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Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888

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A review of the application of anodization for the fabrication of nanotubes

on metal implant surfaces
Sepideh Minagar a, Christopher C. Berndt a, James Wang a, Elena Ivanova b, Cuie Wen a,⇑
IRIS, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122, Australia
Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Metal implants are the best choice for the long-term replacement of hard tissue, such as hip and knee
Received 11 January 2012 joints, because of their excellent mechanical properties. Titanium and its alloys, due to their self-orga-
Received in revised form 31 March 2012 nized oxide layer, which protects the surface from corrosion and prevents ion release, are widely
Accepted 2 April 2012
accepted as biocompatible metal implants. Surface modification is essential for the promotion of the
Available online 25 April 2012
osseointegration of these biomaterials. Nanotubes fabricated on the surface of metal implants by anod-
ization are receiving ever-increasing attention for surface modification. This paper provides an overview
of the employment of anodization for nanotubes fabricated on the surface of titanium, titanium alloys
and titanium alloying metals such as niobium, tantalum and zirconium metal implants. This work
Tantalum explains anodic oxidation and the manner by which nanotubes form on the surface of the metals. It then
Zirconium assesses this topical research to indicate how changes in anodizing conditions influence nanotube char-
Anodized nanotubes acteristics such as tube diameters and nanotube-layer thickness.
Crown Copyright Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction elastic material due to these pores, which are filled with fluid and
cells: osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes and bone-lining cells that
1.1. Bone: structure, composition and properties are regenerative. Bone, moreover, has values of compression
strength several times higher than, for example, concrete, but its
Like other parts of the body, bone becomes damaged or weak- low density is in the range of aluminium.
ened by age, accidents or disease. This damage, which includes
bone fractures, low back pain, osteoporosis, scoliosis and other
1.2. Bone implant materials
musculoskeletal problems, usually occurs in elderly people, though
not exclusively. Biomaterials such as implants are used to repair
Different materials are used for implants, including polymers,
injured bones, cartilage or ligaments and tendons [1].
ceramics, metals, composites and natural products. Metal implants
Weiner and Wagner [2] described basic bone composition as
can bear loads for several decades and are consequently used as
consisting of mostly fibrous protein collagen, carbonated apatite
endoprostheses. However, they need to be inserted into the human
(Ca5(PO4, CO3)3(OH)) and water. The crystal size and the propor-
architecture and become fixed and stable in the surrounding natu-
tions of these components change over time. As a result, younger
ral tissue. Furthermore, these implants need to be bioinert within
bones replace older bones. Uddin et al. [3] emphasized that bones
the highly corrosive and demanding environment of the human
are tissues that are alive and growing. Bone-forming cells, such as
body. Polymers, in comparison to metals, give rise to inflammation
osteoblasts, are responsible for generating the synthesis and depo-
because of monomers that are intrinsic to their structure or that
sition of the calcium phosphate crystals that are required to confer
become available through infection, thereby increasing the likeli-
hardness and strength in biomineralization. A schematic illustra-
hood of degradation. However, polymers demonstrate excellent
tion of the hierarchical structure of cortical bone is shown in
primary fixation [1].
Fig. 1. It can be seen that cortical bone contains many different
Ceramics and bioglass exhibit lower fracture toughness and
structures, which exist on several levels of scale starting from
higher elastic modulus than bone, and also demonstrate property
sub-nanostructures. Mour et al. [4] described bone as a solid mate-
variations with respect to their formulation [5]. Their mechanical
rial that is highly porous on the micrometre scale. Bone is a visco-
and biological properties depend on many factors during synthesis,
such as maximum temperature, duration of the thermal steps, pur-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 3 9214 5651; fax: +61 3 9214 5050. ity of the powder, and size and distribution of the grains and poros-
E-mail address: (C. Wen). ity, many of which cannot be accurately controlled [1].

1742-7061/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. All rights reserved.
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2876 S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888

Fig. 1. Hierarchical structure of cortical bone (adapted from Ref. [102]).

Most of the metal implants used are stainless steels, cobalt ium is classified as belonging to a group of materials that forms a
chromium alloy, and titanium and its alloys. SUS 316L stainless capsule, or scar tissue, and vanadium prevents cell division, and
steel, with a Young’s modulus of approximately 160 GPa, is the both can display mutagenicity and cytotoxicity, and cause allergic
only stainless steel that is biocompatible; however, its wear resis- reactions. Research is active in developing biocompatible Ti–Nb–
tance is poor in comparison with other metal implants. When a Ta–Zr alloys. Recently developed b-type titanium alloys have a
stainless steel alloy contains nickel it may possibly be allergenic lower elastic modulus (Young’s modulus approximately 50 GPa)
[6], since the release of such metal ions can cause an adverse reac- than commercially pure titanium and Ti–6Al–4V (Young’s modulus
tion due to corrosion and the soluble corrosion products. Similar to approximately 105 and 110 GPa, respectively), which are a and
stainless steel, cobalt alloys generally contain nickel and chro- a + b types. The stability of a b phase in titanium alloys depends
mium; consequently, the fabrication of both nickel-free stainless on the alloying element ratio and the b-transus temperature of
steels and nickel-free cobalt chromium alloys is under investiga- the alloy. It has been established that niobium and tantalum act
tion since their corrosion resistance and mechanical properties as b-stabilizers and the b phase exhibits a lower elastic modulus
are superior, with the exception of the elastic modulus, which is in titanium alloys. In binary titanium alloys, it has been shown
in the same range as stainless steel [6]. that, when the b-stabilizer elements increase, the stability of the
When a metal implant material is able to form a stable and b phase and the elastic modulus increase [6,12–14].
compact oxide layer that can rebuild itself, it can be described as
bioinert, since this surface can prevent the transmission of undesir- 1.3. Surface treatment for implant materials
able ions [7]. Other properties of a metal, which endow its mechan-
ical biocompatibility, are Young’s modulus, tensile strength, The surface of an implant needs modification to optimize the
ductility, fatigue life, fretting fatigue life and wear resistance [8]. properties of the implant and to maximize its bioactivity when
As a result of the contact between the inserted implant and bone, interfacing with natural tissue. The biological characteristics of im-
cyclic loading wear loss and fretting fatigue may occur, which can plants can be enhanced by adding material with desired properties,
cause the implant to become loose. Some oxide layers on metals changing the composition or removing unwanted material from
increase the wear resistance. A metal implant that has a lower the implant surface. These methods are known as surface treat-
Young’s modulus can transfer stress homogeneously between itself ments or modifications, and can be classified into four categories:
and bone. However, as the modulus approaches that of bone, the mechanical, physical, chemical and biochemical surface modifica-
strength of the implant will be lower than that of bone, and the tions. Machining, grinding, polishing and blasting are mechanical
possibility of failure under large shear deformation will increase. surface modifications. Physical surface treatments include thermal
In vivo data show a smooth fracture callus for metals with a spraying, physical vapour deposition, ion implantation and deposi-
lower Young’s modulus than that of bone. Fatigue testing implants tion, and glow discharge plasma treatment. Chemical surface mod-
in vivo is difficult as it is difficult to replicate in vivo conditions ex- ifications include chemical treatment (acid, hydrogen peroxide,
actly [8]. A standardized in vitro fatigue test is therefore used. This alkaline), anodic oxidation, the sol–gel process and chemical va-
includes tension/compression, bending, torsion and rotating bend- pour deposition. A number of techniques have been specifically
ing fatigue testing of the metal implant, which is then compared introduced for titanium and titanium alloys, such as silanized tita-
with Ti6Al4V as a standard material [9]. Titanium and titanium al- nia, photochemistry, self-assembled monolayers, protein resis-
loys are more biocompatible than other implant metals for the tance and protein immobilization [7,15].
above-mentioned reasons, and these metals have demonstrated A thin 2–5 nm surface layer of titania (TiO2) forms when tita-
an ability to integrate with bone. The microstructures, mechanical nium is exposed to air and protects the surface from corrosion
properties and biological characteristics of commonly used metal- [16]. The layer that is in contact with the substrate consists of
lic implant materials are summarized in Table 1. TiO; the intermediate layer is composed of Ti2O3 and the outer
Researchers have paid more attention to titanium and its alloys layer is TiO2. The titania outer layer is bioinert and cannot bond
for load-bearing and long-term implants because of their good fa- to bone cells easily, subsequently it is encapsulated by fibrous tis-
tigue strength, relatively low elastic modulus, low density, excel- sue that isolates it from the bone cells. Such implants, therefore,
lent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility, the last property tend to become loose and are not recommended for use over
being reflected in the low release of ions [10,11]. Pure titanium lengthy periods [7]. On the other hand, ceramics, glass and several
and Ti–6Al–4V ELI (Extra Low level of Interstitial content) are the other implant materials can bind to bone, which can form directly
prime metals used for biomedical applications. However, alumin- through the layer of apatite that forms on their surfaces [17]. Thus,
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Table 1
Phases, mechanical properties and biological characteristics of metallic implant materials.

Alloy Phases Nominal composition (wt.%) Ultimate Elastic Yield Refs.

designation Log polarization resistance – Distinct form strength modulus E strength
(MPa) (GPa) (MPa)
Al/Cr V/Ni Mn/Ta Zr/Nb Others
Stainless steel Austenite Cr = 16–18 Ni = 10– Mn = 2 – Mo = 2–3 465–950 200 170–750 [9,11]
316L 14
Co–25Cr–6Mo Austenite Cr = 27–30/ – – – Mo = 5–7 600–1795 200–230 275–1585 [9,11]
(fcc)+hcp Al = 0.1
Titanium grade Unalloyed – – – – – 345 102.7 275 [11,103]
2 (ASTM)
Ti–6Al–4V a/b Al = 6 4 – – Fe = 0.3 960–970 110 850–900 [9,11]
4–5/ 5–6/ – – 4–5/
Sequestration Toxicity sequestration
Ti–6Al–7Nb a/b Al = 6 – – Nb = 7 – 900–1050 114 880–950 [11,103]
4-5/ – – 6–7/Inertness
Ti–Zr Cast /b – – – Zr = 50 – 900 – – [9,11]
– – – 7–8/Inertness –
Ti-30Ta a 00
– – Ta = 29.6 – – 587 69 – [11,104]
– – 6–8 – –
Ti–30Nb x – – – Nb = 30 – >600 More than 530 [11,105]
– – – 6–7/Inertness – 120
Ti–29Nb– Metastable b – – Ta = 13 Zr = 4.6Nb = 29 – 911 80 864 [11,103]
13Ta–4.6Zr – – 6–8 7–8 and 6–8 –
Inertness inertness
Bone Viscoelastic 90–140 10–40 – [7,11]

surface treatments are needed for titanium alloys to achieve better using the metals that demonstrate a spontaneous protective oxide
and more rapid bonding to bone, i.e. osteoinduction. The optimum layer as the anode of an electrochemical cell. An ordered oxide
surface treatment would create a stable passive layer on the sur- layer can be tailored when the type of electrolyte, applied current
face of titanium implants with essential properties such as rough- density, electrolyte concentration, electrolyte temperature, agita-
ness, wettability and electrostatic charges. tion speed and cathode-to-anode surface area ratios are controlled
Titanium is the same as other transition metals that are able to [19]. It was initially demonstrated that a nanoporous oxide layer
form an oxide layer on their surfaces, and can be the subject of could be formed on aluminium [20] in such conditions; thus, seed-
electrochemical surface modification. The method is an oxida- ing the fabrication of the same layer on titanium [21], niobium
tion–reduction reaction which occurs through the cathode and an- [22], tantalum [23] and zirconium [24] has been undertaken. These
ode of an electrochemical set. By applying a potential that is are known as the ‘‘valve metals’’ that are able to form dense, stable,
proportional to the electrolyte used, the desired oxide layer will tightly adhering, electrically insulating oxides on their surface.
be formed on the surface; indeed, the ability and tendency of the A nanotube titanium oxide layer with a controlled and uniform
metal to tailor a self-protective oxide layer is used. In the compe- diameter can be obtained by anodizing oxidation, which is a cost-
tition between oxidation and dissolution in this process in the effective, versatile and simple technique. This nanotube titania
presence of fluorine ions, a patterned nanoporous cylindrical struc- layer plays an important role in the enhancement of osseointegra-
ture can be observed on the surface of oxide layer that has a conical tion through the improvement of the adhesion of the hydroxyapa-
closed bottom. In addition to the ability to interlock with bone tite (HAP) coating that is deposited onto TiO2. Oh et al. [25]
cells, the chemical properties of this type of configuration change indicated that the cell adhesion could be improved by up to 400%
along with other properties in comparison to the host metal. This because of the mechanical interlocking between the HAP coating
low-cost process can be used to achieve a specific nanotube diam- and the nanotube titanium oxide layer.
eter, length and wall thickness by changing the electrochemical Sibert [26] reported on the formation of a thick, adherent film of
conditions [18]. TiO2 on the surface of titanium when using anodic oxidation if the
The current review initially describes the anodic oxidation of nature and concentration of the electrolyte, forming voltage, cur-
titanium and titanium alloys using an electrochemical method, rent density and temperature are properly adjusted [26]. Kokubo
with a view to their use in biomedical applications. It also de- [27] indicated the mechanism of apatite formation on a TiO2 sur-
scribes how the method has been improved. It next examines the face. Zwilling et al. [21] demonstrated the growth process of TiO2
anodic oxidation method with reference to titanium, a newly de- nanotubes on pure titanium and Ti6Al4V using anodization in
signed titanium alloy, Ti–Nb–Ta–Zr (TNTZ) and some binary alloys, chromic acid electrolytes, with or without the addition of a fluorine
as well as titanium alloying metals. species. The diameter and thickness of the nanotubes were deter-
mined by the applied potential and time. Anodizing can form
TiO2 nanotubes that are open at the top and closed at the bottom,
2. Anodic oxidation as a metallic implant surface treatment and that are of different sizes, by changing the concentration and
type of electrolyte, the time and the voltage.
Electrochemical anodic oxidation has been used to grow a thick A standard two- or three-electrode set-up can be employed to
and uniform oxide layer on metals for a decade or so. It has been anodize the sample, mostly commercially pure titanium. There
shown to play an excellent role in the biocompatibility of metal are several combinations of electrolytes: (i) an aqueous acidic solu-
implants [16]. A controllable and desired thickness is formed by tion containing F ; (ii) an aqueous buffered solution; or (iii) a non-
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aqueous electrolyte containing F ion with or without a trace 2.1. The influence of the type and concentration of aqueous electrolyte
amount of H2O. Initially, compact titanium dioxide will be created on TiO2 nanotubes
[28], as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Nanotubes then form as soluble fluoride complexes through the When the anodization of titanium takes place in an acidic con-
chemical dissolution of the oxide in the presence of the fluoride an- dition of pH, most of the composition of hydrofluoric acid is in HF
ion, and there will be an increase in current. A stage is then reached form. The diameter of the TiO2 nanotube that grows in an HF-based
where there is equilibrium between oxidation and dissolution, at electrolyte was between 15 and 140 nm under conditions where
which point a nanostructured surface forms and the current flow H3PO4 and H2SO4 were used and the applied potential was changed
is constant [28,29]. A schematic current–time curve is shown in from 1 to 25 V [28,30]. With an optimum voltage of 20 V, and an
Fig. 3. optimum time of anodization, which had an influence on the thick-
All chemical reactions respond to the in situ physical and chem- ness of the oxide layer, of 12 h, a maximum length of 500 nm of
ical conditions. The anodic oxidation mechanism is governed by TiO2 nanotube was obtained [31]. The amorphous structure of
the type and concentration of the electrolyte, the applied potential nanotube arrays was changed to anatase at 450 °C inside the tube
or the applied current density, the temperature, and the time of the wall and was entirely changed to rutile at 600 °C by annealing [32].
electrochemical reaction. By changing one of these conditions These phases exhibited different influences on the apatite forma-
when the others remain constant, different morphologies of TiO2 tion and/or cell fate [17,33]. Titanium-based layers are more
nanotubes can be obtained on commercially pure titanium. Nano- hydrophobic than other layers formed in a buffered electrolyte.
tube formation under different electrolyte compositions (aqueous/ The hydrophilic value at the interface between the implant surface
organic, different pH) and the different categories of nanotubes and the tissue is a crucial factor in cell adhesion, and the best
have already been elaborated upon in an excellent review article hydrophilic value was reported to be 16 [34]. Fig. 4 shows scanning
[18], therefore, this paper presents only a brief summary. electron microscopy (SEM) images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in

Fig. 2. Growth of regular TiO2 nanotubes: (a) cathodic reaction, (b) anodic reaction, (c) transition state of TiO2 layer, (d) starting of nanotube formation and (e) titania

Fig. 3. Schematic current–time curve (adapted from Ref. [29]).

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S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888 2879

be created at bottom of the pore. The pore thickness, regularity,

roughness, diameter and crystalline shape change with variations
in the concentration of F in the electrolyte, the sweep potential
rate and the potential applied. Under these conditions TiO2 nano-
tubes grow up to 4 lm in thickness and 100 nm in diameter,
based on a 20 V applied potential [38–40]. The tube diameter is af-
fected by the voltage but it is not affected by time. However, the
time of anodization influences the thickness of the nanotube layer.
Fig. 6 shows SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in 1 M
(NH4)2SO4 + 0.5 wt.% NH4F at 20 V, reproduced from the work of
Macak et al. [38].
Apatite formation was evaluated on an annealed nanotube layer
with a diameter of 100 nm and a thickness of 2 lm [17]. In com-
parison to a flat surface, such a nanotube surface encourages the
formation of apatite. The rate of apatite formation depends on
the thickness of the layer and the nanotube structure: apatite
forms more on thick, crystalline nanotubes [17]. A TiO2 nanotube
layer with a maximum layer thickness of 1 lm was formed in an
Fig. 4. SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in 1 M H3PO4 + 0.3 wt.% HF at 10 V: acidic electrolyte consisting of fluoride salt at an applied potential
(a) top view and (b) cross-section. Reproduced from Bauer et al. [30]. of 20 V [41]. When the length of the 35–70 nm tubes was in-
creased, the Young’s modulus of TiO2, which was approximately
36–43 GPa, decreased because of the substrate as well as the func-
1 M H3PO4 + 0.3 wt.% HF at 10 V, reproduced from the work of Bau- tionality of the coating that influences measured Young’s modulus
er et al. [30]. and hardness [42]. The modulus of elasticity of the nanotube oxide
Hydrofluoric acid selectively etches the surface of some metals. layer is closest to that of the substrate near the interface; and the
Therefore, the presence of fluoride anions within the electrolyte thinner the layer, the more similar the moduli. An apatite coating
during the growth of titanium oxide allows the formation of a can be obtained on the TiO2 nanotube layer after immersing such
nanotube oxide layer. A TiO2 nanotube of 70–100 nm diameter an annealed layer in a solution with a high calcium and phosphate
forms in less than 2 h when anodization occurs in an electrolyte concentration. A carbonated apatite crystal with a column-like
consisting of only HF at an applied potential of 20 V [34,35]. There shape of nanometer size was formed, and the bond strength be-
is a certain concentration range of F in which regular uniform tween the HA coating and the nanotube layer was measured to
nanotubes can be formed and beyond which nanotubes cannot be higher than 15.3 ± 2.5 MPa [41,42].
be uniformly fabricated. The nanotube diameter increases with
increasing voltage. It has been reported that an oxide layer of 2.2. The influence of the non-aqueous electrolyte on TiO2 nanotubes
TiO2 nanotube with a thickness of 250 nm has been formed in
HF electrolyte [33,36]. A combination of an amorphous and crystal- An organic electrolyte has a small amount of oxygen in compar-
line structure for the TiO2 was observed; and the contact angle of ison to an aqueous solution; therefore, the oxide chemical dissolu-
the TiO2 nanotube that grows in this type of electrolyte is still high- tion in an organic electrolyte depends on the water content [43]. As
er than the best proposed hydrophilic value. Fig. 5(a)–(c) displays a result, a thicker nanotube layer will form over a longer time in an
SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in 1 wt.% HF at 20 V for organic electrolyte, and the viscosity of the electrolyte, whether it is
15 and 30 min, and (d) a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) stirred or not [44] and the H2O content all influence the nanotube
image for 30 min, reproduced from Zhao et al. [35]. formation. Nanotubes with a diameter of 20–160 nm were obtained
The bioactivity of the titanium oxide can be enhanced by at an applied potential ranging from 30 to 120 V using an organic
immersion in an NaOH solution, as sodium titanate nanostructures electrolyte [43–47]. TiO2 nanotubes with a maximum height of
will form on the top edge of the nanotube wall. Another process is 45 lm [43] or higher (>150 lm) [45] in electrolytes such as glycerol
to heat the TiO2 nanotube so that anatase will form, onto which a [44,48], ethylene glycol [43,46] and acetic acid [47] were formed
nanostructured HAP phase can be created by soaking in simulated after 1–15 h of anodization [43]. A smooth layer of TiO2 nanotubes
body fluid. The presence of the nanostructured TiO2 accelerates the that were not connected by outside walls was formed when NH4F in
formation of HAP [33]. The adhesion of MC3T3-E1 mouse osteo- glycerol was used as the electrolyte [48]. Such an electrolyte exhib-
blast cells was significantly promoted with the filopodia of grow- its a lower diffusion constant, which has an influence on the pH va-
ing cells actually going into the nanotube pores, producing an lue of the pore tip and consequently on the current transient and
interlocked cell structure [25]. the dissolution rate. The viscosity of the electrolyte is important
One proposal for the prevention of bacterial infection following too because in highly viscose electrolyte the diffusion constant de-
orthopaedic implantation is local antibiotic therapy, such as using creases. The diameter of these nanotubes was between 30 and
bone cement or a polymer coating that is loaded with a therapeutic 60 nm, with a up to 7 lm length and an aspect ratio of 233-117 [48].
agent [37]. It is possible to decrease the susceptibility of the implant The shape of the nanotubes is influenced by the applied poten-
to the bacterial infection caused by limited chemical stability using tial and the anodization time in a water-free electrolyte consisting
a controlled kinetic release of the therapeutic agent. It is proposed of acetic acid and NH4F. Under low potential conditions: (i) the
that TiO2 nanotubes, following phase transformation to anatase by nanotube diameter is about 20 nm; (ii) the maximum length will
annealing, can be loaded with antibiotics, e.g. 200, 400 and 600 lg be 100 nm; and (iii) rings outside the walls connect the tubes
of gentamicin, to minimize the initial bacterial adhesion [37]. [47]. Nanotubes with a coral reef structures are formed and the
Macak et al. [38] observed the electrolyte dissolubility and rings dissolve when the applied potential and anodization time
hydrolysis ability of a titanium oxide layer and indicated that are increased. If the nonaqueous electrolyte consisting of glycerol
smooth and longer nanotubes can be formed in buffered electro- and NH4F is stirred, then the adhesion strength of the TiO2 nano-
lyte [((NH4)2SO4 + NH4F) or (Na2SO4 + NaF)]. The dissolution cur- tube (1.2–1.9 lm in thickness) to the substrate decreases, and
rent can be adjusted and, as the electrolyte is neutral, acid will the contact angle with water ranges from 58° to 84° [44]. Fig. 7
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Fig. 5. (a)–(c) SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in 1 wt.% HF at 20 V: (a) top view for 30 min; (b) cross-section for 15 min; (c) bottom view and cross-section for 15 min;
and (d) TEM image for 30 min. Reproduced from Zhao et al. [35].

shows SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in ethylene gly- etched at different pH values. The highest dissolution rate matched
col + 0.3 wt.% NH4F + 2 vol.% H2O, reproduced from the work of the lowest pH value. The changes in pH values were observed dur-
Wan et al. [43]. ing electrochemical anodization [40].
One promising application of amphiphilic TiO2 nanotubes is the To combine the benefits of a nanostructure (e.g. nanotubes with
fabrication of a drug release system. A hydrophobic cap using or- 50 nm diameter), which enhances the biological interaction be-
ganic monolayer grafting was fabricated on a TiO2 nanotube, which tween bone cells and an implant surface, with a microscale struc-
was treated using the anodizing method in the presence of the ture (e.g. with a roughness of 1–20 lm), which encourages
fluoride anion [49]. Another anodizing process was then under- biomechanical interlocking through bone tissue ingrowth, Craw-
taken to fabricate a hydrophilic TiO2 nanotube underneath the ini- ford et al. [53–55] fabricated a dual porous hierarchical structure
tial layer; and the hydrophilic segment was loaded with on titanium using a simple anodic oxidation process. The hierarchi-
hydrophilic drugs. Detachment of the cap would be performed cal structure consisted of a dual porous structure of TiO2 nanotubes
using the ultraviolet-induced photocatalytic nature of TiO2, there- (48 nm in diameter, 12 nm in wall thickness and 325 nm in length)
by permitting controlled drug release [49]. at the nanoscale and a random distribution of microscopic pores
with sizes ranging from the submicron range to 20 lm in diameter
2.3. The effect of pH value on the formation of TiO2 nanotubes [54]. They [55,56] reported that TiO2 nanotube growth could be af-
fected by the orientation of the titanium substrate. They also inves-
The pH value influences the dissolubility of the electrolyte and tigated the mechanical properties and deformation behaviour of
the hydrolysis ability of the titanium oxide layer. This behaviour the TiO2 nanotubes in great detail, and measured the modulus of
has been surveyed for titanium foils that were anodized in three the coating of nanotubes [55,57].
electrolytes of different pH values, and the mass loss of the anode In the process of the fabrication of a TiO2 nanotube, it has been
during the anodic oxidation was based on the current–time curve shown that, when the pH value is slightly acidic, long smooth tubes
[50]. The time it takes for a nanotube to form increases with can be formed [51]. An irregular porous layer will be obtained if an
increasing pH; consequently, the nanotubes have a longer length inappropriate applied potential is used. Increasing the anodization
compared to nanotubes formed in electrolytes with a lower pH time can increase the thickness of the nanotube oxide layer; how-
[50]. A length of 4.4 lm was achieved when the pH value was high ever, there is a limit beyond which no further changes will be ob-
but still acidic (pH 4.5) [51]. As mentioned above, different tube served or the oxide layer might possibly dissolve. The time limit for
sizes can be expected when the conditions of the electrolyte, its a nonaqueous electrolyte is longer than for an aqueous one.
pH, the applied potential and the anodization time change. There are few studies on the effect of the nanotube length and
The fabrication of TiO2 nanotubes can be divided into four cat- wall thickness on adhesion, wettability or surface energy, and con-
egories, based on the anodizing electrolyte: acidic, buffered, polar sequently on cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation.
organic electrolytes and nonfluoride-based electrolytes [52]. An Although longer nanotubes have been obtained by improving the
acidic electrolyte provides suitable conditions for an anodic oxida- method used and maximizing the conditions, the question of the
tion process. The dissolution rate, measured in nanometres per optimum length required to promote cell response has not been
second, can be determined by measuring the X-ray photoelectron addressed to date, except by Bauer et al. [58], who indicated that
spectroscopy depth profiles when an anodized oxide layer is the tube length does not affect the cell behaviour.
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Fig. 6. SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in 1 M (NH4)2SO4 + 0.5 wt.% NH4F at 20 V: (a) top view; (b) bottom view; and (c) cross-section. Reproduced from Macak et al.

3. Nanotube oxide layer on titanium alloys and titanium tion temperature) and zirconium (a neutral (continuous solid solu-
alloying metals tion) alloying element). Beta titanium alloys exhibit a lower elastic
modulus compared to a and a + b titanium alloys [7,59]. TNTZ is
3.1. Anodization of biocompatible Ti–Nb–Ta–Zr alloy such an alloy, and is the alloy of choice for orthopaedic endopros-
theses [60]. Since TNTZ alloy cannot form apatite on its surface by
Some titanium alloying elements are beta (b)-stabilizers, e.g. the usual chemical- and heat-treatment processes, another surface
molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, tantalum (isomorphous; com- modification method is required [6,60].
pletely miscible elements in the phase), iron, tungsten, chromium, Nakada et al. [61] suggested using TNTZ for orthopaedic im-
silicon, cobalt, manganese (eutectoid; elements with eutectoid plants because of its excellent mechanical properties, anticorrosion
temperature as 335 °C below the unalloyed titanium transforma- ability, cytocompatibility and biocompatibility. An alloy of

Fig. 7. SEM images of TiO2 nanotubes formed in ethylene glycol + 0.3 wt.% NH4F + 2 vol.% H2O: (a) top view; (b, c) cross-section; and (d) bottom view. Reproduced from
Macak et al. [43].
Author's personal copy

2882 S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888

Ti15Nb4Ta4Zr was compared to conventional Ti6Al4V in terms of of the nanotubes depended on the phases of the alloy. It was re-
new bone formation and bone mineral density (BMD) [62]. It was vealed that the nanoporous oxide layers that formed first were dis-
demonstrated that the BMD around Ti15Nb4Ta4Zr was equivalent solved after the growth of nanotubes beneath the substrate
to, or even higher than [61], that of Ti6Al4V. surface. This dissolution arose because a local electrochemical con-
Hard tissue replacements, especially knee and hip joints, are dition was established due to the different compositions of the
eroded over time due to micromovement. As a result, microscopic complex phases [70].
wear particles gather at the implant–tissue interface and give rise Titanium–zirconium alloys (Ti–20Zr, Ti–50Zr, Ti–80Zr), which
to inflammation, osteolysis, infection and, potentially, implant had been fabricated by accumulative roll bonding (ARB), were trea-
loosening. The wear resistance of Ti29Nb13Ta4.6Zr was measured ted electrochemically [71]. The ARB process did not influence the
after different heat treatments and oxidation treatments [63]. diameter, length or degree of arrangement of the tubes during
Wear resistance was improved by increasing the niobium content, anodization. Tubular oxide layers were formed at all levels of zirco-
especially by means of an oxidation treatment, since the Nb2O5 nium content without any transition from porous to tubular form.
layer is hard and exhibits lubricity; however, no improvement The tube diameter also decreased, although the tube length in-
was observed following heat treatment [63]. creased, when the zirconium content was increased. Two dissimi-
Anodic oxidation of TNTZ alloy was shown to exhibit different lar diameter tubes were observed on Ti–50Zr and Ti–80Zr. These
reaction rates because of the different electrochemical oxidation have also been observed previously as forming on Ti–29Nb–
rates of the elements in this alloy [64]. Consequently, dissolution 13Ta–4.6Zr and Ti–50Ta [71]. Table 2 summarizes the anodization
was more selective and a regular, self-organized pattern of anodic conditions, characteristics and properties of TiO2 nanotubes on
tube layers grew to different sizes. Each tube with a large diameter titanium investigated by different research groups to date.
was surrounded by nearly eight tubes of a smaller diameter. The An equation was proposed to describe the linear relationship
process was initiated from two layers – an outer nanoporous layer between the outer diameter of a zirconium titanate nanotube
and a nanotube layer – when the sweep potential of a potentiom- and the anodization potential from 1 to 100 V in a buffered electro-
eter was employed. The top nanoporous layer dissolved when the lyte [72]. This study also indicated that the concentration of the
sample was held in the electrolyte, and additional time was also fluoride ions influenced the wall thickness and the composition
necessary to grow nanotubes when the applied potential was of the nanotube layer because the zirconium titanate nanotubes
low [64,65]. grew as a result of competition between electrochemical oxide for-
Homogeneous oxide layers of 100 nm thickness were formed on mation and the chemical dissolution of oxide by fluoride ions. The
the a phase of Ti6Al4V due to electrochemical anodization of the wall thickness was smaller for high fluoride ion concentrations due
titanium alloy [66]. On the other hand, due to selective dissolution to the accelerated dissolution rate of the oxide wall. The nanotube
of oxide layers during anodization, the b phase of Ti6Al4V exhib- length depended on the anodization charge until significant etch-
ited oxide layers that were inhomogeneous in terms of morphol- ing of the nanotube top was observed [72]. Multiple nanotube lay-
ogy and diameter. An inhomogeneous oxide layer that was ers that can be formed using multiple-step anodizing have
nanoporous and a mixture of nanopores and nanoscratches were potential for such applications as ultrafiltration or drug release sys-
observed for a complex of a + b phases. The element niobium tems [73]. The lower layer of nanotubes started to form in the gaps
was observed in nanotubes formed on the surface of alloys consist- between the nanotubes of the upper layer created in the previous
ing of niobium [66,67]. An anodized nanotube oxide layer with anodizing step [73]. Zirconium titanate nanotubes that were
structures on two size scales was observed on Ti–28Zr–8Nb alloy formed on Ti–50Zr (wt.%) alloy surface were amorphous and were
using buffered electrolyte [68]. In this study, two distinctly differ- converted to crystalline form after annealing, although TiO2 nano-
ent bottom tube diameters – 175 nm large nanotubes surrounded tubes on pure titanium were amorphous and ZrO2 nanotubes on
by several 98 nm small nanotubes – were formed with a length of pure zirconium were crystalline [74]. The nanotube oxide layer
8.5 lm. The thickness of this oxide layer depended on both the that grew on the Ti–45Nb (wt.%) alloy was thicker and more regu-
anodization time and the applied potential: and it reached 22 lm lar in comparison to the layers formed on pure titanium and nio-
by extending the time to 8 h; and increased from 3.2 to 11.3 lm bium [75]. Under the same anodization conditions, the oxide
by increasing the applied potential from 10 to 40 V for 1 h anodiza- layer of TiO2 on pure titanium exhibited a thickness of 1.1 lm
tion [68]. This study concluded that the nanotube length increased and a tube diameter of 100 nm, and Nb2O5 nanotubes on pure nio-
almost linearly with anodization time for the first 60 min, after bium exhibited a thickness of 0.6 lm with a 15 nm irregular pore
which the rate slowed, whilst the nanotube length increased line- diameter, whilst a uniform oxide layer of nanotubes 60 nm in
arly with applied potential up to 40 V. Further studies of the anodic diameter and 2.9 lm in length grew on the Ti–45Nb alloy after
oxidation conditions required to tailor optimal nanotubes on tita- 2 h anodization, and the length of the tubes increased to 6.3 lm
nium alloys for orthopaedic applications using this new multi- at 20 h anodization [75].
scale nanotubular geometry are needed, together with evaluations
of their effect on cell behaviour. Fig. 8(a)–(c) shows SEM images,
and Fig. 8(d) a TEM image, of an anodic oxide nanotube layer 3.3. Anodization of tantalum as a b-stabilizer
formed on a b titanium alloy after anodization at 20 V for 4000 s,
reproduced from the work of Tsuchiya et al. [66]. Tantalum is more expensive and has a much higher density
(16.6 g cm 3) [76] than titanium (4.5 g cm 3) [77], and therefore
3.2. Anodization of binary titanium alloys for implant applications is not appropriate for implants. However, its chemical and physical
properties, such as biocompatibility [78], radiopacity, dielectric
There are studies [69,70] on binary titanium alloys such as Ti– properties [79] and high corrosion resistance to body fluids, are
xTa, Ti–yZr and Ti–Al, where researchers have investigated the ef- attractive [80]. Tantalum has applications for optical devices, stor-
fect of the alloy composition on the morphology of the anodic age capacitors for very large-scale integrated circuits, and for elec-
oxide layers. Uniform nanotube arrays of oxide layers were formed tronic and sensor devices. Tantalum oxide has received a lot of
on a Ti–Zr alloy, and the diameters of the tubes decreased and the attention as a protective coating material due to its corrosion resis-
length increased with increasing zirconium content. Tube separa- tance. In addition to aluminium, tantalum is one of several metals
tion occurred when the titanium content of the Ti–Al alloy in- onto which a porous oxide layer can be formed by anodizing
creased [69]. In the case of Ti–50Ta, the morphology and length [23,81].
Author's personal copy

S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888 2883

Fig. 8. (a)–(c) SEM images of an anodic oxide nanotube layer formed on a b titanium alloy after anodization at 20 V for 4000 s: (a) top view; (b) cross-section; (c) bottom
view; and (d) TEM image. Reproduced with permission from J. ECS Trans., 3, 365 (2007). Copyright 2003, The Electrochemical Society [66].

A porous oxide layer (Ta2O5) can be formed on tantalum metal properties of tantalum oxide. The aim was to increase the corrosion
when it is electrochemically treated in acid that contains HF as the resistance as well as the bond strength between the bone tissue
electrolyte. Pore diameters are from 2 to 35 nm and the layer thick- and the titanium.
ness is 350–400 nm. Similar to titanium, the structure and distri-
bution of the pores and the thickness of the porous layer can be 3.4. Anodization of niobium as a b-stabilizer
altered by changing the concentration of HF, the time allowed for
anodic oxidation and the anodization voltage. The equilibrium be- The functionality of niobium for its application in gas sensors,
tween porous oxide formation and its dissolution, as well as the catalysts, optical and electrochromic devices, and biocompatible
time scale, controls the film thickness for the development of prostheses has been investigated with regard to increasing the lo-
porosity and ordering effects [23,79,82]. Before the reappearance cal surface area. Nanostructured niobium oxide has been fabricated
of a dimpled tantalum surface, anodized using a single H2SO4 by reactive sputtering [89], sol–gel processes [90], templating
and HF electrolyte without an organic additive, a high aspect ratio techniques [91] and anodic oxidation [92]. Sieber et al. [22] were
tantalum oxide nanotubes (2.5 lm in length and 25 nm in inner the first group of researchers to fabricate self-organized porous
diameter) could be fabricated if the anodization time was longer niobium oxide by anodizing oxidation in an electrolyte containing
than 5 s and less than 2 min. The reason for the nanotube loss from F . Uniform layers of porous niobium oxide with 20–30 nm pore
the surface was shown to be the formation of a thin, fluoride-rich diameters were obtained. The HF concentration in the electrolyte
(likely TaF5) layer built up at the Ta/Ta2O5 interface [83]. and the anodization time influenced the thickness and microstruc-
A tantalum oxide nanoporous layer was also fabricated in an or- ture of the porous layer. Steady-state porous film formation and
ganic electrolyte consisting of ethylene glycol and glycerol, with a film dissolution limited the film thickness to about 500 nm [22].
background salt such as (NH4)2SO4 plus a suitable amount of NH4F The effects of mixed electrolytes, applied potential and anodiza-
to a maximum thickness of 11 lm, the pore diameters increasing tion time were investigated to obtain a high aspect ratio of ordered
from 9 to 16 nm with increasing voltage from 10 to 40 V [84]. A porous niobium oxide layers. It was revealed that ordered porous
highly ordered Ta2O5 nanoporous layer grew on tantalum foils by niobium oxides with diameters of less than 10 nm were formed
anodization using glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol) and NH4F as elec- by anodization of niobium foils at 2.5 V in a mixture of 1 wt.% HF
trolyte. It was found that the average pore diameter and the thick- and 1 M H3PO4 for 1 h. Nanoporous niobium oxides could not
ness of the porous layers were affected by the NH4F concentration. formed on niobium if a single HF electrolyte was used since the
The optimum conditions for forming a homogeneous nanoporous pore wall dissolved as they formed [93].
oxide layer, with a high aspect ratio, a pore diameter of 17 nm Choi et al. [94] targeted a thickness of porous niobium oxide of
and a thickness of 16 lm, were a 0.2 M NH4F electrolyte and an ap- more than 500 nm by employing double anodizing and one-step
plied potential of 20 V [85]. Fig. 9 shows SEM images of an anodic annealing. The annealing step was designed to form a protective
oxide nanoporous layer formed on tantalum substrate using 1 M oxide layer that would delay the chemical dissolution as part of
H2SO4 + 2 wt.% HF electrolyte for 2 h with a sweep rate of the anodic oxidation in fluorinated electrolytes. The thickness of
100 mV s–1, reproduced from the work of Sieber and Schmuki [82]. the outer layer formed in the first step was around 90–130 nm;
Tantalum has been deposited on a titanium surface by electro- and the inner layer of around 300–400 nm was grown underneath
deposition [86,87] and a sol–gel process [88] so that the good bulk the first layer after annealing [94]. Fig. 10 shows SEM images of an
properties of titanium could be enhanced by the good surface anodic oxide nanoporous layer formed on niobium substrate at an
Table 2
Anodization conditions and the characteristics and properties of TiO2 nanotubes on titanium and titanium alloys.

Anodization condition Characteristics of TiO2 nanotubes Properties Refs.

Electrolyte Applied Time Others Nanotube Wall Nanotube Phase Other treatment Hardness / Wetting angle (water) Roughness
potential diameter thickness layer structure bonding
(V) (nm) (nm) thickness strength
H2SO4/HF 20 2h 50–100 Amorphous HT to anatase & [32]
H3PO4/NaF 20 28 min 30 °C 100 Amorphous HT to anatase- Bonding [106]
Stirred deposition; Ca to strength ;
P = 1.67, pH 4.5 7.41 MPa
H2SO4/HF 20 3h 100 500 nm Amorphous HT to anatase & Enhanced Rsm = ±25 nm [17]
rutile apatite
H3PO4/HF 20 2h 400 77.45° Ra = 14 nm [34]

S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888

H2SO4/NaF/Citric acid 20 15 min– pH 4.5 35–70 10–18 230– Young’s [42]

Author's personal copy

4h 670 nm modulus = 36–
43 GPa
HF/NH4H2PO4 20 1h 20 °C 100 19 1 lm HT to anatase-HA Bonding [41]
Stirred deposition by strength;
immersing 15.3 ± 2.5 MPa
HF 20 2h 100 83.39° Ra = 19 nm [34]
HF/NH4F 20 2h 60 55.45° Ra = 16 nm [34]
HF 20 20 min 80 10 250 nm Amorphous HT to anatase & [36]
Na2SO4/NaF 20 3h 100 2 lm Amorphous HT to anatase & Significantly Rsm = ±77 nm [17]
rutile enhanced
(NH4)2SO4/NaF 20 2h 120 16° Ra = 23 nm [34]
Glycerol/NH4F 30 30 min 30 °C 50–65 Ripple 1.20 lm Amorphous 3.5 ± 0.2 MPa 58 ± 2° Ra = 0.32 ± 0.2 lm [44]
Glycerol/NH4F 30 60 min 30 °C 60–75 Ripple 1.45 lm Amorphous 4.1 ± 0.2 MPa 73 ± 2° Ra = 0.49 ± 0.3 lm [44]
Glycerol/NH4F 30 120 min 30 °C 75–85 Ripple 1.7 lm Amorphous 3.7 ± 0.3 MPa 78 ± 2° Ra 0.17 ± 0.2 lm [44]
Glycerol/NH4F 30 240 min 30 °C 110–130 Ripple 1.9 lm Amorphous 3.6 ± 0.2 MPa 84 ± 1° Ra = 0.13 ± 0.2 lm [44]
NH4F and H2O in Ethylene glycol 60 18 h 100 25 45 lm Amorphous HT to anatase & [43]
Ethylene glycol/HF 120 15 h 70 45 261 lm [46]
CH3COOH-0.2% H2O/NH4F 30 1h 10 200 nm [47]
KF/NaHSO4/citri acid 25 20 h pH 4.5 110–120 4.4 lm Amorphous HT to anatase & [51]
H2SO4/NaF/citric acid 20 4h pH 4.5 51.1 50.58 600 nm Amorphous HT to anatase & 1.5–1.7 GPa Water = 7.5 ± 3 Cell Rms = 51.83 ± 7.77 [107]
rutile (36–43 GPa) media = 2 ± 1° (surface
energy of 332.6 mJ/m2)
Acetic acid/HF 5–20 30–100 Amorphous HT to anatase 11,9,7,4° Ra = 13.0,12.7,13.5,13.2 nm [108]
HT = Heat treatment
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S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888 2885

Fig. 9. SEM images of an anodic oxide nanoporous layer formed on tantalum substrate using 1 M H2SO4 + 2 wt.% HF electrolyte for 2 h with a sweep rate of 100 mV s–1: (a) top
view and (b) cross-section. Reproduced with permission from J. Electrochem. Soc., 152, C639 (2005). Copyright 2003, The Electrochemical Society [82].

Fig. 10. SEM images of an anodic oxide nanoporous layer formed on niobium substrate at an anodization temperature of 15 °C: (a) top view and (b) cross-section. Reproduced
from Choi et al. [94].

anodization temperature of 15 °C, reproduced from the work of cal etching behaviour of the electrolyte and the porous to tubular
Choi et al. [94]. morphology, which is important in different applications [99].
Pretreatments such as dip etching [98], electropolishing [100]
and two-step anodizing [98] were used in the investigations of
the effect of pretreatment of the zirconium surface on anodized
3.5. Anodization of zirconium as a neutral titanium alloying element
nanotubes. The regular nanotubes that formed on the dip-etched
surface indicated that the mechanical deformation layer and/or zir-
Zirconium is one of the ‘‘valve metals’’ reported to form porous
conium surface impurities were the reason(s) for the irregular, pat-
oxide layers on their surface. Zirconium oxides have noteworthy
chy (coherent) oxides. Needle-like structures (nanopillars) on the
properties, such as chemical and thermal stability, mechanical
top of the tube walls were also observed due to thinning and par-
strength, wear resistance, good ion exchange and excellent bio-
tial etching-out [98]. Highly regularly hexagonal ordered dimples
compatibility. Zirconium is used as a catalyst, so an increase in
of the right spacing were formed on the zirconium surface after re-
its surface area improves its functionality. Other applications in-
moval of the layer that resulted from the first anodization step. The
clude magnetic recording media, optical devices, functional elec-
nanotubular oxide layer exhibited a thickness of 3 lm and a diam-
trodes and waveguides [95].
eter of 60 nm, with highly ordered hexagonally pores that could be
Tsuchiya and Schmuki [24] were among the first researchers to
removed [98]. The roughness of the zirconium surface decreased
report on the fabrication of sponge-like porous zirconium oxide
from 18.6 nm for the bare surface to 1.1 nm upon electropolish-
layers manufactured by electrochemical anodization in an acidic
ing. This reduction had an influence on the homogeneous electric
electrolyte containing F . An applied potential between 20 and
field distribution over the entire metal surface during the anodiza-
40 V was needed, and the pore diameter was several tens on nano-
tion step, thus nanotubes grew regularly on the entire surface
metres, with a thickness of several tens on micrometres.
[100]. Fluorine can be removed from the ZrO2 nanotubes by heat
The formation mechanism of a self-organized nanotube oxide
treatment at 300 °C for 6 h, and it has been shown that, although
layer has been described in detail [96] with regard to the effect
800 °C heating will lead to crystallization, collapse of the nano-
of changing (i) the concentration of fluoride ions and pH, (ii) the
tubes will be observed [101]. Fig. 11(a)–(c) shows SEM images,
composition of the electrolyte and (iii) the potential sweep rate
and (d) a TEM image, of an anodic oxide nanotube layer formed
and holding potential on the morphology and geometry of the por-
on a Zr substrate using a 1 M (NH4)2SO4 + 0.5 wt.% NH4F electro-
ous oxide structures. By improving the method, smooth, high-as-
lyte, reproduced from the work of Tsuchiya et al. [97].
pect-ratio zirconia nanotubes, with a diameter of 50 nm and a
length of 17 lm, were obtained using a buffering electrolyte, in-
stead of the wavy, irregular wall morphology of pore arrays 4. Summary
[96,97]. Organic electrolytes were also used to grow significantly
thicker, continuous and smoother ZrO2 nanotubular layers up to As bone is alive, an implant has to be accepted by the bone cells,
40 lm on zirconium substrates [98–100]. It has been shown that and must be able to bond to and grow on it, in order to prevent
the water content of the organic electrolyte influenced the chemi- loosening and inflammation when it is inserted close to the bone.
Author's personal copy

2886 S. Minagar et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 2875–2888

Fig. 11. (a)–(c) the SEM images of an anodic oxide nanotube layer formed on Zr substrate using 1 M (NH4)2SO4 + 0.5 wt.% NH4F electrolyte: (a) top view; (b) cross-section;
(c) bottom view; and (d) TEM image. Reproduced with permission from J. ECS Trans., 1, 351 (2006). Copyright 2003, The Electrochemical Society [97].

It is well known that titanium and its alloys are more biocompat- Acknowledgements
ible than other metal implants, and that the Ti–Nb–Ta–Zr alloys
have the lowest Young’s modulus and highest biocompatibility. If S.M. would like to acknowledge the State Government of Victo-
there is a fluoride anion in an electrolyte, controllable metal oxide ria in Australia for supporting and funding this research project
nanotubes can be fabricated by anodization on titanium, titanium through the Victorian International Research Scholarship. C.W. is
alloying metals (niobium, tantalum and zirconium) and biocom- also supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) through
patible titanium alloys, that is, Ti–Nb–Ta–Zr alloys and binary Ti– the ARC Discovery Project DP110101974.
Nb, Ti–Ta and Ti–Zr alloys. The nanotubes on titanium promote
bonding to bone due to their high surface area and the ability for
Appendix A. Figures with essential colour discrimination
cell interlocking.
The tube diameter and the length of TiO2 nanotubes depend on
Certain figures in this article, particularly Figs. 1–3, are difficult
the conditions of electrochemical oxidation, such as the type, con-
to interpret in black and white. The full colour images can be found
centration and pH of the electrolyte, the applied potential and the
in the on-line version, at
anodization time. The tube diameter can be increased by increas-
ing the applied potential if the pH value remains constant; and
the tube diameter is pH independent if the applied potential re-
mains constant. In comparison to using an aqueous electrolyte, a References
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