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Give Five Strategies in Promoting Digital Innovation In TVET With Supporting

Educational Philosophies.


1. Inclusive Learning Ecosystem Humanistic by Abraham Maslow

Create an inclusive learning ecosystem that Humanistic philosophy emphasizes the

accommodates diverse learning styles and development of the whole person and
abilities. Leverage digital tools for values individual growth and self-
personalized learning experiences, adaptive actualization.
assessments, and interactive content.
Encourage collaboration, peer-to-peer
learning, and mentor ship within the digital
environment to foster a sense of community
and support.
2. Agile Curriculum Development Pragmatic by John Dewey

Implement agile curriculum development Pragmatic philosophy emphasizes

methodologies that allow for quick adaptation practicality and problem-solving,
to industry changes and technological focusing on what works in real-world
advancements. Establish partnerships with situations and it is associated with the
industry leaders to identify emerging skills progressive education theory, which
and integrate them into the curriculum. Utilize focuses on student-centered activities
digital platforms for real-time feedback and rather than lectures or reading
continuous improvement, ensuring TVET assignments.
programs stay relevant and responsive to
industry needs.
3. Gamified Learning Constructivist by Lev Vygotsky
The integration of gamified elements into Social constructivism is based on the
digital learning environments, such as idea that learners construct new
interactive simulations and virtual labs, knowledge. Working with new
promotes experiential learning, problem- knowledge involves construction,
solving skills, and critical thinking, aligning storage or putting new information into
with the constructivist philosophy. memory, and retrieval.
4. Open Educational Resources (OER) and Connectivist by George Siemens
Open educational resources (OER) and digital Connectivism suggests that students
collaboration tools are essential for TVET learn best by navigating and creating
institutions, instructors, and industry social networks using technology, such
professionals to create and share educational as joining a science forum discussing
content, fostering a networked learning mitosis and asking questions to learn
environment where students can connect with from other members.
experts and gain global insights.
5. Ethical Digital Citizenship Education Ethical by Socrates

The text emphasizes the importance of According to Socrates no one chooses

integrating ethical considerations into digital evil, no one chooses to act in ignorance.
innovation, promoting discussions on the We seek the good but fail to achieve it
ethical implications of emerging technologies by ignorance or lack of knowledge as to
like artificial intelligence and automation, and how to obtain what is good. He believes
encouraging students to become responsible no one would intentionally harm
digital citizens this also includes respecting themselves.
others' copyright and intellectual property,
being honest and transparent in online
communication, and being mindful of one's
actions' impact on others are essential aspects
of ethical behavior.

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