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Lab Assignment# 10.

Julian David Uribe Carrillo

MARCH 20, 2024

Submitted by: Julian David Uribe Carrillo
Deadline: As mentioned in the class

Configuring, Managing and Maintaining Computers
Lab Assignment# 10.2
The objective of this assignment is:
 Know the storage devices of your computer.

 Individual work:

Task-01: Complete the following work from Section 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 [25]
Deadline: As mentioned in the class

 Take screen shot and transfer them to the .docx report file.

Task-02: Complete the following work from Section 12.5, 12.6, 12.7 [25]
Deadline: As mentioned in the class

 Take screen shot and transfer them to the .docx report file.
Deadline: As mentioned in the class

File submission Guidelines for this assignment on Moodle:

1. Create a file as yourLastName_studentID_thisAssignment.docx (example:
2. Upload all the files to Moodle by the deadline (mentioned in Moodle).
3. Copy screen shots of all the diagrams/outputs in the .docx file under corresponding task number.
4. Add a report cover page with appropriate information.
a. At the beginning of page-01, create a self-assessment table of your submission, as follows:

Self-assessment table:
Questio How difficult was the Have you completed this If not completed fully, please
n given task? (easy task, as per the requirement? share your reason.
number /moderate/ difficult) (Fully/partially/untouched)

5. Create a .pdf file of your completed .docx file and submit it to Moodle, in time.
Marks distribution:
Task-1 (make sure to get 100%) 25/50
Task-2 (make sure to get 100%) 25/50
Total= 50/50

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