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Literature Review on Illegal Mining in Ghana: The Challenges and a Solution

Embarking on a literature review concerning illegal mining in Ghana presents a unique set of
challenges, complexities, and requires a nuanced understanding of both the local and international
dimensions of the issue. Illegal mining, often referred to as "galamsey" in Ghana, is not just a local
issue but a global concern due to its environmental, economic, and social implications. This article
delves into the difficulties encountered in compiling a comprehensive literature review on this topic
and suggests a reliable solution for those facing these challenges.

The Multifaceted Challenge of Writing a Literature Review on Illegal Mining in Ghana

1. Vast and Diverse Sources: The first hurdle is the sheer volume and diversity of sources
available. Researchers must navigate academic papers, government reports, news articles, and
NGO publications, each offering different perspectives and data. The challenge lies in
discerning the credibility and relevance of these sources to ensure a balanced and
comprehensive review.
2. Complex Interdisciplinary Nature: Illegal mining in Ghana intersects with numerous
disciplines such as environmental science, sociology, economics, and law. A thorough
literature review requires an understanding of these varied fields to appreciate the
multifaceted impacts of illegal mining. This complexity makes synthesizing information a
daunting task.
3. Rapidly Evolving Situation: The situation on the ground is constantly changing. New
policies, shifts in the global economy, and environmental impacts evolve at a pace that can
make some sources outdated quickly. Keeping up with the latest developments is essential
but challenging.
4. Access to Local Insights: Critical to understanding illegal mining in Ghana is access to local
perspectives, which may not always be readily available in internationally published literature.
Local studies, community reports, and firsthand accounts are invaluable for a nuanced
review but may require additional effort to access and interpret.
5. Emotional and Ethical Considerations: The human aspect of illegal mining, including its
impact on communities and the environment, adds an emotional depth to the research. Ethical
considerations in how information is presented and interpreted must be carefully managed to
avoid bias and respect the dignity of those affected.

The Solution: Professional Assistance

Given these challenges, conducting a thorough literature review on illegal mining in Ghana can be
overwhelming, especially for those without extensive experience in research or access to a wide
range of academic resources. This is where professional writing services, such as ⇒
⇔, become invaluable.
⇒ ⇔ offers expertise in academic research and writing, providing access to
professionals who are adept at navigating the complexities of a subject like illegal mining in Ghana.
They can offer:

Expert Research: Access to a team of researchers familiar with the interdisciplinary nature
of illegal mining issues.
Comprehensive Analysis: The ability to synthesize information from diverse sources,
ensuring a balanced and thorough review.
Up-to-Date Insights: Researchers who stay abreast of the latest developments, guaranteeing
that your literature review reflects the current situation.
Ethical Sensitivity: A professional approach that respects the serious implications of illegal
mining on communities and the environment.

For those facing the daunting task of compiling a literature review on this critical issue, turning to ⇒ ⇔ ensures that you receive a meticulously researched, ethically considered, and
comprehensively written document. This not only saves time and reduces stress but also contributes
to a better understanding of the complexities surrounding illegal mining in Ghana, supporting
informed discussions and policy-making.
Extensive isoclinal folding evident in the sedimentary basins have also been interpreted to indicate
major post- Birimian crustal shortening. The methods employed include: field visits to some small
scale mining sites within the Dunkwa mining district; interviews and questionnaire admini. More
information about the publisher can be found in the IISTE’s homepage. Therefore the institution of
appropriate strategies to control activities of the miners, especially the illegal small scale gold miners
(Galamsay) who are the worst offenders, cannot be over emphasized. This study therefore sought to
ascertain the sustainability of the Ghanaian mining industry in the light of this controversy through
an examination of the ecological, social and economic features of small-scale gold mining and the
impacts on mining communities. Several hectares of fertile forestlands across the country have been
destroyed due to the activities of illegal miners, especially within the last decade. African political
economy See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're
Hiring. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers ILLEGAL
Sheburah Essien Recent years have witness a new approach to development thinking. The article
recommends that government should demonstrate commitment to implementation by adequately
resourcing implementation agencies and also taking steps to remove bureaucratic barriers to acquiring
small scale mining license. These attempts take the form of changes in policies and laws so as to
allow miners to legalize their operations. CBAs are an increasingly common approach by mining
companies to gain a “social license to operate” in local communities, upon whom they depend for
property rights, workers, contractors, and a stable environment in which to operate. It is a nation
known for its diverse wildlife, old forts, and diverse ecology. In recent times some of these illegal
miners have “discovered” gold along the 100 km Tarkwa-Dunkwa highway (hereafter called “the
highway”) and have brought their activities very close to the road with grave consequences
envisaged. This study therefore sought to ascertain the sustainability of the Ghanaian mining
industry in the light of this controversy through an examination of the ecological, social and
economic features of small-scale gold mining and the impacts on mining communities. More people
are engaging in this illegal mining, which is, mining without any permit or license from the
regulatory bodies such as the Minerals Commission of Ghana. While the “block” may be manageable
for the high class SSM, it is certainly too large for others who typically would like to regular- ise
their activities but cannot cope with a block. This sub-sector produces minerals from deposits which
are uneconomical on a large scale focusing dominantly on gold and diamond production. However,
given the various social and environmental problems associated with the ASM sector, there is now an
emerging consensus that the formalization of the sector would not only allow for these associated
problems to be addressed but also ensures that the sector contributes to sustainable development and
safeguard the livelihood of local communities. Akwatia 17 20 5 14 48.65 Apinamang 24 17 14 9
43.90. IJG 120 sponsors, rock buyers and grinders and washers to regu- larise their activities so that
they can work in peace without harassment from law enforcers. This was a source of wealth for
these communities and individuals engaged in mining. On the other hand, public environmental
regulatory bodies have also failed to carry out their statutory functions due to inadequate resources
and poor institutional collaboration, am ong them. The promulgation of the Small Scale Gold Mining
Laws, however, created opportunity for miners to legalize their activities. Beyond money in the
business, recent discourse about natural resources takes into account the key issue of sustainability,
especially as it relates to the transformation of lives and protection of community rights. The success
of the youth in mining initiative should then lead to the promulgation of a law which specifically
targets the ASSM. It is patronized by all categories of persons who are physically strong; men,
women. Most of the people engaged in this type of mining con- sider it as their only source of
employment and a profes- sion they have decided to engage in. As with all industries, mining has
both advantages and disadvantages for the inhabitants of mineral-rich communities. Interviews were
also conducted with 10 illegal miners each from only two towns. See Full PDF Download PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers The impact of small-scale gold mining on mining
communities in Ghana Isaac K Arah The Ghanaian mining industry is a controversial one.
As a result, the research seeks to identify the components of effective design of the formalisation of
illegal small-scale gold mining in Ghana. In general, rain- fall decreases from Tarkwa to Dunkwa
with mean annual values being 1,900 mm and 1,500 mm respectively. You also have the option to
opt-out of these cookies. Government sets up mobile clinics with Medi- cal Assistants or Senior
Nurs es in charge with personnel to register ASSMs into the National Health Insurance Scheme
(NHIS) in order to deal with their health needs. Video Say more by seamlessly including video
within your publication. Relief in the area is typically between 240-300 m above sea level. The Japa-
Dadieso area has the largest con- centration of illegal mine workings along the highway and their
activities stretch almost continuously for more than 3 km on either side of the highway. Adobe
InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign.
Despite these contributions, the industry has several negative effects on environm ent. We therefore
strongly recommend rethinking the relationships among the mining companies and national, regional,
and local governments to create more government-directed and accountable long-term development
plans to better utilize and invest mining proceeds. These activities were strategically located along
rivers where sediments believed to contain deposits of gold were washed constantly to separate the
gold grains. IISTE journals can find the submission instruction on the following page. Solutions to
these problems are required to ensure that the industry contributes positively to the Ghanaian nation.
The article recommends that government should demonstrate commitment to implementation by
adequately resourcing implementation agencies and also taking steps to remove bureaucratic barriers
to acquiring small scale mining license. The Desiri, Kutukrom, Kobro, Oda, Jimira, Atewa, and Tano-
Offin forests in the Ahafo, Western, Ashanti, Eastern regions have all suffered from the illegality.
This work deriving from a grant it received from the Ford Foundation, takes into account the fact
that the minerals in question are finite, and that the sustainability measures put in place as they are
exploited, to a large extent, will determine the quality of life of the people during and after the
decommissioning of the mines in the affected communities. The population for the study consisted of
junior high school head teachers in the Abuakwa South District of Ghana. It is also recommended
that government intervention programmes such as School Feeding and Free School uniforms be
made available to these children in order to keep them in school. An approach that place emphasis on
grassroots participation, plurality of injustices, and recognition of unequal power relations in
development processes. Therefore, to commence SSM with 21 hectares and con- sidering the
processes leading to its acquisition coupled with the fact that the block may not be productive is
enough incentive for the many thousands of them to work outside the SSM law. Nigeria has made
significant strides in the last two decades to reform its mining sector to complement revenue earnings
from the oil and gas sector as part of its economic diversification agenda. Marginalization in Ghana’s
Artisanal Mining Sector, Journal of Rock. There is therefore a proliferation of small scale mining
(SSM) all over the country. Other observations made by the researchers also revealed that educational
infrastructures. Increased income employment opportunities and increased market activities were
some benefits of the illegal mining activities identified by the illegal miners. The illegal miners are
also using toxic chemicals and heavy metals to process the minerals. Therefore the institution of
appropriate strategies to control activities of the miners, especially the illegal small scale gold miners
(Galamsay) who are the worst offenders, cannot be over emphasized. Social Posts Create on-brand
social posts and Articles in minutes. For example, in the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy
(GPRS 2, covering 2006 to 2009), mining-related issues raised to be tackled included negative
impact of some mining technologies, degradation of land, pollution of water and air, and high
incidence of mining accidents. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace.
We therefore strongly recommend rethinking the relationships among the mining companies and
national, regional, and local governments to create more government-directed and accountable long-
term development plans to better utilize and invest mining proceeds. The study concluded that,
students' academic lives are being hampered as a result of their continuous engagement in small
scale mining activities at the expense of their schooling. In some instances, Chiefs were destooled
for their alleged involvement. In some other mining communities visited, the illegal miners usually
operate along the banks of rivers, destroying river banks and making them liable to overflow after
heavy rains. Govern ment needs to preempt and prevent the situation of remediating destroyed lands
by designing innovative schemes such as what one would call “ the youth in mining initiative ”. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. Download Free PDF View PDF International
Journal of Global Sustainability Sustaining the Environment in an Era of Small-Scale Mining in
Ghana: Optimizing the Role of Institutions Gordon Sarfo-Adu The study aimed at assessing the
common constraints that affect the enforcement of small-scale mining laws and regulations which
have created a vacuum for illegal operators to infiltrate the space with the associated environmental
and social cost implications. The sampling program was intended to identify mercury transfers to
rivers, soil systems. Tackling the problem will require a multifaceted approach to be pursued
comprehensively and in a long-term manner. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and
understand how you use this website. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. First,
as a source of subsistence for the poor and increasingly becoming the backbone of mineral-rich rural
economies in low-income countries, including Ghana. In this paper, we advocate for a broader
multidimensional and sectoral collaboration as a fundamental approach to confront illegal small scale
mining activities. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in developing countries is a largely. IJG
120 sponsors, rock buyers and grinders and washers to regu- larise their activities so that they can
work in peace without harassment from law enforcers. These attempts take the form of changes in
policies and laws so as to allow miners to legalize their operations. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. For
instance, at Sanso Community, there were areas where the presence of rocks and other debris from
mining activities had hindered plant growth and made it impossible for farming activities to take
place. This, according to him, should involve representatives from each traditional council in the
municipality. Increased co coa and food crop farming has exacerbated the reduction. Looking at the
responses of these illegal miners, the researchers were of the. Despite these contributions, the
industry has several negative effects on environm ent. In Ghana, artisanal activities were considered
illegal prior to 1989. Most of these negative impacts are a result of deficiencies on the part of the
regulatory bodies charged with monitoring the mining industry. This study therefore investigated
factors that influence ones decision to participate in illegal mining in Denkyira corridor. The Po lice
Service should be empowered to patrol and enforce the law espe- cially around national assets such
as forest reserves, roads, railway lines, bridges and other structures. This inevitably leads to pending
food insecurity in most parts of Ghana, in the long term. It was legalised recently when the Small
Scale Mining L aw (PNDCL 218) 1989 was passed and public policies were formulated to support
the implementation of the law. Addition- ally, streams and rivers are silted and contaminated with
various chemicals. Programmes must be undertaken in these schools to help students know their.
This paper looks at the general mining environment as a whole, narrowed down to developing
countries with emphasis in the Ghanaian context. This is possible if there is no restriction on how
small the land has to be. The questionable and complex nature of political party financing is a major
contributor to the Galamsey tentacles and systemic cover-ups without sanctions for powerful
puppeteers of the political establishments. More crucially, it stresses that 'real' development cannot
occur in developing countries or anywhere else unless the strategies which are being formulated and
implemented are people centered and environmentally sustainable. On the other hand, public
environmental regulatory bodies have also failed to carry out their statutory functions due to
inadequate resources and poor institutional collaboration, am ong them. Th e current high gold price
has attracted hundreds of unemployed youth to undertake small-scale mining (SSM). The high level
of suspended solids has also resulted in the high cost of treatment in some water treatment plants
and their eventual closure as well. Within the mining communities, domestic food production is low.
The study reveals pertinent issues, chief amongst others. A specific study in quarry centres revealed
that three out of the five companies in the study recorded a mean hearing threshold level of more
than 25 decibels. Some sections of the road cutting at Nsoupon Junction in the Dadieso area have
been mined to depths of more than 20 m. However, it has a positive effect on community
development. An overwhelming majority of those working along the highway and in other places
have no licence and are not registered and are therefore operating illegally. This sub-sector produces
minerals from deposits which are uneconomical on a large scale focusing dominantly on gold and
diamond production. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in three illegal mining communities
comprised 12 illegal miners and officials task to monitor mining activities. Digital Sales Sell your
publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Mean annual temperatures
increase from 26.0 ? in Tarkwa to 26.6 ? in Dunkwa while mean annual relative humidity decreases
from 95% in Tarkwa to 93% in Dunkwa. The third problem is that the gravels, mud, and rocks
displaced during river dredging for the mineral have disrupted the natural flow of the river. Yellow
patch is a section of a large pool. Figure 8. A mini bus arrowe d showing how close the work- ing is
to the road. It is reported that more than 1000 people work in this place ( Figure 3 ). Social Posts
Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content
like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. En- vironmental Officers of Government are
posted to sites to educate on safe mining and environmental practices. In Africa, Ghana is the second
largest gold producer, contributing to about 5.7% of the country's GDP. Thus, the ills and potential
benefits associated with Small Scale Mining have compelled countries to want small scale miners
register, so as to monitor and regulate their operations. The first challenge is the diversion of the river
path and mining on the river bed, resulting in a high level of siltation that threatens the drying up of
the river. Therefore the institution of appropriate strategies to control activities of the miners,
especially the illegal small scale gold miners (Galamsay) who are the worst offenders, cannot be over
emphasized. Mining equipment such as chanfan, drilling machines and small instruments were
destroyed as a move to halt illegal mining activities but the effort is not yielding any positive results.
Download Free PDF View PDF Small Scale Gold Mining and Environmental Degradation, in Ghana:
Issues of Mining Policy Implementation and Challenges Benedict Arko Small scale gold mining in
Ghana has a long history. Ensuring harmonious relations among investors and communities in an
Download Free PDF View PDF Implementing Small Scale Mining Laws in Ghana: Insights from the
Prestea-Huni Valley District Alex Osei-Kojo, Kwame Asamoah, emmanuel yeboah Using qualitative
approach, this article systematically itemises the challenges of implementing small scale mining laws
in the Prestea Huni Valley District. With the demise of the railway system in Ghana, the sig-
nificance of the highway as the main route for transport- ing people and goods such as bauxite to
and fro has be- come even more important. First, as a source of subsistence for the poor and
increasingly becoming the backbone of mineral-rich rural economies in low-income countries,
including Ghana. The promulgation of the Small Scale Gold Mining Laws, however, created
opportunity for miners to legalize their activities. On this basis, this study recommends that the
government should redirect the energies of the youth in illegal mining into other productive ventures
like agriculture that would equally guarantee enou. Tarkwaian sediments were deposited in synclinal
structures within the metavolcanic belts and comprise low-grad e meta conglomerates, quart- zites
and phyllites. And second, as a cause of environmental degradation, violent crime and armed
conflict, among others. Secondary data was also collected from the Education. Different estimates
of the number of people involved in SSM in Ghana have been mentioned and range between
100,000 and 500,000. In addition, local artisans were instrumental in the discovery of several of the
large-scale mines and contributed to the overall increase in gold output by exploiting what might
otherwise be considered an uneconomic resource. Publishing service based in the U.S. and Europe.
The aim of the institute is. They include adequately resourcing regulatory bodies, streamlining the
process of license acquisition and applying stricter sanctions for offenders. Statistics Make data-
driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. Taxes obtained from the
ASSM could also help develop their communities. The high- way lies almost exclusively within the
Ankobra River Basin with its numerous tributaries. This will particularly demand a strong political
will and a re-orientation of the entire population. This study concludes that high license fees,
bureaucracy, mistrust, are responsible for the miners' unpreparedness to legalize their activities. In a
very popular case, a Chinese national by the name of Aisha Huang became known as the Galamsey
Queen because of her deep-rooted involvement in the enterprise. The relatively high cost involved in
flushing out and the subsequent return of such miners poses a threat to sustainable forest
management. The forefathers of Ghana mined gold and diamond on small scale before the. We
therefore strongly recommend rethinking the relationships among the mining companies and
national, regional, and local governments to create more government-directed and accountable long-
term development plans to better utilize and invest mining proceeds. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-
perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. Resources Dive into our
extensive resources on the topic that interests you. The mining sector in Ghana consists of both small-
scale and large-scale mining, each of which has varying environmental impacts. He stated: “the soil is
heavily scooped and processed for gold, after which debris is abandoned in and around the river.”.
On a global scale, the local venture produces as much as 10-12% of the global mineral output
(Anon., 2016a) Ghana is ascribed as a well-endowed mineral-rich country. Adopting qualitative
research approach in sourcing data, the study demonstrated an interesting linkage between the SSM
activity, the natural environment and rural livelihoods as the activity tends to destroys more
sustainable natural resource based and rural livelihoods and also provides and diversifies other non-
mining livelihood sources. Beyond money in the business, recent discourse about natural resources
takes into account the key issue of sustainability, especially as it relates to the transformation of lives
and protection of community rights. The result revealed that majority of the respondents in the small
scale mining in these communities were Ghanaians between the ages of 18 and 40 years although few
minors were recorded to have engaged in the practice. The first challenge is the diversion of the river
path and mining on the river bed, resulting in a high level of siltation that threatens the drying up of
the river.

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