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@ Grammar Complete Stella's email with the correct form of the verbs in the box. (pccibcumes eres mee go play read listen do sleep write) Ter Marie Subject al Hi Marie, What "are you doing at the moment? 2 you a magazine or you in bed? 14 to some music and I 2 an email to you!! I usually : badminton at the leisure centre on Saturday mornings, and then 1 to the shopping centre with my brother, but the leisure centre is closed this weekend. ® Stella © Grammar and writing Look at Stella's list of plans and arrangements. Use going to or the present continuous to write sentences. SATURDAY 9:30am have agultarlesson ~send an emall to Marie ~ 90 wiring at the lelcure centre 12.30pm- meet Sara forlunch ~ listen to my new Kely Clarkson album 5.00pm - take the dog to the vet 1 She's having a guitar lesson at half past nine. 2 Stella's going to send an email to Marie, 3 ule 1 Fast finishers © Grammar Complete the sentences with the past continuous or the past simple form of the verbs. 1 walk a | waswalking... along the road when | saw my friend, Gemma b I walked to the shops and then | came home again, 2 opena she the window and looked into the garden, b She the window when she fell off the chair. 3° drive a We to our cousin’s house yesterday. b We to town when we heard the news on the radio. 4 have a She the phone rang, beshe sees she went out a shower when breakfast and then Owriting Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the past simple or the past continuous. 11 Iwas eating my breakfast when when the accident happened, 3 She was talking to her friend when 4 Julie was playing her guitar when 5 when they heard a loud noise. 6 wien it started to rain, 7 8 Module 1 Extra practice @ Vocabulary © Grammar and writing Find seven adjectives in the word grid. Use the prompts to write questions and answers with going to. 1 what/ do / tomorrow What are you going to do tomorrow. ? play / tennis I'm going to play tennis 2 what / watch on TV /tonight watch /a film 3. who/visit / tomorrow visit / my uncle @ Grammar It's Jodie’s birthday today. Look at the table and complete the sentences with the presen simple or present continuous. | @ Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 to/ taking / a / tomorrow / train / Paris / I'm I'm taking a train to Paris tomorrow. 2 meeting / she's / her / one o'dock / at / friend Eso /coming on theyre to Saturday getup __|7.00 9,00 Iparty/the breakfast | eat cereal ee croissants : ; eas anda 4 at/we'te / tomorrow / getting up / six o'clock wear adress Fshirt after school | watch TV {go to the cinema = gotobed [10.00 11.00 @Grammar and writing Use the prompts to write sentences using 1 Jodie usually gets. up at 7.00, but today the past simple and the past continuous. she’s getting. up at 9.00. 1. [read a book /the phone ring 2. She usually cereal for breakfast, ipearread ne absentia phsaeiae le r but today she chocolate cTSSAMS. — > son fal gut of bed 3 She usually jeans and a T-shirt, but today she adress. 4 She usually TV after school, but 3. I play the guitar / the dog bark today she to the cinema. - 5 She usually to bed at 10.00, but 4 | talk to my friend / you arrive today she to bed at 11.00. ule 2 Fast finishers @ Grammar Complete the text with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets. Hi, I'm Peter. When I was a litle kid," used to be (be) scared of spiders! We? (live) ina big old house in the country and BP (ee) lots of spiders in my bedroom. My sister (not be) scared of spiders ~ she liked them! She (read) books about spiders and she (atch) TV programmes about them. What about you? {you / be) scared of spiders? Are you scared of spiders now © Grammar and reading © Grammar Match the sentences with the pictures. Put Put the words into the correct order to make the sentences into the correct order tomake questions and sentences. three di . ree islogtes 1 the/ car / you /yet / cleaned / have Have you cleaned the car yet ? that / already / we / seen / have / film OB 3° my/put/|/away/ yet / clothes / haven't 4 up/those / have / yet / put / posters / you oo00 5 already / have / vacuumed / the / they / carpet 6 the /yet / cake / decorated /1/ haven't go OC Qwriting Ft Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Oo 1 When | was a little kid, | used to ‘Ghino! I've just broken ry glasses! 2 When | was a little kid, | didn’t use to My aunt has just won the lottery! What was it? I've just finished this book 3. Mybest friend has just é €10,000! - How did you do that? 4 My mum has already ee ve just heard some fantastic news. S Was it good? = = ag Wow! How much money did she win? 5 haven't és I dropped them on the floor. s yet Yes, | really liked it. ‘wy Module 2 Extra practice @ Vocabulary @Reading Match to make phrases. Look at Activity 3 and answer the quest 1. believe a alot Who is: 2 walk b afussy eater peer sear co ee 3 be © your thumb ain: 4. be scared din ghosts ; a 5 suck eof the dark rae 6 wy £ inyour sleep cece 5 relieved? @ Grammar and writing 6... pleased? Read the sentences. Then write the opposite. Grammar and writing 1. Judy used to live in Paris when she was a child Use the prompts to write sentences Judy didn’t use to live in Paris when she was with the present perfect and already a child. or not... yet. 2. Mike and Sally didn’t use to like strawberries. 1. Sue / already / blow up the balloons Mike and Sally used to like strawberries, Sue has already blown up.the balloons. 3. used to ride a bike to school. ee eee Felix hasn't made the cake yet. 3 my sister/ already / put away her toys 4 My brother used to be in the school football team. FS we / already / vacuum the carpet 5 my mum /not yet / clean the kitchen 5 We didn’t use to have a computer at home. 6 Henry/ not yet / ight the candles © Grammar and reading Complete the sentences with just and the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Then match the sentences with the pictures. 1 Lucia has just had. (have) a big meal. [2] 2 Frank (lose) his mobile phone. a 3 dim (buy) a new jacket.) 4 Tom (hear) some fantastic news. oO 5 be (find) her homework in her bag. o 6 Josie (run) to school. @ Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write the words. mouse @ Grammar Complete the second conditional sentences with the verb pairs from the box. eat/get —have/drive not speak / ask fivetvisit lose / buy IF lived... in St Petersburg, | would visit the Hermitage every day. 2 ice cream every day, \ very fat 3. if my best friend tome, ! himsher why. 4a if __my mobile phone, | anew one. Ce ree __to school. dule 3 Fast finishers © Grammar and writing Joe is thinking about his future. Look at his list and write sentences using going to and may/might. Definitely WY Maybe @ 1 goto university study Science 2 travel around the world do an English course: in Aaetralia 3 learn to play the quitar join a band } 4 get married have children } 5S buy a house live abroad 1 Joe is going to go to university, He might study Science, . 2 ah iz se 4 5 Owriting Write five predictions about your own future. Use going to for definite plans and might/may for possible plans. 1 Module 3 Extra practice @Vocabulary OGrammar Find six computing words in the wordsnake. Match to make second conditional sentences, \ 1 If |won the lottery, B Plaretonrmany® 2 II did more exercise, Oo 1 mouse. 3. If! found a purse at school, Ti a 4 if Lwere eighteen years old, o 3 5 If! lost my MP3 player, o - a |would give it to a teacher. 6 b I would buy a big house ¢ I would look for it everywhere. @ Grammar d_ | would be healthier. ‘Complete the sentences with the correct | would learn how to drive. form of the verbs in brackets. 3 @Grammar 1 If finish. finish) my homework tonight, Put the words into the correct order to make ll go to Jack's house tomorrow. predictions, If we hurry, we (catch) the train, eon Goel you wore 1 be/flying / there / may / cars understand the lesson. Thera.enay. te. fing cars. 4 Ifyou laugh at her, she (be) 2 the/people/ to/ might / very upset. Moon / travel 5 fSarah (not get up) now, she willbe late for school 3. advanced / become / may / more / technology 6 if (buy) this DvD, : Knothave) enough money: 4 more / hurricanes / there / be / may for anew pair of trainers. O Vocabulary 5 might /online/ learn / children / classrooms / in Unscramble the words. Then match the words with the pictures. Owriting Write predictions about your future. Use the words in the box and may / might. evdio rmacea 3PM yraple esmag lesnoco libmeo nehop talf nerces VT live be (job) travelto_meet have _marry wawna 1 _Lmight travel to New Zealand. ow oN dule 4 Fast finishers @ Vocabulary and grammar Change the adjectives in the box into adverbs and complete the sentences. Fe areata eae (guitty shy excited polite quick slow 1° The little girl hid shyly behind her mother. 2 The dog ate my sandwich and then looked at me 3 You can drive very ‘on the motorway. 4 | asked my grandmother for another biscuit. 5 Sue has injured her leg so she walks very 6 On Christmas morning, we all open our presents @ Grammar @ Reading and writing Use the information to write sentences in the past passive. + Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492. Complete the text with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. Great achievements + Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapelin 1512, + Christopher Wren designed St Pauls Cathedral in 1677, + Mozart.composed The Magic Fite in 1791. + Charles Dickens wrote Grsat Expectations in 1860. + Alexander Fleming discovered penicilinin 1928. eee Photographs * are taken (take) of celebrities. The celebrities 1 The Americas were discovered by Christopher a (follow) everywhere by Colurmbus in 1492, photographers who take photos of them 2 Then the photos? (ell) to ‘magazines for a lot of money. Stories 3 cf (write) about the celebrities by the journalists who work 4 for the magazines. A lot of the time, the stories * Ganvent)! But the magazines * (buy) by > aoe people all over the world and those people : often belicve the stories, ae i Module 4 Extra practice @ Vocabulary @Grammar Find three food words and three adverbs in Complete the description with the words in the box. was built was used wasteken was visited were watched } eked Ee cake THe Colosseum © Grammar Tick (V) the correct sentences. 1a Robert looked suspiciously at his little brother. b Robert looked at suspiciously his little brother. QO 2 a We ran quickly out of the house oO b_ We ran out of the quickly house. oO eee aes 3. a The guilily thief looked at the Peres eae ceca policewoman go was taken in Ronee, Te Colasceum b The thief looked guilty at the 2 nthe frst century policewoman. oO ante? forfal 4 a They watched the happily film. oO between men called gladiators and b They watched the film happily. o Fit ean a aS oe 5a. Fiona walked slowly up the hil ieee. emgeous aniwals ihe one anal _ Fiona walked up slowiy the hil O | wefignts* by around 6 a [listened to excitedly the news. Cl | 0,000 people. Last yom, the Colncseiem listened excitedly to the news oO 5 Nene vaillion. people! © Grammar ee Choose the correct words. © Grammar ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (noone anyone everywhere 1 Did anyone... call while | was out Yes, called, but they didn't leave a message. 1 President Obama(is)/ are driven to his meetings 2 Can you see from where you are bya chauffeur. standing? 2 Spanish is / are spoken in Mexico. 3° | waited outside the cinema for twenty minutes, 3 Windows is / are made from glass and metal MY 4 Eggs is / are used to make cakes. bat ees 5. Food is / are-sold in supermarsts aa 4% You can find cafés in Paris. 1 clean the window 5 t..... the desk 2 m___ thebed 6p... away my clothes ac the drawers Te the bin 4 m____ the shelves. 8 t__... the plates and mugs to the kitchen © Grammar and writing @ Reading and grammar Look at the two pictures. Use the words to Complete the text. Use one word for say what Tim had and hadn't done by 10. am each gap. @ Vocabulary Complete the phrases. ule 5 Fast finishers When | was five years ol “could. swim 5O metres, In fact, Iwas the best swimmer in my class. | loved sports and | could tennis very well, but | 2 ride a bikel Hearnt to ride a bike when | was seven. At my school. we* Uniform: a blue and white dress in the eummer ‘to wear school and grey trousers and a white shirt in the winter. We had# wear white socks and finish his homework black shoes. But we ® have to do By.ten o'clock, Tim had finished his... homework. homework. SRS SS Se IN saad take the plates and mugs to the kitchen a F 2 Owriting By ten o'clock, Tim hadn't taken the plates and mugs to the kitchen, eat the sandwiches 1 IwishI could _ Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 2 Iwish I knew how to. drink the water 2 3 Iwish | didn’t have to close the window 4 twish | was _ 5 Iwish | lived switch off the light aie 6 I wish | wasn’t ———— Module 5 Extra practice @ Vocabulary Choose the correct words. 1 (Close)/ put the drawers 2 dean take the plates and mugs to the kitchen 3 put away / off the clothes 4 do/ make the bed 5 dlean/ take the windows 6 mend / mend up the shelves 7 empty / do the bin 8 make / tidy the desk @ Grammar Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Bynine o'clock this morning, |had eaten (eat) breakfast, but | hadn't written (not write) alletter to my cousin 2. By four o'clock yesterday afternoon, James (watch) a film on TV and he (phone) his friend Michael. 3 Bylunchtime today, my mum and dad (clean) the car, but they (not empty) the bins. 4 By midnight last night, we (do) the washing-up and we iy) the kitchen. 5 By half past eleven this morning, | (take) some flowers to my grandmother and ! (play) tennis with my sister. © Grammar ‘Complete the text with had to or didn’t have to and the verbs in brackets. ‘When my father was a child, there were lots of rules inhis house. He "had to get up (W getup) every ‘moming at six o'clock but he ® didn't have to help (® help) his mother prepare breakfast. After breakfast, he? (W take) the plates into the kitchen and he * ( make) his bed. He ®_ (K do) alot of homework. He © walk to school because his family didn’t have a car. At school he” (W stand up) when the teacher came into the room, but he * (X wear) a school uniform. iil vie © Grammar and writing Look at the pictures of Sam. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box and could or couldn't. ao {count _not skate ‘When he was one, Sam couldn't walk, ‘When he was two, When he was five, © Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 could/1/1/speak / Chinese / wish wish | could speak Chinese. 2 wish /the/1/ to /1/ how / play / knew / flute 3. tidy /have /1/ my /to/ didn’t / room / wish /1 4 Ifwish /at / good /1 / football / was 5 the/I/beach /1/ near / wish / lived 6 small/1/'s0/ wish / wasn't/1 @ Vocabulary Complete the sentences with told or said. 1. She told_..... me that her dog had died. 2 He that he was looking for his mobile phone. 3 Mike his friend that he didn’t want to go to the party. 4 Mysister that she had phoned me earlier. He Gemma that he had lost her bike. Helen _. that she was going to travel ‘around the world, © Grammar and writing dule 6 Fast finishers @OGrammar Read the reported speech in Activity 1. Then write the direct speech. My-dog has died You are staying with Aunt Olga. Read her instructions and then write the reported instructions. 1 She told me to take off my shoes when | came into the house. 2 She told me.not to play loud music. @ Grammar and writing Now Aunt Olga is staying with you. Write four more direct instructions for her. Then write the reported instructions. Instructions 1 Don't shout at my cat. 2 3 4 5 1 _Ltold her not to shout at my cat. 2 odule 6 Extra practice Vocabulary © Grammar Unscramble the words to complete the Read the direct speech. Then choose the sentences. correct words for the reported speech. 1 The (CP). PC. saw a strange man outside our 1 _‘Lwant to watch a film tonight. She said that she wants /(wanted)to watch a house. — Re ; x film tonight. 2. ‘Ididn’t take your bag!’ said the woman. ‘I'm 2. ‘My brother didn’t go to school” (nnieocnt) She said that his / her brother hadn't gone to 3. The man spent the night in the (Ise I<) school at the police station 3 Sey listening to our favourite band on the jo. a bee es ay Um YS a They said that they were / had listening to their our neighbour's house last week. favourite band on the radio. 5. The police didn't (rsaeth 4. ‘ve never eaten Polish food inepandeneuenehone: He said that he had / have never eaten Polish food. 6 want to (lespoaogi) eis aokuinipley eae! because I was very noisy this morning, ‘They said that they were / would going to play ‘ tennis @ Reading and grammar 6 ‘I'mvery happy’ Read the reported speech, Then complete She said that she is / was very happy. the dialogue. @ Grammar You share a room with your litle sister. Look at her instructions. Then write the reported instructions. \ asked Kate where her brother was. She said that he was in the garden, \ asked her what he was doing, She said that he was reading a magazine. | asked her if she had enjoyed the party last night She said that she had enjoyed it | asked her what she was going to do this afternoon. She said that she was going to play tennis with a friend. | asked her if | could join her. She said that | couldn't. Me Where ts your brother? a | ise ae ut away your elothes. ee 3 Tidy your desk. Me — What? ? 4 Don't read my diary! Kate He's reading a magazine. 5 Dont sit on my bed! ae 6 Check my homework (please! Me &, the party (| last night? 1 She told me not to eat her sweets. Kate Yes, | really enjoyed it. 2. She told me my clothes. Me What * this 3 She told me my desk. afternoon? 4 She told me her diary. Kate i poe to play tennis with a friend at 5 She told me. on her bed. Ste 6 She asked me her Ne. too? homework. Kate No, you can't @® @Grammar Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. don't to want playing like hope hate swimming Hester Hi Nick. What do you "want... todo this afternoon? Nick Well, really ike? sold : to go to the beach. Hester Sorry, Nick, but I4 sitting on the beach and I can’t swim. What about watching a film? Nick 1 rind watching a film, but Iwant ® be outside. Do you like ? tennis? Hester Yes, | do.|* to join the tennis club at school next year. Nick Great! Let's get our tennis rackets. @ Reading and grammar Look at the dialogue in Activity 1 again Complete the sentences. 1 Nick likes. swimming. 2 Nick would like to the beach, 3) He wants outside, 4 Hester hates on the beach, 5. She likes tennis. 6 She hopes the tennis club at school next year. dule 7 Fast finishers O Writing and grammar Change the two sentences into one sentence with which or who. 1 My brother has a car. Its very fast. My brother has a car which is very fast. 2. Thisis the table. My sister made it This is the table which my sister. made, 3> I met a girl. She is a singer in a band. 4 These are the apples. | grew them in my garden. 5 Thisis the dress. | wore it at Kyle's party. 6 Thisis the man. He works in the bookshop. @Reading and writing Read the information and complete the questions. Lucy gave a Coldplay CD to Gavin. Gavin didn’t want it, so he gave it to Martha. {Martha cidn’t have a CD player, so she gave it toJim Jim didn’t ike Coldplay, so he gave it to Anne. Seemed 1 Who gave the CD to Gavin? Lucy. 2 Who did Lucy give the CD to, ? She gave it to Gavin. 3 sim? Martha 4 on He gave it to Anne. 5 Martha? Gavin 6 . 2 She gave it to Jim, 7 Who —nnnens ANE? Jim. ee <— Module 7 Extra practice @Grammar Choose the correct words. Laura’s profile Wall Info Photos + All about me! love “(playing)/ play tennis, but | hate? watching / watch it on TV! I'd ike ? studying / to study drama at university, but | wouldn't like “being / to be an actor. | hope $ travel / to travel to Australia next year, but | don't want * fly /to fly there. Like * tidying / tidy my room and | don’t mind * putting / put away my clothes, but | hate * vacuuming vacuum the carpet. @ Vocabulary Read the definitions. Then match to make words. 1. a musical instrument from Australia didgeri It 2a skirt which is worn by men in Scotland ki oe 3. bag for food which you take home froma restaurant doggy doo 4a famous star in Incian films Bollywood eater 5 a special tea pot from Russia samo star 6 a guard at the Tower of London Beef bag 7. anarrow part of the sea between rocks in Norway fio ver OGrammar @Reading Complete the sentences with who or which. Match the answers with the 1. Iknow a boy who was born in Brazil Siete Ney: 2. These are the flowers my cousin sent. a Nelson Mandela 3. That's the teacher lost my homework. Question 5 4 Thisis the picture _was painted by Rembrandt. b thirty-two 5 Thats the hat | bought in London 6 She's the git laughed at me yesterday. © Roger Federer OGrammar d. Ido! Match to make questions. 1 When did you a uncle live? two hours ago 2 Where does your b chocolate? 3 How many people © South Africa in 19947 cheUe 4 Who likes d Wimbledon in 2009 eae 5 Who became President of finish your homework? 6 Whowon are in your class? Strange signals Module 1 A special laptop Te was breakfast time at the Masons’ house. Mr Mason was making a cup of coffee. Mrs ‘Mason was getting the orange juice out of the fridge. Tina was putting some cereal into four bowls. They were waiting for Joel. ‘Hurry up, Joel!’ shouted Mrs Mason. ‘Ina minute, Mum!’ said Joel. Joel was in his bedroom. He was fourteen years old and he was crazy about science. At twenty past eight, he came into the kitchen, washed his hands and sat down. “Mmm, cereal!’ he said. fm hungry?” “What were you doing?’ asked Tina. ‘Iwas, er ... working’ said Joel. “You spend an hour working every morning before breakfast!’ said Mrs Mason. ‘Are you trying out a new invention?” Joel looked at his family. ‘Yes, 'm making a special laptop computer. ‘And what does this laptop do? asked Mr Mason. ‘Te sends signals into space!’ said Joel. ‘I'm going to find life on other planets! ‘I see,’ said Mrs Mason. ‘But are you going to find your shoes and your jacket? Because you're late for school, again!” Joel jumped up from the table, found his shoes and his jacket and ran out of the house. “Bye Mum, bye Dad, bye Tina!’ he shouted. Mrs Mason looked at Mr Mason, Mr Mason looked at Tina and they all smiled. Then they waited. Joel ran back into the house. ‘Tforgor ... ‘... your bag!’ said Mrs Mason, ‘Again!’ said Tina. Joel laughed, picked up his bag and ran out of the house. Module 2 It works! Ie was nine o'clock in the evening. Joel was in his bedroom. Mrs Mason knocked on the door. ‘Joel,’ she said. ‘Have you done your homework” “Yes, I've already done it’ said Joel. I did my homework when I came home from school.” ‘Have you put away your clothes?” "No; said Joel, ‘Tm sorry. I haven't put away my clothes yet. But I'm very busy. My invention is almost finished. ‘Ah yes, said Mrs Mason, ‘your amazing laptop. When you were a little boy, Joel, you used to be scared of aliens! You used to look under your bed for them before you went to sleep? Joel laughed. ‘Well, I'm not scared now, Mum. I'm excited. You think my invention is silly, But it works! ‘Mrs Mason looked at Joe!’s laptop. Then she looked at her watch. ‘OK, Joel she said. “You can tidy your room tomorrow. Good luck with the invention!” Joel switched on the light in Tina’s room. ‘Tina!’ he said. ‘Wake up! T've just finished my laptop!” ‘Joel it's half past twelve!” said Tina. ‘Go away!” “Tina, said Joel ‘Ie works! The laptop is sending signals out into space. And ...” ‘And?’ asked Tina. ‘And I've just got some signals back,’ said Joel. “What signals? What do they mean?” asked Tina. ‘Tdon’t know. I don't understand them. Can you help me?” Tina closed her eyes. ‘'ll look at them tomorrow morning, Joel’ ‘The next morning, Tina went into Joel’ room. ‘OK. What do you want to show me?” she asked. ‘Tina was 18 years old and she was studying Computer Science at univers Joel looked at the message on Joe!’s laptop screen. “Hmm; said Tina. “Yes, these signals are interesting. Where do they come from? Let's show them to Mum and Dad. Maybe they will understand them. “No! said Joel. ‘If Mum and Dad found out about these signals, they'd phone the police! And if the police came here, they'd take away my laptop. “Well; said Tina, ‘Pll ery to find out some more information about these signals. But if don’t find any more information about them today, we'll talk to Mum and Dad tomorrow? “OK; said Joel. Tina worked on the laptop for a long time. Joel waited. After 45 minutes, she stopped. ‘Pm sorry, Joel. I don’t understand it. And I'm very tired and very hungry. “IF make some sandwiches for you, will you try again®” asked Joel. Please?” ‘OK? Joel went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches. He took them back to his room and put them on the table, Then he looked at Tina. Her face was white. “Tina? What's wrong?” She and Module 4 Manor Farm Tina looked at Joel. ‘I don’t understand these signals. But I know that they weren't sent from another planet. They were sent from this planet!" “Who sent the signals?” Joel asked quietly. ‘T don’t know? answered Tina. ‘But we're going to find out. First, I need a map!” She ran excitedly into the kitchen and got a map of their local area. Then she drew a large circle around one part. ‘This is Manor Farm. I know the signals were sent from here. Let's go there. Pethaps we'll ind some clues.” Jocl packed his laptop, the map, some chocolate and a bottle of water into a bag, Then he put the bag into Tina’s cat. Tina and Joel got into Tina's car and she started to drive to Manor Farm. Joel switched on the radio. It was the local news report. Several farm buildings and cars at Manor Farm were damaged last night in a strange storm,’ said the reporter. ‘No one was injured, but the farmhouse was flooded and the roads to the farm were closed for several hours after the storm. The roads are open again now but weather experts can't explain the reason for the storm.” They attived at the farm ten minutes later. The farmhouse had broken windows and dark lines on the walls and on the roof. Joel and Tina got out of the car. The farmer was standing outside the farmhouse. He looked at Joel and Tina suspiciously. “This farm is closed at the moment, said the farmer. "You can’t come in here. Joel started to reply, but Tina spoke quickly. ‘No problem, she said. She pushed Joe! back into the car and turned the car around. “What are you doing?’ asked Joel. “Don’t worry!’ said Tina. ‘I have a plan’ Module 5 They're looking at something! Tina drove the car away from the farmhouse. “So?” asked Joel. ‘Why did we have to leave the farmhouse?” “We couldn't stay there, said Tina. “The farmer was watching us. But I'm going to find another way into the farm. She drove 100 metres along the road. Then she turned left quickly and stopped the car. “There was a hedge and a gate between the field and the road. “The signal was sent from this field, said Tina. ‘Come on!” Joel took the bag out of the car and they went through the gate into the field. “There's nothing here; said Joel. ‘A big field, five cows, a path, some hedges and a gate ... thar’s all.” ‘The cows in the field lifted their heads and looked at chem. ‘Then they turned away and ate some grass. ‘Lwish I knew what co look for’ said Joel. ‘Lwish you didn't talk so much, said Tina. ‘You're so noisy! Look for something strange. Listen for unustial sounds? Tina and Joel walked slowly and quietly through the field. By twelve o'clock, they had walked around the field twice, but they hadn't found anything, “Lwish I could talk to the cows, said Joel. “They were here last night. They probably know what happened. Maybe the cows sent the signals to my laprop!” Tina laughed, but then she stopped. “That's strange, she said. “What's strange?’ asked Joel. “There were five cows in the field. Now there are only two. replied Tina. “They couldn't ‘open the gate and they couldn't jump over the hedge. So where are the other three cows?” Joel looked around the field again. “They’te over there, he said, pointing to the hedge. “They're all hiding under the hedge’ “No, said Tina. “They're not hiding, They're looking at something?’ Module 6 Where is Joel? Joel and Tina ran over to the hedge. The three cows were standing together and looking at the ground, Joel sat on the grass and looked at the ground by the hedge. “There's a big hole here, under the hedge,’ he said to ‘Tina. ‘And there are dark marks around the hole. They're like the dark marks on the farmhouse walls. Suddenly they heard a loud noise. ‘Ies my car alarm,’ said Tina. ‘I have to go back to the car and switch ic off. We don't ‘want people to know that we're here. Tina ran back to the car and switched off the car alarm, Then suddenly, her mobile phone rang, Ie was Joel ‘This is amazing” said Joel excitedly. “There's something at the bottom of this hole. I don't know what it is. 'm going to look.’ “No, Joel’ said Tina. ‘Don’t try to get ie! Wait for me!” ‘TI be fine, said Joel. ‘'m going to ‘Then his voice stopped Joel? Joel? Where are you?” shouted Tina. She ran back to the hedge. Joel had disappeared, Then suddenly she heard someone behind her. Tina turned around quickly. It was the farmer from Manor Farm. “Please can you help me?’ she said. ‘My brother's disappeared. He was here by this hedge and he was talking to me on his mobile phone. He said that there was something at the bottom of this hole. He said that he didn’t know what it was. He said he was going to try to get it. I told him to wait for me. And then ...” ‘And then ... ? asked the farmer. ‘And then his voice stopped suddenly. And he disappeared. ‘The farmer looked into the hole. ‘There isn't anybody in here’ he said. ‘I think perhaps your brother is teasing you. Is he hiding?” Tina looked around her. The cows had moved. Now they were standing by the gate. She ran to the gate, The farmer followed her. ‘Look!’ he said. “Who's that bay in your ear? Is that your brother?” Module 7 The phone Tina went through the gate. Joel was sitting in the car. He was holding his bag and his face was white, ‘Isaid chat your brother was teasing you, laughed the farmer. ‘Now you should go home? Tina got into the car, smiled at che farmer and drove away. ‘Joel, I don’t mind helping you, but I hate being scared like that!” she said angrily. “Tina, something very strange happened in that field, said Joel. “What happened?’ asked Tina. ‘You know the strange object which I saw in the hole? I think it was the object which sent the signals to my computer. I tried to get it. Then suddenly everything was datk. I couldn’s see anything. I think I fell asleep for a few seconds. When I opened my eyes, Iwas in the car’ ‘Joel, you love playing tricks on people. Is this a trick?” ‘No, Tina. This is the truth,’ said Joel. I think the object came from another planet. It fell into the field during the storm that happened last night? “Oh Joel!’ said Tina. ‘Aliens again? I don't think so!” Joel didn’t say anything fora few minutes. When they got home, he took his bag and got out of the car ‘'m going to go to my room,’ he said. ‘I want to think about things? ‘OK,’ said Tina, She went into the kitchen and sat down. Suddenly, Joel ran into the kitchen. ‘Come quickly, Tina!” Tina followed Joel into his bedroom. Joel’s bag was on his desk. Ie was open. Inside the bag was some chocolate, half a botele of water, a map and “Where's your laptop, Joel? asked Tina, ‘Ie was in your bag ... who took ie? ‘Its disappeared,’ said Joel. But I found this in my bag.’ He pointed to a strange small metal object in the bag, ‘Is that the object which was in the hole? asked Tina. Joel nodded. He picked up the object. “Tina, i's a phone from another planet!” He pressed a button on the phone and they heard a strange voice. ‘Hello, Joel. We received the signal that you sent. Now we have your machine and we have given you our machine. Are you ready t0 make contact with people twho live on our planet?” ‘Tina and Joel stared at each other in amazement. What will they do ... ? Module 1 1 Answer the questions. 1 Are these sentences true (1) or false (F)?___ | a Howoldis Joel? b What time did Joel come into the kitchen? Joe! has finished his homework TIF Joe! has put away his clothes. TIE Joel hasn't gone to bed. TIF aance ee ee ae Joel is scared of aliens. TIF What does Joel's computer do? Tina is going to help Joel tomorrow BS scan -t i morning, TIF d= What did Joel forget? | 2 Complete the sentences with words from the box. a Joel was working on a new (vitioennn) | a Mrs Mason knocked .on..._ Joel's bedroom 2 ea aces ea | invention. door. b Joel ate some (rclaee) fe b Joel used to look _. his bed for aliens for his breakfast. |) every night. ¢ Joelisrzyac) 2 about | © Mrs Mason looked her watch. science. | d_ Joel's laptop was sending signals out d__Joel wants to find life on other (It's an pe) | space, | | E ee | pean you remember? Who said these things? Write J (Joel), T (Tina) or M (Mum). ||| Who was doing these things? Write T | (Tina), J Joel), M (Mum) or D (Dad) a Wake up! A | Who \ b I'mexcited, | | a was making a special computer? | icyaccanayl | | b was putting food into bowls? | Good luck with your invention! i ¢ was making a cup of coffee? ii S ||| d__ was getting the orange juice? || ™ —_—— Module 3 Module 4 || 4 Choose the words to complete the 1 Answer the questions. | Sener ‘a What did Tina get from the kitchen? a Joel and Tina were in She got a map of their local area, 4._Tina's room, |b What food did Joe! put into his bag? | | | — 3 the kitchen. j b Tina wanted to | © How did Joel and Tina get to the farm? 1 study computer science at university. ce eee 2. show the computer signals to Mum a | and Dad Where was the farmer standing? | 3 phone the police. || é | ¢ Tina stopped working on the laptop | | because {| | 1) loie Waseca | 2. What happened in the storm? Use verbs 2. she wanted to talk to Mum and Dad. | from the box to: miakeipasira eae | 3° she was tired and hungry. | Seritencey; 1 break close damage feed injure 2. Answer the questions. {| @ What would Mum and Dad do if they found || |) @ The farmhouse was floaded. out about the signals? | b The windows | They'd phone the police. Ca Noone | b What would the police do if they came to | Several farm buildings and cars | ‘the house? | | i | e The roads ¢ What will Tina and Joel do if Tina can't find | any more information about the signals? | sf ae ae | | p Can you remember? d= What will Tina do if Joel makes some i H i sandwich ere ||| Who said these things? Write J (Joel), | H | TCTina) or F (the fermen. | | | a Ihave a plant I. | i | | You can't come in here. 1] vy SoeF | © Who sent the signals? | ( iui ——}} | \] Can you remember? | No problem, } Who said these things? Write J (Joel) or T (Tina). | | I don't understand it T |} What's wrong? | These signals are interesting, | Let’s show them to Mum and Dad. 1. Match the sentence halves. 2. Find six countryside words from the story in the word grid. a_ Tina found 1 through the gate into | the field || Thesignalwas sent 2 know what happened. ae || © Tina and Joel went 3. another way into the | farm. Pe || d The cows probably 4 from the field, eee ceed | whats e || 3. Number these events from the story in the eon tah s | correct order. || They walked around the field twice g, Can you remember? |b Joel and Tina drove away from the | eee 1 Who said these things? Write J (Joel) or ‘¢ The cows looked at Joel and Tina and T (Tina). ‘then ate some grass. [wish you didn’t talk so much! T. ‘There's nothing here! They saw three cows under the Come on! ano | | d They went into the field hedge. What's strange? Module 6 1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 3 Match to make words from the story. a The coms were inside the hole under the hedge. T/®) SO b Tina ran back to the car because she was scared. T/F ese fore b some 2 phone Joel wes talking to Tina on the phone when his ae 5b voice stopped T/F — d_ mobile 4 alarm dd The farmer thought that Tina was teasing Joel. T/F —e_ excited 5. appear The cows moved from the hedge to the gate. T/F i a ee cee ee ke 2 Read the reported speech. Then write the direct gy Can you remembe! speech. Who said these things? Write J a He said that he thought my brother was teasing me. : a (oel), T (Tina) or F (the farmer). “I.think your brother isteasing you | | b She said she had to go back to the car. | a | ‘ ! |b Who's that boy in your car? | © 'mgoing to look! 1 d e © She told me not to try to get it. | Wait for me! Please can you help me? | d_ He asked if that was my brother. \ Hl be fine, T = } Module 7 Ss ~ 1 Answer the questions. 3. Read the opinions. Which opinion do you agree with? Why? ‘a What did Joel see in the hole? 3 2 He saw.a strange metal object... | think it was a phone from another planet. | b Where did Joel go when they got home? think it came to Earth in the storm, wists inside Joet’s bag? a b I think it’s just a trick. | think Joel made the | phone and is playing a trick on his sister. | ene : | 5 7 | a pee te peti strange object I think it's a phone from another country. eee ees F Maybe it's some kind of spy phone. & a ene Nee eee 5 Whatdo you think happens next? Talk to a ~ friend, Then tell the class. i which Joel invented I ‘that happened last night I thatloe!-took-te- Menor Ferm Na | which was sending signals to Joe's computer & Can you remember? | | a Thebag that Joel took to Manor, Farm... Who said these things? Write J (Joel) or | had Joel's computer inside it. T (Tina). || b The object ate - a Idon't mind helping you. rT. | vias in Joel's bag. b | couldn't see anything. | ¢ Thestorm as — ~ | ¢ I don't think so! damaged the farmhouse. | Come quickly! eteconpuer |e It's disappeared, | disappeared = — | initia os Adjectives to describe feelings angry excited full (of food) guilty pleased proud relieved shy tired upset worried Adverbs angrily badly excitedly greedily guilty happily hungrily loudly politely proudly quickly quietly sadly shyly slowly strangely suspiciously well Bullying bully laugh (at someone) shout (at someone) steal (something) tease (someone) trip (someone) up Crimes apologise arrest burglary cells (prison) innocent PC police station ®) d List Different things from around the World Beefeater Bollywood actor curry didgeridoo doggy bag ford kilt samovar Emergencies ambulance: arrest crash damage (v) driver flood (v) hospital injure passenger policewoman question (v) tow away tow truck Environment eco-friendly global warming hurricane ‘grow food natural disaster Food cake chocolate bar cocoa bean cocoa pod crumb liquid mushroom sandwich slice (of cake) strawbery truffle Habits be a fussy eater believe in ghosts be scared of the dark cry alot play hide and seek ‘walk in your sleep Home bed bin carpet desk drawers (n) mug (n) plate shelf window Household chores dean clear the table close do your homework empty (v) make (the bed) mend put away take tidy () vacuum Nature and the outdoors fence field gate hedge mud orchard path plantation platypus. puffin Other adjective i Sai Eo rare Towns and communities brilliant ae cinema ae alloon leisure centre blow up library great candle ees local nae — mainland bay ite neighbour ie make (sandwiches) eee ser present swimming pool see Fa vleae tin y wrap Technology Other nouns Professions click (on) Sear computer program = architect aan Siaiment a flat-screen TV banana leaf en. oe barbecue games console eer ae manual dig (archaelogical) mobile phone future Report i we goggles porting verbs MP3 player history ask rocket hit explain template anton reply video camera journey ony language tell Transportation lift feny Fata Sports and talents ship parcel badminton truck (lorry) sack bbe good at structure invent know karate Other verbs sing be born suet eee swimming complete talent go Rice (ean) Stories and legends land (v) armour leave army load celebrate lose churchyard play design (v) pour sift protect inn put king roast knight spend (the day) order (v) ‘try out pull (v) used to secret wear slave stone sword tournament war (n) wooden Present simple become begin blow break bring build buy choose cut do drink drive eat fall feed find forget ular verbs Past simple wasiwere became began blew broke brought built bought chose cut did drank drove ate fell fed found flew forgot got went hung out had hit hurt kept Past participle brought built bought chosen cut done drunk driven eaten fallen fed found flown forgotten got gone hung out had hit hurt kept Present simple say see send shoot sit sleep speak spend swim take think throw understand wake up wear Past simple learnt left lost made met put on read rode ran said saw sent shot sat slept spoke spent swam took ‘thought ‘threw: understood woke up wore won wrote Past participle learnt left lost made met put on read ridden run said seen sent shot sat slept spoken spent swum taken thought ‘thrown understood woken up. worn ‘won written La Cel hy ote) SE Roe Roe RT EET Cae Eteach eC en eee Pecan Tema cule ue mat con a eased identity of the young teenager through motivating Brae The Activity Book provides practice and consolidation o BSc fe (lal aca =Torel [tela TAe Oe Reg toate eGR aie ete Sere Nd eta teeasi CCR aU Eada See oom nce nt pita Raitt ek anes Peace MM ren iC OM rset Erato Tad taor) Cera ROC RUC ROE a z Pe vat(e-Bevael ial ty | * provides learning diaries for students to assess their own progress } * includes a word list arranged into lexical sets - Bae ec ett CR Omtea Ret ees | i =| Cert | * Student's Book with CD-ROM | | Cece | * Teacher's Book interleaved with Student's Book pages 1 Cee ense ers Nanas ae res ee eee Reg * Class CDs P Ciera ete eC _sewnmacmillanengiish com

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