Grade 12 Term1 Practical Test 2024

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Johannesburg South District

Cluster 4


Grade 12
March Test 2024



This question paper consists of 10 pages (cover page included)

Instructions and information
1. Note that you will not be allowed to leave the examination venue before the end of the
examination period.
2. Save your work at regular intervals.
3. Read through each question before answering or solving the problem. Do not do more than is
required by the question.
4. Note that no printing is required.
5. During the examination you may make use of the help facilities of the programs which you are
using. You may not use any other resource material.
6. Note that if data is derived from a previous question which you cannot answer, you should still
proceed with the questions that follow.
7. Formulas and/or functions must be used for all calculations in questions involving spreadsheets
unless specified otherwise – in other words, do not manually calculate and type in the answers!

Please note:
You will receive together with the question paper an examination folder called DATA Gr12, which
contains the following files:


A document was created with information about Table Mountain.

Open the 1Mountain word processing document.

1.1 Add the text 'Mountain' as the subject to the file properties of the document. (1)

1.2 Replace the picture on the cover page with the 1Table picture. Apply any half
reflection effect to this picture. (2)

1.3 Find the text 'Question/Vraag 1.3' below the heading 'Table Mountain' and replace
this text with a cross-reference to the bookmark 'cableway'.
Display the page number only. (2)

1.4 Find the heading 'Hiking' and the text below it that ends with '… with a group.'

Apply paragraph formatting to this heading and the text so that it will always
remain together. (1)

1.5 Insert a field below the text 'INSERT HERE' to display the number of words
in the document. (1)
Save and close the 1Mountain word processing document.

1.6 Locate the 1Dates zipped file and do the following:

 Extract the 1Dates file by using the password: #d/m

 Sort the table according to the dates on which the places were opened,
starting with the most recent opening date.
Save and close the 1Dates document.



Open the 3Marathon spreadsheet which contains details about the top 50 qualifying athletes
for the 2023 Oceans Meet Marathon.

Open the 2_Marathon spreadsheet and work in the Attendee_Info worksheet.

2.1 Delete Sheet3 from the workbook. (1)

Work in the Participants worksheet.

2.2 Set the print area to cells A12:E62. (1)

2.3 Insert a function in cell F5 to determine the average qualifying time. (1)

2.4 The distance of the race is stored in cell F3. For every complete 5 km from the
starting point of the race, a medical station will be placed on the route. The start and
finish points will also have a medical station.

Insert a formula in cell F8 to calculate how many stations will be placed on the
route. (4)

2.5 During the race, athletes will wear wristbands in different colours according to
their age group.

Insert a VLOOKUP function in cell J17 to display the colour of the wristband that
Lucky will wear. Use the data in the Band worksheet.

Copy the function down to the rest of the cells in column J. (4)

Save and close the 2_Marathon spreadsheet.

2.6 Rainfall was measured every month in four cities from 2005 to 2015. The data was
captured in a spreadsheet.

Open the 2Rain_Reën spreadsheet. Work in the Rain_Reën worksheet.

2.6.1 Insert a function in cell G48 to determine the most commonly occurring rainfall
value in April. (2)

2.6.2 Insert a function in cell K50 to determine the third highest rainfall in August. (2)

2.6.3 Apply conditional formatting to cells D3:O46 to automatically apply a 3-colour

scale to the numbers in the three different categories shown below.

 The lowest point of 0

 A midpoint of 100
 The highest point of 630

Choose any colours of your choice. (5)

Work in the Bloemfontein worksheet.

2.7 A chart/graph displaying the total rainfall per year for Bloemfontein has been created.

Change the chart/graph in the worksheet to appear as shown below.

 Ensure that the chart/graph displays the rainfall per month and also the total
for the year.
 Add a suitable title to the chart/graph.
 Insert a legend as shown in the example below.
 Display the horizontal axis labels.
 Display data labels only for the 'Total' series.

Save and close the 2Rain_Reën document. (5)


A database of different types of music was created.
Open the 3Music_Musiek database.
3.1 Edit the Learners_Leerders table as follows:

3.1.1 Set the default value of the Gender_Geslag field to 'M'. (1)

3.1.2 Change the properties of the Grade_Graad field to ensure that a user
has to enter a value in this field. (1)

3.1.3 Change the properties of the Class_Klas field to display the following
four options in a drop-down list:

 A
 B
 C
 D


3.1.4 Create a validation rule for the Cell_Sel field so that the user has to
enter exactly 10 characters (of any type) in this field.

Add suitable validation text for this field.

NOTE: Use the LEN function in the validation rule. (4)

Save and close the Learners_Leeerders table.

3.2 Create a query called qry3_2, based on the Music_Musiek table as follows:

 Display only the Title_Titel, Artist_Kunstenaar, Year_Jaar and Genre fields.

 Display only songs in the 'DANCE' genre released in 1996
 Sort the records alphabetically according to the Title_Titel field.

Save and close the qry3_2 query. (4)

3.3 Open the qry3_3 query and do the following:

 Add the Cost_Koste field and format it to currency.

 Create a new calculated field called Inc to determine the increase if the
cost is to be doubled.

Save and close the qry3_3 query. in stock. (5)

3.4 Create a report called rpt3_4, based on the Music_Musiek table as

 Display the Artist_Kunstenaar, Title_Titel, Year_Jaar, Cost_Koste

and Genre fields.
 Group the data in the report according to the Year_Jaar field.
 Sort the data in ascending order of the Artist_Kunstenaar field.
 Change the report heading to 'Year released'.
 Insert a function with a suitable label to determine the total value
of the music items per year.

Save and close the rpt3_4 report. (7)

Save and close the 3Music_Musiek database.



Input Mask Character Sheet

0 Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed)
9 Digit or space (entry not required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed)

Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks while in Edit
# mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved; plus [+] and minus [–]
signs allowed)

L Letter (A to Z, entry required)

? Letter (A to Z, entry optional)
A Letter or digit (entry required)
a Letter or digit (entry optional)
& Any character or a space (entry required)
C Any character or a space (entry optional)

Decimal placeholder and thousand, date and time separators (The actual
.,:;-/ character used depends on the settings in the Regional Settings Properties
dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.)

< Causes all characters to be converted to lower case

> Causes all characters to be converted to upper case

Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than from left to
! right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it from left to right. You can
include the exclamation point anywhere in the input mask.

Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal character (for
example \A is displayed as just A)
"" Characters enclosed in double quotation marks will be displayed literally.

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