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First Aid

1) Introduction
2) First Aids
3) what are the indications of those accidents?
4) . 3c ( check , call , care )
5) Examples of possible accidents and how to act
6) Blood pressure the 'silent killer'
7) Brain attack
8) Diabetic coma
9) What should the first aid kit contain in general?
• On average ordinary people are exposed to 9672 injury duirng 78 year
of their life
• the International Labor Organization monitored more than 337
million work accidents take place every year, including 203 million
injuries that led to death.
And this is what may draw our attention to cultivating awareness of
first aid,
so what is first aid then?
First Aid:
• It is assistance provided by a person trained in first aid - called the paramedic
- that assistance is like a quick procedure to implement as a result of the
occurrence of a problem or an emergency event.

• Importance
1) Saving life.
2) Reducing the aggravation of damage.
3) Reducing or speeding up the recovery period.
4) Preventing the spread of injury or accident.
• what are the indications of those accidents?
1) Someone's cry for help.
2) The presence of a person in an inappropriate position or place.
3) The presence of an unusual gathering of people.
4) The presence of a machine or tool improperly or in the wrong place.
When you encounter one of these things, you must immediately think of those three words:
3cs ( check , call , care ) .
• 3c ( check , call , care )
Check : Examine the place surrounding the accident and then examine the
injured person.
 Call : You must contact directly one of the competent authorities or
trustworthy people, for sure at one point it will require assistance .
 Care : It means providing care to the injured according to the injury, its
degree, and the amount of capabilities available in the place.
• Examples of possible accidents
1) High or low blood pressure.

2) High or low blood sugar level.

3) Stroke.

4) Some problems in the electroencephalography of the brain.

Blood pressure the 'silent killer'
is the force or amount that pushes/pumps blood inside the blood vessels.

• The various factors affecting pressure are :

 The amount of blood in the blood vessels.

The efficiency of the heart in pumping blood.
 The contraction and relaxation of blood vesselsnt of blood.
• Common mistakes:

High blood pressure is usually associated with a headache in one part of the head
, but it is not always as the brain ignores it because it is a usual pain.
Hypotension is usually the easiest to detect as a result of sudden fainting and then
gradually waking up.
• How to deal
To help the injured, you just have to raise the feet up at an angle of 45 degrees,
that is, put them on a chair or a pillow, or just carry them for a few minutes, so
that it facilitates the transmission of blood from the lower part of the body to the
brain attack

• Its symptoms :
Disturbance of the level of consciousness.
 Weakness in a part of the body or face.
• Its reasons
Vascular obstruction as a result of blood clots.
The weakness of one of the walls of the blood vessel
leads to its explosion
• To make sure that the cause of fainting is a stroke,
we implement the FAST word procedures :
F – FACE : Half of the face does not move or may be slower than the other.
A – ARM : When you raise the arms, one will be slower than the other.
S – SPEECH : The answer is with unclear words and overlapping speech.
T – TIME : at this point, you’d transfer the injured person to the hospital as quickly as
• Common mistakes
It is not possible to give a person with a stroke medicine to increase blood
flow, as it may be useful in the event that the stroke is the result of a deep
thrombosis, but it will increase the damage if the stroke is due to the bursting
of vessels, so it is not recommended to give medicines except with the
advice of a specialist .
• Common mistakes
When the patient is unconscious, they should not be made to swallow
water or food, as this may lead to airway obstruction.
Diabetic coma
• Its reasons:
1) It may be a rise in blood sugar level.
2) It may be a decrease in blood sugar level.
The most notified one :
It is a low level of sugar, as it expresses the lack of sugar reaching
to brain cells, which leads to their rapid death, which leads to person’s
rapid death within minutes or hours .
As for the high level of sugar, it results in a group of chemical
reactions, and the sugars turn into acidic substances that change the
acidity of the blood.
• Its Symptoms :
1) A disturbance in the level of consciousness.
2) Pale face.
3) Low temperature.
4) Profuse sweating.
• how to deal
In the event that the person is conscious, give the one of the sugars , it is not
necessary to swallow it.
If the person is unconscious, then we do the basics( call, check, care).
• First aid kit
It must be present in all movements with the use of available equipment
The bag should be simple in shape and easy to open quickly by anyone. Things
are placed in order inside the bag in their places so that everything is easily
Bag contents:

Scissors , tweezers, clip pins , thermometer.

For spare parts:
• cotton gauze
• skin cleanser disinfectant microchrome
iodine dye.
Eye drops :
Ropes - to save a drowning person -
 emergency medications such as:
• Tablets for diarrhea
• Tablets for flatulence
• Tablets for dysentery
• Mint spirit: for colic

• respiratory stimulant for shortness of breath

• Injections and syringes

• High fever reducer (such as aspirin)

• Curamine bottle and dropper

• Substances taken by mouth

• First aid theme is an important thing to be discussed and be taught in
schools , universities or even in work because it gives us the
knowledge and the ability to handle dangerous and unexpected

• Knowing how to deal with that may rescue live and it may be yours or
some one you care’s life or even a stranger’s .
Thank You

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