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Logic Model Development Guide

Program Objective:

1. What is your organization's mission? What motivates your organization’s need for
2. What goals does your organization wish to achieve through this vision?

Target Participants:

1. Which youth in the community do you wish to engage in your programs? Who is your
target demographic?
2. What are the needs of your target group?


1. What resources are needed to provide your programming? (Consider: funding, facility,
equipment, staff, training)
2. What programs/activities are required to address the identified needs of your target


1. What are the main activities involved in the delivery of your programs?
2. How are the activities within the program designed to address identified barriers/gaps of
target demographic? How are they designed to address the goals of your organization?


1. What measurable outputs or results does your program produce? (Consider: participant
numbers, program duration, program frequency, number of sessions)


Short-Term: What are the direct impacts of the program? What immediate changes in skill,
knowledge, and awareness do you wish to see in participants upon completion of programs?

Mid-Term: What are the intermediate impacts of the program? What changes in actions and/or
behaviors do you wish to see in participants?

Long-Term: What changes do you wish to see in the identified overall situation? What lasting
changes do you wish to see in the lives of the target demographic?

Program All-Girls Gymnastics Program

Situation Black and racialized girls in the GTA encounter barriers to physical activity and
development often due to lack of opportunities with representation, inclusivity,
and cultural sensitivity.


● MLSE Foundation Grant

● Program coordinator/manager
● Qualified coaches: all-female, have BIPOC representation

● Gymnastics facility or gym at accessible location
● Equipment (mats, balance beams, bars)


Gymnastics Training:
● Structured sessions targeting girls ages 8-18 with consideration for skill levels
● Physical literacy (Learn fundamental movements such as running, jumping, stretching)
● Gymnastics fundamentals (ie. Floor, Vault, Bars, Beam and Tumbling)

Social Development:
● Team building exercises (ie. group warm-ups, partnered exercises)
● Mentorship through coaches (strong female leads with experience in the sport)
● Learn about BIPOC women in gymnastics/sports (Simone Biles)

Emotional Development:
● Safe and inclusive space to share experiences and provide support to each other
● Discussions and workshop on healthy body image and body positivity
● Goal setting workshops and discussions to help set attainable goals and to build self worth
and sense of accomplishment


● # of girls participating in program

● # of overall program sessions, sessions/hours per week, and overall program hours
● Participant attendance numbers
● Participant feedback
● Skill development assessments


● Increased fluency in gymnastics fundamentals

● Increased interest in gymnastics and sports
● Increased self-confidence and self-esteem within and outside of
Short-Term programming
● Increased participant fitness levels
● Improved coordination and motor skills
● Increased access to mentors and supports

● Continued participation in gymnastic in current or other organizations

Mid-Term ● Increased physical activity, maintenance of active lifestyle
● Increased overall self-esteem and social competence

Long-Term ● Increased number of Black and racialized girls and women participating in
gymnastics and other sports

Participant Feedback Survey: All-Girls Gymnastics Program

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your answers will help us improve our gymnastics
program so it continues to be fun for everyone! It is your choice to do this survey, if you do not
want to do this survey, please give it to one of your coaches. All your answers will stay private.


1. How old are you?

a) 8 d) 11 g) 14 j) 17

b) 9 e) 12 h) 15 k) 18

c) 10 f) 13 i) 16

2. Racial/Ethnic Identity (select all identities you identify with)

a) Arab or Middle Eastern (e.g, from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey)

b) Black (e.g., African, Caribbean, North American, African descent)
c) Central Asian (e.g., from Kazakhstan)
d) East Asian (e.g., from Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea),
e) Hispanic or Latin American (e.g., from Costa Rica, Mexico)
f) Indigenous (e.g., First Nations, Metis, Inuit)
g) Pacific Islander (e.g., from Fiji, Samoa)
h) South Asian (e.g., from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh)
i) Southeast Asian (e.g., from Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand)
j) White (e.g., from France, United Kingdom, Italian, Portuguese, European descent)
k) Multi-racial/ethnic
l) I’m not sure
m) I prefer not to answer
n) I identify with another group (please specify): _______

3. Please circle the number that matches how you feel about each sentence.

NOT Mostly I don’t Mostly Very

true NOT True know True True

I enjoy doing gymnastics. 1 2 3 4 5

I am now better at gymnastics than I was before. 1 2 3 4 5

My coaches helped me get better at gymnastics. 1 2 3 4 5

I can talk to my coach if something is on my mind. 1 2 3 4 5

I enjoy learning gymnastics with only girls. 1 2 3 4 5

I feel like I belong when I am at gymnastics. 1 2 3 4 5

I feel proud of how I did in this program. 1 2 3 4 5

I want to come back to this program again. 1 2 3 4 5

I want to continue to do gymnastics and other sports 1 2 3 4 5

after this program.

4. Please choose which skills you have learned from this program. (choose all that apply)

● Making friends
● Working together as team
● Solving problems together
● Setting and achieving goals
● Why it’s important to keep active
● Learning to love myself for who I am
● Being proud of the things I do

5. How can we make gymnastics better for you?

6. What would you like to change about the gymnastics program?

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