Mr. Nice Guy Alpha Male Strategies That You Can Use To Build and Master Your Emotions

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Nice Guy
Alpha Male Strategies That You Can Use to Build and Master Your Emotions, Overcome
Anxiety, Eliminate Negative Thinking, Developing Wisdom to Create A Highly Confident Man


Bryan Bruce

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Although the information in this book may be very helpful, it is sold with the understanding that
neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in presenting specific psychological, emotional, or sexual
advice. Nor is anything in this book intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation, or cure for
any specific kind of psychological, emotional, or sexual problem. Each individual has unique needs and
this book cannot take into account each of these differences.
Table of Contents



How To Accelerate Your Growth As An Alpha Male


Coaching an Alpha Male

Counterproductive Ways to Coach an Alpha

The Appropriate Way to Coach An Alpha


How To Become A High-Value Alpha Male And Command Respect From Women With Ease
Proven Ways to Become A High-Value Alpha

Effective Alpha Male Strategies

22 Characteristics of Alpha Males


Alpha males are predominantly born leaders, highly knowledgeable, admired, confident and
successful people. Hence, they occupy the majority of a senior executive position in all the organizations
across the world because they are often willing to shoulder responsibilities that most people may consider
overbearing. However, some of their highly-developed strengths could also make it challenging to work
with them. For instance, their self-confidence and belief in their abilities could come off as controlling,
and their high expectations and need for perfection could make them come off as extremely demanding
and highly critical. Again, their inability to be emotional or show it may prevent them from exerting an
enlivening spirit on their teams, that’s why they need help to enhance their interpersonal skills and
promote their strengths.

They need skillful and tactful coaching because it’s nearly impossible for them to seek help or even
admit that they need it. Alphas are often resistant to change and feedback and may think that they didn’t
become successful by being self-reflective. Though they often talk about accountability, they may equally
fail to see that their communication style is a stumbling block to bonding with people, and not the
weaknesses of others. Additionally, since it is not easy for alphas to show weakness or take a break from
habits, they are comfortable with, being coached may make them feel unfruitful and not in charge of their
lives. In the same vein, productive and operational coaching may help to improve their skills and
capabilities without molding an alpha into a being with an unknown identity. Therefore, the challenge of
coaching an alpha is knowing how best to retain their strengths while remedying their weaknesses.

Since alpha males are primarily competitive and assertive, they are often alleged to be the king of
the jungle because they have an understanding of the laws of attraction, a basic knowledge, and
principles of life, as well as how to defend themselves at all times. In relationships, alpha males are
known to be successful with women because of their understanding of game, seduction, and a need to
build intensity with a woman. Therefore, anyone who coaches an alpha shouldn’t downplay their
emphasis on results, instead, they should help them with skills and means to achieve them.

How To Accelerate Your Growth As An Alpha Male

To grow effectively, an alpha must have a grasp of his strengths and weaknesses, be more open to
differing or contrary opinions, and also learn to give feedback that is free of personal bias and sentiment.
Therefore, to grow, an alpha must learn to delve into unusual and mentally demanding positions that will
help him become more and more rational and less judgmental. The easiest ways to attain growth as alpha
is learning to show vulnerability, being accountable, taking responsibility for actions, connecting with
inner emotions, striking a balance between criticism and validation, and also becoming aware of
destructive antisocial behaviors.

i. Learning to Show Vulnerability: Studies have shown that immense growth and positive
response are recorded when an alpha expresses fear, shows vulnerability, or seeks help. Those who have
spent quality time with an alpha know how difficult it is for them to show their weaknesses, not talk
accepting that they have one. Therefore, when they express their flaws, those around them become more
willing and inspired to help them, try to understand and be more patient with them.
Admiringly, it is an uncommon situation to see an alpha expressing fear or seeking help, so when
this happens, people become more open and try to build and earn their trust knowing the struggles and
complexity of coexisting with an alpha. Without a doubt, an alpha needs the motivation of the people
around him to be able to open up, share their downs, comment on their lows, or even show weaknesses.

They need coaching, reinforcement of their good behaviors, and constructive criticism of their
complexities. Opening up, showing fear, and talking about their weakness may help clear the air,
strengthen friendship, embolden ties and even accelerate their growth and general well-being as a
person. When an alpha learns to open up, it is not the time to taunt or tease them with the revelation as
that might hurt their ego and make them even more defensive and self-reliant. Remember that the more
spirited and domineering an alpha is, the more difficult it will be to show their vulnerability.

ii. Being Accountable : Alphas tend to feel responsible for their actions and achievements, but they
often find it difficult to accept their role and influence on other people’s actions. The likelihood of finding
an alpha who doesn't shift the blame to someone else when things go wrong is slim.

Though this may not pose a problem at first, until it is rectified, the problem may always linger.
Studies have shown that until an alpha takes responsibility for their actions, the problem may simply not
go away. Oftentimes, alphas tend to put a disparaging tag on a skill they don’t have to avoid taking
responsibility and being accountable.
Alphas often use social roles, gender inequality, sociocultural differences, religious and political
affiliation as an excuse for not fulfilling a task or achieving certain goals. It is best to help them
understand that those tags are just a cover for not knowing how to communicate effectively, present and
understand the key points, and allowing presenters to give out their information adequately without
interrupting them.

Due to the alpha’s impatience, there is a need to highlight that it is a leader’s role to guide his team
on how to adequately present information. This will help the alpha to know the difference between
shifting blames and accepting responsibility.

The most effective step to help an alpha to take responsibility is to make them assume that every
outcome is a direct result of their actions or inaction and not someone else. Several studies have shown
that when an alpha takes responsibility for their actions, admits their wrong, and accepts a need to
change, people usually see them as being courageous and confident than when they are adamant and
insist on being right.

iii . Connecting and Controlling Emotions: When it comes to emotion, alphas do not like to feel it
or show it, because they fear that emotions cannot be controlled, and when this happens, it prevents them
from having logical or rational thoughts, and also distorts their decision making. However, they will admit
that emotions are pivotal in motivating certain people and certain businesses, but since emotions don't
significantly motivate them, they tend to frown against it. However, though the alpha is often fighting
with emotions, these unexpressed emotions tend to distort their judgment and easily give them to anger.

Below the anger lies fear, the fear of failure or being taken for granted, and such fear and anxiety
could become a pitfall for alphas because they may confuse these feelings with intuition. Therefore,
alphas need to learn to dissociate intuition from anxiety.

When an alpha learns to feel emotions completely, they are less likely to get upset or throw
tantrums when it is uncalled for. Again, if an alpha can tell when his feelings are budding or intensifying,
then he can channel them into something productive and inhibit temper tantrums.

iv. Balancing Criticism with Positive Feedback: Alphas usually do not know how to give or
receive a compliment, since they do not like to appear as easily penetrable. They are often the "tell it as it
is" kind of people, and that is why a majority of conversations with an alpha tend to have mental intensity
and critical remarks.

Realistically, the alpha’s resistance to praises is birthed out of a conviction that he does not need
praises or compliments to succeed in his endeavors. However, it is best to help an alpha to understand
that people tend to be defensive when they are criticized, so a balance in criticism and praises is likely to
motivate people to attain higher levels of success since humans are often seeking validation from people
they look up to.

The lack of feedback or acknowledgment from an alpha tends to discourage and trigger self-doubt
or fear in people around him. In the same vein, receiving praises or compliment from an alpha seem to
boost confidence, energy levels and optimism in those around him.
An alpha's resistance to giving praises or compliments often stems from the fear of being
manipulated by those he shares such praises with. For example, such people may become reluctant to
grow beyond that point, place a price tag on their services or even become domineering in a work setting.
Nonetheless, helping an alpha to show appreciation may be effective in helping him to grow, record
more success and even help those around him to become inspired to do more because getting appreciated
by alpha isn't a commonplace situation.

v . Amending Destructive Behaviors and Recurring Patterns: Most alpha though they may be
inspiring and heartwarming, tends to have a temper issue and are likely to become angry and speak in a
tone that intimidates people, even when they don't raise their voice. To help them become aware of this
destructive behavior, it is best to understand the root of it.
Most habits stem from childhood experiences that build into patterns that shape them and their
response to situations. Studies have shown that most people are likely to fall back into a predictable and
dramatic role that springs from the family and social environment they grew up.
To salvage this problem, it is important to educate an alpha that any recurring patterns or extreme
behaviors are a reminder of their inability to heal, grow or move on with falling into one of those
personalities they create in their head. Also, giving names to these personalities will help to highlight
their emotional or irrational response to situations, which in turn will make an alpha more conscious of
his behavior.

Highlighting some alpha's personality that is negative, and naming them will help him to overcome
or strive to grow beyond that, and this awareness of self will equally become an outlet for him to revisit
and approach situations with calmness, tact, and rational behaviors. In return, this will sift out dramatic
and defensive measures from those around an alpha, since his awareness and honesty will help them to
let go of grudges and settle for a constructive conflict resolution.

Coaching an Alpha Male

Coaching an alpha may be demanding, tricky, and mind-boggling. Oftentimes, people wonder the
duration it would require to coach an alpha, and what outcomes are they likely to get at the end of the
coaching process. However, a lot has to do with the coach, the alpha involved, timing, commitment level,
and even the readiness of both parties involved.

While some people may require an age-long coaching process, others may require just a moment of
brilliance or a heartfelt conversation to achieve some visible changes. Nonetheless, studies have shown
that alphas who lack an understanding of self may likely need daily coaching for at least 3 months, six
months, a year, or more to attain a certain level of self-awareness.

Several studies have shown that a change in behavior is usually visible from three to six months,
while durable or sustainable changes may take about a year. However, the need to coach an alpha is to
accomplish positive results and not to treat it as an individual problem. In a duration of one or two years,
an alpha male with disruptive, destructive, and dysfunctional traits can be transformed into a reliable,
socially viable, and collaborative person.
Furthermore, as a result of the alpha’s low attention span, it is likely for him to not pay full
attention or try to avoid committing himself fully to the coaching objectives or the need to change his
behavior. Being egoistic and goal-oriented, an alpha doesn't like spending their time doing things that
they may not consider useful or productive, so they need to be shown or given real-life situations where
they can apply the tools and approaches they are equipped with during the coaching process.
When this happens, an alpha will gladly follow through the coaching or learning process when they
begin to record positive results as an outcome of their change in behavioral. This can be considered as a
power move that will resonate throughout his work, business, friendship, and family cycle.

Counterproductive Ways to Coach an Alpha

Though alphas may need help to grow beyond certain complexities and limitations that springs from
their lifestyle, habits, recurring patterns, and underlying emotions, they equally require a certain style of
coaching to achieve this. Anyone who intends to coach an alpha must be discreet and diplomatic when
dealing and standing up to bullies or men of egos. The coach doesn’t have to be an alpha, but it may be
helpful to possess the ability to analyze and communicate directly.

The reason most coaches fail with alphas is that they often adopt counterproductive measures
which may cut the process short. When a coach appears as too passive, or simply tries to communicate
with an alpha using a biological incident, an alpha may fail to see the credibility or relevance because
they don’t believe in long talks, but optimal performances and results. In the same vein, if an alpha fears
that his coach intends to turn him into an emotional or oversensitive, he may never grant such a person
an audience to sell him something he strongly fights against.

Another counterproductive way of coaching an alpha is to constantly emphasize secrecy. Since most
coaches want to maintain a high level of confidentiality during the coaching process, some may presume
that the best way to penetrate an alpha or get him to open up is by constantly assuring him that his
secrets, recurring patterns, or weaknesses are safe with him and no one else will ever get to know. In a
bid to protect or penetrate an alpha, a coach can unknowingly create a situation that will be met by
resistance from the alpha.

The Appropriate Way to Coach an Alpha

A person with behavioral or interpersonal issues most likely has been told about it a handful of
times. Therefore, it could be that such a person doesn’t fully understand the issue or probably doesn’t see
a need to change. However, several studies have shown several sophisticated ways to coach an alpha in a
way that helps him to notice flaws in his personality and why he needs to give up on such behaviors.
i. Garner an Alpha’s Attention: The surest way of grabbing an alpha’s attention is by holding some
credible and relevant conversations backed by consistent data and facts with him. After that, providing
certain proof beyond doubts that his behavior is antisocial and destructive will become a wake-up call for
most alphas. Additionally, studies have shown that people are likely to respect the opinions of those they

ii. Get an Alpha To Commit To The Process Of Changing: Once you have the attention of an alpha,
it becomes easy to make him realize his vulnerabilities and try to fix them. This is because an alpha is
practical and purpose-driven, so if he can be shown an easier route to achieve faster or speedier results
with the process of changing, he may choose it. However, this may not get an alpha to be fully committed
to the change process, and coexisting with someone who is non-committed or resistant to change may be
frustrating, as a result of wasting time or resources to help such a person to change and they just go back
to doing the same things you told them of.

iii. Communicate in A Language He Understands: Alphas are intuitive and mentally stimulating
people who make use of facts, charts, metrics, and graphs to achieve a result. Communicating and
analyzing the limitations associated with his behavioral problems can help an alpha to pay attention to
behaviors and realize the ones that need fixing.

iv. Tell Him Stone Cold Truths: Confronting an alpha with stone-cold truth helps them to see
through their pitfalls because they significantly respond well to conversations that are void of
sugarcoated expressions. An alpha can analyze a conversation critically and highlight dishonesty, false
praises, and unrealistic positions.

v. Mentally Stimulates His Curiosity and Instincts: Studies have shown that stone-cold truths are
capable of making a person defensive. When this happens, an alpha may believe that people only get
defensive because he is speaking the truth as it is. However, pointing out instances of an alpha getting
defensive will help him to understand how having such a mindset prevents him from learning. Helping an
alpha to understand and monitor his tendencies to get defensive instead of responding to changes will
help him to note it quickly and keep a more objective and open mind because defensive behaviors such as
always making excuses for everything, pushing blames, or trying to list out a person based on a certain
remark, only militates his process of changes and growth.

How To Become A High-Value Alpha Male And Command Respect From Women With Ease

To command the respect of a high-quality woman means that you not only understand yourself but
also the nature of women in general. Women don’t think like men and this is very vital if you are ever
going to get along with women. And a high-quality alpha man knows this and keeps to those unwritten
rules while relating with quality women.

So, below are some points to keep in mind:

Proven Ways to Become A High-Value Alpha

i. Be Purpose-driven: A high-value male is primarily a man who is focused on his passion, ambition,
and purpose in life, and this does not afford him much free time to fool around. Though, when it comes to
a partner, a man of value might court a woman in the beginning, but if that is not reciprocated or seem
fruitful, he will likely end it on time because he has none to waste. The clear difference between an alpha
male and other males is all about the mindset. Drive, ambition, purpose, and need for success. Without a
doubt, an alpha male often has his mindset on winning, breaking heights, standing out, and being alone is
not something he is afraid of.

ii. Enjoy Your Company: Being alone and learning to enjoy your own company is a fundamental trait
of an alpha and a high-value man. The willingness and ability to be alone helps an alpha to decide what is
important; building a quality relationship and achieving success in areas of his pursuits. This awareness
gives him control over his emotions and he only settles for worthwhile relationships. A person who enjoys
his company has control over his neediness and is not afraid of being alone. Practically, such a person can
demand and command respect because people are aware that he is not desperate for friendship and
relationship, and can always choose to walk away when it fails to satisfy his goals and expectations.
However, possessing the ability to be alone is not something a high-value man achieves easily. The
benefits that spring from mastering the ability to be alone can be overwhelming and very effective when
dealing with friends, family, and potential relationship partners.

iii. Be Financially Stable: It is best for a man to be financially stable or at least get his finances in
order since money is highly valuable and its roles and importance cannot be overemphasized in our
world. A man can have all the game and charms it takes to get a woman of all kinds, but evidently, women
still care about a man’s financial stability amid all his qualities. Socially, money is freedom and can afford
a great time. Economically, money is wealth, and can afford a lot of things. Politically, money is power and
decides or calls the shots to make a lot of things happen. However, there is a need to ensure that making
money is equally an alpha’s ambition, so he can find the things he truly likes and derive satisfaction from,
and monetize them. Also, there is a need to be mindful of money and resources. Most people earn to
spend and not to invest, while others borrow to spend and not to invest, and this can easily delay their
growth or land them in a situation where they wish they had taken some financial decisions when they
had the chance to. Furthermore, it is best to communicate and convince your partner about your plans
and a need to save or invest wisely. Possibly, it is best to let her know that you have a plan even before
you make the money because women like men that are financially stable, so if you are still working on
getting there, it may be difficult to find someone who is committed or ready to stay through this moment.
Hence, the need to communicate that you have a plan, goals, and vision to make it fruitful.

iv. Exercise and Stay in Shape: Exercise helps a man to burn calories and accelerate the process of
losing weight. Exercise helps a man to get in shape, and women love and admire men with a good
physique and posture. One may wonder; Why do women often end up with men who have protruding
stomachs or are out of shape? In reply to that, studies have shown that women will likely settle for men
like that if such a man displays attributes of a beta male provider, and that is because women crave a
quality life, comfort, and security. However, if they meet two men of similar qualities, women will settle
for one with a nicer physique and posture. But of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

v. Make Women Earn Your Validation: As much as you need to earn her respect; Studies have
shown that women feel valid when they get praises, compliments, and commendation from men of higher
value. However, an alpha shouldn’t make the mistake of validating a woman if she doesn’t earn it because
some women mistake compliments as a sexual advance, and validation coming from a man of high value is
perceived as non-sexual attention. Therefore, an alpha must be distant at all times (physically or
emotionally) to prevent himself from regularly being misunderstood by women. When a woman isn’t
getting validated often, she craves and cherishes validation when she earns it. However, this technique
doesn’t mean that a man of high value shouldn’t initiate physical contact with the right person and at the
appropriate time, communicate effectively about his feeling or show emotions, instead, this is to help him
give validation only to people who earn and deserves it. Being cold and emotionally unavailable may
work, but it doesn’t work always, and may only work best with certain kinds of women.
vi. Personality and Charisma Are More Important Than Looks: When it comes to attracting
women, personality and charisma are more important than looks, physique, or wealth. Studies have
shown that even if you focus on your purpose, frequently hit the gym, stay in shape, acquire wealth, and
all of that, a person without physique, money, or looks, but has charisma, game, and personality may still
get your partner attracted to him. In light of this reality, a person’s status is sometimes a more important
trait to possess because good looks and money may get a woman attracted to you, but that alone isn’t
enough to keep a woman. For a lot of reasons, the alpha concept is ingrained in our evolutionary
processes, that is why women love alphas, and even beta males give room to alphas to do whatever it is
they please. Also, this is visible in the animal kingdom, the beta males don’t square up with an alpha
unless an alpha is sick, physically challenged, or on the verge of death.

Studies and discoveries have shown that being an alpha male is subsumed into three distinct
qualities, such as-
Physical appearance ; though women are not as superficial as men, they are superficial and look
smatter to them. Realistically, only a few women would pick an unattractive man over a man that is
attractive. In the same vein, men also treat other men differently based on how they look.
Financial ; though a woman may not be interested in financially exploiting a man, and most men
may not care about how much another man is worth, but humans naturally prefer to hang out with a
wealthy guy rather than someone who is not. To be financially independent, it is advisable to cut expenses
to the barest minimum until a person can reach a point where they can meet their tasks, pay rent, afford
a car and live comfortably within their means. Again, it is best to remember that people are good at
sensing financial anxiety in others, so if you're anxious that you may not be able to make ends meet, then
potential mates and business partners can easily spot it. However, an alpha male and a man of high value
always know that he has much to offer, so if he doesn't have money at the moment, he strives to improve
his financial situation.

Status ; though it isn’t ideal to define yourself only by what you do, several professions are off-limits
for those who are serious about becoming an alpha, and some professions can accelerate the process of
transforming from a beta to an alpha. Eventually, a person has to find a career that supports his goal of
being an alpha within a defined social group, organization, city, state, or affiliations. It is best to find a job
that periodically permits a man to be an alpha male because some kinds of jobs will break his soul, hurt
his ego and make it impossible to act like an alpha in social settings as a result of spending most of his
time in a beta infiltrated environment. Even though numerous men hope to become alpha males, they
have to understand that an alpha male possesses a certain drive, mindset and even implements certain
strategies that help gain and maintain their position as alphas. Therefore, whoever is keen on becoming
an alpha male, should study and understand the various alpha male strategies that could help him to
attain his goals. Factually, studies have shown that these alpha male strategies are capable of boosting a
man’s chances of success with women and business.
vii. Avoid Pick-up Lines: Adopting pick-up lines, especially sexual ones only limit a man from being
able to get a woman’s interest levels to want to sustain a conversation or try to see him again. Also, the
use of pick-up lines may seem creative, but it screams lack of imagination, inability to speak from the
heart, and even dishonesty. However, there are many ways of being direct with your intentions without
sexualizing a woman or the conversation. Note that sexualizing a conversation too early may only scare
off women. There is a time and place for that sort of talk when you are about getting to know each other.
A woman is attracted to a man who is fun-to-be-with, original, polite, and creative.

viii. Avoid Cold Approaches: An alpha male does not adopt cold approaches with women because
that only puts him in a position to chase her. Instead of a spamming approach, an alpha male tends to
wait for her to show a sign of interest before approaching her, that way he knows he can approach her
and still maintain his self-respect. Again, an alpha male doesn’t leave his house or go out to look for
women, instead, he just goes out to enjoy life.

ix. Maintain A Masculine Frame: Believing that you are entitled to a woman’s time and attention has
proven to be pivotal when maintaining a masculine frame. An alpha can’t stand a woman who can’t make
up her mind or make certain informed and independent decisions when necessary. Therefore, when a
woman says ‘Maybe we will see’ or ‘I will let you know if I can’, an alpha simply tells her to take her time,
make up her mind and get back to him. Then he stops talking to her after that until she initiates contact.
Again, to maintain a masculine frame, an alpha never talks about the other women to another woman,
though they are great ways to do it and build up the attraction through pre-selection.

x. Maintain A Calm Frame: Adopting a frame control technique includes not panicking when a
woman becomes quiet during a date. Don’t panic, stay calm, hold your frame, and don’t argue with her.
Maintaining a masculine frame entails an ability to remain calm, unresponsive to negative, and being
assertive. A true alpha remains calm and shows no jealousy when someone is talking with his partner.
Again, alphas do not cheat when they venture into a relationship, not just because of ethics and morality
alone, but also for their peace of mind.

Effective Alpha Male Strategies

There are several alpha male strategies and measures to adopt when trying to gain or maintain an
alpha male position. Below are some of the alpha male strategies to adopt:

i. Be Original and Keep it Real: It is ideal to be self-aware and original if you intend to become an
alpha male. An alpha male must be able to highlight his strength and weaknesses and must be willing to
work on them accordingly. However, there are no faster means of providing a quick fix to a problem if you
intend to be an alpha male. Again, an alpha needs to accept changes and see through a long-term
coaching process of fixing some of his vulnerabilities because making long-term changes will enable an
alpha to work on their weaknesses and recorded several improvements in their dealing with self and

ii. Be Independent: There are way too many men who are dependent, act, think and say the same
thing as their peers. To be an alpha male, a person must be independent both in thoughts and in his ways
of living and must be able to go his own way and do his own thing. A true alpha male must have his aims,
purpose, goals, objectives, thoughts, opinions, agenda, and even his way of executing or accomplishing a
task. A man who intends to be an alpha male must be first become a good leader to himself before anyone
else. As an alpha male, ensure to be reliant on nobody except yourself. Self-reliance is an essential and
primary trait in alpha males because they do not rely on others to make them successful in life. Being self-
reliant helps an alpha to take care of themselves and others.

iii. Be Courageous: A true alpha male doesn’t conform and dares to follow his heart, even when
everyone else decides to do something else. A lot of people tend to follow the crowd and end up getting
lost or living an unfulfilling life, but a man who follows his heart tends to feel accomplished and derive
greater pleasure from the things he can do. Being courageous and following one’s heart is very essential
for an alpha male, and even this takes a lot of courage to maintain.

iv. Fail with Dignity: Realistically, people go through different stages of failure at each point in their
lives, either in business, finance, relationship, work, or investment. Nonetheless, an alpha male takes
failure with dignity rather than apportioning blames to imaginary beings, falling into self-pity, becoming
hostile, or wallowing in misery. As an alpha male, it is crucial to know how to be able to pick yourself up
when things go wrong. An alpha doesn’t seek pity or empathy because he is aware that most people are
glad that he failed, so he picks himself up, and moves on with life.

v. Feed Your Mind: It is ideal for an alpha male not to only strengthen his body through physical
exercises but also mental exercise, to strengthen his mind. The basic qualities of an alpha male include
being witty, sarcastic, humorous, and knowledgeable. These qualities can also be improved by reading
books, visiting places, being up-to-date with social happenings, etc.
vi. Maintain Contact with Other Alphas: It is equally a good idea to know and see how other alpha
males live, think and act. This does not mean you should emulate everything they do without questioning.
Being an alpha entails being independent and representing your person. However, knowing how other
alphas operate is one of the best alpha male strategies.

vii. Be Confident Around Women: A true alpha male is not a pest, but he is very confident around
women. However, some men think that walking up to women and trying to hang around equates them as
being confident, but most of the time they are simply being irritating. A true alpha male knows how to
approach and speak to women with confidence without bugging or irritating them. A man of value must
be able to impress a woman with his confidence without being creepy and trying so hard to hang around
viii. Treat Women with Respect: Being an alpha male is beyond just wielding confidence around
women, an alpha male understands the need to treat them with respect. Acts of chivalry, paying attention
and showing respect is a basic trait of an alpha male. To record success with women, a man has to be a
good listener and be able to express his feelings with clarity.
ix. Don’t Be Scared of Expressing or Showing Emotions: Several men may think that being
reluctant to show any emotion is the best way of being perceived as an alpha male. However, studies have
shown that it often does the opposite because men who have courage are not scared to express or show
their emotions whether this is sadness, pain, love, or anything else. Therefore, to be an, you have to learn
to be open and not scared of showing or expressing your emotions.

x. Be Adventurous: Lately, it is common for anyone to be tempted to spend most of their time fixated
on the television, phone’s screen or another watching sports news, global or local news, favorite
television series, a football match, favorite music channel screen, auditions, documentaries, operas, etc.
Notwithstanding, an alpha male should be prepared to break away from activities that have become a
norm, and often seek for adventure to soothe his mind. Activities such as skiing, hiking, camping, and any
other adventurous activity that doesn’t involve sitting around idly and playing video games on a laptop or

xi. Live Each Day Like It’s Your Last: A lot of people all over the world spend most of their time on
earth trying to avoid death, but death comes to us all and no one knows when it will come. An alpha male
has to accept and learn to live with that fact. As such, an alpha male should learn to cherish every
moment and realize that any time or day could be their last. However, this doesn’t include constituting a
nuisance, breeding social vices, breaking laws, and landing in a jail or police nest. This means taking
chances, taking risks, going on a vacation, spending quality time with loved ones, enjoying life to the
fullest, and cherishing every moment.
xii. Make Room for Diversity in Your Life: Repeating cycles and falling back to the same exhausting
routines can easily becoming boring and uninspiring. One of the great qualities of an alpha male includes
a need to add diversity to his life instead of just doing the same things each day. To add diversity to his
life, an alpha has to take some time out to engage in different activities alone, with a partner or family
members because it was unproductive to lie around in bed on work-free days when you can get up, go out
and do something interesting, mentally refreshing and worthwhile.
xiii. Stand Up for Your Beliefs: Since an alpha male is courageous, he is not afraid to protect or
stand up for his beliefs, instead of being afraid to share his opinions or take actions. Standing up for his
beliefs also includes defending someone that deserves it instead of following the crowd or settling for
public opinions that are biased. To be an alpha, a man has to be bold enough to let people know what he
thinks instead of sheepishly following the crowd, he must also be empathetic enough to stand up for the
weak and give them all the right support.
xiv. Never Be Overboard: There is a tendency for many men to go overboard when it comes to trying
to prove themselves, and this is never a good thing neither is it attractive to women. A true alpha and a
man of value have to be able to express himself without going overboard, and this requires dignity on his
part. Knowing your limits and not trying to subdue a person to elevate yourself is one of the best
strategies to become and maintain the position of an alpha male. As an alpha male, you don’t have to act
pretentiously, and you don’t need to be true to only others but also to yourself. Lest, you are likely to fail
while trying to become an alpha male, and may simply come off as a pretender to people you meet.
xv. Be the Perfect Alpha Male: Several ways of getting rid of dependency and becoming an alpha
male has been analyzed above. Again, following these strategies have been shown to improve a person's
chances of becoming a perfect alpha male without having to go through a lot to become one. The right
alpha male strategies can have a huge improvement on the standard of living life, job choices, careers,
relationships, and the ability to earn and save money. The big question is; how prepared are you to
become an alpha male? Also, the reply to this is not about how much you are ready to do, but what you
can't afford to do if you want success with women, relationships, money, careers, family, and everything
else in life you desire in life. As an alpha, you need to be able to decide what you can or can't do to bring
out and sustain the alpha male in you. Realistically, you want the girl but you do not need her, and that is
why alpha males are usually a mile ahead in a lot of things. When it comes to a relationship, an alpha
male only gets into one because he wants it and thinks it is the right time to share his life with someone,
but not because he is lonely. An alpha male knows that he has a lot to do or add to a relationship, but
there is not a lot that he can get out of a relationship that he may not be able to give himself. Studies
have shown that if a relationship doesn't work, alpha males do not get so emotional about it and give up
on believing in love, rather they find someone else and try to spark or build something new. Alpha does
not just up and change their lives like most guys do the moment they are in relationships. Several average
guys may start to like the things a woman likes or try to imitate the things she does so that they can have
a thing or a lot in common, with hopes that she will get to love them more because of that. Unlike an
alpha, these guys tend to quit chasing their dreams, focusing on their career or interest, but rather they
get all engrossed in what the woman they like is doing, or how to start up something new with her.
However, an alpha male does not have the time and patience it requires for such folly. An alpha male
likely goes out of their way to make a woman try to fit into his lifestyle and habits. Again, since an alpha
male is always busy with the things he loves and may never stop meeting and making new friends, they
are in control of their emotions. An alpha knows who he is, and since he knows who he is, he often stands
for what he believes in and doesn’t let a woman define him. Contrarily, some generic men do not know
who they are or what they want in life, so they often depend on the women they love to guide them on
what they can do, who they can be, and what they can become. Visibly, an Alpha male doesn’t fit into this
profile and isn't likely to even consider depending on a woman as a viable option, that's because they
know what they want in life and can only be guided if he is certain that it will make him a better person.
Even at that, he knows that it is entirely up to him to decide who to be.

22 Characteristics of Alpha Males

In the course of this discussion, several alpha male strategies were captured and discussed. An
alpha is supposed to conquer his fears, embrace uneasiness, and settle for growth because an alpha male
is not that guy who spends his entire life on a couch watching television series and playing video games.
That means that learning to be an alpha male is basically about learning to live life to the fullest.

So, below are some characteristics of high-quality alpha males:

Be Smart but Humble

Most alphas tend to think very fast, and this rapidness in their thought processes can limit them
from listening to others, especially those who cannot communicate in a language or style they understand
or appreciate. This ability to be patient and attentive to people who don't communicate in their style or
language usually makes them miss certain subtle but important details. Additionally, alphas usually have
an opinion on everything, and may rarely admit that those opinions may be wrong or inaccurate.
During their developmental stages in life, alphas often realize that they are smarter and more
knowledgeable than their peers and most people, and sometimes even their parents and teachers. When
they grow, they come to believe that their insights and opinions are unique and may place complete faith
in their instincts and sense of judgment because they are often proven right. Whenever his opinions or
judgments turn out right, alphas may feel justified in focusing on the flaws in other people’s arguments,
opinions, or ideas.

These may often come off as intimidating and makes it difficult for most people to learn from an
alpha. Also, the more an alpha is under a pressure to perform, the more he tends to switch his leadership
style from constructive and demanding to intimidating, and sometimes even abusive. Studies have shown
that several organizations have become dysfunctional when people did all they could to avoid dealing with
an intimidating alpha male. Most of the time, they preferred not to work around him, or simply pay him
lip service.

Take You Time and Go Easy on Yourself

It is important to know that becoming an alpha male is not an easy process, but it may be able to
understand that no one was born an alpha, but rather it’s a way of life that was learned and adopted.
Hence, becoming an alpha may require time, energy, discomfort, and even sacrifices. However, the result
of becoming an alpha male is promising and worth it, plus the satisfaction a person derives from
conquering his beta side, the "Mr. Nice guy” syndrome, and learning to live life on their terms and
conditions cannot be verbally expressed. Such a person is likely to become motivated, excited, and
spurred up to do better in life every day. Becoming an alpha includes becoming braver, more resilient,
more knowledgeable, and even more powerful since every area of such a person's life will improve
optimally for the better.
Taking Reasonable Calculated Risks

When you come across an alpha male in reality or the media, it is evident that one characteristic
they possess is the willingness to do what other people usually won’t. Alpha males are often known for
doing daring, uneasy, and mind-blowing things with their lives and in life. Typically, alphas are known to
start awe-inspiring businesses, travel the world, hone and master their craft, take risks and give their
best shots for as long as they exist.

Engage with Life

Contrary to some popular beliefs on being an alpha, a true alpha male is a man who is fully active
and engaged in his life. This man of higher value understands that life isn't fair and tomorrow isn’t
promised, so he approaches and lives each day as if it was his last, and learns to conquer the fears and
anxiety that limit him from living the life he truly desires.
To be an alpha male is to live fully, and that includes embracing discomfort and chasing growth as a
long-term pursuit, and not a one-time thing. Living life as alpha is to live an exceptional and exemplary
life, and this life is not easy. If it was easy to be an alpha, then every man will be just that.

Don’t Follow the Crowd

Being a beta male seems to be much easier, since it involves settling for the status quo, taking the
safe and easy route, remaining at a job you strongly detest, settling for any woman you can get, and
trying to cope with the misery of life by engaging in a steady stream of vices, such as pornography,
alcohol, and meaningless entertainment.

However, it is not the same for an alpha, who is never satisfied with the crowd mentality and
bandwagon effect. An alpha wants more in life, and to achieve this, they have mastered the art of coping
and dealing with whatever life throws at them. Maybe it is because they have accepted that the worst
things are bound to happen. To back this their claims, alphas are aware that whatever scares you, can
equally build and make you stronger.

Keep Fear in Its Place

Oftentimes, they may write down a list of things in life that scares them, and every area of their
lives which is held back by fear. This fear may be holding them back from taking the steps they need to
make and live life the way they want to live. It could be that they are stuck in a job they don’t like, but are
afraid of starting a side hustle or looking elsewhere for something better, maybe because of fear that they
won’t be able to make it work. It may as well be a relationship that isn’t serving their purpose in life, but
they are worried that if they break up with the person that they may never find another person as good as
their current partner. They may be out of shape, overweight, and scared of judgments and ridicules at a
To get over this fear, they may be a need to cut off ties with people who are keeping you trapped
and endorsing your toxic ego or habits. It is best to identify your fears, then record, document, or do
whatever it is that will help to get these fears out of your head. After identifying the fears that limit you in
life, take some time to analyze them, and once you have completed this exercise, you may come to realize
that even the worst fears aren’t half as worrisome as overthinking makes it look. A true alpha male knows
that life only begins at the end of a comfort zone, so the first step to becoming an alpha male is to
courageously face his fears, which limits his growth, and overcome them.
Have A Clear Vision
A person cannot be an alpha male without a clear vision and purpose to guide him because a man
without a purpose is like a leaf blown around aimlessly by a wind. The ability of alpha to be unique is the
reason they inspire other men to learn how to become an alpha male. It is the same reason that women
want to be with an alpha male.

Alphas are pacesetters with a mission statement, objectives, and clear visions in their lives. Alphas
are often striving for something bigger, novel, and unique. When a person lacks this purpose or has no
clear direction in life, they will easily become victims of circumstances; a prey in any environment he
finds himself. Alpha males often program the lives the way they want, while beta males by default are
known to settle for the life that they are given.
A man of value chooses his path in life and decides on the type of future they want for themselves. A
person of purpose must know his mission, the path he is committed to, and the things they intend to do
before they die. There are no right or wrong ways here so long as you remember that there is a God
above. If you decide that your path as a human is to work as a physiotherapist making 28,000 USD yearly
and spending most of your time scouring through bones and examining cracks and fractures, then that is
perfect if you can do it to the best of your ability.

Also, if your goal is to become the next Floyd Mayweather and build several billion-dollar real estate
empires that allow you to live comfortably and deliver a handful to poverty alleviation programs and
charitable contributions, then that is equally great as long as you can give it your best shot. Each man is
different and each of us has unique gifts, abilities, and desires that we give or bring to the world, so it is
most important that a man delves into a mission that is true and authentic to him, and chase it with
everything he has and all that he can get and give.
Whatever it is that a person desires to do, be it starting a business, traveling the world, writing a
book, learning a language, learning skills, or simply enjoying a life characterized by fun, family, and
adventure, they should just do it and ignore those who ask them to be realistic or play it safe. This is
where an alpha male boldly chases the life he wants, even if it is short-lived. Understanding exactly what
he wants in life and chasing his goals, ambitions, and desires without an apology, helps an alpha male to
live his life to the fullest knowing he gave it his all.
Have A Sense of Self Worth

True alphas are never in competition with others but themselves, they’re not hovering around social
media and comparing themselves to other people and wondering how they can triumph the other men.
Alphas don’t care that Kennedy just bought a new Rolls Royce or that Clinton is married to a prominent
woman. The only person who alphas compare themselves to is the person that they were yesterday
because that’s the only thing that matters.
Every day an alpha wakes up, he asks himself how he can be better than he was yesterday, and
what most people fail to acknowledge is that success seldom happens because of a big move or bold step,
but rather because of little and consistent habits that have been carried out periodically while pursuing
Even a fitness expert will agree that a person doesn’t get into the best shape because of a single
great workout session. A nutritionist knows that eating healthy for only a day won't get a person into the
best shape or state of health. In the same vein, a person doesn't just up and become a millionaire because
of a single day of labor or hard work, and a successful relationship or abundant dating life will not be
built by just a single attempt only. A person can only get into the best shape of their lives by lifting more
weight and eating healthier than they did a day ago.
Provide Value in Business and In-Play
To become financially stable, a person has to consistently provide value to the market and develop
some highly marketable skills. Likewise, to build an abundant dating life and a successful relationship, a
person has to cultivate that relationship consistently for a while; build it as were. Make it a habit to
regularly meet, have fun and connect with high-quality women. That way, he gets to learn what works and
what doesn’t work with women, and therefore adjusting their strategy accordingly.
Instead of looking elsewhere for answers on how to become an alpha, it is best to embrace the truth
and realize a huge transformation won’t take place overnight, and the best way to grow isn't by
comparing our lives to that of others. Being committed to daily improvements will help an alpha to derive
pleasure from the process of his growth.
Manage Your Time Wisely
Alphas should avoid arguing for argument's sake because nothing good springs from a baseless and
meaningless argument to prove a point. People are easily repulsed by many keyboard warriors, Internet
trolls, and unteachable people. To be an alpha male is to have a bias against ignorance and inaction, and
not to waste so much time arguing about politics, religion, and philosophy with people on or offline
instead of taking an action on the things that are within your control and improve yourself.
If you cannot act on something and effect a change for the better, then arguing about it in a
baseless manner is a complete waste of time and resources, and may push away the people you hope to
connect with. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have some friendly debates or discuss several
important topics with friends. Just that you shouldn't engage in baseless arguments for the sake of
proving your witty and cleverness.

Be Generous with Your God-Given Gifts

Doing good without an expectation of reward is one of the defining characteristics of alpha males.
Alpha males are often kind and possess a strong desire to do good, not for recognition or praise, but for
the sake of humanity and being a good people person. However, beta males may sometimes do good to
make others think highly of them, but an alpha knows that goodness is simply not an act, but a habit that
is a part of who they are, how they live and the world they envision.
A true alpha male possesses empathy and compassion for humanity because they understand that
humans are often scared, lost, and feeling lonely. Alphas are aware that life is difficult and the best way to
survive in this crazy world is to single-handedly or collectively help each other because, at the end of the
day, the only thing that matters in this life is the positive impact and effect we had on others while we
were alive.
Every day an alpha wakes up, he wonders what good he can do today, and looks for little
opportunities to show kindness and be committed to genuinely helping others. Contrary to what people
think of an alpha, it is not uncommon to see an alpha holding or opening the door for people at the
restaurant, donating money to people and the things he beliefs in, and may not even tell anyone that he
did it.
Alphas feel fulfilled when they can have a good laugh with strangers and those they share this
world with. They often express genuine interest in those they meet because life isn’t always about them,
so each day they try to do something to serve others without expecting anything in return. Realistically,
that's what makes them an alpha male, even though kindness without strength is futile, and strength
without kindness is meaningless.
Speak Truth to Power
An alpha speaks the truth, especially when It’s the hardest thing to do. Owing to their smartness,
they often settle for things that are quite challenging for others. Whenever an alpha is on a date or in a
group of friends and someone says or does something they disagree with, they are often the first to speak

Alphas are blunt, but beta males tend to care more about the opinion of other people than they do
about their values, opinions, and beliefs. Though alphas also value the opinion of people they respect,
they are not controlled by these opinions and will speak their mind whenever the need arises.
Don’t Run from Conflict
They don't shy away from conflict for fear of disapproval and losing friends, rather they speak their
mind respectfully and make their stance clear. It doesn't matter if it is their partner that is acting rudely
towards a waitress at a restaurant, an alpha will gladly call her out on it and make it clear that he won’t
tolerate such unruly behavior.
The date might end there the moment he scolds her for being rude, but it's more likely that the
woman will respect him more for not tolerating disrespect and standing his ground. However, several
alpha males may decide to tolerate disrespectful behavior from people in their social or romantic circles,
but they are not doormats or pushovers, and won’t always sit by when someone says or does something
they strongly believe is wrong.

Develop Sense of Self Reliance

An alpha has to develop self-reliance to be able to enjoy his inner freedom. They don't have to build
a house close to a cliff, hunt, cultivate their food, install software, or spend a fat check on a meal to feel
like they are in charge of their lives and fostering self-reliance.

Anyone who intends to learn how to be an alpha male must understand that the first step is to be
his own man and cultivate self-reliance. To have the ability to make his own choices and trust that he
knows what’s best for him without being reliant on other people for his finances, happiness, and

An alpha knows that he is the person to provide his basic needs and vital requirements of life, but
this is not to say that he will never need help, he will and a true alpha is brave enough to communicate
his needs and ask for help from those he feels comfortable with. However, when it comes to taking sole
responsibility for his life, he needs to be independent and be able to act and make decisions without the
feedback and opinions of others.
Again, if an alpha feels unhappy for being alone, then it’s best to dig deeper and understand what
causes it. Such a person has to ask himself if his life will be miserable if he eventually lost a partner.
Instead of depending on experts and self-acclaimed professionals to continuously tell you what to do, it is
better to acquire knowledge in important topics, such as nutrition, finances, fitness, relationships, and
personal growth. After that, you can follow your path, learn to make decisions alone, and take
responsibility for the outcome of those decisions. Once again remember that you as an alpha is one of
God’s creations and might want to think about that a little deeper.
Learn from Your Mistakes and Those of Others
An alpha male knows that he can't go through life trying to avoid making a mistake because, in the
end, it will only prevent him from taking an action. Men of higher value trust themselves and develop the
confidence and self-belief that they can succeed and survive in the face of any uncertainty and adversity.

Stay in Shape and Healthy

A man of value builds a strong, resilient, and useful body to help him stay in shape. To be an alpha
male, you don’t need to have thick biceps or a rock-solid six-pack, but you must be physically, mentally,
and emotionally fit to build a strong and useful body or mind. Each human being on the planet has a
responsibility to take care of themselves and also take care of others in an attempt to preserve their
health because the inability to do this may result in a low-quality life.
Studies have shown that true alphas respect themselves, take care of themselves and other people
because to make the most out of life and fully experience everything in this world, a person must learn to
be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. Being overweight and out of shape may lower a person's
quality of life, make them suffer, and increase their risk factor for several illnesses and diseases.
Since a person can get winded from just walking up a stair, or sustain a severe brain fog from
unhealthy diets and lack of exercise, a man of value needs a lot of energy and mental exercises to
actualize the life he desires to be a lover to the partner he admires and adores, or fully participate in road
trips, camping and enjoy all of these adventures and available to him.

A person who is out of shape will fully understand a need to take care of the body. It doesn't take so
much to stay in shape and keep it healthy. Visiting a gym at least three times a week, exercising, getting
off a couch, taking short walks, eating fewer calories than the body needs to burn, cutting down on junk
food, alcohol, and highly processed meals are some of the best ways to stay in shape and avoid being
overweight. Adopting the Ketogenic diet might just be a good thing for you.
There is a common saying that if it comes from a billion-dollar company and is packed in bright
wraps, then it’s probably not good for consumption. Therefore, it is medically advisable to eat more
vegetables, lean meats, avocados, and to also learn how to cook and turn healthy foods into nutritious and
delicious meals to fuel the body and regulate eating habits.
Additionally, getting enough sleep and rest, replacing fluids, staying hydrated, and staying away
from negative and toxic situations is significantly effective when building a strong and useful body.
Nonetheless, achieving this feat requires discipline and commitment. The discipline and commitment
required to achieve this can equally be adopted in every other area and sphere of the person’s life to help
him become stronger and more productive.
Know When and How to Handle Yourself

An alpha knows how to handle himself and defend himself, and every man should learn how to fight
at some point in his life to be able to defend himself in the face of physical attacks from others. A person
doesn’t have to become a heavyweight or lightweight better to be able to defend himself, but he should
know how to hold his own in a physical altercation.
Learning how to handle yourself is beyond self-defense, though it might be the reason someday,
learn to fight to boost your confidence level and the sense of achievement that is derived from such an
experience. Knowing how to fight doesn't warrant seeking out fights just to humiliate other men but to
walk this world without a doubt knowing that if the moment arises that you can stand your ground in the
face of an altercation.
This insight shapes the way you think, walk, talk and stand up to others. However, men may often
have a deep-rooted fear that they aren’t capable of defending themselves in the event of combat or

A man who knows how to handle himself doesn't cower in the face of danger because he knows the
feeling he gets when he can stand his ground against a guy who is bigger, muscular, and stronger than
him. This awareness and confidence in his ability will be reflected in other areas of his life, and this will
positively influence everything for the better. Experts have suggested that spending at least a year in
training or engaging in martial arts is essential for building a man, equipping him with the ability to seek
clarity on his confusion, as well as boosting his confidence to stand up for himself.
So, in a nutshell, learning how to handle yourself is not about the fight but about the sense of
confidence, it instills in you and those you are charged with taking care of.
An alpha takes care of himself like a championship athlete. Records have shown that most athletes
approximately spend at least 1.5 million dollars yearly on self-care. In the same vein, an alpha male knows
his worth and the value he brings to the table. So, he prioritizes self-care and speedy recovery just as
much as he does with the other areas of his life.
To perform optimally and be the man you desire to live the life you want, you must be able to take
care of yourself, value yourself at the highest level, and also understand that you can only do great things
or live a distinct lifestyle when you also have a routine for taking care of yourself. This challenge may be
easy or difficult based on the routine and your expectations.

Commit to Something and Stand by It

Weekly, a man of higher value should be committed to achieving a single act of self-care daily. He
can try to meditate, spend an afternoon alone doing the things he loves, identify his needs and find means
to achieve them instead of ignoring them. The best people in the world understand the essence of self-
care, it’s why popular figures and prominent people like to go on hiking, sauna, and sitting in float tanks
or cryotherapy chambers weekly.

It is the same reason that champions and athletes receive massage daily, eat the best unprocessed
or organic foods, and spend more time trying to recover from training than they do when training. Real
men, alpha men, and men of higher value take care of themselves and take pride in their performance
and appearance. These men know exactly what they need to think, feel, and perform at their best by
taking care of themselves. By taking care of oneself, the person becomes happier, stronger, and even feels
Define Your Values and Stand by Them
An alpha defines his value and lives by it. Men of a higher value are known all over the world to live
by their code and rules because they know what they value, and as such living by those values makes
them become people of higher standards, principles, and integrity. One of the leading causes of anxiety,
depression, and self-esteem issues spring from a person living a life that does not agree with his values.
If a person assumes to value his family or partner, but spends every day at work and can’t
remember the last time he went on a date night or spent quality time with his kids, this may eventually
affect the person and his relationship negatively. His wife may ask for a divorce or his children may give
him the stranger's treatment because they don't even know him that well to begin with.
An alpha male knows that the key to living a happy and successful life is by aligning his thoughts
and deeds with his values. Acting without regard to his values may create a sense of distrust in others
and even himself because it shows that the person isn't capable of protecting or cherishing the things that
are most important to him. As a man striving to become an alpha, it is advisable to take some time each
week to identify your values and examine if your past actions align with those values.

This is just like being on your own or following your path, and it might seem like there are no right
or wrong here, but evidently; a person can be an alpha male and still make time for the things and people
he values, be it financial success, social impact, family, friends, field trips, or adventure. In the end, the
most important thing is realizing what is more important are every house and paying more attention to it.
To make this easy to follow, a person can list out what he values and the things that are important to him,
and try to live by them every single day.
Keep Your Words
An alpha is a man of his words. He sticks to his promises and strives to fulfill them. To be a man of
higher value, you have to learn to do the things you say you will do, and not do the things you said you
won't. The practice of fulfilling promises and sticking to your words will not only make you a reputable
and reliable person, ultimately; it will help to build and sustain trust with people.
The words of an alpha male matter a great deal and should not be given out lightly, so when you
give your word as an alpha male, then it comes with huge expectations. Keeping to your words is acting
with integrity, and failing to live up to it, makes it easier to lose respect because people will learn not to
put their trust in whatever it is you say. They'll call it off as a bluff the moment you utter it. When that
happens, you will slowly become a weaker and ignoble man because of it.
It is important to avoid making promises that you can't keep and to communicate with clarity
whenever a situation is beyond you. That way, a person can see you as credible, honest, and worthy of
trust. An alpha male knows not to make promises that he can't keep, but a beta male driven by a need to
be liked by others may not know how to say no to others because of the fear of being invalidated and
abandoned. Notwithstanding, when a man does what he says he will do, he starts to build an identity as a
man of integrity who keeps to his word. However, that reputation carries a huge weight and a need to not
let people down. In our today’s world, it’s next to impossible to find people who do what they say or
people whose words matter. As an alpha, be unique and don’t be one of those people who can't fulfill their
Be Magnetic but Humble
An alpha male has a mastery of attraction, charm. To become an alpha, a man must learn and
master the art of attraction because a man who lacks confidence in his ability to attract the people he
wants into his life is already a man that is likely to settle for anything or anyone.
Settling for what is available in the absence of the desired is one of the traits of a beta male. To be
an alpha male and enjoy success with relationships, then you must possess charm, charisma, and an
attitude of abundance. A man who settles for any woman he can get because he dreads women that he
thinks are above him may likely transfer this mindset to his business, life's expectation, and even
An alpha must learn how to master the art of attraction, how to bond, and build confidence in his
ability to meet and date a high-quality woman with whom he shares a connection with. In the absence of a
winner's mindset, a man's entire life is likely to be full of regrets, lost chances, and lustful wishes of
things he could have done when he had a chance to.
Studies have shown that going out at least thrice weekly, meeting and bonding with new people is a
good way to build and master the art of attraction. Though most men are scared of rejection, asking a
woman out on a date is significant, and is one great way to learn to receive and rejection, knowing that
being rejected is only a reminder that you need to work on something or save yourself from dating the
wrong woman.
Rejection is an overwhelming experience, but it is better to learn from this experience and apply the
knowledge in transforming one's self into the type of man that every woman desires. When a man attains
a state of true abundance in his dating life, he will likely transmit this quiet but powerful confidence into
other areas of his life.
Don’t Always Seek the Easy Way Out
Alpha males do not seek to live an easy life, rather they choose to live as fully as they can. The sole
aim and purpose of an alpha's life are not to only live a life of luxury and comfort, but to constantly grow.
They understand that hard times and difficult moments are the only avenues to the life they seek, so they
actively lookout for the hard life. Any man who wants to learn how to become an alpha male must start by
finding ways to get past difficulties, and not to constantly search for an easier life because doing so will
enable him to build confidence, resilience, and the character needed to face and overcome greater and
bolder circumstances.

An alpha must be willing to die for something they love or believe in. Though unusually, anyone will
be required to die for his, business or physical possessions but he is willing to die for his family and Godly

So, to become an alpha, a person must be willing to die for something they believe and stand up for
something or someone that he is willing to forgo his life and happiness for. When this happens, an alpha
male can unlock his ability to truly live, to give everything he has to life, to cherish every moment, and
chase his dreams and aspirations without fear or doubt with his creator's help.
Nonetheless, no one can tell a person who they should live or die for because only they can decide
that, but it is best to always remember that a man who cannot die for something will likely fall for

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