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''Important words to use while writing essays''

1) It is no walk in the park.

2) But little did they know, an ominous twist of fate was lurking in the

shadows, waiting to unfold.

3) As the farewell party was on the cusp of reaching its pinnacle, a blood-

curdling scream shattered the tranquility. Panic erupted, with the lights

dimming and emergency lights flickering to life.

4) Something that had never once crossed their minds.

5) The eerie silence that suddenly settled in the room during heartfelt

speeches and emotional farewells signaled a sinister disruption.

6) What was supposed to be a happy farewell turned into a really scary

and terrible night.

7) Her initial interview with Alice, who was in a state of hysteria, left her

with a lingering suspicion that Alice was hiding something crucial. With each

subsequent interview and piece of evidence, the mystery only deepened.

8) regulation rather than instruction.

9) Embarking on a quest to discover one's personal legend is valuable

because it not only boosts self-confidence but also nurtures a deeper

connection with one's inner world.

10) Encouraging active community participation.

11) Raised my self-appreciation.

12) Reinforced my self-pride.

13) Enhanced my self-worth.

14) Strengthened my self-confidence.

13) The image suggests a powerful resilience in the face of violence.

14) It demonstrates the unbreakable courage of these young people, who,

like the characters in the poem, face challenges with steadfast

determination despite societal obstacles.

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