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A to Z Manajemen Mutu di RS

Manajemen Mutu RS
Lecture # 7 dan 9
by: Hafizurrachman
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Universitas Indonesia
Check Sheets
cheek sheets help organize data by category. They show how many
times each particular value occurs, and their information is increasingly
helpful as more data are collected.
For example the check sheet shows a list of molded part defects on a
production line covering a week's time.

Pareto Chart
A Pareto chart shows how frequently various types of problems
occur. A Pareto chart lists the problems discovered along the
horizontal axis and the number of occurrences along the vertical
Scatter Diagram
A graphical technique to analyze the relationship between two variables

Use the Scatter Diagram When:

• You suspect there is a relationship between two variables
• The data is continuous, such as temperature, time, or numbers
• You need a fast and easy way to test relationships between variables

For example: relationship between weight

and height
Fish Bone Diagram
A tool for analyzing and illustrating a process by showing the main causes
and subcauses leading to an effect (symptom). This tool helps groups to think
beyond people responsible for a problem and looking at deeper causes.

Use the cause and effect of the analysis:

• At the beginning of the analysis stage
• To develop hypotheses about the cause of the situation
Flowcharts describe a process in as much detail as possible by graphically
displaying the steps in proper sequence

For example : Flowchart of prenatal care

The histogram displays a single variable in a bar form to indicate how
often some event is likely to occur by showing the pattern of variation
(distribution) of data.
Histograms are constructed with variables—such as time, weight, temperature,
and are not appropriate for attribute data.
Control Chart
Graphs used to study how a process changes over time. A
control chart shows the variability of a process by plotting sample
measurements over time. A control chart includes a central line
representing the average value and lines representing upper and lower
control limits.

For example: Average Wait Time before and after a Redesign

Alat Lain Yang harus anda
Pelajari seperti:
1. Stratifikasi
2. Brain Storming
3. Delpi
4. Delbeq
5. Hanlon
6. Bryant
9. CDM
10. FGD
11. Wawancara Mendalam
12. Decision Tree
13. Akreditasi
14. ISO 9000
15. Quantitative Management Tools

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