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Name : Tasya Anggun Vinka Putri

SRN : 18340036
Subject : UAS Intro To Translation

General purpose the research is knowing the effectiveness of the Cognitive
Behavioral Modification Counseling (CBMC) approach in increasing self efficacy students
academic Vocation Academic School 9 of Padang City. Process of the reasearch this a
collaboration between researchers and counselors at Vocation Academic School 9 Padang.
This research was conducted on 16 subjects (students) who experienced low academic self
efficacy problems had been netted through the academic self efficacy scale.
The reaserch is a Quantytatif reaserch with research design is true experiment. The
design used in this research is pretest-postest control group design. The main characteristics
of this design are (1) the placement of subjects in the experimental group and subjects in the
control group are selected randomly, (2) the experimental group is treated with the cognitive
behavioral modification counseling (CBMC), while the control group is not given cognitive
behavioral modification counseling (CBMC) treatment (adjusted with the Guidance and
Counseling program). in schools, namely counseling as usual, (3) before and after treatment
the group was given a pretest and posttest.
The results of this research are quantitatively based on hypothesis testing using the
two independent sample test of the Mann Whitney U test, in the previous discussion it can be
seen that the output of the "test statistic" where the statistical value of Z count is greater than
Z table, which is -3.368 greater than 0.00016 and the value of Sig (2-tailed) for the two tailed
test is 0.01 or the probability is below 0.05. The result is that Ho is rejected, or there is a
significant difference between the counseling received the behavioral modification
counseling approach (CMBC) intervention and the counselee who received counseling as
usual. Qualitatively, first, the CMBC approach is generally effectively used to improve
students' academic self efficacy. Second, specifically the CMBC approach is effective in
improving (1) students skills in realizing and understanding the components of low self
efficacy triggers, (2) students skills to start a new internal dialogue.

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