Nuclear Energy

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Hello today we are going to present the fascinating and often misunderstood way to
obtain energy
t's crucial to confront the often-negative reputation that nuclear energy carries.
Contrary to common perception, the reality is that nuclear energy faces an bad
reputation; it is, one of the best, if not the best, ways to obtain energy.
While society may sometimes hesitate in the face of the unknown, it is essential to
examine the merits that nuclear energy offers.
"Why is this energy considered so good after all?"
-Efficiency: Compared to renewabel energy and fossil energy the nuclear efficiency is
way better and still has low greenhouse gas emissions
-Security: Fewer injuries and deathes in the contruction of nuclear installations.
Security Protocols are much more careful, as implementation of advanteced control
and monitoring systems and extensive training for operaters
"Why haven't we used it yet?"
There are several reasons why nuclear energy may not be widely adopted or used on a
large scale in certain places:

- Notable nuclear accidents, such as Chernobyl in 1986 (nineteen eighty-six), have

raised significant concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants.
- The construction of nuclear power plants is a costly and time-consuming endeavor.
-The problema of safe, long-term storage of radioactive waste.
-The spread of nuclear technology also raises concerns about nuclear proliferation,
with the risk of countries using the technology to develop nuclear weapons.
How nuclear energy is produced
The production of nuclear energy is based on nuclear fission, where unstable atoms,
such as uranium-235 (two hundred thirty-five) or plutonium-239 (two hundred and thirty
nine) are bombarded by neutrons, releasing a significant amount of heat.

This heat turns water in steam, producing nuclear energy that powers the generals and
produces electricity.
What positive aspects would it bring to the environment?
-The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by generating electricity with low
emissions, nuclear energy can help stop climate change improving air quality and
reduced impacts on human health.
- The factories for nuclear energy implies less land, contributing to the preservation of
natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
- Reducing the use of fossil resources by reducing their excessive exploitation.
In conclusion, nuclear energy has significant potential to contribute positively to our
global energy landscape.

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