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When we love others

as Jesus did,
we show love
for God.

Refl ec t i on : P a r e n t s / C atec h i sts

:: L I ST ENI N G : :
“I obey my Father, so that everyone in the world might
know that I love him.” (John 14:31)

United with Christ, we gather

:: R E F L ECT I N G : : for our Eucharistic celebration
Love for his Father always and recall God’s goodness; we
Basically, the Christian life
inspired Jesus to do the admit recall God’s goodness;
consists of listening and
things that pleased him. we admit our failure to love
responding to God as Jesus
Christ’s mission on earth was him in our brothers and sisters,
taught. To live as a Christian
to show us the Father’s love and ask for mercy.
is to hear the divine Word at
and to bring us to him. Christ every moment and in every
The Eucharist helps us to
showed us how to keep the event, in both the simple and
recognise God’s presence in
Father’s Word and how to pray. the complex realities of life. It
each member of the Christian
Above all, prayer is listening is to believe that the Father’s
community who joins us in
to God. It is a total openness love is at work in everything
worshipping the Father. Like
to God, no matter how he and to return his love by doing
St Paul we wish the gift of love
decides to speak to us. Prayer the things that please him.
for others as we say:
strengthens our relationship
with God. If prayer extends To live as a Christian leads “God is wonderful and glorious.
through our whole life, we will us to share material goods I pray that his Spirit will make
find God at the center of each with others, to respect their you become strong followers
joy and sorrow, each anxiety property and to be honest and that Christ will live in your
and pain. in our dealings with them. hearts because of your faith.
Courtesy, the habit of treating Stand firm and be deeply
A prayerful attitude makes us others with consideration rooted in his love. I pray that
aware of what the Lord has and respect flows from and you and all of God’s people
done for us and prompts us to nurtures an appreciation for will understand what is called
exclaim with Mary: the dignity of each person. wide or long or high or deep.
“With all my heart I praise the The daily life of a Christian I want you to know all about
Lord, and I am glad because of is dedicated to showing this Christ’s love, although it is too
God my of God my saviour.” respect for others. wonderful to be measured.
Then your lives will be filled with
(Luke 1:46-47)
all that God is.” (Ephesians 3:16-19)
needed for
this lesson:
The Big Word
for Kids :: PAG E 1 ::

To d i s c us s t he “new” co mman dment given by Jesus.

Talk about treasure hunts and chapter 22, verses 37 to 39. your heart, soul and mind. Love
stories of people discovering others as much as you love
treasures. The Ten Commandments are yourself.)
the treasures that Jesus gave
Talk about the different types us. What words could you use to
of treasures. fill in the second banner?
Neatly fill in the missing parts
on Page 1. (God, Others, Self)
Ask your child to find the
scripture quote: Matthew, (Love the Lord your God with all

:: PAG E 2 ::

To i mi ta te Je s us’ Love for t he Fath er by prayin g, speakin g abo ut Go d

w i t h love a nd celebratin g th e Lo rd’s day

Jesus had a special love for sometimes he spent the whole You could pray this prayer
God. He knew him as a loving night in prayer. when you get up in the
Father so he called him Abba, morning or before you go to
a respectful word meaning Copy from the Gospel of bed each day this week.
“dear Father or dearest Matthew, chapter 14, verse 23,
Father”. the first part only, to find out Names are important. How do
one of the places Jesus used you feel when someone makes
Jesus’ friends knew that Jesus to pray. fun of your name? (I might feel
had a special love for God his (Then he went up on a something is wrong with me.
Father. They could tell by the mountain where he could be I might feel that the person
way Jesus talked to his Father alone and pray.) does not love me.)
when he prayed. What was the
prayer Jesus taught his friends? Jesus prayed prayer-songs Whenever Jesus spoke about
(The Our Father) called psalms. Let us read his Father, he spoke with
together a prayer made up love. In the “Our Father” Jesus
Jesus loved to talk and listen from one of these psalms. taught us to say “Hallowed be
to his Father so much that Read prayerfully Psalm 139. thy (your) name”.
There is a custom among Copy Luke, chapter 4, verse 16, We also make Sunday special
Catholics to bow the head the middle part. by resting from the hard work
every time the word “Jesus” is (As usual he went to the we do during the week.
used. meeting place on the Sabbath.)
How does it feel not to have to
Copy down Philippians, What day do we keep holy? go to school on Sunday?
chapter 2, verse 10, the first
part. Finally, write down Jesus’
(So at the name Jesus everyone words from Mark, chapter 12,
Catholics do something on this
will bow down.) verse 30.
day to keep it holy and special.
Do you know what it is? (You must love him with all your
Jesus celebrated his love for heart, soul, mind and strength.)
(Gather together to celebrate
his Father in a special way on
Saturday. Jesus was a Jew
and Jewish people celebrated At Mass we remember Jesus’
Saturday as the Lord’s Day, greatest act of love. What was
a day to remember God’s it?
goodness and special love.
(His dying on the cross and his
rising to new life.)

:: PAG E 3 : :

To d i s cove r t ha t wh en we love oth ers as Jesu s did,

we s how love fo r Go d.

Play a game like “Simon Says” Write down John, chapter 15, Jesus wants us to know that
so your child will experience verse 12, to find how Jesus he is really the one we’re being
following someone’s lead. wants us to love others. kind to when we are kind to
(Now I tell you to love each others. He is alive in his people
Link this game to what we are other, as I have loved you.) and whatever we do to them
learning in this unit. we do to Jesus.
Tell or read the story of the
Following someone can mean Last Judgement from Matthew Let us read together the
more than just doing what 25:34-36, 40. bottom of Page 3.
that person does. Following (Jesus even taught us to love
someone can mean trying to Have your child write down our enemies!!)
be like that person. examples of how people can
love others in the situations
In this unit we are learning to mentioned on Page 3.
live like Jesus.
:: PAG E 4 : :

To s ummarise G o d’s call to love.

Do the crossword together.

Love God Love Others

Across Down Across Down
4 Sunday 1 Mass 3 Obey 1 Share
2 Pray 4 Honest 2 Kind
3 God 6 Respect 3 Others
5 Name 5 Truth
7 Pure

Encourage your
child to memorise
the two commandments
Jesus gave us.

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