed until homogeneity is established before being put into a

mold for fabricating boards. The mixture will be cured for 72 hours after being placed in

the metal sheet molder with the dimensions 250mm x 250mm x 15mm. After it cures, a

sander will be used to smooth up the fiberboard's surface.

2.3.3 Application / Testing

The finish particleboards will be collected and will be subjected for testing at

Equi-Parco Construction Company, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte. The alternative

particleboard will be tested using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) to measure its

tensile strength and modulus of rupture.

2.3.4 Disposal

After the experiment, the extra waste will be appropriately disposed of in

biodegradable trash cans. The reusable materials, on the other hand, will be carefully

cleaned and washed to prevent contamination.

2.3.5 Statistical Analysis

The results of the tensile strength and modulus of rupture will undergo a thorough

analysis using SPSS 16. The data will be examined using Post Hoc Analysis and

Univariate ANOVA.
Chapter 3


The data and results in this chapter show the precise statistical analysis of the acquired data. The

statistical results for the rice husk-based particleboard containing chicken eggshells changed with

different concentrations: 100% RH, 50% RH and 50% CES, 70% RH and 30% CES, and

commercial particleboard. This also covers the interpretation of the parameters of tensile strength

and modulus of rupture for the aforementioned study. This chapter also discusses notable

deviations from the standard value. The data has been analyzed using SPSS. Then, statistical

information and in-depth analysis were developed.

3.1 Results for the Average Rice husk-based particleboard with different concentration.

Tensile Strength Modulus of Rupture

100% Rice Husks 5.94 7.14

50% Rice Husks

and 50% Chicken 9.98 10.09

70% Rice Husks

and 30% Chicken 9.94 9.91

36.49 31.98
Particleboard (+)
Table 3.1 shows the average data of the Giant Taro Corm Starch and Corn Starch with

different concentrations. For each concentration there are 3 replicates for both the GTCS and

CS . 5 test samples were used in three distinct experimental tests, as seen in the table above. The

findings show the table shows that the 75% Giant Taro Corm Starch produce the greatest tensile

strength with 554.90 Mpa and elongation with 1.9% while the 100% Corn Starch shows the best

results for biodegradability with 24.1433g left from 30g.

3.2 Tensile Strength of Rice Husk-based particleboard with different concentration of

Chicken Eggshells.

Table 3.2.1

Univariate Analysis of Variance of the Rice Husk-based particleboard containing

Chicken Eggshells with different concentrations: Tensile Strength

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: tensile_strength

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 2967.890a 3 989.297 3243.383 .000

Intercept 4860.338 1 4860.338 15934.491 .000

treatment 2967.890 3 989.297 3243.383 .000

Error 4.880 16 .305

Total 7833.108 20

Corrected Total 2972.770 19

a. R Squared = .998 (Adjusted R Squared = .998)

Table 3.2.1 displays the results of a Univariate ANOVA conducted on rice husk-based

particleboard infused with chicken eggshells at varying concentrations, specifically focusing on

the tensile strength. The table reveals that there is a notable distinction among different

compositions, including 100% Rice Husks, 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells, 70%

Rice Husks and 30% Chicken Eggshells, as well as commercial particleboard. This distinction is

supported by the fact that the p-value is lower than the predetermined significance level of 0.5.

The findings were further clarified through the utilization of Scheffe Post Hoc Analysis.

Table 3.2.2

Scheffe Post Hoc Analysis on the Rice Husk-based particleboard containing Chicken

Eggshells with different concentrations: Tensile Strength

Tensile Strength



treatment N 1 2 3

negative 5 5.9400

70% RH 30% CES 5 9.9400

50% RH 50% CES 5 9.9800

commercialized 5 36.4960

Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .305.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

b. Alpha = .05.

Table 3.2.2 presents the outcomes of the Scheffe Post Hoc Analysis conducted on rice

husk-based particleboard integrated with chicken eggshells at various concentrations, focusing

specifically on tensile strength. The data encompasses the following experimental samples:

100% Rice Husks, 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells, 70% Rice Husks and 30%

Chicken Eggshells, as well as commercial particleboard. Upon examination, the statistical results

indicated that among these four compositions, the tensile strength of the commercialized

particleboard stood out significantly. Consequently, the null hypothesis, which states that there is

no notable difference in the tensile strength properties of rice husk-based particleboard

supplemented with chicken eggshell waste at different concentrations, is accepted. Whereas,

comparing the negative particleboard with the concentrated particleboard. It shows there is a

difference between the negative control and the two different concentration of particleboard in

terms of tensile strength, with both 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells, 70% Rice

Husks and 30% Chicken Eggshells having a higher result than the negative controlled

particleboard. Between the two concentration of rice husk-based particleboard added with

chicken eggshell waste, comparing both concentration shows that they do not have any

significant difference of tensile strength.

3.3 Modulus of Rupture of Rice Husk-based particleboard with different concentration of

Chicken Eggshells.

Table 3.3.1

Univariate Analysis of Variance of the Rice Husk-based particleboard containing

Chicken Eggshells with different concentrations: Modulus of Rupture

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: modulus_of_rupture

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 1999.995a 3 666.665 8554.941 .000

Intercept 4370.150 1 4370.150 56079.696 .000

treatment 1999.995 3 666.665 8554.941 .000

Error 1.247 16 .078

Total 6371.393 20

Corrected Total 2001.242 19

a. R Squared = .999 (Adjusted R Squared = .999)

Table 3.3.1 shows a univariate ANOVA on rice husk-based particleboard, which included

different amounts of chicken eggshells, to examine its modulus of rupture. The analysis showed

that there is a significant distinction between commercial particleboard and particleboard made

with 100% rice husks, as well as those made with a combination of 50% rice husks and 50%

chicken eggshells, and 70% rice husks and 30% chicken eggshells, based on a p-value less than
the significance level of 0.5. To further demonstrate these findings, Scheffe Post Hoc Analysis

was utilized.

Table 3.3.2

Scheffe Post Hoc Analysis on the Rice Husk-based particleboard containing Chicken

Eggshells with different concentrations: Modulus of Rupture

Modulus of Rupture



treatment N 1 2 3

negative 5 7.1440

70% RH 30% CES 5 9.9100

50% RH 50% CES 5 10.0900

commercialized 5 31.9840

Sig. 1.000 .792 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .078.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

b. Alpha = .05.
Table 3.3.2 shows a Scheffe Post Hoc Analysis on Rice Husk-based particleboard that included

Chicken Eggshells at different concentrations, with a focus on the modulus of rupture. The data

consisted of four experimental samples: 100% rice husks, 50% rice husks and 50% chicken

eggshells, 70% rice husks and 30% chicken eggshells, as well as commercial particleboard. The

statistical analysis revealed that among the four samples, the rupture modulus of commercialized

particleboard was the highest. As a result, the null hypothesis was accepted, indicating that there

is indeed a noticeable difference in the modulus of rupture properties between rice husk-based

particleboard combined with varying concentrations of waste chicken eggshell. Whereas,

comparing the negative particleboard with the concentrated particleboard. It shows there is a

difference between the negative control and the two concentrated particleboard in terms of

modulus of rupture, with both 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells, 70% Rice Husks

and 30% Chicken Eggshells having a higher result than the negative controlled particleboard.

Between the two concentration of rice husk-based particleboard added with chicken eggshell

waste, comparing both concentration of modulus rupture shows that they do not have any

significant difference.

Chapter 4


4.1 Summary of Findings

This research study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Chicken Eggshells collected in

Poblacion, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur as an additive in Rice Husk-based particleboard. The

Chicken Eggshells were collected and directly applied to the particleboard after undergoing a

specific process. The results revealed a significant distinction between the three experimental

samples and the commercial particleboard. This conclusion was drawn from the obtained p-value

of 0.00, which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Both the ANOVA and Post Hoc

Analysis confirmed that the three different experimental samples of rice husk-based

particleboard, each containing chicken eggshells with varying concentrations, exhibited

significant differences compared to the commercial particleboard.


The following findings are obtained based on the thorough analysis and interpretation of


1. Chicken Eggshells waste is proven to be an effective additive in Rice Husk-based


2. Both the 50% Rice Husk, 50% Chicken Eggshells and 70% rice husks, 30% Chicken

Eggshells yield higher results compared to the negative controlled particleboard

100% Rice Husk

3. Among the two experimental samples of Chicken Eggshells waste, both the 50% Rice

Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells and 70% rice husks and 30% chicken eggshells

showed no significant difference between Tensile Strength and Modulus of Rupture.

4. Both the two experimental samples: 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells and

70% Rice Husks and 30% Chicken Eggshells, are proven to be not successful and

comparable in terms of Tensile Strength and Modulus of Rupture when compared to

the commercial particleboard and 100% Rice Husk.

4.2 Conclusions

Based on the thorough investigations of the data obtained, the following conclusions

were formulated:

1. Chicken Eggshells waste has the potential as an additive material in Rice Husk-based


2. The average tensile strength of 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells

particleboard is 9.98 Mpa, respectively.

3. The average tensile strength of 70% Rice Husks and 30% Chicken Eggshells

particleboard is 9.94 Mpa, respectively.

4. The average modulus of rupture of 50% Rice Husks and 50% Chicken Eggshells

particleboard is 10.09 Mpa, respectively.

5. The average modulus of rupture of 70% Rice Husks and 30% Chicken Eggshells

particleboard is 9.91 Mpa, respectively.

6. There is significant difference between the two different samples of rice husk-based

particleboard containing chicken eggshells with different concentrations and

commercial particleboard in terms of its shear strength and modulus of rupture.

7. There is significant difference between the two different samples of rice husk-based

particleboard containing chicken eggshells with different concentrations and 100%

Rice Husk particles in terms of its shear strength and modulus of rupture.

4.3 Recommendations

This study evaluated the efficacy of agricultural waste as an additive to particleboards.

After all the procedures and data analysis taken, the following recommendations are proposed:

1. Use a different type of adhesive to

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