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Real Numbers
l!d; Important Definitions / Formulae - A Flow Chart
I Real Numbers ~
l J,
Rational Number : A number which can be expressed in the For any two positive integers p and q, we have
form of q,
q :;t Oand p, q E Z, is called a rational number. HCF (p, q) x LCM fp, q] = p X q

Its decimal representation is either terminating or non- pxq

HCF(p, q) = LCM [p, q]
terminating repeating.
- 1
LCMfp ]-
Irrational Number : A number which cannot be expressed 'q - HCP ( p,q )

in the form of p , q-:;:. 0 and p, q E Z, is called an irrational J,

number. Its decimal representation is non-terminating and For any three positive integers p, q and r, we have
non-repeating .
..... pxqx rxLC M [p, q, r]
1. HCF(p, q, r) =
LCM [p, q]xLC M [q,r]x LCM [r,p]
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic : Every composite
number can be factorised as a product of primes and its pxqx rxHC F (p, q, r)
factorisation is unique, apart from the order in which the LCMfp, q, r] = HCF (p, q)xH CF (q,r)x HCF (r,p)
prime occur.
.. · ·ctes a
and p divides a2 , then p div1 where a is
If p IS a pnme
a positive integer.

Competency Based Questions

2. Every positive even integer is of the form :

❖ Multiple Choice Questions
(A)q (B)2q
Choose the correct option : (C)2q +1 (D)2q -1
1. For two numbers 18 and 720, the HCF x LCM is :
Sol (B) 2q
(A) 720 (B) 90
(D) 12960 [·: 2 x any positive integ er= positive even integer]
(C) 18
3. Every positive odd integer is of the form :
Sol. (D) 12960 (B)m
[ ·: HCP x LCM = product of two numbers
= 18 X 720 = 12960] (C) 2m-1 (D)2m +1
ll ,. h • I\ "· 111 i' ~ 1111!.! 'i - ~
WI (I , 111, "i) - r;

4 I fiO
u {llilli" "'"" I (i(I 11[ \ Ill
1ft \I IHI /I /\ ,wt.,,, ft.,t,/111111,1111,mliH f
(1t1 h ~Js
(f)) 6 }- J9

IC, a a,usb, h: -~"· (I>) f, I JCJ

I : t, I J,, <, I \ 1) (ftltlo,uJ lllllflhcr)I
t I It. (/2 /l) (JJ I /2) /§ .'

• m...!.
(A) " rotimwl 1111111/Jcr (II),, wh<1lc m,mher
(CJ 1111 lrmli,mal 11m11bcr (DJ ll ll<-tlura/ tJUmher
Sol. (A)., ration.II numhcr
Lt1 1 9=(\.999
;;::.. =999Q. t·: ( ✓2-JJ)(.fi. hlJ)=2-3=-11
-t ==9W1 -0.999 ... 12. The 11u111her 311 - J 10 is dM.'iible by:
Q-r == q
= l = 1] (A) J, 13, 5 (B) 3, JO

. _,.. f
1'ftli UJll«T
0.36 lS :
(C) 1, 3, 13
(C) 2, 3, 13
(DJ 2, 3, 10

[·: 313 - 310 = 310 . 33 - 310 = 310 (27 - l)
(B} 25 = 310 . 26 = 3lO. 2. 13]
13. How many prime factors are there 01 prime Jat:to1"Ulllion
CO, 18 o/5005?
50 (A)2 (B)4
(C)6 (D)7
w 3666 = 0.36 J Sol. (B)4

lf 215 IS, tlu11 I.CM of J20 IJ/Ul 225 is :

[ ·: Prime factorisation of 5005 is s I soos
7 1001
ll 1-B
Product of rwo nwnbers 13 13

l800J 14. The value of x and y in the gfren figure are :

a. 1/NC.P ._ 6) (A)x = 10,·y = 14 ~
}111114• X 6 I IJI){), thin
LCM{._ bJu (BJ x = 21 ; y = 84 / .)I}
(AJJ- ,., 'JOO (l) X = 11 ,• y = 25 /
(CJI» (IJ) X ~ /0 j _v = 40 -
(DJ 90
Sol. (8) t 21 :y == 84
M (a bJ HCJ-(u bJ UOJ !Here,, =J X7=llandy=:!l ,4=S4] .
I!. If n is ai,y 11atural 11u111b£•r, then whi,·h ofthe folw-win~
I 71, lfllJI, ,_,.,,, JICF and LCM of JJ, 10 and J 11 ,• expreuiom eml~ wit/a O:
(A) I f (B)I JI (A) (.f X :l)n (B) (-I x J)n
(C) I : 11 (DJ J , ((J (l x .'i)" (D) (6 x 1)11
.W. C) I 12 Sol. ((') (2 X 5)11 [ ·: (2 X 5)n :::: lo"

[lvtrgreen 100% SucctH In M1them
L6, Girm tlutt LC.\J (91, 26) = 182 H ,
') '6 • Cl< (91, 16)is: ,._ Pwll\11.'I ol lh~•lr \IC\I 11ml \ .('M
(.... - (B> 13 \'l'\1J11l I til lht' m1111\w1
(C> 7 (D) 9
•!X I !'ti
Sol- tB) 13 22. lf twu pu~itn•t• lm~t•rs I' "''tl
q cc111 /1,1 t',t'fJrn:u•tl o., :
[Here. Q}= 7 x 13, 26 = 2 ~ 13 I' • aJ,) orul </ .; a-111; o, I> b1•lr1~ 1,r]11it! 11wt1/tt'f ,, th,•11
HCF (91, 26) = 13 tCM (p, q) Is: /NCUH.'1'/
or HCP X LCM -- Product ol. two numbers <M "" <m,,ir,J
HCF X 182 = 91 x 26 (C) o-11,,l (D) tt11,J
Sol. (C)a-1// t,, ah\c1 o 1h ~lct...1 v1, 11) 11 /il \
HCF = - _ ] 23. 'fhu sum of 1,lpc>11t•t1h of prime .(artof'/'. ill tht' prim.:
182 - 13

17, n2 - 1 is divisible by 8, if n is : factorise11io11 of 196 ls:

(A) 011 iuteger (A) J (U).S
(B) a 11at11rol mm,ber
(C)S (0)2
(C) an odd i.11.teger (D) m, ever, integer
Sol, (C) an odd integt!r Sol. (B)4
LHcrc, 196 = 22 x 7l
[ ··· Put n = 1• 3 • 5 · 7 • · · · m
· 11 -, - 1 1s
· divisible by 8 J
2 So, sum or exponents ... 2 + 2 = '11
18. Ifx = iJ X 3 x 5 , Y = i2 X 33, the11 HCF (x, y) is: 24. /J two positive it1tegers a a"d b arc wrltt•••1 u.~ :
(A)l2 (8)108 a = x3y2 aml b = l.Y ; x, y are prime numbt1 rs, tllt•n
(C) 6 (D) 36 llCF (a. b) is :
Sol. (A) 12 (A) xy (B)xr
[ ·: HC F(2 3 X 3 X 52 , 22 X 33) = 22 x 3 = 12 J (C) x3y3 (D) r2y2
19. (-1)" + (-1) 8" =0, whell n is: Sol. (B) .\'J'4 [ ·: a ,\3y2 ond h - '}.J, :. IICF xy \
25. The least uumber tlia1 is divisible by all die numbers
(A) any positive integer
from l to JO(both illcl11sive) is:
(B) any odd natural number (A)lO (8)100
(C) a11y even natural number (C) 504 (D) 2520
(D) any negative integer Sol. (D) 2520
[Here, l = L, 2 = 2 X 1, 3 = 3 X 1, 4 = 2 X 2.
Sol. (B) any odd natural number
5 = 5 X 1, 6 = 2 X 3, 7 = 7 X I, 8 = 2 X 2 X 2,
20. Ifthree pieces oftimber 63 m, 42 m a11d 49 m long /iave 9 = 3 X 3 and 10 = 2 X 5
to be divided into planks of same le11gth, t/ie,i wha1 will LCM = l X 23 X 32 X 5 X 7 = 2520}
be the least possible number of plwiks ? 26. If p, q are two co-prime numbers, HCF (p, q) is :
(A)9 (B)22 (A)p (B) q
(C) 7 (D) 16 (C)pq (D) 1

Sol. (B) 22 Sol. (D) l

[Here, 63 = 32 x 7, 42 = 2 X 3 x 7, 49 = 72 [·: A pair of numbers is said to be co-prime, if the
numbers have no common faclor other than one. \
HCF (63 , 42, 49) =7 27. LCM of 120 aud 48, is: [CDSE 2021}
63 42 49 (A) 48 (B) 120
Total number of planks = 7 + 7 +7 (C) 80 D)240
= 9 +6 +7 = 22] Sol. (0)240
21. The product of the HCF and LCM of tl,e smallest prime
[Here, 1280 = 23 x 3 x 5
48 = 24
number and the smallest composite number is :
:. LCM of 120 and 48 = 24 x 3 x 5 = 240}
(A)2 (B)4 28. If HCF of two numbers a mid bis 15 and product of two
(C) 6 (D)S numbers a and b is 4500, t/Jen LCM of a and b, is :
Sol. (D) 8 [ ·: Smallest prime number = 2 and smalleSl (A) 600 (B) 300
composite number = 4
(C) 450 (D) 900

[Evergreen 100% Success In Mathematlcs- 0l
cm J<X) After how marty minutes will they ,np".t azam , 5
'We· J..l"ll)W (h.\l, ucF X I CM a: (I X b starting point, t} they ~tart LOY.ether aL 6, I.J') aJ'{t 'I '.ll rr;,
r~ j
15 x LCM • ,1500 ~> LCM c 3001 D

Sol. Herc, 120 - 23 / 3 / :-, ·

TIie product of 11 ,1,m-:.nv> nuimwl aml a,, irmti<mal
,u,,btr, iJ: {CJJSE 2021 / l~J = 22 / 32 / 5
(A) a/H"1)'S roti011al LCM of 120 and 180 - 23 / 32 / 5
(B)ont = 360sec, = 6~.
(C) a/HVl.}'S itTafi,,nal
(D) eillttr ratio11al or irmJio11al
Sol. (C) aJways irrational
.n Tlrt prodllct of two irratumal 11umbers, is:
(.4.) ont (B) always no11-zero
(C) always imllio11al (D) al,ways rational,
Sol. (B) always non-zero
+ Short Answer TYJ>!:11 Questions
&, Erp4,u ri.T Jl 'X. IJ X: J5 X J'9 + I°' I
ti,_,.. IUl~r bttw~n, (j
...... '13.
IIUlbrr. t s
Sol. 11 X 13 X 15 P • ,~
Ji = 1.414... am ✓3 = 1. 732. __ 1<

- ~ a rational number bet\\ een r-, r=;

",j - aoo ""3
:: .l
Sx 7 x 11 + 7 is a c o ~ llllllfbu "! 9. Oitti wltdlu-r u• ma u,1 wirll ~,
7X 11 + 7 = 7 X (5 X ll ~ 1)
alllllral ~ r a.
= 7 X 56, (a composite m:nnber)
pWD number contains two factors olher than l
Sol. (14)11 = (? x °"' = '2" x ~
i.e.. (1.:4)& onry ha.s.:? and 1 as prune i&..-tors
...-ia- ii.self.
Also. '\'lo"C ~ tbal prime tatoisaioo \.lt C\\:.l) CUl1)0S
ft,ctoruatu,n,jiiul HCF and LCM o/72, number (1-0 is unique tFundamental. Theore
[CBSE2018} Aritlu1w).
Now. if (14'f mis widl 0.111m ilnat ha"C 5 a a faaor
1l6 = 21 X J2 X 71 Hcncc. (14)" can ne'iCr ml widl digit 0
B = 'iJ x31 x71 o. • ...,....., ..... ,,_,_..,.., ......

=:~ x31 = 6
X J2 ¥ 7 1 = 504
--•ccap llil; JCZhral
_...... . ,.
..,, liar SflpS •• ,_,... ll

flQ L ••...,,• .,,..,....

GI.,. 1Sm'?
• •
ca. JC ca .., •
4 3 r:ewl

.W Jlae.fild-l.Olof30a;a. 36tlllllld40-.
\) 2x\X4i J.5. Pro1·e tluu -Ji
i., not a ar
r ionaJ numbt1r.
\') 2l '.I\: ,>
.(I 2l X 5 Sol. Let us assume, 10 I.he comra.ry !hat Ji . z
6 and O .2' x , 2 x 5
160 7 5 2 18 ra11ollaJ
the ~IL cd mtn1mmn d1~1ancc ,s J60 cm :. -5 .fi. = f!.. • q ;t: 0 and .
q P, q ~ z
ti l\n/r 11t Ill Fand I ( \f <>I 111, (mallcff odd composit,
,uunbrr ud tJ,r (ma/lt~l tllhl pnm~ n11m/'ltr. If an odd .fi. = 5p
alllftbtT p dn~ ,/, then trill ii dfridtt r,1 alto ? f:.rplt1in. 1q
[CBSE 1016/ => fi. = a rational nu.lTU)\!r.
2 But this contradicts the fact that V'2L.
1oddoompo~11cnumbcr-= 9 = 3 IS
. .
Smallest ood prune number = 3 7 .
Hence, - .fi. is not a rational numbe
HCP= 3 5 ~

d ~M=~=9
16. Show that (Ji+ Js )'2 is an irralio~-,
'1 tn:.111.~ if p d1,1dcs q2. then p ,, ill di\'idc q. '"" number
SoL If possible, let ( ✓3 + ✓5 )1 be a rational .
H ~~ lldJ\tdcg3also Ilumber.
U. H w main ura11onal numbtn ht bc0ian fi and (✓3 + ✓5)2 = !!...,
· • q EI
,.3 '\lntc run oro ofrhcm. [i'iCERTJ
S.. UTa1JOO,a] numbers be bc~een .Ji and ✓3. =>3 + 5 + 2✓3 ✓5 = f!_
~d.n:, ew/i =1414 aoo ✓l=l.732 ...
~ o mauooal numbers lie bet'i\ een /i and fj 2✓15 = p_ - 8
are 1 4142ldll24 and ! ..5050050C05...
S.t FtillDDlfltawl Theorem of Arilhm£tic. 2✓15 = p-Bq
b rJ ponible thal HCF and LC \I of "4'o n1.1mbers bt 24 q
aa4 5'0 rriputil cly '! Justify your arrnrer. r,; p-Bq .
W. Stainamt or Fundamental Theorem or Arithmetic: ,Ji::>= - - = mteger
E en compos1t.c number can be factorised as a product
Which is a contradiction.
prunes and llus prune factorisanoo is unique. apart
the order w ~hicll the prime !actors occur. Hence. (fj + Jsi is an irrational number.
re HCF c: 24 and LCM = 540 17. Given I/Jal Ji is irralional., prove thlll 5 + 3✓2 isaa
i"ational number. [CBS£ 21122)
LCM 540 45 .
LL"1 cul1te - - = - = - ~mteger Sal Let 5 + 3 ✓2 be a ratioIJJl
HCP 24 2
LC\f IS .alv.a)S a muluple of HCF, hence, two a
DW'®el"!) caaDOI ha\C HCF and LCM as 24 and 540
i.e .. it can be e,r;pressed as b, where a and b both JI'!
,m-,cu•~elv integers and b ~ 0.
1, All array COIIIUlttttJ of /OJ mrmbtN is to march belwul
D1I tll"lltY bond of 9IS mtmbtrs in a parodi. 11re MJ groups Thus, 5 +3✓2 = :
arr to llfatrll u, tltt UJmt numbtr of columns. What is
,,., INUUlllllfl 1111mbtr uf columns in -,.•hith they ca,1
=> 3,Ji = i- 5 ⇒ Ji
Sol l..d i be !he oornber of colwtms, ¼luch &hould be seti:cteJ Ntl¼, (ti - 51>) is integer and 3b is also integer.
IJl a JIWUX'r 11 1lli , alue 1s nuu.1mwn and di~· ic.k
lbe nwnbers I04 and 96 a-5b
:. - - is rational
So let u fmd !ht HCf of JOhn<l % 3b
Now S\S 25 X 3 But Ji is irrational [given!
J04 • 2J X 13 :. Our asswnption that 5 + 3✓2 is rational. is Df•
HCFof96and104•2 3 8 l:Orrect.
HC'DCC the mu1mwn nwnber of columns in which they
CID march 15 8. Hence, 5+ 3/i is an irrational nwnber.
[Evergreen 100% Success In Mathematlcs· ~
2+ .Jj
18, p,ove tllal --5- is an i"ationaJ number, given that Let a = 2m, where m is an integer

jj is an irrational number. fNCER1]

(2m)2 = 2lr
2+ ✓3 . 41,t- = u?
Sol- Let ~ be a rational number. or 'lnt = Ir
a 2+ ✓3 ⇒ 2 divides Ir ⇒ 2 divides b ... (UJ
b= ~ , b ;t 0, a and b e z Thus, from (i) and (ir), we find 2 as common factor of a
Sa andb.
-,; = 2+ ✓3 Which contradicts the fact that a and b are co-prime·

Sa :. Our supposition is wrong.

,;-2= ✓3 Hence, ✓2 is an irrational number.
= ✓3
21. Prove that Js is an in-ational, number.
b Sol. If possible, let us assume that Js is a rational number.
= ✓3
Js = ~ , q ;t O, where
p and q are co-prime,
Integer= fj Squaring both sides, we have
But, it is given that ✓3 is an irrational number.
Thus, our supposition is wrong. 5 = -.,
2+ ✓3 r = sq1 ... (,)
Hence, - - is an irrational number.
5 ⇒ 5 divides p2 ⇒ 5 divides p
19, Two tankers contain 620 litres and 840 litres of diesel Let p = 5 x m, where m is an integer. .. .(u)
respectively. Find the maximum capacity of a container From (i) and (ii), we have
which can measure the diesel of both the tankers in (5mr = 5q1
exact number of times. [NCERT] ⇒ 25nt- = 5q1
Sol. Two tankers contain 620 litres and 840 litres of diesel ⇒ rl = 5m2
respectively. The maximum capacity of container ⇒ 5 divides cf ⇒ 5 divides q
measure the diesel of both the tankers in exact number ⇒ q = 5 x n, where n is an integer. . .. (iii)
of times must be the HCF of 620 and 840. From (iO and (iii), we have 5 as a common factor of p
620 = 22 X 5 X 31 andq.
840 = 23 X 3 X 5 X 7 Which contradicts the fact that p and q are co-prime.
:. HCF (620,840)= 22 x 5 = 20 litres Hence, Js is an irrational number.
12. Prove that ✓3 + ✓S is irrational. [CBSE1011]
❖ Long Answer Type Questions
Sol Let us assume, to the contrary tha1 fj + Js is a rational
20. Prove that -Ji is an irrational number. number.
Sol. To the contrary of the given statement, let us assume
✓3 + .J5 = J!.., q * 0 and p, q E Z
that ✓2 be a rational number. q
✓3 =!!..-Js
✓2 = ~. b ;t 0 and a, bare co-prime i.e., having no
b Squaring both sides. we have
common factor other than l p-
Squaring both sides, we have
3 = -, +5-2✓5-p
q- q
a2 1
2= 2 p-
b 1✓5!!.. = -) +5-3
or J = 2/r q q-
=> 2 divides a1 ⇒ 2 divides a ... (1)

[Evergreen 100% Success in Mathematics-10) (29)

., 25. Usi11g fundamental theorem 0,r .
J arohm •
p- largest ,wmber lltat dfridcs 12SJ 93 rtic, find tL
2Js!!.. = -., +2 · ui • 77 and JS,n ''~
q q- re111a11 ers 1, 2 and 3 respcrtfrcly. 'u,1,8 lrai11ii

Js == !L(p2 +2] = rational

2p q2
Sol. It is given thnt on dh idino0 1,s
there is a remuinder of 1 Cl
- 1b)' t1le requ · d
,re nu,nl1'r
. · enrly 11 51 ,
= 1250 1s exact!) divisible by ti : .. - 1
Which contradicts the fact that Js is irrational. . . 1e requtred n
z.e., required number is a factor 1250 _ uni~r
Hence, fj + Js is irrational. Similar!}, required posithe inte ge,..,s a fac
Three sets of books Hilldi, Mathematics atld E11glish 9377 - 2 = 9375 and 15628 - 3 == 15625 • tor Of
/,ave to be stacked in such a way that all the books are
Thus, required number is the HCF of 1,, ~0 937
stored topic-wise a,1d the height of each stack is tire
15625. -- · 5:ind
same. The number of Mathemati.cs books are 240, Hindi
books are 96 a11d English books are 336. Assu111ing that Now, 1250 - 2"' 54
the books are of the same thick,iess, .filld the ,iu111ber of 9375 = J X 55
stacks of Hindi, Mathematics mid English books.
[CBSE2018] 15625 = 56
Here, in order to arrange the given books as per statement, :. HCF of 1250, 9375 and 15625 = 5-1 _ 625
we have to find the largest number that divides 240, 96 Hence, the required largest number is b"S h'
and 336 exactly. . 'des 1"51
d1v1 -- w ICh
- , 937 7 and 15628 leaving remainde~
Clearly, such a number is their HCF 2 and 3 respectively. l.
Now, 240 = 24 x 3 x 5 26. A. circular track around a sports grouud has
% = 25 X 3
c,rcumference of 1080 m. Two cyclists Pa11rosh and
336 = 24 X 3 X 7
Slireya11 start together ~lld cycled at constan/ speeds of
:. HCF of 240, 96 and 336 = 24 X 3 = 48
6 mis mid 9 mis respectively around the circular tro c~.,
So, there must be 48 books in each stack.
After how mmiy minutes will they meet again ai lht
Hence, the number of stacks of Hindi books = 48 = 2 starting poi11t. [CBSE 2016)
Sol. Circumference of circular track = 1080 m
The number of stacks of Mathematics books = 48 = 5 Speed of two cyclists is 6 mis and 9 m/s
:. Time taken to go around the track once by Paurush
The number of stacks of English books = 48 = 7· =-
- = 180 sec.
24. The traffic lights at three differellt road crossings
Time taken to go around the track once by Shreyan
change after every 48 seconds, 72 seconds a,id I 08
seco11ds respectively. If they change simultaneously at 1080
= - - = 120 sec.
8 a. m., at what time will they change together again ? 9
[NCERTJ The required number of minutes, when they meet again
Sol. The required number of seconds after 8 a.m., when the at the starting point is LCM of 180 and 120.
lights change simultaneously is the LCM of 48, 72 and Here, 180 = 22 x 32x 5
108. 120 = 23 X 3 X 5
We have LCM of 180and 120 = 23 X 32 x 5
Factors of 48 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 24 x 3 = 360 seconds
Factors of 72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 23 x 32 = 6 minutes
Factors of 108 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 22 x 33 Hence, they will meet again at the starting point after 6
Thus, LCM of 48, 72 and 108 = 24 x 33 minutes.
= 432 seconds 27. For any positive integer 11, prove that 113 - n is dMsiblt
= 7 minutes 12 seconds by 6. [CBSE 2018}
So, the required time 1
Sol. We know that any positive integer 'a' is of the fom
= 8 a.m. + 7 minutes 12 seconds
= 8 : 7 : 12 a.m. 3q, 3q + I or 3q + 2 form some integer q.
(Evergreen 100% Success in Mathematlcs·
[·: with a and b = 3, we have
Multiplying eqn. (i) by q and eqn. (it) by r, we have
a~ 3q + r, 0 ~ r < 3 and q is some integer)
pq + q2tll3 + qrt213 = 0 ... (iii)
Let a. a + I and a + 2 be any ti1ree conse f
rptl/3 + rqt2l3 + ,:i, = o ...(iv)
integers. cu 1ve
Subtracting (iv) from (iii), we obtain
case I : Let a = 3q
q2t113 _ rptl/3 + pq _ r2t = O
:. a (a + 1) (a + 2) = 3q (3q + 1) ()q + 2)
(q2 - 1p)t 113 + (pq - r2t) =0
= 3q (even integer) (3q + 2)
Since t113 is irrational number.
= 6(some integer)
⇒ q2 -rp = 0 and pq-il-t = 0
Case II : Let a = 3q + 1
⇒ <r = rp and pq = il-t
:. a (a+ I) (a+ 2) = (3q + J) (3q + 2) (Jq + J) r}q- = r4t2
or er= rp and
= (even integer) (3q + 2) J(q + I) ⇒ p'l(,p) <= r4t2 ⇒ rp3 - ,4r2 =0
= 6(some integer)
⇒ r(p3 - r3t2) =0
Case Ill : Let a = 3q + 2
⇒ r= 0
:. a (a+ 1) (a+ 2) = (3q + 2) (3q + 3) (Jq + 4)
or p3 - r-""t2 = 0
= (Jq + 2) 3(q + 1) (even integer) p3 = r3t2

= 6(some integer)
Thus, the product of three consecutive positive
integers is divisible by 6.

t2~(~J ⇒
r213 = P

Now, n3 - n = n (n2 - 1) = n (n - I) (n + I) Which is impossible because t213 is irrational and p

r is
= (n - 1) ( n) ( n + I ) rational.
= Product of three consecutive integers p3 - r3t2-;t:. 0 and r= 0
Hence, n3 - n is divisible by 6. Thus, er= rp ef2=0
28. Let p, q, rand t be rational numbers sucli tliat tis ,wt a ⇒ q=O
perfect cube. If p + qt113 + rt213 = 0, then prove that Also, from (z), we obtain
p = q = r = 0. [CBSE2017]
... (t)
p + O(tll3) + 0(t2l3) = 0
Sol. Here, p + qt113 + ,t2l3 =o
⇒ p=O
Multiplying eqn. (i) by t 113, we obtain
... (ii) Hence, p = q = r = 0
ptl/3 + qt2l3 + rt =0

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