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Writing a literature review on coral bleaching can be a daunting task for many researchers and

students alike. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature on
the topic. With the vast amount of information available, sifting through relevant studies and
identifying key findings can be time-consuming and challenging.

A literature review serves as a comprehensive summary of the current state of knowledge on a

particular subject. It not only requires a deep understanding of the topic but also the ability to
critically evaluate the methodologies, results, and conclusions presented in various research papers,
articles, and reports.

Furthermore, organizing the information in a coherent and logical manner is essential to ensure that
the literature review effectively communicates the key insights and contributes to the existing body
of knowledge on coral bleaching.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review on coral bleaching, many individuals
may find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔
offers expert assistance in crafting high-quality literature reviews that meet the rigorous standards of
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insightful review of coral bleaching literature.
He noted that high nutrient introduction and sediment deposit are causing algae to flourish in local
reef systems. This, coupled with a decline in overall herbivorous fish populations, further endangers
Maui’s coral. The doctor spent a week sightseeing on the world’s largest reef system in the Coral
Sea. Contribution to “Integrating reef resilience and climate change vulnerability into protected area
design and management in Palau and greater Micronesia.” Report prepared for the Western Pacific
Coral Reef Institute, University of Guam. Record-breaking marine heatwaves are causing mass coral
bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs globally. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet
To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The ocean absorbs excess
heat and this creates above average sea surface temperatures. Other pollution sources to target
include sunscreen (Danovaro et al 2008) and wastewater discharge (Yeemin et al 2012). It is
recommended that anyone who wants to visit The Maze be experienced in the map reading and
tracking. Coral are animals most closely related to a sea anemone or jellyfish. During the 1998 event,
Indian Ocean reefs were particularly hard hit; large areas suffered complete coral destruction. Types
of actions were active recovery (actively manipulating the environment including coral
transplantation or habitat enhancement), monitoring (recording data on the effects of bleaching on
the ecosystem), and bolstering existing management (building off of or strengthening pre-existing
rules and management programs). Water temperatures dropped -6.7 degrees Celsius lower than the
typical temperatures observed at this time of year. Factors that influence new coral settlement It has
been recommended to secure larval connectivity for the affected area, or connection to larval sources
(Aswani 2015, Baskett 2010). McLeod, Elizabeth, Rodney Salm, Alison Green, and Jeanine Almany.
2009. Designing Marine Protected Area Networks to Address the Impacts of Climate Change.
Primary literature and management reports were gathered from multiple sources and collated using
Zotero, a research software tool. The Plan outlines a strategic approach for monitoring bleaching risk
and responding to coral bleaching events when they occur, and has four components. Their findings
suggest that the network is fully connected via larval dispersal and one MPA in particular was
identified as a critical source of larvae. The paper categories were a review, a case study, an
experiment, a response plan, a theoretical piece, or a survey (Table 1). However prolonged warmer
temperatures and other stressors, like poor water quality, can leave the living coral in a weakened
state. Any information published by Conde Nast Traveler is not intended as a substitute for medical
advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.
Worldwide, coral covering an estimated 4,633 square miles died. Lastly, to replace dead coral,
transplantation of fragments from healthy reefs and the farming of bleaching resistant genotypes is
discussed. Students use devices to research about coral and what is happening to it. In such cases,
the affected coral ecosystems may not be able to recover fully from the disturbance, because critical
parts of the ecosystem would no longer be present. Lastly, it has been found that anthropogenic
effects are more influential for early coral life stages, so focusing on land-based pollution may also
be a strategy (Baskett 2010). 4. Replacing Dead Coral Replacing the coral killed by a bleaching
event with new coral from another location is a relatively novel active restoration method. This is a
long-term strategy; McClanahan 2014 found that the rate of herbivory in a closed area peaks at 15-20
years after closure. The higher and longer the temperature, the worse it gets. Other pollution sources
to target include sunscreen (Danovaro et al 2008) and wastewater discharge (Yeemin et al 2012).
Steneck RS, Arnold SN, Mumby PJ. 2014. Experiment mimics fishing on parrotfish: insights on coral
reef recovery and alternative attractors. The majority of these (56%) discussed bolstering existing
management regimes (Figure 1).
Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical
Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 03824, USA Michael P. Mechanisms to
stimulate new coral settlement One mechanisms discussed to encourage settlement of new coral to
bleached area is the use of MPAs to protect larval sources (Magris et al 2014, McLeod et al 2009).
In a healthy coral, this fluorescence is stunning but mostly subtle. It takes a hundred years for a inch
of coral to grow. Lastly, this review revealed that although there continues to be substantial
discussion regarding ecological factors that confer resilience and coral reef ecosystems, there remains
very few examples of the use of these strategies—especially the effectiveness of these efforts.
WHAT ARE CORALS?. CORAL IS AN INVERTEBRATE There are two groups of corals
Hermatypes- hard corals Ahermatypes- soft corals. A novel approach of restocking grazing fish has
been attempted only through a theoretical model (Obolski et al 2016). The right panel shows the
same data, but zoomed in to show all years except 1998. Nonetheless, the best course of action to
ensure the longevity of the world's coral reefs, and the livelihoods of the many reef creatures that
rely on these corals, is to slow down the rate at which coral reef environments are changing due to
climate change. The most common type of paper was a case study (38%), followed by theoretical
papers (25%), experiments (15%), reviews (15%), response plan (4%), and surveys (3%). Meanwhile,
earlier this month, the Financial Times reported that the government of the Maldives is considering
closing its coral reefs that attract millions of tourists a year, pending studies on the extent of the
damage done by coral bleaching. The Zotero list was copied to an Excel spreadsheet, where it was
first organized by author’s last name, then by publication year. If it stays too warm for a while, the
zooxanthellae become stressed. Additional information on the ecological contribution of reef
herbivores should be Figure 12 A cinnamon clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus) on the Great Barrier
Reef Page 15. Studies of coral bleaching in Hawaii have mainly focused on physiological processes
including acclimation potential (Putnam and Gates 2015, Coles and Jokiel 1978), mechanisms and
breakdowns in coral metabolism (Grottoli et al 2016, Gates et al 1992), and the role of reef
environmental parameters and reef morphology on coral bleaching patterns (Jokiel and Brown 2004).
These algae are the coral’s primary food source and give them their color Stressed Coral: If stressed,
algae leaves the coral. Lesson Concepts and Skills Coral bleaching - the process in. Herbivores, or
algae-eating species, have been found to be critical in maintaining a coral- dominated environment
(Marshall et al 2004) and therefore the regulatory protection of herbivorous fish has been central in
the discussion of management interventions to promote coral recovery following a disturbance
(Mumby and Harborne 2010, Smith et al 2010). During just the 23-year validation period, they
erroneously predict eight widespread bleaching events during years in which bleaching did not
occur. These were top ranked actions in both evaluations of global and local expert judgment as well
as scientific literature. In some instances corals can recover from bleaching. Other interventions to
control algae overgrowth In addition to herbivore protection, the reduction of anthropogenic factors
that specifically influence the coral-algal relationship are critical (Baskett et al 2010). We can't
connect to the server for this app or website at this time. Other considerations include that the
reviewed interventions must be context and site-specific based on local reef and environmental
conditions, political and regulatory frameworks, and biology of the affected coral species. At the
same time, each polyp lives in a symbiotic relationship with microscopic algae called xooxanthellae,
and it is these that are primarily affected during the bleaching. If you still have the article, I'd be
happy to upload it alongside if it will help others. Thanks. Hide replies Empty reply does not make
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terms and conditions. Other impacts for our ocean include an increase in intensity of cyclones,
ocean acidification, and extreme weather events. Lastly, this review revealed that although there
continues to be substantial discussion regarding ecological factors that confer resilience and coral
reef ecosystems, there remains very few examples of the use of these strategies—especially the
effectiveness of these efforts. Many questions remain about this method and its use in restoring
previously bleached areas (Yeemin 2012, Westmacott 2000). If fishing pressure is light, it may be
possible to attract additional herbivores into a denuded area through providing artificial habitat
structure and therefore increasing the architectural complexity of the area (Adam et al 2015).
The stamp is said to be the most beautiful stamp created in Canada. If zooxanthellae do not
recolonize the coral within a few months of leaving, their absence can result in the death of
individual corals as well as the coral colony to which they belong. The zooxanthellae capture light
using chlorophyll, which is also what gives corals their brown tone. Edited by Richard K. F.
Unsworth. PLoS ONE 7, no. 8: e42884. McClanahan, Timothy R., Mebrahtu Ateweberhan,
Christopher A. Bonin et al 2016 did mention the moratorium and evaluated how a network of MPAs
supported Amphiprion melanopus larval dispersal within the Keppel Islands. This project collected
and analyzed information from scientific literature that will inform a decision-making process to
promote recovery through policy-making. Townsville, Qld.: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Authority. Maynard, J. A., P. A. Marshall, J. E. Johnson, and S. Harman. 2010. Building Resilience
into Practical Conservation: Identifying Local Management Responses to Global Climate Change in
the Southern Great Barrier Reef. Protection of Herbivores through Fisheries Management Protection
of herbivores from fishing pressure has been projected to delay rates of coral loss even under the
most extreme regimes of bleaching and other disturbance events (Edwards 2011). WIOMSA Book
Series No. 9. McClanahan, Tim R., Simon D. Donner, Jeffrey A. Maynard, M. Aaron MacNeil,
Nicholas A. J. Graham, Joseph Maina, Andrew C. A bleached coral's white skeleton is fully exposed,
making the animal look dead. On the Great Barrier Reef, a certain coral species was found to
recover quickly (less than one year) due to rapid regeneration and competition with invasive algae
(Diaz-Pulido et al 2009). This effort sought to outline types of restoration strategies present in the
literature, synthesize evidence of support relevant to each strategy, and describe specific instances of
management interventions following bleaching events. It was strongly suggested to place these
protected areas surrounding reefs that have naturally lower vulnerability to bleaching events
(Anthony et al 2015, Magris et al 2015, Pandolfi 2015, Magris et al 2014, Maynard et al 2012, Ban
et al 2011, Baskett et al 2010, Keller et al 2009, McClanahan et al 2007, Obura 2005, Hansen et al
2003, West 2003, Done et al 2001, Westmacott 2000, Wilkinson 1992). The bright white calcium
carbonate skeleton shines through. These were top ranked actions in both evaluations of global and
local expert judgment as well as scientific literature. Types of actions were active recovery (actively
manipulating the environment including coral transplantation or habitat enhancement), monitoring
(recording data on the effects of bleaching on the ecosystem), and bolstering existing management
(building off of or strengthening pre-existing rules and management programs). At the same time,
each polyp lives in a symbiotic relationship with microscopic algae called xooxanthellae, and it is
these that are primarily affected during the bleaching. Sites had to meet four criteria: 1) low to
medium resilience relative to other sites, 2) high levels of anchor damage, 3) high usage and good
visibility to the public and 4) high accessibility for managers and rangers to install buoys. One
strategy that has been suggested to accomplish this is through the use of MPAs focusing on the
protection of herbivores (McClanahan 2014, Game et al 2009, Hughes et al 2007). Amar and
Rinkevich 2007 explored the use Figure 6 Kaneohe Bay coral polyps, photo: DAR Page 11. They get
the opportunity to investigate why it is happening. An example of an active recovery effort Figure 2
Percentage of papers describing management action versus no action following bleaching events
active recovery 8% bolster existing management 56% monitoring 36% Page 7. Major gaps between
the science of coral reef resilience and the management of reefs facing the effects of climate change
have been identified, including operational examples of adaptation principles, guidance on the
selection and integration of science recommendations, implementation of management strategies
supporting resilience, and the pairing of science recommendations with ecological evidence (Magris
et al 2014, McClanahan et al 2012, Heller et al 2009, Hughes et al 2003). Marine heatwaves can last
weeks, months or even years. Change in ocean temperature Increased ocean temperature caused by
climate change is the leading cause of coral bleaching. If we continue burning fossil fuels at our
current rate then severe bleaching events are likely to hit reefs annually by the middle of the century.
Aeby also noted that educating local coastal populations about the dangers of coral bleaching could
instigate preservation and pollution regulation on a community level. Factors to stimulate new coral
settlement into a damaged area include protection of larval sources, ensuring adequate settlement
substrate, and reduction of anthropogenic factors that affect early life stages of coral. The majority
of these (56%) discussed bolstering existing management regimes (Figure 1). The most common type
of paper was a case study (38%), followed by theoretical papers (25%), experiments (15%), reviews
(15%), response plan (4%), and surveys (3%).

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