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Effective Problem Solvers

Effective Problem Solvers are those who are able to seek out and accept

assistance when needed and use positive coping skills when frustrated. They are also

able to objectively evaluate problems and seek moral and ethical solutions. This allows

you to determine what your priorities are. Being able to seek moral and ethical solutions

also helps with the ability to maintain a right state of mind and being able to figure out

what solution is best for you.

An example I experienced as an Effective Problem Solver is my soccer trophy. I

had to come up with strategies with my team to see how we can win and achieve what

we want. Working well with others is the ability to seek out and accept assistance when

needed. This experience made me an effective problem solver because I was able to

accept assistance and use positive coping skills. I did not allow my emotions to get in

the way when I was frustrated.

This is a relevant artifact as I was able to demonstrate my abilities as an effective

problem solver. The first step was identifying a problem which was seeing what was

stopping us from achieving what we wanted, the win. Then I realized I needed to work

with my team to find strategies. Once we allowed each other to work as a team, we

began to see success.

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