Sait Patrick Day

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2. Saint Patrick holiday celebrate 17 March.

Because it is was the day of his died.

He was a bischop, apostole and missinonary.
Legend has it that he brough christionart to the
Irleand and popularized the samroshc [szamrok]
and he released Island from snakes.
Today [Saint Ptriczks] is considered the patron
saint of Irelan and Niegeria, as well as fo engineers
[endżinurs] barbers coopers blacksmiths and miners.

3.Traditions during the Saint's Patrick in the

world was organised a parades. The day is
a drinking [łiski] and beer. The next tradition is
wearing green it is the national coulr Irleand.
the tradition of drinking whiskey from a glass
called Patrick's jug. Another tradition is the
presence of a characteristic elf that the
inhabitants dress up as.

4. Saint Patrick symbols:

-colour green
-green bear

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