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Reading Visual Arts

Name: Lucena, Marc Joenel C. Date: February 7, 2024
Year and Section: BSIT 2-2 Professor: Lenin Carlos Mirasol


Throughout an entire semester of Reading Visual Arts, I have acquired a

deeper understanding of what is art and who is an artist. At the beginning, I
viewed art simply as imitation, and aestheticism. But at the end, I saw that art is
subjective. And to me, art is not about how much effort one puts in an artwork,
rather, it is about the idea one wants to convey.

Moreover, I have grasped how each color, line, perspective, composition, shape,
point of view, setting, light, etc. interact with the piece and resonate with the
viewer. Colors convey mood, symbolism, and emotion; it possesses its own
language (like how the color blue is associated with feelings of sadness, and the
color red is associated with love). Lines guide the viewer's eye through the
composition, creating movement, rhythm, and structure. Perspective provides
depth; it draws the viewers into the scene. Composition is the arrangement of
elements within the artwork; it tells the artwork's story. Point of view is where the
viewer is visually in the composition. Setting is where and how an artwork is
displayed. Light and dark, or chiaroscuro, creates the atmosphere of the
artwork. Overall, these elements work together to allow viewers to project their
own interpretations, emotions, beliefs, and stories onto the artwork.

Futhermore, I have realized that the topics we discussed not only applies to arts,
but also to field of information technology. To me, point of view is the
perspective from which I approach a problem --bottom-up (writing and testing
lines of code), or top-down (planning the overall software architecture and
design, ensuring that it aligns with the user requirements); moreover, point of
view is where the user stands in relation to the user interface (UI), how users
move through the system, how they access information, and where they expect
certain features. These realizations helped me in developing an application in
partial fulfillment of our requirements in our major subject as an IT student;
thinking from the user's perspective and understanding their needs,
expectations, and behaviors helped me create a UI/UX design that are user-

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