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Skateboarding - a typical american custom and its

global impact
Hello and welcome to my skilled work on the theme " Skateboarding" and if it is a typical
american custom and its global impact. In this skilled work I am gonna write about the
history of skateboarding, history of skateboarding in germany and compare it to

First I would like to introduce you to the topic of my skilled work, talk about why I chose
this topic and why it is important to me to write my skilled work about it.

I chose this topic because of the personal factor. I am skating since 2 years now and I
am enjoying it. I really wanted to dispute with it more and I asked myself who came to
the weird idea to put weels on a board and actually skate it. I was wondering how it
started and who was the first skateing crew also i thought how did it become so popular.
Since skateboarding is a important thing in my life, this questions become more and
more. So as I asked these questions some of my skate buddys they all couldnt answer
them, so i was searching for answers and become more involved in the history of
skateing and in the fact that I had to chose a topic for my skilled work I decided to write
about the history of skateboarding, compare it to skateboarding in germany and make
research on wheather skateboarding is a typical american thing or not?. So I could
inform and teach the next generation and everyone who is not familiar with
skateboarding and its history about it. It is also important to safe these spirits the people
had in the past. I chose these questions for this skilled work because in the last past
years, skateboarding was getting more popular in germany, more and more people
become skaters. This had a impact on the fashion of germany. More people were
dressed like skaters, more people started wear skater brands like Vans, thrasher,
palace and dickeys. More and more people started to live a skater lifestyle. So I asked
myself, "Is skating still a typical custom?" and if so : "Why is skateboarding this popular
in germany?" or "why isnt it popular in america anymore?". I was interessted in the fact
that someone invented my hobby and maybe did the first tricks on it. That this someone
changed the world with his stupidly good creation. That this creation could be used in
many ways, like a fortbewegungsmittel and like a board to do tricks on it.

First I want to talk about the history of skateboarding. Skateboarding was found in
California in the late 1940s when surfers had nothing to do with when the waves were
flat. The first idea of skateboarding was putting wheels to a board and surf on the
sidewalks. No one knows who was the first who came up with this idea. It seems like
some Californians had the same idea at the same time.
vgl. heute vs damals

wie es nach deutschland kam - TITUS

etwas über titus

-german , 1968 abi, 1971 studium , real name eberhard dittmann, name titus vom
bruder Spitzname, 1977 studiumsabschluss & erster knt mit skaten, fasziniert ein jahr
später AG an gymnasium, frau brigitta reisegewebeschein weil er keinen haben durfte
wegen lehramt, flog nach kalifornien equipment. eröffnete einen der ersten skateshops
in europa, began eigene boards zu pressen, 1980 eröffnete er den ersten deutschen
outdoor skatepark, zsm mit claus grabke titus show team erstes skateboard team in
europa, erste turniere organisiert, weltweit bedeutensten turniere, auch in dortmund,
organisierte weltmeisterschaften, gab lehrer sein 1984 auf und gründete GmbH , " Das
Board sei für die Jugendlichen nicht nur ein Sportgerät, sondern ein Ausdrucksmittel,
mit dem sie sich abgrenzen könnten.", verkaufte an bekannteste skater und
schmuggelte skate teile über innerdeutsche grenze, in 1980ern krise 1994 neubegin mit
vernetztem großhande, bis 2002 30 läden in deutschland mit über 500 mitarbeitern.
erneute krise stellte jedoch alles selber wieder auf die beine. richtete jugendzentren ein
und wurde 2001 als entrepreneur des jahres ernannt. 5 oktober 2009 mit dem
Verdienstorden des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen ausgezeichnet. errichtete skateparks
in africa und afghanistan mit hilfe von skate aid. 2012 erschien seine eigene
dokumentation über dsein leben , 2011 Gründerpreis als unternehmer und als vater der
deutschen skateboard szene ernannt....

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