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Title: Navigating the Complexity of a Literature Review on the Global Financial Crisis of 2008

In the realm of academia and research, delving into the intricacies of the Global Financial Crisis of
2008 requires a comprehensive understanding of the multitude of factors and perspectives that
contributed to this pivotal event in economic history. Crafting a literature review on this topic
presents numerous challenges, demanding meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, and
critical analysis.

The sheer volume of literature surrounding the Global Financial Crisis can be overwhelming, ranging
from scholarly articles and economic analyses to policy papers and firsthand accounts. Navigating
through this vast sea of information requires not only time and effort but also a discerning eye to
identify credible sources and relevant insights.

One of the primary challenges in writing a literature review on the Global Financial Crisis lies in
synthesizing diverse viewpoints and interpretations. Scholars and experts offer varying analyses of
the causes, consequences, and policy responses to the crisis, often presenting contrasting arguments
and hypotheses. As such, crafting a coherent narrative that captures the complexity of these
perspectives while maintaining academic rigor is no small feat.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of the Global Financial Crisis necessitates a

multidimensional approach to research. Integrating insights from economics, finance, sociology,
political science, and other disciplines is essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the
crisis and its far-reaching implications. However, this interdisciplinary approach adds another layer of
complexity to the literature review, requiring researchers to traverse different academic domains and
reconcile conflicting theories and methodologies.

Amidst these challenges, seeking assistance from expert academic writers can offer invaluable
support in navigating the complexities of crafting a literature review on the Global Financial Crisis
of 2008. ⇒ ⇔ provides a trusted platform where individuals can access professional
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LESSONS LEARNT. One important example is the Great Depression, which was preceded in many
countries by bank runs and stock market crashes. She plunged into a retraining course for hospital
jobs but, as she puts it, “I couldn't wrap my mind around this subject.” Instead, she switched into
classes to become a heavy-equipment operator, a job much in demand at the time, including at nearby
coal mines. Many had already collapsed, and many others would before long. It is also clear that
operational risks provide the interconnectivity between both the credit risks as well as the systemic
risks. The financial crisis began in the US in the middle of 2007. But the difference will appear in
case of challenges that will be faced by GCC as compared to euro currency crisis. But these stops
were offset by a much larger force that ultimately prevented the US from experiencing an even
bigger disaster. The subprime mortgage crisis and the bursting of other real estate bubbles around the
world also led to recession in the U.S. and a number of other countries in late 2008 and 2009. To
meet this demand, banks and mortgage brokers offered home loans to just about anyone. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Economic and financial crises a fundamental
analysis from Islamic financial. The Fed, that is, made itself into a global lender of last resort. One
factor that frequently contributes to a bubble is the presence of buyers who purchase an asset based
solely on the expectation that they can later resell it at a higher price, rather than calculating the
income it will generate in the future. Since banks lend out most of the cash they receive in deposits
(see fractional-reserve banking), it is difficult for them to quickly pay back all deposits if these are
suddenly demanded, so a run renders the bank insolvent, causing customers to lose their deposits, to
the extent that they are not covered by deposit insurance. The full details of the liquidity programs
were not disclosed until 2011, when the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the Fed to release the data to
reporters from Bloomberg. Stock markets around the world recover the previous day's heavy losses.
The country seemed poised for a major redistribution of wealth but then resumed the focus we’ve
had for the last 30 years, on creating wealth, even if much of it remains concentrated in the hands of
a few. Structured finance: funding profile of SIVs and claims of ABCP conduits 37. 38. 39.
Unreliable ratings of rating agencies in the MBS market 40. Deutsche Bank’s April 2018 decision to
reduce its presence on Wall Street was a belated example of this broader European retreat. There
were a LOT more bank failures and madness, which we won’t have time to get into in this post.
Traditionally, most banks had funded their operations through what is known as “retail” banking, in
which consumers lend money to banks in the form of deposits, which banks use to make loans. But
none of these problems explains why the downturn precipitated a global banking crisis. It proves
efficient as if such aspects are taken into account; the resultant risk model is said to deliver a balance
approach in which the bedding of a risk as well as a framework for risk control within an
organization are implemented.14 ISO 31000, if adopted by any particular organization, would not
only prove to be essential to it but to the global economy at large. Her advice for those who confront
a sudden layoff after age 50: “You change. They were in; the likes of China, India, and Russia were
not. Countries all around the world held hundreds of billions of loans. So it is worth spending a little
time understanding what happened during the 2008 financial crisis, and why the events during this
period led to a strong growth in a counter-movement and counter-culture: cryptocurrencies. There
were two changes made on the global governance. Looking back today, a decade after the crisis,
there is every reason to agree with Bernanke’s assessment: 2008 should serve as a warning of the
scale and speed with which global financial crises can unfold in the twenty-first century.
The upward trend is particularly visible in the US and developed economies. The 2000s sparked a
real estate bubble where housing prices were increasing significantly as an asset good. Whenever
financial credit occurs, the approval of credit worthiness of any organization by the financial
institutions is usually delayed. That created the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession.
According to Kelly Cozart, vice chancellor for academic affairs at Ivy Tech, many of the older
Whirlpool workers who returned to school fared better than the younger workers. “The more
seasoned people were kind of used to change,” explains Cozart, noting that they had often faced
temporary layoffs. “Some were thrilled with the opportunity to get an education.”. These are:
Operational risks: These are usually described as breakdowns that occur internally within the control
systems as well as the corporate governance and as such, it results in financial losses attributable to
errors, fraud or even inability to perform timely. Federal Reserve but US Federal decrease the
interest rate to. But the world is full of unknown risks, too, like the impact of high-speed trading by
algorithms, the growth of cryptocurrencies, and the possibility of cyber attacks. Another goal of
regulation is making sure institutions have sufficient assets to meet their contractual obligations,
through reserve requirements, capital requirements, and other limits on leverage. The payments were
cheaper because their interest rates were based on short-term Treasury bill yields, which are based on
the fed funds rate. And a study of a Mercedes-Benz truck assembly plant in. Thus, the world
depended on US consumer demand, and therefore the economic crisis that started in the US rapidly
spread globally. Internship Presentation on Characterization of Stainless Steel-Titanium Diffu.
Providers pay a royalty fee to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. Grote reflects upon the
general role that technology can and should play in organizations. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
were created for the development of the secondary market in housing loans. In many ways, the
global financial system is better off as a result of the extraordinary stabilization measures taken after
2008. When the crisis came, the Chinese did not sell off U.S. assets. Although they reduced their
holdings in U.S.-government-sponsored enterprises such as the mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, they increased their purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds, refusing to join the Russians in
a bear raid on the dollar. The time spent understanding the 2008 financial crisis will help put a lot
things (in relation to cryptocurrencies) in perspective for you. Electronic communication systems can
have democratizing effects given a number of technical as well as organizational prerequisites. When
the values of the derivatives crumbled, banks stopped lending to each other. The transformation of
the pre-crisis liquidity into profitable operations has been one of the most important problems facing
the banking system. When combined, they result in drastic fates to organizations. If it were not for
the crisis, Bitcoin would not have become as popular as it has become. So while there may be losses
in some corners of the global financial system in the years to come, they are unlikely to produce a
2008-style meltdown. The repeal allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives. This created
enormous pressure on big financial firms. Investors panic, yanking their money out of the country en
masse. She applied and was hired to answer phones, do client intake interviews, generate invoices
and perform other administrative duties. So they had to do something else with the dollars to earn
Traditionally, most banks had funded their operations through what is known as “retail” banking, in
which consumers lend money to banks in the form of deposits, which banks use to make loans.
When the plant closed, he explains, “it felt like the world was pulled out from under my feet.” For
seven months he searched for work. What, exactly, did the implosion of U.S. subprime mortgage
markets expose. In the United States, Washington came to the aid of the investment bank Bear
Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the insurance giant AIG. The financial crisis was
primarily caused by deregulation in the financial industry. For example, the crisis intervention is not
new.The shadow of the state in the economy has always been felt. Main articles: Economic
psychology and Herd behavior. In the past decade, banks have dramatically increased the amount of
capital and liquid assets they hold, lessening the risk of insolvency. According to financial analysts,
ISO is built on different risk communities with regard to several businesses as its basis. The price-to-
earnings (CAPE) ratio, which measures whether stock-market prices are within a reasonable range, is
now higher than it was both in 2008 and at the start of the Great Depression in 1929. In short,
foreign banks were racking up sizable liabilities that had to be paid in dollars. That this reality has
been obscured speaks both to the contentious politics of managing global finances and to the
growing distance between the United States and Europe. This presentation provides an overview of
the crisis with links for further, more detailed, coverage at the end. It also created an asset bubble in
real estate in 2005. New regulations are expected in the field of finance, such as hedge funds.
Complex derivatives (e.g., CDOs) made the situation worse because these products create an even
greater linkage between so many different parts of the financial system. These are the foundations
for better standards of living. Duncan studied for that position, passed the state and federal
certifying exams, and got the job. European banks such as Barclays and Deutsche Bank can proudly
proclaim that, unlike their American counterparts, they came through the crisis without state
assistance, despite the fact that they took hundreds of billions of dollars in liquidity from the Fed.
And because these banks owned 29 percent of all nonconforming, high-risk mortgage-backed
securities in the United States, this was not just a European problem. Prior to the recent financial
crisis, rating agencies did not work very effectively. The rating agencies that provide notes about
banks and other financial institutions are financed by these companies.In this context, the ability of
rating agencies to make objective evaluation decreases. Globalization Unit Lesson 3. Objectives.
Explore events leading up to financial crisis that struck the US and the world in 2008. At the same
time that foreign banks were pulling out of US markets, American banks were moving their overseas
money—most of which was in offshore dollars—back to the US. Even if an organization
implements any quality of decisions to curb the situation, in most cases, closedown is usually
inevitable.6 The role of governance and non-regulatory compliance in risk models The corporate
governance as well non regulatory authorities are important to risk management and they play a
major role in managing risks within an organization. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. The transformation of the pre-crisis liquidity into profitable
operations has been one of the most important problems facing the banking system. Behavioral
finance studies errors in economic and quantitative reasoning. Keywords: market economy, global
financial crisis, financial system. Because she was earning so little, she and her husband were forced
to file for bankruptcy.
Many books have been and will be written about these seminal events, but the story can also be told
graphically, as the charts and graphs below aim to do. That trapped homeowners who couldn't afford
the payments, but couldn't sell their houses either. Stock markets around the world recover the
previous day's heavy losses. So it is worth spending a little time understanding what happened
during the 2008 financial crisis, and why the events during this period led to a strong growth in a
counter-movement and counter-culture: cryptocurrencies. Prior to the recent financial crisis, rating
agencies did not work very effectively. They were established to aid the organizations which have
risk management strategies put in place in an effort towards replacing the already existing
methodologies, standards and paradigms, and these must have differed tremendously between
regions, industries as well as subject matters.17 If adopted, the risk management model will prove
effective towards creation of a resilient global economy, and this effectiveness will arise out of the
ISO 31000’s role. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our
content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. An especially prolonged or severe recession may be called
a depression. So Geithner and the New York Federal Reserve resorted to an indirect mechanism for
providing them with dollars, repurposing a long-forgotten instrument known as a “liquidity swap
line.”. We need a fully functioning but moral banking system for the benefit of everyone. As a result
of the recent mortgage crisis, we see the US government’s series interest rate cuts, bank merger
operations, and confiscation of the latest mortgage institutions. That practice had contributed to the
growth of ghettos in the 1970s. Likewise, a depositor in IndyMac Bank who expects other depositors
to withdraw their funds may expect the bank to fail, and therefore has an incentive to withdraw too.
In 2010, many action plans were prepared and implemented in the medium-term program, thus
achieving the trend of rising market and macroeconomic data before the crisis. Countries all around
the world held hundreds of billions of loans. ISHRAT HUSAIN July 12, 2012. AGENDA.
banks have dramatically increased the amount of capital and liquid assets they hold, lessening the
risk of insolvency. Interim Report of the IIF Committee on Market Best Practices. Financial
Institutions That Make Up The Us Financial. The difference between these assets and their prices on
paper is high. Setser flags another massive, but little-understood, force that braced the US financial
system. This was the first indication that the downturn in housing prices, which had begun in early
2007, would have global ramifications. Wanting a job that helped others, she quit to work at
Easterseals Rehabilitation Center and later for the Indiana state government, where she, until
recently, helped low-income workers find childcare so they could keep their jobs. “The people I
served are the people busting their tails right now,” says Bottoms. “They are the essential workers.”
Laid off from that position in the spring, she accepted a job in a local hospital's access and logistics
department. That created the banking crisis in 2007, which spread to Wall Street in 2008. The
question is: if they indeed had implemented a superior risk management strategy, then why did they
go under. But what you should really worry about is what comes after: in the current social, political,
and technological landscape, a prolonged economic crisis, combined with rising income inequality,
could well escalate into a major global military conflict. Oklahoma: Cengage Learning, 2012. World
Bank. Global Development Finance. Few countries that borrow excessively for a long time manage
to avoid this fate, known as the “sudden stop.” At certain points in 2007 and 2008, investor panic in
the US did set in. When all these risks integrate, the effectual thing is that an organization will
experience failed transactions, and this is the worst thing whenever the economy is faced with a
financial crisis. When a country fails to pay back its sovereign debt, this is called a sovereign default.
For many American commentators, it stands as a moment in a protracted arc of national decline and
the prehistory of the radicalization of the Republican Party. With its global reach, the U.S. banking
industry almost pushed most of the world’s financial systems to near collapse as well. Because of
their high risk of default, sub-prime borrowers are charged higher interest rates than prime borrowers.
The chairman and chief executive of the bank step down. This chart shows the three sudden stops,
along with the two offsetting inflows that prevented the US from experiencing an emerging
markets-style financial disaster. Banks have started to give loans even to people who do not have any
business, income or presence. As a result of the recent mortgage crisis, we see the US government’s
series interest rate cuts, bank merger operations, and confiscation of the latest mortgage institutions.
The question is: if they indeed had implemented a superior risk management strategy, then why did
they go under. These theoretical ideas include the 'financial accelerator', 'flight to quality' and 'flight
to liquidity', and the Kiyotaki-Moore model. Because the workers had lost their jobs as a result of
Whirlpool's moving its refrigerator operation to Mexico, the federal Trade Adjustment Assistance
program paid for most of the retraining. When the eurozone crisis was at its most acute, in 2010, the
Fed reopened its swap lines, and in November 2013, they were made permanent. And the design of
mortgage-backed securities, many of which earned the highest bond ratings by bundling together bad
mortgages, was flawed. If interbank funding got too tight, the global financial system would receive
dollars directly from the Fed. The procyclicality of Basel II results from the calculation of capital
ratios on the basis of risk-adjusted assets. In it, the commission announced that the “crisis did not
start in Europe” and that the underlying problem had been “exposure to sub-prime mortgage markets
in the United States,” which triggered the deep European recession that followed. When the values
of the derivatives crumbled, banks stopped lending to each other. During the financial crisis, credits
as well as the market risks are deemed to surface and when they does, organizations fail to test stress
associated with these risks. She'd like to have worked longer, but she has one consolation: She gets
to spend lots of time with her seven grandchildren. Derivatives were created from subprime
residential mortgages, and demand for homes skyrocketed. Grote reflects upon the general role that
technology can and should play in organizations. The investors took all the risk of default, but they
didn't worry about the risk because they had insurance, called credit default swaps. Due to the
interdependence of banks and global economies, this crisis spread around the world. This is
profitable for everyone involved and widely seen as a harbinger of China’s integration into
international finance; yet with this new development come new dangers. The trouble spreads to
major Wall Street firms such as Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs
which had loaned the firms money. The global financial crisis imparted decisions among the world’s
leading economies so that new economic reforms were established.13 Role of ISO31000:2009 if
adopted as the new global standard for risk management In most cases, implementation of a
framework for risk is difficult when it comes to their achievement. Enron was a major contributor to
Senator Gramm’s campaigns. While devaluation and default could both be voluntary decisions of the
government, they are often perceived to be the involuntary results of a change in investor sentiment
that leads to a sudden stop in capital inflows or a sudden increase in capital flight. Here are some
useful articles for you to read next. This Act sought to eliminate bank “redlining” of poor
neighborhoods. To sort the assets in terms of liquidity; checks, government bonds, corporate bonds,
stocks, consumer durables and real estate.

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