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Learning Menu 1


Practical English
Source: Oxford New English File

Activities (15 min)
Activity 1. Watch and respond
Watch Jenny and Rob.

Part 1. Mark the sentences T (True) or False (F).

1. Rob lives in London.

2. He’s a writer for a magazine.
3. He writes only about restaurants.
4. The name of his magazine is London 20-seven.
5. Jenny is British.
6. She is an assistant editor.
7. It’s her second time in the UK.

Part 2. Watch the video again and say why the F sentences are false.

Activity 2. Checking in
Part 1. Watch Jenny checking into a hotel room. Answer the questions.

1. Complete Jenny’s surname. ZI ___ LI___SK__

2. What’s her room number? ___________
3. Decide if the sentences are True or False.
a. Jenny is staying 4 nights.
b. Jenny uses her ID (cedula).
c. Jenny is on floor third
4. What does Jenny say when she gives her documents to the desk clerk?
Answer Key

Activity 1. Watch and answer

Watch Jenny and Rob.

Part 1. Mark the sentences T (True) or False (F).

1. Rob lives in London. T

2. He’s a writer for a magazine. T
3. He writes only about restaurants. F
4. The name of his magazine is London 20 seven. F
5. Jenny is British. F
6. She is an assistant editor. T
7. It’s her second time in the UK. F

Part 2. Watch again and say why the F sentences are false.

Activity 2. Checking in
Part 1. Watch Jenny checking into a hotel room. Answer the questions.

1. Complete Jenny’s surname. ZI __E_ LI__N_SK_I_

2. What’s her room number? ___________
3. Decide if the sentences are True or False.
A. Jenny is staying 4 nights. F
B. Jenny uses her ID (cedula). F
C. Jenny is on floor third T
4. What does Jenny say when she gives her documents to the desk clerk? HERE YOU

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