Gap Year Essay

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Should you take a gap year?

Taking a gap year might sound discouraging for some people, but interesting for others,
this is because you can have a new perspective on things you would have never imagined
before. Now, it is important to note that taking a gap year is not as simple as it might
sound at first glance, nor it is something you should be afraid about, perhaps it is an
amazing opportunity for anyone who is looking forward to a change. Gap years have many
benefits, but also disadvantages which may put you off, this is why we are here to guide
What are the benefits of taking a gap year? As crazy as it might sound, you will have 365
such a long period of days for yourself, kind of like a “vacation”, but what will you even do
for such a long period of time? The most common activity we recommend is volunteering,
although for many people it may sound boring, it is not what you think: “a boring activity
where you help people”. Actually, volunteering can become a really fun activity not only
for you, but also for the people who are surrounding you, making it really enjoyable for
everyone. Not only you become proud of yourself for helping others, but also volunteering
can be quite useful when applying to a university if that is what you plan to do once your
gap year is over. Most of them really value this kind of activities and can make a big
difference between entering your dream university or whatever option is left for you.
What about the disadvantages? These are much less noticeable than the benefits, some of
which people care the most about are forgetting everything you learnt at school before
entering university, however this is not always true, and in case it happens it is easy to
overcome if you distribute your free time efficiently and prepare. Another thing people
worry about is the extra money necessary that is involved when taking a gap year, since
the different activities you do may be expensive, however it ends up being worth it.
In conclusion, you should not be discouraged of taking a gap year and you should a
hundred percent take every opportunity that is presented to you, otherwise you may
regret it later on.

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